SHOW, MUCII ENTHUSIASM. th t te P$emntthe The meinberskip csuuib~d Ct Chamber of comnri"1in'idId lu abeysnce fMr a tr e*S uIMloff thet treet rsaY fraftOhismk ater touhd be pr oer1' ait iw *ver, I i ý' tai o5*l4c oc smi oroi3eiI55mefo alma tue «WJelule The aans fr foheeauvitm 4 cimoreffectivi «« b. th Cai1cm maes Swngte Z uaé11 am csvi = =ic ire e fàh» Re* eticU.6 lan sr. The us , tufe tuam'cihv fr tiotn ,bg jg aud St i hmothPir tv9àtatis con moeffe ltIvers a m fa tea 'Là1.0 ~ ymr. ica s7et seof'r.adw vlbaolibec *icr ie f aitn Thé committb ina a hach'aI live- vtiqa'and hàu tiready hi#çta stfui omefitul My be Pto bc doind tirouth thcenr.t- tees'dan. The mctrotsi sd44e am tD ov oohspIhin'*'mu smteqaf4ecc Ui.V* ba " i ob o mr commuaIS. Ne Çadm q~l Msie tatoee * Sb* comcltte.'ee hsatthc me "1Wl ai tié, la at4\ 5, s Thce ý«ng L~iVÂihr A oi drea -iei è"0,id an. yal show £a te Aaditqn* humTae day pvambhg short memriai service ,tu hosr ot Licoin T"Omay umarntng. The Centrai s*bhooli i Da81I4 an enteç,nmboi er oute etein JF*ot Vt5ime51 r t Wa ou' miss Wýard at Lie sight §chou! Tues day eveslng. TÉse WM o4h loel bond l. .51 ad te, continue tie lgit *ch" l ilaU April' 1i. The attbndanco et the seicai bàs becs vos-y goa tuls Win ter. Martin Vauncha bas a positon In Racine. Thse Presbiytes-ian Soetty"i iu' li uiug the redecaratian aI thi" this sprlng. Wark viil e esoa aBoan. Mo$ Mary Galager lu on tbc uiol A reecuu inqigttiùjt'Io e-nUs slsede nom OPrltclIçS491(1 question ,f Wiut rthe lso living roonis sol Un 0 reeat M buoeqrc* lilt ley trt reietlsg q a atg - CntBIn, rase, yelo*. bine an Es-ou. , - tié vIs tbhanthce sisf ,t ais. Id 1- ý>4ftcg Ôý* 5.A ' vluth ori& Me lalî u~the à, t re" oor Umte W& SOlv To' au l hovie e o welkuowu Beres satar.w@Me vi . an .a*tomobie- g.ett~ qUala aceompauled bv a celdeif chec* for 685M- .Mçthr-ih-ta* 'f Urs. Vic Roo*bok, Fomerlry of Wau- kegan, Gives _fiIBons. 19S LAIâGEST SUÉSCRIPTION. 1Itue las'ge§t persona] subseription to tie Titlzh ar loan, It develOP-1 c kkNOX~~1.. t. originate&. Novel Plan. INVITATION OAS*HINGLE. Thés .RpIîO~eStUngles Rea ~b Iiyi946-is a ad lute rom thé"Sulent Smith" for- Very Cee tunt. tune. A disisatch frais London, England on.eof the aicat novel MieLiOd9-Of slav tit a E~iismanwit <~notifyig membOr4 oS a tUOftig YM siderabie knowledge of finance cam- 1r &xae y.a M ri.jcii chosen secreta.ry of tic PrOgS M, bii mnncaLes the folioins: North (chie 1go'fl i te-vire civk. rpný- -nT i $1,W0subacrlption made 1sation.vison lie Msiied out shingIO3 b- Sir GereCooper, Bat., of Hu-1 bajztis cr'iption., aloi Park, Wincheter. mentioned ln, ..Thisl ot & sspe-u.eîiçr la, I "tisaa ilvaàera la the largest lier!1 intended te patch alaky' 0î% Wr: sal5scriOtlostathe. Wl arn. 1 for 'paddllng' an unruiy YOUngh1-r. ýp@it0noflC carne tram the f»rtue'for kndiingaood, nos- a wbhit4llng beft~~~~~~~~ bySln mt.o akgn ticW for the corner grocery *crackcs- Evanus=l an& Chicago. Tiie mont-y box poiiician'.