Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Apr 1917, p. 3

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'i.. UIAI3T NLS04N0POS. -, LYIN »VIADI0N' i ?I À 50LON( AT ENT WII3 JURY RE- RUSES SAUMIS T14) Resi TIRAINING STATION TURNED A VERDICT EVANSTON IN TEST H Enllsed Men Now Gret Short- This is Srn Pitlàeh W ue t uoS Corne out! est Traning Period in His-, orv.s l eelgNeviTriai oi Sp~eeù.-Enitii-anOe Test l tory of the Station. iflor Detlnant. With Flying Colors. ADVATAGE__AR MAN t-~ WaukeVirln i RACE SPECIAI. STREET CAR.,7 Pay la Good and Young den in uer t -WaoOu tertilorl was PIove Value in Tme of Need- Pom Are Improved in PhysMWa Dot prenant la Court when the jury Take Put in Mammoth Pre- "" Condition Materaly. principal point Mae by Attorney E. pard1 P arPade. fj Men thinking of vo nteering lm- Ir. OzviQ la Alieargusseut for a Dow Over a soore 0f.Waukegao aetomo- theb mnediateii for loaglltar.yI service abould ttal botera Indge C. C. PdAr-ds t-e- biles, belonging te thbe "N¶Ying Squai- reine sleci5t tbe OBvy beease othe navy wvida. Othur pofis brought out lu the ton,, or tbis City, part-cipated l t uif gi lie tbe tirt o the defenalve forces arguments wre: endurance andlapea t at urday mi te get lto action. The, Davy 00v in i.--tain Instructionis hicb eventug whea tbey rushed a Company Pr" short about 20,000 men, 87,00q beiflg j aould bave bean lnciuded were ex- et rerultg f rom the naval satzion t1 ( the total autboriized stréngtb of the ctded improilflly. mvamton wbere t-ber partieipatmLu éin od »»q.. -ecidini Ibe-Usi-ine Corps. .-lie statua attorney in Las 0C0g s& bis Pexareusa parade. la mai- M men Who select fbe navy viiil rjuy t1,Lceit, .'tbfi.,lup . srou. i-b r b, compeilid te watt six menthe ln a ,infiammatorir remaria. loca cars ,reed wltb aa paýâil ir oni omêtraion(albefre ettng i 3 -Tihe jury vas sePalte It-i.Chicago. Nort-b fiiore und mil-;* rait t-boas and were able te read article@ waukcee ratlroad vicl fttunaa D to crtlseorvice. îxptintrinng1Ite dally japer» which had & tat- station atht-esanme moment. Tiishât Recuit odlfarly epi1 1 trin nc y tW Influence them. vus the test-Le determine whether T atIons for a period of tour menthe , hfter h.arfug Ils points Judg. 1-00115 could b.ctooveal u rapidiy and muE are nov being driled ai ilic dadse îrah rumnau: 4sreylnutsal'e otl ydr stations net more than two mnth-- darsonildt-eaumne asreyyatoaute cudb di »metâ olyone onth-tbat meauslq ii Boit Satu=i.? At that- lime t-h<i nterurban or train. The automobiles usetail »lstato'satorney viii anuver the ar and street car pnlIled loto Evanstt-o ta t m*nacetof to l. e tr ey fe-guments of counnaîtfor t-be defense. et the s*me tîme. The sîmultansola a arIsta~ o lme llr be e- Mr. Orvis quotel trom suPrenie arrivai dould net bave been tlmed tg liai. There li; no more patrilti dutY a milou prfrm fr iecontrlCourtrIl uquite volinfoiulY in mcuralely. leu aI icprseitlie tba 1 eîlt ~oeebing te prove liatInb a