Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Feb 1917, p. 1

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YV 1. LAKE COUNTY IMDEPENDENT INLEPENDENT Lake Coun -. Big Weekly GltoehdeW"lio WeeklisluCon"yC«MbI" WAUKEL4N WEEKLY SUN TW LV"-PAGE8 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILUNOTS, TEIIRSDÂY, PEBRIL&RY 22, 1917. SI NON LA IE IN NT JOPA S U FM 0VIM is~~~ NEW SUBUARINE ORVIC.EK NIIN OLÀPYSU gy LS la . ~Simton Lake cf the Lk opd lIV CO~ Boat Company of which Fred Brow A(WNS THEARM~iinye i~uae sa fie, 14 IN M OUS 141 elé byba i ated e wh ce te lie ute FAItIMf~T.A~ b paritathe te'STRN~SPERURYSUIT; CASE DROPSne B Tdiscberge a torpedo et a 811iP from ______ uW.eE.rter ctttli0 Fifth Trial About to Start in prés, entof ethe siiiiiiatefr cat Pte ogesh AtreyfrMcHenry County When Vol E. at3.YtI & opoit 1S1tâ1 ' ose eta a sip lietore aît i Liquor Ibn, Says Thisn l- Ét Goo $à1ar.y cou dincharge a torpédo. lTe lovenj1 Step WiII Be Taken.i iva Makes Settlement. thi on mlé ebmies e m o are __1__ f5 ilEX -TIN, SH NE HE WILL ACT IN MARCH. LIBELED ATTY. IN PULPIT ~Au ITgo1nMarh lst AN A N ~ -aloen Men Prepared to Go Motheisili Dignmisses the Case, li SatAvsn 478 Bef ore-Maroh Grand Jury to_______ayn AiCot-h cs alimbers etAm'ioln. FAC1S ME 0F Testify Against Sleuths. Are Voliva Paid Hlm. 01*5181counly dvtsor At a mel Af rch ta procure perjury iudltments utla enstldoto or 100 e!t the directoirsetofthe Lei -4' -ianst Fred and Harry Armtrong- FUND am RLORNA ui b oveseer e oula dt niur - couty VFinImprovemet associa- A. u an of Ari# Fouad in Chica- à . he two détectives no supplled R. -OvUp moerr Uali asr ai e ota 0f E tie hm.InLpestyf'lo, Kan.. Wcs W. Pited hlm llsendicerWmain. MeCan-ro laid lu ~ ~ bu e go and bTaksn Sack te JDaii>' wth the évidence rhichtme~- BR V Y cahjutvtam:t fo gaisife e-erpra s t Wukpl cary, Thes. H. McCann. Mise Me- A os htl tecnlsoIo as ti"' -igCire.ta tohesefendmeere*Ce-f th-! l teé chances cýe Motherslli would fnot aisrt th femr Waukègau, Feb. 1. irp oaskad ereCs;Evansten Womqn StartsBalhave dropped the action vithout get- y croe, so u.le mle eea unt Are you alloned te treat friends*ne"' a hRabortealge ae t Ning te Raies Funci to Re- bngcshlecause In the four trials,o ~rOps. soU. et; Iuboxcating lhquors. rasreveaeled ta- w-gVu,,,i If there le one iuan over anther, ¶> yÂh yJtr ogniu ~ ~ On. -t, eef-e.aZric.eel lme i Consetfor he dfendnto.Wbicb. ta his mind made lb apparenta 11ly in evidentt fmin the tact that thr- Ia01wyer t1yt- a sAuo~î aue ortedfnat.brna MAiCi.13 vear old liberty.,,l'e evenlually would moite Voliva 0 dl..or hveagee l îayhl $.until recenlly a bar ber at Ares. The. ICf rv ia heedlcîe il girl, rontd'iave a liero medal,! corne acrons. t 400 fo ite irst year, $3,000 for t- Sun& learus that an