Président loDen Tendurs Use of COMMuAnd Authormfes F«0046B A MILITARY CO.; effl~ment boa.bin t"tied*o the lade"si everument for amuse thât misbtho le dàalis amPreulisn. N& le» bée îlreedyrecevai a tetative aoeeptane U àsi , ' turu lbe eover ftoi,>7 w tlTp0i., Tb* plan nowlte tomale Liàe For- ee oâlaS.buldis lb.the aiuqlss yfor t g amîq 1i toauteer r e~ar cfAievho av M~Vto 1ths, MM K "Ede'ibthe -teldto vemedent Nollea = qa ibl. forMmre v nOr amàibouserns If lie ly-1 ~~~à s8UUU l aa tation Md 191940 = evsr. Ibis mor- ida fetr rm Woo. &i1àM1ý metiioth e.Davy la91Nu e umiflVae1goa date. Mr. tenderofethle building t101 the bamees ve. the envers- ment voeWd ampt the offer very s005 *dilag tualthe11e" las ata aiebe collage toe bed~rers for tboLy ove, W yeaofam oe bo Tbey vouIal hola obaps e te-s t"tisa e o lde la snUl e dis- mi" oechiolmeme lbum uVil! aovesuuat' u.o" Te Hav Milita,> oprnmy. Tbu 0 reprte n unfouadeil thtLie Foseal college vsw u oto vas laortag mlitary lntroctlous lm çevijOt fithe e snembat of Prmi. dent$Çpllga ho a plaibed: "W. ar a ea tegle rigt nov 10 have eti*0 mS humaioMW ~tbey yul bu asu e a sancollae terce ouI. WuL . C liby of 11vonto,, aimsuof experiteohm beeu select- ed à. e M"ma t tu ucr boy" snd ýe 't«.h b Ch i be la- hsaruS ee lnov tation- ed St Vet lamids la te eslie ai urdfflw* *fety mm hovba lve hod W01* tmrba Bate*i. Ibis vil have a metiai tonigt ad a gral drill for lbe ontlre comtiey be héïd toaporrov. Our boys enthuclastie over the proopocta. nTODATLI3FRNT; UOPIS RR US.IWAR Lake County Man, Now in Frapoe, Anxious to Give His Servicesto. U. S. That the Frencb nation la aflatm' vlU patrlotin and tUat tUe people Ihr tl vege ver tenaciously unlil VW7is asueene11%.h e tatement made- by Joeopb lces. Lake county muac. wbo vltb bis tamily bansspent the lait Ibres moilia InIDion. Frali. noir Paris. la a pont card nicelveil by Th. Daiiy Son toiay Mr. Hase. uho le a justice of -tbe.ppai Wauconda, expresse the boite lsaItho'United Bteyl dolf esveron Crluenouho cen serve iJncle Saeu. Tbe cari va, mail- ed btor thia govroment ieclered wavr upen enueny. Here le vitatl;h says ln bis pont cari: DSoFrance. Su, Morch 16, 1917. Heopé ta1hb bck oon with the ~.whole famlly. Thinga are looking fine hure and the spirit of the population luam0e« vondeufoi. Nothing wilisati,- t>' themte bompet* vicIa,>', no mat- tor h" ~distant tliii. aould Ibe. 1hey ar* deftrmloed tq pureue th. ver te t1*1 ami. Have huard the cannon roar quit. alter- S amn pine tb the front = l uawe. !O fr a 'week or. have- ar",ur ason Car- many. tmetrei 6v. my services ta od Jcluiii. e Altboe . L. HAAS." Mnto« . Huaiosemakiesno noter- once to.vhlcb 'bo4t b. snd ba tarniy iteudde oembi aonto rotturto the !Untedl tatea, ho statad Su e pre- vlans card thaI ho batil .uaegi eduaa- cga en the Nov Yok, the bot vbIcb e truck a Min ve Mlle@ tram làveunol. flelend, e fev, doa s . The Poot c&rd t0 The Sen voul bave boita vniten sovoral days before tbe Nev Yok slbi fren' Franco. 'SONS 0F VETERANS - ~ HOLD AN ELECTION. Ameeting oethte Sens ef Vetérens cap vas bl Wednesday evoning tbe Waukegan . A. R. hall. A nuin- bor et the pont members were prol- t eud gave ver>' tnterasling taIýa. 11L. fýqllovlng officera were elected-lor uetmalg yein: Charles E. Fe"lo, Maager Of Condemsd Factory, GROWS OUT 0F A LETTER. Plaintif f Says Reputation Has RM D ý,.better Peter Newb0gta, editbo f the Graye- lake Times, vas maile defendant lu a suiit for $1Î.0010 damagesa led tu Cir- cuit court AprIl 14, by Chine , Pen- Ion' manager of the Grayolake brancb of the Wiscoeiin Condenued ilkIbCom- pany- Feulon. vho is rpprftentod bv At-ý tarey iljsr Eleof eOralae. ses oLOth that on liarch 17, 1917. Newbouse wrote a letter ta C. Ray McCanna or Bulngtan. Win., pret- dent « t1h MiIk q ine i.S hehibs ta so& te bJiv rasre i aIm 2:n 1 eeelCOPY c 1e iolittêr. TiS the. vylter aieta ha fo om@ mou-4 son flot kuovu to hi milent on haa endeevoneil to Mnure Nevhousee veu- ever ho cin, even tu ltpons 0 11 lut tu boycott 