Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Apr 1917, p. 5

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THtRDY,ÂLI211T We have anothe car of Minuesta GTowu liate potatoos to arrive woon. Get youmr Now. PLANT POTATOFS CeaWiok Tals in Lin. Now. We bave plemtyofClmk Cmu ~e airDwurPL W"..dDmady for Now. Dova by t. he o gu e. t sai eee rmons47 LE. A. l u p. = ri Limrty lek ersan Gent. cisi mi suil ............-......... 1M 1 3W CIs ...----------......-7 lm5 Ovecot.-.........-:....1.50 3.00 Rqiamd antPa...s1 ... .-.. .75 a v . ........-- --- Sa and Paucy Vest. .50 Cravaue ..........-.... 1.50 Svegter-----------....... 75 1.5m Batwobe..-.............1M0 Clord GOoVU ......- 15 SeSual Boy's Suait..75 1.50 Luge.. Soit-1..00..l 2.00 Seui " o .t75 1.50 L e" La00 ... m 2.00 Fred.Croker UwwT9U Ladies ......... $ .50Oup $.00 up skiu ... ......... .75" 150"- Jacket.................. î1 fl" Du-cs»,........... 1.5M"3.00" u-s, and Drap .. 1.75" 3.50" Waist------------... 75 -W.0 Uncd Coat ......150"2.50"- Ulilnd Coat-....1.25 '?-50" Velvet SW t......00 O Veivet D-cs-....2.00 Velvet COoak-....2.00- Kimona ...........---2,2.00" Sveer----------.. .5 -50"- 51kCottons aud Mbd Dmfape. 'Il0 ph" uand Vctvei Portie........1.50-- 3.00"- OcouduCovem....125" 2.00 Sluglc Blanke ... condotten ......1.00 up A Complete Line of Condon Bros., Seedsin Packagiss, Bulk and ' Seed Tape. Condons yelk v bentam'oweet cn seod at. per l. 10e White, yellow and red omion sets, iper qt .......... 25e 2 qta. for 25c. Stmmàama Toenataes .......................... tu Standard Pem .............................12Ze Standard Co................................ ..........1u 100 pounds of sugar........................ 00 Gold Medal Flour. 1-4 barrel................ $260 Deinlein's Grocery. Prompt D.Iivery e3e is the mùotto of the thrifty -Wal u ser. Y ou flot only effect a savingu in dollara but have your choice cf selection i so doing. We off er y ou PITTSgQN coal riglit now, at our prices, thq» most. <conomical fuel to bq bought. F-Fr Jrta uf Tou Know cf1 Ibws of Lomsi JiteS«tPleaasCall Telephm eIrumber 1.: : ies NeMie Stai u te Eater as ber 4 home lu Lincoln, 111 ro B. A. Blehop mode a biain..trip to a madim-on. Wla. *Tneeday. - Franuk Dumâ &ud Wm atory o Antiach, tO wer. calleusber. Toeedsy. 19 R,. pFoerlek ing.apet Frlday wlth @1 bis dsuoteràn Ivsut". te Mr. au/ru. Geor"e agflelezet ta eiii t. o lUbertviiq iL Bber ot "Mt mutler eo. rci Ur1rmi Coi and chuldren of Loon Lebe nver vstors boe.Sondai. paw o srmetowM akegsu, attruded tu iew kmaad Commi.elones mting her. c Tmeeda. 11 Dr. t. L. Rses ai Chicago vlslted E is brotber, Rev. T. E. Reain sud I&mfly1 r.sdMme- JubuDoilein sud lamlY à rleltd r.laivoeat Waneonda Satni7' day sud Sonday. .Tb@ieammeWorkers ri&»seivigve a camerlia lbe . . E. nrcb, April 26th. Su progma..laer. 011 Wm. Paddock, E P. Snhàede, Chas. Gromn sud Wun. Hab.iu aiflarrnugton, soi. cahiers ber. Tiuday. Nuit Manday la the §rsi dey of dea- uP Wook" sud l vii b Weiliva gel etwtearly. Don'% vaît tilt the. lest r day.t Boyard anti David Flagg @pent Sun-c dey sud Manda! lu Milwaukee wviii tbeir Mater, Ms.Arthur MrLaughlu sud laanlly' I Thei. tmeeting ai tii. newlî argan- r ied Parent-Teaciiers Aaciation vili b. beld lu the ochaol raam udt Monday Tb. rerulan meting of the Earuet1 Wanke1clIasm wyl beb.ld et the home aI id a.. 