W* S t U a. T to SPm.s ra« *mg"arm ffl. tO9J bn. Phono 157-J. M L RILH.SMITH tc 12 a. cl. md 1 tn AS N. TEPlENS, M. D. M"lcAuaalSURGEON oW41 nmd fr e&" eris au. Toi. lm Lbertyvifl. à. e~vh tOD.M6 -WANN . OO(Y fi80flU1'4ffl Iê~eo, Cool8Ave. Pone 0- >AM. MAC GUPPRLI ilWo»NUT £fLAW. 5cnt$ par ne ench lnsrtl0lL 4- FOR SALE 4+ FOIt *^LE--Ailtic eQUlpDt t u condcictad but tvo sioth&-It bam à due range. cnter, tables. Slalom. tacmt everjthing aeS tee reatan- atI urpe& .Win sU a a bolo, st ,«ercbospre*itor sesaraiely. maquire Peter McDeriott. phone 1ne or 141-W ýM*kopu. - - iyt FOlM SALE-I a1 ae egtlO Ibâ., 8 ymnr old. One brown home., 110 bo.. 6 rw* un.M. J. AcIUui. Antloch. 111 Phone, Anti oc 170-W-2. Wkili FOR SALC-Wbite Wy . tebaby ehlck, lo ch. Dollveted l atrès sud Llbeetyvill. lMma A. W. Hall, Arum. W1I Phono NO 14.1 04 FOR sAwkA-.G1 4pvoq bore, la. Ma»e bu#v WUflopwato -W.W.1 U*.n.U&IUCo. Phohol. 7tI bomS baud bai "ad wagon. b&Mor Iw& , . ad, lai 4 FOR 8ALE-.lmevY arn ao.A Lovai. Aiea, phono s28. l 4ca FOR SALE-Teéale ad ry yellov SeDt 0 oseS' goni. .lonAhrt. Libertyvili MWs Oeidas mtioa. 14p2 FOR SL-Ca, ud TI.otliy a-d, b» a frémi i!oued. *Phono286-W-i flrma. 5r4,voek. 15".2 obs. AddueeeJaeob DoHam, i. F0. SAL*-S0 *0*5 0< sois 00e q *oek. 10.11 ensaiuoes mev, .186 PI cash. 0. DdIa~. Are.. DLpboma USSk*.I 1861 Wl 80s~.m1 ocra. 1*,. ~ Fl VI*ssy, Ares. 1 >g lUeS ta P poulains motta, Fer- - *é. Ou.. fi yen old'msd ~umro old, pmntly brokea D. J, 8. Iloorla near EvorotL Toi. L*be - Ioieet ?M.T4. * 15.4 se xMarl 9.l17.-4wbert Brmlu te C. t gfid mlolibbg raregd lu noth mot; qmtr esection 28: ,Warrentevur Helen C. -moCluro te C. M. k St.P. RaflionS Cmpney. strip vit o! and adjoinlus ralirod lu nortlieast quar- ter section ». Warren tevnshhtp. W. D. $00. W.H. Min'r snd vite to Hamr Porg, lot le. Coder Park on Crýooed 1ak. aW D. $10 B. Élsenberg -uSndvite te &A. A <lell lot 10 sad untMatl-f lot11, hloc i 6, Nortli ChicagO. Q. C. $1. wilhelfieln.Islen teEthel IM. srt- lOy, lots 9 te 13. block 12, Dreyr's sub- division. North Chicago. W. D. $1. 0. H. England and vite te i =el M. Gartley. lots 14, 15 and 1f, blôck 19, reyars sbdivMson. North Ctc- go. W. D. $1. t sltge, Luc"an sd vile 10 T. A. Ko y. norihvest 40acres of section 28, Newport tovnship. W. D. $4.800 ,p. J. Clark sud vire te Waitea Lu- cas. son tbet 405crSo f aection 27 sud B&àummc 40 ms-ories ction ln Newport tovnahlp. W. D. $10- " u *.W.hdem t Si.. te C.' J.àmuSer- sun Mud f e. tract 0f lad n usection 2à, Vq 4$ ovnahlp . O . KM50. j= ?ée19. ldvln te J. ]HL Sass- er, 20 lots-tul Udgewood Park, [11gh- tlauS Park. W. Ù. $1. Lmkeé Couty Gravel Company toi uR a nsd vifo, tnW ofetlanS' Jolnlgblnk f4, Wriglit'saddition te Llbertl'vflle. W. D. $.00. liardli 30 1917.