Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 5

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LIBRTYVLLEINDEVENXENT, TII UfflDAY. AI>RI 26, 1917. ~oe:::~::uu:=p.ppp::pu~-sss~se:asi .:m:sf I Y our Lawn Needa Attention use our Sýha7dy Spot -Lawn G7kASS S'ýEED Force Your Garden Stuff. Devu by lie Olh Dupet. Dam tbo ers2071. Pisone 47 x A.Bshop, Mar. une~ -------uu-------- -m s Libertyvle Cleaners and ILDyers Price List. Gents S .................. C ois .............. . 75 overcat ........... 150 ftanmel P s.......... 75 Wulivesa.. ..... . .35 SU k sd Pancy Vesi ...50 Cravaette ...... .. 150 Sweater ..... . ..... . 75 Datvohe .............1.00 Colored loves........15 S"a os&MS.....t . 75 Large Suda.... ... 1.00 S"d" O'CI . 75 Lwe" .. ..... e Fred Croke Manager LUBETYVDJA Ladies Ded Oesse DYe $300 Sus .............. $1. 50up$300 up 1.50 SiinI ...........-.75 " 1 50" 3.00 Jacket ................. .50" Dres.............50 " 3.00" Drus aud Drop ... 1.75 " 3.50" Waist................ 1.50"- Uned Coat ........150 2.50" im U0Infined Coat ...1.25"2.50" Velvet Suit ..... 2.00" Velv&t Dresa ......2.... 1.50 Velve Cloa ... 200 2.00 Kium............. 1.25,«' 2.00" 1.50 Sweater ...... .75 1.50" 2.00) Silk, Cotion and - ixed Drapes.. 75 "1 -W up - Portiers ......-150"25 lh ansd Veivet Aotties....... 150 ~300,, r Coucb Covers 125" 2.00" Single Wnt.... 75 Double " .. 1.25 Couforters ....-100 up At Your Service For Groceries When ordering groceries at thia store you can depýnd on pibmrtand ourteous service, quick deliveries. honest weihtdepndalegoods. Our experience àt the busi- ness makes it eamy for us to please you. V)1Lie we favor a pevsona ei at our store. you can be assured of fair dealing if you tell us your want over the pIbl Deinlein's Grocery Prompt Dalvery Pisone 31 WL.. You Buy Coal Here 'You Get Ceai That Has Beeu Properly Screened. lnstead of paying for elate, shale, dust and dirt, you receive the full velue of your rnoney inr Coal that ia ALL COAL Our prices are no higher than others get for ORDINARY COAL o». order hors vii convince yoa liaI theve ta a vam tffe5Îeoe in co4 W. F. Franzen, Jr. Telephone 50. Lbertyvifle lu TOU Knof Neom of TeoIpM>n Nu=mer 1.: : Zeida Bock and Margaret Beckier spent Sonday wth Moinde at Ares Mm.. laude Robinson of Waukegan, ,Isted at the J. C,ls home Toesday. Ton inembers of the Eplécopal cbnrcb attended spedal services in Evanston Suaday. Misa Lois Mce0rew of Irving Park. vas tbeguustof Uàr. and Mr@. .J. T. Davis gaturday'aad Sunday. The Preebyteian Ladies' 'kid l hold a Baiery lSale %t oretVs store Satur- dey afmoon, Apeli 28. iTel garry &Ousr bas returced trom Tiyiorville. DIL, alter a two montbs visit IvItb nis brocher Oscar and faiîly. Tbe Iystie Worker dvIii 1.5w dld the work at sa Initiation meeting of the lvanboe Myhtie Workers lai- Tbursday Dtght. Mr%. Mary Tbomson moved to Gtaye- lake Monday. Mr sud Mr. Oea. Dryer bave nuovad lto Mit. Thomison horne on Broadway. MIse Flora Churchili bas taken tha placeoutMiss Lnn& Robineau, taacîîîng theseventh grade for the remaindpr of the achool jear. Mr. and Mia. George Eaton and grand- son George Eton bave rturtîed froni Lus Angelou. Cal. vbare tbey wpeur er irai mether Water E Batee wae called to bis home In Monticello. Ky ,lait Thureday ngt on account ut the deaib of hie aiter. He returuad Tueeday mornIug. The Woman's Guild viii ujeet at the ridince ut M&. Derricktun riiurada, aiternoon, 19 &y 3rd- Full alitendauce le deeined s tiere viii h.eletion loificere. Word bas been recived boe that lie. Richard Sean' oi4et son Warren bas snlisted and thal Mrs. lseais viii not open bsr sommer home at Gags* Lake tbis jear. Thi Presbyterian Ladies AId society viii nmelat the chrci Tbeaday, May Brd. Mr@ Kîmbai. Mnm Laycock and Mn.. Mrcormick vini entertain. Con- forter. tu