Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 11

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-'-e-w .-~--~ lu Oilte on escuticns. a. sM. U CItAS. a. RUOSIOU C, itY ujeritend. Motion carrted. $IU'dger Webb of Anitfech nioved thâlAk Coatypay no further = @y 1 Ards the mitintenaàe o k kw 1brsy afer prI as, 917 tatnsd. AYe and ?4ay vote b.1n« oalld for, Superviser Cap& otionj41i mes> tlêa »htL .tOolfuigI Ote; Those vottigA" am O uperJue* Bairetow. Eurgem. Oralso DUgel9, Pieke, No1âfidIM, Klroolip.v, 2Nther- Paddock, Rtngdabl, Rockeul*cb. Itrat. -ton. Thqpbe.Vaco., Webb 0f mi Ehff~abl, r.Mardâ.Myer. Me- CUIIÔI,, .Wc o! An~td«, l. "te. -7.1 f* .rectftt4g au thé oeItl motu. tion ua mended the samewu ycar- Superylsor Vorace, C1batrm of the. Lake Cojbty.s. ,lord of Supervisor., march tii. 1917, Mr. Chairm andt Gentlemen or the. .Dopkd ci Supervisera: 'tour lhuanob Commtte. ta wbom the. report of Lew A. MonSe. Counly Clerk, of prOOD$ Who bave 1h06 a»- Ined by A. 10. Browu. Examiner of the 13ltàd. wus relerred. beg to report that ve recmemnid 01*1 a bUind pension b. arsted Rebet aJames or ZSon City.,Illliois. bbeufliIg Ap$1 lut, 1. RasP"ctully, sautmUt. àe, A. W. ViROQU. A . O.mAWIIiuU OO. il. EAZIIBOW. Suaperviseor Meer zw.Oed tItthe. report b. £ooepted and adopted. ,Dupendtor Crapo. Obufrmua et Uie Commiutt..on MSte Obsettlgu, ati. mitlted theb !ollng reMot: et4t. of IIaOO14 lâke Oouty. se. Bwod of Supntsora. March TTam, Marcii Oh, 1917. Mr. Chafrm ud BISGentlemen of the Sourd of Oupervisrs: Yen, Finance Colmfittee ta whona the. report of Lew A. Heiadee, Couflty lek, of pesona xio have iieen eam ineil by A. B. BroWn. ExaminOer of 1the mUItd, was referred. beg te report titat w reeommind that a blini pension b. granted lebecca James eofSton. PAID 511M COUNTY TRPA5IT The. recorde of yeur couaty bogard and the bocks and bcounto kept ini tis office of your county clerk su ç1i.ty tbeaurer show. 111*1 durinsthelb twou. = covted by ti keaadna- by rour board and >Id ta hlm direct- WY ttem theé mnty treasury the to- 1ô*Iok amonts cand for the several pirpom ee .tâted. TEES FOR rOUNTY SEIICE CoUrt Atteudait.. Circit Court, 271 dais Kt S4.$ 1084.00 County Court. 50 days t 14.. »0.00 Proliate Court. 49 days at 14 195.001 Total fees for Court at-- tendance.............g 1469.00 Serving Jury Ventres Circuit Court .............. $ 2&70.so0 County Court............. 1818.30 Grand Jury............... 150.90 Total for Jury Ventres . .$ 3940.70 )diacelianeous leSielng and dlschanging pra1oers at Jail..... ... $ Tlees tindeltîquent cases ... FeeusituInane cases ... pees In criminal cases .. Tee. for couveying delln- queuta ................ Tees for coiveylng insane ,5*r»ena.... ... Tees for cenveytng priseners Serviog Grand Jury Rota- peenas ............... Smrvtg notices on Judiies et Blection............... Umermency expense .... 664.00 144.25 270.25 Total tees paid frein (outy Treasury ... 8734.36 In addition to the above amount sbown te have been pald ta the aber- ,I2 trom the ceunty treasury on ao- count ot tees earned by hlm ln ceunty service, there was paid the additional OUM ot $7222.50 for beardiig prisoi- èrs conlgned lnethee cemty Jsil. Such Item 6f tees se patd ameunt- tng as shcwn te the sum cf $8.734.35 was dùl>' reperted by the sheriff as a part o e i.recetpts et hie office, and ln addition therete the turtiier OUMn et ffli).7O ihown te have been recelv- .5 by lmn frem the sade treaucY.fer ConveyiUg prisonera te the severai peuX J.ust.tutions efthle state. Court Tees. '» ln arriving aithOe total eftfeus re- perted as being recelved by the. aber. lit ln bies etu-annual reports jat"e-,te lyeur board. we aAcertained thitI the gittf !fece paid te suob officiai' frei tâe ccuntv treasury fer serikes perfermed for the county. herêtofore s;howa.te.have been the stan of 88,134.