tii.cern." entis aoom m lis îleacstlea ad Wanlap %p ou t*usealue w.trlodeusls «4 tien ie te -Aii me00 stitute. Nov ivat ! l illie f*ks lWinet logis , tsefaimei oi o t&it, ws vg loi oemrVw oiii.»b ut lia "» Wor iio, ad 0ryb04sod7Med 4te bW t 11.41w but bat tils ln sooSr bataloI 4 dai brougbt soxeMS . 51:* "I aut to tale eS of ictef anidmine.,1to llyon 1 $b$ný 700 ave done vondertiilly zood.v51#kla the, ltttute m "" 7.. *ps et*1M&diY"euVS soe. bat teb usethéiteehlei -q UaMly ba V eer bmbos let aS e4 Tar Vuse &A id 4ovt- ~dlm~O4W ooit' 1 baverelielvel bt teahOné and, tu -persan naa id vois euthso violo la mtir y» biebals 'Pfar Au te*lim asameeting iml le ah -lrbsLbljbut-fev 1um v 1evm-aayj~acitvaipaiili nbe cf as, viiolaei *v b« UU caW e tii é c m 0toi thé01 à*b "Y a! t*dur. the talte Intmoerthé ti lnltéo i i-t* egr~juth# U.mDQa f l- MUM Wht viibethi est4aetn o w vOc eW.as b IrlAÇ 11>06- more viiib. homne talent On is Ville hiigy vete' om 00 ~ulety- utama et eacii place. T ii. - - 'vileo '4 v. l*y-, oe»ut t"ta lestuhe* 1aid--MII lie thair mouewlomet. toa-la plenty. Tisy o Ommel OM:l"Det uinca t4ii. a Dltito ~.E.svft. Ubertp-vtllqrise; lot ume tchh.othe. nusi# o«lb. dle the tiTeâtii Cmu-e.a"amoruilas.-lt ns set tata dur'eu îanS volais aof.ige t thé. s'aset #**«*W George a. D&*hmsw,Aratie. openlns dr.- J Traeai C. le. Ames. Grajelal Lo n u*m puat talur.e-foga a iteile. e~laT. à.Iimpsom, tii. fasita or Othon. torcet eryuSIVerw m?4@<timcp .Men -m ýmen sauMetu$se4at but i-bei w. sir o iMd liypémareApouno he ~eInvesti- V~~c..~sgtodbeIg t-o%"U ta rU E ge W-03 »* toé-dho " mnaamy C ty. rgoadau041 viaaam i-ssor bua - -r ~ wi~s~ hneit t> -MAY,, TAKi YEAAL Dý~Y& Wanutiuao no 50 5eU5 vilb»w mtutitoo.*0-Gr Ui4 ur g * te Mki Ayo-l-au i rin . u*. Vaéourll Me. eoolmunie .tlilqnsts> iap, Oe ~ tln i e»qui-P. W, jLetlbêe, -ob ttur>, lot ut Sï iIfor pgster sm i auîoameel ot. iniing 1117 Tii. camhtgrand Jury rocon-1 DoerUeld-Dn 301108We.Dooleli. -1* 4k vemei hoday at, ten o'ciocl and re- A. aw4. vmed the. probe m ,OtbealeiI- 'W M oa-L E. Dilon. . c!. lh Quse "tl b " r a cugi t th Offieracf tonsiioi Steao D-t ajeq ~ ~p ~ ~ siie anulag tes 9a"ete manitous partmat: 'reat4t-rs. r»hace é.lcld »ral IL. et theBora nd W? bvet If i.tetaov -Mmam aa risea V PIrs llO 5V .8 "P lywry *a-1u ILP»bwriAn.. t4pularles Wilvh r »ý &Mbtl-trgbn h Xt hm ii.4m rot auS - lw, o $Ufà& oimt Ss-5 cf laie UlsMu m tri *lecte sfem lant, tléà » ogl# b.a ad. olc bsaW f zoo i. us Osai~ uau iurlig ,01tii.l #a9t fi sr udI ali evror:à' tt hoa rgen MIt A.V. Sphos-i. aulgan cbisa isaou lel OP7 fce vtia» t b»ti rb VOML. mà- L Ç- urae. ltdheto >#Ilvasf 5.4 mn iera e. lgt o a' itese A n..Wli ae m. or tva seo tat a gMiqf auj 140etua settetla the. court tuil -a IU5ii Mut t wate -aor prManad Set siai. »rrtiitgbO. iMO tbi wvalto e oncAl.d bemrro hie giad 10emnnna liat OOUmitteeIMr. Eli-mcoent o!flber parets. comgirPCleek uyatgiovioerttlny 19 fAea, Mr. lckburn Of Waucosa Loy H.uieeo asrtedtoây tw"xte.y ma and . ie teordspsaueur- James hure of W4tksaia. Mr. Kahn girl undir j .o!i l e ' 'ltte ybt ttei ipsi et Darioi, fr. iood , Mui-n.. s el mprtffldregardesu oet th- tct ral of thets, perlapï, aIl o! iueni, re.llWhoI cat relali e . cf tuaI abo mfyflahV* b« er nts e ~otk eNoth CM« ieaomn, no it1he pS t1obave iio r font a en. Wrdaa ille tbt i-ortit Cileago la Oie or I lae rcelvl ltter fius aaur- Wod l' bos rcoIri lto.the iitiiis.pat rt ot ithe cuoity vbicii beot !mialatora la 1.1. couaty. ài lits. Nmaéti aeY, *454 U4oot. vI Ib. proled. 