1~~l~yyTJT~_INn PENDNT, LX~~TY I, LL., TIAR~2,197 _____ Libertyville Indebendenwt Lake County Independnt - Waukegan WeekIyeSun D ryplitcs raceived another crushing smash Mon- day afterioon in the. grand jury room. 'Well, the. grand jur-y took the words of Goldberge forj what they were worth-and no more!1 Which waa perfect- ly proper. _________ Poor Goldiierg 1 yen, we say it because we pity iim 1 Ris case reminda us of the. tale of the menkey who uaed the cat's paws to pull hot coala from the. fire. It just goes to show that Welch WAS ini earnest wiien he prosecuted Philip Goldberg ithe. liquor case in Cir- cuit court recently-and got a conviction.a And w, presume tiiere are nmre disappoited creatures who will say that that grand jury lad a certýin portion ofr "nif raf" lon it. WeU be it sol - They ddn't "get" "iJlm" Welcii, after all, did tiiey? Even tiiough they tried i sucii a dirty and niealey man- ner! It jiut skows that EIGHT will prevail if given half a chance. People, whose busiess takes them aboùt the. courtt bouse during the. session of the grand jury whlch closed Tuesday decare -that Goldberg wore a path across the grQufld between the court houae and- a former coiinty ofli- cial's office. Wiiy? Ten chances to one the Guzette this evening will say: "IWelch wus wiitewasbed"l by the. jury. That'a what they alwrays say wh.n their desires in such niatters as Mr. Welch's, Dr. Brown's and otiiers are flot consumniated- "'Notwithstandiflgs ail the. Goldberg faply hau said, we don't believe 'Jim' Welch waa crooked, but we DO be- lieve that you've been lylng," sald the. grand jury to the. Goldiiergs of Highland Park viien tiiey reached the ver- dict exonerating Mr. Welchi. It seemed too bad that, after the Vgand juries of Lake county have so frequently been used lpthe past to satisfy personai grudges, that any clique of mun should again have tried to use the. jury this year i an attempt to, "get" a ceuanty office holder. The. outcome, however, shows that a jury cannot ALWAYS b. used in tus manner. Just because six of the 23 grand jurons were nt i favor of returning a no-true büll i the Welcii matter ian n aigu that even they conidered Mi. Welch guilty-thoe six men merely assumed the position tiiat THEY WERE WILLING to believe thé. Goldberg tory lu-so-far as te LÂTER permit a jury of 12 men te Ulsten te actual evi- dence on BOTH sides. But, the. 17 didn't conaider the. Goldberga' testlnony under oath even wortii the trouble of later corroborationi and refutation bof ors a Circuit court jury. ___ THE GRAND JURY ACTION. Lake çounty people as a whoe are elated to think that the evidence presented against State's Attorney James G. Welch by the Goldiiergs of Highland Park wua not deemed reliable by the grand jury which fêturned a &ld- ing exonerating Mr. Welch. No fair minded citizen be- lieved they WOULD accept the. charges as founded on truths.f The grand jury, comprioed of honest men, was unwill- ing to play the- part of conjurr and twist the facts te suit the depires of a man and a clique who stood on a founda- tien built of intrigue and venom. The. grand jury was broad enough ta insist on ii.aring certain evidence other thau that subritted by tue "cosnplainant"' whose reason for possesSing animnus was clearly apparentto 17 of the. 23 men.1 Their action' was a fine vindication for State 's Attorney Welch, especially ini view of' the fact that he himself did flot appear bef or. the. grand jury to present bis aide of the, case..