Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 6

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j; l ~IVJCES 0F A WAR sgoPÀY ROLL TW lSTAR4IU3RVI3&ITS t' ALL IUT LONEi AI.CAT.Cf JCt 5IANSR 0 (i tioWgh the. aMet L. C. Tewes. "The Rev. VFrotc Fhiioer Waukegui chapter, Order of Euat- Cty troasurer of Waukegan. a.nd D. john Lloyl i.hltof te Amorti ern star T'hurada ynlght observedl the A.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rl Hutxasmaxtfx be, to a ahotie Oiurcb. took ont a 24th anutvorsary cf lisefoundtng lu lî*use y.taway lra. Waukegan. The efeair wuaIllght guari over asaicheI cantaining $6,00 I>iiilena IL IL Peoboiy. wilow o! fui suces la every sense of the word. la cash. white smre 200 ite uttere ii . e& s. éetuffty-soven Btveen 125 and 160 niembera were IB.4e about wetung for their money. ,andmii l a fifty." ln ttendance. The chapter was s T»a mm with the cash left Waukegan Th la »oaeetaperdiunhed Ileb 28, 1892.4 lai» ftlday nlght and lt wes dan heaov anuceet pnae vhs. theyr roAiled the icehoues et i n oneo the Chicago paeanu Iis, The regular business -nèetlng was l'vin Lates. Tbey dld net bide the mornlng and bears the firet neya tna followed by a supper antd prograni. The c tael contalning the $6000., Ne.not Wauiegen people o!, the prospective, dning rooro andi table were decoratodb 1e.. Wtîbt*eem al iti-n a anriffl of- the vomen > o owneveT prettily. Smati candles were tî i ehoytato!ln nplacet! af eacb plate. lii ffië d tJW1tfi In view of ail vbo entoret! the offce, tebgPaoytato ado the table vas the irthdey cake wtth0 aad tbo wvo mosolma dovu-but nat 10 Grand tienue, Wauiegan. at, the 24 candies. Juet hefors supper wus ase>p. Dcliier. armed vlth revolv- northi end of Butrieli slreel. M- announced the llghts vereowavîcet!d etbut t developed later that they though Jéra. Peabody neyer a aofed the mugdtes were lghited. The ena,~ efee as ndescrbably pretty efit! mielt au vel have carried been blow- maillent of Wauiegan, ehe bas n ~'celled forth many exclamations of de- iA "S s muvepoas. acqualatauices ln thuCity as a e- Unet. lA STil le s harvest for the' Waukegan aut of her hushand having awned the Speeches vers given by ane former tee CMm a o I ver. The big Ae- tra.ct ia question for a great many patron eand hy several of the former e UponMr. eaboy's eathmatrone. There vere fency dances byP Iscia. e Tvt Leem ae OUd teveaa. Uon lv. Paboy'a ea .%liAsse Catherine Spoor and! Ethel Sha- ceacllty. Bnce the harveet hegan. 30 &orne yearus sc, (bAs tract of 84A. ber, a reading by Miss Mehel Glggs f easpti tebave been shippet! daily. acres ventline te bands of the. and as ole by lisBoas Mutaw. lilas mrWa-Nothern Truet Cotpany au trutstees, C. C. Givna played the plane for Thare vmen oa sore teeuor ta e beldi for the heira uhtil the dancing whlch flliovet! the supper. kagn mn vo aeiset!An be ut-Msa t*ura'Gorhamm as chainnian 0 ti and mat!ortag of Ae. Sorne w9rked ro reachet! the Cge o! 35. maktag a of the serving commttee. Her chlef tI on the tee; ethers woried by nigbl total of 21 Yearathe' trust compeny assistants vers Mrs. S. iH. Burnett the g bmChannel open, wbile atmi would bandle ltee state. eut! Mrs. Dr. Gourley. Soverel thers itw r ebl' rteassistet!. otbovm