bpertyvile Independent ü Comn> eemdent - Wauhqan Week*y Su!n1 hmNiar1,ri. UbrtvIlle £3mO eI îli - Oficiel publictuon for he Vilgeof LUbertovilis: sIlPIUhIlostlfl for Lakes couUiy sourd eW sup.slar r tceedllgs 1 TU.sy IerBd&V. advertitng Baies lie. novu on Appliction. SSOSITIONPRICE, siîSO PER YEAR STRICTLY #N ADVANOE ........................... .................................................. Edtor Ot. sMtyT.................................................. ..................... mer. 1&. dWIIIER ........ .................... Resident Manager. Phone 1l04 -o -aO~ ý~ixgdEg omerthe indictmflts-retmmMO by that long- MbP pan jury and tii. nature of the evidence proMt.- ** b. .WSU sattorney on via to base prosectlofl, Il t~.o looki uow as if the Jury mrly vas outto indict 4jm lujusil make a bg hovug ln the. number -of * nrodno niatter boythbey eventuU]y tbrnted IN* evetbrov of th. aur of!R" n sia a a ssudden îwer«&M thé lbvoetbro f telii. et czar Luke ~~o b -DWI. -ZaLicho E0nRUI1a, Dovie vbwm lb.shome tboverthrov hlm and usurp * o!ta"i ioe vas conaocisd, -and vien ho re- ILO l ormed thatho nlouler wu M"L." It bhi tmad h. died& wmItdo the mare villi *i.q'uit. evi-dent 5W's Attorney Wèlch OO!JD bave Mipted ltheN1fl1r grand Jury la il. fiasco of gel- âmMérabldlleats; no déoubt-loe amythé ovi- =~evs us y on the atrt-B1UT lMr. Wekàb mmv Ihe fta rp eof my e M fr jury, -no the chances *M ay dld-vltthe lb. rattiildlctints ver cMde' on sac b abtantlgsvidencethbey're an "blowv !Nd Wlch, affir causes one zt ad ponder; toi veothe b.dmgwr A"T p*uli = kes upon hlm- 0M viu ho facis theiaecsulty of borrowlng monojr tro ~i*bPIdPSr suinladoing oacceptsa a cek for the kW>-oh*lb.hemcmb loglcasili y to do vhsa everythlng >»-,*à1er& Y«boum,e hocs.amy coowty officialinh L*o ul-, lhelias leborrov moaey, ay; b. gel. Ilt rom an =ue frisai and giveS hlm hls note for It; the "blIewI'latesr, wbea holie bomes dlsmatlmfed vithiurne- QlIIugl officiai dom. or doesn't do, cones forth vlth lhe sation". "e acaepte money from me as a bribe," and Ibeoraginai note of the officihidden in his pociiel MI d WUthémmufed'check as 1 «proo,the leader i lat 'W---nvier haoeun at bail make lhlngsunupleasant mutappoar rallier conicluuive agaluat lhe offcii he ueeko li "pMtalubadi" aud th iti lm la theii.mntlie la mac gtabsolutely, but naluraiy la in a comproiledposi The. sensatlonal charges made agkinst Stale's Âttornej James G. Wehch created a uhock in Waukegan such as1tb u(lty bas nover iad before. Finonds cf the state's attor a", vlo was elected by the biggesl majoity ever accord ei a candidate i Lake cou.nty, stood aghast. Confidenz in bits innocence, thev nevertheless reallzed the serions lima of bis situation becausé, no matter how innocentî Ma may lie, to have such charged hurled at hum cause those who are willing.to accept them as facts hefore thei have been prcvedso0to say: "I told you so." The publi is toc willing oftentimer; teiudge auvicklv and un! airiv Wi. WeI9h's friends Pre firrl'r of the belie! that ho wil b. able te clepr bi-s slMrts. Re says he can do se quicklý Blas frierds stili h-ve thýýt iiolfidnnce in hirn they