* Ih~-7.uraeIL----BvwrythIng in r.àch *~»~ $trict)y SanitarY ~ I t: 1~5~I.~0ENESEE ST. '~~> *1 I~4~j ~ 'tai s~t wiaRS O0F FAM Pive tlmei ddrlug the Iast ie ffari GYtte Degth ha. tetked mb -the limbeer famfljr of Waukegan and exacteti a toll. The ;ast te die la Fred Tueker, aged 39, who pammed away atil:40 P. m. Wednesday anlht ut bis home,.109 South Utica iti'eet, doath belng due té a complItation: ùf* -dilueumes. Mr. -Tuchîr had been alln>' lino. the holliays and vitile ho had net' been Ml n bed al of the time he had 1 *been_ lncapacltated for vork. He, walked over town last Saturday night' but that wa. the lait time ho le! t the h*OUse. Hlm healtit hadl faled rapidi>' ever r ice. Beaides hle vldow Mr. incter leavea two aitera and two brothera: Mima Lucy Tucker o! Waukegan, Mia. Auna Morrlaoey af Chicago, Charles and James Tucer, botit oT Wauke- gan.> The tunerai viii be held, ta- morrow and Interment wiii take placq lu the famliy lot'ât ' "Labo enem-1 *tory. Mr. Tuckei, vas boru tn1on tovit shi,-u~e ofnt, a . .iIoed ti Salllg of faider.up toa' a oa uo b o'iereutoeti ta ý4*Wau nd 'aêtipted a' poition' witt Mîke, Blet- horu'. as roofer. Heart trouble, a tiltor of the. tolnch aili un .hfec- tion of the lttfll amed ;çflpu- cation thît nuppeti hlm itreuglt. Il wam luit five rears ugo that the mother. Mrs. Cabri. Tucker, paused îwuY. Franceâ, the ixteen year aid daughter of George Tucker of Ana- darbo, Okla., diedt tv yearn ugo lamt fafl. Chtarles 'rucher. tbe father, lied a year ugo next montit. It vus bars- ]y a mouth ega, Mlrch 16, ltaIt George Tucker of Anadanko pasmeti uway. Now Fred Tueker, hlm brother, haà uit pasetaway. OADY MUDDLES MATTERS. -C (rontinuel from -paie one.) ready for It nov.1" MCtTLLOUOV: "lit. seeme to me that If the Peuple are now here, they ahoulti b. hord." '4 lOGBR: "Seems as If the merits af te cae ehoulti be heard nov." BAIRSTOW: "liInit on havlng the moton preiented." Irite vote vas taken to roter» *U"Se matter to tbe commttee tu Investi- gaeandi report. The vote: L ye-Balretow, Barnatablo, Burgess, Cm*Orpa, Clarke, -Dllgor, Flcke, Hold- aluKirkbatrlck.,.Mutber. Mo.Yer, S Murphy, Paddock, Rlngdahl, Rocken. bohimi Stratton, Thonwwin, Webb (An- tioeb)i. Whte.-ie. Pl7-gr. MrtIËý UeCellougb., eue4 r. Ailo I~roeTraMer. -' Po*ved-y'y*ise - Coi n sin Uovelq ,st 0 y~ur Waukesha iotor that runs od4êetIriced kcrc.Oe Boite or g2!sohe-it la the ô'si?-r I#Cdd scwsb , Cômne ln- km gotuIIUh4*WbISon :2w purpose rtr Lux-& Mc$éi. 'ý.lhW3ejYr pichut up hi'. pu- Pri à iailf iu sd greut auger: 1*"Io àrdi*ISi outrage on t he people of Char g.,Klrchner: "Mr. Barrt la hoeo ,>take Up the matter of *eflgte ~d for a$300 approprié> Ijou. for th ~arers' InatWU9t,." thé matter could not b. thrsshed out h.d thol.~oprm'votbe but; Il ieemedq ppra frmti-- titude 0 theboard thgt Dady hg roi. od t"#~efy by ihte d4borial ,44S401. St -le o, ur, hoe! hf l ld a ~ ee4u~~e~ atorfl>"0it.Who wOuld',h&ae hen more réceptivead more cooaoîîfairy with' 1h. board, pro. bet#,h ltter te board would not ha 1 àeq~erbtmriiy. , ýo. n*~wlliîo AMK inle >'. a :SP w U *Ohho andi Ooi'batth"a long ua 1».u parero f lte prlucipeJL cgo* ObW.Ai titi> vaW~ In1a04is1k.mea îrn mud rheco'goe. C~~pt ty titi. vui a rer. abt ï tât 'mer standing niar askesý,«1Io l ltge littie Oman vitit hIi_?