ble. Word bas hein reelved bere t6al a lin pound son vas hum ta Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson ut Oelwsln, lova. Mii. Wilson t. a daugbter of Mii. S. J. Young ut Lbertyville. C. Jordan, vbo vas tormerly the esboe repairer lu the Ruse seoi@tore, bas 'pened a repir @bop lu the Butler buIld- Ing whlch vas formerly occupiad by Chas. E Maaou. DActi"re vOn lprsparlng tb' grounde of tb. l!pieoal oburch pruperty au Churcb stres o t lated Monday. The ruovlng of sbrnbery end the debris lef t rom tb. or@suvs Cloared away. Ater the gronundiae lu readinese, a force of worbuan vl atturt tetouudatton of the beautitl »wmevcburcb ibat le to go up oni this PrO!lary. Raip H i. Col* bas tak~en hie former "Milon "s "oafl et for the Welis Pargo & Go. Se resgoed that position a iev vebteaoto sept a Position ae the yard man ar a ilA merican W ire Fance Co.. but declded to rturu to bis former Position. Mr. Crosby 0of Mli- vaukes, vha manaagd the ex preme office boes <uring fiat purlod, bai returned to bie home ety. Laut Fvtday lght the laee eto 117 of the Lbertyvlli. High fichuol playad to a large audiee la the Auditorium, pre- sentlng a tht.. abd play 'iupid on the Campns." Thi. murs pia, deait sjitb -eailége Ile, partis aid attemnoon teai. Evei'yoni ol lb. clai toit the parts with mach b àlity and the audiene gneetid thon vliugenerou@ applausa Tho stage etIag a ranged and svere of sncb reatiltlc value bo thte plpy Hpte.orchestra turnisb. id apleadid masie durrlng the eventng. Saturday afiernoon atL3 Wii'cu oc. cnrred tbe marrliskof Mdiss Linnaiftoblu- son to Dr. Grovsir C. Herrington, at the home af lMre. E. P. Mcdeonald. ln thie .ity. 1ev. Whte of tbe Ept o pal cburcb offlcited. Tb@ bride rame heme tramn Northern ichîigan and bas mince thal time tauglI lb. 'th grade of the public s.-bool. The groom lu rani Morse, Sak, Canada, a graduaI. of Anti Arlier, bav. ing taten up bis detal practice in Can- ada tour years go. Tbey reniained lu Libertyviile ta vieIlt riendm until Wed. nesday wbeu they departed fur Canada to make their bomne. Mrn .Hringtau ha@ mnade many frinde durnrg ber etay here wbo extead theei ogratuilat ions and wieh thent botb a happyî manried hife. W. L. WATIINS QUOTeS SCRITURE ON "SOW AND SAVE" Sunday aveming the. mimbers sud fnieude o! tii. Uhrtyvîlle Md. E. cureb heard W. 9. Watklss, the Lake ouuîy Advlsor. give a vevy c"r delaltion to mauy passage. la lie Bible regardlng the duties of ev*rý ou@ lu bsiping 10 increasa tefood suppli e.01othbenation and the seorid. This service vas speolaly arranged for the discussion at the iood eltuation, bobh from a spiritual and matarlal ,taud- point. A.s oon si v. 'Beam bad lu. tFroduced Mr. Watklas 1medistli.v set titi mnds 01ie bearers et voit seeîng tbe mming of the many peagee lu the bible vhicb refei ta the Critinas duty ot abvlng andesaving. There e.many L.ouis Gsrvood, tormeryofo0ay@ske, oits ieareru wuho ppruape neyer usu tue but vbo bap bies n lu Mbign for severali rosi meantig of the varda pertaltina ta yaars, vas calliDg on friands hure several the raislng of crope su cieaniyelt betore daje iast veek. Mr. tiarvood recently ihem as bad Mr. Watklas la bis vemy andervant an epeaailon lu tbe MeAlliter able addrea. hosptal, Waukerîn. At lb. close of M r. Watkin's remaks The Mystie Worker Drili Team bas an- 1e. Beam explsiuad th"at h as bardiy uonced tbat tbéIr dance advertiéed for ne-mry for hlm ta dellvei' bis sermon lrlday eveDng lu the towa hall, bas os tbe people bad already Istened tuaa been poetponed tbtrty day. on accounu sermon su ciear thal littis rsmalned ta o! the detb of Mien rec. Bond, vho beos»Id. Aud alter beartily eudormîng won méiber f tht loge.every ataiement made by Mr. Watklns vas meube ut hal~dlt11v. Isam a]so verY touciagifly plead FolIov tbe crovd tuatlb .M E