ITYVI LLINIIýDrLLiewN nf~)p~!h4flêffLake CboustY5 Big WeeklyWUEA WEL U Pbïp pedet Wêe. i.CossaCeaSUN LIBERTyVrfLLE, IIL., THUR$D&YMARCH 22, 1917. EIGET PAGES $1.50 PEU YEÂR ll~ ADVÀ~N~k GeneraI -éltFeh at jury WiU Insist ýOn llearing Chargées and Réfu alteus ai ofwtnesses holilstens T WOMO E i A al ta thie damslng evdeace.O-T OA R E À nlyle shows the uôvaus ton- the nel ho li sahioeir a NAVAL STATION; 1 bhande.&806tuillY hotahkgi a reeii TM AL 0F 21 MEN Chryl e Oe'aapropretor aifa a ot drink iirlor wlire thesta <n wkAl of These Deaths Have Re- pWae.,,waà the flmire wtnueplad sulteti From Meningitis andi intffon the, stand by the st»At Tuosday Pneumnonia Sinoe ian. 29. m night. Ho sait! ho b.d board th. D i twa Me. taknr and main"tngad the't TWO DIED LAST NIGHT. bi inaily ho heard Sampaumakle say____ tbativsae litduttabbed hlm. "M Johni Otable. a ftensd af the. de- Pneumonia Was Cause-Sta- L~II c._es nmled tadai thm hoibli tion Officiais Do Evorything I~um siitet Smpouaekls ln t4 e hpiw Possible toi Stop Deaths. ~JjJ and tiit lh bad told i i ioieknew h wastim<ta d. B tlit ~The deatii lit at tiie naval station - - lsd stmbbed hlm. part oai IbIst.- Chiot Edward Lui Permilttd, te, U oI1y wurâleai i wu shows wea inresed totwenty-oue by two Relate AlleWe M4~iession lf-omd tiit how» oflg to i a eri Tueeday evenlng andi the other of Jim Skrivanos. and made the chBYif 8B1ft 8h11k- eariy thus morulng. Bth died of vaRnuAS bas lideatiibed statement, pneumonla. PRODUCE KNIFE IN COURT. tliat It wana~d we her amsani ge fl caflai a ti. ltnee ...u ~ .- W. L. WHITMOR-ASed 21 yre'; SkIviaflos LooksonflStoi0lly- tiieéd to avingtbeen surMmaned elo dieda t 6 'lack Tuesda i nght. lEn- Witness TOUls of Death Beti attend thei jml o<th it, HoliIsted from Cevelandi. Tex«s, where Statement of Victim. testifleai as te, the loationand a-is body prabably wll ho shipped. ture of lhe wvanda. -. 1. ROSE-.Aged 18 yeara; died at The atewonan mporantfigt SATI NEALY ri4OUG.' i o'clock ths (Wednesday) monning. Thn coutths wonins. hpotnt Cicut SEKNERYTHOG lis1ed at Nilwoad. lit, viiere lis in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I cor ii onngwe ici as admitteai ibis afterneon ithat body vil b. shipped lor hurlai. Judg C. C. Edwarde rulsd'that th*. the.- are erystroni the 1ii aefled eo.fecîOWoft 0 .im Sknians, state wl' .1rest Its ecait abaut 6a'ciock1t en trial forthe murder of Tony Somn, t pouks. etgt ho latredmaed in evi. deci.through te tttaOfly 0 f lio t Edward Lux of North Ohicege. "d mieleta tae iy Skriavs, scoàrd- iatg t e tii eeimony of Lux, w4re Il moet damagia'g ta hie Ca»-e. The attorneys for the dteni, Pro' t tetet when LU was cale t thetus wtneis standtatda>'. Upali tueir me-' quest JutgeE. lairds eacub.d tiiev jury frara te roora whie Chiel L« a tala igs»toy. Hie etatemnents, bth t upon direct teeUimony and cross-el-E aminatian, were taien davu b>' tuea court reporter.