[4Bum TUI- ENZT TTJ , APRIL 26, 7________ »T RIDE END)S PIiILII> (OLLBER CAI.OFFET LIE COU*Y TO ANOTIER WA1JkEIAN ( WITI TWO MEN IN rOUND GJJLTY -ON, SLAPS TUEE OUS Of IIELP It< WAR, NOT NEWSPAPER WRITER1 A LOCAL HOSPITAL FIFTY COUNTS U. S. CONSCRIPTION WITIILEADWITII Y FORGES TO FRONT' _cotuai -inPai - _. Car Driven by Howard Ken- lCne*e rmPaeO. Comrmandant of Great Lakes Status of Y.. C. A. and the Miark Rose, Now Night CityFi nedy Crashed Into Telegraph !4scee, foi. the. state, ail bsitig i Station Says War WiII Re- War-Everybod Can HeIp 1 Editor bit New York Sun,i Pole on McKinley Road. dnsc iis1n Pr:t quire at Least 150,000. Big Y. M.t.,A. Move More Than "Made Good" _______ LUIS CIPER - Tpstllle THEN CAR TURNED OVER. :50 porchae« of whiskey., PRESENT SYSTEM IS, SLOW.:I diInt edn.h ut OTHERS ARE SUCCESSFUL.r HENRY <IERKIN - Testlfled !c: or voung men Int the arr!»- and the 1--ýo Webster Scott Was Pinned Un- 25 pirchases of uhiskey. Sags Men Being Sent From Lo-finas-y. Laies count>' la te havs- a part List of Local Writers Who Have .h dg an-4e m e DWARD KINIU - Testiiied t0 ca Station Are Net FulIy 111 mkingtbe ot etlivhhite. Tbere1 Made Good in Work Is an ri J*tbovete Kne. 25PuchaseYg O! wlk -'. Teatfied Trained-Haven't Time. aI humble Icnem, vheco effnistInteresting One. h Waukegan. April 23. ta 12 purebase of vhlmkrey. Capt. W. A. Moffett, commandant or and thoreama. ' '. e o lk Unusisal succeme La attendinc tbbcgo onse man ls-'d hW.les bte;er an- ARTHUR PIeTS - Testified ho the Great Laites Naval Traing Ofia Isltuatl(P i boOI lf 1 reeas nurses. caregre of former Waukmgao neya- i other suffered a sc"p vouand. and lire12 purchasmsaIfwhsiey. * ion, vho commaflded the U. . 9. there nai, nréontS Wio have n. o 50155papor omen i tiseir chosen Ilinsof I 'ore liad mracisiaus escapes tram luIntle face of aIl lotbs evhlenve Chestr ab 'Vers Cruzi, ln a statement la send fort h lMW country'- de- voit- M&R>'etfthe. have attaln.dW d1.-eUs aI 4100Iok tailasnorolng vhen Atorerly l4ves made a motion to lssued laut nlght attaced the toe ense, a" oy OPattiU«0are willlng tobohlgits hich are much covebed tvir a iih povered auto diven b>' 1<0- taie.the. camie tramthe jury and have of universal service. doov e<ev .po t Oaonyanc sertur»eue rtr i vrtecu-8 ard ilinnedy o<abed loto a = ,lgrPiàe verdict lrstflicted for the defend- 'Americat." sald Capt. MoffettI. 'vili counî> nts reo nse rp ra- On fth ats aea on ipole nean Craie Trem I>m on a.Kàn- t.Jug. Persons deiled thte mo- h e iteu position of the stockter hld- nlio n. mua lo ret reaa- Oe fe atesooi, e a A. us.. uey Road. Lake. Bluff. 'hilie hittln ts.ngg qigf ti. tirion.h in"wt. toI. ue a-e soR lbt. tA.i>'Reer 35-mile un hosir clip. Gohuhrg tbai the vitnets §esnd liAVY suise iegtthe nav>'tinaiWhoThci thenotore ,dt-sit fuce for The injtdod Mon. adT= Ttd arlaeBre hle oanison irniesi evcetOd ao lb. yhobg moteîor ute wWiiken Duily Sun. Mir. anI te e orlt oeo h Dladsub nvri evoe,1go mn h bSmnl hRose, accordlag ta defisteInforme,-l WEBTERSCK -LokerClb tsiMOa>' t elepremented befon the or nome e then metbad for compuIlsor>' Unitedi