Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Feb 1917, p. 9

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Lahe CauntY's Big weehIy. WAt.JKEgAuNWEEKY SMN sc hwWsta l msi VOL. XXV.-NO. 8. FATTWO LIBERTY VILLE, ILL., THRURSDA-Y, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEkR IN ADVi Defeated Candidate for .State's -Atty. icoe 0is-o 2,O - S1ANWtLi DNPK NE l.SI 0F CRIME.,f1 -LAKE.Q =8 . + I +'1 + GRAND JURY QUIZ by iLooke se If Th"e Who Slet Out te "Ott" Mates Att.rnéy Welch , w,5 je Nipped te Own Net-Dlacvered ThM Violations Weeat onn leCorIII8 de Numbers Ouring Miotth.s tate'. Attorner~s Office Was OreMtd by n4 Raiph Dady end B*foré Mr. W*élobýs Tiése. M The Lake dounty grand jury, which went iîîto session . 'on Deceîhr ,fnihdits work Wednesday, evening w ab<)ut 6 o *clock and the mtich-talked-of - twholqsale investi- of gation of crinbe" was not revealed, that is, its scope was not what the publiceliad expected, judging by ail that was heard about it. The fact that but 51 indietmbents were rcturncd after 19 days' actual convening and investiga- tioni isn't sllrprising, for many jurieà in thc past wbich have beeîî iii session oniy the ordinary time of three orri, four days have returned over hlaf that nuniber of indiet- mnts. liî coniiection with the grand jury 's investigation, many iîît<resting anîd pertinent thins have been revealed. The' grand Jury went into session December 4th, the saine day State 's Attorney James G. Weich assumed of- tice. SURECLY Mr. Welch cariâot b. blIned for the Vio- lations repr.8.nted lu the. 51 hidictmsents covering. oaa which took plaze PRIQR TO MOS ASSUMPTIN 41POF- For instanee, Phillip Goldberg of Hlighland 81-1-has beeiî the stent-li of the comnunity for y.aru,.and loreA ly sineI)ececmber 4. Yet this is the first t4mi he ba been proseeîîtcd or even investigated. In Area, Amos Bain, according to thc evidence put be- fore thc grand jury, had sold more booue in bis poolroom- barber &hop than any Éaloon in Lake oonnty, and hie sales lad been progressing ALL LAST YEAR, when Ralph J. 1)ady was state 's attorney. The evidexice also texided to show that Bain, who was arrested tins week, lad provid- cd lis house as a place of prostitution for couples that caine out from Chicago. And the evidence which brought oit thc iîîditnnts didu 't pretend to intimate that the of- fenses of Bain were made SflNCE Mr. Welch took offce but that thcy TOOK PLACE DURING DADY 'S TERM OF OFFICE. 0 .f It looks as if the grand jury which started i to " get" State 's Attorney Wclch, tlirough tp maclhiations of meni responsîble for their heigi the esition of ixvstigators -werc evdently " caught in th#ir own net, " for after al was said and doue, after ail the evidene lad been collect- cd, what was discoveredt It wus dinceverd that the violations which haye-been charged rigit -and lcft werecocmmitted a year ago-OR WI{EN RALPH"DADY WAS STATE'S ATTJIORNEY. Thcy eoildn 't lave been in James Welch's regîme for the reason that lic weut into office on there day the grand jury went into session, therefore the violations which this saine jury investigated took place BEFORE HIS TIME. The grand jury invcstigatcd many cases of law viola- tions and one thing xnay be said to its credit-it <114 not show partiality to thc aristocratie towns of Lake Forest and Hghland ark, but, ixîtead, indieted druggiats sud others there for the sale of liquor cotrary to law. ,ThiIs to the, credit of the Jury and tatela Attorney Welch bc- cause it is a pertinent fact that in years past, before Mr. i Wech was prosecutor, Highland Park and Lake Forest, i the homes of the "reformers," who would reform other parts of Lake county, have thernselves always escaped the investigations set for other portions of thc counity. lI fact, these sanie people who would investigate othe parts of the, county have always insisted that their terrtory- Lake Forest sud IH'Lulnud Park-was "boue-dry," thati the law wus observedi1 And whit dos til grand jury show? It shows that Lake Forest sud Highland Park is the tcrritory whcre more boose bas been muild dùing manyi unontha paat than in any ,other part of lAkecounity. Imagine that! It shows that thc NEST 0F CRIME which the grand jury souglit for was discovered, not at Fox Lake, not at ~North Chiicago, not at Waukegan BUT at Highland Park aud Lake Forest, thc towns which ordinarily have, been looked up to as a little better than the rest of ou humble