laltoret! la the litehen and <ita asAr eacym brte, The grovtbaoflte 0 . .S. se listmn in romi 4Frank Peabody, vho Uved Don-the' fouat!Aug bas besa Most gratUfyung tu 1"alk about gonoodf et!" sealliMIr. WaukegenPlace for J30 uaiiY Years the membera. Buttas. "Wall, i never aw tbheikeadt!onductet! a big chtcken farm Pour divorce hlls vers iled in (CL- of IL For breakfast thre men A a which vas backed by bis brother. il cuit Court ihis atternoon andlt as ex- t clpork musage, pueakes. molasses, P. Peabody, of Ohlcgoào pected tint more vlbe Ilied later Al bçq& bqtjtea, e-osan d mitâ. 1*51 The 'bnnouncament cf lire. Pea- number cf divorces fledi for tire nit, *lt tiey bal bole! 1cr aupper. Mir. bodyru coming mariage croates qulle terrnof court wiilbe volt upWto sadi ~as11D Il oub.e~ ud l. n u~arst a auigmuheras.o! The hlls file t tay are. Zt gait liaI vas erie theIblogeecuters tac«t hat lie UIflOwiceDteIt aays HAggIs V& MiSins ,Mogond. as cen b.lepurclassi lu ha a le emmrr a bishop of tse Mey C. Biggins 1filàai abâifor di- Augerm (XboU*churh. is I tverre aaInst her huabsut!. Thomas Titlo.haremtet 'vA ~ -th. A.meica a lm, N. Hlggins. hoth of Zin Ciy. The Th e ati miait in a es lu- .<,~ .~bâiBsets ah t he mut,wre e I*WQ* uti etgsmm =sY trou. ikg". MrS. Pobdy la a vomen et lirs. Hlggins says er ba nd vms iboaWMn. iii. l.nig . ESS*grest lIl. for tb.sote l.ft b, intirnete wvus a nubaof voman atIqf-:aml ta ubel dt blum i det bilsdeâhm4aoutai vAoseames ah. dose neot now'. Ita 1a~~aa t> olelra Mllil on .~>s£acces itamisaiofexrent. aid va- Um m ciaubotter quarters acsel olrs bsapeti crusity, sayiag ltaI ou n letslaeyviieoin tisa eeuntry. beautiffui home la Chicago vhIch Ocmosion he vronchsti ber bi seomne Xt. flton broueit two or tbroe cf Itzelelicula over $100010).Ui. Pea- verely liraI sellemwu lot able te stand f the bmm " vilEshloc.te their homeody bas freQUentl iy itlt I n Wau- arect. Tise suit vas flied by Attorney ta Waukssn,. Tiie pooreml peu man kgn Whte vs. White.p J1 o ~b reedvet! clos te $0, meon mlre. FannoWhite titrougis Attorniey C 4d" eeiave a iea t w Afl haE. V. Orvie filai uit for divorce fà.baamm»" lias cfvhartyi hp- liV Ifl4J I arnagainet ber humbad. Water Wbtila. a UlSa odi-fr a. ~of South Lucola street. 8h. an s mm staageul ovaz ta ge e drink.tbey vere merriod brs Nov. 4, 1916. Uniront. andi repeated crueitY 1i6 he ~nI'usiucharge. lire. Witoe sys hhat lUi- flfljI1~ APAI DI~LIU1TIJ>U e ndiatoiy efter, their mannriaga ber ?M o L AL 3lIlNfT53I uabsai began a cours, of uniint!, In- _______ j uIlaisandi cruel trealment. Oh. baye C S 'D o Fe Wauegmdu, 1thal viesoShe lay sick is hie re chitt- FsvWaieanlom Atle saiane drea plaeod the piano ennd san as1 ln Europe et Prement and! foyer ara tond! as tii, couli s» tlASha bewu on theo cossu. vere tiioy muet bian. obligd to go ta thse home of ber the menace of Germeny's 'ev euh- may bas rot usot te converse vith ber ovor 1U boy baiedtidoep in the tee w. Marine ver. thse talepblone. Ber hushant!. she 5575. t«». beceuse of the. adi eiegbts cf 1. Galagiser, cousin aitlira. colle. erne $1,200aeyear. Bie akamlln. bWaires ofc tousacf ite vhirh bat! ha.nof Sherida.n rosi, saIled for LUve Spourer va. Spoerer. irmat! on ii boys, thir l 11steambus