-_"Ftq'1he Ptgbtlug Man," b>' 15, L T secure exemptions for himself through an lmmunlty order. 4udge semons dld flot ruiocul bç ilél but ludtçatol the$ Ift hieotçJe' ,attorney ver. to demur ,th~~ *uJd st.ain IL it lu eald npy t,* it li Probable thiat the cauiW. £0,g toi trtM 8and the -attorney' for 'the' le. fendeant VIIbe Permitted ta lhtiei contention 'before the Jury. rTe onme Miay go ta, triaj tomorrow. About;"flve V6eiack Ponduafter- noon the ire departInent was called ta' the Savate homeofo Common- wealth avenue, ý put out a ire. The famlly were away wlta the exception of two amuit clilidren. One of the children discovered the iire by oh.- oervln-g the, amoke ln the attlc andi gave the alarm. It wuu sat at lte *re .**t em t,Oe»eti,4frte chi. god ver. rmovd hefore the oter airt to 1 te roof, wvich i a-rt "! ar 'U . v , w" ay and no ne knew - piper *Pid 'Il aa me time beipre vitore :theyiiweae. Tboy round a tho~1 It vis. extînguihedi. Moot of thte ouSg tek6d bouei be rtu M 4liver MWta am O ur A blookade linlte intestine. plueS ~a7imivhux.-npu 1e U.,.if UiteIntestn aechoked or 1 ai Dworeyo. 'of l aor bai~no '& Mguctno- hand ne est or b -1k.clon or p0~ id ido 'farto., e fi T t> urw Ofi or lte u Anele dlblesnîlpl onfb band or 1Wfor Ilili aricondni ùb 1 to - ac admuait as bot val e or A detyuring 9or age an Anme Otrile tregti tvfflbe: moenext year in the rubbe Facts You May Not-Kpow: T'he Future of the Rubber 1Iirustry The demand for ail sorts of rubber conunodities le in- crcasiug on a bi-g scale every day. Rubberis gridmlly ' replgeing leather in hundreds of instances. T4ie ;iee of leather is soaring and rubber and rubber c~ompositions are the mest likely anid logical substitutes. -T.4i rubber tire id rubber tube branch of the rabber bui!Îu&e. is in Itself a tremendojps institution. But there are -alsopuch eom>nr»dities as horse shoe pads, rubber footwear, ' mb- ber elotbing, rubber belting, steam hose, water home, mis- celianeaus.tulvlng, rubber tue, fruit jar rubbers, garden hose rubber, packings, pluuibing supplies, ty.pewriter 4 rubber toys. molded rubber goods, and 'varioug offiee, fac-i tory -wid household articles that are too numierous to 'quote .herein. There is not another industry that prom- iseg the possibilities of the rubber busines- therer lu not another business thât offers such a general line 6f useful eery-day needs that can be manufactnréd fromi tue same >naterial. Think it over-and you will decide that if you - have'any available money that to invest it in the rubber business is the wise course to pur8ue. Look At These Enorinous Profits! $100 origiùally invested iin'Goorich nmade *8'000 $10&«iginallyîinvested in Fiak made î*12,400 $100or4~i~al nvested in (*oddyeay imade -$25,000 $10 eOIiNl -Ï JNVESTED IN DUNLCP %Tbere are few investments indeed that ha-ve brouglit suéh' immense returfis to investors as the rubber'bveiness. 