St.les 5m7 and 0ev>than ti n rôna ewoYork. bas been ive Wsellor;BgtE lobroT-ken oeteClu jrybt egr osiig e keeer;s-lle tm briesabce bm rad Jry itered t afed tranng le adopteti. Iermy and aydeparhmeset of thm position of niglit cil> edtor on loe. la la Jane licAlisher Hospital. brbery. Tii. siates attorney oabect- "The nord o! universal service te the Young Men's, Chrimîlan Associa- f LOUIS LALBN-Painten; nephew od on tIb mrundthht the evidence edean>' shovo by' the.tact Ibm! lb. lion. As in tht e wisen the ti-op tlh. Neorak .Sun, bue oflte leadlng f DO&ame sof J. H. Larmn. Suffered vas irrolevant and improper. The savy bas been unabie mc far tla ro- ere callmd ta tise bosbr Of MeXICO, jnuoapers o! thse vasd. Tii. pu- çcsip vound. Condition vas suels liai court meataned the obJecion mad as croit 37,000 mon necessar>'ta bring where the Y. M. C. A. didi cuche a eiplen- siiotine 00of lhe btggest eves- bhdd ho euldseath. emavti a hm hoe. oidhrg eem tu ho ave nothlng aur ea forces'iop ta the authorized i dtplece of varie tir these n-no 80tiih'y afrnrWues , ae Thom. ln the Machine, mre tu a c'luil bs own defense h. alrength of 87»00. are airesal> on the job and prprlog, "p -GEORGIO MORAN-Cerk Nonthe iett the wllieeschair. 150,000 Meni Needed. for the great canueÏWýhch muet so; fIltvas .Z n SZ. libare Oas Cmpan>'Tt lemassertei that Attorney' Loves ulerîLha en dedi that he arrangeal for Ihm neceptlon of the 1liat Mark Rame.aflar iavIng vonkot WILLIAM GRIME$--A paînter ha staking everything an iscocnten- the. Day> muet bave 150,000 If îî La ta grest numbers of troupe wbicb are ta an let:tr tao br.yasa *12111NRY SS-Apalter ion liaI lhe I.munil>' crier ftssued le brougit up ta a 5olnt o! mficleno>' i- assesblmd. la uach camp iy. M. C. roportel, deciioti t go loto aliere HIOWARD KENNEDY --Ovue sudb>'the court at theoflime Goldherg te% emandeti of If. i-avlng failedti ta e- A- huts vIli lie orcted vlth capable,!Reille. Accondingl>' ie lott Wauke- drier t te veckd mchne. tldd b-tos- hegrad Jry xemt- rut ls- avysw Re is uthanlzedsescetaries in charMe, for the co-'1 San and vent ho the Joliet Hralde driver of terwvecrieuacs-na. cfedIbm ms-nhe granvbjryeexemvtr reti-ftresome ulime. ltrtuning from loy Rde. d hom Iran prooecuiotl n ' ase etrenthfiof 87,000 Il seeme Ihat the en-' ndbelleftemn hsweeli okdfrnm ie Ths- mess siernecuming nortb1-pre- lof e conviction itlis, saliAtty> ' Lo ws- r ma>' h oaven before ve can gel irvice'thmuetfortdaofwtrederpeti.o en liwere lhe wvren tNewnls- 5uiabl 'f'rous Cicao, vien asi, ilvii aatppal b the appolmite court isuthe.necessary 150,000- r îiro g tefo rn#ts is- poey IiaTn n d ierm ho orkupale o e- point elio yardc nortie of CIah Tret- rords-r te get a ruiing on hco- "The need for uns-.ersni service lea re w,,, t otibt hi oo' Siotradatr ope0 er 1 blisk couf.tcliu o b- inîsun hrephszde te ahta l'ir hundreti ofthome buildings vilI there, lbe vent down ta New Orle-ans bi5l six-C> IIsser Pise imacins-vent I hese iSuOttO ms-n choulti be trains-.i. b es-deil. 16 for use of Illinis troopis. wlthh e Tmes-Denocrat. A littie out, and lu a Beccandelme the car ATIUE I UPIIG If a soltier needs six mont-lie' train- lJis.