oolat ad o dy g adi aoy brge FiAeld, files suit for di- resitut!Wankegan barbor la ath expoted that heItsbaem roaitha 1vorce egelngt ber hushant!, Fred C. lWdw atter a veuturesomo np trmlBritsh Port u as!ely, althougli no Spoerer. They vers marni July 3, ebinga;word bas been naceivet! tram hlma 1912, et Kenosba. Drunkennesq As I.chargeti. Igas lthe alurdy 1141e steamer an- al1ec. he seiiedl tram Newvor. --f l vu. N - etkO. rivd ot W*ffn ortlitfoud le:Upon his arrivai la Bogland Mlr. Mra. Ursule Naveecks led suit for olaraco l aIe tho barber cut <off hy Galiather bat! planneti ta neud a tev divorce againat ber hushant!. Joseph a ailiShot f re hiit adforeddays vlthbhis vite andi tamlly in Sco ecie. The sit vaA fled by At- .icptahethofc Ia s it! vas iCnd surm d t=1t9cos1b4gîs ~rnyGeorge Fildt. The' couple vam -juittethefacttha, te wid Wlllandandthe to ros th Engieh edn 1906. eseertian As chaïrged.i 16 the veut. Thse mercury stood t'aI Ciensta France vhere hé. la ta su!- mted _______ tm 15 to 22 degrees bsinw zero ail >Perintent! the' erection o!f prabei ILI 1 T WMbt as the lake, and! thé veatheIlevtor manufecturet! by the Bown INUisnR 5 O Y.U toe-ntfour nches ofAe n ten heurs' Portable Eleveton Company o! North - I CAUShicagSUIT . 14rqie u'afew minutes for Misa Giadys Mary Spencer cf Hgh-i AU E S IT FO tolia ll ibu!openet! e ciaunel o! suBI - residents o! Lake caunty vilItInluA_____ cisl msstu permit steani auid guo- Norvay, Svedsn and Franco aI thie ArMeur & Comrpany vore namet! lâcete tut gel eut, net one local 1lAme, but sa fan as knawu. Gallagher as dotendentm inae suit for damages tàbmm ventured autoide th. port As0t@ 011Y Waukeganite vbo ls on in the mutaof!$20,000 braugist todey ** .tire htgh sea altter a trip acTons Ibm n the Lae County Circuit Court by *Wotiting dotas." sait! ans tug boat oresn fron thIe United! BIaIse. RelabhoMt BrandI, cf Chlcago, vis al- cairtalu. '14M viiinot go outuntAl a There are Ihousauds a! rosAuenle et legedt Iat bAs son Cerl wus njuret! ln iqet vit! drivez &Il lie shore Ire fanr aiecounty vito have fathens, moth- Chicago recently visen oneofa!tise e«.lal the asie.,' ers, altiera, brothens or athen relatives large auta truckm operated hy tbm ;The HUA boat bas misset! but fev n England, France andi Germany be- packing Company ran hAINdevu ai If mny tripe trolin Chicago taý Wauke- ades la many ot Ibe nentral niations, the cerner o! 27tit and! Itmensky ha; wu inter, but lil vas due ta the1 and! naturali, tbey are auxions ftrnstnpts, ChIcago. ,W tat te vint! vas cff-boe that1 the very latel vear newa wbich demais Tise suit vas filet!n lte circuit tbe boast vas ahl.ta maie lie t> ih the dipomatie relations helveen court o! Lake County because o!f &e 1*SIiY. Radte levnt beeu lni the the, Unitedi States and Genmany. fartt sial the Chcago courts are no *uI te bra vaulti bave been tercet! crowdet! that Il vas toaret tisaI At tb toi*bisater etiser ln Chilcago or' KENOSHA MAY OWN AN voulti be tva years tim. bistore tIIs Waabagea barbon.rTRS S.R . cae,vouI l. becalot! for trial nhe ligtiousa tendersa daim il vas IT, IINS.t R einitoît!BrandI dlains ltaIliteau- 14 dusses. blow, zeoe t the light- S. B. Way, tiret vice-presldent andt!o truck vie sics uck andi inJureti bllile Frlay ucraîng. generel manager o! the Wisconsin Gas his son vas t!rivng on lis loftl- -,»l teliearemn nov ongaget!lnAn ant! Electrir Company bas invîtet! the' etead a! the rîgist bont! aide cf tbe inMdring their nets tor thea prtng city af Ienoshe le loin vls thdâcern- street. eut! thet his son'& Injuries ver. -4.1e icà shoulti be enrmons Ibis pany n lis openatton et the KiOsha causedt by tise cereetesssof tisei yu~a. 