luàCtm-nt(led onif rthC. . curcir o Fsteand.Tha The a ad ouevo ow second rear and 83,M fo1r the thil -t ouacarlg~~~i on of the Appellate Court lu the i r.C - htle -f intn1TotVlv a dn anwI il itt contschaglù Ban wth heOtto Walin case substautiates my was the Cam negle hero comulisalon,!quite apparent but lb la not postîbI'ý u AU th die;Urs erf-Pr-sei 1 a d b sgand 0 11r r hé n prbe rec lalut. Yes lit ls trup tiat 1i wlllgo shit bas . refused a mýda1 tao hite flud out bow mucit le pald Moth- Ail the di the brs wegrand Juranand abbc -ersili, fer the nauglit ings >he "-id MF. Wallkiasselectien camp a é ghsIfrmatnd raiheBan procuesbtoebieMad gad uy o a girl. wbo serai ber four brother-i about hlm frombthe Zlou pulpil. t saitetinvetigtionas a s an-Ii noranta aIn. riteée ba uryidciet gis h w n ltrefo unn adahI sei fluvstzaln stehI bIî-n ~apprazed of the facittat bac mCer Rm trnvobudab, When lbtbecmme known taI th- * and genèrai réputation aioug -Aht needa a lawyer. detecilivs" Iad Mr. Jorgeaseon. 1çme.Lrt' tbirwo u case itad beeu settled eut et court. At linos cf a soU expert le contes tae Bau ras arrested ou FotythirlICourtlie li ca e teAtiv esddenly insane ou Dec. 8, shot is rite. lorney Baaubleu et Waukegan was a Lak mnial in. th@ lu g seve tur6 y' ttee ie nluhidagins. Ilra Clare *and Harry Armstroug omore tat lliey abempbed 1 tono"itar lu a borse asked ber mucl Votiva, sattled for. .'-'" Alln cc ety -as bonglit Bnck heer in Otto Wallln's treugh. then locke thie chldreu idHe ras ver>' empiatic l I e irtue oUcltl -iroflet ' Hicis jk. a.oalie. vin ari'ested Iplace of buiness outhie 6th day Of thbliouse and àsel ilon tire. .orna claration that lie ras under alisolutew Mua. Tiere itSmadie PI'OboUiiCdBain. iJene. 1916, vile as a mater or tact reece tem. On(hl te rounda bliat Promise ccl ta diseusethie case rhiab mueesa lu bis von and lie va. ail- Nearly tby enes eagobihe gran.d'Waflin. dld ual have the atuf! lu stock site ras nelat«'to lhe rescued eues ever. He cud fot lbe lressed forE p.ovei ani recommeuded eiy te fil-jury calfid many minuof Art be-until te lotitday et June. -"'ruandth foeIl vasber dut>' te riaitinformation, lu tact, attîrat ite en-i- »W lUniversity. vite are sedu oetti c usins e s 0 en iecs"raslt peit er lite. The COb""tiecommission deavered ta make belleve ho ras i ciiesiieicbls mon.>' luor exerBinlW" entlug lq court decisien, "W@Sin 110f birefusai te m&'eacdgIlv5aurldleitrtBasla hn eonsMM Igpt'ovmeat matIens. li er . *mec f et ald d v t he juron vere ual varracted I luaini murel>' u In 10*11' the. Lbertyvhie settled. Pressed, lie lter admlttedc Mr. WWdsns nID have bii hed as apnni'bn he utrIgta itw rvnbeodi lgirl'. dut>'. M.'lUciter bas Wrt- ae ofcourse mer lblited been dis- bly t Are Thede-abop rails, and ase a seuR Haie as rm.sougle