à The, police aificer talai ai goln ta NIllîvini. .ta-plae Slrivana. uuder arreat. He eaid he questionedthet .al loged i sayer in tue preselice aifaa- other police otticer and recevot a conlesaian by Skrivanos that h. bat! taib.d Saspouzakia la teath. Lut- er. in tue North Chicago Jali esali h. poducet the kiie wiich was SUP- paeed ta bave been wiehaet bY gli. vanoe anda akeal hlm -bottier or ual it wam the muLe h. hid oet la stab- ing 8ampouea'<le. The dailgàiiw he said, admlt±ed Il va, Chiel Lux salai no promiaSn or tlreaita ere uset lu ecunug ti confession. Attorneys eo ti.detense sought b lhave the. evldence ruleai out because Sltivanos vas nlt in- formcd that any anevere b. might maie woud bc useda ait lii». Tii. court sali that hilesYMPathiOs, vero vith the attorneys lorthteide- fense-intuer varda o Iiesaaithat lie hellevot tat fia canfesionishaula stand unes tue detenda5t wve warued that ho vas taking hl@ avu chances. on tue othor hand., low. ever. le palthohed no option but ta hld th, evidenco admissalile b.- cause the supremo cCourt ofIlihnois bas lelai ht U uII contsaiois are vai unlees the> are secrt b>' maine or a promise or ilireits. H. saidthturo vas no evîdence ai eltier having been luse In lu scase. The Jury thon vas calet bieutn Chiot Lui vas askot ta repeat his statemetits. Ho vas ehovfl,%iie laife wnippeai about the bandle and vas askot il he 'coulai idenitity t as the knievhlcl Skivanos talihlm hfi lied uset. Lui Made a postive itou-l thtla'tlon. He sai ho lad kept the. knîloi the sale ait the Police Ma' tien. Attorneys for thi. detens, sauglt te socure au admission that allers bad 1a&ces a tu e smle saidthat thm e as a possblît>' that the. laite liit Dot e the. sai.- Lux sit Mlxr DM* oteers have accesata iii. pie 4>rOçUe kho*inu tha combi- *ýOW tw 0teatr asalho È'k' w ,. utr e Aistbl leieuse ta tert puttnsg an testlmny sa tie it ulugtonov wmoalseitiil lie chanes thstan al ituecues for the . deIns mlght lie Put an lietre curta idjour- ionrow atteruoe. John l Daumas.,vii. tout tue *fitue"cstand V for île %tatc tue a ternoan, prpved it' be one ai the rmont important vit- nesaee. He va, prenant in thse Geks place durtng the. quarre) b.tweon 8ri vaflas anai Sampouai& aisaai le siv the.tormer /pion"è hie huit. loto thie reast ai the, latter,.lHe tlait iiov Skrivanos ougitta tale hi14e oscpeu arter the. attack. coroner J. I t Taylor Rieno vas put on the. stand hi Ibme tate andtlid of canducting tue inqueit and of certain teztixnuny that vas itro-' ducesi. go TO MOVEO ZIONITY TO Er À SIJIBLEIImmS Mr. andMrs. Frank'YowgF- it Iflustration of Sot of ous inWaukqoan. T11ANKS FORFRNS -THiff TIANKS YSA Nevepapers alWyo tri ta do tiiings IN Slu FOR their caijauty -ad tiey're ai- vairs SU iecest ritcimat every turu. ObcaaOualWhowvr, tee Mrs. Jamies a bnigbt Spot secs, a coxumendatian FenT cames forth. A lqic. expreesion ta the Fi ,T Independent came. ths week in the Aboutj foilovlng latter. for which w. mierely can gay; T"sk yau-you're Yen, welcome:" COINCIDEN Uhbertyvifle, Mrdi 16, 1917. The. [ahcon Ca it> depefideut, HdUe lJhertrvjuodHa .ve Gentlemen: Ti.membera elot te AlPhia club TheW LUv _ - - i eriy being Athingoù, the. latter.lU DE Scii. aiorthe .arly ploneer famffles of I~IUUg aga lrs. O'Connell fell dlwn~ ~bIlt TbeSIP~i~tr lhi . inc: that time ah NE TOW 'ït"been a aet e ler bd h.d O'onenetd pbheen anbd Julatéle bd 'hOS. Murnhy, DIe Xrs. O'ConneIl l -d llved la