hpd wh<- they voted for ii last ill.1 It'was known during hi çmeaiirn and alter it ended thait he w4uld be subjecte, faiohe closest possibl.e scrttinv in bis every act-Pnd therE fore it was exrcected he world be constantly on his guar( 1iat face, of it.Relf, Iendi arpninent to bis emyhatic cor lentier that it ie absolutelv absurd te think thot he woul bave laid hlmself oren to sirh charges, esre"iallv froni man of Goldberp's stamr. Tt je on lr.fàrtiinite situatici but IOW that il bas been made rniblic M-. Weich wiIl an ihoi'ld inasist on the u'o,,t c,4r'ftl ard det"Pled exfflanatior thlq Pttitude for hiînself and for his friends is the conl 4ent belie! of ý11 who lhave helned him to the pinnulei miccess, a point froyn which he surelv could nt and WOU' mot bava e rxittedl MimAelf to he hurl,-d down lu the 'w- that 1. cham rge 'ginçt 1'Iiii v a nian whnqp, aon be <WeIc I. prosecutina' in Cicrit co'trt on a viol-Ation of the st *suor law. The whole tbinp, presents an ineuovairehenel' 'atato hen orle stovsg for a mioment EVEN IN TIH DIMMXCEto admuit koldb"i; 'chwrge-the factdas au 4.ha s"'imc outterlv ridiculous and 'reposterous th màbus dhflc'lty tmaanlng inw anvbodv wotild bha Iý*bo1lwe ltat anv pvblic offlclsI enold 1alce hiiself #.tè~am.ul. Tii.5 1r. WeIth's frlindq feel tb - ~~ of a* wnmalrcmmotlr ce la tne. borr<, - ~ 5 ~pj~~liusturned -- - .- ~Idath inluabad 13UÏ t o 'oeuece 1 lý [y. ean Îe- d. )n- Id ia )n. lnI- Sof uld av he ,Red [bl Fm- the hgt ln REIAL IEMfiS Chroàh Jervm ~ A TOA. E. CgiURCII leSailoo sCAUCJS SATURI moin M. pelal s rvifor at 8 0'ad Seviesar Sin Atedeil by churhm br ebpet6:5EPVOrth Iln Som o f the TOMn ouI Large Nl,er.NIgbè1tly. Lngue mvio~eýst 7:80 premachug àr- SlçedF1¶V t uPot1 Seeraliin Chuirah vice.MiesOUpbi:illremainîhnUberti r lt.__ominations. The revival Meetings at the. M. E. aid sitig et bath thee morainir and @CW Tii. Bopîbilcan aMd Democratic sa church, condouted by Misé Miute 011-lte reves.. -town cauilise were beid et the Lit pheatsais bing .contliueaiâl ibIs ereek 24011 WOsday evsniDit. Martch t8tb ',Dis5 tovin hall Batnrday afternooz and turemtb*owii coins eta aclo»Sbai7801r- .J,.ÀA. Matlock wil Pteh re'*Wl c nemi uengbeid Iu the wlhb tbeSanday evecing services.Ever at the. K: B.L4nrcb and this services Wittensut e i.demorate heid tbel ainow ai woei &go lest Sna is .ac naution- of the.Evangelletticth, main bail. Oliphat bea beeu slrongly mieited ln servit.. Alter the service neît Wdnes. ChairmmeaB. W. Buikiey cellp lier work an the. plttora by srrl day eviminir Dr. Mdatiock will baid thé, repubika caucus ta order sud Att ministere wlao have dons a great dei al 'tSi'lYconféence. - -. fi. Miler wp choisi t'O set ai toiwerd §suaing te i revivais warth a Epwortli Longue servies nezi. udai mai aMd B. D. Hubberd ai cerk. viiole lot ta tbe Lertyvllls people, who evelliir et 4:45. Harold Elaggerty wilil tii ie M 0hlgiiway commio& aiso baye beau ver-y faitbfui tu thhir liate , moutmen. .iii. ortb district twon nominationq attendance deupits the. tact thst sevei'5J On rilday and gaturdal esigs ô0fmoe: the. nominations belng1 h2gtWImt sek lbs weathev wu