- ijildinIts cast fron $2,500 ta $3.- bit Iter lie vent to Atlanta, GSa.. liai s resls.sloisto a telegraph tol- ______fg bsfore hele sefficient. the. a.ail- 55,) s-t$3,- ers- hegazieocndetin-t- le an ,ssailblit tursî.-d aver ou Ite ie. orshuoi hve hla M sac ri atulegen is asked ta cubsirîe$,ee aaie n e osdrbs ËEèreryo-tos-s-r (if lb.- ianty %vaeset Upp If lie- l lateb. abls- luate hie .aîid ther Lake coiitN tawne euess for a coupleoyearss. After1. >iutkë lîie th.lis- sssîspflt, and it a CutCa, esHghad plate-on the varebipc. 1j-s .,,.srtionatoly. The Wauks g.sssMin- a tsme bi bs-came connected witb' sslhs sfililt iit' tWbsst-r Sot Park Money-Lender. "eaeDW eds 0 hp f -ts-rsal Asscidation bas endosrb.sd the the Hearst palier anti veas aslsed ssape xtrlsats d ftam lt-usatisthe 0% lKama- Gouldberg. Higlîgand 1'a rk wha have bseu in the service jisat 0oneefotadwl -prt.l'ocmteheAanaGrga 'Wieo *-rlvreros-tier lis- w'ss suns-itu to -moue>' lender, chsss-kl.-i ] .-suI ingle- veci. Thee -men are v..rse agn viie wvageti next veek. April 1vas ln Atlanta lhe married and about 23 te 28 . I.Lnisharnnoiv ortreyrsgohmotio * ani h y stu-auto top, snd ilhe-top a lisn thé- Jury lu Count>' Court IPi, than usels-asou buarsi chip-sis-v areW.1Lynichiraoft rtreyasaghomvdt lias tîss,- aro nom Ie * day afte-nson rs-tirtss-d ia vs-rsllt it"" -actusaly lu tbe va>' tutil. traineil. ti omte.NwTrt ttepeetim hdi,1 onfo t aeteninge ing bis, ssitguîlty on 1111v s, .nLe of tre llvee hi1 e Y rk yAtdaeordn ighoia bl-ons- tîse is.ker club keePen vas havlng eoid intoxlcattig iiquor wi- *Unable 10 Gel Them."llvsi rky adacrigt Ilberated. lie vas louable ho nove. oui e licenss-. He appearedt iae in "DespIte lie tact that 'the Preml mu- w~ A nmd bac tva fine chiltiren, andi a andti il as leannet i aIonce that b-, t-he est spirits of anyons-iluthe dent tln his calI for more men for th.e ~ ~ vm.dgl od va ufrngfonaboknlgadco ýut rain esadlnabore a"ymdei vr pan hteneMark Rame vas one oaIthie yount trmas d bnfruinesr.abrisnls-at J tah' eci l or e sae>' ais-n1h vehpaien a e Red USSELL men ho lefh the Wauitegan Hign f roe bodybruleO. - sage w-iieper ho a Sun nspoter. Lemna nev-bv ennal ~3 T houle Larsen vas sufsring ft s-o.r Tus dont nen-an au> Uelg-1IL sut ta geh theoniIl bas been n'scessary Ochool before graduating tb fait. a a ee icll ouit ndli vyUn at vs- .xpected--but vait until we fer naval officers virnhnal' ta go- beg- ENlIrÉwg t uIpoitionas reporter on Wauisegauls get Into the urper courts. Watt titlIin for recits i S U~oIreI dali>' paper. The cnelîîcv -cusulos o n the v-ound The COs&mil vs show tienthat cecit. Id ratierH.itorlry eplaalwr & Wetzml ambulance vas Inenediate--w in s!sv boys place than 1 wauid -We are nov aI va'-. Our na e Hedi!' dnay e- Crel or 1>' msmmmned a"ti ouiala lu bnd i,- hi-sali ne; he jenf itedbs engagedin akes-plng oui- castacle d ent o Gr and-Ken se Be- aotI idnotndabis e rtas an xcep- Webstr Stit w r rmoveil la the 1Li1-b sureptitiouslyinluthe tir.