Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1917, p. 5

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f 1ÉBBTyVLLE INDEPR ýIT, THUIISDAY, MARCU 15, 1917. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -m e n - - - - - - - - - IDo 1IT NOW'. WHY NOT?., Select your Field Seed, Clover, ÂfIa ~oh Skeed Corn -pVetch, and ILawn Ga8 -.<>ur bac s large and,çorope eand 's1 Ffihet Tstfor Purity and Germination. You will' make no mniatake when you buy early and we assure you perfect sat- isfaction in quality and Prcim LIIRYY LLR IN ER cléO« D" e u mm-eO e~LD.iet om a 80 m ."s. Phonme 47 LA. Bishop, Mgr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -su s - - - - - - - ECONOMICAL ECONOMY Caref ul Housewive i rtka t. QUALTYa"MMDE-m&" tker ive. r- th" le 1 ih ama, t iOmlivthe aumer. Quiu tan avaitpi aati.y o piae i vtet u saly*ipi cma". Eo imil Eaiey uiotf.1 igh ura ruSmb We. have tisCoinbination We sel1 othing but high-class goods, and we have whittled down profits toaa fe point. if you try us once you will fmnd -economical economyý" and1 stay with it. CORETT& FREDERICKS PHOI4E m.UDERTyvILL You Pay For The Garment Our Interest Is Thrown In. ~H T souads strange-yet we bave neyer madea Ilsuit of clothes or any tegamnwihu L.Jthowing in the intere for we are more inter- emesd ia giviaz you mad-to-or cl othe that are bound to give you the Lest service that it is possible to give. Our interest in a garment laesa as long as you wear it. And we "ae it our business tasee that you get the full wear you are entitled to- fo-garments made by us are made to wear'wefL. Fred CrokerT 'he Tailor. UETYVIE At Your Service For Groceries. Whea ordeniag cceres nt tus stme you can depend oin prompt and courteous service, quick deliveries. honest weight, depeadable goodk. Our experience in the busi- ness makes it easy for us ta pl» you. b. Vi w flyea piale unU ai eu 4e.,dom u-cmb. aeuted of kW iealla If raiSdisa" U MU ap v-. t" phM. Deinlein'a Grocery Good Hard Coal May Be Scarce but if you 10ave yotqr order wtj>un before 7011 an al out Wa Can FiM Your Ordel, andikeep ~y~~pli~with gaoci brd,ÔoBl ebert qMille, il You KDw cofNSéwo of Imm ~Intsw eptPsas Cali TgIaiih.u Iumber 1.: : N. &. Lad la .tonflued ta bis homne ,th thée meilm.. à son w»a born toutMr. anrd M re. Jas. as« on Mondas. Vctor Davice aud Mr" Robinson of Chicago' vleltad iiend@ bere Sonudas. lire. Frd Graibe bad oane of ber arme brokenfromi a f4 tu ber boneSondas . W. E. wtkiui. he Sailiexpert, and bis tamils baie moved loto the new bouse of Oý A. liewoom on Park Avenue. Mr. and Mr». Johnr Welcb ifere lu Antiocta Saturday asud attended the foirerai of the. laté. r nond H. Au,.. Bon Clybouni bad an otreratioir for jappendîtie performned au lajur at the IMeAlter bosptailnl Wanckegau Tuffl Idal. Aton was bora to Mr. and Drs. Barry Oison of WsniegantaitTbureday. Mrm Oson l a dangirler of Dr. aud Dri. B. W. Butterfiald of ti place. On account of th. itorin Taeiay evr- ang the. donce toire given by tue Liber. tyvilie lodge of Mmons aitirbe Auditai'. lum vw»posiponeil until nadi Tueeay. Mru.Myron l)icott of Bickory, iba beena iere cariai; for ber motirer, Dri. Ciras. J. Kiri.viro iras been very 11 for a coupie o! veeis, but le nov ou tire gain. Tire Womana Guild of St. Lawrence'@ cirrch ivii rnet viti r*r. heu Cly. baunnu Tueeday atternrairuof tire li t aek. Vietrisud friend* are cordilily velcomed. Tas Colletai' Lew Flagg irasagaju ex- tended te ibmure for laing big books, sud