sem, *~ado ni udzetmoo m . ee- ou âtii siormy "SIt on. vouid bardly believe leRt aiS Veock 1ev. T. S.'lisant vilà " blise. Frank aSinsier rseeived 2 possible tW>ave s large attendances a itiiter baptisa aud receirs inta the. W.. Peteroon 12 voies,.Mr. S $li. servisse. The. ministers who bave church auj wbÔ ddirs te join.' blng declared the. nomines. stood fithiully by Mise Oliphant. Preebyterien. FoirechoOl trustes 8. L. Tipi Rqv. T. 2. hem, paitor of theId, M. Choir pretceon Saturday'eveng nomlnaleet by aclamaîtlon. Fi chum.rol.ev. Freeirk ing, a roundeti7:80 p.M. taojustic tes l.Puece. Attorne, miniastr. liov. . A. Manteau@,s pastar- of Sud&y ervie-Bnday school 10à. m. IL Morris aid W. E Davis were thé Preshytaian eur-cb and FBey. Wma. oralg service il a. m. Sermon by baleid by acclamation. Jahn T. Zabel, pastor of iii. Congregatiocli pabr. and DuislaLmberry vers nom cburcb ait Ame. Chrsti»n Endeavor meeting at 8:415. for Sb@. office of' constable by am LaniTburedai' nigbt tb. niembes 0i Leader. Roy Wright This te a temper.n. oi.ter. Limberýrytla donmix the Epwortb L&fueattended lb. servicesaies utfrg. Dams viii not appear- on iii. rapt lana body aid Mise Oliphant dliveed a Popular evenhng service 7:30. Êvery- ballot, but Il: ii lneteed b.i sermninlfor their espscial latereet. On bd m.demcr-aic balloaie w.uvaleu SondsAmornhng tii. serviceviu especi- Md.e.lb Prajîir Meeting weeinesday »ad for eonstable ut -tiie deux sLiay luspirina.to the. large nomber prenant evealntg at7:. ).us lho - ti at iI1h7ie.ndt trafgere are weleome ai this chur-cb. W. 9. Davis made a littie tali la the praiseof Gad aud tii. bible copng lie p.rtiîfo nominatd..Ksrsoni tra Li lis oon o Liertviles oa ie i.beld dnring tihe wei ree igtating tbe large nomner of doge ftvenerebis gentlemen, Stephen Tajlor-, April 8th. tawn made it neoesear-y liat à . ho that day wveelebratinft is 98 t ari A. Montans, Pesta,. <office, b. cratsd. birthday sud at1.ended cburcb liai Chaîrmai,'Miler appointithe 1 1morning. Mir. Taylor, ln aelciar voi. St. Lawrence Epiecopai. în conite meirsort 1repest.d the Firet Psalm tfram xemary. 1ev. E19 0'White, Prleetin-cbarge. year: B. W. Bulkley. 0. B. Egt liunday evening 1ev. Zabel of-rsa, jaid Servie vilii bcheld in tii. Village Hall Ch&@. Wieoi. quit a mumber oi the. membersaifbiis intil futher noItcP. At the. democnatie cauent Henr 0 burch,ýatteuded tiie service. Snday 1H01Y Communion except tiret ftunday wu nasen culimine and J. B. p .aitrnaou baptinmal services vere beld la montb 7:30 e. n. secet&rY. Al tbe o ffices ver, a] by Bor. eaie, a number of people bcbg Boly Communion, lot aud Srd Sun. aeelemetiop, tii. iuîiowinf teing .taken întô the cburcb at the service. dai 11:00 a. m. noatj. b On Monday evouing lice Oliphant Mrniig Prayeroter8undayli a. m. For bighway coemlseoîecn, 3 delivered s "Boa Sermon" to the. ladie Chuncb Schooi 945 a m. district-Fred Sudam. Wi. Co 0 wa hitd biee apclally InviWe for tiat nomlnated ai commlseioner for th service. There vbe aisea quête a large Ç$ÇK TO V iE district ehould it ho determined B auet oi men aud elildren preseât. E145m D YlU ~cy @elise in that aillesonan Tuéeay sveaing wai yaung peapies 01 yg'~pfllj>I Its prespnt Incumbent, Chai. P iscit a s' ..y l'ar&, nimber ai the. » Y Aice u1UEiff aving moira it a tii.hevillage o11 Ep.ai LuL .eue, . beunday sehoal and .ville. 