- vas ift' ta Lady Cooper or rather - But, it lm a jeminder. Sial tbeM i L ady Sisth. by Silent 9mith. She wjîî Ie a meetiag. 9MLthe Progrfse Ciuti' inh>rlted. about $40,000 tram George t the clubrorc on Tliursday eve-i Sistis. Lady Cooper is a sister ofing, Pebruary liitb, et wbiis ÙUnetb* Vi loosback'o wife, and Vic ROOs- new offices-s viiimieOfjii jbsýk fori yars wve anc aWukegaa'pointments and tran.Saçt otber, gi. t knaÏwn residèeces. Inasmuci & nes. Has iL een a y9a, iflOe.-ffl C ho tèrved Witukegàu a- an alderman jended a meeting? Coie over 14d get bofore ho taok ire residence lnEvni acquainted! Yours fot«ite clb. tas viiere h. vas elecWtedLaf iliithe,- ŽM. RWi, Lcreter. £5111 OfftCe. .i "L. B. JOLlEY Proeiot. . .- Ga" Se mith viii ho remeniberedi Mr. Grags.gays ]le did i lsiita 4 ic tic principal ovner of the Chi-1 away fotrh ii hgcoot of printis; nago, Si Paul & Milwaukee raiiroad.. îs"er, but many are inclined tobW- Ho vas a Briton vhosC noLes at the 1ev it va, merely a soyoi Pftecj M tlU5 f 0f tilvii var- venuas gaodicaling members' attention ta the MecO- a ntsa.0 th.eibauk of Eugand. Many îng ani thini tisat b. attaised is Pur- 'rq 4iatilt prescrved as curiosities. Cen.1,pose. IBn4lth neyer îfarrled. Arter a00Qulr-' 1 n~ ansormouâ fortune hef flved Temig theaTail...- the. lait twor«,tires years ofais is fel -riit viii bp' ,mid a.l.êl id~ 1àndon. whA . e peot oniy about tint4er ilisgi~~o.Wl-s~ EL2 SitS a week. now, aad you n@goIt bothx,4o e c% Ismth"'lte n. ll marie - recommenatlon." "Fali 1" rei. "ilitt SmIh" hLe inlite ars-e .girl. *"01lbns no n inintion o' givs Mns. Stewart of New York. IL vas ~-~romn~o.o' a i 1,ai.m hlmtt Lady Cooper Inherited, îruth about yù. to ivery girl LiaI axes 'a ~ ~ ~ n. lag Tii-BItA. A~JI~IC OklNvBa voica tic ~,The.- eot.Dsoey Whlen tie biduam ar eab ordlsoaed, those aui.- trs do ual cle»» s hoblood .sfcientiy, sud tic poisons pecasled tb anl parts aithe y. There folaw dopres' aion. aches sud paius, heani ses., drovaInesa, irrltability, aces, chillines'sd* iheumaàtimni cae peupie there are sharp painé ta t4e back snd loins. dstressins blaS- Jer iisrdens and sometimes abstInate dro#sy. The unle acid sametimse igonus SIno gravel or klducy atones. Wisea hbe asic acid affectp tic muscle.s ad it causes lumbago, rheornatism, gout sa -tics.'. Til la the tîne to try '«Anurie," Use ccvisovery of Dr. Plerce for kidney trouble, an ipains lnn baci and &ail ove sdyl Write »Di. -ercçe, @enud 10e for s large trIgI package-tItI wiii prove So yeu that "stnuric" tu 37 tii..' more ptent thdu 'lthia sand eliminates 'the ric acfd frein the ystein as bot water ineits sugar-'or asic your drugtist now ferass fifty-ctunt box of "Anuric." Folk l n towo sud adJoiulng countiei cyhave obtained by uigt 'lAupa o.'i'Ie nov crq wosead ci th: Imal ' U84% :. IC rqrItszof the merltofii UZacoi . iè rôlti ption" snd f aie satane., that of Mr. HE m.s W« troubled vith m19 l. rpuithe alfit bad a loaS on -Li i tr tahar for Cu biItiSied., Tihe XQUlt olnU a-â*Iod oeetel 11W. deatoe ani ask for 'Anurle, 60 conta. Orseii LAW. Madison, WIs., leb 14.