qm'[ D, PENDENT T..OLZg 119wel WAUEGAN WFflLY SUN VOL XXV.-NO. 9. L,,RTVLF,, ILL., TE[U1tSDÂY,MARCII 1, 1917. FOUR PAUEldi en UYJrV IIAD TX aiva.w. À5 M T1' A 'ls-VtflP ~MT OVER CARFARE RESIJLTS IN ARRESTSj tigit whicb stas-le, ' tnTueaday jIu O n EIVE~SODO ATACKSRIiIIT 0F. FIG wJpmDTARY~ANYOE TO LASEPEME THE DEITY ~ INEEIAANPOPLE __ducl t) 11 Pope f le Forest Make Asst. State's Attorney Johna P ote o tiuto t teWelch Argues Against Dis- day iv IiMA Rqu= tof ~layor. missing Mokus Case. d F te M YRIE$4.009 THERE.1 15 UNDER ADVISEMENT. ne arrE But,700 ef the 2,000 Enveo County iudge Persons Wili ai dlpes Distrflbed Have Been iN Render His Decision in Case "l'e g ColecedanYet ____________SaturdayMorning. 1a are f 01theTaiie4tjThe rigiit of anyone ta lshm uqstap the $10loW starvation lx rone the Dety Ws attacked this mornni Archbishop Semis Word to millon Eelghbm ebildren.- H" V NE lu cauuty court by Assistant Statese Waukeu Th Inmm em 1 B.rlilé. 0«rder ta le Mexico City MinleWte',# fl a Germnan-Maxi- Attorney John Welch In arguing the. AeSk Tha F Imst en Elghteen hundred rauaed snd sUr? con-Japanese Alliance Amint the Unfl t.d tes if the Break motion to qua 1 a the information T Are SekinçFunds2 Mebit kiddles. cf Beiglunt volIteste afi Came Botween the. K*isers Governmefttafid Wasitlfonf. ImpersoflauflO Nuns Seen ite bea of itsfor aiotiier yflrasI agalnst Michael MoCfius, who lg be- ual Prenbt i Able te I for po he esuomt, of the wbale eartedease ASIIINGTON, . C., Feb. 28-Followlnq la the. txi of the instructionsa lng hld on a charge of blasphey. dth, liceof heirPreenc, Moday$1,80 ws cntriute fo ter Von Eckhardt In Mexico City, ordering the latter to propose ta Carranza sel for Mockus. made the motion to NO' The. Most braren ad sernogous, t»t reiielet fthe suffering. Beium the i projected alliance between Germany, Jaian -and Mexico: quash and argued that, the law whPih api Xietiiod ever aeanned by croos wCitui4in lAth tyî. BERLIN, Jan. 19, 117.-On the Ist of iebns.ry ve intend o Liegn ulb Iprovides a penalty for biasphemy t le On th Innoent n au ttemo 1 urestrcted.In site o thisit l Our atenotoiiietedeano oshouid nd notul be resburrecret- p-ey onlt nocn aas lm L Xatber Levs,.maor of Lke marine arfare ursrce.b pt !ttsItl u uat o'oedao te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t cele oil ntt on eols O'S. mpiPa > ~neutral the. United States of America. e.m taon Tedsy th e ga d0 mms e aing ev esosagl fLfee:t **If itis attesapt le nat aucceasful we propose an alliance on ile following~ Mr. Welch ln making hil arguments au, âbwcself thela t ino iae'aaa bas'gt ithsessage o ae.Fr.busîsvititMexico; That ve ,hal, maltewar together and 1ogihîer maketeitis morning dentanded taeknow t waer e Le laholcd~tlVbu.rïWatiflieandidenetLse or c e. s hall give gne-a hnancial support, and ih la unlrstood that what Inherent right the. Peple of the wu t troint er1 0rl aiêetvr Mexico la to