Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 7

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N '-'4 -~ I ~~ke ~~,ÀI~DhUCE Phqno Il ~ d~~~~Iwe fer dois Wfrk. j vptaosu spplicm~tee. lut mp. b«. aba m t t ye ot lUran Mii. ý aP*EuWbter IL Iatur solimu c fle fflbSth weok.mnd wltb lobers Lo«. J. arbeler sud Mr~. Dodue spmot FM"48 IMr.. . noter @pont gBoUrda> lum I 'bilcago. P.;. 5aiuerobaill and CQJ. Wghmon 6*41lvIug nov cars ibis vsek. ý »«»WiMede and a pari> of fInnds *iq*Ofd to effbiaabanday. Wllbcr Crary wus a visita? at Haunp. chipe lue latter pari o1 lutweek. 10. White @peut Banday la Chicago.4 Wu. Leng and Jos. Wllmngton te- tarud aiurday frointan ex tended tripà loes onth. li-y untored bat-k aing ver>govît iii -L su Bllitreporie. Polisb iour car witb Ul-owai. A spray r. wmiîlà 1 gallon dan, SlaiSb> Dfrac* »rug C'. L. Y. 8ik- .loid a w riv-iar delivered to hlm W-î V-îs. Irving ltraîl.t.tti.r wva l a Wkeltai visiter tSanday,. l'. y. bike. Vleitjtin lonington1 ri4ay. 1- ml.Fed Wlburentert904AM- 50 'tbrsélai eveaiag., tiç. and irs. C. A. Mille vers- Chcago violins te latoerpart 0o hei.week. Ulwvard Fenton ut Waukcaha, te nîst- iM bi &one, Chai and Frank Fonlon. 4jWs Blute Tonk.sbau accepted a pool. Mms la F. D. iiatterabai's dapartient Mn, . EN. Cann a né e u nk tuihe licAiiîsier bopital Thiireda> for an epsrtion, sunuinsgettitng alung a. watt aim »he expoctsd. -Mm. Roy ienion gai taken ta tbe Waekegaa hotopital Wedaesc for an Misme aStr&ng returuvil trom Wan- kegea Prida) wbere sf1,3 casbeen ithe Pm moatb. tdim»ujby Bîrd ae ivolilg relative taes a ety. JO , *Sevant o St. Paul. titunesota. la vlfIug hic broibers and lt'erc bore tibvwos. tur. lph Wbeaton ai Wbeto. Ili.. la vl4ie the hoeboslk» ai ths petcoun" Kir. and tMr*. Clarence Crawford of Wmksgaa epeni the voek ed vltb tMr. (,'vewrd's parente. - tir. Ferd vho bus booen svoyiDg the Trotte fart for the pa.t e-ral da)» nciarned borne riday. MM tamcri lbr of DeKahb, Io bomsme ra ges evocation. Misese Bonis sud Mary Baker et 051gb- land Park wgem gssk sud vietoreaoftir. molr. m iarceles-. ~ Mr. sud Mme.Clarence Bonner aud daighter Jean cpeut Banda> vttb tr, me. A. K Bain. qie Ladieks Aid Socity viii met sa théscburch T.,uncday. April 5. Dinner ' ili b.c erve b> tire. W. B. Stewart and tMm. 9. A. liartia. - OsdgY lsdaaMwY. *niee ftte mnt dodly caItinga.Ma cm of whieb Very 11H1 e ahuogt. I MM of the vorkera ichampagne on lIsm -ne work. vhihtg e iht. am fflkut acy Obvions emuesioftrfi te àhIalh. ebdaimatalu turnint ove, the bobea of tchampagne @ s*t the vin mu be coer and tran.psroui sud ab ed*utr e .froue sÉiment, The mn Who do the. vork pend etgbt or te hlii a day Ih dia dak vine ceflar toiug over bettle.b> the. doneanà Iloe menetonous dut> ubcy disciaffl 4 atter diinlu emld-rknesa l lomb tamperature. unheaiuhl ea eopitere mud absolute solitude. Them bfaned conditions affect the nervin and bealtz ofuthie varkera soeserinaisl tIsai ton tftthora rau continue nit Cei peaus oaCI middle age Te Keep elants Freshi. Itiere hs a sinmple way ta wter fern aad flowers o hIdli w-il be of lterestV 0* Who nSot leRVe tibm for n tim vqit.boui care. Tuke a wai4lltg tub ai' Malice titree or four brick i lan, c t * t