'ilectrir Street Reillvy Company and drivenpf thse big machine. lnasmurhl Titat tise coaI suppiy lun ssea ea liIted anti may be exb=nse!by the midle cf tis montit vas lie re- port viîh gained rurrenry tedai. ..amleg simuitasrsçuety vitb tise Mrg- Id! colt! valba, 4t, vaanything but ciseering informatfoq. Wiîe tiser. bave been reporta o! ical sherlage An dîffernt, parts of lthe country, panttrularty Waukegen, tirs majority o! local people bave mat bank tomplacently eut! esermedth ie alti- Laie o! "ves shanî! vax-y," for tAlai hava beeu o! the impression ll,>t liens vas pienly of 'coal on baud tu NW TiEMR TO ICST TRE COUL Moe. hbap 1,0_0 lilAnolaphysiciae var Piodeti to rampondt! la sdm11for servIces vitI thlia my. They anm teubnm 01 tise .sASOIlic cf. Au- rama Physicians tonrliedicmi Pre. pareoineala vhics 21,000 a a- id tO bava Mentia. Williami. . aya, o! Rocetera, (Inn. la lie heai of th.e rgaio ut! Dr. Frienri A. Beulai, cf Watt- kegaantiChicigo. in s member -o! th exerutive comailitea. DeflIinformation reaudinLg eci man la Ina a rnindex mystani in tb.he r tipanlment aI WashIngltr acis ian la Ilmstd as ta ie sproton. onca la vori et tise front. An a base AisPital ar et home stations. Asigs- mnts An rset vewr vîli be maie se- cort!Aagly. . .i One Wauiegan medic bas declare! uis Intention o! jolaing the associaI- 161. ant'Yfl'li otev'ei ft cago sbovwittvtwdotors bave >iet!gsdt! isir services An thle event of ver. - Dr. Danielg served i bs country dur- ing tihe Spenifs Amenicen van, andi t le & iutovu tact tisaI Dr. Daniess stends r.mtiy anti willAng ta do his pent Au rascf ver. Anotiser Wan- kegen dorton vise bas alvayé stoo! fon preparedss la Dr. Banker, A CaIli lu the85,000) members o! the Daugitters o! the AmerIran Rev- olutlon-aat Waukegau bas many 3f isseenoble wvomen, leonoganisela Praparation tfon possible leer vas sent Out yesterday sy lirs. WAiiAamtCun- olng Btory, President zeneal oethlie orgaisation. Tise 1,»00 local risepters are urgeul ao assemblaisaspîtal supplies, clama- fy vomon as ho service, anti end to lire. SIcQry lise names. adirmnea and! degreeof effAciency o! net cniy the memboru ibut of olien vamen vIte alghs t i le help. "'Tii prouideul ganaral experts tiaI' the rail on Ireialt o! the Amesica il place aI ls disposai tisaeeat- et amount of service any group a! A.mericn vmen bas ever ottene! tis Ceulr. WILL 'SHIP COAL HERE? RUT# IJUSJNELL WILLSERVEASWAR NURSE If CALLEI) Tise lady rookie' o! Wauicgau. Ms» Ruth BushneUl, vio, turing l'je vlaler moulu soseres as a je.mooi ma'm, vil accept the raIl ta, the col- are If ona sesnt eut, for Mis Bush- neil, herauseofa!tle traiAning se re- celvot! aItiste Geneva Service Cern r. 1»ct summor, believes liaItishaI le tise dnîy aie oves ber country. I lre. Frederc D. Couaties o! Chi- tait untAI epiu