reconquer the, bat tesritory lu New MexICO,,Texas and Arizona. state of Illinois are takin awaay frein gin seeking aime. TIL. chilis-en of Belglunt are sar- The details as-e left ta you for s.ttle-sent, Mocitus when they say hie shall not h But for th ime1.0l Iterfes-ence or Issg. "You are instructed to inforin the présidentt ef Mexico of thi above ln the biaspheme. He pointed out litaip certain priesta of Waukegan tise. Do uqtol otiters as you wouli bave greatest confidence as scon as iltgl certain that thora viii tii, an out break o! wite the United Sttes permîte op en»si>ltort veuld have llued taeis thons dio te yen. war wîit the tUnited States and auggest that the. presidant of liexico, on i 1 everyofle ta worhilp In bis ovu vay POCketta but tisanks bo the. Arci Tiis envelope centains e malitti owa Initiative, should cosamunicate with Japan auggeetilg adherence at once' uhat this rigit la limitadinluoseare- BisiioP of the. Chicago dlocage sent envelope for easch imberofeth'*ti ta tii plan; at itegese tinte. offer to me4tate b.twaen Germany and Japan. specta. Folioving are saima of the. cteagrm a es raes Jtrlucati. habe hl e u ie a vusieare "Ptosecalilta tha attention of the presidelit of Mexico that the employ- Ilustatilons he gave to show wiere oiic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cuceafWaea. ntttah.Ta t.f sisutc Iment of rutiless aubmarine warfare now promises ta copeI England ta mate tiie peuple reserve th is-ght ta lunît lut tii..ltavas-n thiar parsktonrs viliibe racordesi. but naoe wu iipael e ott.tha axcesaesta tewiich othars may go agaleet ti. crookaheti ammint of anTane a emtfl "ZIMMIIR-IANN.' In thea profession of thels- faith: Fathhr Rompe of Bt. jeeps chus-ch hution."" 1i evte f uda a o calild a bt malority ef bis Poalit- But 700> of thte 2000 ativeioesO dis- j& ~coame to the Unied States andi e'*hi osera on te telepitona and Iaaned trbutai b,' William Maetber Lewis IPÀUL PrIA IS t jboi C ARI viMEN hbit the sensoal excesses ta he the. toîîovîng varning: have beaun ced. andt oday lvus this religion frequenîly Ieadtis e DE. "0ntltii.. tle your bonse. made knevwn tut 11,800 biai tbeeau JIk ftI'~ lu n i 2 The tact that the followers oe!l and undes' no considratien give oolected. Mayor Lewis la o e l. LOIIAV'FRRL"IV IIM ~the' tate Brtgham Young may hava teintmoue,'." opinion taI 14.000 viiettcolcte1d~. 991 be~l hlievadi n polygamy dii not grant c T iie deceptien u sesib , te cro k a 5S IA UIL JU AL IB li MIÀ O O T Àthe nt the priy lege o ! bav ng a pin, c onan nma aes t le" . Te gxtpoients of a etranga re- toe crSks .c i eien aias apb.