0=0e bave bld nemre foaaly tuiy auvite o«-thim aI.Nyr p4 lutr. Tii.Cumnty Board receitly appr- noscatron tbhr palpitsa Md urgoi au1deloeyIIc 1 v.a go îi bli o<i stl.daiie a 110hialtute meetlma.î tiie ltba C1r, daut»mtii. * -u-on s probe aucéaas lie eu. proposod. Yut vltui ail this, our meétinga Voqit O.ý wcli o!r aint10 . N . alWer ~ ~ .yS a aitu rn 4 l ieu 4 tare tlb. people lad coadtlns ga re' uolé# uitl «Oils Jurybas lor si l 1 dteiuitraCd Mt beM nlauttoniance and no inense-.lre Pse l leth, ie Jury dtinib bertable to die tu li c ly ntrete. Piotcteikea.belrui, b W4.u. -__________ ut»oo W bave never led '"à 9-Wotet- kegMom-t dt b« eutsb.. Me h. 1 .4 l P*&- lu f fite aXO omus.but her ilie, a# greent. aua iuorgulymnevs lérers Intitt. viil o thealMis. J. AutIn 5501«ete! 71rani lb. let ne somma màndhoal bQbs ~eYes. iwb ils e orer ,-eae»eaavenue andidaugbler, lola, vlhitedi W àiIani pdr ti Ais mspietoionoaï ssis-ai te sleraatimesln Crysial 0sng mil iMage VolaSmuas.-hsdate la - wk tatiIntth b se m Il i b, ft unday.Mis. Rlaler vas acee»aW uidJiilY nu 185. ine. liai vpe wt- ~" iri~ eOelaiiy lu U tisaItiC. 110h omne by ber motier, lMra. W. D. ilp. 'MWeremliasme b p ov iciIdeils 41r *rie *via petble d01maiw-it tbeltpie. cf<04nt ua» » a»W Sli etica pei-t 09 tlo PisPan, aM i e to o Wltiithe mayor coatlng tGo oly lis, or lb. oti«elsixla cuba have atme ul-ga t'epo l.buta AM irb ltOs iereaenUng vota, the. clty oquacit tuila dlsppurd. e "ls ho -r*M=gber Go resjuaaiIliamornlng ah a spoclal mu* Caog Iite -a~4~$epa a!flefutreviiSouseidOetahIl:-15 0oclocl. Passaithe cid- aiesTatimei. ree ust lm beu m WMet aicuegrantoga o-jou&r gl&xdgolaIa Tii art etc<onversaton vas net ai tboW l % m 1»Poseeso by lihoi-ary nmn. Ci ~ ~a0l se lu~ a, tât 1h11 Chilcago, North Miore & là noawiwaya miMcua o a ape» Goa 0e4worIc9ra une .dAs.a mattsr o M seu tt' M- -- -- ~un -, - ~W. Wia ~ I .0~~ Potoa lIn North Chicago are ue~n p. Meetings are being held ~d~rit parts et, tii. cly to get tlUOtlned ap for tihe opring elo ho. Mayor jolley bas ot lot "totei*lt le votaldrua assis. but hie la.il. ely orme get mutloned on tbe'd. Ollesticket. 'It la stated tiiet e.ego90r Cliristeuffn viii '-again lut", thie rua. A 8.7e of patriotlarn .ept Northi OhicSgo lpnday and lMonidy. Many flana verdlaplayed la ICe, prIYat iàcses of lthe clty. OurMayor, join- ed vilith theotiier Northi Shore exe- Cutivu la »*ItD4mir Pmtdm4,t Lau eadorseient orf iistanud. -,pâtriotic BonIs voeeasncsIluthe ichools and the. prospects of var ane board on every ha"d. Thé UIbrary board met Monday ove- ning for. thé tranactimor cfbuunesa. AUl 41118 vote allo.d.* Thi. 'libraea 10.4 a YearlY i'Oérof tè library whleiiaiiows as hner gat n iior- Or thie prico i.- The ire-. urers reort earaand acoepted if ti4ig dn.sa efwlch e taiîe Mas.. Thei."anbusiness tbi e" mS-i tbii. planDg of a Wadhhngtb# Party to lie beld lD the. schiio& ip.