Tise report ts1 agbvia ssy genenai Suday - titane mArbtabe a ise tgeye :sonaie. onlie titise tthle vmn came as an uuexpectei jolI. training camp et, Lais Genevilest Local roal dealers de notlooki forimummr-rallYiag ber rerruits t> tise mny neal suffening ber., aven if tisa evailaitie rosI suppli tg exhanalt!. Tissi say bundretis of Weuiegen peo- pie ba! the foresAgitt ta put lu a eut- flîeul suppiy of coal lait tail on esnly lIn tise vinter. They ans aftie opinion tisat ifere As ne neason eiy tli e n- porI of a pos-ibis coul qhortage shanît! crente any uridue exrltaisat. for tisey tiink tbev wiii be, able taeabAt> ln hy rail enough faci te last until spriug. Tý, ýa th,' soft ceaisupply As inng- cer tlîan tA..> of har! coal ant iAt may corne te n pass wlrere satI ra i vii have if)ise used iti tunnarsanti Slaves but they look upan itissas more on 1,-S of a nettole poselbîllty. Tht' ga- company continues ta hlmn out lanrge- 'ianttAs a!coke daiiy anti Ibis ha l ad the effect, mare tisan anIhAng cAsé. ta alleviete lie situa- tion. Tht' gas campeni bas nal been lulîplig auy coke eut a! tise city fcr ast-r a mnonts. ait beAng resprve! Ion deit,,eut! Mise iluaineli o! Varike- gan vas onse!fber necruits. %A large iseatiquarters laste be open et! lu Ciicego, viere mysîerles <cf vaneref t vil h. augislte v omi-n ln day anti evening classes frai- naw an. eut! Misee iusbneli bas been JInvitai lu lent! ber servires la Ibis great wonk. Bîmulnneousiy Il vwas ann.r.o c'i tisaIlirm. Etivant!Ryerson bar-rati logeliser a inaup o! soclMY ,omrn tan mailltant insructAons. Miss Mabel K. Adiams, a trai,A nurse visa speultva oyes-s et Il-o front aut! vho asaiteet Gen. Canalise n tise camp et Lake Geneva, vliA he-:p onganize'lise vamen. Four nurses viii tsars the ro'cIes bow to andt- age vouade, give tIret aAt!asAi ddo let roaking untier militany tdisciplne. 'The training la le be tise sanie as ln tis e sciolalt Wasinlgton" sait! Osa. Caunlis, "anti vs hope fan a Abs local trade. .lanje enlisîtent wvi i yl ceet $ _____________ for sixwves Isf oe lesson a veek OWNED LAKECOUNTY CALL. le gîveaY" ________Several Young ladies a! Weukegan CM, Cyrus, ex-einar a! Tise Wou- ans Planning laottfer thier services, kegan Daiiy :Sun. drapped dtiai et bIs fand tia sreportedt! tis enstreînet! home la Wtsska, Ill., aI an eaniî isour nurse o! titis clty bas staeet tsaie Fehrdan> lut. Weukegaaltesa isanet! vili go ta lihe front if the rail camei. cf bi saujiden t!emla issa îlebisenly Mise Lolîta AriaWr, daubIten.,of eau, Htoward. telephopeti Weukersn lte multl-mllionare parier, vas ans triende a! the tact. oet liAssBushneIl'B. aasociates aethle C'. M . Cyrus printeilth Ie Air sttion service camp et Laite Geneva last o! -tise LaIteCounty Cali, e 'veekly Pa- sijmer. per visicis ln Iter years berame Inu oufv_ s Tbe Wetlkegan Daiiy SBun. ECditor Prospective new residenta ci Watt- Cyrus mlt! hie Intereaintea lir. Bih- kegmu Iooking aI 1h. progreus hoing bart!. oa, lAu tm, soi t01 to B. A. made by 1he srhcoU board ln the mat- Dunu. A. K. Steatus, Frank T. 7evw- ter af ronstruclh"g nom uchocUa, cman- ler sut! Frank Ju»t avnot tise papernet flot111but tui tiraIWaukeamn ls i, tun. anti a fov yaanu ajo'lte pa. rtainiy IeakIng mfter th.e