Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 6

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@4. LIBERTYVIT~LII i END~T, THUM»~YI iPRU 26. 1~17. n. - vJ!S -_ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ -~ m--~.-- - Waul(egan .Netv~s MEMIRAYOR TO ff C CIY hALL Comeuinssioner Orvis to Ilang a Portr4ft of Chaunoey Rice in C-1ity CounoilChamber. IS A FINE__RECOGNITION. Late Mr. Rlice HeId Many Off i- -- otti n Wautcean ani. tn'Cnty as Weil. Tii. MeMorY ef'Cbauncev Race, de- ceased. la ta be perpetuated. as the reqsuit of action taken by Commission- er Ng. V. Orvia. The latter ham CaUBed tu be madle a pantel Portrait Of the former prooinent WaukeffU. lmac and this il; ta be'IiWhgltâ liontdli atboi- ber ln the iiece re& JO f« f&'Ci inayors ofthie City. Tht-rt are few men wba held no many public positions as Mir. Rice. He was Mnayor of theC"cy alderman, Ber- lt of Lakes couuty, Constable, police niarzbal and treet comucsiotier. fis deatb took place about Ove Years agO and he was laid ta tst Inle Olod cemetery. When Mr. Orvîs llrt came to wau* liegan hc occupied an office jointly wth Mr. Rice who at 1thà1 ime was a Constable. TheY formed a astIng frlendsbily. Recently Mr. rvis aoght to secure a picture of his dead frlend but found that t he oniy pic-lare le ex- istence. apparently. vas a popt card lieness. Front Iis the- handaome large portrait le colora vas created. The pst card vas destrayed le lbe proceeýs so that the- portrait nov la tht- oniy ilient-as iaI rt-maies. Jk requt-t bas beeti made thal tel- titlvea Of deceased Mayor aappiy por- traits au tht-y can ho hnng I tht- coun- cil cliambera. tMr. Orvis, said Mir. Rtce hail no near relatives te fnrniah a por- trait, e-h t tuit iupon huismeif 10 do 90 A decialun that Illinois municipal- Ities have no power ta tax autamo- biles, a rnlleg endangering WW....1" ran's 's'leel tal. te, vhich aulolets annually contribute conalderably ov- er $3,00, vas handed down by tht- tate aupreme court Thursday. The. rulilesvas entered le the case o Haartt et ai, va lhe Village of Dowcees Grove. The city of Chicago interceded tu the case, s hic-h as trial qrlaInally before the circut court*of Diapage county, Assistant Corporation Coumael Leon Hornatein of <iesgO, argnd in behaif f !the right of municipaliiies 10 ta% auto- moisies, aldlng the Doweers Grave autborltiles la the case hecause of the important hearlng of lhe Issue on 1bioea revenues. Chicago ancualiy clectaabout $750,000 tram lteeten- foresmut of ils vbeei tax ordinance. Witukegan bat a wheelt ta aew Y*" qag but collectait oni>' for ont- Yusr heffuae the SuPreme court ht-id the Mista iav viic-h provttedion thie laapcelng o! th. tas va. levaliii. àte ue le tgisature amerdl-t tbI st &D mîwuvasId bothlim- Pcsing ut suci a tes vas lt-gai. Waai- kegeaPut ceallier vit-el tax ino ORc' te Wakgau lust Augusi, cal- letisg ýoêee &$3.S and $2.900 for Sa'..asnbs a! cr 70cr. or up lu Maiy 1 ef t"" yér. le other wvai, tht- vhoel lax becores,-dus agan Isihi o! foc days. Juat vial actioan the- aPreme court rsalniviii bave re mains lu b seen. Cty ofIait are txpettng to leun more detalla o! thse rullag vithin c day or twro. Naturel VIMiot la Argua te An ea natra MUS geth" a one o« the mont u'aude. M Ilb.thevont. Il spans lie IBic Nènicea a4i la hea. lie lac-e Suige. Bula i.the waS or natums Mmot GIai vas pO~uar 'suppose id tlie imeaiTb*, rVombu On vIc i aceeu-svap$I'>ihy a* colonal bigi ve uMÈ46 1w 6ieperuivianlaces, vho teck cdvbuqtp %t» piemoumon by hett~ t* Voé ae bis etur MANYCOMITTES