doubt ltaItiheislactivest h aW,»oËs$.adpu f "Ms UC.wl... teé. adgas*t" beinatad 4115thâ grnd" tJUSWY B lu-1 bought Buck toe-utitpie à ~j.or' a'Moal h.Caa r'ot slfor trial et Wod topr&tliete ittionlle. îonear1ligmel a er*ayfor 'orna. viii bar ceulribution as a e otsoir.ekbut the Jury ras dle s bW m 884 neïabout ~l paie aog starter.dslsdii .kvO lbCti is~he ~ ~ nealDow m H ccv a celi u hi e a i utuer aogtitis lice, 1 i ' Nt-Wis prvudkcàmiaI lb. is.IIlek hn t lebauo efsi. lat stlae lcommy e u, suad he asexpressedA ttorneyPeter Jergen)WDu nid: 1 ItrsNe.-b pe wldkw httestime a eee 't-ah is p'e5l limýd h e timen> t désre ta lie alaed te tirat Privl- "'rTeédeteclIves edaim ho bhave Pur.h. plesseltab- Juin lu WU the Trib reacied. Tite sudn setlîment thum ettépoft titile em t a vers ilegs et pieadlg tomrrow. fer lie -chased ecder lu Wall's place on a use lu reardlng lic y«u« girl ccd upoese He iHenry Cotnt>'court wrni A b ltl m e ffl loter s Winproposas te, ask a )Libertyvlll tarin-I speifiai date, W. viii liaablse - an>'contributions viici Jakse tiyfoa: aeek or more. Mr. WlI..lsah««i>"ookng arouci er hW go us bail. o ho» b>' riliroaibUis ot ladici itaI' foks mîgli utcarbtdt utHlsory et Casi.. AM c o «M irf)acakfind a sufflle He ras beuleit bhorie Justice ot c ider ras shipped ho Waiile unfil à fond, I hosent t'o - afiiIllu Suit vas brougiti lu the. 4k. cmua bous. u asum Its tti thie pso. Lo armer tiis moring, macy dcallater thi.deltiv ou tulrn le fornarded tu thé lune or t>' court b>' fhflIp W. Moth.rsh. at »cd etthie r<ueit of te taWs .et-.lia>' iaugbit Il. WW n 5ls able t tess Lerua. The. idesla 5ainiglil'Zion Cilty attoney.agclnst- Wiiburc la «e . t ..dte bl188.tone>, Mlus aeW»sco=iUmd fre b shw rom lihe 5sal e ro ntMge00dOrne. lb , vill of plntingsudainenax 04t e r ose ta. k e i- " In h bi ui*mlie the.grand apt nc stock of el l bs A th..itM ritl ad hela- *: , puem Md bs X111-010116 juy wM retrn a ft cit arg in lce on theidO tJ(NINheW. BAR luS or a ani.IW Olanileg certan 1 zplemn,,» ite ese lu lie Justica court wviiilh. Cha resnadbselIl s.." utfantor sttalsents onthie 1411 cfJ &U * ciferbenaor LaieIf.irgnsn udb1cla8s ss II3qEi)sapleublm.. o~ .iipiii'aa avallgeo! i.Wa- «Oi.the .men et Ana liaugtilaluprocritng indctiments diargine , Mothii U s epr«easb>' Orvist mt~ sleellainille a oes. W1-tint 1 ras Prospérous. Tint accouctte t ivs. ith perlur>', il la «& 5I àà IM * Beulan d paffl . BYitI It» bmam vii lieaquainted ili fer te evidecce lhey gev, g ontpe antlii cvassei har. - n VBorve&'Oog .l~eicdC 1MW8 sliode and VIII leel fia.tuaec&ii ,.sai Bain. gi'eta.,itghenmii cSasI nov pendnu- Tp. Mcaie hs ,0 _»M Imm. te utoàtIafi i'ê a Auî juryi'>'lurelurciug a yerdlct lu.agaiti g Hieviii00 en. uega a nuf loD attWr i n lltlf lliOtn .0 il.matu c penîn ciig 1tig nereanauindictineut of 60 connu had,' Wbethie'r. e nc vi u lae e eah~ a opies O ofuhe»iani.bIllsversdil.