lnsteat of lcieg tiret on tire Stir, ne annoued limt wei, be wiii reelve taxes ntii ibm evening of Marrh 2tir. Ray Irnitir, vio manage tire Reynolds lotig sMore,waai taken dovir vîtirthea messIetire fIret of tire vesud ire vas farcil ta cloue tire ore Donday. Ur. Reynolds le speuding tire vinter lu lirda. Tire joua«E mer dlrivlnugtifs Drciati Dolivery vagonu vent on a etrîke Mon- day moran an sd Ia a frac minutes tire entîre crev vas replaced b>' new drivers, 'the eompany iraviug dlsrnlisd ail of ibm 'ormer drivers. Tirerneting of Ibm Lake County Board of Agriculture offcersand directarsviricb iras called for lait lDoudsy ta take place lu tirs village batiira@ pontponed toas siten date because moine of the offiere aud directors sent word tirai Ibm> could ual io reontma. Tiere epubicaus anrd dernacrate wiii bald stiru acusce Baturda> ta nonmi" nate candida-es for tire lovo eletion,. Tire nominationas ta ire mode are for oua birubva>' rommlselioner (noruir district.) ou@earsniltruites.tva justies and tvo constabrles. @pPecai meeitigo! tire Miii Producere jacltion biasbpec ealled for Wcdna.s. day even3lng of udt vsek for tbepuruoec 0f iravln iDreurulv@oe libm the vmilà contract wvitri vii ie prea.ned ta 1h. milk deaiers.lTh. eW Contracte are for the text six montrel. Quite a nurnier oi muelcîaue oi Liber. tyville a meeting Wl i rd" taior muni!trIplas for thre ocganiisllou o band bore. vîti tbe meul hta abaud vIl oeon h organlmed sud a plan ta selt tire public fur cubecripious villh. e n.k ai ont Airotirer meeting vîill h. h.ld éomorrow labt. Tirseet iral oi the towva wviliont electain lgt service for a cuuple of iroers on Tuesday evelung vienon.ueof tir, luge transformer* vattirurned out dur. hon th.storn. Wortarena aitatara off the service on Ibm veut eldb &Ibo for s 1e mintes iefote »ain e olila th. evening la order ta asie coun.tlaam viitbsediber transeformer. Thre Libertyvlle9 CommercIal Gub en. lertalned W E Wathluas, cIre soif pert sud Prof. Toilai Cate, prol"r of the Mciool. st a meeting Moada>' igbt Tber* woers short talkos. nauale« sud tcv. sryoae had an opporturlty ta bpecs,, acquslatsd aur tire tva usuedgetis A Baksry Sale *tWslrqnd'a stre Baturda>' sttemnoon. Darcir17. entier ansàpletf Womeu'e Gnld oflit. lA..a reate'e cirucci. hem WALÈ PAPER-Lbaerecsvd nY 1917 @ample boarie cantalunngt te latet de aigus et muarats pricci E. B Browva Pirone 208-8, Liborty'ville hlpu Iaugut cirands b«s reived $86.7C for th. Injuryvtan fina@rjsiary 11, irait tire Woudman* eeMlen 4Corpany et,; Id very' fsuei lea »d iiilire promuap CARO PIINAN PS Ulm Bolado abti. Who wan enroule froin Tacouma. Wg*IULton, tii ber bout@ la New lUatpt o. o. .topped off a couple of deys lent w.î*lO"u irý, lr coinîî, Poigmaiter J. IL âlieiuaui aud fsuily. Obe reu" ber journe: on Frîday, Mie Bl4atti lu a "ngt avacation frour ber work îtii t.nogt&Wr for' F. J. Alle Mnan. Who le uget foi C. If. & St. Paril rail. muail atTacoma. ail Who 15 1a Irotier of thie local ptnolaie. fi. A. Crosby of îMlwaukee. began hie datiues Ionday offlng asilocal agent for the Wns.Forge &Ce. Expres.Ralpb a. coin, Who won b local agent for the, cornp.iy ber, for a wsubelr of 3eari and Who roogned to take np tie new position wltlr tii. Aierma Wire Fenter Co. bpre; put la hWialait da et he Px premo office Satîîrday &"and .Ifudue nrnina ëtarwd ed b n b aw job. ilr, troslîy in given an &"&Mtat tbrough Wjlliagur ltojwdeir, ai driver 01 tihe expiress wagon lester Oofly. a. fomer Waukegan aud IÀLae couaty young mans, bat r,- slgaed hW poktttm ai editor of thre Houton (TeL) Cirronicle and bas irougiri hi t8iIp ta Chicago, wvire, ào aaceeffl I otio onounue oi thre big diMLue.Mr. ColbY secured hii tint nevapaper Iperience on tire LIbnrtyvfflO IudIfudent. He tirer aclepteS a potihaen a Cicago paper and lta t up sevenýyears &&» o 1 eet a pooition on tire Houe- ton pager lie.