-c- aI bbe eneoys cu)nýarsues. Now il lae oGoni-em « e utddntaiefrha necp Jaemtls-r S ospialo cl$1 lion of StateAtorney' James G. toptohie country' ta deciandt tnt he ennds 10 Caili 1o- i4otn ionail>' brilliant ievepaper man.' Jas MelilenIfspial Loisi.a- selh.Tien lie aid mous-y is-del'U I *5 hir- i ihfseehuîera erls-cas i-r Hovev'br. be vonitetialong sesadul>' ~.* s bi t i-vshi bspta citîs-il ntil es-eena Tic crs-amen>' sud ice bouse burts- and being a grinder ail the flime ai s as*-lock aller the- ca.ip wo miri. 1 Il vits-the eto thie grosint, anti theeentre bus- aego n ae ilrlelf lh, Isis suffers-sihaiti bs-s-idreeeed. Ju'st ahei.- ls- ond s-eus-for mer-»Capt. Moffella rs-tsrefi'ata he nesc district of Russell vas Imper- md od nillnfe h-lf t sels uterstoad suai Lwo0f t1h.-lriment vise nulcii-ar te aui observer ms-n nov beiug ses- u thebs-fise.l.is-liedi b>'tire Frida> nigi *euve bmWausegan coninuedti laadvance. me 15 ii prt hveno rtsn-dI The cis-sit'mits-r la whists h.,- n et.l ltm-nlt lcua" Kenosba tins- deçartnent reaciedth Le Hovever, few people bers- vii mnite athaentrtnd ferred lh s deasi Issue. Tî,- esciel village. anti vîti lie ssslstslsemnaf tui their homes isas Waukesgan. Tii-y Mrci grand Jury invesigate hetiLb val rs'crulls but ha er.lbasiZe thillngeolndor force f i gt&e ofe tusw hlm sver expecledte toses- un art ;eorts(- 'soran and iHoward Ko- chrge-snd o nborsmtis- b>' lis olract tiat ns-n unhrasid. aâ thace be- outlte bIaalesr popert>' valus-tireaci1.bshpsto hli-l isng nt out te vbou assIug et tram the Great Laiseath Le at fulI>' $9,000 hati bsen desîroyeti. nov holding. that of ulgit cihy s-dl- ts'dy. b lin act. if Golti bers bapes to alsla )0-kyaeof Ah 3 oclocitahi-n the Kmnsha fine bra uialalgppra i tins-report lias lthtt t.bsse oung; hile issue lu the Iigier coustis ho-ras- of auotprmn vscei1 usmeli ekl ae fte, fuhalaigp ra h tsi n vs-t to Chicago on tie trt doubtîses le isdooms-tito tilsappoint- tirechîcaît>'noluse toettheliset intil îgepamer>' as lei o ruelthe --Ns-v York Sun. The Ns-w York Sun t i ti mornlog.me.tIhiey bavle bs-sn put tirougi inaf>,,.u,ding buildings wers- in great dan- le pointeti out ail over the vorîti as A deliberats- athempt vas madetis-ta It lequte appaent tIsat nether nan>' vs-sîcof bard edrill on board s-sr. Betore Lhe Kenomba lire tiepart- one of the itisal papers aiong certain Goltihers- nar bls attorney'. F. M. h meent reacetid Russell tise valis of lins. 1h se reooguized as penhape the. k.-e eis-tsfthea iiaccident tram Lowes of Chicago, are basîIn msicb slptle cuesmer>' md lallen. anti flans the public, sas1 membere of the part>' hope on sescursus- a os-a trial . Attor Aroounc-met as-. made b>' Caph.Ivetre beichises frontsver>' crevice lu met canetull> etilteti paper ln the as vs-lt ab their relatives refuse ta Dey loves. it le saisI, bas pinns-t i.,ss<M offetî that ho has -s-cssvs-d ativices tise large ice bouse. Uîniteti State-s anti ville entirel>' volti dnubtho- accident, lire. ScoLt ne- rathsu she contention tint G(]si thit in order to brin,;mors- ms-n isba1The firemen Ironf snosba conuuet of the sensitional, neverthelese.ise sîlecuse bers vas exempts-lt tram pnosecution t,- navy vithout tiila>' -hs- bureau of1 their efforts ta savlng Lie surrouseia ei eeppr tuse t tagive out sny information. bisthesicmnennit>' arts-rissus-sIn lt.