bout te-a luches of water la th s.Place the frtvers on these brick place thte tub wbere thten aug moriug sumahixic. LAKE VILL& tir, sud lireJameaAivelft a tev dalset.vSee inluWaukegaaviitirs. A weil'. elten D. Olceil. Mmr. Fred Bamla arriveS homne as kla wmek trum ber trip tg&@%ait iLouis n deegate rcin tbe local Royal Nigh btc LUiup. Mir. sud tire. Jam«e Atwcll vsitt.d Aniiositrelatives Sunda>. tir. asudtire. J. ,K. Crb asdMise Miary Kerr vera Autioch cllets Sanda>y. tir, sud tim.A. ibAmrdc and Mie ilelis»d Wmn Watson wsre lu Atiucb lait Frder the gusete of iMr. and Idti. Cha, R"ichre Frank nhre'od iepeni several dei reosuky leChicago. Misela Ghncb oh Deerfield, vat the gumsi of tire. Pant Avery on saturday. tir. _and Mm.Paut Avery maSe au autritp. ta the ciy laei Thursdai rta ràug Fride>. tirs. Carl Miler epent ntiFriSai lu Burlinagian uit ber ister and ber huabanid, wba are aunouaclng the bril ut là sanjasi week. - ir, and irs- P. 0. Luna&&hsteel vacated ihe 1ehman building suer havi occupied for sae ine ne an moved to tbsîr cotae inla b. 14ilton sub.divieioa. W es oditimne. mee w msrvait b a cou- A naâer of our tiMuons atiended a meeting at Antloeb lu a.tutrday even- log Umcatiudredtiaii a o! Hooppool. 111, wa.ubethe ft of ber cousin. M m B elen Bebileber test veek. tir. and lirceBd Boytof Chicago, nere the Sunday guecié of Mrs. Lydie. Hoyt. tirs Ana Sherman returned Satarday froin Ccero, vbere 0ebe boac beevictlng ui tbe bain.-of ber son, Auton Shermian for a aumber ofi gees. Mis4es (frace Schbî l Mnra tvkeh- bac-k and Betrie larolanu oflieKalfi Normal t-bool are eidlug tins aý,k at iLi-ir bOujes, Tbe R. N. A. gave M ré.Hlaiglt a tare- weli part> Frlday everîîug, Mr. and Nire. ilaight and nlxlden muîved tu Sioux Falsa, la , Tuesday. Misse# Wnired Plagge and Eleanor Meyer are enjoyiag a week's vacation [rom tibeir tudice at Lowie Istituts. Riay Keech oa ihlband Park, va. ltbe week-end guet aitdthebhume.out4wni. Scblie. Mies Boes Carolan. Meure Cbarlep and Tboma. toran of North Cicage, &cd «iss Margaret Carolan of Chicego. nere veek-end guests st ibe bonso John Catalan. 'Mm. Sarah Adams and Laie vlcted ber daaibler, tire. Fred Kiubark ol "avons wood, 0,cr the week-end. Tho Abe Cark family ban moied ta Wadévortb. Mica olive.Rsnban epet the veek.end ln Cicago. JobhnBeeb speni Tucda inlaChicago.t Maurkas Hagsrty vas In Wankogau eariy ta the neek. George Stevens ha. purtba" dan auto- mobile. Thomias Strang apeht Tuemday la Chicago. tir@. Hln Petereon lm viitilli ber siseur ln waulisuaî MiwssKatlierifle ifriieer ha. .IuIi> recuvered. I Nir. and tirs. George. Cashuore and bhildién visiteS inl tliburu on dhlnday. (,bas. Btires inlaLakte leneysa the latter part ofl the wQek. M ro. F. J).kLeitieyer returned fron the Ri M. A. convention on Baturda>. tir. Bgauun of P Irinceton, Ill.. va. a bains.. calter bers and ai Milburn lait Taoday and &Çedasidày. Mr*. Claion Lunean sd fittie dangb- ter retçirned tram Chicago ia.t Tbursday Misa Loretia Lai lc confined at bumé witb scarisi lever. Mir. 'Willlamcoa ba hemu quie slkekthe Pa.t veek. Rai Lui spont caserai day. lanChicago tant week. Anale -Li epeni Sunday wttb ber parent«,.tir. add Otrs. Sebever. Micastiabsi Deiimeysr ga, a Chicago iitor lasi Friday. Mise Eua La% @peut Banda> la Mil. Mr. and tire. Cia.