> Blut. Tiose Who raré, o -are urged te attend tâtila ffair fa cotume -sul.ted to 'tiheUrne but &U1 Are urged, te atteDd'"à~her -lu cos- tume or net. l'bere w8111 b. a pro grain and refteshmt. At thie close Of the business, Principal Eap.y gave a thoroughly eijoyable reeding em- etlttd "thie King of Boyvile- andlira. il >. Yoe resd trou. the. cliIdWelfaem Magazine @à article'on thi. need 'o! t6aching Oo*t«Y ay ohilen. After the Progr$W thase presont ;ver. de-I llghtftUfY. stwr~ t o era. fliat de. lielou, rfreunwame, b.dbeeri pro- Pared by the *olcra. MeWle«ne l- leY. 14lei, Ltolifleli and Gal>ag éï. AU the ie lerSat fthe.district ane Irged 10 $b Iâ( ii setlfanad to beconie mla the. cf tii. *asoWp, vlich extafor the-utial benefit cf teatcierus, popâ iaité parente . The. uPeetinsare ' Ille l~ usiarlflg land liy theii. a » %uéotbiisaels ormlai ation, There la na charge viietever 10 tloin. Every ma» la the lhnit4ltloii guarg wviose tersaiofo! éliRt hli not tgle ià sublo 0thiQ<l cf t#ie prdfid la xtih.e «#t c(f era" Racial Quarrel13, Slated to Be Declded In JumleFfi nuu court «Sat"dy. TWO 'WARRAKTS ARE OUJT. Defendant lnu tAction Swoa Out Warrant for Amrèa of Jùe Chii- mr b.e t'Auie*mel- Vaction, but he sapa.'obi«omo a Rumutan ratera 10 hlm as a *'lai- ~,anau bmarlne» " liecothia stOry. ; cauiy a"d e trimai, Water lEmool, vore' pWitg pool lans e mlablh- Ment on Marlon Stree utaiBaA iglit. John Baise, a Raésaane, btting soarbi-, vathlng th u se n - Ientuy. Accordlng ho Cbaiy, h FIia.d tialt U! ail naiple -vwers as'rom bhots asu£nai, I f - ns odr s- 4ih vImas llg*iêOuyt wu *11. v 9e ing nimeiatoly Accoriag lu Baisetue other Ivo inea irai- laves &Bd i-heïk hi. mol" endel h vaswu lm mon. ef ha ear. ile si-or. culti-errants for tue other ýwvo meu's aret, ciarglag amut and battery asdithe esi-sse es t for tria loday before Justice Lac fTar- lu tie mmanimo. Cindy mvore out a warrant for the ar-eest oBaiso, ébiartlng bIna 11it iorlry ominCi keo denSoti uslng a laite, aping Isiac bad i* hepr hor s oe i-e», ho fei1 suainut the. siai» etig*,e! a pool ha- ble- Jc'itlce Tsi-mer contlnuei the firet émie anti set botii of tlIer il etxh saturdar mrniagal B 96o010Lok àqpan.se laisaCrelit for Fali JafflaIs. cedilfote e Udint pein e dai mmei--aop pva or i-ct whs» ilel esui sot b. feiei. But ppaconelvoc ea.l -lie. mt-hec " bow néoij bow. .t fsholn ait. a citche of! pager- on a trams Doiaity sherif E. J. Green tocuirod r *-rttr toiuy -frora bis sun, Gfunon. i-ho la a traveling ies«mn.The.lu- ter bor' ls et»irl cf. SIbux Ciy, WSAL gste. bi le.emloelC the iampe4ulOffice îfi v -dl b«ving«M te1 Loi4flUe lu ftaimsé ho anu aivttiaSnt fer a priInter. -Pi-liaietfPreuas ar, onfotiimlthat ho i-vu lie rlcthip cg bi comnýP' a.id tuai le vouXll IsabSte, tdut .~mW bel be vaMe oilai-dihoeanSa te lhoveIone th Goerql iowwgMms. Pueseoi "ssa Monsda la LUbstyvMfle i-vi atsi lai em ise i 1iB0 M vile Uualap evmug bto Woa-GUe nflu-y «. tcol pflcotm 5:3. 2lIégea i mtsk Viut u, Klll*' Est., but loftIbin tuer.