«Oioeedted lu vorkila bmmuJ e t be to. Chicago offersa viderfWWS.go lwSeclded to move. Revival service are h.lng treit lutthe if E. rirorcirmince Suiada, morning andI are itoadu.,ted l m IMiiiele ipbsut. wbo coaductedl revival servies@ in tire @mre ciurcirtwo yeanm ago vitb tirunir ance ai every ervieireld'so fat and sM trie revivais vil be beld e. ery nigiri except Baturdays for ivrr veeke great reyuite are expectei tirrougir ber wionk, fi' Mies Oilpirtis devotlig ail ber tirne oti ue van bereer sh@ goce. Mise Oliphaut deivere a fine message and ie is aIea a fine finge? anrd stors.teiler, wielc mai. tire service.strost irterrtlnDg ta ailt viraattend. Bbc bac tol af writlng a ryrn wuviie ou ber irst viei ta Lbertyville snd trathabas @unrctire ryrnu In every cty viricebeoabald revivais and prôimielta îiDg it before sire leavee. On Moaday eva uirg, asuin itire Sunday service iii wai ateleted by tire paetor, 1ev. T. 5& Bear. nd siaen by hec Carl A. Montuisn.pastor nt Ibm Preubyterian charcir bersý The chiri irepein tire îîugimg-*t ail iervce sud o n Monay ngit. Ivo membere of tire Preubj terian choir joid the chir!'far tire evcuiig and tire Prepiyteriacirrc Was seli represanted la tire audience. Tireeetwu chnreare laklnq sa roël active juteratit ru tire revivai sud mort good ouit corne from eueir co-operative work. FuXTURE FACTORY UAS IOVED TO-MEE VA, L. TL@e marbiuory . tire Iajer Mainu facturii.g Co. fatory ha@ bora ahîppeil ta Ociievaà, IliI. where tire compani vili be ri.orgaiieu on a larger a"sSetran it wu@ looible ta, do lu Lbertyville. The c.rwpaa.YL mocard tin'beadquaz*le ifrat Olaagu tui Librti viii, lu Ir failioc 1914 anrd besoin tire manufacture ni elvetrielilght fiturte and ir eineu prorniaed ta ire vrry fiaurlaiing niii the Ian 0f resdy moue) beqari lab. Iit On account of the great lacreuela priue EiO.LIPENCOiT PASSI3D AWAY- ONIWEDNESDAY Weduesday afteruoon about four o'rlocl occurrsd tire desth oif George Lip. piacoti, vira vas Wa1i kuown jr Liber. t3yviile ard icînit', ai hi@.bore ne uOur village afrer su Mîusea i acirconflued hm tu, hi@, bouabout aibt woeki Be irai bien îrocrbled aitir brigite ulleeea for about al year, bemrag advimeil about iriscondition isiout a yar agr BHe as thou engaged jin wîtlî i is brother. uDes&, t about Mlr. 28, Il dr, LI cd lu Penne àl r. ba@ il tirti John of &-b are ad PenUe Frieng R e, Penn@ Liber: viii b attrt ireld a Tbe-r Lakea but waaiforced to gir' ba is ork six monrtba ago. Lippincatt use 55 :aear, tîltianti aorn lintlorn.ll, New York, un April L01. Far the liset tweive 3earé ippincott and hie îv)fp have repid nLibertyville, .oriilng bers Iruni Bylvanla. Alppîneati leavaem no ebhilren btr hre brother.sud two eistero Tire cri are Beujaminu of Almatil, N Y., B. of Bornell. N. Y.. Thumpion B. bes<us, N. Y. and tteie tualoiters r.. ary Bordeir of Tiompeon, syivauia, aud.Mre. Nancy Uooley of ieblp, N. Y. gai a mcrnber oi the Maccabees of jîyvaula, sund a mespber of tire rtyville M. E. circi. Thre fanerai eo ireld frorn tie borne or Friday bnC ai 1:80 sud service, ill h. at tire IM. 9. ciurei ai Ivo