1 wM ibe ready to receve *mm. for the tolwu cf Ub- ustyv&fl.at my ofiée h- n Monday. Feb. 19, immd until March 10. 1.W FLAGG, Coiector Winter wilI paso «sad' .sprng wil corne and plans of irnprovepment Wi b. gîven effecLt *They 'ought of course to include ou-mng Your. House.for ~g~t Thb.e apenasof the op.. maato-fixturoe inclue- .d-is umagy* junal-iti .ftémiin fact wotks out lmi than $2 a nionth, for we spread- the cost1 aveu two years FuU detels «u reust PublicService C S" i lna hike bot Wtiate see y«m noor ryou'illbave 10 stand Ici ~fIb<rtpFIIe k IfYo Kow o!Nomaof TsobIgSumber 1.. Wm. nlan aOt Barrinigion. vos a visiter br. Mondai. Mrs. Ailes Thomcnof i(raYleke, waee a visior boe Tuesiay. Dr. M 9. 11ulIem- o! Chirago, vas e gusetlet tbe C. H. Kaiser home Sunday. Earl Kaiser, 'ho bai bleeu quit. ili wlth pneumonie ule omewhet hnproved.a A nuaihar o!floal people attpnded the0 Ceaient Show held lu Chicago tihe Pest veet.t Mr. ani )ms. E. Lavrence returne gunetsy train e fe'c iausi.elclt au 0,en Bay. Wl.. N. 1. Wvaters oi Sheridan, Ill., &pontF sunisi sit hbig act, lrs. C. M. Faller aid famlly. . Oscar Kaiser of Taylorville. lit., @peutc suadaî ,vistlng bis parents Mr andt Mrs. C B. Kaiser.j Mdise (Cars Taylor ai Antioci spontim Saturday horse euh ber usteer, Mrs. Jas.( Baye@ aud tamily.1 Dr. E. A. Cranc vent lu St. Louis, lUn.,0 lait l'ridey 10 attend a a ou>uion of tb. Hamilton Club.1 Mn. and lire Rob% Scott lat Wednai- day for Loi Angeles. Cal, 'ciera theî viii ipeni about lirea munths. Chas. Laycoek had ishi igt eye la- lurai let Fmidey 'chen a pi-ce t.f steel ct tie bell nt i t eye hili aut vort lu te WaiLaycoct Co. bMachine Wom-tc. B@ was unable taom-t auaevoait. Watch this paper for SJ. Deinlein advertise- ment We solicit your patronage and'6ssure to you a fair and square deal. A trial -ois ail we ask. YourProperty May fturnTonight. Have you enough Insurance ta, covet the lats-ltes too late after the. ffire. Se. CHAS. D. PROCTOR Agent for the aid reliable New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company. 235 satisf ied 1policy holders in tcwn of Libertyvile Office over Decker's Drug Store. R FAIRtIOLM GARDENS HC. BSURRIOQE & SON Ph... 10-R--cans.hiee. yed Red-Ubestf'lD Table Ferns, Boston Pnimroses Bc i Ferus ýegonias Cambc seed~at the Chicago and North ,$hcre allay ttion e , i SMonday igitl MarchaI Limberm-î re- a»king hlm tw notity on. Louis Van Leur,u 'cit le euppoeed ta bave beau rothai liy Chicago samBan. that lite voman ted beau apprsernded. Tbie vs tbe But wuv taI a Libertyville man bâti heend ildup lu taitcly. Tha man gave bis veldeace as LIhertyvIlle. but thte Marsbal wons muble te locle*anyone ber.hibt Tige Salanda Vonda Girls bad a vemy mmceeilparIaent lait Tbuvsda nlgitt a6d ebe a vry flue profm 01 aimnslc Asi roodlngs. Titers e onradings hy Gco. %. Poieti, superinlenideul aifte M 9 Sundai setool, Mms LuleMattocis, Musc Bi»eie Scitanetand Miss (ladîs Ruer, s piano duet hi Mises Uselline Zook sud Mm-s Nelie Hallon, a piao smletions by %1« Eveya Triggs, vocal solo, hy isesE-ca William@s, accompanled hi Miss Rub WlIIaMsB.. Ov'-r niuty couples attended the ma.qncradegi-cen by the Acmp Camp M. W A let Friday evening lu the