'T pp Frday, April 13. Tien. vîli b. vark. Ali ftii. Ubertivilllo yong people v ho attend colleusu viere home lar "hor Lster vacation have returned ta lieirauhuool datles. The Womsu'u Quid vOl muet et the hosofM a Un. C W. Ecetrot, , a*trnèon, April lGub. liembere sud ir"e es ordl1liy lnvised. Mm. AlieIlicholes sud daughter. Ums Ada, MW .8. Wbéeeer sud danghter, Nues tiel. retrmed lest ll' ra aiverai moutbea ais uCalfrcla. Tii. Party lveu hy iii. Mrry Mahous an Tueesdoy veun>- vas eli attsdffd. Tiba e ivs beautluiy decoratod i st oaga. A lime vat speut. Tien. vii b. ni, 7:30 a. Mn. service et St cinu-lu oeilSoudai sud no cioir prartice SatordaY evenlng, ovlug ta Mr. Wlbit baing luta hai. Chrie.Paterson OfI Ubenlyville bas bWen Dgaged as toreman far lie uev coouuy grader outilst for lh. sauti esc- lion. vhklalex p.cted taarrive sud b. resdy lar vork lu a couple of weeke. Dynon PruesecpPete ta hauve Sondai for Deer. Cne). tu ivo vltb hi. cimier, Mue- a. C Bradley. Mn. Brsdley'i bos- boud l l te eteani fttlng busnsnl liat city aud Mr. Proiser cipeetta go ta yack for i. brotb.r-lu-law. Th entrai Lake ljannty Credt sud RAtlng Auoclatlan vilI utenlalu the Uberty#1lbe Cani -onclal Club lp the latter'* roa toulght Frauk Burkeofa Wankr.gan. vlii epeak on 1' Problome oi Rtail Menncbast - Lunch yl b. erved. a"evCarl A. Montanus wvasan atend- ant et the aprIng meting oi Chicaga Preabytory lest Monday. The meeting vas b.ld ai the Parth Presbyterien cbnrch on Llncaîn Parkway sud vas tie largeel tu point aI s'tendance ever bl, 195 Minlaters sud Eiders belDg prenant. Word bas been recelvad bore liai J D. Schnman, vii» outil abopi on@ yfer &go was lu the iuneeniionsebusiness h4- twoeu Liberiville sud Bondant. tle. usme oi îhe;flrm belng Schnman & Ki-. out, ha. organiaed a corporation taý coutruci sud operato exeive gr@een- houlées ai Loubard. 111 "lCupld au the.Camuse" i.late io the play ta, h. gironntaithetAudtarlunt on Pnlday ,veninur, April 20th. tqy t laes ai 1917 af the Lhrtyilîle Blunlu PMcliThe me-mhers nI the cap. havo bean malug laborate arralugPe.enie toi yaur entf-ntinuent thbat eveulusg nd Il Istu b. hpedt thleAnditoriuvill be paced ý Satunday Apil 14tii, dnlng the. hduunu of 5 sud 9 P. tu au electil outtr menti-n of the BoardiaI Hdnca<$lan tontbe T wDu filp 91gb 8ihool vil? tue, i-d. Tv= taudidates uAre ta b. voted an, R. B. Swlf.Ibo pnsequt presîdent ai the board lqdSuel Dha. on. ai the. prqaïél er.hmiugcaudldatoe ir.ol-tian, ?iuevs Sadoubt. *91 l:e secordleila large Tw6oouf~1lu~Ufl.lHoward Flagg sud u*W W >aIdg, *ho are et d.. st the. nuow a Usiveati' May co bave to ii bav ter tûdes and loi. th. r eomsui* the Uliatle Artlllery, Co. F. Llbertrvile maî4»Mo be reprpentid tt the. fronSt iby bgflrapheranud war oOTftponoft, as Mli.IKaté i:arro!l, who i a etencipiietlu MarphailiFielde, Chicago, boa