- Dravhelm apet Bonda> et Gilv vib i parent@. C. A. and Miss Emma Heydecker ipeai Banda> lu Libertyriile. Mis. ClaraLui eta. a Waukegae visitor Ir, and tir&Jobti asch :,eîercalued frienW. rom Chicago on Sanday. Mi.. Elizabeth lichosser tueut Sanday wih ber prn. tir.. Wm. Feadtck ai Llbertyvllle. friied ber parents, Mr. and lMr@. T. . &tang ane day let neek r e e e g Richard Quinn ni Pbladeiphla, anS UmIssAuna %larle Quinn of Chlcago, were th IdP b, 01 s Failîag beaihbcompelled àMn Lud taN gîve up paritai.1s -ë .k. tierge Barneti bus a a ev Fordi roadeter. tir.estirs.F. Daube are ernouurlng nse tie arrivai o! a tbird Saeghter. We a-ý exieud congratuaion@s. v ij tirs. bih VanFatten actendeS the e Rn fweral ofas tiend lu Chicago the &riai df bne the nseek.i cie Beverai af hei youug people gave à ge prIe-ate dacing paryI>nluthe bal, Satr- d.> sevenlng. A ver> pleasant im@ne vas - sjoyed. A Lake Foreet orchetra Ur- - ieS dtheiil. fii _________________________ Miss ePai and Caiberna Leonard and John Lgonard etele their parents over Banda>. Mr andeMk. ard er onCi agFox La BIG GÉOLD FISH tir. -aut. Grheaer o Lk vbem ils.are havinit a nov eviagiLi D)IEAL hridp pUit over the. chazinel ta enisie Sheni 10 mie ta tbéir homeesmtead of OuIr annual (iold Fieli deal going icroésuthoe canut b> boatwuhlcb wui a great ieoniveniede. The Ramilb will be next week, when We Bue are Sing the pork. vlIi giVe you a globe con- à, meeting of Sb. membere of the Laeke villa Cltrihe. heecaton vas belS taining Two GoId Fish Free Baiurda> evre#lnd Sosra elected: with à 25C plîrchai@e.FuiAvecry, preduir, Cha". Bamie, e-iespresdn0. F. lManger,cemoryr. Oome early and avoid beincg tir losrthuLnehr eBn disappointed. Lake. gae ve ry luureeiig ialk on agrieate ai hele 001obouce lait -Tîmeiredai eveniug. LIt voald b. a good .JL REXÀLL S O Etlnt uc hns Arbe(adm 1.U. l. Arn> arrived "leStore T11W saes You MoDW o me[tey"frO ýn"hg asi DRUC laE DRlit.O leh boeluit sumuner and lice. i ver> (Iraysake, ~ mueh. Heltevieilug bis noîber, tira. - .FishSr. .MheLulcChrst» eaàiiVmb vistuor éaturda>. Mir@. J. A8. SBiker eaiertaiaed for ltes.Elizabeth Hamand Gladyc Qood-1 an Tharsdv evenlng. Nexl Bandai niorniag. April 1, a feWr tuag people viii be confirnied la the St. Paul,» cbrch. Theïr naine. are: Virgit Slig, Elarryi Horeaberger. Wiliam Buehl, [a Bluehi aud Ur.sie Buehilulahe rening*ai 7:30 f.eien service vili be 'Ild. The8t. Pouls Ladies' Al id e-i neet an Tburaday, April 5, at the recidenceoho ire. Fred BleiniebI. la the ntorniug of! dFriday bath, bhe sermon and the aduuiiistratiot, of bhe Lord'a eupVer vîil betanbGeruuan On Ester tnoruîng the Lord' ilupper wiii be ceiebrated aizain. the wbole 'lt-e lonig riînducted in Etigtsli. luthe eveuf ag at 7:80 tiec ebîdren of the lSuc la> sout e-il have tbelr Eaiter cele- bration. CARO 0F THANKS. We viab to ex press Our sîncere tbmnks bo the reaaive., neigbbors, osingera and nan> f rienda for oympasby. belp aud forah iokenc of respect ta aur dean con and broiber Iu aur saS bour bereavo- mnut. tir, andtirs. J. C. Huebh ansuFamil>. RUSSHLL The ladie. imet WedDnsday to dean b.e cburcb. TIc> expéot ta co0a have fol- vice@ atain. 