Audi- itomium. The music vas fumnlshcd bu' mamol,'s Orchestre. Tiiera ver. e ni heantitul amsttmei voru andthIe tit of prlse.vlnners le ai folove: Pi»s Waltz. Mm. A. Kmuckman and Wm Barbour; het dreseýed lady, Ume 550sLang- wortby; hat dreaset i n. Fred Jacots; most cornte lady, Mms. Mabel Brava; Most comtc Ma»i. Henry »Dyse. The Frolles of 1917's vaudeville show >gIven hy local talant tor- tii benettai 4t LawreuS'à ciurcb Sat te Auditorium Weduesd resa farg uIence. awd tb. se wbita@peut trmea ours lltenlng tao ibe yery lntcrsctlng progfrasm ers grealy, pleais sit eh tnumber Tii. grand file as un ne of!thebg bite" of lb. eveing It caew'hen tb. spot lmgbit Was§ltroW ou the i.bg American fiez w'ththtie orchetra htîlng up titi ,,Btar.lpangled Saiuner." Thte ehuw il ha gicen egain tongli sud Itlal bei.ved the eudlnce 'ill hamatie ag 'cititas maauîpeople ai vilmieeeti the pay la.%t nlght Soume o!fte Liberty ville tfamilles ted s bardtne.if utl met tnudeai dMoîudey getticng m..ir mpamie cootea propa rly on Càaurroh cJervicesi fadai ebool et 10O'clock. Nu eu udi srvices 'ciii h held bath mornngand eveulug ai nsuel: At 11 oclock Ruv. T. M. Resivili precit on the subjet: Vunr Spiritual liant Nte." Iu lb. evculng et 7:80 the subject of the semon vîli b.: 'Wbaî God Welgitc la the Balances" At lb. evelng service ter viiib. ope", l aICielivthe choir wud M"s Addle Mdiie! will i ei a solo. A cordial Invitaion la extended to aIl. ,,The Marke of a Ciltlîtn' willl hathe @utiect b.Ep'corth 1-agne meeting nl Sonday evening et 6:45. Leader, J. R. aybtt. Ail are eortiiillv invite te1 attend. viii boàd a àbII s8"au stWalrond'a 001o essoalra" atwoou. Fe. 17. 9 .nmberaf, peole trom Llhertyville Mad viciuis, verntutaLake Zur'ich lait -aturdal t vituesidih nee rres, on lb. lake. Harry ielier leit this morniug for 8prlngU]sd, ln Senator R. B. Switle auto- mobile, vhlch ha viileave b 'tbat edry sudi relumornoe via train, Miss Clara Roelug o! Volo, bas eccept- .4 à punition as bookiteeper anui clerk ln th. B. J. Delulein groceri. Mise tosun la a eleter of Mrs. Deiein. Tii. meeting oft h. Womn'a ne Cm li i ha belliat the reidence of Mr@.. Klrby Tburedaî aflervoon. Feb 22, Metubers sud finonde are cordially invited. 1 Ladd & MéCurdyioeld quite a nuniLer of homse« aitht' auction cale hm'd utthîe Ladd Livery hera Mouday aileriitti}. A carl,,ad of bures remainlnir une'tld 'cere shippeti to itMaoa, 111 un Fr!diy to be sold there next Mon4aity ait rn auction sale. The Sinday echool Birtbday IParty whlcb wem. helt iut Monday m.Vening of thie waek. Lincolin Bimthday, vas largl17 aî&ended sudithe. splendid pro. grm vbhleb as given vas .ntoyed by Re akebmente were shved- 10 ail Tb@ fanerai services of the lâte Rd- vard J. Mado1. ver. lield u et h ome of R. W. Lyoad liset Sunday eltem-aoon, tb. service* belug condeçtai hy RLv. C. A. Montanus. Mm-e. Edna Mefloneid sag. Tb@ Modemi Woodrnan took cbargi o! the eryleeàs t the grave, the remains babDa laid at reet ln the Lake- ide.cemnuiery. 1Titis cuming Retum-dey the ofitcerm oi th« Lake Connip Fera Ilmprovemet AesoCietion ailbave vitb l,,em ut a meeting in Llb.rityville. W. C. Watklite. wbo bas been recommanded ly titi Uni- v..m-sÎlvcomumitte asi baba manthe vb.,mn Lake county shutuld sedmîre fur conuy @(Alatvipor. The' question of embplmyinglIdr. Watkine 'cli tictaken up ut tbis meeting. This matter has been uoder consideration for a lont bme. 