LtBEJEJL4tTI~U~ MAC1 2a Î1917 Tomorrow Our Opening Displays will Featurc> New Frocks" S,ýits f or Easter Y I30YNG the disttnguishe tritso asions, .1Ibut avoiding its exaggerations, these gret establish a standard quite their own. Our coletin are by far greater and even grander than we have ever' presented. We have arranged these remarkable Frock and Suit display. that ontO might view them te the best advantag. Yu are cordilly Invitéd te moiak aMaection. A wonderfully varied range of moderately priced. ~prngcoats H ERE is -to 'bc men -duublc, the selection we have ever shown before. Tneluding the ultra-fashion- able with models made along more conservative linos. Amiong the exclusive coats one wili note:- colORS: -Flame blue --m Afusé -OuiliGreen -U.aver -Purpia -Old God -Montaotiac -Uroadcloth -Wooi Velour -Poiret TWII -SuraIit -Gunniburil Silk will. be favored very ex- te nsively in, Spriug,. A siec4~i olgr,'eot variedness in each pI w # o12 O " S WIDELY inlbsîve imwfaghibn as, at any tie A1. ereofor. Te beutiu-,new co ors ini georget- jt;~ chi*oni, cepe -à. e chin e7tub silk, lace, and, in mod- cis comibining these nýaterîals w' gorgeous effeets. iSil in.- ~l# agéê éigs; of crepe Qre.e net.. d ags in .ijiany unique ýSilk 4n, arýed hucao and ~ d~sgn~. w veis I 'niqe *Igus. W. speak of the new in Dress- Goods A N EXQUÎIàTÈ assort- m neit of aprimxgnovel- ty materiaIs ini bri#;' hues and brilflant comàblnations, as wvell as sedate colors. ike: Khalki Kools, Yo Sans, 'serge glae, satin- georgette, faillés, sjlk and wool pop- lins. Wool Fabrica: Burel- la, Sue4eneà, Jersey clothis, tricotines, foulle serges, B0- 'livia cloth, gunhiburîs, ervs- tal velours, etc. Strongly epwè qua~ti. nd $raluea ini Dress Côttons C OIN. DOTE sudýi Vidly colored atripe in pret- ty, sheer quàlltios., of novel- ty *eavesl. Included: voiles, crepes,, liuen-finiýu suitings. htrceriztd' pôplins., "econ- ç*"silks, etc. s PECIAL OPENING WEEK readinees we'vè =- Swith the miost attractive display of crepe unewr. garmnents .ever offered. at our low prices-$1 to $0È. . This assemblage iicludes gowns, con*inations, où- velopes, corset covers, etc. Handsomely Fashioned and Vividly Colored, ,New S~prate SIft T HE sinatestinterpret.gtion oq the ne* r lueès ]b se- araté skirts, featuring the "barrel" model. Fabries: Kbaki kool, white fsnl pussywillow, faille, fiilk jersey, combinatioris.- M~1iy'sSpriug, Boots re .fmous Red Cross and- May 4»Manton shoes f or womcn are hëre üai their latest effeets., These arc Glèbe shoes of character which ýmbeq ~with their sm~art styles the 4mp.IOIfnce of. comfort and durability n