case nt CapI. W. A. Molfett of the navalth ai be rasnttim thn t eI uistInthii. bialtil as reversibît- errer ta Station vas destions of determiniag t-b bil prit the Jury t-o brng in a verdict ifla lu d. ubether Waukegail auto- of WhfIeJit la important te gel ,man lluthbe absence of thbe defendant for Jet% could 1e dependeal upoà tece- hay for ciler brancohes 01 the net n 5 de- lit- obbed tin 0f ie contituttonal apond qulckly In case a sudden cal um femss e 5i, tene of We navy i for mon ta pauuamnt. The navy of- riSut te poil the. juy If be se desl-ed. for the services oft-be "Flying Bquad- tie" fers opgeft» 5for oves-y tm whvo f1r. Orvis madé macb of the fact ron" sbould 1e maie. Through Law,-~ cas qualffy palîacafll and menlally.i i-at Over six Of t-he members of t-be rance Wider, wbo la votking active- mm na.«Bater wbat t-ille or profession. Jur" baiadxitted tiientiey are reai- l#y1in1the recriting. camp&lgn &long l »ses f1lte, mffl repi-eeentatiC ais Ofitbe Delly San and 1the at-berthe norti shore, the werd vu as aead Mrl traiestu til.Davy rage firmClerlu. U5oebm of theijury renthe bWeek- te a 1111e over a score of autoistu tien atsnugrplmer. dotaic, phammaelals. il Sa or tudeeaeult. ne aaid t-bate10 11on, hand at the naval station iiu ubataaectit-da arwatersi-'.durlug t-be lime liey vers aegarted et six 'cloek uSap Salurday boiter maters. blucaamllU, etc. Get- t-by read afftieon tbe cua wblck prepared te Maie s quick rmn te Of tug in on the grouad flner au nai-, may havaeaussi ibem t0e1e prjl. E9vansion. No details of thbe proposai CI itse sail ring At the bottom bas 1 die"i. trip vere gien. au euntlomai opportunill 1taia- 1 A motles ba" been made for-as se Like gond uoldlers tbe Waukagan tru vases rldi? Inpromotion. ramI of lUi-eut la four of the Illve autoists dld net- demand partlculCra. i-Y oure are some requiremeilts for en-I cou n uwbib P.lsou rasfound Piomptly ai the appointed bour the IJ is»mt-: The terin of aIlenllsted 'gullty. it tg on tia Sf111 count thuf autos were on band ln front of t-he mm. ta te au" in four yeurs. or for 1 te motien for a nsy trial la made. naval station gate- The apecial sîreet lS aotà ortewr xetminora icar wicb vas te race 1the autos vas ab ovs,17 a" 1 . Mcr 18 Ycars fag oibnd r ~Headed b7 t-be band playtng mar-se via »»Ulte enfilsted for the Period --- - ia arst-e oman c aprntic of ulortty. Minoreti nder 17 cannot 1MAIL Iaie s e IAcompad ou0f apensttiosn o callit except Iiy apectai permission i H I)LNNi ATsan bl auts oub.oatotin o cgth Breuoraigto n, N 0Z - en"11 TRANINfi STATION hbose vo coulnt baaaatedintatho lowed. No minor under thé ne- orf inlfo r lie.woelreI 18 yeurs wiîi be collet-ed vîthout tbe -iga rn r idr bo agR vi-tten consent efth11e parent who Je EniSts for Four Years Service Marmon car vas 10 art au pilot and th. hie Iegal guardian; or. if both par- inl Unitd States Navy-WilI set tbe Pace for t-be ot-hr machines, ge cas are dead, of a legally appoînted Help With Station Mail. the string of maci s movitl awIftly dl guardInan. Ker>- person 11,fore blin-g CaYtrm 1 e ato,tis-rs rn eetd 0muet passe 11e1hysical ex- Lewis Ludwi. abho served as Post-- vlartlng ai the same moment. 