0 att hiseidren mat members of ither ai FAUM fl> NIW F or sehool truetee-guet Bradld 10.55 Organisations vers tu attendime . " For justice'01 of lii'pý.e-01, L* To these Mise Oliphat iena il a Bayera. Thère wu no nomnat i apiendid massai. Tftsday aid Wed- One Man'Asked to Be Exoiised th. second justie ai the. peaceý 9 nesday eveninoe Miss Oliphant wai a- Becase Ho Has.40 Cows ta F.r, nti.'.Dni Limbe c ompanied lu ber songe by Mis Maron Jamen R. ineil aTaylor. who plaie'l tho iarp MiIk EaOh Day. The chairmai appain ted the, fc for Thnraday evening <(tnigh«t) Mise CUD' XCS HM comnilhte: Henry Caser, W. El i Oiphait baimade a oppeial invitation CO LNr XUE rE .aid Rues Oab"nne. ,j e h miuen ai the. commînlty aid theirored Tva epectaliy keen figbl e-tamiliés or finonde ta attend. At Ibis Hou. Claire C. EdadsFrcdPlace et Warren and Waucaîdý eservice the evangelipt will preaeh a to HoId Farwers BmcUSI (of silps. wne- tOre r "Ralrod ermn? OnFrdvBilât Saaraityof Veniremen. Th lnraiGneae d lhe services viliiegin at se' en o'ciock. a FOR CONSTABL-Leci B( t, albour earlier, no tat ail thons. To get an idea of boy mach a Ws ry n delring ta attpnd tbeà lpha Clubi concert fermer bai ta contesid vth in a, FOR JUSTICE-Wesley Stn L it l the Auditorium may do so alter lb. y«r's war', an. sbauid have been oni James Banner. seilfrvie.A servi* oa sueabeen arraig- band ln tic court honae yesterday FOR IiOAD COMMISSII . i o Satrday nigbt. U.uiaiy Mise s-e-aîvin soeiigletf John Thomas. 1 *. Oliphant rese p un liaz iight but onaftFOR SCIIOOL TRUSTlitrEfi -avount ofthl.incement veather @siereai to a fr-more petioneetHom.C. C. FaR Li TUSE nlghti lait veek which kept a goodiy Edvarde te exeuaethosa freinjuy MrTLe.ncsetWuod . m era eht ubo te' e. llapim e b o eriFOR JUSTICE-R. C. Kent a Batard igbttcfti. ~eeiaia '1"Itae forty ceves te mli ever' r-y Stoffel. Yday, and deepîte my eaeuet effortta FOR CONSTABLE-Homei ~C1IF~1 have been unable ta finit a iîreai andi Lee Huson. Ir,- S m sE» EÀ O R mai. You can't sven finit aie, to say FOR ROAD COMMISSIONE TO AY TÀX S O thi about hirlig oiue," saliti the ert Dowell. i . ae200 actes aid there ta no--____ ~ OUT TIASURI3R itevie"aada-COURT, HOUSE IS, Be kssfNo1 Sor !Ctis ' bave over 30 bead of cattUe to C NV RF N jc; Won't 8 ein Hands of Treas- pl0aec but my aged tather," sald an- IO ATO ure V~~prI 1eoter asked ta bie excuaedbc Scores of people bave been calirg 'cause of il healtb. but :Ion. Claire Wattkegan, Mari 0nomi- 'Ayere Slame- ilii on sb. 0nomi- ocratie la vbieb lmater. n ow la »Cii au 9ioilow. me neit ger and y Osier tiiemob flied by notai- nBortb per s ;e aautb thst a actaint Wilcox, 1Liberty- ley. Ieu P. sion fan cnrry aid eiitioing EMWler it tooi oik and ang aid EE-Mn. kar-e: iàe a Up )nrty- le bu@-. mire lu pIl the, choair. k.For ,e? for Dg vere wballot 29 aid Blumsr For the STRIKE 1S AVERFIP. New York, Marci iS,-TIc.