AME Dm TRÀSFUM Wil Take Action on Wheel Tax faitter, and Other Im- SO MAY SVE IP portant Issues. F IRl ISa Membeca o! tit- Waukegan Motor Of1'1I uÀ Cub met aI tie Charnier o! Ca' - -io" f ot mreiieadiquarters 'riura .t i'tMIi oel0 ot lu discute plans for thc vont o! tbe do C> ives Quart ef Bloc club during lie caaSaing «caOn. Tht- cubla isendleg ls support la Save Lite of Sister. theame umnt o tae i fV OPERATION 15 SUCCESI rond tram Wakfgn Tirougi Me-V sPweul Gained Str HItenry ad Wadavonth. to Marenq., -cwi ta ail»eadine tc e»d«r"me -----*_y ccr to the plan lu bave lie county board of supervrisons designale Sherld4n Ruait a. a state &id rosit la lieu tif sncb sMate aid wbhie hbheee valdeit by placlng the- aid plant noad under lie Pruposed bond Issue, Tht- watoth le Upper Pt-anns DeveiopasentBureau a! Mihigan in *MMÔUtWg arount I*&ke Automobilie Yàute *à*%Paiaiio 944sa vii li e tak- e up frtias atUithe «tmeeting a! the club. Tii. club 5150 indorsdthle use o!fiags on machines and basn e- tuesteit ail mombers te show the col- or. oc their cars c6ntlcuously. Nov uembershlp carde art- novlie- ing lssued, lie membersbip commit- tee baive fappliea o!embut-ma. Tht- toiroving comimltes have bt-en apointeit: M.emhtrahlp commîttet- E. Ray IFE3 :ESS Chica- ed to ;SFUL. trength ne to. rnysioan 1in Carge. "Net st-hou are ve hrilled liT deeds or ierolam vhert- mon or voan- t-n are injuceil or lat- their llvte 'le attempting ta preserve or rescue tht-fr fellova; sncb li e ht-rot-s of civ- lhsation."-Andrew Carnege. Waukegan'a bt-ca of today la Mor- ris' Powell, t-mpioyed as slslppleg dlent ai tht- National Envelape plant. That bis sisterls days might bW pro- longed on. eartb. Morris on Mocday liavet sillled surgeons at Augus- lana Haspital, Chicaga. la tep a vein in is hiohdy and tàlke thtrttram ane quart of blood. Within a few seconds lime thibietlood vas paosilag tbrongh the veina andt arteries of bis ser's body, and iY Ibis b lood tranafualion Bandera. Cbr. H.L V. Shanit. 1C. A.1 Il la reporled, tht- young ladyse litt- Wonacit, Ed. Yoeman. Pfrank Nolai. han bt-en saveit. t). T. Webb, and L. B. Wynn. On tht- 2lnt ofNMarc-b Miss Maude Commnitîce on Jours. wha vi i soPowell, daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. have euptrvision avec te Flying John Powell of Victoria street. North Squaitron. receniiy ocganiz.-d by the- Chicago, underwent an aperation at Charnieraf Comme c ii onsist of tht- execulive committet-. namely as folowvu Chas. R. Lyon, Il. W. (lady. T. J. Stebi, . P illis n sd Oh. B . Hoem. eÀSTEMN ÇAPITÀL TO FIIAtiCE CITY'S FILTRATION PLANT Corporation CounselSays Men of WeaitliHave AsrdHlm ARE NOW SEEKING A SITE. $1 25,000 Asked for Brass Co. Site-Nixon Tract Across Street le Favered. That Eastern cepilaliats have givetn Weutegen positive assurance tbat t-ey viii finance tht- purchaet andl Instalation a! e filtration plant, vas lie salemeet mate ra lie c-lly cotn- cl Monda>' nîgit ly Corporation Couneel Bnitley, vbo bas conferret di tie moniet men le Chic-aga. Mr. Buitie>' dit cal go latt afal tht- detalis a! lie atuatian. Ht- as- isert-itsimpl>' liaI ie bas canterreit wilh tbhe capitaliats andt aaxt tht-y have authorizeit bim tu, ass-une the- clty council lhi tht-r.