2'ael t- precried o te m-dialmanier ai the Great l.ak'1 Naval Patten. son of t-be Evunston wheat aminallon prsrbdi h Training tation wile * -e repubi- - instructionsl, and no pprson sliîil b1e cana vere in poser, lu again band-.îlng, rode is molorcycle the entire r enilMeed for naval sîérvlce unloeiwPr. - ling Mail malter addreaned te 11e listancF. actilng as escort. en y thecommndin, d jackile and omcers ai Great Lattes. Arrvod at Evanalon a parade vas k nounet lit by1e -madn and ince lie declaratio» of war over 'ormed. T11e parade vas beaded by U meioe oicis 3.000 men have bec» in training ai iHmr arc some of thbe physical itan- It-be station. and au a result Poanoits- ie automobile of James A. Patten, LE dards a&pplicapts must pas Tho ter William Ward bas more work on -n vicil rode Mr. andt Mm. Pat-ail minimum beigt for arceptance of is banda thsl ivo menl cold do Mayor Poarsons, Chlef of Police leg. aman 21 yeza old or over tu 64 loch- If t-el woried 24 houms a dey. -att and Captaîn Irving G. MrCaua, TI ljarfooid. he mnImm vegbl Some assistance vw-à needed. vo es brofoted Th minmumweigt ieutsrsly offkeru prerailed tupon Mr. chaplain of th. rstIlnfantry. Thel., for acceptance of a monaf 21 Yetsr, ld -11ftit te4101J it-as a nail Pont-nla- naval station bandl came noxt. foi- hi le 128 pounds. A variation Of in ter and 11e *Wilserve in t-be DavyY or fowed by the apprentice Samnn. t poundu. 1Dot te faitl baby 128 pounds four years. Of courue by the --d of Nerf In 1Pue ver. 1the Waukegao a t-at ime the reptvbicans may egaIII In weigtt. or 2 loches In ebest meas- ho lu power, and If tell h e 11 case itutomobiles with Evanston Red d urunant ilw the standard given 12 Mr. Lodwig mec' agal» 1be namied Cross nurses riding In, the rear Ssts. e the table for adulte, la. admssible au a potmaster, for laie reports from On1 the ides o ftbe cars appcared ths vie th aplîcnt or nîit-mntWashington admit- that-deinocralufio'n isrpini lrelteu whentheappican forenlgtinntfeur un attempt iliibc1emade to set-flflglsrpinI ag etM l le active and bas frm muscles and is aide the clvil Ses-vie order vh "'l'Th. Navy Ceea Frt-Are You Coin- ovidentiy vigorotis and heallhy. vent ino effect but- a few days . -". ng-your Count-ry beeeds Yeu.' The flo ivi a table compouind- îlerb arer3,000 men ai tbe si-a- 'Then came a battalion from the In& tha ages ofmen t-o which iheY fesion os acd oomadn o y irat- infant-ny and a detacbment of a re .1101111e te th-evarlouta ratlgs:tin10training Ibere vitbinthice BOY Scouts. P1everaI iundred auto- Seamen. lat clans. 211te.30. monthe» lime. inobiles broughl Up 1the rear. The 0 Seamen, 2bd clans. 18 te 30. A govérninent of tbe vealî th of1te fie of march led tbrongli tbe pria- 0 H-osptal Appreiltices. 