- the jury evidently didn't feel it necessary to hear -what he had to say in hua defenae. But, a vindication -with- out hearing hua defense is ail the nmore appreciable by hlm and his friends. Tii. whole procedure, instituted by a clique in iiopes of undermining the character of a nsw leader i Lake county politics, inspired by the. one hope of dJscrediting hlm for- ever iu the couty whicli had but recently honored 'him, conceived in tue minda of men who cannot reconcile them- selves te tthe fact-that the. peopls of the. county repudiated their metiiodd and encouragd i its sývery move by moen whose desire for revenge oversiiadowed their duty as citi- zens, thia whole action against Mr.<Welcii lualps into his- tory as the most repreliensuble plece cf dirty politics that was ever enacted lu Lmake county.1 Even great Cook ceunty with its multitude of nefarlous political plots, evenb Tammy Hal of NswYork-even those centera cf political chicanery nover produced anything more coutemptible andmeaîiey tuaü this atteli2pt te " get" 11Jim"1 Welcii who todày stands out preeminsntly as tiie untarnisiied prosecutor of the county, a man %rhose repu- tation was assaily only by a nman and uis sons wiic have been in court mors tban afiy ether family in the coun- ty; a famUly whose neighbors would not tale tuer worde for anytilg even se uniportait as tusth ownershuî> of a cat, a crowd of diareputable citizens iiose city-Highlanc Park-would 1k., if possible, to drive theni from it bound-these were the nmen who sougbt te boesuwrch Mr Welcii. Tii. grand jury, howevsr, weuld nc1 be a part] àn&dt*us Ite thé ie ltory cf Liake comnty politca L - wi~tp ~.tua* ZÎ -a politial plot viiose scope *as a ne.b astounlg jroporté>naétba4 ift topvon t tibreatii1 of nmorn f the. men who formerly bad- couderd theni.I selves aMilduof thi eaders but Who, aime tboy bave deter- mlned the. deptha to whlcii tiey woiild Stoop i their de- sire for revenge, have theinselves concluud that they!xe a bad mess and dangerous to tie to. Nowwh aI ,p.lWlhDures Nt Py Godberg the $750 WtutGetting Hold o h Not-and gaoldb.rg *wOre H e Nover Had the Note. Pecuilar Sltae Se Affire. Now hen wha abut tat 760dares flot present the noté for pay- notement and wbers lMr. Welch (lares flot conder, awore before the grand Jury tom Uup in years te corne from other and made affIdavit that State's Attor-sore huteGdbg- ne-y Welcb never gave him a note for soursthrn 1h . Ooldbergu. n' an). money. Frh ir5 r echwud' Mr. Welch's contention rlgbl along care or durs te suld $760 10o Coldberg -and belle.ved by the publie and the WITHOUT *Mie etttng possession of gran.d Jury-was that be *DID give the note-becaUsa tiat would compro-: Goldberg a note for $750 as a result mine bis position and substantlatel of bavlng borrowed 1hat amount from Goldberg's daim that he never hadl hfum. P.note. Goldberg, however. has eworn that Thun, looking ut Il from the stand-1 he neyer had a note, se what ba bts point of an outsider, It appears as If, statue? If be destroyed the note Stateas Attorney Welch. wbiîe he bal§ which the grand Jury by bts action be-1 been cased a lot of trouble tarougb 1 Ileved IIAD been bssued ta hlm, thenIthIs attempt te *"get" hlm. nevertbe-1 Mr. Welch COULD malte a tender of iess la jual $750 abead. because be the money wlwnever be wlsbed and getcsn't find a proper meaus te nettie wltb a recelpt for lt-but Nir. Welch bas no Goiuberg. In abort, he bas clabmned way of K<NOWING that aoldberg DID i.