#alld etnîlte bas btoma v.nted. Vlelding te thoepp"esi of Président Wilson end 15dmin thépnehabuliy of thue atuatryis soir-acs mie the wOld war, thi eiremrodss«My todzy piOyeW bthe dmndodfore bfucrslgh hloePr y.Tii. tme fraàpbulewinear hanr y., Theugleo th U i.d ates mesemlgsa fnomothebrtheUnited Satuse messladiges 1w h oins o tii. e aéslndinethe gorouressfote e- ninqo lmihporssv trk u The. deciian la rearded ai a com- plste aur-reider to the. brother-ioods, brougit about. bovever-, atter- the patriotsa of the. rallrcad' managera id beau put ta thse teet The. preat- dent's mediatana. piaylig viat tbey coisidcred ibehr- leatitrump caret. vere not succeetul lu thir Mission until atter- more tien ftfty bouri of aux- loue coiterencesc, &i of w1leih palîteet. vîthin a short Urne betore the deci- aloi va. announce&.tuauan nevhtable 4es.loc*. ADAMSON LAW VALID. Washington, Marcii l9-The Admmn- son elgut-houn Iiw, pss.sd by cong- roses lit summen te preveat the tlretened rained sînike.. vas up- heid hy the suprerne court teday as coutittilm. The opinion vas rend by Chutf Jus. tlen White. Nev Yok, Mae-h 1.-Tii.four great raliroad br-othorbeoda baye von ti fihtbifor au .lght.hour-vcr-ilns day and tiee n viibu 19ostrike. Tii. a9fflment a aitiieti 11. la ei- timateet. 'viiico.it the rallncade of the. ccuntry aicost 890,000»00 annually. j i. haci pay trou Januar-y 1. vblci the. mon 9,111 reeifve, vUii total la the. jneigisborboeel of $12,00O Oor- $13.. 000,000. JAppr-oxlinately 400.000 men ar-cf. WETOXITM Chiot MoGuie of Lake F#est Discouvrs Thieves Cam ya MeWtng Pot Wlth The.. Melting pot burgians. via. it à* be- Iteveti. bave robbed 12 renîdumeofe wcalthy people In Lae Foreut la the mest fev vetiuo. added theis sSy home of Mn.. W. S. Narth to tb* rMet receetiy. Tic robbere carry a melins pet ln vhlch th.y moit up the shlver-woft s» seon a» tbey bave looted a ree ta avoid the paeabllity of!the e mpr' identtylgtheii.stolen articles.*Met of Pole. Walter 3EcGntre 0o! te For-est duseoveed ti lat tii, buigars boit usete4 Uaptite ahver-wan a b.- .d Io thse North neidence in a émba vest cf the oletdminGolf Cilubsanr Frort hber-ida. NIEW U.SOAT,01R11SIS1 BIFORE WILSON Wasbuflgtan, Mer-ci 19.-Secretary of state lanîling veu nt io coiteroioe vith President W ilson àt 11:10 a. M. Hél nid then. va, nothing ta &YAi t tWe time. Counselaor Polk of the State Depert- ment wasasaked wviether the. depart- ment hati canatructi the slilng by Germai eubmrnies cf the Amér-lic vensels, City af MemphIs. liluols and Vigilanée as an act, of Uer. "The situation'ha to serinas ta dis- cusm," be maad. 11. vai atated t hit the departmnent voulet maie ail tacts beax- Ing on the ituatioi public as woon as passible. By many oeîators aid adminisctr- 'iaon officiaIs, hovever. it vas consld- er-ed an -avent act,' c Lateet ailvice tram London report 22 mefibers ofthtei vessels' crew- most <of tbemt Americans-mbcsinig. but this baseflot been confirm.d. Buagethone tbat (ongrurese .clied into session lini.edfaelY bave beu pouring lita the Whlte Houa.e ver- mince Sunday. The Président. however-, bias not yet mae up hie mInd vat vIii be dona. TOOLAAI QLWIY