18 1e -6. United States cohid flot e 00 oe -plsret f11ect.Th te man t-o bandie 1the mail for 2000o0 tet fteCiy h tet -.Apprentics Seamen, 17 te 25. men. se Il la beleved tbat Mr. Ward vers lied villitbolaaands of peoplep Blacksmitba. 21 t-o 30. nUl have several assistantsetaIGr3eat who cheered au lhe parade passadt. Plumbors and flters, 21 to no. Lates hefore many mont-he. The folovil Waukegu.n cars maie lfchnits 2 t 3. t-bhis -limal luet-mat-ad Ibat - slemachnlus, 21 t0 g. 3,8#0 lettetu are handîsal eacb day t-be tripj t-oIlvanston and tolk part- Solirmskrs. 1 1020t thle station, beaidea bondi-ada of la tha parade: Lawrrence Wilder, 'W. &ter. S i-o30-pied. o secnd issum&ter. J. Smithh, P. G. Smit-b, Charles Wor- Coppersmllbs. 21 i-o 30.-is rbr emnae bet Louis Yeoman, W.'P. Weiss, . W. O. firemen, 21 <, selica1.00rdla- mn aieta.e10 icinney, Wilil Murray, johin Baer,21 i-o 80. gvP1.0 t.1au'beî, - Jr., Homer Dabringer, Mless Attendante. Il te 30. Brercrtlt in piovldésdfree vit-b Chues Bairotnw, Pearea Motot- foi- P SblVe Cooku. 18 te 80. an Oui-fit of uliform ciothlng, hedding mnI, Wilder Auto Sales Cc apany. M~ucInu,2114>~*anal othar neeesiries, amnifting 10ýl.DdQa-dnlrwtrD.J Peinters, 21, t-o 6. -$6000. This outt Itncludes, among p. %eomer AI BrilmOnd and A. lm. if yen are a youti 17 te 21 yearsa ot2hei- tbngs, voolen blankets, jack- Beaublen, Lloyd Whi-e, Arnold No- aid bore are t-be phYsical Qualifie&.- lutte. handkerchlefs. tootbbrusbeu, lan, H. V. Inkelgtetn. R. W. Lewin. Att-eag aîr brushtes. scrub bruuliaa, ahoe-- t-ins Yeu muet pau: A te Cg f A-fu 'lc ia fen ' 17 years you mut ha ai polad, mat-t-easand mattes overs, ourt-h detck fll feCraay, laches In beigbt-barefeoleal. weighlng neckerchief, hihand loy shoes, una-oee esdet of 111es townkt lie pounda. At the aiae! 18 years derveai-. overcoat. sweater, gloves. .If Newport, Mr-. Carney bas made1 you muet b. 164 loches in belghbarls.s- bat-ing trunka and gymnaBlum hie home Iu Antlech for thaeg»W. footd, wighig 11 P9udik t th she. The out-ft la coniplete In ail Yar The fumerai service wilIl ba held footad. eigbng 15 DqiDdLAt tbe - fi-om tho fasliy home nx Antioch et1 ega of 19 Yeu muet bc 64 hnches lu reIrets andl lu ample for the ne'da 9 o'cîock Monday mornlng. The. de- icigil, veigblng ut- leaut 120 ulds-of th. recruit dnrbng his tii-t yar ceaged as uecousins iJvBin DWauiu- Ait theaugeocf 20 yess Yu menIta e ofservice; andl If bu lu careful of itu. 84 taches ln helght, veigltîng et leama i clot-bes, many of tho artiles ne - edt .- 135 pouds. »oîha ~ fr lies.Ii- e pidemie thi-satemi Great, a4 h mm" snterv, themettiesa lt i - ,mes lb. price o! biead ita awors. imy of i-ueit-qed Ptates t-ban the The massage Whlcb George Me*- utd ]POU COf-bl Into Congreas riag tha debop inlasaufoilova i .-i cannot Mgre. wltb my colleague Ont fllnolu <lM. ritteol 'i belles, liat ib@s lsue bera loday thbe defeMuecd tic riablî o! Amer- an Ce»us mg, the high ueas und ie defeitet' tlIe Aiericun flag. 