> - in t r -en Ing buildings, anti ranthe ps-miteofa einwper WVhri- tilst- oung tissu batds-entJudgm Edvarti aebischie ent 5,sti- navigation ecuienn-hs e-'en-leroafs aIof vr>'boue la thie neig- Mr. Roses mauytris-ndeln Wauks-- the lgtits lntosissnocs. îbut trainsss-n led bsfore lie grand jury. That lis- l IleLment of torms-rbluelacitl Wheo boohoad *ater wasi throWn in bock- gan vîli naturaît'llis-c vsry nucli of iwchcao,%IIýau.- &NothCase vîlI i- carrîs tehoei Spee eevet diecharges whiclispreclude et.. This mode of ighbIng flire\prov- pisasedti t hear ofthîe manitetisitc- Csftii- tsssgss'sItsasiss- NotîsCout i neessr>'bies- s sab îtthein-r-enterins- tie service viaihtt ed suocenstul in a neasu ro-the ci-s that i- has ettaluet lu hieso- ithors- Itallrss ai isthat it cas Juet Guldberg wiliinot higbts-ta fr(0 Zsi d , iremnen save i al thie sSuuding 4 <stIock ehen ths- accidenit appe-mon,>'te0esca5.pe a a ml sntence5santi special authorît> buildings. Foir a tîme h aipeareti as deevor te cîius up tbie-nvswpatsen bs-s,>'fins-.I Iougli tis-village- vas dometifor letider. TIse crse- of ths stotne train" oIfIlT1 D El V i îh its srs~ibrigs M r. Rose vas a troths-n 0f Frank h,, t h -e-relappens- 1.soliepig ACTIVE CURH WOKR.O IT À YLfLA E bers fo rueanti s-en tva blocit. at eî oe omrl'o ak- t hi aen < The- fin-ms-n ot ail currauondlng 'vil-adDl oe oriryo ak ets lis.-tinis-, andt tey gave assistance r -v-tîegun fa r las-smand, ecies vs-ne calee to tahti gan, anti a ns-pis-w ofthie lats- D. L. j tise smons eho vers- tunesi anti Was Alsoa Charter Member of L.OUNTY PriINER village anti Is-sq uireti thoîr combin- Joues, former jutige o! the counhy aei efforts t10 ve thi-busiessdis- court. t;yu b vs-teblos-Vsebtsn Lounsburg Chapter, Order tr-iclt. 1rRs- ue-sssnahn-hl fi wll ie wekabefoe Wbste !fEastern Star. sOn .tpril thsitits ihresidlsnce in At faon today it vas matie kuovu M. - essces nracigIi Soo-tt vslt be ails- ta returu ta hiethe___ti owu of Antioch, occurred to t heia ls-lame tustained b>' th# ovn- position recale laemind tlisuccees- .on',, but lie other nembere coulti tre. JuliaE. Robs-rtson, vifs- af deati of Mles Carne>' ai ts- agi- ofersaf thiebiîg crs-atns'r>'anti the tic.-esetint have attends- thîen foi-mer lo tavonkt hile atternoon If neeti be. John Roibertson, Pi-s-ident of tic 87 yearc, oui- oft hieoltist settîs-reB ofl lc 812.000. T ii- u fBIrom$90 l)u- elr mIni-ts ipaper e vwont t le expeetetiftint Kennedy ant i 'rst S-ats-Bank of Bari-ins-hosi.passeLaits-Count>'. stc, ha200a Tea ldxingt. e n Mora i-nu vîl ns-hu athein iomsm l- eti ave>'at i-r ions-e tt 111 ados-iebs-wae boro in t'aunly Wicklow, The.Iromnn t KenoMia matie an Wauitsgan. Hi-nesa e natation of sigit. Iis morolus- tlotoing an inses of trelatisi blnite >enn1830, anti came Investigatian anti tie>'reportedtet- sone o! thin anti viat lie> are du- The ca struc the tlegrap pole everalmonthB te Amricda>'bit .ntrltiseldfine dstartetteifireliertfui--th Ifur- Ig presentnt Tis-cenetrui le tlegrpi ois mevnalnonim. 