-IF. H. Bartlett sud vife te Jomopli GCarfinkel. ooutli one- fffth, block 7, Bartlett's North Shore Acres lau Denton. Veed $1. Mrgaret J. Tvweed te John Col ey, lot 31. Twoed'aS econd subdivision. FolLake. W. D. $125 Mater ln Chaucery to Russel Bd- wrds, lots 1 and 6. Kirk's (lien Plors additon on Northi Sherid4u road, Ws-u- kegs-n.Doed $6910. rr7; T. Spitil bo Katharine S. ,uee, llý acies Ii veut hait uortii- ut qusrtor. umoc a 5Ve-non tov- lp. Q.-C. $IL James Hileohiasd vite b lâ blandM %A Us-st ParI dWstric.lota 1. 3X s-n renubdtvlslo cblacl 3. Highls WI. Decd sto.0- Msrcb.g.3,17-C. T. Bastigs Mn rus te le4 . & nuemuS"vute, spath Dm.N ymil bubwQul e,,EF. in slot -r' <OompI met 74fitt M oçPut. block 77. 131b- Mm - addock te gna M. Van- itten, lot lu Villagee OfAnticL .Wý Osthurlne ]H. Diemyerte Wlllla LKIeltI, lie Vlelye- builnc aIlh MIe ladiseaatuet wvét et mnease sueotWalkegan W. D. 0. C. H. AveulI anSylfcte t C. P. iwala, Jr.. Iota10, iU s u atsrly 40 et lot 9, blocS 2. NevberWa caddi- log. 314berl9'sIaW. D. 14.M.0 .0. a. qïô su d vm ait ta-l., to llsabeth Grable. lot* S9sud 11, block i C. 'F. Wrigttoaddition, lboirtj, Ine. W.1D. $10. Ulashatl GitIbe aIs-t teChineu id Mannes Qalbo. puetlots1 *"ud Sd imoated alley. blool 2, NeWberryî Idition. LIbeilyvle. W. D. $10. UlIsbet1à Oabbc et a&L, te G, IL rablie, lot 4 Mud- Pu-t lobs 0,sUd , âlad 2.,Ncwbori7y'a aSities, ubert- ilie W. . $10. T. H. Durat aMd vite te Wiliiu [otora Commay. Iota 51te 3 Md 'eut Iait lot 4. b"ed8. O0~.sut- ialulc. iWs-um asn sd 310»foet fortb fr ro& 60eublsd mdjalulmgsId loW* W. D. s1. Ul M. patScrsao tW. .m'm *m irgli*. W r # ot apu Seil -.W ' ;A ~~ Ge au FOR SL" mmof »Mbetoveem RJUNG - FOmM SAl E tWi4? Ad "iii to. * iesz XX. unWaukeoa Dme>7 Sun. li, éDOLAN wn.. .. o1 ai- FOR OLSv-E eo SnalarkAve. ez=taub*e 80-.491 ME a' FOU IA24.'4qeIo4mm on ce8. Park mi, Ail *Miemwprvo6mcto Raeaou- *Iei~ ~ p~ ii 'FOUAE--Webave s suimihar ofUte ~q~çs,1 *hpriga rer -FOR REIT-2 or1 8 marna for Ilsgic ~ Ioaekcpla or iiila*oo rair Q. oye. iihe-tvile luse1. - - tfOU. ~PT.'-Oos-piosl vsoobaoA"g. lqiu# ro of »j' :&Pms~ t <it C Lfbertyvilo or phoo NS-N*d., 14t Wt,,eUw '. &I #MONUY TO LOAN-«5, W, 0800 if. L soai sud $10M000to lbat n't LO. Io. larmg 44 à 15I%. T J. Rtabl &C0, 220 eashieu. 0,O tno.Wsli4s.an. il v-ia4in~t. u Nt»<I TO OAN. .. sI$dtile. elfes, W. D. quiri ôfUiiae delnn $0Iohii~w uIneï r.11Il, Mar" ~n ~ LteC.s*e~ 1SrtIs -haitf Pt. a 2 e- b tel W IX., oie ênW.