'cas calldt ai attend ln. WÂS DEPUT SUIMF UP TeOlluE.OF DEATII Blum e lb Inral o!f mth itJon Lim- berry wcbich vas beiilasstTharesaîtrou St Jouepb'schurnt, lIista bd that Mm- Uaihery 'cas a daput, sherMi up ta tie time of bis deeth sud chat b. va. bii. 'cai com mieeiotem- for $wonlty yeam-s or more. RHavas çm- n .tit ownuship 53 yeae-e go and alcaV5*tvado&& tht. bis homa, Ra vas a lModern Wôomdie, a EMmal N.-gbbor and a aieroam f the Calliolie Ordtr of Foreelre, aiea, a mpm. bem- ut the Literty villeCo)mmeial tIul, He 'cas a member of lb. 89, Joaeph's Caîhmliec cureim. BeeIdes. ilsbrothpr, MrchiE E ,Lirnerm-y, he lee-ee tam. eur,, lre tM-ry Jane Joses of Dc- scomunt ai th.e @ut domen 0athtecRas Plaine.. abere lie peal a'csay,esud Ire s.rve. 'hicit 'cas c.ed ubv a break la Nellie Joues ý)t Park Ritig. thougacimpany'pat. Nevani voru ontomimaove 'eaili-uuit mbus amti F. L Holeh, taecher of Pitîebnlogy lu some frm-dllltir oaste over te bt ons.aethe Austiu Eig . echool, Chîcagro, val lu inrvaces s"d a4 Iheir tes sud aiffebmuée o-carthie week-enad, golatg lacktot pu taon lhe reuloti re. lu0tib s- 's'tmanîChicano TuestiaY mmîmnug,aimte Chie-. of them sot slong t airly Weili untîl thegosec(itosbai e holiday ,Mmndeî. lu aerice vas renesa Brnofailte local beîug Limcol'a lirlmi.ai. Mr Holm. -et,.rPê dpeandiir entiraly upon ztha gai ciawtiti,'pi.iiton ouai siz 'ciî,.î at ltghlu bai tbair edoive ieaiPo"'t% benu oSfeaihm 'chile b. 'cas iritmlpai iquippai 'dt al.cltrjc Iihtte ina rder 0o!dm s ibhrsy ville setool unuil e.'ut be able to emp tbm.tr@bonsopetatnigit.tire.se eafr. Mr. and Mes H..Icit Msrahai Llnbery baseeosved a IttlO5bave sturai udpr turultei r tarand Mrs tramt Ite Chia!outPolies ot Bauttord, no" tanti ttile con tav. gone tIci Mchil eeicg ttm ta b. an the loateut for ouieg«« ta mate a vieit i 'liiOdrsaBolchoe B*rri <'atu.Wo'citadmppmbmdeifroua pabrents. hie borne la lta, ulfty sun Mondai nîgiti, P'.begary 5,1917. Depmripai: Ar 97 Notice af Speciassolaement y-arlitgh d ~Ii.ISh 16"poni., Pulice otic a l tbombgi-cen thuailie halls frdeer, . axg.dadt ebesin*t boi, gay t çliieiy . .eieiiIntluiu mSpes tse. 'cffrbtg' nolee*6Wi. umbuOfl tb No. 8 Villageof, Lowtvvtlle le 'cocus ble eq ix emaft h m> fiai»wos n.td payable ab te.hp of cite DtOWU05.~ Rha.liai on iIIy011 Ly Morris, Village Clleclon., cd o..a tia o lng *0 orov MWuy MI * ý9WMÏ"* buabdé IitMnt 8 al Iane Afni 8Ikoaal' lent. à ti fr C4 t 0v Choir rabeareelii ilu bld on Satur day avsulag of tbis@'c.ek et 7.30. There tili b haflsple ork\at îlutsrehearwmI. Ail memb.re urad taatteur,,l Prayer meetings are i11,1- wti n Wadnesday evaningse t -.::0 andtheti Epeortit League Bible Stu'l clam, ciii aý hell followlng praier inet ing a% :30. Presbylerian. Chair practice on Salurlayt-venlng at 7:80 p. ai. suitdwyoerviee--saiiay sebool 10e.a. AproçisaofaiPatriotte and Tauiper&nce reciations and songs vili be gxiven hi th suniéy sciool clasin ltb ththe amtiIo10obr hg h ie violeacshool. MernUOg »"111Iel a M. SpeCIel muic bi coir. Temperance