0 As-nia h bi eany cbîtboot. ues-roon ofthie cri-muer>'. srroed- vti sncb tance hat 1h cul it off Ths- dceaceti es onesofuthe bs b-t 1Ta ibis ununlin oIs-chillten vs-ee1> tro nspontaneous caeb»Usoa. it 1. Gratoil . Wilcox Lis- first i-e- mbot fur s-st fon ie roud. ie nov un on aItii mot lvot i-- hneant ieholeaves Lthe folluvins- to la believe ttnt hiee n*ats-d ports-r for thie Wauitegan Dm>' Sun. snslue ofhie auto vas toril fion lis Metesofthle ossL-vesectio famOofl il'rage vilai b.d been te- lNs-115 nOv in change of lis- Asses;at setono ouru hie becs. Hie aget vliov anti pafted uin eecorner of finiso d Prese Dept. in lis- United ti ates letenlngss.andthls-car vas vrecket Laite Canot>'. Ss-vais a ms-mis-r oflhe toîlowins- chiltiren: Hugli('ai-ns-y, pna..TIhe creamery Maibe robffit Wsigoblgdrco tea agret ets-t.It la embinaisil lie Waen's Titi-ada>' Club, an se- af LiberlyvilI-; Jams-s, Thomas and ti o nce, andi n thie meutlnfl faumeres enahe at Welgtn on-tco thtifwil y u csh$500 ho repair lie tive memben of Lounsburg Ciapler, William, of Anîloch; Bs-ni->'Carne>', ;viabat beens bpplyigit illa lit ofIe!ail thie staff test bandi-liee ns machins-. number 494, Order ot Easts-rn Star. or Fort Atîsbovon. W'iv .:John (- vilI chdip ther rocamls ntathica oinoîn ut af the smnto. The machiné lelis- praperh> of tira. Robertson vas 72 ysars af of Watsvorth; Pets-n Carne>',oCeRse>'isdhooi ircr-nsri- 2. 0 i-~ Lester B. Coli>'. untîl recenti> tHovardi Kennedy, vio but ns-esntl>' aget ahe iim e ir demie, antiseli; tIrs. H. Sheehan, anti Mr%. F. vas managling eitrfthnaLe CInonigs-hi relurneil tram Canada. - Kmnnedy vas beil e hbushant sue leavesatva Dunu. of Anîloci. 'He le also sur- spote et Houston, Tex.e- mt thie poeition 'soritngs-n a haIs-I msnager ln vent- daugheneanti ans-son la molrliber viveti by 28 grandeiltren anti 13 -Mtri ns, I standi biler.you tta- bcame ta Chicago viere hieslanov srn Canada anti vhs-n nes- arses-thtntdeti. The childi-i-are %Irs. A. J. gi-sat -graudeitîren. lx or lie aloh."_Ma thie ora««. vite s mmpa>'mt an the Chicago Triune Canada wne complehins- plan ta draft Retinontiof ak niPeani. 111I;Mrs. graodchiitinep eclet as- salibs-ai-ens. 4ehlte pur"oo ilnvvi«. 1Inonn. 10 staff as special vnlts-i-.anti prababi' ail men for ser-vce in the Ouropean &. -LyLîs- of Barrinston. anti A. î Theiertin'vas sels . roun S.t. s- ">' ille sa ge"ere long vîll be înovn me a staff batlefeld li reurnd t lis hmeRobertson, casiien af the inst State ers Cissi-dl, Atioch, vith luberment yA"À" Ils repared. bool boutid a corrss2ndeuh. heteled s rtretih i bDevici lu the nemi-.3.Te.KnsyleownCut ln Milwauke-e. Tihe machine lbe drove Bank o! Barii-ngton. ah MiII Ci-moi centemi->'.Wiat do yau msn. i.>'MY ouied)" 3 io Knas> a o nC lul Wauies-an__ h vion tii -- -- _1 . - i oloe ie - hnsila wevis-e i-bac bseu doing ses FEAR EPIDEIC 0f SPINAL MENIN#ITIS Fairfield School Near Lake Zurich Is Closed-Home of Patient Quarantined. As the resuIt of an extremhely vir- ulent cae o f spinal meningitie that han broken two miles from take Zu- rih ln Lake county, the FaIrffeld icofl. whlch t.he patient attended. bas heen cloed end la being fwm!