durstional perncame loto pousasleaci ls pros. featurea of 1h. cemmunfty. Tir* mn- Met ovuers. WAIIAisJ, mai lmai G. serancament Un Tire $un lentevenrg Sutli. tfi&t nther $0,060 scai lulate b. Du'lng issrouitista Wouiosan eastd, slrawmtIrtira aé ducators of Un. dnmmadie mmunbins, as miiWsukiln oevtaly ore sot Ageotlng uavm et bAs auddide dohs ceff«a ahiis esy lspertdMSfeatut- of tire v-a-Isurprise to hae 0f b4 &ncq441* .mmunitlspsugras& tance la Ibis leeehiîy. , t dq*v1 S *5a" Air, Cyrus b.d b b dc i u ," miifeu YaU cas tOOa6 SPpoea jk the. pas eut avy«M bl t » me l i tirveqh thie tnisemdua 1 TisaI WuIkegnlas st lie marcy ai lb. elamants becae no kuva oiey, vian t vwu learnai liaI Ivwo veais Of sM era ernviii oxhaust the vin- teres stoeak arbard cal .There laseuouih coal on tant! 10 supply Wauiegsu's neais for tbe bal- Mna0cfthe vinler. if a ton day thav Piotrit!ceme, but if Aie mercry kefl i belov lia Zera Mari, WaukaeviiiU bave i spenti upan lise raAroads for 1il fuel. Tcday il becanie kuavu Ibet scores O! reit!elsts Of lie rity ver. nov buy- ng eennugb cealintatmI Iban trougIh ther halanersof lie vnter. Tisade- menan 1 he rosi dealers bas bat! a v-et effort Au ret!nring tise suppiy cf ceaI aveihabie, eut! nov I la posible loa eg.Ibrougis ltegréat coul shedsa t lAIe Reledocks. Alisonua v-"et nteiry people ver. ual aWere of tisa tact. tite Reins cent- peny bas upplAidaimoul eyery peunti ef ramiburnot! lu Waukegan aince Ortber ist. Fav celosieaof fnel bave been receAveti hy al-cd, Reins company officiais have sait! att einter .lbat tbey eroulti nct ssii lie supply cutaide of tisscAiy edet! boe ta keep Waukegau vari, but te la- cal dsmand bas been greater titan thein expectatAcus. due to thé tact tisat tbe mcncury ha stouctedth le zera mark' more dais IbIs vAnter thon Il dt! Anlte tva ysarm Precoding. il beceute maya Ibalfev, A! any coal or fuel dealer% ara nov able te Ali theln arders ton hanivocti. Orieru placet! vth lumbmn Arts ef WAsme- sMn esnly ln December bave flot beaul Allaeutana vneioleiele vaci dealer in Wisconslin rit tAlaIhe rannot niti bis crieabecauna.of thse tact thst he canuot gel rare n vhlis to 81111 lb. vaci. Wanmer veatiser la predictet! for Wankegan, sud il vas annauncedt! 1- dm' tisaI ane dealer A ela tmPtiRg ta place an ordsr for tram 12 ta 16 car- Uoaeof anthracte-se let'$ h. opti- mstic. Burgiara braie ntc tise Summer home o! Francsa C. Fanveil, Iresirer a! t.e J. V. Farvu oilmpaniy cf Cl- rago, ln a ae Foreut Turaitay nlubI, but ver. frlghlceidevay botore they ha-i a-chancere la rnas% lise place. AiLrs. eR salilié brglare prlot! 0»03&. e -&ont yitdowv, Spv.raerae- tkeïa v9ie on lia place, but rie hei tlieburglae i t yen. Description Corr.spon4once 5olicIted, 116Gen...St er mantisu la Floride. ta monts, anti hy Il 'cloch m t evoeryous dacn ton knev vhel ed 14. D. OLCOTI 15 hapenei.