the tho Same flme smm 1.cality wliere se.died for Jmet a jisl century sud. liaving llved li the, county ail her lire, 77 yearis, b TS MARK ENDS. haialIways been creditied witli belng que oaf the. iret white chuIdren bain Close Togetu Auilai.theuauty. ves-Her Son-i Besîdes lirs. Atterldge, bMx. OCofr *,e Vjk- I cati leaves anotlisi daughter wioe wieh ta tharik 011 moat eacer.aY ton i 5.W iJleCLU .41 Ive i te courtehy shoW» 'n giving lre -ln pace for thie adtMtring for thei.e Unuenal co-incldensa are thtie vu ceut concet Tour iq*iilflslutaca-OPerat, lndtasth Tueeday about uos ai0 iro. I ail matters uadrtakeu by tii. club forJae 'nela Dme «1ro îlvic , sgrextly appre- &ms enel ,a paei riateai anai s salu a large degre. Shields township, Who lied lu the ta maie the effort put forti by the veat part Of Laies Foreat, namehi: club the eucefl ve aIl aixu for. N Again thanhlng yen for tht. andi FIRST-Rhe ded abant the »an, mnny otiir gaveaM iihow us tram hour tbat deatli. avertaa Thom"c time ta Urne, ve re-aain, Very encerely yaure. Murphy, viiose vite vas a Cousit OC TiIE ALPHA CLUB1. Mre. O'Connell and who wvMe> B>' enuo A itir, Sc. eli atquainteai tagether; lu tact. u sîvkj'1 uawiajemMurphy andi Mre. O'Connehl, tliraiWl J UIJ7'~ 'PqV'~i Wb.lng classet as aniong thi er«7 l!# Di JUD(Ç ÇP ýT uhIte chlltren lu the wuutY. gr9Y niogether on larmi Yen Close ta- nIo m §IisISO N 1eIther iln Shieldis twsi.l 0f the tventî-aeiO deatha thaturnh bave lie At&Ilî t hie . eralit-s' .- ------- 74- taken place at the naval station sincceiSveai a telegrain.tom his f&ther. years on 01111 place; Mrs. O'Conneil January 29. this yw - ton have re- Jiidge Arthutr «._ , roe, todai la had lived 50 Years lu the iane la. sulted front apml menlngitte aai Ybh ithe.writer e(ate. that he te caiity viiere se.died. He gras bain ileven fronm pueumonta. 'kXI. 'ediit- ifeelta. ve el'i mýlWater", Mm hli t 1836 . m ta1840. ted that there ea. penbapsa adonna ves vheu- ' e9ji. ROoford. Tii. EOOIO-4-t w55 0 17ly est VW9#li1 more recritsa111 4R menlngltleand imessae s as in auswewt a aquery that, uei ceGreen, a binlard eh#=- lame Instances thtir conditian la re- Oetit ves bt ddteml witetiier & plan'ait the United States, died Bt bit garde&t as quit. critical. ronjur lere thit the jd ,bad M.ij home In Raveuewoad. -H. wU a sO>- In the bi ms.Jorlty of cases thi. I ereai a relapse wooleupr nat. Tii. in-iaw af, Mr%. 0'Connell and fls ievtq victime of pneumonie. have tiret bieu rtmor had it 'that the hlochiord jur- died three ycaaega. Bloft thir 111 af messies of wiiciithere are ome;lut viaconfined tea a bapit&L-tok- emall ChRdre. ' chtld&eu au 175 casseat the Msation. Tii. moe, ifard Republic. lest Satutiiay ver. brought ta tii. At- le lae he n ucaU aweakened .trid1t home, where tliey were tua W ono that they are nlot prepareai LAKtE COIJNTV SUNOAY cared for> their grandmather, litu, te wlthstand the. attacks ai pneu. SCHOOL IN DISTRICT MEET. O'Connell. was, much dellebtet lIn monia. A1 url hi and Bumita>' choal having tiiem with ber but ber aay conference vili be held et the W5aCo thereafter vas short The tbro- ichurch In Kane ýcaunt>', Mai 4th ta phane wlll continue