- 35, and the ameunt reiîeived 1»' hlm ftoila tie stâte treasury ad tees for conveylng prIsoneis te the seVara petlal Inititutionïs eortth. tate,, imount- hIn te the OUMn ot $399.70 as shows iiy the mlseèflaneotis releitg entered ont his Preceas Decket, tegfether wth ticý amount et ail tees earited lu e"Sase i nourt entered as iD&Mtapon bia Pro-' cess Deeket, combineS. aincunted te the totl surn et ail et hie receipte a« reperted te your boaird duriag thé twe years. City, Illinois, beginning Ap- ru let. 1917. Respectfily submitted, A. G. MAETHER, A. W. VERCQE, arO. iH. BAI8TOW. S#éotivmr Meyer meove4 superviâa"ZMwàýr '0Chair-l lobaitieCsbi.Udtefl $taté ot ole, Mr. (Yhalrmàn ind Genitie- ripnor.the Board ot Sup- Touir Conuiittee on State Charites Claims would beg l:ave te report that they bave examined. ail claimii preotnèd bof ore them and tecominend the payment ef -tbe loIlowinpl, and that the Cle«k be directed te issue or- ders for the several aimunts te the several clainiants te- wit: Amt. ClaUned 1games. For What. and Allewed. Chicago Industrial Sehool for ait-Io eare ot childrep$ Chicago Industrial Sehool for Girls care of Illinois Sehool for Deaf supplies.. LOUI'se T r ai n ing& School for Colored Boys <'arc eofeidren Lisle Manual Train- ing Sehool for Boys <are et children 'Lisle l d u t r i ai Sehool for Girls me,re hildren Lincoln State School Sehool and Colony supplies te in- =ates.. Lake County Hu niane Society. <are ofe ljdren St. Mary's Training Sehctol care et chiidren Mt. Mary 's Training sedi' (A .care ef children 230.50 370.50 46.93 60.00 45.00 228.55 157.50 210.00 267.00 $1616.08 Alilot which is respectful- ly submitted. Chas. II. Crapo, Chairmat E. A. Martin, M. F. Dilger. Superviser Maether mov- ed that the report be aecept- ed and adopted. Motion earried. The following bill freir Jane MeAlilter Hospital wae presented:* Waukegan, flhinois, Mareh 6, 1917. Lake County. To Jane Mc- Alisfter Hospital. Dr. Fer Joe Zinnwrrun Dec. 16 tô Jan. 25 1917 To nursing, board and reoni. 41 days, r&$1.50$ te Anaestheties and use ot dresoing room . Jan. 8 paîd on- acecount (j30e MG. am *àuts IIb > )report iade by Uotr bo«rd as tees aIlo'wed Wbflz outy, insotar as sucti us to, yoÙiil»-'oàrd under date 'by aw te the cierk for cer- ~okr#ords and accotiii'soý Aptil 19th, 1915, which tain services performied by I4Fe ~ y way affect or appcr- adr 1 LCotie h e hixn for the county. Itain te the aecounts of your UR -t e examination of FROM SOURCES OTR several county officiais i' the boba and accounts of TH.AN yRE CO1mTy> their financial relation with' your Cblerk of the Circuit For Fees Earned in Connec- Lakce Oounte, and tç>r the 'Cefitand Ex-Offieio Record-. tion With Revenue several pellods of time az er covering the tirst twO For extension of Iqws: Those of the. Coiin- :ears of the terin of said of- taxes other than ty Olerk, Sheriff, County fiee en4ing the f irst Monday State and Co... . $13676.30 T7reasurer a.nd Ex-Officlo ,of1)eeember A. D. 1916, the For services and County Collecter, Clerk <of Iast tWo years of which terni certificates is- Mhe dicuit Ùourt and Ex-Of- is tofltained in this present oued at tax sale 2156.10, ficto ReSorder, and Statès exaMination4,,w therein For issuing Cer- 1Âttorney, fron December 7,_ahowed the aetion of Your. tificates of Re- A. D. 191f4, the date of the boari~&n fixing the salary or* demption....... 