FARM F99 RENT-IR acreneer Bai D"y. %111ssii stock sud toals. Addeeee C. 0. Marker. Westordlid Farm, Routa 1. Ares, 11i. 1 r.l WANTEO-Married mai ta wuet on elairy tarm on Milwaukee Ave' Gond bousa, gardonand miii. A L lravie. l.hbertyvitlee 2 Illinois Automobile Fire Insuranco Exchange Over 0000 autonole owner have. forined these cornpan ics sasa to d i vide among tbemi.lves the ingees t4 their own cars bv tire, tiieft eud collision. A gond company anîd a rea8onable pria.. Write or phone Fred Purkhufst, Lake County Agent Phono 149-R WANTED TH&EE MEN To sell, Spices, Extrada. Toilet Articles, retai fe Country, Cily and Town Trade. Seil Rawleigh'e 127 Houschold Producte and lien. fected_______ -Largest LUne, Greateit er Cook - VIRTÙALLY AT W 7 Variety, Lowest P".s,- 'Wasngto, D. C., 1 1Ich 2 0. - known every,#here. Termes Rla-Without valtlîg fon tic proclamation E-o-Preaideit Wilson la expectedti ta ssue Cash or Turne. Backed tcmorr-av that a etate ai, var existe by Four Million Dollar heiveci the, Unitedi States and G-'r- ocr. atmnt maîy, the gavernment todiy tre ocrmWatmn pareti de!init"ly ton farci-ful aîetlam ta represent compafly in rTo oprtan tani tem31 aoit counties in Nonîhern Il- ,otht' ca s miean op,010 ious outaide Lake county, Y ARD Stp'opoetAreIa le n capable of earning frori proery ae xpcte t tke mrp $100) to $150 a month. dPfin1tA tom et er tht' cabinet meet- - i-ch 17. 1 i tda..în Address, giving age, oc- et the couniy treasaner's office Lnt C. Fdwards van placed in a rather flcas LIe ont on otpt uain n rfrec pay theln taxes, naving fallei ta naY embarras'mlîg position. He couldn't sca acat ake ont oestht'pol1u'aio ndrfeec sessa cota,,on hspitl, te poice Treatmcent of Houne Plante. thllm te tie different tavi colleclorm,.exi-usi- but ane cf the prospective 10 EnWaukforan commanda'erored 1h' many cr vhom have closei ther jurors. A mander case was On the akgncmmnprd' I i lu(d nteoe r andan gtthg eay t trotril oî. ad ha tht 4 court bouse Friday nigbt an-d lodged Iltltus Fld 111 lmt' tt vnLeonard D is n e y boosadaegtngrayttaatlclandtE haxeant t 4before uslng nia til t osve rite-h worri thc'm ever- te the treainer. Immi rauqt be retaned ns venireneti' ieeiemivavs 1ett eamîu i î'îmsuaî vre ieivlq - --lln In tic case, hovever. cf Deprf!eli. Tht're wtt'. but 25 m'enInlathe court Sp)rltiug photo s wti a syrlngm' and a Shicido. Waukegan aid Ilenten, tt' I-n om. jmdge Edwards c'xcuqed th, Ta prevent an epidemie of meageslr's. 'aof ti:,îli:l ap sall destroy volctr ere supr.oîed tb clol" mai who hid40 Ccvi f) i mlk Fiday. the Poflce were foi-ced to telte i-is ,plant lime umiedspliers. colletoreaction when lbey foundl a "man witn- thein books an March lti, brut 7' l.at(rrlhe sent the depaty eberiffa ouI <ut a home" s'ck of nue d i-sease. vere unable ta do su aid tht'et ttC to "îmli-k up" tlftep e'n cir.mc'a off The sick man vas a stran-er l'% have been unabie ta trnu thelr books thpstrtit t'to Waukegafl. our i-ldtt. but the' police couldintB T ?T~I tc ovèn ta the treasuren. Ela iownghip At 1ocolcyseda ienon take hmm 10 the r lt lilmitsandi dfi1] ' 1ý ý BUT NOIew Stck of colector- bas