o'clock. rinaIns wili ire ld ai, reet lu tire aide eemetery. PRESBYTERIAN WILL RUE AN "EYERY MEMBER CANVASS" Tire Ezecutir et!aiiirittrc -anrd eau. vasers foi' tire LEver> Meolur Canvais" of tire Preobyterian eburtir will meet Frlday P.vning at 7::to) et tir.. niurcir. Plana are beînat tuad. ta carry oui sud complet" tire raneSefs un one afiernoon, Suuday. Aprit 18th frarn 2:30,0 Sàp. ma. Tii@he ba, iineei.lilîc meuiod tire cirurcires ai! over tbe country are asiopt- lug to raise tirur unds for ibe entrent expeirses af ibeir wvan. Tire Budget aimumade up for tire Preeby- terian churcir le $1500 lnc!udiirg every probable expense tire churcir vili bave ta mcci durrlug tire year cornmenclng April liai. Tii. friende of tire ciurcir are aokeilet aieis re to luulîcte virait tey are willung ta routribute duriongthe year andth ieir a set of S2eurelapc la uppied to a e iun wviicirtua rake tire week ly pay menti during tbe year. Besidpea ih Budget for entrent ezpcesotire churuir la aico aeking for $150 for Bcnevolence%. be i i le dt1 wc maof atr al icopa wnuturte b demaudeil more capital ar irhwicir ta aiu iruoiluc. Tire comparu' tuai aver tbealdNovelt.1 Worki ibuildinrg adieu hmoved tea Lh.EAyille sud a wveek or ýmo a ai- rairgemviris acre cornpletted to bave tire prsrpenty reinured ta lie origl stock. halderni, leaviug tje liaien Mufacturt co. ire. tormore eleeviers. M Qo»uva the compan>' le sali ta h. I»Smad by large irauklug iteresti sud tiraItii. plaut vilI h. moveul bino more %panions quantere. 1s lu regretairis âtiri lirecopay vas for" tu lookaieleevire efor cgptqland a clram'iograu, asith irsfrsde ai tir coapany vich nuur. ueY, ver. anua ual ttire factoryiboneld usie a anas for itewt a î uLîbertyvIhIsasd la ciletalv h.lp builulop aur Içacu b>' It gruti. Nate bLDaier. tirs pregidsut of tire compan>', vastth ibfrai preeldaunt. ni Litieni> vile'. Commercialub.iniud durlng hie terrn--f office 'becane one 0i ihebmuret irtoaters tire lub cuiquld have v imbdfor.;1 DEMOCRATIC CAUOUU Thre l)amoratlc Cencue, for lire Tovn of Liberla ville ta bao h.Id la tire Tovn Irai i t:8O2.3 . mSaturds>', Mei b17. 1917, for tire PurPose 01 uornluatin caulldateua fui' the fidilowing oMicu)th. vtd fr a% tlie- To nsiP elecllou tu h. be.ld Apeil 8. 1917: 1 ofrnu4iir iBigirvaye (rortir dlîttiat) 1 Qchorci Truoteas 2 juetîceilaf tire Peace. 2 Coiiitalilni And' ' otrai.pact imh îiotber bueinees as co W ci. tioitre h- WIai CIbtriv Cbeatre1 Ubsetyvile. Bnd Home sf Patamount Pictures ~1 fcei Bai -tri hal Friday, March 16 rire Moment Bafore-a 1, reel nousI Piayerî prodoction, foatur. gMies 14uuine Fredarick.' .Saturdày, Mardi 17 The Voite Up-stairg-lînp drarna aturing King Baggoî and Leair uird. TiraiEvidarnc-Big V rma featurir'g Bob Leonard. Un" ad Me Villain-2reel Lko cornedy. Sunday, March 18 Mie@ Mary Pickford itn-Davir of a T1omrro-in 6 reel,., admise- ion 10e and 15c. Firet ishow 7 P. uM. Tutesday, March 20 The Faire Pr.pht-2 et oapisode of the G(irl Front Frioco stries jr 2 nreele. Burton Hlolmes travel pioture. CJartoon cornedy. Wedntesclay, Mardi 21 David Garricir-f reel Pallas piotune, feaîurng Drîstin Faia. SFirst National Bank -BUT NOW----New Stocç VAUG HAN'S'S'EEN Now In. We wiph to annonrrce that Vanghausw8eeds ma-4 ried excInsisrcly at our store, and we would Uke tQ w you bring, or send in ytrur orders for anythlng coutah in Vaughau't; exclusive catalog. Everythlng ffoM be#ié catalog prices. By pWaing 7our orderi ber. vo cave you thre tine, troule