emlletd lu the mervie snd may b.e e os M «Yday. Thé. tova of Ub.rtville ha@o crdened r .,00yard of ."tti'eeëd ttutanud e cereeninguvbc Wlle used on tmil Mau. g kee avenue, tommeillig at the, village ec lmité s"d eîteu ta the Bonth town su ne. Thi. .toiaae b fre aud Meill be ueedln y Smne metu maeadainizitig that il aosdtitsI oWba ePORO'sA hlch It l5ani ndged widl» bemv.btere lu the neiigb- r banhocdai of M . m u ue anagreed .1 tit ifi msa laelti mrv ii u-i t.led U sh hu. etgo Yser et is o"villèlle. t Tii. Devotlonsi Coà neetingsaoailm éb. PreobUualsa *vb l» ]]cou,. to 4a au ta.. vité M.IqwootIelIservice, Îe, bl !nldi.vmlagsqtdhîev B.P. si mmier Mmd bis Iug!ra rry Clark. Mn. ni ieSer laail il 1*ýoM"r asucorne- i ni _-v- -a-l- ff BiaryClark bu. an ormam lsedfd luome large chorus 0i choire lndfsupge of the.coutry. 19 Be i. a mailletlle uW âad eaagt th T mule ont of a ebîltprr coigrexation an hi e*.,otber. cas. Jo*aieoa a cubiste ai el abllty vbo ou sinlbsweet Gospel ci tri, fatalS. «W ailio01bis bsaucrs. I'uemeUai lor everyiiody and Il straugeru e =uI<lu iii b. ,leomed. 9g TMe SBSERVICEO Rundreds of Lmiubtvhie people made l it théis.une"elSiluar ta attend the Eacter services la *Ilcal churehe., sudM the. attendsa"tbeervicet lu thelireid churcho. vwu snob geater ban fore msuj a Sundey. Wbils it vas quite h cold the. dai vas euh muchbheiter than 2 le aafllb.thcités on Reter Sunday. Bery chua boe.bas epeelal sud appropriate Bo)aW uervices vlth theé ehoire ai oaci chutrb dalug tueur beeit ta unalle tbem highly jubilat, sud lu one or mare cherce@ thé pastars openedtheii service by bavlng thé congrégation elug the National Auties "America." Pef [apse ii.mos borate sang sun- vice of he daywaq rosdere Iin theMI. E church st the evenlng service, wien the attendance Waslxesrg. thsu neuai. Be. sles the.sélections utuered hi the chair libers vere duels by Qs. »miee.Dorothy sud Mary Beau, MlWwEvA and Baby WIliam. sud a sole Iy]Mr&.ElM ingW Ingramam. lier. B"M a poke for, ouly a bvw Minutes se b. ephdmw .4 laitic enstru ev.alug wuod ibu lakan oplu tha r.ndltioi oi the. Raster m"~u.' Thé, hir vas moeî ably aael.ed by'tbe cburci orgmslt, IErs. Luin Mgttc@, sud ber ppe orgu selectiaus for the pr.bnde, the. affsrtary Ibud the 'pa.tlade, vere thé mosIt notable rendIionseers gir-n lu tbat ciurch. Thé Fester dey vas usiereq la et the Preabîterisu chnreh by a Union Sun-rie. meeting of thé Rpworth Leansd thé 1Chistisu Endeavor Sacley. -The. pro. gram iad belle prcpared by a joint cotg. milice af bcith Young peollce' oktles sud Iuuelndedbeassuabrt talks on tihe aten leon by Paul Morris nad! Botdrt Wfrighlt, t oliovlng apeoW mneical numbere: Sala hy Mie» Umiaba sZook, diet, iM ussem Eva and "g WJlama sud a milo b! Rohert Wrl.giîf. fne mt-t log va. vo» alttondeti sud vwu a fiue beglonlngfor* ieautiile ter day. At lb. Prellbyserlan cfureh lb. "bain reudé'ed spécial Easier modet aiboth thé morslng sud orening msrvleee snd salas b! . .P. Carter of Chlcqansd Robent Wlghi af Lihertyvili. ver. &p- prapniate af the. day. Thé other tiree churebee-Sg. Lav- renue'. Espiewasu.Sb. J o.epb'autbîli- and St. John's Lutheran aioa bidvery special Estlen services, sued altiiongi net ha elug ben lnrnisied wltb artout- lin. of th. spéciailoatu ru ai thé services rai hi-Id lu tiiebe tire. "utioned ebuniee, ve bave leanned tilas tii. pOatus, the choîrs sud thé. eongregatiolum a aviole rmade li a great duiy long ta be reneni- tboréad b> thoeeattoîuding tie.