- Otbeeu r.tuuced, couid asseais a flue of lies. tacts lu ils attemp eP'e3Crushed - * Autift, tiua eZa Ci'c en'ds boitr Ni116 on thei tarais. 0fan a arebear gI h c<!., I«cbytriets. niticit rened ta mohersIi coure ls svies c'. vàuu. ici 1000 ad couid sentenceBi n rn uHi iO.-___ c .m we ns c Ils avssoclat-onir mlifor 1,600 days..uey, Mcmuire, Polansai ccd Casr NWCAFEU TW ELand i s law-Darinlt'. PFelin la a te 'le icemtiotrotheici0lasbeaucaes lis net inowu, but b oh e NEaCHUFFURhI. i coxty oe tlie clnuls': 'Th r o 78iabr ub e Ivsiainw t a en"ECA4INO A asisanow. Hie d e erInthé ae~ educted by thie grand jury inlanid caught a train for Ottawa titis more-lSuit le Brought by Afliro Pu- "DCA TON FWA Oue oe beccme e member for $1. jte have beauthie mot sveeplng ever Ing. r.ergle san esaslin rcr oin as Adm'mstrator et the HOSO r 5L l bgtemnorte,-e bu-tve hae io Leasount b sspcin, ng Indldlmneuts agalcatthie Armi- Frank Jurkovao Estate. laHU. luid e . aoî c li mer 3 ohaeIaee lu La e usonsy lieu.1 m"saisf d tal ty lu pmiur luT r»» nrbt ie uoor, Il tfanunderte ilammner cf theiteons.hI aitn at» t ntI r John WBrvil vali>' Wauie. - 'Lotau ciMlon an ogt>' nd eut h.W otbecarredla tomoror, audthie indiclmets viiou le1lassad u !~mnfcue.ra i4 aed insadbsincdb Tue tbog he&eo mev total seventy-tiva. paIbl iio go 1D 0 batre te Januar>' «t lasi $0,000 damage à* talied la; prepared ta reulit aven>'movemet! t,>, ~ Ta. loaitHie tft f tgrani jury rIdit i nwla v umoSs, oirellitcOeurt bcdey. Mr. smva1la cf lie traltora and itypoerite iu Zion, ? 'm et @mni ueaus Y Ig nlu 1bopetobe r> bld l u .mlnit it h.en#,renponl-'iy vil . ielpaut .. tsi f Imror ~ '~~ftt'~~>' ie for thet*deati about It* o ntls bob«at heAI 1 f UUio> Ingohetore te laràad XJt' Ncc 3rcvc rova Intsnrene ho dlaaIl giquestI .~ .~I. ~ ~ NUSJT PJR09 aYorlb.ananli." ll v illeiu5~ omluipslrs) £W laiapplatiom5 il JO" Lu.t hie circuit cort. acd the verdict 6tItrar of the estate cf tbec*dmiboy. 1w obi or Praîtrie Vlan ta, bave lie $2~~~j~lfl>( ,000o was retmed ai > Sry o f a éla eproened b>'A I M .y WAUKE4iNgoAI ~dwhr «e h Ohaw*5vns ,îocouil> cuises ~ ~ V. Orvis. lierai>' the pre of theEA sih oet mlýn Teeut iien.I n«etdt uIt uas 'filies. neeoafor buau-omsav i be .canai lUlas Mron viiipe>' the fulclat Jearkovac vie vas e af in t oneHlh~ li tu lae i.onier thi> ey a ie. in> APPelate Court Affirme iudg- nDow. vithoul i-aigan appui ho Of Ilie Norh Chicago "55«wa ~~ î lite Bupreme court. te, se wnieltet'or agI la bai $,O 3RMIN L mrri..m"Idou iiif tel' requ«si Helen Morton. M ilas Martou dld - Dolapperaui, rooe aialelter froin bo ig rIn l u e0 9 1,U C vih, Mr. arretas m u spossillue. vîtuessai tan>' hie dnnlng tle triai,. Europe vten lie ras rue dôaimi DA_ lm- fr ren h. arrives ou Maci tute Helen Morton, danubIenet ofJeuvilciras mariai b>' ber absence 1'ftlsil>'cruisled. lHe vasU niing t ila Qa sRmebrdi beghLunonk, ite'Dlas. no lime but viii Mrlou, vitome marital experience tram teécourtiruen. ibIcyle t ,tHe lime.Wila unsRe mbrdn gel busy immedlaeey iu order to gel wili c Virgiela torseman conseda_____ reDreil aut.auca.