«I Qw 'e evenue, wt.rm. j te, a4pla. g I u sSlun » goamde4an- DOiS 1&- C0. .s4 if! mutks a. a ru" te J. G. 1l. P utte IL. O. ira* lots' "d & 8 Curmaiubdivlloà< Ma"d. W'4114karàPt lot *.ven, PPm- laie Oa*kerla. Q. C. $1. bàmlWI..S mab. W. D. t:ed k4oria te . .Kennedy. îW M * wfçtc. . ILar Ruh *Wod nhand t-O J., CsEpâ aie . eda = 0 4« or es t <s-veat s- A. Thain. tract of land lD nOr*t erst e.smi. NePwportToulp quarter, sontkjvost quarter, sèctiotile. W. a *$1 Newport townshlp. W. D. $10. C. A. Neoouib Jr.,to Josephi Mas. llmIa L. Eushnel1 te Outai lUn- '#ait., -ak o44. -bock eltit, dalil, #918. block 2o, Hfghlaiid Parkt. Noth Chbx«,,,eed. $14&~ w. n. AmrK D. a8n11 tteelst m. Rt.- W. D $10, sel. outh lu8 foot (excejt east 182 April 8, 193.-Mary FLSaYler sud tout> lot $14. Lae Fqreut. W. D. iusband td Jonicie H. Sayler. sail prop -________ erty of C. ». Sayler lu North Clhf- C85eSd Èt.berger and vite to e W BOXIB» IJ4 T ini Veruon tovniv. W D. $12.000. M *I$5,Q FOR T1Ul Ernet 1obmau and vif. to àuIdbli Gruebusu. 40ý acres suith 0f1MAL la i*îu"&selton eI wa tevé.'TR4ImTÀ1t Meoem luses -et al., to W. 8. IM h Csutto^ Giouoe.rukemtb n~isC u~d~s le0sbas hougtla $60.000 boat ope"ly neMe fWloge et i-. te Fnlon.Alduchein UntoS stupac eo a ItuipCatausylot 18, G»ady &lo e upys ce i o loveWf" bcud subdivision, WaIIc. for the boat' Aus 5000 atho tee gau. -Desu li1e. mettteaudciontly for a sfa voysge April 4, ssIi-Peter PÇarocbte Je-Lieut. Pri ndvile yl ta». à crev te empl «iauI, lot j13. Pearmon. Little & 7- LlUnton.. MiIL. yhere theboast. Èem% m' sbiylaon, Wsubegaâ. W. 1m u5oe Iaoreet. and wIU n~ps.brns thoe essIte th. Great lÀces 30000 Hauk sud vite t. F.r. Dmal itraining jstation at North Chf.- Krleo-sud vit e. lot 19, Pearspu. Iàt- 084m~ W. D. fi 10. ADJUO#CAYION NOficiL Bertha Zel, et al., to A. lm. on- PUBLIC NOTICU la lbire1.y g4v. rad, part lot 8. block 6. MecKaY's 0.- tlIat thc aubacriber. Ezocutor ef Uic ond'additton, Waukegssi. W. D. $1- laist vill sud testaument ci WUllsmi H. ow. &pvley. ,deed. vin attend t»e Estate of Johnu Hertel (deemoed) te lÙmnty Cort or *5. Coqxty. e- H. J. Hertel, tract of land In section tom thereet te b. bIldon et t»i 9. làremot to'wmahip. Q. C. $10., Court flousa in Wankess-u. lu eaU Ectatae, ofJohn Hertel (deceaed) teo eunaty me. tot iMondai or Jan@, Mary 1_"t& .tract of land ln sectionasoiMt, 1911, vian msidvioereait jar, 'S, 9, 16 muid 17, 8remont tovushil). Q.! son@s ilvtg lfs mslfistWas-Ids ,C. $le. têste 510 ouseS sd ud euw te .pu*- Juila Kovalovsky and ibBid tOlg$@mtIc nMM te MMid Court for ai, Ifflas Paloqol. lot 26, Shav'a Lon.g Mcalos, Lalce onbdlvlaon. W. D. 1350. zOBu.H W. B1fL1. Il. . MEL an oet a. 10 C. H Mer Uzecumn- , riftt, lot 3 Noci 4, Ridgovood Park. I!sselssaa. Minois, Marcki 2j, 1977 HighladPark W. D. $10. irw.MOiL . e. "à-il 1 April &, Ilî-Amse Howd te ILH. . ________ 9Buntlot pg, block 17, 1.5k. Bluff. AdJudlemtln Notice. IW 1). 