@*rvlem. -MLAI-EECTION NTWEEK TUESDAY e Thé &nneai villaze election vID bb eid lu .Lihertyviile rwit TOMSedan ud the aoffleu. ta b. voted on are ior a président and tturee truot.ees. Am there le ouI> anc tlcketln the BOu-d tii-r. vhll,gt it» ma mIlitientbnelaenl dlsplayed asinuformer be that lie îour mnnvb i hes een selec ted fur thoe evural office, are the. rii-ht oDes sndudn u<re bas taklionte4 trole ta gitnp an ioppostion tiecket. Tho. caddates. enhos e pttian bas heen 111.4 vith V<ilage Cerk J. A Teptow, are as foiiowe: Foalpreaident-Jty 1B. Morse. For Trutee-1. W. Hart, Barry L Davim and Dr L E Goldlurgý Mn., Morme Io jiler clocinu hie fouth yemr as prsidesit of tililg vi)Ca«ansd %Ir. flart bas aoo ee.ved font 3esnéujolie tructes. The laod rvo naaidmen,, caaddt gfor trUce, dare t1B- n. W ;= = .h6 bardan iad wb'*e » MIISe~iRALI34iRIDLEY "MY 25 Yearo Ezpernne lu Chicago," a lecture ta hoe given by 1ev. 11'ederielu Ring aut the Auditorium toulguit vîlI h. welI atterided by a ver.v large crowdr 11ev. Ring will h eeti dbv .obanD.%-, hdahl, a notai violiuiet of Chicag-o. the- Choral Club whlch I.- under the direction afI Une. EUs Ring Ingraisu, andud re Wlliamvéreston, Jr., plaulet. Prepare Yourself For The Future and Display Your Patriotism SBy Joining Our FUagSavinga Chd Sie6Ft y4 Ft Saving Complet. W"thPale an6Fsd Fmtures. $200 weëkIy for,, >jrekst 3p ý qrw IS I>RISIDENT 0f PÎT ASSOCIATIONý On Frid*y alternoon af lait week lu11 b' cuuneli laSimbene of the village, hall. be organisation of the. Liberty ville. Par- nt Teuchers Aeeociation wae effetted ut meeting of a large sud entbuoslaetlc oup of repreoenative vamen of the omununity. Mrs. Mary .luet preclded kd intraduerd the epeakereoofthe aitfr- aon; Mr&. Woeb ofi Rghland Park, ru. Supple of Deenfield, both pre@ldanta! )fParent teacher aouuocistdons. in their r *opecti ve coinmunitieo sud tirs. Riern- t su active momber of tue Deerleld as- octlon Mue ine rftundlng. 'Mme Woloubld l u nintereàtiug aud ipurina manne, aofithe work oi ench or- ranîzaiona lu croatînganuintelligent lu- wree la ailthtat proisîns s suad pro- cm child wyeuses lu ibe coumuniti Md la uuablbleie eOm co-operaian pevees hom suehol. Mue. ilopple id M r& DloiezplalneWd ut langti the store oti omr,.atIle b à@Dufll I)eau oelatiebd u0derbakes lding as ucosreangmesofliofeng- igltou sud adyle ue gohe beare .for tbc- work tbey ver about ta, begi.e. Mr. ahi.. Cbewvwu pment sud expreeeed àh ceffrne..o saels sd co-operate la wry poomîbie way viitÏ e Ow aiea- attin. Pooivlg ihe addreuiees.It oneva. uns. noosy voted tu, pioceed with tii. or- aulsatlon of the local eeomialion sud ifeere ere elected seaIollows: Preeldent Mra. (Iran. Grldlej Vice Preeldent, Mr@.