> a an Wil loti His Late Uncie, Chas. 1 h. learned, rau coming cort nfiGe(ac- roulisls bseamen. 1 lu odet>'. muet pc>' Fred The Apaiment DwNeîler. I eues street ai a pout cas>' WallonrBuilen of Antioch.' _________- Rose $11,0m. The upartmient dwefler lm wrail1street . Tho driver lu sild tho lave Tic Rev. Battiamîn Tricke>' of Prai- Roue suai Misa Mortou severai wrwed. lUves near is business unitiiou i rewsuacrash su b nuit m qesthe toWaukega$10,00pIn te iai rIeView, Ill., nier. te la servin>' as yeare ega for damagesaetter lie baiils aumusements, la cloue te humaukicd mnihrersscrs e li t ortequelstelCalesug1.0llienul pstor etfte Cougregation ai dhurci. been tirevu b>' Mins Mortons bleo-an lao leflfo tersonii' Car iIi'uc the bicycle. citimplng a i aeCare uin I le elirfi trm itereseumbîint.' ua atrial Mass5 otsteelan viras. cenducbed tié services cnd preadlied -d mare. Readamati te Onrnela et a bouse snd f rom te lncooveniencer 'ne niteels of te auto pcssed ever admltled ho proliale lp rouet>' court aI ie enva ouregtiola cbrr clb l Lie aral.'ri by, iaof eutdoor dues lnvoîved lu a de- t evicîlm's body'. IMeda>' aflerulin. The bequest3 ch acea Snd>'. 'rie Rveendras16yecso, e*t>la Iitached dwelllug. To gel ait lieue bexwa-Jurliorac iras rugbed le the Jane were dîmribuled as tolIler. ait enea Suday TheRpvrpndwas16 ers id, et D tht ilite apartuteut dweiler le asked 1te McAllter hosPital ln an uacOcOuos WILLIAM QUINN, $9,000. Trickey rês lie iret candidate fer Mgrhoc mnerthie animal ras vicions asurrender two désrable thItigs. naine- cocdltlun. He dled nîtiota vicg I HOýWB, InO lie Geneva pastorale te appear. wi"ii site permitted blim ta menuit the 1>'. meule room ced oubsîde ar.-MIn. regalned hlmseuprses. 'rie chauffer MR.TO.WB,$10. anlm4l. rita vs rkn ri iepli bma h as driving te auto bct been MRS. SADIE HARRISON, SnO ______________ Rae'.ieg as troen RlitucaeituJinuaInluMr. Barvell's empla>' ocly one Tie deth ot Mr. Pullen, vite va3 -14viii et Samuel pariamprta'h raili. He chlained c verdict fer d____-______oefhebot____ legi"t lucigiiani Park v àitod ÉpbFein I$2.000. lMiss N ortcn peu hfim11,000 l'oAvol Orolng ld. >" fl xpetPd bitaIhe Dor-tu ftehs oermdns> cWISitdtopoaei oud>' onthie luiaiet. Later mie cannie Grwng old consista; not. lu v iiihofle ll lece Antiecitccd vicleit>', occnrred Jihi iE~day 're etatcntlas oethie Case to tha Appeilat court oun cumben of iernsbutlaludesertiou o sry' 14 of titis esr. Mr. Qtîlu.a ieu,1utts veluasi et 1150,0fin end thetgrouesi liai lie damagers I le erera me>' X . Front.18du, Juige n ehew, recevs i lreJ i'us pouiyto a valitie a 16-ecsie . lirUl>i>51eson]. \r 14 brO om ejounahu, dhos.Md t babY vite.