1dm no ferasenly et th condensed ilki plant are con- cerneil. Ho saad be bcd borne up undin'the allesoe istolerspt attitude of Feulon but that eaI]laitthetlime bhd corne vhen bc toit il waa Urne for bia W rotai late and tell certain things vbich b. toit, If pinteil. vould rellect fot only againit Fenlo. but perbepe eainat the plant Itueff. Tbome mat- ter ver. reterred 10 au certain "Icov deals." The writer sa&Iho thought th. heai of the concera ougit 10 knov an th ledetale lot th. situation before t!ke vnien bogue 10 maie an ttaci on l"enlon andl ho offereil teunet Mc Cannauanud Feun tai ny lime and subtantlata bia charges. Fenlon brands lhe charges as pont- tivé tîleeho& ds ceaya that vhereas b. aiways vas a person of Coud name, eut and repuntatie,,, andl oujoyed the esteena and gond opinion ot hie neigh- bors andl th moral public. that he bas been brought Into disrepute as a "Sauit of the etter and la ahunneil by tbosee ho tormerly vere hie tiende. Tbe suit agatint Newhouse la of in- terest because il vas ouly a te-' menthe ego that Attorney William Klits tartsd suit agitait hlm on a irilar charge. "SPN£ftS" eeDAILY Medium Won Ker-Stead Now Is Mer Closest Astral Friensl. Every morning et 8 oclock anld on Wednesday eveninge Mro. Scot Du- rend. Lutte 1B1ufrfermer. communi- esles wth the spirits, abe eeld at tUe n neteenth annuel convention ot Spiritusiits et N(seonlc temple. 12 South Oakley boulevari, Chicago. MNf. Durend speaka n'est readily wltb Wýilliam T. Stea4, London jour- nalist. lout on the Ttanic, ste sai. but she bas aleo carried on conversa- tions vitit ber uster and witb Ray mond Lodgre. son ot Sir Oliver Loge. tbe British scontist. Message from Stter. *'t auxa bore." Mn, Durnad sai, "be- cpse I vint to tellyou vhai I knew lie tren Spirituelle.. "My aiter died ltantebrusny. We but ofttn discussed the questions ot spirit lite-ctten opeculated upen IL. Tt vas not long etter ber desth tbet 1 a atting t my desk broodtng one atternoon vben 1 suddenly toIt myseif seern almot te grew ousîde ot myseit. Il vas e trance. "f wes vaguely censclous or vnlt- lng. 1 came te. perbepe ten minutes 1,1er, to find thene vere three wrtten Pages betore me. but It wae net n'y band vrnting j 5ev but thet orfn'y sister. And l vas net my iznature that had been wrtten ln my baud, but bers. Convincai Dy Medium. "f dinul visit a medium until et- têr 1 bei read Sir Oliver toigp's new book about is son. Of course 1 vas skeptical. SUe reallzed it and 'toli me te give ber nemps ot relative" whe had paesed and whom I cared te hear tram. 1 mentioned by mother and sMater.- "I vas soe ezited that t tound t difficult te converse with then'. but I1 vas convlnced as >1 have neyer bon- o anythlng else ln 'y lEte, 1 think. "Mr. tead lanMy closet spirit frieni.' In one conversation witb ima ho rn entlcned tbts meeting andd oued 1o tie tol you about hlm. Thet ile né 1reason i ,arn oe" FOSS IN FAOR OPPOSES THE 1 PLAN Washington. à.' C.. April 13.-A Poili Of the eenate and house dîsclos- . e mark<ed division of opinion in con- .gresu on tUe question or raeifg the ,FLAKE COUNTY ATTE N I.ON Prairie Fariner's ReVmble Farmer's anid ~~ er's Directory of Lake County Ibased on a er sonal canvasa of, each farmer wiiI s3494~y g.> to pre*4. A forop of trained men are now complMetiug the i work of gaii g the data. directory wil pproximate $2500. The coet of prpducingr this The loyal support of the farmiers, breeders, business and prof essional men of Lsake county bas made this high grade directory* possible. In addition to its being a thoroughly reliable directory, there are- several very valuable features which must be shown to appreciate it. There wiil be no free distribution of Prairie Farmer's Directory. The orders hi hand at the time of going t press wii deter- mine the nimiro copies to be publiahed. Ful eand detailed information may be secured, froni Busiessand rofessionalMe F. C.KERN, Who bas Headquarters at New Castie Hotel, F. Ce RN9Libiertyville, Illinois, immenonnom