%a.',oW H do ie- INfiAxKn ofHgw xl i it o ivs eu.as l Ii1aet i-l 5e.i J L lee ede ieTifAe nPt fWhOdStîli ligion vhlcb Iaught titan that t4py c th o kircevsicshI 5a -Bang Atternpts te Prove Me i CitcaI IditWfl Iin St. shaoutidexpress titeir purity 'o! sai] To ail appearances ties olicitors ofs n hcao Luke's, at fRacine- 1 b,' goIng star'. naked. were nat per- p aima ver. vontan. butit'te Up vitiéhi À-'mîtteti ta practice thua Phase af theiru strie thm a titls' ani, abut I KK 3R 1 A S W GI A HARD FIGHT. SMOCKED, THEN .MANGLED.Icreavintie etd luNrtr sti&U hemof her grbs MA î C Dakota.u lhitate iPeoplaetfWaukegan s i ~J1~lB4. Thse folowers o! Brother Davîi men. Four Witnesses HMoud, Ater He Had NarroW (Encae From of Mchigan are opposei te mar- Ontewoman vite gave or ber cash FL~ ITT Which Case le AdiourflOd to Death-SustaflOt Sad Burns na-ge; If a mamies- o! their sect dles lid Ta& peaacste olle Saturday Night. With Otther Injuries. te, belleve la ieaving tae body on lors ver. vontan, but nov tisaI 1 stop t____hie ground vîthout pretenae o! hus- and thhnk ef I, tii.,' id nt wvalk Fred Schllckft. a preduce me:- Paul Plack. allged bead etflte la cennaction *th tthe accident t tl, but lhe law vould net permit of lie venten, and thiar accent vas p.- chant at Libertyfflie, ta a bsnkrupL gang vhlcii hanst e es-mous rAe apieo live tlt a'ac osfe enIie. Bth poeseaed ,ff.miaite H.efli.d a peUUton la tihe itaelrptcy quanUlliea of cepper vfra aetULibert*- Mspl o %wode teR -. Wel a c ue e ut vln vol ,antd tii,,'askesi maenaf r a oourt ta Chicagoe Ved esday, au t g Villea nsd ln tha l vk- taty, J> e deav. cine sub station atur a ,' fon a ui r m ac isiu o nst olung ha couvent vhIcb h iey clamai te ep- IHabiliiezit $2663.50 and assets Os-kg la vin his freedont b,' atab- 12:30, 1h devlope ltat the Hlghwood thte natter of blasphiay bas iteen up s-aeeut." -. anottntilog le 178.6L Sehlcirtsihngaalb.Pck1selg man bad a ver,'closa escape front befOre lte court many times. He In- The tva nurses have mystertously croditors ta Waukegn. prove that ha vas le Chiicago atahlie deati, and ha la nov lu a very ae- sistai liaI blaspan,' aiould be poua. disapltearai frointWaur'<.gan. The Thte bankruptey proceeditai oqnete Iathe thafts leok placa.. slu odto aS.Lk' optl aeiis h aea rfnt'i p o i e v s a n t a , a d e i i ' e . as Le f latae o f a -at e s e n ttoiW A p artil b a rin g a s h ad T u e s- , iW Ehcn d ti n i S t L u k 's h b 'puta ish ai. h s i e a ro a i y l . etiqni5 in Wtuiegau unUil Il vas sores fat enate that have ceto'ai day nîght hafore Jutic Lo FarmAttes- hearlng Ihe argumenta Juigab te a a ,rti e t le i t rf r .t l E dileb e r f o r th e u i a v e ai A t E tb a t ti nta P ta c k p u t o n fo u r it- a oli e r e m p lo y s i l a s n e t k i so w o fo r f e h a r n t e a g u n s J d e ______________ eek. About tue ments aoss-es viteâtettaaItfiey,'er. soine tlme Liv thée accident haî- vesan#tau the atcete uldad Bekiltie sa w"dVryMstes'. viti hlm In Chicago at lte tnalt ani ietinte .tvseuconclo emnad none h wu' . ne te ppetnfued vos-ym'o oirendar hie decIsien Satus-day mos- Mci ViILE "MIC nUF Tsez.ot asgven neti I.lft saokplac.O.Justice Frmer andculntfo Ii,..sJa- li10ai,11. iTae-I eot, uI iialag maie on ruliug