892.25: closing of our laist examina- conxn>enftioi of such officiai For issuing Cer- tion herein to the firat Mon- at rthlO umU of $2600.00 per tificates of Can- day (beung the 4th day) of angumm, tégether Wt%-t ail nec- ceellation ... 148.00, December A. D. 1916, except essàly elrk hire, such sal- For issuing Cer- those of the County Treas- ercèeedtue carnings of the tificates on For- urer and Ex-Officio Countyloffice. - feituret........ 13.25 Collecter, whm « account ty- Clerk. For issuing Tax cloes' on the çvening of No- mi.- . A. Hendee held Deeds.......... 515.27 vember 3(th,A. D. 1916, and 'the office ot Courity Cierk those of the County Super- during the period of time Total for fees in itendqnt of Sceole, troM cevered by this exaniination. revenue work ..$17401.17 the-tit day ot September We have iretofore shown, For Licenses Isused' A. D. 1914 to the first day the action of your board in Marriage Liecnses$ 5278.00i of September A. D. 71916.- fixfig tie compensation of Hulnter 's Licenses 63.50 We touxid the financial af- this oece for this particular Dram Shop Li- faire et each of said office'st ;rtrt ie re-elêction ceuses......... 37.00 are being adininistered in a ~M.Uzie thereto and high degree of efficiency and thé aatimiixsig by hirn ot the Total for Li- in a nianner that should be dutîes "Mgrot. censes issued$ 337?8.Wi pleasing and entireiy satis- T[he *W semi-annual re- vor Registering and ne-, factory to your board and te ports n" tot your board by cording. the taxpayers ot your Coun- Mr. flWù8e as sueh officiai Commissions o f ty. represeýnted the earuings, Notaries Public$ 26.00, And concerning the condi- reoetpt and disbursenients Coimmissions of j. tion of the financiai affaire of the fÇee of bis said office P. and Consta- of eaeh of said offleers, te- dur'mg 0kéh time to have bics.......16.00Y gether with the volume of been au4fflews: Certificates ofPhy- business transacted therein 8ARNINGS siia........ 3.50 and the ainount oft fees earn- Probatel J%ès .. .. $ 8039.05 Certifleates of Vet- ed, received and disbursed 00..jOoUïÏ Fees ... 19X665 erinaries......... .50 by each of sueh officiais dur- Miscelaneous . ... 33517.21 Certifleates of Ar- ing the period nam-ed, toi chiteets......... .75 gehe it teseerl Total ....... $43492-91 Certifleates of Mid- amounts paid into the coun- û,W ITwie..... 2î tylu tes, wenb tea sur- F'rom Pbatc Fees$ 7916.13 C eri.t ifi cates of plu fes w nw egto'u- <J, o. Court Nurses......... 1.00Q mit to your honorable body Fes..... 1341Crtfiatso the foilowing report on the Frnies .....184.5 etisfctes.. reui o schexxanaio. cous Pd#'... 3M45.56 Certificates ef Op- 3- PixIng Of Salaries. --- tonietrists ... 4.25' -At the rrular nnnual Total ....... ý43155.64 L 61.501 $66.,50 Zùunernan).. 13.60t Balane ..... $ 52.90 Suýperviser Maether mev- ed te lay this bill on the ta-, hIe until terurrew. Motïpn carried. The tofiowing report wau îîresented. Report on Examiànatien et Agcounts ot the Ceuuty Of- "fici*ts ot Lake County, liti- noe,116. t: tHePonorable Chairman, 'ud .egberi3 ot the Board, et Supervisers et Liake, Couuty, ioeis. Gentle.