~hJ A ( Continua ftO Pm ee.) (Dady> has bien and ih greatl3 injured lu bis good Darne, crédit *nd reputation and bus been '. ad lgOff, and abco by mu o f tbà4 prooi lÎi" soh erleinJured Wthe dâsuageOf 1h. plintiff of $2,OO idtb*refore b. rlÉis Ibs lut."y "PUrR THAT WHEIAS ho laitif befpre j and,,ath t ime et the 60im fZ ug 't lbdefend. autiof the sevenirIlaiB e.nfris- % tloüed wua a ofen 1 uÇm7. credit and reputatior ai dee oujOP4 i the esteem aïd go04 op1ion Of bis us aù other wor- t* - iiz! ofthe state Of "And fur Ihat, Wh e~1oplitffua long Urne before the,.,ub=b et li1_e _ffloscan- dalous, n~6ifféfs euandi dba ~r. af Wrr. 1qo ly addo4eeudau bWdbeëùî ad vasri-Unato 1 t l'aw and ail used, emerchaed and crried on and s«il dom. car- ry on <ic.e t iavwsd for a,~ ef and &ÊeTe»l *àMO? Pt A»DOum LL VAS OUT&U9fe QUIRE DZ ViIES LAJ * PRITS la blas ald rfaou -~rite. And,--wbo uoan4 Demsiber, 1I01 tbe DO ceinher, 1916, ip vas state a al. yof a ney viti JumbÙcs, prîghtnuuanadtgit 4udtbaàt yb.reasho wua..a addasfor the Belp bnea u iminatlon for sta's attorney Sep- Ahy attorney, practicing law in Lake county who Can find lxme to write 42 pages of typewritten copy- covering charges ho may make in conmection with a elairn that ho had been sland1ereiby a newvspaper, wiIl have some trou- bic making people believe bis reputation could have been hibeled ta the extent of $25,000. XLAKIG GAINS WH=LEPEOSECOUTOR. In the inducements of IYady's delaration-ilu bis suit against The Sun, he st>tes that 1"At the lime the libel was published in The Sun, he had acquired AND 5TIUV .AS CONTINVTING TO'ACQIJIRE, LAM(E GAXNS AND) ?POIF'Tinlubis sai4 profession "-thal h exactly what Oh ui% laimed at the time-ththeW aODrIgdvr e $à l bis vriva. profusion while Lake qounty wua pay- Mingh $5~) a yea to et as statitsa atorey. >dU »ady carluuuy, prbapo, lu bis omm im fié taucourt ~a4m*o sIti Ia la lb. Irst. rne lue .vi dlii, am weiave dosa part -for thecilluns of tek. o "tby tlgl hel sd#Mt1ble IfU o*iglug ior. pm- Éplhbd lian-to have iadmit this very Impotït mat- tea atIbis til.. "5IL UDGNT A»W NTGERTIY." Dady furth er gays that hoe "hasalways eonduèted him- self li irofesaion with Ilskill, care, jgxneiit and.. intgrty.1 tbt y be, 1 but at i t L*Iake ~ couaty fair. la Ibertyvile *hère ho, w1ull#B1 l.*te,&' .attoruey T alke county, Wus-tbrtwlug fout ofa gin WioL 1as, upou ber soae i ~ tomBU8l shod) pblnted upvmd?-Oall tbs oo Iqt w? Whua bQU Uski1 'whhe re diaide hwidredg y of reputable farmers of Lake eont wh àd fide1fU many miàles, o answer bis caU to the Orpet jury anld *M t aLetbhm dovu beause hhey conUldmt a&a»W« 0 M1- Ical questions whlch lhe bimsif wold have bad dtfOUIt in answertng? "'hna c1aher' What &bout bis integrity' hn tteÈçeos Clubat Thir Lake (whije state's attorney) ho ioe several mn Uthe "art" of p&aylng a certain kind e of er The. publie bau varied vievi on wiiat constitutes tely as regards poker playèes Furthermnore, on bis claim for " rntegrity," what about integrity at the lime he, as state's attorney and officiai eounsel for the county offieCra, advised The Daily Sun owners and County Treasurer Weéster*ld that certain t things right be legally charged for i printing the dli-t quent tax list-and then later, afler he had got at "louts" j with The Sun owners, used that very advlce which he had given as the basis for starting a suit to recover "alleged "overcharges" miade against the county of Lake by Th e Sun owners? Was that a new fon of integrilyl Again, along tbis malter of "lintegrity"'-while state's -ttorney, WHY DIDN'T' Ralph. Dady handlé. thé legal', stepe 10 rocover baek taxes lathie BSeanmd %io.1 u0satu last year, Instead of maldng1t, ueceusry for duluhdu