847M.PUBIIC NOTICE is hersby giron Chtcago Titie & Tsat bcmpan eiiy a ; the ubscrlber. Adminlatrix à IL8. Uztlnalot 46, bloc% 17M4 or the «tste of Truaso c4leo. de- weeut fot lot121 r vowlm of o<> od.vill attend lb. Oounty Court I- Dor ie.il. 0*0 " Q<JE. 09 et takomuty, et s- tu, ithereof F. 49.31À& - lie boiSenes t théCourt Houa. 1%1 )ta 1. L Ci. oo. àt"dn%., Cl Wakeu, 4luas-MmCoontty ?on the 9 nabdlvtaion vetoDoCiy .Drott Zios M oD'Sf Juo eit. 1911. vb-cii Mdfibm'aupersone having cdaims aI Msld ettate are n î .-d and floeted to presont the amo 5te aid Court for adjudication. Wsukegan flhinois, Acirt 2. 1917. Wkly Apr 6-12-19 -Me #ndependgnt 1làfthe .ovntY% 00- §y tf-pageWe.kly-th5t'a wiy oev t»b* 0, 14g. go IL l i «labo, no Mi ÀL*UT'l'iT wof 9f elKnmhWn e Coeam Md osdmias r uppe of the Gros- ~84~je4kjuJfrfmàe ~ 8h0-»aval sttios lcsd rtas. raeob ti.bandto lay 4t? Wauoga. pr 0l. W& ha lcluS p lu tbe gcwd mletaken berosm oun te Part ot bu.. because e i.poitioci le A> *M.31. seBroocor (ue e AGuire> aunced? le wu »nt IodeS up ïvUO it e fHorBeicker, saWs-Ulegsn Bc% «as thélie caies &bout the à»s «m i auacueln aneffort Ibaud' p ain oOtplaylug thoea»- teb»O ko ber famtly frocu vorrylug tional i. t'adIffecci abff bar condition. Iis morniMg atiAsked ffuidltithemalter. caidt Mat- Ilol- ~ be aI erhoe,30 iotte ve I. 1d* I -ve h etamte Money To Leýn! AT A LW RATE 0F INTERIEST Miions,tfro oe lands, within the. lut, two yeams have been paid, ftito tl.eas he dvariaus commoercial insttutions of 'ths country. United SWtes, bas et tuatimi., mont cash 1. c<unmale couiutâef61Europe. The gpester partft i ii mnneyi.Y if )f iion mi nées theau Ifyouafli ~ t1iImr ii aioodbsÊ oborrow at a -oWi ht,~c. aiw paft 0dit nt any iterest payïpq $io ifyou dm"ix.to .11t111 "b douY'014 droe isw@. dos.M yoow ~ ~ ~ nGv llo.euet. inyowwhile ik may b.et >82 &W ai Investigath tus matter with me bel ore a"ittg yur on. F. M. HIARDING Agent W Xnr MonORFarm Lommi. Area, Illinois. Subiirb of CbicgP PO AE4tbonobred Mslld dm**a s~ o~o~o n.s 800 cah. RbantMeWSe. ri15at1 orson sMd lushad. lot ou SOULII 9350- of Clannel 1"5e. Q. C. n. .IF. P. Dymond Mud Vite et ai,. te vranS C.R"a. i acrestu nortI- out quarter. mction 20, LibertYvillie tovnship. W. D. $10. Adolpb Andrson sd vite te P. C. Knlght, 15 acres lu ouilveut quar-1 ter section 19, WauSegan, sud sectioDn 13, Warren tovnship. W. V. il. A. 4 .Parkesud wvit tP. IL. Mat- thevsansd ER A. Turplu. lot 17, blO& 5, llidgevood Park, Highland Park W.V.50 Bernuard Savukin» As uSvie te John Sailt sand vife. lot 28 (omept veut 15 fot). bock 6. TlJasrya T"&d addi- tion Waalegam. W . O 60 U.. LSmsith anS vie te W. J. Doay, lot 8I, Wlsaon subdivi-st 1a-9on LaIe W. lx1&. 