____ SPEND RESTLESS MS»T. DEA» AT l lO nwauiegeu, rob. 5 AVENUE 'Th. diucovery cfaMe ge aboM . a- ON NORTHI VE UE der lte sidavaji ln front 0cf lt gé Marvin D. Olcotl passedai ay at Brai huhesn«te of thannMW vhs b home ai 1081 Nortiha-vo, Wa-nie- la the buIldng vîi tb ar, lmDo, ai - fîve c'clock. Bunt! m volgtac eWOU do uhey seuesnber nt the. mgeoro!67 yearm, 7 monlitâ t!nd he talA orIe ommaionei by uw- 10 day.. Mn. Obcott vas bomala Plaies ofa Msa nkitln o» eg M York State. Wbeu but a chili he temeoia mInt biiag ale hlog" din came West vAtb hie paentsandaiont- tiidtet Obcago 1auIL ai. mea lIai on a farm Au Rcnd on shivpuAt. Deigihonioci of 30 people M oisn taler moving ta Anliocis. lve. beceuse cf là@ tire ~ onas On Feisruary tbe 6tb. 1865 he enlist- volai tise building ai CItiralp. etin Aucompani IH. 153rt! negîmeut of The. dlaaovoeyof ltae »on ahi Ilinois in!antny eut! re-celvet! bis dis- Strier thesaldevalk at the Tax g charesSept., thrs Zitis, 1865. Returu- Temple vaW ma"tinbte B8at4w «.aI hag le Antieritlie engaget! ln dittOr- lIraOM &Bdatmmeimtey lonIMe ont occupations until Navember lot, mode tise iAucava7roi&" al. e 1869 vb 'en 5e vas unItet! Au marriage f- n.te ComUaUjasus- Jaume oat 10 Clan . et wilibta, wis., er. ef lbn iepertms.uî o! publie bamhi Ta Iheni ver. bora six children, one lent! mfe«gy' otrmisuonqr humys, t!ying An infaucy. Alter bie mmrlege causai a rtefrsi exaurluetite lieh he teck up tise Occupation ofcf orPelt Made cf lthe prenrlse, adfefov»Ie ter vbb e foilavet! until bit beali bis isetion rity englue., J11om loaist hlm. staei liat tis e rms on lal~ lnth is pring o! 1908 Mn. Oicolh Or raa Ssait&ntne moyeng, mevedt! v i #isfamily le Werftagan iMOIautaiia ftal a i e abai me- -. visnee n r-Auied' until bis death.! lie hlm report, Haglneer Daa<luMt Beside. hie vidav be leavea lie fol- mxen 19 wvan to cul bth aloMeAn ib lovlag chlrsu: 1bote la lhe idaali soeàmu10. mUMu Henry J. of Weukegsxt. Onen E. oi th e S andi prevent an explglm t Antiocis; George ML. a! Laie Villa; ta tredti lt à ag"mpipe 1h m lira. Aima Shervoot! o! Gurues lina.s.umiorst.tiras llberating the ». Lotire, Ieeitofe!Wauiegeu. Aise one Tii. police are m-intiAniag & »»ga msiter Bru. Chare@ Hanien maione vatcn oven tise premluee, &M e a broliser. Myron H.. botis a! Antiori. Nantis Shore Oas Company bonlas. Aloo 'reveuteen grand rilidren. etiviset o! tise tei An lte big iio "thcisrun% netion ise lêa. C01MES JIERE TO - RENDERED-)UNdO-NSCI.OUS. VISIT DAU4ilTER; daughterof Mr. nd Mrs - William ion DIES NEXPE TED i kin9, îles et ber borne, 624 ilelyAdemt DES U EXPE TEDL , 15trect, lu a cmtirai condition tsou _______i_ tomaîne Poisonlug due, it la hbought, 'lins. Piebe A. Davis, ageti 69 yeara ;ýto Are cream ebe aIe Suudey atlerucon. neeldent o! Nanti snt, Pa., diet!Ual. She anti e girl ftent! veulta a pic- morning at 6:10 a. ni. the hüme o! tune ecltwandut badtIe creain about ber daughtsn. Mn.s- I. L. CuIter o!f56cloci. At il oarlack ltse sanie nigbt 330 North West sîneet. Dents inan MisenJenkIns bereme veyen1i1iai hi due ta heurani dseas' and! vas qutelO o'rlack Mondai monng iSe vent ant!ten. hIeo conuins.s becomtug uneonasc. TisZe veeks ara lins. Devis ramc 005s. A physiien wt as callet! at! by ta Wauisgan tu pay ber daugister a vonwk for e roupie of boue-, IM viait. Bshe vas feelilagqut. veli visa enkIns vabraugist cul or danger, eue arnlveil. Sevenal dais ega ms but abs Asltilveny veai anti III became li anti ber condition v-ev The poison dit! Oct taira sncb a bid verse qoite repli. Bshe bai troquent offert an tise ahen girl, aitirougbAit "bat! spelsa" vIts ber beart, but