sermon hi pailor. Chrictian Mudeavor meeting et 6:45. Popitiar svetiag meeting 7.30. Gooti inglng of aid Uiespe0«l onge. Speciel nuée hi 9gb school orchêmtre. Solo by JO*. Waugh. Second sermoa nuthe'tfi t chapler ln the bibIe, "Darwinu or the tirml niaptor of Geuiasis. which7" W. are alwaye glad to cee tur triaýdeq il Dur echct ervices tir niaI, friende of strangars vhom we weicome mosi iertily. Mid week Pruygr MeetIng Wetine8day evealug ai 7:30. Carl A. Monitaus, .Pestor. Si. Lawrence Episcopil. 11ev. E. 8. White, Prialil'-cierge 9ervlvi ii ha itêldinluthe Village Hall nntil Inviber noticeP. B017 communion except firel Punday in montit 7-80 a. m. Boly Comminb.ot, sand 3rd Bon. deysl11-00a M. MdotnIng Pryem-olb.vlundays 11 a.m. Churcit Seci l9-45 a. ai. FWK KUIwC RASO Frant Kennedy. 'ch lea'utit te ItM Mentlor opa* ai Uhsrvvilie bat tibre. rite hoben Wealneeday aftermot,, about tbre. o'elue. wvit he car wtaiel havwas drivlqg stidded on su ici etretcl o1 rond, the e-ar ocng Lurtle eut troweinst hum loto tb. ditch Mr. Kennedy hed nsut cro*oad th. tractsn of tlice FJ. & E reilroati on Mil ve'utee avenue nîuc wL'. '!rfning dow; the bill utrer iie ha îutlcýd l'bc m-ti vas i-overed wlî tiel and appimd thi braites, but tic car skiddpd iu epite ( the prm-cautiuus teipn. Tbe auto. 1 turntmg ovtr mev bila loto the ditebh Nelihbors belephono.d 10 the yon mtàn'e, home andi hie brothar vas sou on the scane oft he accdent wlth anoti, Corne in~ and jet a TUUISSATND FuSÂTY Neit Thureda, sud Prlday nidbte et t.e Lubeatyville Auditorium the 'The Deeelrlck Skule" of 75 reaseago viii ha Sivea et tite Auditorium sud ;udglng fm-um the Intereet maniteet haelthe big hall 'ciii bouée a very large audience huth nlgbls. An i cl b. sen front the ceci of chasracters corne o! tha "village cnt-up." viii be on band Io entertain the vail crowdsand every one a lptromisei tbeirmaopcî'svorth. Woodrov Wilson, "ilillie" Byran. Charlis Cbaplin,.ITedy" Roosevell. Emmaline Panibret, and other-3, 'ciii harepreeteti by local peokie Wcho happ'en lu "lit' jnetsulm persionagei. T'ho ëk nlmie.ii > remi tfront atart te 'uluwltmgIn the (lut,fut liara, tmre: Ebt.ncz.r l'rani -~ i,-niaser-lBen Mliller. V.ofidrow Wiuleui- Wîliaw tPt Miller. Abraham lsaes-Cbarlem E Mion. Sembo 8nowbl-IL~tarleso0. Dixi. Chant" ,Chaplln-imail,îre Coldenheriz Millet>' Flyiin-Carrohiiridley Willie Br.van-l)r. Frcriertick Martn. John Bull-Paul Rtay. Tlmothy Trucit-Jultue Treptuw. T¶addy Boeevelt-Dr. J. L.. Taylor. fiotileitHornenaggle-Theodore Swan Dicky Bobsan-DoWayne Young. Honcîsucile Twlns, Firet Pair- Nehuchadnezer-Walter Lytie; Jerpmiah 0.0. Foflet. RemuaI Small-Paui Morri. Etekiel Jedediad EHoneysuckle-Tom Kern. Emmeline Paukhuret-Ernma Trlpp. Prudence Aun Plunkett-Mat'ie DuBoiâ Sally Smuly-A lit" Victoria Cola. Patience Peterkin-Fauiy. Lighlbc.dy. Ttvmpt.rancep arteotrn-DaiAy Mure, Cerrie Cat t-A uguqta livette Barman Anastaia Cloriiîdii HOlleuzolier-Ella Ring lugraim. l'eggy O'Flyni, llittiHaberizurn. D)rusill VuAsturbmlt-.a ith Ctimlliun- lIaù May Lytie. Honayenckle Twin... Second Pair- Rannai Maria-Mary iteught; Anna dophia-Evea William. Mm-e Arabella FRooyouckle-Martba Proline. guile Uoueyouckla-Mery Juot. litaI Comm.u-Jonatbau Pettlhoue-W. E. Davin; Pimander Honevsucile-Wai. GeBlinge; }Henry Rockensock-*eorge Cooper. Cerd of Appréciation To a&l Irieude aud relatives 'citaen vlllng bave given us clutbiug and b.d. ding or balped luin YvaY ve cant l &tiknt tem .