9. A. Reeve la servtng on tbe jury. lire. H. F. Siver la caring for ber motber, tIre. Alcock ai Wad.wortb Aile@os 81,r l i. cii Ifincd ta the boas. She ham inflammatory rheuniatism. Unr, Wa4dell and tirs. Lux andchildref apentBun0day witb rslaivs. 14m,. Leaurs Corrle rciurned FridaS train a week'a visit i tb relatives tu Heruchen sud Oak Park., .tir. Diion end tire J. D. Miurray spent Vriday ai Gurue.. Clarenas Zimmerman ha. bren caling auu edsboe. Henry Bansbon vwu a lJblcago ,loito oas day tact wfek. Mmr. Paltüarton le vlaltag ber matbes at <QenO& .Iuutiou. - B. tf.' Marris and favit> caled ontUr. «ad Mmg. John, Bonner Sandai. MmL . .Sii Gives Vivid' PIotUim t LoU«Vanada Has sistaIlmLy War. fidvanoes eauto Why the Russian.Czar bdiocated His TIWOU eeunty. The ste?> Of the bttia Of Ypre, bhc h eaird frOM th Isl PeOftonue Of ber avu n v bo ftelwonded ram shtrapnelletahéicstory wblch Mrs. 3ames D. Skena brIngs ta Waîîkegan. foliowlng thres mnuthe' stay ln Toron to. Canada. It wae wth the Canadian troop, whtch were pusbed to th- fronti at thls great battle and Mli re. n.i',- hew Is now couvalsdflg ln Toroita fraina a vund whicb vas1 lait i 1 ,Y a pine Of shrapnel mand whieh tore too-e file rgb ear and fracti i i ihi The youi4g man vas a (orto.i im one ufthte Toronto regimfft' dis strount of' the tbouctflds upon tou- sandi. of young men Who fefL. aci r to ige again, causec one to shudcitr h,-n une considera the breakiflioff of dip- lotnattCrelations betwcuitbi. country and German> mand tic possiblllîîes in volved by eueb pnoedore. -The people of Canada are Dot bit- ter enemiles ofthle dernan people", declared a Toronto veman IlusPeak-: ing vltb tre. ibis.. "Tbey do not gpeak of theGemob a. a blood thire- ty people. 'rIteiuê-e' they e-en cursees Ui f and hie staff- buDt dulng my etal la Toronto 1 never heard a single Canaedien gpeak dis-, reqpeetffllly ofthé c Orla race. ".Censfura thi ern1a;û!'a Our hearte blecd w er nêmothers of Ger- $M>' add te Tomtite oman Who had lest a son Ù11>16113M I .peakIng tire. fiene anyu thst Toronto hbas been actual> etrtpped et1 lis youa bleed. ()Id mca and imoreboys are operatlng the treet carsthere. The, iheatera arae oen, but a war tai le lm- poed on all vbc vWte iUitheaters 9seeking pieaute àThe Canadien women carry theirl ,fnluiting toehcbrcb. Tbey knit goi for the boys ai Uihefbout vlle the minj Inters speak of "SpIrtual bleainhs." The vomen de ot répeak viien theY teet i thebigs ateOon -tie atresi. 'bey grasu baudg. lmi eebc chokaeoff speech. NearlY OYevutemU> etfCau. lt. The papers of. Teroito carry pore Spe. page of dcad and vosaded ot the ot,?~ secbday, jet Xii. ksnsdeedares tbe did nt bear a ehuc Word e o CO- plaint trous the sorroWiug MOtherBand ftherz. -1 thought i could ecure Pi«ce,0f shrapnieltluCanada. Itbouglt nM> frteuids li waakegau 1would wlsh te mee fragmenta ot tht. s dI14eiui metel. but 1 vas unable le obtaIn a"Y. I ated my uephew fpr a ie acO be replled: 'WbY. a-ie. thf shrapn>el whicbh innot buried tiu tegrouni bY the farce of the explosion when fila Ilscharged la picked ap and put liet thesaand bars. %eh regimeat gais 1,000 new aand baga each "y. These bage are useS hIlieu et