7. John Penel and Vite te ImmUi Yn- lot 9, bleck 9. lBrOra eublvSlon Worth Chiasso. - .$1 * ulat1ýi te Mgtlhgw PesteS'mi vifs, lots 8 s-ud ,.bled 3,S.uebaV 'C. 1. vlisais su teJ. .J, Flash- *Itte m mulIS~J 1, ýý 1, . -- -,- 1 - Il ý. 1 .119, Il- b * I hem. Is-m aure Huppe bus not bos It vos noArly s- yemr- go ltlal. Mrs. loOked ciiAnds as 10 the truntu of tiLe' IUgocke r becao s We of the tact report s-bout hlm refUalng tgPeprnsft quist the vas aufferlng of s-n aliment, the bs-ndS bpay the national air. 1 te néai-otimss or ilibtorriled lier rCmDfot 087 jusl n&v." Soend mos-sure. Bie feared le tl, One further report yak Ibat lIume ber familly becana. toe knew thoy liad seule valoabl Magie., etc., ont hie vould realiso lmmediately lte tact IemnOtiasd tInt as sablg factor tu 1h51 the chances of amving ber 11f e the ce. Cant. Mof(ettIhad rot Thon-i werse 0-0buliu. Ths. aecrt the . o <f tht. tenture of mereport teS lber imant »UTntil a snuary Câbt. « MoMt zdmilUiStbat tIi-e i er condItion bad--peome- sucl a o oudrbê.lalsata tat lit vs-s outiS ncoes-ry 10 mil iîn Amfong 110baud forsMmie lime, luafit apbyslla. . tuct More dissenstion cline ftom Ibut lie'. A. E. rvu. vho ph cabot sour-e thonansny ocler brandi et Oée lu, resftlilld et % glance te cecloun- satiton. Tt ta reported ttit the in& ,pfl of M"r. Erdofters condition. H.eiioliuivity of il.bs-nd leader vas on» «kb erb«te te remeOn dte the. len- Of the chIot rmesSoi, or ue ltuatin.. so ou cpt Dr. pfflck Beulay mi Ciecaso, but femcerly, of Wanke- ATR8SL a09 'aM «Bled lu consultation. Hie ,SESSL Ma-ua»#eaabovuq that witle AUop. tae81,00fliloo..Counsy ofLee a Wb" Îos lath ecient stages 0Of lhe luà the.Cireuit Court <of amid Contr. 410 iaI havebei effective Fred gudeeqin va. Lowis a. Kalior, *M t i% veliehaVertse Ibna»sieni Spbia K@ller; John R. Fulton, trotte, late sdvsncedotage0f ibe slIment s rOemiedatlon asIt Mn . .C. Cogiscu. suceubor la truési Uiosokertake thses-Stumi trottinent la Vbauar. (herai No. 888. vltlioe t u er Sels-y. Ho asureS Public noce lemrby glvo5 %bat by tleo huilai thst if atiythlog could virrue of an .)rdr and decrea +teilaa la »V» MM .BrOecker'slite thal Radi- the asove .utited eau.@ lu Si, CireMt IM yo0111 do it. and If Radium falîod tut<1Li.