on te case but cou- w ard axpiain 'ohatbai happenedi .o ig u wlC e a en aI o more W» i -i hch pu-.tin ed it tl e nazI Btir" i' nght t aIh m . Bines tiat tim e lh e bas ex 0F IUMANITY IES itae proiluce0cfWajsiecquss-is'vitcail testiitony wvl M e preillu- plasine itov titrougit gfttlni an alec- 3ORM R'pA IOR, aia OU& Pa tor tOhree vois esi. At ltat Une Pac viiipeset trie sitoc ie hastt li tiufraim the 1.1 W I2VC j~tnothing vas bearli oeth and etisahr vitneames sud Lie prosecu-nmacinle and vas-Y narrOwlevi scaped M eSW ETA S BORN 4 YYLLRJ 5111 ports vos-o given eut taIlise migit t ion &ac imeniput on viteses. belng kilIed. gel- h Md R.! itftiftt -have beauon made te vitil. etfont Ptec as airsatadInluChicago ai In noea ay Kuipple gtENl o fev weeks ago aftlas' vidence'had a vire wviclciehanovdeclares vas Il' IU IUWOt "Baby Hlen" la dead. Pa.affE Iiu Titis mileeofituntly fer vite. Morinter imated that utli mgit obeausppliesi te elates atleruey's unguariai and as a reiit e! tie hasthai Waieanba hen ffr-bave been conveufent for hnlm e UWoffice ihars viicit Indcatai thiat te aos ie a as caigit In la vt j e beathailWakegn u lss oferappear at taI t atiue5lr lima for lChcagonaMm vas implialte lu ia hetas-ma a"rotas-,"'at tise substation D.lte ton . m t aopa ch u t lug players diai at Lia Laie Ooustly w.-. ou Lt h . iebasaseveral- sebtg ar.l'. laisacurai piiondasn and ta rown laoth le machina. Ha h -ehditEicpa hrho Genarai hompital'aI 9:40 p. m. Wed- »d ref ito v er. clm rtail;for ndbas n enejoi 1 is frem wa balyacerated le saieaseshMayvood, iias beau elected preaident ueaa. tisU' mey. ince taI lime, aise sustainetthabrns In i i krgît as-m et liaMontana Wesieyan utives'sity Bay Hlenwv arhem Jusl feurs bu' rewes fe iedpr. Just wvitlevisience viil iehaPressait- and band. The machina tare et! bis at Halena. Dr. Swaetlani succeeds vaa'cs ega yasleraa. At iirtit aie unbou is-fesecuveamss >age rt aa for cnetPakwihrgtsradli a u nDr. Chasles L. Bavard. resîgnai. uege w ond rthytos'.lvia er. H ei a a aage t a i suefrtavenetPlc vt lgt1aratDhras.4y a n Sweetland was bora la Jettes-- ounes.d IFornde r sst y lo clca. iml al e a e tbe e sala net idovu. Laie cosîY te nack snd scalp. lio vas lu as caIn Frsan'ds aS~l t. Louis et thatUme.Bshe loft anhhosities ara dei e verythittaInluva-'e s-I ictialconditian §gturdayonIwa36yrsg.Hela w as ed w th a M edi ine is-airgraduat a o ! N o -th estas-st niv ottty '. ad s e d v t a edi cinet 2 dr opp f Aer y il an si vien ate r* es' o I ai'po er 10n Et le t ie bott ent O f nig it ta tifor saine lm e l as fea e a oid t e G ar s-tt B iblicali nstituts. H e anmie s'ac.ive bal rs tberisusansi vas viL liter'.Reporte LiE affi se that Lie gui.,' parties ha eu not racoves'. lamars-ldandataishie fatiar e! six At Lie -ions' of dealla Baby Rle e ivent aasw.. haehi e taeau lbe punlibed. 