-lW. assie Weband 1Mis is cd«*l amai as axe- îaafr mc# hs original verdict.- -«allr l o*ti»ig dlu w t. od e.iiliýW ifrl.nsenlgbc u' il i xeto flt - 'rie esss-rOc fiaiai Waulegdai fat - emal.. u l le firsof lu% or de eri aatnc0 loe ONE TO EIGHi r $1.5o PmR yEAR 114&I>vàÉ JOLLY NOT ACANDI- flr1 tlh tTO J4 DATE FOR RE.ELECTION A~EIJJ.JJI i «Iii not be a candidate for r- ýéetion." This wa athe defnite state-I l AX ILJ ment miade today by Mayor U. B. J 1' Âlf ey of North Chicago. Rumors ha"e] E benafloat for some timel to the et-I ____ rCt that Dr. Jolley Wight not heo, a ~ Fn ... maddae, uthehad made no defi. **$1,50 ine ssessé fte statenent up to today. Tt la said1 Wm. MoCanney la jere wlil be a numnber et candidates.1I to Just Hait That S DUVE IOUSII WiLL WOULD - BANKRUPT ý . That Was Contentiewef PLI3A ISAÀITY; -tiw mHve -H ot emon Rav SERKS COIM IEUNTat the fn L U to**.0 NcCauey by Couatt y a Experts WUI Be Put on Stand Perry Panons alter lie b" 4 to Show That He Is Not« fourd gullty of s.Ding iquar t»MI of SoundI Mmd. saloon terrltory by a IUlw l W»S David Houali, the NortheClilcago wOPO Pflorlmouly SSY.TO for 60aseÉ youi« mau wbo ia belng held ln the Ilshlngthie purpose of the.&W la11 couaty jail on a charge et baving opinion of judge Dibell, or It» *W- ittacked twe girls in North Chicago pellate Court ef Illinml. i ew months ago. will enter a Plea ~dvîs ia ieAOlt .f insanity withen bis ceue cornes Uir Court eut te fine Imposedit Mo. 'or triai next rnonth. it lhas been anyItw -nd Ix heM quite definltely settled betweeu the Cue nto n ie l M states attorney and Attorney C. W. at $025 ,inotead 0f et iAq»&?lx lIer,, io waappointed hy the verdictinuthiemocams388#w vk .-. flrmed. however, by teA" ton wii he taken. lb lias beeU cialmed t -t ousI le; a monon-that be in net ale te nîi stand bis imPulmea to attaci nomên and girls. Fer tlis resson l ras thougit aI tiret thin t ngit h.fore thte hesî,to perfWja an openction wicit vuld rnier Il 'ate, for hlm to lie nt large l inte cosMuiMt>'. Housi et tirst re!usei htuacasier lte proponWton, despite lie tact liaI the perforatiug of QteopmUaton as ho b. folUowed b> lie dropplng et lie criminlel charg num it Lm. f. f inaiiv changod bMa mini sa"i1 ci Jorgenson la prepernig a a againat WlIti8ul MeCane>', Th i. McC'aun, XMllOiQuirai Foc? ici and tiaege Cesse. "'ri etbons- viiibe:1 451 16 da"asas ta raquid rsi l>'li1 Mta, bprocura ac krtla liâ,ti pelals Court., vaviliilaxe ad to lie Supreé ourt 1 Dr. iar'Hi4mu ~po~ asitos If th oprore