turneti hie InDr'ptty Mieriffs West, OreY and i-on- h'lm eut ftel' aly Il a pssiletha ai expnitonIf-rd tl. esrtto cxtrt'me- Wsuegn toni aPnretunet tv A GLANS SII[D Ilkea boopasibl tayb ti îinm 1-1 <' o oIt ut. postions ai- ta put the sick man I l r betti'i-Aurrît1. Accncdinly th- Pc-ar-",'si orner, anti everY tlme tat iii'woultli ot suffer ftm poun VU G t A YS ýD hao'ae'îrt n ata thele' taxes ,n an intellige'nt loniing ponson came Tliey trled ta pet hlm a i-at lu the' 1 meditAîly artt Aunil, 1, raier- th:.n witiuiîn pai-h. Weagt Grayn voulti ste,- hOapitale. but they falieti.No I. la(ainYrcnne...anti balnir euh con10 he, mai and aso lbm ta vnite hey r1tito<ltilae iIn.'a tions -a onts aiînene to t tir rneceitt bis rmme lnthe hbok -wbch Wi,\tpr d persaon vao waîtld gi-vc the' mat ia The îneasurr viii not have lie crtl . bet Inha irivale borne. but tb-ýy e ~i:h I )aîî1l0 ieth0 at Vaigliats Seed't tire'Car- lecture ItOOsi clore Arur! 1. but .,. IteM ln one httid. atiet. ried &xt'îîîsiv Iv ilt eoir stoie. îaid wet woald l4e 10 have mellaIelv tie.reafui.r deiliqLe'te wlto Wh..n Mn. 'Mai canrieti ott thls n- Tiey conideredt ticai-t afcouvei-t- î.î rsîd~ r -çer o î~'în oaaîe overionK.d ithe tcollfclnrn Mu iqettie ttest h.. as tien artier"d te nreport tng the poil' taonIna tia. - - 'Iiio Fidi -u ýOr o tNhi- oiat vil-h hlm thin the circuit court, Mnomfoi- lîtv gtoion opItal, but Ibh' powvens that b" i 1 \aitI,2h I t >i', x'1ciive catalog. Eve-rytlcng aold lient at on iatm taxes nol palet bi Aprîl hI ',eecvim"p'irfteen men ver-e nahicet lit ruleti againait tus nove.cttlgri-u. ti e euîîy leasstrpr must sud thîn- 17al aneoehtuontepii teen efMtlt5 te tibloi and- 21 cents ibis manier-. of ii thane ie ii m an tdIc plaîtcn ou rés ir Fetaeyo h imtobl n ta or 'aiinid dePs. inl o-e court boue. Police Chef Tyrreli t'xpuî'îe o(mf1,im in iChicae.o siud heam- eippd omut. Most of your cane astton leit.ns' tees Coniplaiop ..nîrins licpastire'ee0%nreport ie vent eut and punchasPd aasteel .col-, wvaltgusj-ui . j ji iý't et o0cr oore.. andavaotlie hinlti. o p, u brn itdo t het a cc ew tainsece î.ulling smattreas, ahi-epis llinsandi ilanli-- i - cntao2 i pnlis .esan g eo ii R'ilpn teC is, 'The cet sv ipi nnt'dthle big nor end n yan ord. ns ta Vaughan'@ local ageuuy,,.s t Notice of Specisi Assesqint Pt n 'fo pgIr"nmois and <,ell'e hv rom. vishen, Wm. Orpet aid otiers Puilic notice le hperh, lta let 9 . prînbiet wdneecitv mr. ftecet tl'o bar ot Justice. ua LA W RT Y S VA ET ST R seeate ntelmetonPe'll see.1e î a iermcain ew~il m nmci-Ithse sici man vas put to b.d. L N W R H ' AT T R mentiNo. à Vilage, o! jlhibe;vlle 1 kle tin lti,. rewtio SscIth*t un ihoudag Ti sc enl otcc'lyW. viil- - ..Lurisuebqliome DO »adpayrable s-tbliotkfled cta* vil un opmnquifftii. feikof "ud, Homvate ta par for ail delltqtes lie -eoiiecir. -tpâ« nmt'opw lm 6'o van'sei~ ts veu.ta ay 5r v- AuI in 1-& ait..~ ~ her reaidence. 7 West Ws.lton f0ae, Chicago, on the mlght or thie rabbff. The tuleve, ranseeked the holM Md carried off seyerai hundred 4ReW worth of sllverware and jepU.4 tTracks ta the ro" Indicatoi *eiM, rescaped ln au automçbfle.