ý iuien: -ln further compliauce with the requirements dt the. contract or agreement maclé vd*,«Youk, honorable bed: wehave matie a verythôr- meeting ef yeur eou.nt board held in Septemher, D. 1914, the salary or cein- ,pensatien et the severai. ceunty offiiais to be elected ini the following Nevember was fixeti by your board in the adoption of ftic report et yeur counmittee on Fees and Salaries, which said report in shown in the record ot the, proceedungs et your Board ef Supervisors ini Supervis- ors' Reeoids "J" at page 290, te hbave been in words and figures as foliows: "Your Commnittee on Fees -aud Salaries would beg t recomnd that the salaries ot the County Judge, County Clerkç,.Couxty Treasurer and Ex-Officie Connty Collecter' and Superviser et A8sss- ments, -Sheritt and Deputy Sheriff, for the ternicorn- be fixed as ?ollows. mencing December 7, 1914, býe fixed as follows: deunty Judge, $2500.06 per year. County Clerk, $28W.:00 per year and necessary clerk hure., County Treasurer, Ex-Of-, fii County Collecter and ,Supervisor et Assessrnents,' *2f0l,00 per jear and nees*- sary c'ierk hire. J9hex'iff, $200 per year. Deputy Sherift, $900 per year. 0 8Superintendent et Sehools *2000 per year. Expenses, $200 per year. Atterwarcis, during ithe sanie meeting ot your board,' the above action in fixing the, ealary et the county judgeý was recoiwidered, and the, ealary et such offleial ffïed et the.main et $300000per yee;-a#sUbdwm in the record et the ofe ip tyouri D 3BR$,MENTS For 1aayo e the Clrk. 5600.00 eor Clerk and Dep-. uty IHie .....16451.12 For tees ref=~dêd in cases setUed 24.00 For miseellaneous expenses«-et office ...........309.73 Total ......... 2384.8 Ceived ........43155.84 Total amnount paid Total arnount re- eut ....... 22384.85 Balance remaeM9u in hands çf thé Cierk as "us tees te b. asé- counted for ... . $20770.99 The records ini the office et the couxit3r treasurer ahow that Mr. #endee has paid into the GiWýaj~a Coun-' ty Fund on acoutnt of such surlus receipts 0f hie office during such two ,ternis the follbwiiig ainounts:e .Tune 17, 1915 .... *8 9ý54.93 Dec. 17, 1915...... 20' 6.48 June 15, 1916 .... 5.69 Dec. 13, 1916 ..... .89 Total . .'.. ...$ 70J A suni balawb* in lful the amount sho'wx te be re- .maining in biis bauds te be ,ceounted for. COLERK'S MISCELLAN- EOUS DV= For the information et your Board we l4ave sub-di- vided the item ,ot -$W,405.56 shown ini the above tabuli- tldn te have. been eeeived frein miseeliane.uis sources, a nd in the lowing stâte- ment show et juSt yhot items said amount le Coniosd ý4eportion thereootTi'eeived troni sourceâ ec,,ër-than the county, and tu aiunt re- Auuiy U>o o ider et Total for regis- tering and re- cording....... Miscellaneous For issuing Cer- tificates et Mag- istracy ........ For tees in Inheri- tance Tax cases Fir miscellaneous certificates .... 75.00 3.50ý Total miscelian- cous service . . $ 114.25' Total receipts for zniscei- laneous srevices other than f rom the County, $20946.67. From the County Treasury For Fees Eanned in Connec- tien with Revenue For extcuding State and Ce. Taxes ........ $ 6,567.58 For ropyiug As- sessors' books. . 2à*.10' For making ab- stracts ot Assess- mnts ...........200.00t For exteud. back taxes ...... Total for tees ir revenue woru Miscella.nea For attendance on Ce. Court 218 days at $6.00.. For attendance on Couutv Board., For recordîng pro. ceeedings oetCoo Board .......* For recording birth and deati certificates .. For ex-officie fee as County Cierk Total from rms cellany sources. Total 6twinsceHau- eous ,teesIre. colve itro g -Te i al-,rmeivffi frcmn sourées other than the the couinty as shown above .$20946.67' Total1 r e c eipts froni miseel- laneous tees as shown by the s e ni i - annual reports of the elerk ........