&IL and.we eau not expree our gratitude and boy rnuch 'ce ail Reappreciate thieegite vlth tîinest 6ô tianits in lre. Amelis Msadol.eand Cildren. tb The Lyon Brotters. CARO OF TI'ANK8. f Ves, GIRLS or WOMENI BOYS or MEN _çn on 1,1 The pion la this: Corne in and get à "Chtl.trno Banklng Club" bock FkZ~E. It costs; nothing ta Jou. Deposit 5 or 10 cen ts or 1 or 2 cents for the first weok. '- Then Increase your deposît the some amount mach, week.* in 50 weeks; I-cent club pays $ 1275 2-cent club pays S 25.50 5-cent club pays $ 63.75 10-cent club pays. $127.50 You con put in 51.00 or $2.00 or, $5.00 eachi wmek and ln 50 weeks have $50 or $100 or $250. We add 3 per cent Interest. You con start TODAV--STARTI Capital and Surplus 550.000.00 Ha.ndled A s. ........... Double Bit Axes ...... Splltting Mania........... 'm 80 gai. Caidron Kette ........ 4 Ainerican Washing Machine@s... 3.00 Large Enterprise Food Choppero. $IAO Asbestos Sad Iron Set.... $1. 50 Gusd Jar Coffeti Mii1s........ . Copper Fount Cold Blast Lantern.$1.00 Copper Fotint No. 1 Lantern..... 75c Hand Corn Sheilers .......48e Spear Point IJay Knlves ....... u. L imith, 7191 Carmel &ve5nus.5]t.5 5 YY Fi"a Ci. la hh* Y10934 ýmaa. CO M PA N vu"i to the recrulttng station onCO P N Wasltngton street Wedunday for ad u mrva.. jjR»z mission to the. aviation corps of lhe Govsrnment Meisapplication bau been forvardId 10tii. eputborltus st N'orthi eChicago station and tbey viii thi lnean Ifom im ate b t nSIndependent Cla"sied Ad. Pay. AMk UN s. 0 er or flot b. con go tbrougb the for- naities of a regular enllstment. -- -- -------------------------------- . . m ss --------- In spite of high prices on à,il, unes of Me chandise, we have been able to Secre some -, bargains and here liet a few, which we offer As&v special thisweek. Marquisette Curtain Material in creani, 36-t. wide, 25c value at.. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .18 Marquise ýe Curtain Gooda, 40-n. wide, in cream or 3> Arabian, Speciai..at............................30 Cingham Underukirte, severai neat stripes in serice- q. abe Gingbam, we off or theme et ................. Lot of fine Satin Skirta in blacki and colm , mrn tl brocaded patteras, these are raue values at ........ IV-m THESE ARE BUT SANWM O F THE MA"T UQty SA&V ING OFFERINGS YOU WILL imle l?(QESxI W. W. CARROLL& SONS, P--------8 We deelra to express Our heartitl thankst 10&il iud relatives amui friende wiho ammitetinlutih urlio! ou rhubenti and fater, eloo Rau'. Nontanue, Odre E P liclionalti, . B ElzerJulimTem-pto'c ani the Modern Wuudinetà of Amoric5 fom- ticir services anti ieautifuli m-el pie".. Mm-s. Amlia Madole and Childran. The Lyun ltmothere.. The choir o!thie Presbyteriau churci wiiI hou ea candi sale at Corltt & Fedemic's sMore Ralurdai aiternoon Pcb. i7tit and a Bakery cale ths !ollow- lug Salurdai. 7c1 Let uls do yOllr, o Iiig li w Girls arnd w«7>-.ý cai jotax ottr Xuuas 3ankinw$ Club Corne in-, ôsk about il id 1