'lia eueohmI bieboer muci longe vr va ta end= t i-is slaugbtei-' W. sve borne anal febom'e wlh Ger- My to tlb.S Taimit of our pa. ene. Tha lime bas corne vbeu va an neDo OUM eubmit to ber Inhu- aIlles. ha âme bas coMa vien re must defend il force or arma lia Ighta o! aur atile. on 1the sea. The [e bas corne vin t-be nation muai I» anal vbnicte her rigbtI exlit j; a gover"M tlu t-h. performance 1ber OrsI duty Of protectiug her Anal atas-Tm bad uphelal toc rust o! tie thousada of Laie Coiti- y people,. l l LMus»gel 10 bis feet Md volcei bis *gosltlen to var. «I yieid te »0. 55f." ha sald. "in my ova for 1h.eaut"% and almipes. i sund fer natiOnal Ouer aur national mity, but h do il belles. we should snd a million M« tut-ei trOuciau fr Europe tata bebitsratheaIn )rer ho avengle tI4demt Id 1h. fav persous vilUeal1% ýiutsmrlne varfa». --i tbis lime oetiternaional pri Aminca bas plenty te do uthomne. ibI iIn my ova cii-y O! Chicago liere are ibousands of people 001 eèttibg enongh 10 eut. ye th1e pres- ent came befere us andal bld un vi must halp f ead the nation, trying to conquer Germany. -in my estimation the man -ho filses t-be ponce tMa worsî ucmry of 1the United Slutes thaltbth -abees-. 'Thie var la nothins but i fight betveon lings. They itarted lt. Let t-hem finish ilb" The Illinois ('omgsandes-lof!the Loysl Lgien aI a tieethla 1»Chicugic Tburuday nlgbt adoptedal gr*aoluiOî OcIDlling Congronuipun tm for f ils reporteal declaratioi thal 'the people cf hîlinois are agMnat ar. and thut "thbe movauent for van Ià due In sinieter commercial influen he LylL-in dpa e Tahe 10oyatlafLeiov a:otd e man l at au olvdthlieacio:0 "BonresanMai, If Ootheactiynre- portca, Ia a disgraceful misrepreaon- Lation of bis, constitiiants, anal ibis organlxallan, composai of cIlioens of llnola. rails spun Congressaman Muson te deny th1e triith of the re- port. retract bis words, or resign t-he trst towc lh 1e lias proved alsîe." The order la compofed of afficera 1 bo fougbt in th1e civil var anal o! tai- descendants. Attantion of the meeting vas direntad ta Mr. Mauon'a miatament by Major E. D. iiedington. a civil var veteran. vie said* "I am muhamea t-o eaY i voted for Mr.,Ma- WANT TO 140TE SPkINOFIU SpK-nfiied. Avrl 5.-Ll- ii-i hy iel t-o mave th>e esiae'bous, t-o quflo. Ha Inassaa li ha lotrn- ducea la nt an aflermath Of Spring- toe im gela'dry Y«tsi-U. The iteM vouli 04sa-aa comuniQ" ifte pro- ens-s a site for a etata bvilding t»a(Chi- «"g. 'rie dais foi- t*~ trunsea voOd ho lied U 00tl.1. #g.- it-lia sole inSpinialebiétait i-s 4m* - ia-te boume. T*î tiuvos- laikialvai bttini uthi-e '4ru. ne ru ie ranir lyu»-O« 0bimao a" ii f mm, e #tsiatm bo*;wtrth fm'q suret ialihlwk" uts fwa itabeo allung1>to elz fatl Ibatai . of dail tat i mhttass e n n al t W. bava a Iremeodous lankt-o ar- .compilsh tu0-olice our bordona and andl our oonterritory. tuhitoi the nasy up ta, Il. standard, te provlde artilliery of ail modern clases-a wai-i ot many