- gated thoreughly. The home of the. L5-Year-old girl who cantracted lu case la under quarsutlne. A sti1t watch la being kept oves' th.e chool- mates of the sick girl. At th.efret symptoms of the. dimease thefr home$ will be placed under quarantine. The namne of te Ir-year-oid girl e'hol i IIIvas fot obtàlnable today, ÙnI Oh. la boilng t.d for b>' Dr. iBarbet of Làake Zssrik. 1r. Barbf. contracted the disoume. The dismai. vas well advanced be- fore il. wu eafl ed thebmattention of the physiclan. The olklld reehahsed st lchool several days &fier she hecame Ill. It wa enot until the becanm so 11 ahe cauld flot go tI osomi l taIlte Physiieln vas callmd lU a4 the. dis- esee wau diagnosmd. Ail buste then vas miade ta ses thât quarantine was establlehed. Par- ente ef the cildren who were expo. ed art much alarmed and are takîng ever>' posihie precaution in see thai their chldren do ot 1wcome Ill. Therè bave bs-en a seumber of casps of ttels disease ai lis- naval station lIme tii- diveas- bis appeareti elze- vhiensuLake ounot>' in a long lime.4 In tii parîleulai- case it le &0 virsu-1 lent thlat 1h le sait no baises are beld 9 out af saviné; is- chlld'a lite. The bealtb departmi-ut le coufinis- le ef. fotns ta ineventins a sensraI s-pi- demie- cf tihe tilvase *in asti ni-a Lake Znnlch. NiGJ4T MrITOt W Traning tation to Keep Oui Lte Calter ai à PNeven- lion Ilove. The Great Lýaies Nava Trainhig Station ah Lake Blnff toi.>' vas ocg- teneti closedti o aU ts-ht visitors.. As a precaulosary stmp, Captain stfofs-Il hem ord-redtihiat a leint lis mtallonnd 51 lis- nutside oaIthiemain gats- ln wvilcia mnry vili ho pstet througot thie nigil. AIl villetra vilI bave ha sînte bbsir business to tie vaîcher, and ti il li 1 ransacteJ b>' tels-phtise tram the lntotheis-ad- mlniahrahlon building. 'Theebas been uo tratuble, but bhisle la impi>' n means of avoidîng au>'." sait Captaîn Moffett la expIa- nation. "No visilors wlll hoe dmn ',ed intolb0 satiou aI ter tini, anti ouI>' tiase via bave legitimabe busi- nesse uring the- day."-. The equati f 400 Jackies scieduiet fr li-h eef comel letLoder aller a 24-basin tisla>'. Ti-intraines passet ti-oas-h Chicago, but titi fot stop. Tiers- are nov 3,00)0 tare a helisa- tion. Tus-sdn>'vas bhe bhggelte>'y ton recrulte ln the bistan>' of tie trainng camp, 508 ri-ponlins-. The goal of 1,000 a day amed t ahb>'Csp- tain MoffetI le expecledtota e reacet vîthilo eshort tims-. vas telegrapi edîbor on the Denver Post but aI laIs-. oving ta lit bealth. bs not heen connecteti vhhh noe paper woan, altiaugihebclà ou lie staffofIthie Chicago Examiner. 