- owed Guldberg $750, but Goldberg Inurn thi- note. Ini. denleti It. And, if the note Io stIlI in Goldberg's Sa, uhat ln. Weich ta do. but waltt possession. he dare nlot present It for for that nots e sippear-ald. If at the collection, because then be would be end o! ton y«» rs bas flot slown Up, admitted he had perjured himacîf by he can safsly present Isaac Goldberg swearing hc neyer had such a paper. witb a check for $750, plus interest. for B3ut, if the note stilliIs bn existence ten yearu. Mr. Welcb bs-Inao honest1 Pnd If M.r. Welch wlshes te tender pay- nt ta do thia very thing when the, ment ta Goldberg for that sum wben time cones. We don't belle'.e he would it becomesdue. he dare nat do so UN- Pven beat a mor±sy-lender whboita at- LESO Goldberg wiil prçduce the note tempted te lan~d hlm ln 1the penîten- Itse!f-for, if Goldberg lias transferred ttary, altbougb. under the circum- the note to anotfraer persan, if tbat stances. Itlai quite apparent the aver- person any time wlthbn ten years nige ma would tae Goldberg at hls sbould preBent It for paytoent even if ont , namely. that be neyer had a note. Mr. Welcb HAD settled wbth Gold- The- question tn: Did Goldberg get berg, bc'd liave te pay It and thus $750 worth of satisfaction oct o! bis psy dou7 - on bis boan. a.tcxpt ýto deny be had a note for Sa. It is a case now wîîere Goldberg j$50? MÀRKE'INQ COURNYS PLANS, MATURINQi in ht st m RÀPIDLY; ENTIIUSIASTIC MTI«S IELD' The haitfInmillon dollar Co-perative benéfit ta the conaunier. The Market- Marketing Conmpany now apajears 10 1ng Company wl, pslitpon each pro- be an assured fact. Meetings are hc- ducer maktng and fssrnlabng dlean and ing beld daily in milit producers' bo- wholesome milk and wbjl-aso Inulis on cais an ail parts o! the district and the dealer puttlng out thia milt as hundreds o!fihames have been euh- pure and dlean au ha gela It from, the crîbed for witbin the past week. farIner, or be gets eul off tbe liat.1 Full> 100 meetings will beclicld wbtb- The Marketing Compuny will a"s pro- in the next ten days and bt la expect- test lb. consumer ag*Uina an exorbi- rd that by April 1 the requIreti 5,000 tant price and wilU Inelal upon the bhares wiil be oversubscrtbed and a priete thie consumer betag a reason- neeting will tben be beid ta chaos. a abIe profit. Tbey wlll not stand for. board a! directors, adapt by-lawa, eleet 4%, cents a quart ta the farmer and offîcers and work out the details. 12 cents ta the consumer. "Uàve and This compSOy, when completeti and Ict Ibve" wll be the mollo. The pro- in aperation, under the directorship of ducer belteves that tb.eltre, parties conservative men, wIll be of the great- -producer, deaIer and consumer- est belp and sdvantage ta the milit shouid .co-operate for a live and let producer, and the uplift oi this dalry liv. price. distr-ict, mah-ing the fanmai n eal home The lmice makîng abould neyer bel - - ,-t . ,1- n l.. . enirly Iln the bandbe cf the ealer; Nt a place of drudgery and lavery, nether etxould it b. sntfrely In the rriving the boys and girls away frein banda et the producer. Ail are selflob the farm, but to Invite and encourage and might have a tendoney te take them hsek 10 the farm. Better faflfl- advafltage of the situation, ae has been ing will mean a better community and proven for yecars and years. when the better business In the community. prie x*akng of thia greaot food pro- Co-perative selling wll aise be of duct. pIlk.- bas been In the bande of assistance to the deaier and factorles, one big corporation.. meanbng a untformi price to ail. pille- A reVresentattve body et tb. tbree Ing ail on an equal competitive baste; faction directly interested in tbbe a more uniform supply ot milk and a stapîs food product sboutid meet on an rel protection te the honorable dealer even ground and work out the price against the unscrupulons man who le tram lime ta time on a bas of bts scourlng the country for mtlk. and then cost of production, nt on aelfish sellbng it at a cut-rabe price and neyer motives. We hope the time may corne lntending ta pay for it. The.deaIer when thîs great food problem îipay be will be requtred ta give securtty b.