moti' t-o equlp a-S army andtlutrain IL. -Anal lalaa vltbh.hefunlrealizalbon of vhat Il bebooses every true Amer- Ican ciltizen tu do tnal causea t-be Ciamber of Commerce today tu open ls rousse ta1the, United States navy. Hereafler a navy recrulting office whfll te maîntainedat tihliaChamilai et Comme ~e. Raerdilting o1flicahli viii ho atzdbaal.go viii a physiciar lu examine applcanis. Tho. mal- lag application viii 1be supplled vith ear fmi-e, andal vli hagiven every ai- tentlon. Tha Chamber of Commerce la tu. opei-ating wltb Cutalu W.. Moffeli of t-be Great Laies Traning Plat-loi in bis fighbItu gel î,if> jldes b- lie 201h of thi, month. Yesterdaý but 42 men enlistea in 1the Chlcaw district. Not near e.oougb men. The Chamber of Commerce la ask lng the motbarboed ef Wauiegan ti gIse one or more of baer vous t-O lb nasy. The Ciamber o! Commerce i esleing 1the slales-hocal of Waulegui tu gise on. or moft of ber brot-her tu' t-be ary. * The <7bsnber of Commerce bopi te enlilul100 mDi Lake COmnty bt *fore Monday night. The actisîties i the Chamber o! Commerée vili ei t tend along t-be vboie nort-i ebor( tTomoarov iresentatîvea of the ai esociation viii confer with officiai at Konoaba and Racine, and the hope lu spur on theso ivIer cii la groater activîtbes along the lin- e f enlisîmeilîsin t-be navy. e Vour country needa you." a Thatlaj the nev slogan. Prom 1111e boum on any youtb Lake county wlio vili male a saur a Oce for bis countr-for lJnrie San=- 0 an do nuoballer than tu comnet nWanlegan anal enliaI ln1the navy. H r dan do no by rallînx at the Cbamitm lao! Commerce office. 7- ne te He oer COUNTY SUR VEYOR AND WIFE lMAEVUÀ VERY CLOSE USCAPEh Another Autq Crashed Into t Their Car Forcing It Onto Tracks of Eletric. arl es Rntssuellnt-ennt or bigi- ways met wit-iiais experieineé a tewt dnysag wh vich hli hnot Ilely te forget vory sonon, lnasmuuih as t-ho lives of bha wlfe and bis own vere p in u umu.nnt a e.Ja~ tive Meentu t-hoenliehr of lb. $60.. >00.00 bcldténue. bill and aI Oirsl fonaLbimobdus.i-,Me mi Se hai been approacheal bîaoumli-i-"u rm ilier couplie. ieslrbgummus an Md Wi.'bi te«ue&U ior tbqm. Afler havini itbe moula0or the ro. quent mode by t-ha Laks CýoUftihe- gallon pointai -ouI ite hma inmiter reelsîing i-be assurance et Rbbraen-e for- th. e aseor i-behS ipr.vwil thé am 09mtat Vas ooiisellud Io, Mfr. Maints foially coumatui lu lthe amendmeit -Rtoeantative Shurtieff analGrs- hum lmmediateiy 101oR ffthIr cemis ani set out t-o vor for t-be pesuh o! 1he amaudmant. Boti menamar 1e- Ing gîven lie bigbast Posuible roui- mc»alàllon. for vbat lbey 818 10 se- cure lie Pansage of the umendm-nb. Pollowlng as-e copies of the'- tale- gra ill whicb Mr. Bs-ockvs.y recalveet Ioday: Gruhsm's Wlms. SpcIiaffild, I., Apil 5, 1917 L. .Brockws.y, Wuuegua, i, Mr. Ruinimmeant a i vfgere Oui- amendlmeni- puued. ]Fine bat- Mr. ausmp l an he i auto. at-e Ienov raging mo cher amenalments.q nearei t-be Sacret Heart'l ceaiÇig o eaior