7. M. LeRo>' Mater, via fan Bon. lime vas acting City' etittonaIflis- Chicago Journal, nev boldos a resîî.,n- &Ile mpositon on thm Chicago Fia.sn- Iner sud le beins- litrd for tii - t aitiots o! assistant oi" edillio of tl'stt publication. Al ofthee .mon gaiedti or stant la nevapaper voit b>'starhlsg on Wmeutegn afy papers. m Ouchi lb vewa aa. su..asd Mns. Gabsvu eavmtmeneti b>' hendaugiler. uho .1004 I! b>' the beti mhivenlng hi ion nichtaov5k. - oh, mama," wvipered I MleGahit '-l beard a tunnY UfioMsd 1It je lep. I tblikthere laa man .tIu bouse." Mnr. Gabb glaioi at the che SU» or o! tis, bol. vine Mr. Gablewu glvla s- an imitation aofa avwmttl ln ulI blusi. andthen cie sait: s- -Go to bed and ga te sîsep. daugi- go ter. The. ioe yoss bearé -u YO s- thbou norlns. Andi you cm em os muei that. lierm la sol a ma hla he home ________ :0 Want. Wqr 881e. .M *de lishth1- DEPRNOIENT iiidi hum 900e.e he iy 1 1 test in open primaril>' te the echool chlldren. there la nothlng to bar adulte from taking a pece et grOud and worklug It. Tt has -been pointed ou!that suck a movément ln Watikegan wouid be followed with excellent 'resulta. Tt would be an aid te the inovement that le belng promoted b>' ths, Cham.- ber of Commierce te put every avail- able loch of ground in Wêukegan sà- der cultivation. Tt wuuld liean 5587 matter for a schoal cbid te devota, e part uf his vacation thil @melr ta caring for the gardloni ami wouit raiie. enough vecelabies te supply the. uembers of hie taiatly w»tle"Ile farden trueck all sommier lgq<s there wquld liel>enty 1to qXmasay Doit faat for Wintr tune. sadly I.otu*ky. Orne of t11wmm e <ely Cles au Ileat of the workeiehicb la si lors. T'hoI. Wb" ih ma wilboul %Dy eê,105 $e'mfq0<m 10 beaut, conaista inuv= *gMWoe*0 bottinseto!Champagne g uo *0aIla» amy belear aned eiiBgé.êu&daé solutely free freinsedbfma. b who do the work sppn4 gig4 n hemrsa day l h Ile êek w là s~ . twra uover hottiqOtu 11wUIod bMeb eMpirature, unhedihse uo.pi.rem "ahoeute@$%o*i$. nomme qsmblid Coopditous aDp4 tm aum atad hoaltat ef lb. work* s P Ia tahat fow et thon am.omainu 1- pista ont? ItUofiç THE Electric ithe qùâick, clean, depifflle1, inexpensive W&Y. Trains run frt. steel equipmtint.Evcry comfort andci odoeli icnce provideci. Ask nearest tick- tive f oldir Ut faeon thig newr Shoroe lectrnit Route. 1 - . --- - LAKE ffflS 1 SETJNIMTIE PAGE IN iARDEN PLAI% One Hundred Gardens, 25 Feet Square, Are to Ue Set A, for the ChUldren. PRIZES ARE OFFERED. Many Would Uike to 8e«11 ilar Plan~ Put miat Effeot fOr LocalChildren. Lske Foreet hms set the puce for Walkegan and the north shore lu the nalter ar home-gardening for ti.é achool ebhdren. Thse plan le 10 b9ve one hunred garden" for scieooi chil- dren. The-e gardens vill b. 25 tee. Square and wll bcelsefi>' 10 funah the chuhdren with a lsauffl «eslê vegetables to&.hémboz" ~ c Emphass le bolng laid «M tt ials lng c1 violer vegetA)eles44 * - vegetahies vhlch n 1w tore4-mua for winter use. Prise v iIbe Woard- ed ta iith !beOr q!r'BLaIgbhe iiee5 gaadena. These prime ba*beent cootrbutted b> thse lIme Foret, Wo- Susa Club and by tb. Y. 'W. C. ý.. The coet lah nderlOs peds) isper- vision of L. W. Thouluon. receau» ïaffl ary -of the, rJfe ânla part of the vorîk-t ta 1b.10haneib>' Emil Bollinger, gandener on *e B>- ron L. Smith Msate. A tract or City propert>', o*39W lng about nine acres, wil ha tý. Urst land ta he divlded into garde4 plots. This land le lacated sear Sscred Heart. Other tracta are boiglu s . 1 M lis 'a