1Kuipple la mas-s-ed ani ilvea la chilis-au. Ha serva as pastos-ofet S. vaigitai tue snidueat per M&de tolsssay Liat if h. vas nub.aauqi* *.hein** bsemployedaitM Lie sub-Bataiost Chicago; the Melhodiot Eplecopal MititcreitludueteM~ e t Liaelime Liere aI least appu e e wh- ioralise waa beiag'liroke as t arc tZo yaias uLk Cane, mperintnient atthLe Lae have been slsthedAn hie madiem. * Malrrigge Idee 8 *sa-tation epes-atos'. Bm!unît1 of at faCityanh ais seat, Coitit,' ispiai. for te figit te ands i g the____________erWa Bu uta atyvai ,ita Rock ier coma ber asistants vaged le ieep Lb Durlug Le Wti gns.ts ccmis st awo yth okrvrcu Ulîamite aiv. E"'Baby lie" va ousefie auiehn gan ast oli nd Y***** * EMPERANCE SIJNOAY ferance. BDr- veeliai vilI asrive a svenmoth hi« ad t l bllee atce d abim tagilnate etani d P. Bulz, Chicago, 29; Pies'. TO BE OBSEfVED SOON. home Satus-i3 tatsae m encli a r t ah . lei ttanie. albsoagbeaseaa nce Matthisvi.sant. 2&. tha a erTe Sunn Causi be ttiet. bel'vll.. ari W. Stauge, iRichmnond, niI., Marc 1l viii ha. tisa fIrst quts'- Game Warien, Henry,'Keru stateai &toync e ise vnaoftsi ateut 21; Miaula M. Scisutz. Tviu Laies, tari,' tamparanca Sunia,' and il iiehathat il lathie gaverament and not lhe itunanît, Intolise vos-id. tise Math- DoieO OssVseut Win., 21. observai as Neai, Dow dey. Titare tata which ps-alerta iuc'ca, gesse ansi erssoftWaukegatt *have a&"L'iy A sculpter vite vanted t ple 'sà .Corydon J. lin!!. Minneapolis, 47; SEUl ha apeciti services Dt nelyni ubrand betwveanJan. 1et ansi Sept..' cravai a chance le laie tl itle 1anui« lstaDOgble fernigitî P5MPÇr' .as-T L Ps-aLias-,Wiliamsperl, lai., techus-cites et Wasftegsubut In ber 1!i. Vilaters are prosacutei hy cisllo to thias arma ansi give l lite c"tal marbIle or (Woed le elths. But 84. -citaschas trougiient Lake count,'. fades-ai otticers. The ate prolects motimr loeatise,' iaIntastore. Cii- Ifha ereW laresthliens','- HMTA. Leli. ýMilwaukee, 80; NoI Dov la lie man visotnade lie the sam favi baîveet Mes-ch 31s1 drenbvitala 'h.rtuitote posee x-idepress bhi- LeaitsE.-MIsIci.Wauiegsu, 27. state o! Maine dry. He -la retesrai dniSet. 1. sud balveen Dea. 16 aud drnbegi t apsttDII e rsli i roug its Wil uvaSasie cel& .Ilu.-i teis'lipe enta Lhe resI'cboee1EO O la takIni visai ve eau gel aeîîeog c John Lube, Milvaukea. 50; Lena te as "The Palier of Prohibition." F'ah. 1. i saeIllinoois iavais e m . Vahy Helt.e.Otes'citdren Deumoui Iml tt> l liat t ike5iau lte Miscitits. Ume, 48. Sanda,' echooeain lu tli.different vents lthe sai'î 1w asybed,' o! ig dhgegqs9 itoiv e @Wbd Wkd anici, - . burlieW. Reata. Chiiago. 