uki 'orn irehan 1 the eieclic rallroad tboy sav a train Swrin aWs l.ArlC11. approarbbng. M.r. usall drova close 'ti56 i.As- f117 to the crosing and valteal for tie L.0. rekwu1 i, train to PUBs. - OWthesecnd t.ugBI.s Wbilio 1e. vas vaftting an auto ap- Outh geoa aln Hus proached trom lie rear anal viliess adaptai Wauiesa-Woisloek route. varnlng crashedtctheliesaur of bis I J aýam machine. Whethes- tbe driver miscal- The telegram from liMr. Or"mau- culated th1e distance bet-veen ie scar dluuit-as lat- iepresmi-ativas fioni anal i-at of Mr. Russell, or whet-her c-e onisfilasasaedm 1the brakes on his cas ollnetflot-lad. ai-t e hse their sUeliine puas-- ts not kloovo, but et- sy rate ithe ai se tiat the bI un hoebax"d force of 1the collision fus-ced i-he Rus- *tin turtibar. Il va" MMli liibasaé selli machine on1 tha traeblu nt-be 'guli ho Mfai. pali o!f1thé approaclug t-s-mn, ""es-e 1 0Msem e "l- tu t-he-i Au.111 lucl vaula hava il t-ei. a- 10*86Of lb, = * pact alec"lllal ibe angine in t-ha as t la t a e Ul -n hat il Russmell maca . " ' n -. iiu- viii ho - bult 1#1~ teol lapai f om i-4e maIlM e M d aril u aDage -w 1oruu~s eetrle "an sis isS's" Ili eecita1 ot lrs.v~ et.4.s uirate o! sped& '41SiSt~ "nd tls onileto &o&t Wheatmmal 13.63, imi-lon «d« lr alieflm "The 'pretduhc M ga -at - - - - - 100 U C«ft 'iq. "mai 4 ftsp 4 îalvb« gt-he St«e ubuve ien4 dmr 10ai-ils *. "Aul eAd not ieave 111e utaioas i-anU. Thua, It mens t-bat tihea lion la on its toma rfmdy I smergemcy. AIU ef tue mu A ig wltbla a distnce vile?.:m ramaito acltan'& 6-0PaUV malter vhs!tahe eergeieY', wIi b, ne po.rmdimg .09 *$A more ssiting uniihemtut Wauiagan-tbç mari p J# boys viii attend.strIoIy ¶ eAil naval Ii-uinlng s 0 iMii-d Statees r io ýàýÜ once0. la oldai 1 of monl. Woe1 vi Ibo"ul Gi-amILais a Naal Timefq flashai teo, biceg netp tabeittmn-f vi» bo> týw !aala mal rea ai t» w.t** six -twime--iI.ea o Y. Apam it m. ,ý9 lýL HS FO1S wgnT~té,oWhich You NEDS YOU,' JOIN lav Prvesfalse Demnand. AV N AKEA ed of Masn'Whe, Despite N Y NW U E A 0 ad tPope of State, Ioted A'lrm easures on Recruiting Station Is Opened i ftar Ure by President Chamber of Commerce 0f - Wilson. f icas inWaukuegan.. bat t-be action ur 'en'xtor "Bll-SEEK 100 MEN TODAY. Lun. of Waekegan. if rcorpc-1y re, ed. lu adtagracetul mivrePresea- Activities Aloni This Lbne WiII o of bis ComstUeflts. and that he Be Extended to Kenosha, DUid Oit1er deur the truth of th1e and Racine. "ft, retrant bMu w.oîda. or reelgo etrust tu whÎc e h 0ba prolai The way to viclory may 11e long. la,e th tu mfd of th1e Loyal &Bd certalhy Il will be bard ion of ChiffiSO. Q.rmany may wln tn her wa- wîîh ta» votai aguinst tpholing the Engianal, Frane,. Russla and Iai-r. 5180111 Il the 818 the United States wouid Gerge UdmtaWI bas voted to,~up stan4 oflosed t0 tbe greateal Mill- ,I the FrnBiIt. - tar power. We haie made Gerniany maion iuw IiS debate befori- Con- our eneml.