#»ou tie e k mai laev otblng maoe sbost ibm uter ltht - III-ha -as Infrmel tuai eMes bâ btbees arruffle ch-gelitu binac àoldup. Kencha, lFeb. S-Walt« 9sboo4 U re.zp cofsue, i-ho daimste b. asm 9107.1 a ig pitler s.et o oBl.. w Goe LbertypllIepowiemi et Ub-ý osWvule. Il.la 1.11-lv 1t" PODi pýest to a lnvo m al tale m- br. a *àit ,but - unaueouiwulh.11 ni i-Whteck place m et temaPt M. 8aee, 4sa Unaa st-est psât atter, tigit oPclool lit, ssiI- Na -a" »arrulenit us a k-gli Sa a room eaiheGo Moel ispi-oi W Police OU lo.s-TIent IagsaTii i-as os G thei iaugy aaae ami St vas admIitteui btob" elaco pitirabis troubl. la atW tis eoregsW ter etth Gotl. Hlm as alr Me Influence of muisiMdiValable t. manl.W ny oteit. lai neyer seiMUtir i bl nov or loin la G the*or e. &do~it on. - tIIb bute adi e astoum - totau U4Ilb go ho mals ump thoemI lbolia, e seerta lia auea-cliie.by rsaemlng Botes ba coma hteis@store Oarly Suii i st A" mia asbol ho "-»tM bimasi At thie Uniethe ver s everISi 00 pie in'lie stor, *ad moi eer toidtheI nia to go bock aai at do»va t i mIo. Mo ioclla.t the lavftotis au a Nt I-mntes iner lafi 0Gm tater t la auleol Usbat lté sain k returnedanI!au beur iter ailer tue Pim vho h bomi-fil IOllUon ot Aàuie salorel the Ssci-h*ýo iht l Ttov '" our hbais Mdi 1*p stU aselder làua-pioveifUltoia-hiaa *mui be"hi e lIa of bot«i relies Ilrei pie mhast ho linihem ou la a nflr.bu*t e 'auo4l Di d«e " so àw st Me M" O~pm MAs revolver item bu leOL mmsaget ovlgo Sesu doe pennE.,o iitinoe m ytoo i put îm theii. ve io! iuai mn Sentit? Mdat 11 e w»,al»> bhi-da o c@eelealibi luos iu the suSptiOnthat le lat, Part la lhe Kenosa hold-lu ..l oreuil taitro bhSp o à 1à* 74j tr li age tlltheUwff thae. . a B 11e Iliefytlleoue tleul-vil' Bs-pua e tie ago et swam o'«9. MWi m1seolf-o i b. egâom os *ikeven t i-eo hes o. H atael I-S sti-allai v1l«m Suhqs la ' o»o.És*" mai beunya* qI riob on lim.stremtB*isy rs a.u im i iote refgo 1 ras sl Mmi hot la h oovSg .ine-,s %lgoondm vu Bal hméer baroéeý tl i-a a tmn At av*i oomaa ot4 or * vinte e.l ums' uln ter vabai hoves Immag o itulolofe for Oveut Imuluoet bck tu lb 'e a rinas .45 le.am I tir.o'&0oek te trtel irte, lie el et m tin. so rsapa u hu bel tao r ees Go ,' 5oleo AoII eff tr Pase V« S B hwil liaiha o it aa lu ttte B. vs tom U -yi m t i.me lie tnplas-* cud.tes-IS o Ero.he Pi us odm. elect-iso moms i-»Me Iiobt m t- *w- esbnsesO-m.dehbeot.l ba àcol Aci et Egr es sajani i-as eAoiieclui 811h l Whéb ates aloi-, i-ho souu Mi tub mla". -le- am meem soinebopa as _ho enai natmungtiluho wI a tc a! Cbefroe i l lit WU--la - aqSutitu c b fbasb -b tint.' o' i i i i t S i i t- I. a- I s Tii o eceeir lac soupetrchi etdu gslai-ri s Re tbi of et. ferolver but 10 4lpiaflyg«ot fieu 4us- 4mg, il ic a 'afttothe aiea, 1P8 ive tubt mi lnule t a *viet tat,»Caeoithoptooka- ai u - 4ptS bjlo uà<IIia- ima td i lie ry rli,' osier li 'bd àaeblý temtiofr tu stiifflgt Wbou the. pogmelo.effar rpoid tlm ëAeIi, stffl se.r10 lia cet& »»Y' *oMd ery annmit ne osiloo uqjplo t let a io ~Màdto.1 t 1*14 dbina u1a&W WlkM Ofrtiw là«sa sot lie idulip.. Sah. IMO.bffld rtlat e*a s a meu elgthe, diotptm lcr wg 1.10 lte mxaywoà l iltm e Wl. i rtotiwvasrvdy set- is, IaMM *MÉ lai lun,,os Go 4aQ8008*5 th4tlO t t lutaue ho bogoii ti 4e xlshsa seamuetei 11. le lsd 1..&lut. la a - won somewlrom Offi *lb Ininuadistiloth etii cl' ur *a.Thl sm Sw chiot O'IheUM fl 1bLeolai poer ovauior eugff iervv and't t h li und eb 4M m mt Wo d beo.a the àl