*32«,556 In addition to the above paymeut made to the clerkt 'froni the eounty treasury for tees of a misellaneous na- ture there was aise paid to bum trom the sanie source for tees in criminal, insane 'and delinquent cases the suni et.........$ 1160.30 Add above amount shown to have heen paid troni the eounty treas- m'y ..........12458.89 Making the total amount of al tees paid te 'the ceerk troni the county treasury aurng the two yèars th iýSiir c"l'319.19 Amount received treni ai]other 9q. MIL fice CH o! tilt mg the, 4*tfl a7) or 1916.e Rqeretofdre int4tlhsre~f islown the. actimo f i Ing the comp.nsatlniIfu ti psrttmr tera l tieta of tr. ircwy aitumtiing by bli !Its The four serlafinmua te yerbi by r enchofca.rersat' tlige, cttimidi the tes'.! hie sud oMie ,c rIod oethnIe to e bl LMAR14Mt Receting Tes...... lêOuft ros.......... Niiafl~Ècs ees .... Total1................ RIDCST rom Beccrdhng Pee. .. Wsegx Court Pe..........I TOta..................p Fer s*Im7 4« im ch e. . .1 -P* d@Ptatrelwk Itre ... IH Pbr lamsciUaecua éxemin .oa ............»' TOWa âU dua*sSar 1.el~d nour ~ces..... mjoma Îii J 0515fe SS T e t al receipta durixigth o years as stow$4Bl5Sg -,ý 7e >j We have very caret uhly,- t h er o g hly1u d y ste rna ti c- i e . . . . . allye onealf the fee Usbu a W books et the office as well as IU4*Sr*b 1h evey other avenue et re-:e eeipt and diebursement theteot shown .by any othe1t record therein, or in any etr mer0fuor ieiY= the remanng, offices in the mu court house of yoùr eounty, Wbtc mb uabel 4e gif1 we find that ail receipts iF»7? î .and disbursenients ot the ot- lice' during the.period "et e timue under examinatien, as Ib4 *ebuaW w shewn by such records, have 11, tbe»e W f been careftî'iy reporte<I by, t"e Oftai- es 1v, Mr. Hendee te your board in his several sémni-anuiual re- Imdu t toIII 1 l ports made to your bodye "m kdOwEb18li ond whieh we have already %mem1f ua 14 tabulated andi shown here* " > " -..... The books. and accounts 01 Maklng the. baisstev1m ,tl4e ciffie are kept in an ex- 7,I ~ie1~, coellent fmaner, eviîencinj èmi<ace ,inwificare on thq 4 et itÉ l 53 ofijs an d c ie. éd The condition at ail tumes. MISCELLANEOUS ~E The aceounts kept i h - office with tees belorngung to, other persons show that law for during the past twe year8 ' Mr. Hendee bas paid intoéI the couuty treasury the toi-Ct iowing aflountý-:Tta December 11, 1914 ... Deceniber 4, 1915,......1U Deceuiber 18, 191,6 ...50-W0 Totale.........3.Y rom Pt The iame record aisbo',tiat Lt1h hcluffl la *0 a * 16.4 i05 0 8510 on0 OflUtuWdLV El 09ciMo Item o! $A b"fdx of1es lerk anMcount i t 4I>alt*OO UluOkIauso100ec. ebomi to e s06. us. -Tuse lImi :8 ~l6J4*gwmrbus, lté m£oI1UIUg wauuts wom 0-liet Wttae .e....... . 10. IMM vOO]d 55 us 0f tumtmn Ad utem ... Io. -Oftheii ok< ri*1emliieuS e.aountedue opresent shon!!. N.ILJ. 4,c> 1.3fR~ f. i..................478.8w '4ss 4tua tO Tal................7.41'-î..jT«My . .Q wgW. recommend Ibat th e l u 'tiâ 19AquinaiJi 26400 inté uiec ousî, treasiiry ile*, e S ddit 'i là*, ete slave àtb i Th «111 Oui shows te b. due sendir ersans thOYOt wf ttI fb ohn te wbom s"eh tees 1* . Ib 1 long. ttuaI lame inay leuriiertined Ifb .là tOkocaldbflalo. vIth'las. Thé above item o! $476-80 shows il, e t be tIc-of ? le,,or'ed biiih *essâteliortff, Mr. IL..J. Griffin »0 k 200.00 t,"ÊIbugia thé tbads or lthé eerk.l 5004 the icaccumulation o e tes ari g ytpMqeeCI uteem and colletted bhi l oek due-wtt udtfee -b £111 lautl montima. whtch s ot b-bq Maulle .$ 266.75 ic bd o for Jecnmt or b héi ~1r lI dboaovuke. u 1

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