for made Alan t!atbiy ick oll day iak&Y., tise ltestev dais hon condition hiat! vas bis conditIon regardai as uitiga. seerest la e ipprovet!. He droPpe et iai vwhitela vau She bat! enotiser altaci o! hoant dis- about the parlar ot bIs home la Wat- es Ibis mrnng about 4 a'ciork. Bshe seka. Ho leaves hIe beloveft t. a grev worse rapieTly util ber dents eue@on, Hbent!, misa a navmpaper- tuoik place about two banna Inter. man. Mrn. Cyrus vas past 60 yuv BasAdes ber bombant!,lira. Davis af sue. leaves tvaolisher daugisters, vbo ne- aide An lie East. Tise novseto! lra, Davis' deetis bas een vired ta lis . BA RS O oIson momiors of tise failli. MAPEUPACTURRoi Tise r>ma ara te ha ebîippedti 10:ea d iant North Eaut next liandgy morulur. Tise fanerai serviras vîll taie place la ber M o me s homoe etty. DES ÀA'1IOF8t IN FU TIU PASEDENÀ, AL. fEs FIT Holley Clarke. granion cf Mm, )Nbges P. I GemRie RuaiLyon, dieti et hl& beau. Tire pj.ilg of IboJs @un la P aae n . C a .,et a la eI & Mhur alt - it@; = ]à on the illinratu day ag mroon. A talevgi nioilt I bol>t umue i t W q W&ui.gsurelatives ocfbu doiea » v &hg"ivà"0v le ptir waits - r.ceivei beo. Sundat!e R istaBn.esiai by' IbIs ppasVUbIW ,Ubs biaeue et tue bous of bAsial oui«-. vot-it!nov. ef interamaMd deati wvon.tour of AMr. Clark$'m Wat-. iportguse. kagmas relatives. Thse lsu the Tb@ Uteessege taing of Ee,upssst and Miary Hutchiné ada!&one ta Ci- crier t10 he i.Uaota M WW tornia ta sPeat! the vAnter and buta ncl aýt W*sitlton Mnj s tev veuek&go.andeu!lirs. Cbiftedateansd lima of 10.&qo c'ahos, k a. Lyoen leift Wankegan for Caifotnul aaI 10* tbêer. The. OrU Ib« vbero tirey nloiaet e speai lhe 'leva o! lia Important action, am nemanner of tire vAnter, sund Ibma thaY bulletin vas popted aarrrua , ver. et thea bedolde Of Air. Carke. fart. DOSsei fperroas. d tisulb Funeral services vere haIt! et 3 raId, stappet! te vead te la " . oclork Ibis aternoon An Pesmt!aaa but Tise fart Is tisaI«rue Sun. ba~e~ tise bodyytvill ho broughl te Wsxke- aed prsctlraliy as qui@k»r as rau for huril. Itl asnut inova vrd"enY fl o is.ou the' board@ of 11e Mg tisa nemala vil arrivreAlatiAs edl. - Chicego taIlle.. _Mr li.Claks levue-a vite a.ose ealla ishe Amporam U M 4Wti. ehut! andi s brother, Caryle arkane, a telcpment at Washington, Tb&a". strident et Wîsonsîn University i etAmdatelî ater gettlng uha wM Madison. tock lie trouble la cmii up kAM et Ha lay(irku' atieuded the' Watt- enY cf the rity'm langeotimdumeà kegan Rchools andi bas Mani fniende Institutions ant inluormedti Iliumà» bene ta wbotn tise neya of hA% deeth fart. lu ne came bai enybauty » là. viii corne as a v-cal sitock. He vas formetI, iteent of tise big neye. WM takeir crltically l11 about four weeks one accord tb.y vers muehisuspabj ega af kîdasi trouble at!dvien lin. and tiPrusAlceari athe mti*m qdo eut! lins.Lyon reacheti Pasadena/heY vetopmnent.* wired MWaukegen relatives liaI Air. Wltbouî exception, tho m I J& a Ciarke's condlition wvemrnegrdet as formet! a! he grave.situation tbthua cnItical. Tht SnfoimpatingtliAs b a M ra. George Reed Lyon andi Mirs. Aon to Ihem-ut. i oent long 1aaw. i Georre Wheler re se 'nxthew - The S un&row --af- roua za

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