living et -theA. AiRE MARRIED AI THE 6tli. Tiie rural Cherchez anid Buitday teridgo home. METHODIST PARSONAGE. shol fLake, llcHOiiP. Will. tKen- TIDTelnra iM. C loaunties are lu'. teai ta e XtlciPattC. neli and Mr. Murphy will be heid at Waukegan. Marcb 21. RepresentatiVee ai the Oaoe County the s ineohur, nine o'clocli. Thume A quiet wedd&ng toalc place thîs Stmday Sebool asCai» tt Bcboal association, asnati Ameriandey, the, former tramt the churcli « attenomaniB 2 oýcloCk in the parsati- Sunaîay Sceel union met Saturday. the. immaculate Conception, Wauoe- age ai the Methodist churcb afi tus Msrcb l7th, with the Wao commit- gan, Mre. O'Connell's framt the. Lak tee andi pastor, 1e-v. .. . ewis. ta City viien Mies Eunice L. Drury. a cnie i.pormsdarne Forest Catboiic Chjirch. Thun the daughter ai Mr. and gM n John H-. mente.-... priests viii ije maying th. e *t. dem Drury of Zion City, andi Albert Gfro- Tii. proglim wil ho fll of prac- oier tii... tva pioneers at t. uuce erer of the, Kenosha Evenlng. Neya tical conferences and disctiegins hy hu n neaso ahwl ah rural people for rural peuple. soame hu n red fbt il iâ t orce vere married lu the. presence oi the pramuflent xpeakr5tMd lad- In eorrwawiethtie hier of »eCh Iod- ai membersaiofith ainilès ai the. Con- ersaliéady secured are lt. Allen Ho- liel>' thougt iue vii n ta the sni- tractig pmrties. hetii i nveraity of ChleagoDr. Mr.ani m. irerr avegoe a ea. L. Rahinea a &cO jct e ai- r ceremany being enacteai 0,cr - lie 05t1iipor aiWleanmn vcrenar>'. and Dwigbt sanders. n;taruer other acquaitance In tiie neighbar-, the wester put setWiscontin wber. den aithe. agrtcultitral 1so111001aOfthe. îng cçburch. the wllvW sves. etis efreUniversity of Weet.Vîrgilat, Miss e)- Born in Libertyviiic. W [t bU z't ruai Tlursday. huriailunLae it'ee cemeer>'.Generaly Feit- ocdnt Foi- q«W TIIYITO , IWOéd ifOU*,e CM ,sW TITJIJST FOR A SQUARE MEL On Reoit gev am Melyer- Ievlops That Cotëk CoUnty "qajlagher . Emut atês Lake County in At-- temfpt tao liat pioseuor l-cnuectIon with té.e Croeçellv4 *xsnilutimof a&Sates Attbrey, 0. Welcii hi the grand lu IS NEW UNE F TIOUCHT. ~convens lu aukg~ 5 lmona«i ltla fagt ont a ifflce IMt $oyneAwayJI~~ M$ "er> iem et a±7 »tiu e oa c0s mbve States5 Attoffiy. , ossMa e.. Lýake caultY 'lias notihig oun000k W«* le . eh~ iv i lii Lake county tlieyre trylng ta thaileli, or the PreeeUtos', lakcs14 ocit the state'14 attonney-and lao*-chargel agalust aun iduak . uu* Cook caunty. lias gone and don. the pre»sinitiesaide eut l4e teluiet affl, thing; tryung to acet Sttea it heurd. Rien lu the. mu4de , lttare>' cn. uttla not a prooWeetW 'That wauld be a ine ketti, ai <lu.the. pUlhc goerali>' hAn ap=ov.6 waldn't it, tor bath gtte-B attor, fad tka iLt 15 Uta> eheà"buessgo* se>'. of' tii... tva important coux- lma gtation agaînat the grat u i'> te, in have uheir prasecutors ousted 5>'UIUMhecalS9 It lea *ch a op511-mW At ,once. Seems ta b. momethinga 1ffar. Ileveer. l eai lt ItI), "hiamavement ta oustifrai» Of- WeiOii. SteWh"ciimiennesw*ueb u tiqe the man who prasecitten attend. oia*Prportion* aifiuprort it1 enc ai the. îav. Its a new Une aofpDo- does sae.m Au hbàugbthe