- -~ ~JVr i11TA~ St *0»ad -a ~ the fwut 7 emeem*041 94 t~ >oaauct. a ~mnnaU~ ~~otio~ oI~# f t. ternoon w1.n te ffini o,00 SâcIool Ianother oe ~haveU Wj t d . i t ben n pr Itot tat a lardé ge Iwlbee-i ecu te et os pt thae auj 8upw verTprotti el4be oaa go- court of' ýthe votera have momerspofal Qi ôrte 'làckee lïe là îe4 yd~ iéà xwOè - sprlncrleld 'Éb.b ti 1917. >ôdjbs 'to îs41*a oot'hy thée desth. lu ad W., ~ ~ '~~' _________ u0 on »IOpwnei 26 t $7 ve ito . pr1 .18 e 05.41er ofDru"ki, -%S'.Y*8Mi f~eae wa co 15 u~B'UêO~iW. t 810 ~4u mt~~go. , Morkto 8are lorwae.A$1tWàd 'E*amto moa t-r9, 4%4o10»Wo ltaawb iii UiUto *010 ibe !D mUtUettl i tr e*,othantid auuàe litNi 'EAlbxrer:*t kate W a,w Wle ui .bun o e of a ' l a Ub«ir t 00,~ a" tac vo Je diç~ t b 1Vctit vèy romat the maay m *eto avait 9~àg-2A*horloe. t, AUTM»4 BAS,~, Ravlnt rente iyt ' rs, rvi n 5 *t public miction two mules soiiSI.,r 'i#IdetY«wlfr asnd one 'ri. ltn oT me q'iaesday, r~1'Ol. 117. comznencisg aS 10 oWIké1 I iattle f4 cows wfth calt'És -'id ude, q bcaI iitmaers t4ukerm; Hot S t a i b u il , 3 y e a r s ; 4 t w o -y a r o lti - utha old. " HOIWEs TeaMd gsfioraàns , 5 *Mmc8~Ioeey. ôse J~ans~on èô~~i.*. i ~ grain bh?~e~; P~ P8'e ni mhwi~,;i~~ .301* Bom.,dort e Tho steaz» whu~ ahfi mail. & (DL M amboau ol'", wYo k. Tlà n the aft d.ock mrcd forbt* = brini on dimoase' Urnl-e.elb ave r~pkIp pv!Unctean teutb May !oýdevOte* deth!' "radcat' sonse persona might b. lsci lned .tÏ0'tïot If ,aouan 0ge . eco ibuhr would thiea6n hei' ýhIId with such direpunlhmaent foi bat eluaag*ê 44604, Mià". 43 "0 wol .accounted cruel and Isat Zaa No em her gold a& 44aop I 8ýer Pupils. £yen a. phy*leIa. faclng Sspocifle came, andiIeei8bte #be cwwild m cb»d hi difeS*m M,49918 09 mqdi4Wàe Mrnlgbeitate hb tore be üup, 1~ed this statenrent. leS Iftb* 0si96o.scre of S SLmiders Ua 09 &*yl pSfsO aeaia, frjI*e, 1t4,Set t i le aver&gjý Affer- Ican citizen. mas or wonaan, todai - 4ause more serions disoame tiananay »04 401. d en utskiàg thotr pa- rnw xe ro teeti! Have Yom ad Iernloked aiter?" lo mr l h." gS>ý 4 e~ apýreul1y oe. 111c* 6f 'thc totutci: AbdooiW -al lalmtloet 1vmh tke "wi1 .joie. à » knownte doctor; As Spr eiloe1drfa £498mtmw Pt lhteIlt T m4aaaitiout., tome of Ilgmblmtoey.- lfectlos of thceu oeu.ae4bée et l."bnt-ae-m 4 oop-,od 4ipy. TeDSLt aun& a s itr Ued. Poor bean.6acton a" natige lsui àIbc1y 'lft seral. Mmrv"oiw aEfOttcam etvus M" bucb mas8"il" aurg4 i4thos "9 erpd by liebroa4 tel-m ieua*MiqnIa. J;L4 1" lis~Port. Diuasee 0f the giS ba4der. se iwUve ele mi e of our Be*Isvww beresit me». Word ~',euz1. re *iie a bltio eraisaI oorette crepo@4 liii crepe A.4tn., qtc. pab Draolt 54a"re w Is1o.5o .f-1f wom1ç yoT I ad mi me for SO at voT~ffavlr5 Il' WWVMI~UU ~, ".8,4e.. N140415 da.am- s~re zur cd. t:! "Il,", O#r