DWmtlb cee thi0WUe, av aibe. Hie replm nla termr5teI*c u l a lie mes ais e h a oritis à" chansail hein mini and deeldasid Lvm Ioth aw *t il voli be Jieber If ioR l oU isMi 1 9blues- 00e0010. WOW * h. conumaitl tl& h" e sluai for lb.etOfetf 890y'n"Ie lis crimineilassais et Cleste. àSai 4ui aushetk . wlen lie aasim ne laprethe MaOuss e>' , l ne Rgelustmou* mceaimal it n b C.s.'Jud.aim mut trus>' viii 0 Is. po e f o letulu' nmefyhn l. Juusd on fi theandtetu&l e hm 1>'as o mslra »dbmet~a Meutlimeutiu. H a slo vii "B fobnsadsulte< upu thmue b are naIshaià,$ u>Mr euiietsi' coniltlm frtie»ttme g-L nues>' 1e AU acpsl bis sm w l male btisebe 0sativ " , l e Jury sain Idnt .ha btoucd lassams dsnblume i Mdi smat te cIsse'. Ilvila ePot ies e ees ai ouf Ilet fleebo ne sb Of the G.. «anuo bolheMtpeestle for il@ -»e0" ate wàdçëvA hlmm etai tise isuslss delsaI tsaipse. mf -»o hsp"m m h & e -8e25. MQn> Rom Lirerpool toewonTarion u i laypen wwtton pae Ameniccne hu iladlia. the fbus ltee i"*cOmti'. iM Arneleca steamft io liree*0e da>ibn, 1. meCna' m y gar sous la a lake Cane!>'bol nIO deehdai l 1118 <m a l asm no%, ai the Vendue lcIlleIifd. Oditfs- 3O UM e Me' aU*i the linlesi bomten evbr acormdimanAppeli cmCut m- Aueo nnembatautnes la Rofl oncesahohefrfm b eut Hnna%. smset 1 N.MIBorsan of cesser>'"ase.'* Lais lts e11w usc ff sre siss or for the mFruseuae>.. nofiieg la fis WMA am s iowv glose tt»G.flhig ins surint fhe aerra&»euE a OW gsd b* mcmli lie 01Mev OpruPrimes ru Aisliat.Cumul lo t%@4 0 bemsalge a le <pInus. Th*sotfsatO es1t1vmUua e b b praclumticn. ieains fthle r flu4et i 1e Wo*-,* cout«m ura i on le duute - vurI»mns e «à01der et 9, edconstant 1>tu la 160w PQou4IlY nea sistuer «ut u.vI booA4rded." Quite, auiyars Ymc>'bifaifIt BVAuck b«au P pctiiart1>'boinhanis" m-un@s liaI scie at ih*W&il*li aa the ambulamoau ve ro&neun>'ttred cf Jute ti. ttatln upon. -comélule tliaI G. u>'w" »W 'rTeé Proci govisemt coctemrai , ri5. t'u flenaUlaiti*i apan hlm lt.e Croix de Guerre and lie isyceds iu mouublo igeltI slar for gailcef canduettalurem-1detiveshotusiti 1cuiug vougdd nder tireni. lie del. m 0-001eqS tNieces and capitons living ilu0che pllte Courtt iu. 3places aiea recelrad baem»ts. Tic ridewrnecelves lie rai e Lareea aslbum 0 ttI» tate. valuai et $7,000, for, use durnes Clt Ia suldieni>, heem" lier ilietlmeda ia cl lite nesf leant fawitueaI140009,4Wei et bte pars6nat propeil>' nilcit tla It Ho - I esVsbuitls et.5 3atter lthe bequastu are mad. Ai ber tâez &cd trO setent te e0um11 .i erty letIt in lata a ldiho t l-voteon sos ter Oni, semiloelu j lithe ulso a len ess aui b ~p u oo i le. peroa$ prpat"MounIM4at1*K " saIsse4 , : 9-d à VOL.- X.;V.-NO. 8. Bw. Rte ,$15 Noth à and dects 08.' ave rosses They e to-- 'AlOi

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