VaraatJu litiqal action, appareutly. Strauge alieulai Dat permit a ait&=n te sq. ta* noyer been thougbt ai before. main on a confit>' officialu Ibis a- Wn't IIer ithout iret h uilas hie AM de Nel. .wiiat the. Tribune a&ieai te as Ad aeuayaite t &U th. situatiotkln Chicago: the- e eM leamo eoltlierez While R1#te'e Attorney Horne lae Halgb ark. a maviiome reais, retlàg at Hot Springs, Arn.. vbattien h»anleusoaue 40egood. Il e 6qw W *i b@ th e etifte st liglit h e ever faC ed t zela te the. e ttat 4 "t h .o 0 la brewlnz-ior hlm lieetihome. beorethe grand Jury BMnd *a - It li revunu amaug tiie nti-W&oaii itatemets derogatosi ta lsta" A k-, tommes biat the tire, i I ittin»Wby ane »a>. y<aui..GlWel. tien cqul.y wha saulai hnav. la belng provide-t a grand jury ai Lae cotat>' mem. An indication af the réal néetOa returning tram their haxacymoon. TI.y los James ai C0011Cat> nd' loua.. in Wauiegan le slqwn lu the ii. viiit ihlme ai. 696 Colins stz*.et, Ichool asociation andl=iesWilUnhai- Mn. O'Connelvas bhem in 1840 lt» *n iii b. téed In the future b>' thej fs.ct that Frank Young, 473 Noerth Keosha, mter Mlai1. mina stocker of the lllnots Sunda>' Lbertyviiie township, hem nsame forai. City' hall torcés. Sherdan Road, 1bu been oblige t elascaion.OrgdItIa 'along consteied plan move toaZMon City tacana. lho could 'la10takinu deiinitMM; a u.-lW Pro. -- ~~ gr.se4 ta the pon ai.àêeiMinal ual, get a uitable ouses luW au ie a . . a l i rlm ng about tqàm e'o*M lie- ur Younhieaemplyet et te tan-T O OT p A U aeutecau ing i 1aiut. t humen lu tarage lu Waukege sine ~£ ~ ' ' ' .Tu voaton then aoanut November 20. Stc tuaS liai. ho e1 J ) .I~ L4 I I ' aw.Thaie conio ofuaie oaatic te s a"t lita vite have bta, living lu tiiilm A 1E L ET I Nla thio. u c e lar vhih . e>i' f urieetroams and have hees loo. ----Mni-l fiefr .ac i a lng for a houte wv5lch vaut. rent lbe prohuhiteai trampracticilai a a1 fer anyviiere tram $15 ta $20 a Defeated Candidate for Drain- iau. commisslanere. one 1or a ternu prou>' for C. G. Huson anid lten iiOi- auywiieme lu tii. états. moutia. TIe>' coutlige otinat itiofaItva icare. Flsher and Hortan ian, cast votes fon thora. 155 Cases1 Pending. age District Commission ver, candidates tor the. office ai coin- Tii. petitiosier emys that tue proi. Ta-ae i15alga ittr sah. vhcuiclosebar te snoProtests Prooedwç. misoner tor the tva >'0. tarin. le halia origbt ta casi. tie vote.s iJatruem 15ut, a viacn"tarit 50r bdlC c antgo ac u et Morth ta lie ni. e stue reult ai thbeîection othoni maai that the. otuere' Wl" WM Otainàd b>'the police. ar.e pend. veolisietaaa ms on i.ta OMtue>' a, ecaedb teJutges la as foi. Iiig Bacon, Iliataui, etc., hatDo» r4h UbeoemuiialJd rae ver.a ae .Te S obigt aga t Za r OM OTD Y RXY aIoar i ' ita vote hi prout, lstveek tue>' vere Scontuetuntil fiI a pl a uthey ub pr ee i- W-W.lava: Ivoes.teher aske tîat the. court sn=maiý Api-il9.I an tisat date the "ttels Mru. ta Wkne & ,bou nt k noces- inAsks Court 10 Throw Out These TWO. IHE& t es. te judges ta produlco the talhi mhitII4attorney@ ti«lce insi, asit liasbeen ord>' ttal uee luevitn ie te reVlu és andu-Déclare -HIi Eteot- iie, charges tisat lu rgalty .Ha».poilibooks and ?'allota lu court et lS1icîail îtt uan ais i "eMr posihlties oaarient »# gt el ed ta the Position. tan recelvet but tvolal ets- loprio tra th at 'vr ti.a uiotyi ss bho nonutt, the, ttaci prab- lieue. tuat voUanasiver ileir pur- that the tuer live votas coutot for bai inotthe balts to y e .vefu 01Y. u ill hie luchet innedtol>. pose. On te grundt at W. W. Horton bhlmvere illégal. mtura ute iote eau 1V hi»d dec Tt the mintine Hoyne pro>bbl One ai tue big arguments for the. ai Waucanda vas electoil draLinage 1He chamges ubat Lee A. Hunan. ono e na imeiinte petta vte oast gV41bave returnot ta theli. iiHe la proposed electnic railmoat franchise commîsaloner ai draiage district Na. , aI th, men vba votet for Hartan, eipeVtd about AprU 1, th. ta t uextnsion pi th. trucs~i sarsi itlluicatiuwaa flot au cyner oallant lu tue drain- Bacit af thefiiltg ai the petifloikos05< tunet in uneveloped- parus af afvotes hy proles. Thamas FiMher,iage ailtrct, ant tbreforevaua esliterhnhucpdeae mithagtinunta.uevo wlitopeaheovulng uiieni vanit put test the élection h. it, 5Wauconda ilecagstrtirta .B con laid s lirt l»di PoW i-save t h c'ekna vIf p osst-bevanse>'as thora ta goot advantagd 1»' arectln on. Marcii10, andt asethe court ta W. W. Hortan, *C. G. UHia &" BMEl- hhat the. grade hcla ii vat et c.Tehe Àt aI ab'pt ev houses snd hua tue odsatfor cast ot the. alleget ieeaivote. e aviso aper n mlaoid ai, d ala cl ae rli satw pg ipnteai vinae-o lsm t hs.mi oueluWusg» woId.t e tale nMd dclare hlm (l¶sber), giecteal tiithe poli books, ln reaBt>' woenat tha" sans g haiane. vie i-e t ,4-*den Ihvig it ta igitia euoa e ai. ¶t> 'l4 *t=ta Of et ilanutth~e tgea.A ottst Of éection,, proat, eutdi net vols. thei. lmpsove«Mt t ao*W e- Wq t làWborrubbug oa. i1 o*lMé> Và.r.etpllT t l04 biut pétition W"vag Ie'in casiai>'court ta.. eligmta ia> .Sts),i msi hqeo o i ~l ' aitgetiisvtIbis ISe ,a .18 I Il-ta>'.acting asa aprou>' toi i', Daecandut iat laJeluiaiab"tw.ertue tpahig'Tb*PP al~ ea.Wt 0 4U b t e eleeawu vaa iled, aceundlng Wý -W. Hartan. cast vYiýç,fer theza; Itlorntits, nie 0 5-1q = =o wjiel1Iuswh M iithepeitionefr, tO*tte ireuedrain- g la" t LeAsRstae i a a mpeoinimn"- .itould Inblet upon heainf )M', W"it'% delense betote tUe>' W sied ta returu an Indctuent vhle mlght' mean nathing hater v iesla ,triai iesih>'cames, nevebls ol coit a certain mmaut agal t the. publie pomeuto. la tac large part aitute p"hle 1 "~s a ndere dtau t anau 1S4 ment dme not mean g~st g *M bpUf ai lie ludlclcitrettisag,*1» grand jaries are hater fouiatu, er tounded teu n" and t oliaMouh ant t'a.cases are tinali>dropW ' Tiieseore, befor. soci a c«P1la talcs lu akeA" "ty' us te go> nie proeeeutor in co"ssnd m e ' preferret hy a ma Mahie cdWss. ta iior MiWelclie saide Ms WO Goutler<s siuebeore selli 4M h6 - Ila trong Preoedeeta in talu l " th* grand jumyvoR ;Dot lue *aing itout predalca.t.I ie rechlcébUat wbtMDr.Relat . a Chasa douilaivasupmm~da haitast rovuethis vifs ai ItdMW tl"e. cireunsata"ces as W54 iieSa t4. eneeuicret t"-seS t -»& ë ee tota liadcaist eh 51a 1badtWf tuaZea uhs.. Aooer t>' i vs~etatla lu Jwo té o ti si te( 1 u MMST ÈAGES $1.50 PER YF£R IN AD-VA14='-