citurci for thei sovlng ot theaseed sud the saving toulichl and atend the enuîîrilnment to, o! the seua i îh vaascsesarta be b. givan by the Earouet Worture Cl«aie do uue'e; work for <lad bebter, Onue ofthte spéial featureseviii be the saylng 'Whatioevur a Man Sovsîb, su vriolîn trio by pupili of Prof. Llndsey and WiIi He Al@o tlap" BeoeMid Man lb. other numbers viii aima hi ut the sbould nov holh the matairil ansd tbe igheet claie.O01l piritual oaad ta beip imseit and bis In the ciean.up camps!"u mode lait nelgbbor. we.k Lîbrtyvîlie vas umade dean lu a bat thIe speaktrs enipbaslzed the tact good many vays. vblhh ithout a unit- %bat wbere a per#uta or a commnnity ed effort ou the part of the orgaulatioa w vii voit dligetnlly la preparîng the vlîh the yack lu rharga.ifould nul have grauuid, eow tite eeed ProperlY, lte Lard bain possible The t.aù%s dong the vili @end davu bis lleiiings bouutitualiy voit oi haniuu tavay the rubbiab vera and âfea tiat the raine and the sun vîi kept bupy on Friday aud Saturday. The do their shara Waheu it ho ts eCames no commîttpees shad Ibain baadquarteriq tbat a full harvete au rîghtly bu laaked at the Commearcial Club, ratved many frward Loo. calis duting tha twa daym sud they are Oî'îy une tilîilg wa» lackiug at thl@ viii satiofied vltb the resuil ai tbe cam- service and that vawts tat tbouëanide palan. of Lberty villea atd Lake Couuty people Lait Saturdey igbt ab a meeting ot did nus hear tliefe sermon., no that a tbe Llhirtyville Tntwnei-ip fligb Schocti greab deal more gaod vould Camte ot Board 01 Educaton, Chas. B Avenul them If Mn %N atinescan hosluduced ta vas eleted preideut of the board aud deiver titat add r@se in every cburcb snd Tu' Preston vas re.eicted sacreta"- public building lu Lake cointy lb vili Mfr. Preton dec liuad ta at as clerk and ruais up the people anad maits tbem as noue ai thaeai ber members vtsbed thea raaàiîse that tbay bave a very important office the board metat aanTueeday sven. wark ta do igt novr and that tbsy lug sud eiect.ed Mies Virls ('reeuvood s amutet go et it vith the kUnd surt of spirit aretary. The board set thba Oet Bat. r»ther thana niera domine tu teep them- urday night.-i the mî,utb for th- r'egWar slvie tram golnîg bungry. mouhhly meetings, the meeting& to u _______6___ calted at-7:80. Tueday atternoon MIma Myrtie Lonise iudeDendent: Mre resatara than ail flaifar and George Whrenberg veme un- 'ouuty weeglis camlned. tad lu the boly boude nif matrimouy ai _________________ Hiibiand Park be Ras. Umiîach. The brida eoaà%dnir ai of r.and Mr@ lBer. A n u c m n menDellear aifCLa Zurich anîd the groomA n u c m t a @an otIr and Mirs H 1) Wehrenîtwmg 1 have opened a Shoe Repair of this drty. Thay vera ettanded l o y h ule uldn p Mis Matwl elter, a mi-ter ,nt the liii. 1Shp i teBler uilig p anîd le aie Whreoi.ierKa brother oftheu oste the c...îertyviîne G.arage, grroom. Tha.v vi.ited friande anîd p-r. .ad ask to be favored with a ,tivae in Lltoert4 villefîraiopai datea'Call when in need of shoe re- aud 94nu vaut to the homie of ihe bruIe'. pairing. parmant In LaIte Zurich abaro I thav -il, A 1PM m*Li.f Sh.- Pullules andLac«s. pflsie Wf<av 'Slie nmr. M. Wehreuberg C O cv axpecte tabeip hie iatber-ln-av during MJO JON thie sutmmer mouths.. ARS. HIENRY KERN 91F»_SATURDAY Saturday aigu at 9:20 o'plock. at ber home in Liberty-ville, Mrs. Christina Kera vule of Henry Keru, pasied sway, ber busband and thym. chl)duin being at ber bedalde. Mrs. Keni had heem Id but a »hart tilme and berdeath vas caueed by piuro-bneumonia. lu thedeatb ot Mre. Keo Lihertyvilie loesone of iibeot knovn and greatiy beioved women, vho for years managed the aiolery ku,'twu asthe Keru Boume on Muet emInet, ehere andrede of L.ake county people made lb their stopplug plac whileins lutbertyvîlle. Tbe Karn Bouse wua