Çuî,llnla i tic leot hop* va. genue. Wr fLk ony lioe s* lTh. Chics-go speciallst Who vss archtserin. A, D 1911,.on the 211h day vWatod mado a iminuta arsminatlan of Mnreh, A. 1).TOT the uudor.cgaod sud tbonconfiSeS 1telMr. Bioecker Meler lu Çbauery (fIîte Circuit court that aven radium voul Dot save hie of Lake Couutv, Illinui,% cli a.oll ar- ~1111 litealthosgli lie gaiS Il vould " m-cog il fors- limie. Ttî vssthe Publie suetiou to. the. igliut suddhbut wibof 1Mr. Broecken blini tho e e bidder for Cah ouSacurdas the 92» ciaigt gs-luI IfOru Mm-. Broecker diay of April, A. W 1917, et the bar o tInt ber lite Coutl lbe sarud. He une,,'clock iu4be aternoonol1déy ant visbed hni7 10 enjor the remaining tu.. ot nueutranîedoor lu tb. ouSf vetks of ber lite n asot the could.*ac At the. eugmetlon of the specîaiit flou»a ia tho City <0f Wauicegaa, LOUaiS Kira Rroeceer. acconspanied by ber of Laske and Soate of lilitulo. thei. loiw- isobed, niais Ivo or thretripes-a lug do*ecrticd"I eusaansd promises la vesk t0 the apeclallat. lit.Ides belno aii dece e ntlone', situadilu *& thatte ri.tp on the train vomiSli e »utut Liak s lave <of DIMola. or botter tlia. remalulng luas- hoacitai la Chieng,« au mahurof u *baill eeougcloi e li la~ p t . onote the mgemeu a .tiaty weau dcrft, to-vi 1t:- rvit vhieh lira. Boockor loolmi for- . iuig Setatone onuthlWesvoit id yard te sud prepared for tho tripe. of the Wbeilng aud fMcitoary Rosé No* tInt berecret vas a secret vna vim',Iwbit. oak lwoaiy (90) lnoo l longe"0eb wuva muste royl n iaineler runuluu tboenasnortsi lofl-I, ber bouath. Sbo trieS tu maie bers-gît belleve "0' vos gattinc bottar. To- and a belf (46%)> Sogvee evos1.41' yard thee isat l vmwu itbbthe. gretest Chai». Shenci.auuch 84 doge.. vase 41i001tr that ab* made the lrlps. 4 17 chaise tea a tonle. lnonie norli16 Tblme voeil ag am br condt 1w 0o»abail dogmes vooM9u Chiem a touse mvosk tli ât lan abaSl tu le abandon"d.lunee Ils-tlimet the liai '" uneaber the ortb-wenisrtonf groe veSer sud the euS vas look l- aci 30, ru wnalutp 43 no-Sraagrf eo st asny tinte. -i-von I1) fea. t lha hhird pdiaips MMira. sreler vw» bore lu Waukce- mwie-dian)n Lake o aay. tiill, tbmac gaa and liveS boes8a n ie. Sbn, aeth svrnty-four (24) degraea 10»5 von fotlou essod. Ueaides ber bus- chaîna s&0 lb.'piace 0of ýislnniug. costale- biuabs te1ai01 -tva cildren. Bar- bore. aged Il, a"ne hodore, aitoS lai Ivo (2) srre and cen rodea staIs 13. Becr motiier. Mm. Jeunes M&. In tihe C-iunt> of Lake mnd Stase of Gluire. aslo arlies as do the foi at.inlno loving, biotiieros ad iters: Jaes D1î -t -Waukecan. Illilnots thi. 3e-S licOulrs. vho la thougbt 1teb. in f- .1Aprfl. A. V 1917. the. South s-t lbe prescrit lime; Gui McGsclreo f Racine-,lira, Thomaq PuaiMarciufflo. Mater lu Cbancery. bDrury, anSdlErs. Janmeo s almo, <f E JfBpy deoker.oavilcicor fer empiain.. Wankegan, and Mca. D. Campbell. o! sciE Aprol 5-12-14 am .City. _____________