expeame of buying i iao ansd havm*g shipped oIL ItoMm et vante consa . pplied rigrt t our store. Brng orisandin uyour od-rto 1Vaahaar'a OoLIg"u, aM LANOWORTIIY'S VARIETY T W. vil! appreosate 19our builais Amc Immem Stock of Up-To-Date Msrhdà MA",*on H"&4 Isideedet CIsssWed Ade Peu. Aek smeuam oftI i We, "Ul for 0C4 we, THINGS .FOR TI SPECLLY Lot of aew uablaached crash and glaSs towelm .godW_"h only, yd .......................... ...........10eC New curtain matel, musias. voiles, nmarquisette, -and nets, a large assortment tm white, ert> and ArabmnaU althe. wqfw per yd ..................... ............ I1». 4Oc Watch for later anaounenimt of our big -5 1Wn Ope Sale of lWaies Ready-to-Wear Carments. This will be your op- portunity to buy your Esâter Outfit. Wait for it. , --j non a -0--- Î- TOOLS.YOU WILL SOO NýE EI Sowers, Lever Hai- rows, DiseHarrws, Spring Tooth Har- rows, Walking, md- ing, angFlow&. We have a complets stOck of Prm Iiplsment aut atmu'atvs pricea SCHNKHRWR CO)MPANY Lubertyvil isi At LfflYvIine in Uie state of lirnir. et thec lose oi businer. mardi1. 117 IM 1. a Loem d Dhcounti ........... . s U. a. Bonds detaogited to arcure Circulation (par value).......... r.EBomids, seculttes. ec.; b Bonds 015cr than tV. S. bonds DiedeO tuaracure Postal 8&closu ouuednuitaedred .......................... ..... ... Tot bonide. seerille#. tc ........................... ........2al6 t. trer than Federal Reserve Rank stGç.............ik*p S. Sofa! ederal Scuerve Benk (50 pet cent of subecriPtion .... ........L W 10. lnrnllnre aud ilixoirei- ...... .................. .......... .......... 1 12.* a Neiterouot dire f courm arovad itrve Agentes lnINew York and Cicago .14. Met amont duc f TOM rank, and baem (otherthen lulidedn 12 or20)-. = 'l. 015r chrecke on batik. lu te ac reetty or iovrn as ieporiiirg ank.- il. a Outarde checke and uther cash iteMs............ ......... .. - 01 rDb Pracional cnirrenci', nickel. and rente ...............M72 tU7.74 2ù, Lawfnl.remerve In) vaul nîtSd gîth Pederal Reserve Bank..... ... ...... ...iJ* l.RedeuiPtion fond uith r'S. Treasurer sud due tromt' S, Tresuter U1 Ttal ..................................................... ......... 13057 .0Capital stoCk ptid lu..... .......... ....... Lesi enrrent espeure,. lieret saxe As,'554 -Y, Ainuant reserve for taxe, accrued-.. ies Aflunt reervd for Sir lterest ecenîrr........... . .... '09 25 CrculaUni unotes. outnriuat..................................ei. 3l Net anrount due ta rianks and tbanker, ... .... ....357 O)enand deposits;- OLi udividual deosits ,ublet ltcheck.......... ..... ........ ......r.1m :4. Certificasi..of deposît due ln Jets tiran .10duS9..................... 72.-14-6.25. M 5Ccrtlltcd Chcks .........-...... -................. .. ......... :... 06 m4. Postal Bavingu depoci............ .........d...... Total deutard depute, Items 33. 31. .3nd18............. Time, depoite (payable atter 33 das. or subict ta 80 de2r or more notice;) Mt. Otaer Urne depoulte ltsvingo Accormts)................1.2- Total.....v.-............................................... .......... 'ITATE OkP ILLINOIS. (JOUBTY F LAKE.Ma; I nerbed "su m lnibelore ne»13* 14 1. .1*. O ridley. Caerder. of IcaiorenanD tal o! Mares 1917. bat, do solemuiy u.ear tbastheabcos LYELL im. MltReS. x PeOdie stt.,tlu truc tn trie best of My knowlte I Correct Atest:-w321 , »FS.ffl . S . Cair Wu.ALrOeOe'ý Fe 1 ýà-- 1 t e 0 e ât

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