Puai You: ______ jJ~i -I., MUII~ W " Ir' ~ waW1rIUkU~WU1W 1k U A lJi' Il g~e1 ULtKiSLl, iA Il EXCITINEi F16iITS i - President Maypole of Fox Lake Is Deteated by Ex-Village Clerk Nagle. WHITING WINS DEERFIELD., In Several Other Towns There Was But LJtle-lnteret, No ContestiBeÎng Staged. Lake county villages beld their elections Tueaday and ln somns cases, namely Deerfield and Fox Lake, en- citlng imes were witnessed ln the strife for office. Below are shown Fox Lake. Foi Lake village held one of the hottest elections that evertoo'i place lu the village. H. A. mlaypolefs may- or for the paet two years. was de- f eated hy Win. G. Nagle. recant vil- lage clerk. by a vote, of 199 to 136. Henry Nayer, the third candidateý, was giyon 22 votes. The flght for the village boardwas noless intense than that for mayor aU4 thebe ibree men ver5e ecte4 * . trustees: Rater C. Jihnson-197. Frank Pasdeloupe-94. Earl lRushmore-91. Other candidates-for trustees and their votes: A. C. UÀtke-25. John Muench-50. îHenry Sklli --65. W. 0. Mack-18. James Lund-85. Joseph Prana-63. James Hayek-66. Aifred H. Myers wali electad mag- trate wllhout oppostion. The vil- iai;e boar dapponts the clerk. Deerfleld. Deerfield viIa;e liad .na of the mot exctlng contesaein iliahstory, Wu. A. Whting being re-elected mayor over John C. Ender by 161 ta, * 136. Thea. Knack for cleri got 180, un. opposed; a. P. Hutchinson for mail- lâtrate 81. unoppomed. John A. Reickelt 145, Ira Gardner 169, Frank Hemapsteadl 164, ware vic- tors for trusteea. The other candi- dates: Lincoln PR'ttià 118, Fred Shat- tuck 127. AIberIt afi. '141. A A hai dazen auto. were useil ail day brlngiug votera ta thepolis and men and women worked ln earnast getting votera te the polls. * No-Conteut. Vllage&. Several vllag0a baS no contens, bence the votavws lsht. The oM- cers elected in the«e towna: ANTIOCH. Pr..ident-Wllliain J. Critlan. Truatees - Perey 0. Hawkina, Frank Harden. Frank R. Kting. Treasurer-J. Eainest Brook. WAUCONDO, Presdent-l(., C. Keent. Trustees - G. D. tro*ier, u KubeM e. Cark. Maglate-O.o.& i"rot7. BARK11NTOIL Preidet-A. W. meyer. Ti'usteeo-Oeorge J. Hager, George P . Etiefenhoefar, Frank H. Plagge. Village clerk--J. C. Cadwalladler. Police magistrate-T. H.* Creep. LIBERTYVIL.LE. President-Jay B. Niorae. Trustes-J. W. Hart. Harry L De- vis, L.. E. Goding. Meyer Win@ et Hlghwood. The tic"et headed by John Meyer of Highwood. won a sweeplng vica-y at the polis Tuasday. William p. Ho- gin. vho aspired ta the mayoralty. vas defeated by Meyer by a crusblng xajority. Attorney- 0. B. Gooch. a candidate on the Hogan ticket, was elecled wilhout opposition., IRay Crandaîl, also on the Hogan ticket, defealed William Burke for the of-1 lice of alderman iu the firet yard. Joseph Seversont fore Mayor of .*goo.Wa, -Unopposed for 'the of- fice of cty treasurer. Ha rau on an ýÏIndependent ticket. William Hagan la a former mayor of Highwood, ha,-1 lng held the office severai years agou Improved %.oiclI Shaipener. la a new Pencil sharpener »v",a ail blaSes are mounted conically et the end af a twisteS vire. vhicb la re. volveS rapldly by pushing a sp&&@. aIong 1IL THE AUEX HEIN CS. gret Âfter Raiter Sale ofi Women's comtE, suits, dresse and other apparel, au weill u dSldreu'a cling wS abartt w1 a~w~ a4r4~AptI 2?!?KiTCGHfN The Aloaar Oobi- nation Coal and -Gas Stove solves the kiteben question. The 12-month- a-year stove. Takes the saine room as one stove. White porcelain back, separate broiler. Pull or puhh lever to bake with gas or coal.. -. Let us demontrête this wonderful steve-- Seler's Kitcen Cab- inets Bave You. Stepa- Let us prove to you that the Sellera is the best cabinet made. Made of the 'best I- diana white oak, oil rub- bed finish; automatic four bins, roller cur- tain, porcelain top, ant- proof casters and 100 other feat4ires. Other caffinets~ up from ...$ A liefrgerator shiould not -b. bought with a view of.- saving a few cent&l Buy a Challenge, which we giarantee. M a d e of hardwood, heavy smooth nickel loeks ;' front and top icers. Insulatcd to keep your food cool and dlean. We ao are showing steel white refrtgertors-both inside anS ont. A largese lectiop; up from.. . 