known forat e ex0cellen t table vbich Mr@. Kern persunaliy supervised, êeelug thst ber gueits received the beit of everythlng tbf. bouge provided daiiy. MaryThomas vasharo In Erie caunty, New York, un Juiy 18, 1853, and bad obe llved unil rext July she would bava benu 74 yearýs of age. Sbe, vas unlted la marIage ta iHenry Kern lu 1860, and tire efflen b"esd this union. The cbîldren are Um Jeaule. Thomas B. and Frank à.. ail resldlng lu Liberty ville. iter husband and. one brother, Mr. Thomas of VI vlan. South Dakota, aie, survive ber. The uerai eervices vre beld at the homne on Tuieday atternoon at 1:30 p'clock, itev. C. e. Montanu., pasaor of the Presbytertan cburcb. in whicb the de. ceaeed vas an ardent w.orker and ta whicb abe gave f reely ber time and te- source@, offlefated. The rr'mains ver,' taken to lvauiioë and tbere lait] ta rest; lu the 1leaxîho" c.îetrj. CARD 0F THANKS. We wleb ta expresOur Most beartfflt thanke to, aur gond friendA wbo sO generally aided usi in so many wayé durlug the IlImais and deatb of our dear wile and muet preclous niother. Especl- ally en0 to those wbo su generone-ly con- trlbuted to the beautitul floral offerluga. Blenry Kern and Family. Thé Independent 10.6 &IL Home of Paramount Pictures Friday April 27- Oliver Morosoo presente Mise Edua Soodrichin The Making of Maddelena r win àreals Saturday April 28- The Lakwyer>s Secret 2 reel Rez Dramna 9 PhuI's Busy Day e Lko Cornady Sammie Johnson Cartoon Comedy Sunday April 29- The Fghting Hope 5 reel Paramoan:Feture fea tun. ing Mises Laua Hope Creve Tuesday May 1 - Mu.v.. uon Castie in PATRIA-Episode NO. 2 In OId fIreland Burton Holmtis Travel Picture B.bbyý Bumps and the Stork Cartoon Couiedy Wednesday May 2 - Mims Marguerit.' Clark ini Silks and Satins 5 reel Famoue Playere jproduction Thursday May 3- Mise Heleu Hulmes in A Lasa of the Luniberlanda a striai story of the North Woods Coming Saturday, May Sth, and each Saturday therafter a 5-reel Mutual Star Pro-. dluctioni. Prepare Yourself For The Future Display Your Patriotism By Joinig Our Flag Savings Club.. Size 6 Fi.By 4Ft~I Compet. vUile Heu,, 5.ts< Siesd Sie, P.casen Cler Saving $2.00 weekly for 50 weeks at 3 pex&cent totaling $101 .50 or $1.00 weekly for 100 weeks at 3 per. cent totaling $103. Just lîke our ChristruasBaukiùg Club and' GET THIS FLAG FREE TODAY LîBErRTyvo Lr-ILLINOuIuS TOOLS YOU WILL SOON NE'E D DI>lls, SedersLme SBowers, Lever Hlar- rows DînecHarrows, Spring Tooth Har- rows, Walking,Bmd- uig, ~mugPlows. asudS igWagon&s We have a complote stock of Farm Implementa at attrWave prices SCHANCK HARpWýVARE COMPANY Libert7rriUe, lMous Ph... 39- Paul, G. Ray Licensed Embalmer and FunrlDrco Automobile Hearse and Auto Car.' riageFurneiahed When'Desired. Store Phn. 9. Rmsiencet Phne. 12 Libertyle, Ilnois Giv. Credit ta Chinecs.N.m@ The earlicst desîgus used for china d No, cama, out&ibg mwa ai Worceter, England, are belleved 1 0 flot, neceoesaly M a&0 b to have beau copled from the chlnesejsavn. -Ia SPRING WE For, The' Littie éFolkes Our stock of Children's Wash Dresse.ta u'nusually good night now. We have thern in ail sizes in gingharns and good- wiNh prints at 254-075c41. Little Boys Suits of durable wash materials in teveral very cute styles at 6&-$1. Have just receiveci a new assortrnent of the~ new metal girdles aind novelty bead chains. One special lot of chains in both jet and colora at ...50eý For white kids'hoes there is no hetter déleaner than Sunshine, it u5ualIy sel!, at 25c, we sell itat .................... .................... 2%c- We hàve smre1 very hand8orne Spring Coats for bath ladies and Children which we offer pt rnuch Reduced Prices to close. Corne in anid sce thern. i WW. CARR--LL- $ONS-COMPANY- Phne 9c ,Pmt. Rive ti 9 d1, a t 1 1

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