'Miixixg'stock has been knownmto, produce bij iituSns- but thé great mgjorlty of zining s;toek is: wovtl9s. In- ~ vestiug money mu aiudicious rtibber manufactux'ng, pro- iimt.4such as is offered by the 0-t.ýoa'nbber'Msuufaetur- ing'f-4orpomition,cannot be classed as a epeculation be- daix~ te pansof the organization are ail bàcktd by'facts : amld iMtt.hèôries. It, is-sound, practicala&vyice-eben we say-PItT YOU11 MONEY IN.RUBBER. -~~~~~~~~~ lut~ ~ ~ ~ amwt~e~o eoF F1 Ée t ,IOSgPb A. BIUGER1, Preillotan d 0e"rdnui 1%gr CARI. SCHNEIDER, Vice.Proildeont 'WM. N. *AOt<MAf4,sacntar>' BOARD OF 7.D 1R 9CT-0,111 IL . -PAENOFELD, FRANK.W. Dtqpow, CARtSCHNU)DfIdï -à"4eatiter. ~teèr-1or Yera.Aima Prealdent 'It*rivIMwtth té& .S. RutIler Ca. WoIwafthluMry Comupany. R t,-VU.84, 'w 4J FMSCM'AARE, M. D., emI. llgr or Tîal, "iOa*ad Stirgeon. -S. LJACOS? nIt>ctr ad »ildr.DlrectoiCU*'tAV LINOA1L lKoerner'aBuilding Aa.oclatlou. Real Patate SU iGenerai Contractai. J. AMBROBS& GEAROI4, eeri Counsel C. M. MeCLURE, Chémlmt. BANK DEP0SIT0tRIE8 ~ohage iaN Geaa, ii.National Prodaie.e BanK, Chicago. ~. i,4ui,.Pvu.4dqn5 cf, .,.United.,Stile. Ru o.~aymde a téo te, * hy-Ik.pro. duel ~ ~ ? oli -a dey, MM -'th*lty ese ellb:: 6 Mi '"Y Wb~ Nt fet VOU, toos Con le On. et 1h. many Who are oop to mike big niey during th. neat fow years b>' in- vesting a conhirvativo mum ln the I flibber Industr>'. 'iTh* GÈNOA RURBER MANU. là FACTUIJNNOCO»RfATION bhat a& propoetlon tht boldo forth un. rintod possibhliltl.ît. large and *nil nvoitor. Ownieg its owfl factory anld -fuit equipm.nt for miutufacturleg aimoil ail of lte fommost rubber oommodities on the markot today-a..ic, osesing two ver> valuible formules that are wOrth e. fortvn* thuutWivea 10 &ayonse*naged ln th. production of rubberijo"*-.lio owning îsix M&nutf oo0f varlous rubber irti- cièo,-hAving mon ln controe of te corpo ratili's operationi Who have à h.adattfeen ta tWeflty yemri of ex. r perion.. ln 1h. rubber businesis- al serve tQ mîke thé mucceas of ~Genoir project. a cortainty. Fic- iI7Na n Connecticut la run. nins 22 hêune dalli' e in ttompt t te MI iundlcted orlon ltaI con. a tinual>' P#url. "-War wlfl t4le t h. manufacture of Auto. mobilè esand trucktirai, il wli trobie hooi d rbbr ois Wemar, hlio r ' h oe n d m n f o r q e r rfo o t . o m o * hIimuet go on. Rubber Drug, houise.hoidi ettIce and factD ortieawill itili be Ia de!1 *-mand. Wer or no wmr, pOOPI 0 are going 10 keîp1 nlght on umin irtàber goodt. Thoee'i .J "lng ho b. i bi 'demnif Ir ailt utihir coW0 inhuiltie.'as 1"9 gai hii goodl 011 wdnld M " a miter Investment for your mone thAM thls co--non ean, you lied oune with @ater,# ý*ldQer, bntghton pommtbitltlee Tttnk lj *Ver- Put Yoyr Mone I i If you wiil ifl inform.ll.t. on tht e4'1h.~l. OltP",, more aug»eowft wI i ivia you. -w~~vww~. '-i 2 4i 8 Darbofrn."OL Chibigo, lit. cGentkemen:: Wtout' ebtigetion tb me, pia* tendtOit p*rtlc4dar 9f, ybur. proposition. .r... . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . lw il -il -ý i'ý oi 2 ý - ý ý> 11, 1 é 43 4%