21:;chus-Cites prehabi,' viiiarrange tata- s-aetlas, bird e0 paradis, or gnons «imt'nai~ gge~ou'* ~.1tfvu. MdASPON.Bqu« lle'. ie, 18, pes-sude prO-eSt5istB. J :hwoed because, Il le allegai, Con- le- Glenn NLartIn couida't change $5 bill, andai la police court 10- viahn Lavine bai Martinaranst- ;anti tien in tus-n Mas-lin cauepd was-s'et ta ha issuad !or Lavinels rest. Blowa vere struck even alter u fth iaparties waa placed ander rest. The two men met la a rai- s-tant tit mos-niuandaiexchangad eetînga viticit ere ias'ulang. Thte ses vlIt ha caliai las- triailanpolice ilt nert Taedy. ROGRESS CLUB MAKES RATHER UNIQUE APPEAL. PULL, BROT HER, PULLI The toregolng la the ratte-anus- Lsalutation centained on a cari Lat itas just haan mallei out ta the nimer o! the Ps-ogres. club o! s-th Cicago. Xs suggestive of the ppeai a six inch place a!fs-opa iq id te ane cornas- e! the cas-i on hich tha mesaagè la contaluai. Oaa f hea tsbas heen gant tleaacit iembas- o! tie club toi la anohet' nique plan ho ars-eaiotas-est a! sntiters. in a poisteript Itlal suggaatei liaI " tiatte- ot ciaagittg lie nama o! ae club anti also o! glviog Pose tait anoliar nama viii ha brauht ip at lie mehting tomors-ov oight. NSULL MiAIN IJEADS PUBLICSERVICE CO. At lie anoual eetig o! stock- aiodera o! the Public Service Cem- pay o! Nos-thera Illinois, bh dTuas- lay. the directors vas-e re-eiachei. Immeiatel, foiloving lte aeciiod- s-s, meeting tite boas-i o! dis-actons met sud elactai lia foilovinz off 1- as: Samu eil asaI . ul presiient: 'rani J. Bae, vice preeldent; Cha. . Mure. vice presideut; John H îullck, vice presidant; Jon G. Gi- c h rist , ss i a t t lte p re a id e n t ; Paul D. Sexlon. secreaas-d t ea9- rr; Ef. -E. Brenoaman. assistant sec- rtary, andi aat et seauner; Sam-. el J. pimar. audter; Hans-y W. WVynt.assistant auditoes-'cJoie . .eas-aed, assistant le vice preeldent. Short Items of Lo0cal Interest The navy daparîmaul hbas nalif lidlie pts-citasa of a gesi modmiy racruitîng stations uitrougitutlthe site migit iep as ik Mmotnt. 0 ceuns-y lu malte aven,'effort toene- occasionwvici isad 1attrast il ,lia I 4ndiately 10,000 -men of prev- otio tber- braver,' vitn aey lous service fthe"ta "Iaareserv, lthe ittiees ret tbe.fls',.. Acces-ding le a Mivauee paPe- Ingi, lhe modal'-vat iteim et Pelas' Holbach, one o! Liree vat- hs- suad you »nee'r .*#I Men1 ln te MilvasIite geter«Uiteti ciliilu tbtsorld. 0 a t buiîlinug, shis-ed front bIs position Orslte front iete.eWIse Mss-chlaI . Haei le timove 10 Wada- vans!B vertu te, resude on bis tas-m. lHe basn4RIN E heen a vatchnan ln Lia faderai serv- Ie for seventoasi yearm. Presentesi to Lorne Mai01. TisaILhe faderaI govas-ntant le, gel- irave-,. From Roedqts i ting r9ad,' for sadien action thtl LaIe. COllet,, IIL germa, la iadicatei sanavitat b,' titis item fs-on a Milwastiee papas': Ounltae baciaipaared themeii ,jein B. lieuniug, ieutenaut junior . . M m rogges ise'titre W ,40 grade lu ltae resarve o!theTUited and ~terfrom bua'alag im ttes usv'. itas beau os-des-ad tl e - 00. 