- Dali Morue; Se-retary, Mr@. Mabel Woolidge;Treesurer IV. Nollieltbanolk. Iro. Qridley took tbe chair, a.-loo-- Ig ber feeling oi the. reeponelblliti 81 tiie saeoclation lôt chlld veitaro la the coin- mînty. A camuittçe vse ppolnt o nralt s constitution snd by-lèvre for conelderation at the. ceai meeting ta ! aIld Mondai aliernoon, AprilljISb, ut 2:80 o'clock la the aaaembly raam autlthe. Iiotrlct blgh ch ooul1 A Parent tÉeechere Assocation le tii. eommon. nOncectatils, nou-partisan, lemocratlc meeting place vu-r. toucher* and paront. nuay dIseu@e their prabloe and leuru mauy thinge tram eaF1 01 ber, Noither latiher nor uuthen nor auj teaci. rt la exciuded fraju ithe mutual adeauta- tee of the new organisation andi ail are urged ta tue pre"nut ithe. ,net meeting. COIRIIJTY WELFÂIE SERVICE su 0 NDAY ET LATa.L CIIJRva la reeponse ta a cominittrestram the, Alpha Club. Re,. T 9. Beam hbs anrana-. ed ta, hald ,A Commniuty Weliare" ea- vic ex o udai .vmalng at7:80. _ The general theme vOli be: "Coeumuni Wel- lare" branchbliutioîthellowngtolite»: "Communlij WIWare, h. materisi elde; Community Weffare, lesoecial and educaioual Phame; t;ommully Weoltae. fi% Religions phece." Au intoreatlng snd upllftlna sve..e la being arranged 5and tbm speakers for ahort atdreue ii te: W. E Watina, L.ake Counnty Agricultural Advieor; Prof Cbew, Principal ai Libert)ville Bigb achool; sud camne 0i the local Patora ut the chiurche. This wilI ho lu tie truest senos a religious service, louchiug tbese différent piiaeeeof ou livee. The. Alpha Club ila dolng a gond work lu standing bock of the "Cloasn-upMovemenl" lu Liberlyvîlle and ahould be enconnagred by ail ou ri ena The public le cordiallyinlvitud, TOOLS YQU WILL SOU, Drila, 8ede %Ume Sowe, Lve H rows, Diffl~roa Spring 'Tooth KÏw- roWEW4 iig2d ingQg PIOWI. Doeoe and Ki-s= We haver a oeuplete. staOe'of FamImpaemenh aet sWa>tïve Automobile Harme and Aut4c riags'FT=meiahed ,When D.* IStore Phlon 9. Roeidmn.# FIooe19 Thé. Virlt National Bank IPScgaivnrav pernanmeolnrc, tbefag ufliti ta evsry un. openfuug an account, lu the @et by 4 leet aud le comp kbsW 'iit National'. $100 l'leg Club a large gnd flxtnree. fla madeof hpevy buutlugpewe>dstnlpue, mdepenaenî rosesM U --------- -----------a----------------:SêS1Il! UNDER'MUSLJý,, SE ARE ofiering somne véry attractive bargains ini muein underwiisf this week. AUl styles slightly mussed and soiled gamnts,1have ome W moved toour second floor and will Le sold at'greatly redwed, puces. la the lot are cominùationsakirts, corset covers, drswers, night gowns 4lamsies«c Our Corset Stock is v ery welI assorted. 'We efoer g.r"i I . i can Lady and Thompson makes at $1.0 ,0 , e$ &. o»., in al the mont wanted modela. Some New Midies have arrived and we naw o«Fer you clih o oç" I el made styles Pt $1.0O. Wluen bouse eanlng yo îl aut NEW 01LlOH o kth;tbe Shelvea, etc. MENTAS Brand .laet. We have&a lse of nea5tcol«sadpiec* WSý W .' C'6ý-Ç UIOLL4 Ir u1 ,e=11*' GETlTHIS .FLAG $1.00 weekly for 100 ; weeks at 3 pet cemt Iuïf 1ke oui Club and à ie b ru D. 'd it

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