abodes.t )ybat 0 TOMMa Quayle and2thmr, ineludlug Rade à vioaton ddnt tak, plac .ently-they1 Fifty-on. trué bille or lndWcmenta, id nin q trué bille, rturned 3, thée Jýl< cowsty Docembeor grand ury which conochaded a nînetéén dylb probe at six é'eiéu Wedné.day Nh. Thé e fvuult4on waà thé tout swéuplng oC thé kind *ver con- duted On thé county. The indice. tentae vers returned cm thé recuit O« stînony of itundreda of witnesses «ho ver.e mbpoenéd rom ail parts of thé couaty. THE INDICTEO. These Indictmnents were returned. Anti-Soloon Terriiory. The foilowing people are charged with selling liquor ln Anti-Saloon ter- ritor: Caxzamir Greiger-North Chicago. (Iscar Berg-North Chicago. Cari Atterhery-Waukegan. Samuel Ulynkis-North Chicago. Satinen and Porkonen-Wau*egan. Kisisvir and Mooiser-Waukegan. John Saduski-North Chicago. 1. Petkermik-Waukegan. P. X. Grady-Lake villa Peter wémher-Nortis Chicago. John Nehon-North Chicago. 14uta Bersér-Merth Chicago. BlUs Féinstein-Waukegan. Andrq Pucin-North Chicago. Martin Svéte-Ncrth Chicago. Waltér. Krause-Nortb Chicago. Ignatz Stolaraki--North Chicago. Chas. Jorgénson-Long Laké. F'rank Wancongkh-North Chicago. Joe Fegers-North Chicago. Andrev KovcIck-Waukegan. Amos Bain--Aréa. Stanley Kroll-North Chicago. Andro Pucin-North Chicago. Gus Sheiman-North Chicago. George Sheldon-Fourth Lake. George Gehring-Narth Chicago. 8ELLING WITHOUT LICENSÉ. The foilowing people vere indtcted on a charge of having sola l iquor without a licénse: C. B. French-Lake Forest.' Mike Brandanisto-Highland Park. John Kukar-lae Bluff. Joseph Hulick-Antioch. Kari Kraft-Lake Forest. Dale and Mélvin 0-weetland-High- land Park. Frank Wenban-Laké Poveet. Thon. McCann. Tony- Martini and ikOe Dugân-Wankegau. Albert Shirk-lake Forest. Philhp Ooldberg-Highland Park. John Baldwin-Lake Forent. Win. Kneist-Lakt Foréét. Albert Benning-Round Lake. KEEPING OPEN ON SJNDAY. Thé falloving peoplé veré Indictéd on a charge of keeplng tippling bouses open on Sunday: GRAND JURY FINISHES LONG SESSIOM AND RETURNS 51 INDICTMENTS COVER- ING AULPARTS 0F COUN- TY -,TH. RISTOCRATIC NORTI4SIORE PROYED A VERITA - 'ORNTS NEST FOI 1JOUOR VIOLA- S TIONS. there was no evidence to show they are vlating the law. Out or the fifty-one -iditinents rsturned, onl six are~ against Wakg n nun North Chicago men draw the blgge3t batch of inditmente, althougli Lake Forest and Highland Park also, camne in for a gocdly shar N WiIi Have Gond pf.ect. In lubmitting their report tne grand Jury asserted that their hIves- tigation ehowed that the liqoor lies of the state are being Violate:1 quite extensively. They urgéd the state'a attorney to proseollté vgorotisly those vbo have been ladicted. -J vtsh to thank thé irnd jury for thé eeurteseeaextéfld db>' hein le thé ztatés attorfley's office, and also for thé patience they havé dispiayed during their long délibtrat 1%. 1 arn sure that mueh gond viihave been acoomplishéd as' a reluit of the r W ork," the state's attorney said. "Thé grand jury have Vie taanks of thé court for their diligence and algo for the self dénias they have undergone ln being away front their familles for a period of nineteen day,, Jndge Edwardis aid. «'I tx*st that this investigation yull have thé efféct of shoving people through1 I.Mké county that the lava cannot hé violated., John Naravéiz--Cpba toU'nohjp. lnvesuigstéd Hore. Mary Mitterbachr-Cuha toi- Simpiy hecauee théré vere but shtp. six indittments against Waukegan OTHER INDICTMENTS. men dose not mean that local con- FoiiowIng la a li.t of thé remaini ditions vere not Investhsated fulli'. tng Indietmenia vhich cauot hé l vould have heen difficult to makeI placed under a général chaaifhca- a more thorough probe than vas thon: meade. Scores of Waukégmn men Edwin L. Waugh-Malicious mie- were subpoenaed la an effort ta get chief; Chicaga. évidence that Ilquor la being solti Charlet Hedge-Confidence gainé; h.légaly, but Oie évidence tended ta Chtcago. show that there are fév cléaner cit- Jim Skirlanos--Mirder,- North les in the county. Chicago. 