7. meI, aI groat pé port tfs' dut,'. Ms-. Hnlng mueaeî ha ii.rsw et Lie Great Laies training station- nt bates- hanPslia,'. LORNA THANKS 00»A0 By suan tost unanhohua volaelis. As osis ceplei lte, IMMé4 lijnies etq. Wednesdsy Indicalai vîtîcitcame frn t 1>.peogaè É is isaPprovai cf elngenie otss-iae kegan, j.os'na vIL a anle a iegielatlou. Alter' a eue-aidai debala. face said, -"Oh. 1 Lani yM MAt lu visiit ffl roposaita reqafra body wvite ai suytinpte d4 medicai ces-tifiestas o! bath parties go mucit. I1csu-t tte var* 1 1la aivauca a! tise lamuanca a! atmer. yenou wmach I appreoeeif jl riaga license vas ianoauced Iluan- 1ieep il alvaystoVu* W purinu las-me, and hotý iliaiafler Il viii alva,'s ha aMouW» b.ing daihai a joie, anti I cerlallnoves' viii a WL Lhe asrIvai o! Mas-ci let ilthappe iee luo ei e 3 b' bas heen noetici hroaîit Laie WhIfle rorna uesapbeh coual,' dalligLie fav daTa precei- civing tLe m.inesite vu al ng ltaI v eli icadei ferrat wagon@ 0f1arLmgeswvien sic u»a l e bueoli gonda have heen ratllng bnia hentliibeeun cîm ilever lbe countr,' rai. Nantrons lthe FineI'Nationabai etIL à- tenants as-e trylug out naw tfs-m. ville'sud LaI Lhe ie- vrile a nanhar a! places bave mon.,' saiaed b,' M'm.kali h m citangai ownessip. All deals. botdepetla th Le bani lb« luq gsalis sud -leasers, are maie ta taka Bit. vas handôd te maYla* s i leffeot Mas-ch 1, Tise raenda'et vfiwichs siovesi tist ltma", e. lte veai vili b. suexceedily hua,' ber credItln lt.he bn*64 * g. oebhIfor fermersansd tbomie lte selicltatiena of t Ma fl m an. .rraneng for lomus viL h icis N fi Pr YVM CAN STILL. MELP--- The papes- lae sil iln tihe lion sand ln 1he mood si 5 eO ing fustier co rlbu ta .,8I Lorni Madois Fund m.md.e X e ý who ha* flot .to date cOmtgqhim cars de me b,'sendinq ilt t ti office andi we will limaseulietl see Ihat l la piacesi te hem' ehUit in lis. is-st National haflnX Ot Lîbestyvlle Sme prfflIelhqp tise noneg- toe lis'a Wa, man- and i vi .sant inlu Iý as thosir cettrlbution te the tsi" tisers wll1 piohahibly ikele e tribut. md w1 wib ho vw graletul te recelve MW 00y t, no malter how sai. If yeu.4ý. ire, eveg wlit a costrOugO ti0 a nickel o a dîme ta e to th ing by wich borna Me",1. w' b. remindesi of lte Sot erbMee' es-y which se*pes-f*ruidon COÉ6 hhis you can do eo by bepiml:1 te titoffice and wuw ii me.@the it fa put 1mblihe propos' pince' Las-na Madole. lte 12-YOUp0 daugtte of Ewtd Mai0., wvhô e* tas- fro etiarfs- atlas-,lte derMoji fathes- isd sel fis-e tot I.r borne M lhastyvila ou December tII, made ltae itappiost girl' in canot,' Weiuasdtya! tentomn, thie aduleso! titis pape' ocpU by Ms-s.'Leonand Smitif;ii1', avenue, Waiegan. veut te dola hoen u Lbestvllle .4-, seetei Lorua viha it 11111e * Waukegan renldantb uhicit M I long ramenthes sud vitci yeas-s te coma psove a o% >à îicalleti ta titis Yountg esê Loras-s as touai tlntIbo roon e!f hheir heoemet ISYI'ha turnei frontecitoal. Bhe WmdI that rasîdents o! Wauif,shWt< tribulai varleus sunis te IIi cihlug lu Wtulregan ina«MI 1 40 vith Thte Sun'é suggestJion *aA girl ha revardai. Site wvas 10* il itad been cosiiereilitee 1ue* to do ho use semaeofthLe 'g> . à ýb-- $1.50 PER YEAU 1-NADV,&NUe>., FOUR PAGES