- We bave injured ber, uas MM1d and w. bave deeiared ourslelves aI. WIN~TTOSE. W cUR IpROENT LAI 0f BEL VIDURE ST. RANIISffT Repreenatve Meens Author Temporary Quartors fle cfth BhCosnts te Men Arran*-P the Amendment. Many Morýe T . Waujrefan. April 5. BOTH SITES ARE 00e& Laie CaUntY 11as von ia flgbt-t-oi have t-be lmProveuient of Belvidere Seventy Acreste Notk.M stt tfrom Waukegan ho WoO<stock Hundred te Soutr4blWW and)iugo ncldçdinth le $60,000.- 00 nd isse ic l et 10 îe, ng Wo& cla Rushul «puir fIlinois out- Of the mai." Cut ofeti unoued tiit mw This became imovn toiky vian tra,~4cts rIig t ioui-bet, Cimut cerk o.Brofway re-have houa trmeal CiruitClrk ..0. rolwar -e-fa tii iMei.for lurn uerectil cetsed telegrams fio. l&Pefnt -at lieovth lixes TheenusGrahaa Md Uitr fuir c ms sObut f lformini blei thatfthea0theb.chaces amuimmt to t-obilîl iai been pes- w ti-. et i 1 1itstation te 1w, ai and beceme a part Of th. bill. I or amW sL Tbe. 1ek*. Oount-y committe consat-mordinlmgii log 01 Mr. gmamw-Msareirec.aania » 'sMWv « - tise Of the Ctamber etCi m bigî11 tracts coerg aowa rc abousieing uul- faruls et Superrsor a" paddock as reprasen- iion. 'rhuwllma ,f taUr*e or,-th-e eumly lourd. ana btides Wingive lihe rm* George Roanchan. pesiiemt cf 1the lion foi- about TAW o»- *, Lae Collin-y @oei Rade Auociaion, a lie. 1994 relus-audborne from Slitgfied hie pmomt tücMal inonIXI&g. 1y bal beusdega fou a icp-O!i ho vigilthtii at-e lCai dUrg e ~i.l tfue> bl passage o! '111. ne.dnl vilcwiu ruservadlnla !1aei-» give Laies coùlty -a6Ift--e lieuiât fi-cm the $40.000.000 whlc Itlal proPou.d 10 lii'utsauiu spaud for i-he tlnmipent O! main bidge Tb""1 - lhsys tbs.ugbont tïe ululs. 5ab"$, 15 The. bu iPrvidln for tlb. giguntet j»Se -ieuetu" Ws122Ueiflet Sfi ult e . OMIera ei«Pg. Il orosius r for m>iovemellt-0f1 3 -da sroui promhie uçleo tirougli Wauis- fqat bk me m i an sba e uty i-e lie uul m't - il» Mmd alto for the amulov.iet eto i Mîlvakes avenue lirugh Liberty- ort» *fl»* -vile, Antioci Md ~ iaglasa l Lai eOisIy io la Satelis. Bthe yuht barber uet tuinmg Wvautrofi-a ecemsgautaie- A e.a o~ tlgation shovai i-bat- ,oeUi-ls1 AW bmiue i etber oount-y gste la i-a-a. vit-hrineouo ýy the xcelltion o! Waceiuall aid "rie ne"i', 1 ibbssii' SWoWotck, vil be conmected hi di- mms le O»k rect routas vian iha Propos"d I.- "W.muet damu mini-oei-hu flei" ue k. rovements bave bain maie. to Wit-in tonty-eilt An=-s star im p ie ceiviag copies cf the h111m mé mage je tha Chamber et <leutaies Counti' in Baad Md cbei R" masAocattle ré bad sirseetatlve on thIgair vyt0e s. "alsfi Sprlmgiid t-ça -O-obmle vit-b ule ula n s~e SeUI U e- Tbe local commillso iecked op I Of ltepreenlsdva ouiiam OMistle! W yï tir lite xand l Vci4rs mmadlaw sp mi.t-.Ar w oarirval et- Npliiiaidand escelvea St-bit assurance tatie a vuli do &I aà thihar power io seure an amnn- e a et to thebill. PenatorR.rt Swift- ~, vus seen and agre.ed i-o bntroduce n n admenl In the seale. ü 0 fi b r t

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