traflhes fu protection f rom, tbe eneni>. Ivil Det, imîl yop vhai gees hie othes bur-! jeU Meay guesboveven, for tiie baga sre lited vtbstuff plclred %b. at the soldierai' feei.'" lI Canada ioday second servinge ai the breakfast dixiner or FmupMa table are nita t be considered. Canada ta living on haIT rations. accordtttg to tire. Skene. The millionairces vbe st troa Haveiu china WoOld no atnre thînk of aÉkiug for a second belptng. of meat thaxi they would ask for the priviiege of golng to the front-bat mari> of ihem are at the fighttng front si ihat. The Canadian toiteges have beefi eloscd aud the buildings bave been converte'd loto bospîtals. Oua cannai walk a blockInluiToronto ioda> vltb- oui meeting a man whe bas lest su arat, a ieg or vbo bas mat vith ather 1 injur> lu the ilunopeaxi vcr. 1 Csuada ta exisixg on hall rations no thaiticth boys ai the front Con ebiailithe delicaclee.1 su tira. Tii e Ony Kind ot a C61t IT PAYS TO RAISE IS A lGOOD O-NE. NO. 68198 mu UCENSE NO. A-10618 Mir. R. B. Swift. Uberty-ville, [Il. Deer Sir- I eheught perbape youenelib. intereeted la knewlag about the c0lt1 bought of yclest kfai.I 1 "ek b te th ii. uter fuir at Sycsmoee seFai- ruary 15-9, 1017, and carid off tva hlm..ribheoisand MOsuq HO gM t h& bin, fer the hese twe.yseIâ WS*daIna s.brssd," thie bits.f.r the bout fercheomustelliea and the rmd Eur thboutet caie. c.> age e«bresi. The herse it stbu va. w am pile, bermeet ai hnedlagMesfaie aIm fit.i vosilihave baiseon "eherse 9f9ibeo auMyPMI ar.dmthave hlm brek. e neonUgh. HO weighed 1840"i dar. Yeurs vo, truair. T. T. VAN ARSDALE. lilld. lU It is a littie ltrouble to bring a mare te tthe farm but the. colt Wil pay it bc a dozen ii... over Take pride lu Waaing ONE GOOD COLT. Fe.d it anmd à will b. one-haif the belst team yeu ever owned. BON LAWRENCE àa one of the beat bied Percheron Studs in the. wold and is mdividualiy A GRAND HORSE. ..B A EK R ,Mngr The undorrngned wil sell at public auction on the Genhard Schreck farni I mil eoit of the Despiaines river and 3 miles west of the Five Pointe an the Buckley roed, the, following properti absolutely without rsrvon WE DNESD -AY ARIV1 commencing at 1 oclock sharp. 25 CHOICE YOUNG DAIRY'COWS ?X 25 head of mostly high grade Holateini aUfmlimhaypoulgan uh sired by aires of the Kornclyke cIauî.. 6 v;ith calves by aide, alaceciflw pig*t' HORSES-1 dark grey horse. coming ý years old, weight- 1400. 1 bay mai -comi ng 8 years old, weight 1400. 300 bushels famous Iowa Gold Mine Seed Qatt. These cati yielded 80 buahels to the acre last seaicri. 350îpounds new claver seed. 3g bushels seed t.arley. Quantity timothy ieed. Quantity early seed potatoes. 200 bales cf choice timothy hay. 5 Plymouth Rock rooitèrs. One hlstery-mmblut5 ste?