- worked out on an equt4ole plan, and fers, he gete mlk. not on Durely speculatîve and selfish Co-operative selling wilI aiso be of. motvs. Y. H.R. AUTO-INTO19CATION EXPLAINED 31 SAMUUL AMILfON. MILDa A French physiololiet dporlbed man as a -digustve tubs wth arrangement lor locomotion and guidance.» It te commonly said that mous, people l"dig their pave. wth their leeth.' The disasirous efeCteof contipetion have alwýaye been well knowss. t iseasily ondef5lood bow senions are the tronbles irhiob are caueed by e wmton of decayed matter in the large intstiines -poion rlbeorbed and taken lot the circulution-thie te called auto-intoxi- cation. itlte apparent, ilierefore, that the tietnsepsity la le cleanse the. intestines tboroughly. The bet metbod for cesilng the wbole intestinsl tract and urging tbe liver intactlvity te te take sas mnh ouldoor exercise as possible, drink bot water before Meais Sud lake a plesant, laxative, vegetable pill oc soal.Àc n -le made op of May- Jaeves ote, roct of jalatp ~ \made e mb a sngar-c pil that 1&ives tntehe bowelS This was tiret madie admoiti by almosta dragglets aeauly litty yearu ago, "s Doctor PierC'a Plessat, pellets. * *. Snell simple means will prevent auto-4Iutaxicahbon. people are »uslzing that the kidusy s 0 as do thle lowels, needt 1 be finéhed ma- j * - eonally. The kidneys are an ehinative orgtanuand ame constantly workln sespar. EL atng te pqJonstrom the blood. tic aciti q1 - \ain54p lotoyth e fW , caussgrben- matem neIrlgl, roeya" r a"y other serous dsubnu This can be avoîdeq by stImulat- the ~~kldfeys to inoreeed action, aneieIls tpniO 5sdon tiue organe 1 woolId advlsaany ôm te purehase Anurlo <double or teiple eilnut). wbgh le tlobe hat 0 o aat alilostIy rug amore. tAliila Iltbrea ttue a d*y. Lake County3's Greatest Store For Wmen's e' Childron'a Appamel 1Forced Mr. Hein to Make a llurrîied Buying TnpEa SO great has been the selling of women's and misses'- oJcoats, suiss, dresses, etc. since our style show that MW. Hein was absolutely forced to hurry East to secure new merchandise-with which to replenish our always extensive stocks. "NEVER" ini the history of WAUIKEGAN has there bçen such a RUSH of eager shoppers as- the one that followed on the heels of- the demonstration of our styles on living models. I~~ j- h ç New Coais 'à Suits Arrive Tonight! Great S,ýe1Irn Starts3 Saturdy FollowingAre A Feu' 0fthe Ca;~ THESE COATS are truly wonderful-if possible they- Tare even prettier than those shown at the style sbow and W'hich sold so rapidly. Here are hundreds, al o , styles, sizes and prices- ON DISPLAY SATURDAY A. m Ï 0l F course our styles were always jst as pood-our vaes always li s ipi V-but it needed such an oppo!unity es th style show etordod t ouslwi b yà people of the won derful1 advatqas this store oiers Its sstomes. Wkss helè- pie saw th beauitul cos,tUnUl&nld resses wo- wecs showlug fM 41.5t $45 they were mazed-lt croaled a sensatiu m g theIb o men sd at Uf 13M# ln te. audence. EXrRAII-M. IN irPUneiAgEn 108T&VW 9 MIENTEg, THA T 19, 0«9. E"aT*NDUof* i A. aThe Fanueus WUOLTEJr, NVIAE@T £ UNINE SAdai do" 0 I w' 4 TheIllustratiofl Picturesý Several ofth -- New Suits Just Receiv $12.759 $15,$18.759 $22*509 $25, 3Q$a t ITS' BUITS' BUITS' "-neyer before bas Mr. Hein purcbaaed sio mnai etulegrSMst- S h e secured such amazing values and exqululte styles lu the nes~t abriCa anI* celOalaBa. S price and lu ail th% newest colora are re&dY. Be hiere Thursdaymatomnln. Y,, MAIWâ 299 1917. r eoi 1111 1 il f( N d ti ti il Ila we qm ýý f, lakluqu& ý