-Mar)',vilie n the. sdateM erevoling agSinht the commission tarin 0f ô LqrlmttIt and one of Lth 4 'Wh eenpro- polied to thi.Ii1ii o15a mteas;re vhich o rvy ckio Cflni8sioI form o gvrlmniairp'ôvdes for a returo tô the d %mi)oflCounfwli pte.IL lg atathe eiel*ivt-rep- refteltatives of smre oç'ie Chies un- der comissioncoant a. t thie lime are favorable ta f$bu i"POàlbill. I t is eaid t*ctii*540u com- mýissIon go(rd*tept from Osikoeh. Eau Claire, Cn sV0rg lÏthz of the larger cities lo*tbq gtt and repre- sentatives oý tbe kio"Iiibe In Madison ta i tt ~retoatiOn f fcom. môn councla, l t tsorne of the logiui1ators fr011 tee ttis otay ap pear In favjO~ t *IteZcpWbill f)r un expluM ,j4iopFtliip b . Iliy of raifi na rIs -f tliep A limited p ber of black woif muifs for cdear- anîe., Fotn=rJy pie4', %t $.98. Lateat 2.9 shape; 10w ..... lue .~'4 ~* ats r 5.0 .ýT1,ê <' i th areê-rtrd IW l euth ud s r ýxôdels de- igned<of plain Mnoetyna teriais. Thî' suits arç of poplins, gabardines and mixtures. f f wîth cloth i8;ai'kid with pateit tips; siol 8; $1.25 values; p Spair . . . .. 'iiial ,ClearEç AI Coat..S~is Dr&e9 00 & Of now t&ý.aifn Purce Rmtïôo1g of the îeason' Coats ah Suits values toé 18.56 A. good u-,"rtitient of nobby 'M alerna I' aie liiixtlie.(s, velours, hvýoadvlnths. vicuiias anîd 'eI- vets; aill o>i. A sale that is looked forward to by scores of, Waukegan women beeause of the marvel- ous reductions. Coats and Suits values' <Ô $2ýZ19 A great variety of ditinctive r es, ebrace bodlts e lorvelvets and mixtures. Val- ie o$22.50. 1fè Final Reductiônùs On Children's Coats t* Groups - 2 to 6 years nd$3.69 valuýto $3.98-values to $4.98 AÀ clearaniee of svvelal dozeil littie gi"s' winteir coats. ('lever ijodels of velours. plIiihm, lirtiadebuthls ami mîixtures, in al c)loro"; two loes at i~.Sad $3.9. :Dresses tht sold to 18e50 at This assOîtiiuent pl'ovides a splendid vaî'iety of sty>ih dress- es to choose from. Made froîiî Spopular silk, and ýwool xmaterials4. ioWiusly 'sold to $18,50, now Mu slinweair values .to 1.00 69c, A4 large, attractive assortiîient tir inus'liNveai', heautifully made And elegantlv trimmed. -Q-owns -Petticoatsý -Combinations -Corset covers -Dr&~wers - 'T.t'd~, - Two Groups - l to 14 ye4m, $4.98 and$ values to $5.98 -values tp $8.95 ASplîIedid variety of 'smart wiintr coats for grow'ing girls. Made of wool plush'les, ve]lur's, mixtures, eheviots and velvets; fur tr-iiîwn4l; two lots at $4J98 and $6.98. Boivia,.Côat values 0 t e at $22.50 StuIiîimg wkte ats uf higli- grade bolivia eloth; fuit length with beautiful flanc; higli collar; elegatly tanied; Colts tllàt soldg Yp b M5~.00; sale price