95 Sp ecial Sale, of Complete Bedroom Sùites Dremssr to match wood beds; Ain. ail t he ptýpular s t y 1 e S; colonial, Adam, and Qucen. Anne; a large shtqv-' froin 1 .7 * Dressing Tables S o i i d mahogany, *American walnit, golden oak, as well -as ivory; triple inirrors;, neat draw- eu,5 arrsiigemni - "P~m 99 $12 Alil Layer Feit Mattress FUlR iàe. fu0%i . 4uvle Wood Beds are, very popular;- cieaper than hrass, and better; mahog- any, golden arrd_ funied oak, walnut aud old ivtSy LAKE COUNTY'S L g, , e ~4fr FOR THE LIVING ROOM.,: Globe-Wernicke Meanh Sectional Book- Cases. They are the origina- tors of the unit idea. We carry a conîplete line, in antique, waxed, golden and funied oak, also înahogany. See the new desk unit; 3 sections, base and top .995 as low at.. Kroehler B.d Davenports Lead the World. Buying these in car- Iond lots, we are in a posi- tion to give you the best bed made at a great sav- ing. Pull, oil tenipered springs in seat and back; solid, oak frames. A large selection of three pieece suites, Duofold and Uni- folds as low' as ....... 249 Royal E2sy halrs Openi W- They are the most cosufortable ch a ir s mnade. ul the but.ton end rest" Be our large selection, in every finish and grade of A leather; up fron $400 and $5.00,Rock- ers-Solid' seat, wide arms; special.. .9 at ..........2-1 Attractive Prices-on Dini*ngroom-Furtuture IT¶v 'p .Buffets-Ail style4 and finishes; a Warge selection; Up Tables - Mahog- ,«ny oak and funied fishés; over -40 to froni .. sud fumed Oak;98 grtd up r..98 China Coes- Sbiaped glass door, adjustable shelves; frm.16.9 5 an pieeS;; gold& band and blue patt rus;' 9.5 up.fm...- Parlor Pieces -Greatly Reduýed $175 3 Pie"eOveratuf . ..- ed Suite - Marshall -: spring cushions; im- ported tapes- try; special... $ 1 $W.00 te $W-00 Li- * brary Table-Fumed and golden oak; alsq xnahogany,; 24 at -special prie (.q $15.00 Blectric Lamp - Two lights; art glas s long i04 cord; speciai ..... 04 10.00 Steel Tube Bed-Ali sies; 'finish wili not turn black; 6).9t5 a bargain at .......... $300 Gas Plates-Spe-.2 9 OUDEST AND MOST RELIABLE FURNITUR£ STORE. $85 .00 3-Piece DnôdldSit- Golden and fumed flnish,'$ leather; $15 secial .......... Trnka and Suit Oasô-Greýatiy reduced. Gas Range - Keroi4ýii stqveà and cedar chests 1, 1. at ... .. . $6 Link Sp.ci Vi NoW is the time the housewife turnà her attention to. rèfurnishing the home. 'An 'article or -two nù~ghtý look shabby,' probably a room to be refurnished. Neverbefore have we had on display- as large a shQWïng as at present Ou r 1917 contracts have- just been filled.* We purchased over four solid carloads of futn!tÙre and stoves during the past.few months. We are now in a position te f in your every need and waxît at prides much lower than you'ca i et any- where consistent with quality. Do not fail to ee our stock. an d learn our prices before you buy. Yeu will sure)y save money Sale Starts April 2 lst and Continues for2 Weeks. Blumberg's, onthe Bridge. A New Store, But a Firm 17 YetàrsQld Belw We List'-a Few Exceptional -Bargam"s i Be.Patriotic- -Push Your'Baby in a Submarine THE SUSMARINE in very paP- ular; genuine rend; fuil tube puoh- or. Brown.,natuzraL. gr>y sud ot< vory; a te=$9s5 Over 200 Room Rugs on D*splay $45.00 and $5000 WiltofEligau -9x12, large selection, in tans, bovs9and blues; seaniless; ail- ox er and coux entional desi gns; specially prieed 36.9 $27.00 to $3000 9xl2 Bruasel Ruimsmall egures as well as $.00 9X12 Bg ug- Fine centre patterns; all wool; closely 11rjbî- hdroom w,.,ear, at w oven; special, 1-.9 $15.O0 6x9 BruaIe Rugi -A rare $300 36x72 *ex Ruti-Attrac- vaiîîc priced at 9.98 tive coloi's; specialiy oudy ....1....priced.........24, $4.5O0 27x54 Witon Rugs-Over 80c'Brusselette Stair Carpt- 25 pattemns: speuial 2.9 Specially pricçd f jricedl at.......... ....... t...t.................... 59C $2.50 Rubber Matting-36 iiiches- 60e No-Fade Matting-Axtistie Nvide; per vard- 14 for bedroomas; specially 49 siei.....................Si priced at ...............49 6eIiINOLEUM-<i'>,'1 )Uttl'e1s; spe4i.l, per yard............... MC lii< de w' of ab wl 5f th lb l te ai Pl I s IL