attoe-I Ws t dlg up Ibis monoy for lAke ounty, and deduct ai blo mssnfot 7V0k Was'tha a partthel Presýdent-X. P. Di Iger. Becretary-Jod Hauck. Treasurr-D. X. Slmons. PU TRY SWIA. Directors (nevly elected)-M P. DiI- NULTY ~ui&* ger, W. 1. LYon, George Bairetow, Bar, fa Tidu1HIIVhA ney Boehm. (Four other directorsý Tlhe. 1"e 4Çonay Poltry The reparte aut read by the rettrlEs1 .4±pffl t ýýALm elngatPrj oMfcer shsowed that the recest sllov Lake CouÏisty'.s Gets toefôWmn' m >drefl*sReàdy-toý-Wear THESE PPJ-CE-PRUDENVT WOMEN- Point theWa t aukegan's Greatest s , w - tI~eSeasors's Most Important TUFJISDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Is- Dollar Day, Remember the Date These Dollar Day ales ae semi-annua1 events, aI wbich lime we put forth evcry effort to produce the gretetvalues of the season. This time we have oitd6nè ail previ- pus sales, both i the number of items and the aiiount ot savings offered. -for voinen, ev plain white,, trlpes and ured sfects. 2 fr IlleWda. mfon as nmiss$1S75. 1 ta rvolmlddles; bt styles, et DolrDay at- lier. te a re oPPotualty ldeel. We bave one big lot of bats lan straw or sllk or strav-aad.satln .obinatans; aIl colore; goal styles; special COATIS Womeli'. viatar coata la aIls mZ$ ends; goal coloreai ad abrica, speclalA Dollar Ds@' at - M E ____________- n . a Wome'i' vh"iteniln pet- ticoats vlth deep emnbrolery ,and lace lionace. $2-Watits Women's pretty valos. big checks. colated stripes and dotted effecta, Al asues. $1 ea.O womealaseo 51k vblte ln iaew aad popular styles; ail il - n n' ~ Il, . I 1= t =. I Women's vhite vaah sklrts tail ases silI ool -styles at $1 ci Woatua's handsome aev crepe kimono$ linin colore et $1 ea. Wamsa's .vssh 4rssses ta Chlldroa's 76e flamielette vaws luaail Bies. il- Womens 76a silk hase la ail aises. 1.0NicKwear WameWes bsdnomne aev spirng iekwear la sIlk Or broadclotb. 3Sit Cutts leomeam spaae suit cual Isand ends, Dollar Day $1ea. SOb"useres Wopees lace ad embroi- ery triùmd mel ere lna aI styles 3for$I Chod'sSw te colguanaIsis $1 a. 75c Corsets 76e corsets of vomnenandm misses ln ev styles; &a it ies ai 2t-or-$1 150 Corsets, Wmuo nnscorsets ln new ll prilag styles; all ases;* extra value at i $ea. $2 Hat,4UBas Womeas leathier band-bais ln goa" styles, ta $2, stiecisi at $1uoi WaeWma' llgbtly sciled white all,-ool sweaters; yeur choice at $lu am II~ III 75c Pettic"!at coats la nev styles; aicely trlmae at 2 for $1 ýJnio)n suifs Womes bigb neclc. long sleeve unIon suite. $1lea.. _____il - il its %I sonnets ChllIre's"badt monets to $150 and $2, 2 for $1 Sicnoely trija. R imonas Women's 7&c crepe kimonos lu aIl colora 2 for $1 Fur Ned[ Pleces Women's fur necke pleces in good cal- ors; varlety of styles. at $1e8 25c Isfse Claldrena 25e cotton hase; aIl aises.1 5 Pairs - lu *2.Umbrellas Wome's tancy baaîle um- brellas at 16%0% $s por Sets Kaîttel and scarf sets, 2, for $ Oddsan sdendg ai oui reg- ular lines and saone separate suit kirta. $1 -ea* Chtids' coats ter casl y styles at $1 ea. Wamneala ev, $150 lnghajouse dresses la Pretty style, at $1tao 75c Coveral Aproiis Women's 75e caveraIaprons, £001 full elles; lght colored patteras 2 for $ 1.50 Euh. Chemise Wamens pretty $1.50 anvelope cheef tue; AIl 84M, Womena 5 intei sultg ln gaverai good i colors and materlals; i vbfle tbey last Dol-A lar Day at 41- Petticoats Wemsa's colorai petUomte in bdautlful coloriais vitb faner somcms; $1.50 values. $1 ea. 75c Gêwas Wotn's l76.0wetY crepe nlght gava n s fla smi us at 2 for-$j lu pretty plas ebec anmd stripes; gal 51e. $1 1cOa1 I7cDrus clSansd Bels; pretty ev îtyîei mw$I ~<1 dé i Uv JI CA Fin 1 aum ha] 14 dt au or e u 00 m Ili .W- - a vu a -la AUL u loi - - MLýý 1 r- -- - i lu