> vhteb ie Bâtons relates 15 ibis:TE S0FAL-i ncolO ",Wben al the vorld vas mtonehed TRSO AEAlsueo 1 si the. great torevib h h e Rua-i lvuonbnabenoe sue vwre pasblig the Gerutane out of lieland. Uic iuevtble happeze". Th kmý.hat 1 hi tliuirCADA lai thea -Caahiaus. The> had lue A L thing bappensod. But a fev veksaffe --or, rather, eluce the czar left lue urolia, Canada bas learuied that the _____ itussiaus vere farceS ta abandon Po- land becauie thse aniinttfoa vblcb vas supplled the soldiers diS net lit Ferestry lit Germeny. the rides ofthie big gons. Canudiane Fonestry Io one of the chief sources beflve ioday that ibis diaceven> Is of revenuhe for the noîunenous rntaIt vbat cansed the czar to abdlcate." towns Ilke. Obrudorf, German, anad 'Mtrs. Bâtons also brougbt.another bit -tbe conicervntlaui of tnee wealtu bas et Important neys e t akegsii. On 'een -developed to su almosi exact r-n erMylth n" ttsscience. Botb on the royallan an sd * axd ser M> iibe nutd ~tieatu the coruinuci'> tatoeitu he amenai goveruimeuit vlI Compel -eary* man, ofettuberieuct annunli> tg not jllawed ýr vpraas ad chuSd enterixig lte bdi'dersta exceed tbeeaiuai gnowth. Nuiner. tuodeffit89iiiitte revea"ue omcars. oue fin tree nurserestaare ecattered r.This atieti las been takeith ke.p ont throughoiiit tc region. feaIners. hi la 5ald. F0 uehelJonsn atisualaur ew 70ael Hayreake. I.and rile. .And other articles not meutone&d 00 and undfr cash. AUl Fume over ibai ainonîlta eredit o o ulu i i t 6 per oeat Iniereet, M o geods to b. remoduntl aei*td W. SCHRE"ýCK, rJJ Fredl Grabbq, AuçItk"uee Tie Apatitint Owefe. n*0P Peii. The apartmetat dvehler iS V« l)i tht. iehgkPdpM: *M varmeS, liees near hie bushesa aPi Utle bsvt, 0405MW bIs amiusemnents, la close te bumeuklad IIId0te!5 and la reiieved tram the'reouicibllt i hat w ia ttDttw- Wl dfat ofa nbouse and frein the lncouveDlneit b« . e voOtif' aii o! outdoan dutileInvolved lui a deOS Of à*emg te sa>bèrtid tacheSdvellhug. To get anl thon»boeWàld froutOw-9 abre fite the apartmnt dveller lensekes?« C il'etlS IbtW sunrenden two Soslrble thinge. namc- joidan hevhtb ly, lashdg reen sud outelde &" a.- - I*Mgbl nea pulla JoarnaL .-- Slieiia \ ~>t~.v eatetaiasd a nnuber ai irienils Dtar- day evsniag. Mies leabel Biederciadi of igland Park. va. the week-end gueit saithe bumé af ber father, Fred Biederiedi. iss Laura Mubîke ofl igblaad Park. va. tb. Sanda> gnoit ai ber aliter,Irs. H Id Vaut. Tiie W. T. club bave iasued invitations for an AprMil ools part> ai the home oh Mdies Eirieda uniah. tir. Bd Esitan in quis c@tck cib tb. grppe. On Bunde> alternoon Mms. Phebe Ficher, wbo baS nmade ber home wtib ber daujihlter idrs. Thamai Crtaio Libertyvilles, for ihs pest iftsen jeare, vas burted ta the Derfield ceneiery. ltire. Fisher va. an nId reideai of Deer. *eid. bavlng l1sd hem@ iiri, jesa belora going louilbortYiyllic. Mi. and Ulia.Augit Bchepp anà daughter oh Gisuco.. vaea the Sonday gueste of tir. and tire Carl Lange. Almon Panera oi Cblcsgo, Was the 8usd.> guet a the hoe .0o W. A. Wbitâne. irs. li. H. Krsss essertilnd the Atar and Baser> act> aitihe 130i>Cra.S charcb Thuada> aliernocn. tir. and lir. Bd Bock of Sheraierville, We«@ tbs ennday gueesietai eir dangb- 9 er, Ire Bces Sherman. On liturdal. Wight a naniber of irieads at tir. and tire..ýoa. Goodman gave im a pleasat surprise. The eventu4 ree a( n te- ke or side. oau "Pr it vax Lt she about te ho- at &bd- er ta oia -siahi- ci ccd 'L'que rotag, ver., dbat âevera. nr ber time't efect ire. le nd ber ln We sr Ir p to apefe 00 per hicgo. emb, sas fal. Ma et- rt the g th* Mt dl yer, 1, for i vic- au. b t», ra m. cited 1

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