1 Looker clubs In Waukégan vero John Morley, Ântioch-Seiling liq- brought under the spotlight but noth- uar ta, minora. Ing vas produced vhilh tended 10 Russefl McGIl-Larceny; Chicago. show ti4at they are hing condsîcted Same Brittlé and W. G. Campbell- In iolation of thé law. Proprietors Perjury; Mion City. of nome of the local soft drink pleces lIex Spink - Confidence gamé: vern examhned and théir names are Glencoe. hcludéd la the Ilst of "no true Russel McGil et al-Lareeny; Chi. bilae" that weré rétiirned. Estab- effl- lishinents in thé F1or Leke distrhct Dewey Baker, ZMon City-La&rcetey. vere probed aita but ». évidence of 0 - I illicit salés could bç dimeérpd. Thé fact that stands ot vhth n- DriIggiStS Are!, indlotUd. QUUalprominéiacé la that the lave. Drus stores vere onte laset 0fes- tiPtIoo Moléalta rosait invisolemlatahfflments vhich caausé4a eca "000«8 tabelns, vetuvégisoa* si goe andl the resuft vas that sev- WW*«. I t Tb* léchés' albi ual heditUnmte vére retarned Ï4ot -tev o s odkb b ", àý a&gount drnggita ef th. e unaton wÈe, giv«àeaacloa. bi et kountb Lu uarguea o leasaiiquet salas. Tho .f the druggists who were indletê±d. are: Carl Atterbery-Waukegan. Frank Wenba-1ake Forest. C. B. French Lake Forest. Kart Kraft-Lake J'oreat. Dale and Melhin Swetand-igb- land Paxe. Goldbefrg Makes ftecord. It wis at Blodgett Station where Goldberg te said in have aold the liq. uor ln the shape of botties. keg, glaises, or, any oià way. The évi- dence ahowed, eaid the tate'a attor- «Iey, that more honte waa aold by Goldberg than was sold by any sa- loon ln Lalke county within a givgn period. It was shown by w1tnsiséé that he had sold six barrels oft visl- key In a week. The Blodgett Station Io at théeila- tersection of Ueerfield Road and the west branch of the Norbvéstern tracks. If Goldberg Ia found guilty on the ' 60 caunts charged in the Indictment. hé faces s possible fine of $12,MO0 and 1800 days ln jail. Sold to a Mînor. John Morley of Antioch waa indlet- ed on twenty colnts. One pion. of évidence againat Morley was gi yen by George Daiziel, a minàr of Citr- nee. He stated that on Thankasgv- ling night (then vas when Dady vas staté's attorney), hé vent Into Vor- ley's place in .Antioch and purchased seventeen drinks and three batllés of vhiakey. Renosha la to have a new isola- tioà hospital to ceét appraximately $40,000. It s ta be operated lu con- nection with the Kenoeha haspital. The ctty council has appropriated $20,000 and the remainder ls ta hé, rahsedl by subscrlption. CARELESSLY iMAI1S . .à - SUR PR ISINfI Â_IMSSI DECLARES HE WAS 'RECEIVINO (08 PR OFITS FROMPIpi FESSION' WHILE STATE'S ATTORMEY ANI TlliTS REFERENCE TQ HlM THEPSIMOUGHT 1%. ""1Aa LOSS-SAYS HE DISPLAYED SKILL, Juà90EOT1 INTEGRITY, BUT FAILS TO REFER TO Ctl STANCES WHERE HE SHOWEO PPOSITE PIOcwIVV Ralph J. Dady, repudiated by the bizgest nxajorit'l voters of Lake county that ever turned down an aspirw for'state 's attornev, las filed iu Circuit court the papi which showv on what lie bases bis suit for $25,000 agat The DailY Sun. Dady's - declaration"- covers 42 typewritten pagesg, it is evident lie has had plenty of time sine e easing toll state 's attorney of the county to get together a lot of 4 to include in lis bill. The eharges are tlie most ludicrous and flimey th. have ever been compiled in any damage action ever eto ed in Lake éouinty; in fact7'they are- almôst too ridieuW' to pay any attention to. One of the elaims is based on m-aterial printed i Sun by the present state's attorney, James G. 1Webh paid advertisement and later quotèd by The Dt the other is tlie item in which The-$= Ob playing double to many pien i Lake e n one sort of promises on one hand and one sort on tihe -and it is comxnon knowledge to tis day that tn'ô of political chicancry characterized bis campaagn and cm, acterizes the canipaig n of practically eight ont of 1e.hi . who seek office. In bis opening statements in the papers in, queouk Dady recites tliat The Sun, by "having a large eireulati in Lake eounty, " greatly harmed bis reputation and .aý ity to make money from his profession, the law. We am" tis froîn' the introduction of bis declaration, sh wi it he-itsserts relative to the liarin that lias be wrkd "By means of the coinitigOf Mduald mr" grievances by the difudatthe, pIaInu (Conttnumt on page tou.) \PPr1c.$75, f.o.b. MsA Pontiac, Midi. ieSix, sen4 becggsç of its powç., The' yalve-in-head motor deý livçrs fufl 41 h.p. at 2500 r.p.m.. -on~e h. p. for every 53 pounds _____ of car weight . There is plenty ____ of power for hardesi pulling - _____ more qtua1 power andmore propcwtion- ate power than any otixer car of its size. InquJ=r about this feature at our show-, rooms or fromn any driver of a senmsieSix. J.I. CRIBB, Dealer S LAu VILLA Phone 112-W a] ti ic

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