- an ao doubt about financlng tht- propositioni. The cils! remalning dîfficulty. sccording le -%I. Onvis. la regardlng tht- pur- Chase o! landt (ma whlc-h tht- proposé-i fiter pant viii be establstied. Efforts ta st-cure tht- site tariîa.rly occupleit by lie Thotmas Brase anaî Iran Company bas niel with e very cbIily cesponse. one-of tht- htada o!i lhe Comnpany aaseting that $125.000 la tic ltast etwîb tht- ilecan lbc securit Et-tn tht-n tht-rt-ila onslterablt- touhl, accordlng ta 14c. Btlklt-y, as to vitler a cit-ar tille could bt- se- curci as a reait a!f lie ong-pendlng litigation belveeaî tht- stacthidere o! thie campan>'. Wbile the prîcoet-tked ftac us prapert-y la exorbitant, Il vals assat-I flta iit-eNison tract vblch lies opposite tie valer vanta, can lie par- ciaed ton J16,000, and investigation has éhovn that the coal of piping tli evaten 10thi. pamplng station vwoudt 5 lt-greasî.Members o!tlit- City cornacil lcoheit ver>' favorahi>' on U4 i.plan. .11 eMan* 8oifiiinesa 14 An agait Crma setdils vita ver tMach &Iven ta, qnsrrelngs. One day. af*a particulani>' nepleasant scone. teot voman emenhet, vti a sigh: "Voi I vlsi l'vas la heef en." "I viii y 1 ff lea àbetr-gardee!'-sinulet ber huaien. *'Ach, Jeý criai the lb.o vits, "alvas Ys y try ta pic-h ontt h. het for yonrseifl1 tirs Wow-t-i one. pshli Auguelane Hospital, Chic-ega, for lu- mo anarse gali atones. 2Eaesthat aper- ation Mien Poweli's condition bas bt-en regardeit as aiermlng. As tht- days passei ht-r condition grew veaker. andt on Sueday Dca. Oc-cut-r and Pere-y annaunce thlaI "ew biaod' vasneeded la save Miss Boy- ell's Ilits.t -Tht- biood o! ht-r body conlains lilîle lite, We nedthi le hiood of a bealthy and atrong usan," salidthlb noted surgeona. Il needed no c-oaxing la gel Morris Powell la make lt-e sac- rifice. Ht- vent la Cicago Sunday and announcedt tit ha' vas rt-ady la, give ane quart or mort-af biood tiat hia aleter's lite'might he prolangeit. Tht- operalion vas pertarmeit by lie noît-i surgeons late Moeday atter- I foof. "At 8:45 last night 1 receivedita ýmeeisage tram lihe hospitai thal my slster's condition vas mach lmnprov- Sed. She la grovlng sîranger t-adi bouc, and It in possible liat analier blood transfusion operatian viii lie eeces.ary'" salit Mca, D. E. Trafls, a! 547 Caunny street. vho ina a 818er of tht- yaung man andt tht- young voman. Rt-v. Gansier ot Christ church bad ht-en callei tol Miss, Povell'a bedslde aIn M onday. LOCAL '.'TEAM ENTERS MEUT 0f CIJICA(iODISTRICT Tht- Y. M. C. A bas entereit a vol- ley bail team là tht- A. A. P. volley bail tournamntett Chic-ego ton tht- champlonablp o! Chicago ait vicin- ly. Cames yl lie playei t -Sweek aI the different asaociations. Tie dravings are lu ho maie toaa'ftor tht- aciedale. Il la hopeit tht- local assciatIon viilb. alei.te, bave at even if tic Waukega tem tacs not play lu tie gamne. Tic team selectet b>' Capt. Hem>' Whyte lo- Dr. Ambroce. Joie Davis, George Drymitals, B. I. Kit-e, Dr. Mes- sic-k, Brt Tomptitas ait Cbarli, Wiyte. Six mec are ho pIeay tn eac-i gamue. Teese regltratjon tee pays for t-e banner for lie Champions. In the Business Men'$ LeAgne gamos iast nigil tie Surts vos tvao!f hemr gemes wilh lie Colars. The Coffe van al l hree gaines againat lie ITis. Thiis mato.tbe leaguestcanding: Colle nice van; Tic", fve von. tour ladt; Shirts and Colars ectiwvn tvo ad lest seven. le numier of points mate. te Ties are aheait. iaving 113 Pointa. vÊiie tht- ('Ufs bave 107 lu tietr credit. Tht- Shirts bave sconed 96 pointe andithle Colacs 77. . &1155 o the Stamm Tie vlac-lY ofaararaem lu hw factor o! Its efeCUVea&». Uanlhe Mr tintary humnait ap«eieac,*e sefl «! i star Increases vîlhli Is gatycci yocrs adIth l ie vliof "bh"u hOMO Us Ilai.tii. Young vho casup - lis the c ALLMIE O~E WANTS TO DIE; SAYS LIFE IS À BUROUN Edward A.- Sherwood Brought to Wauke~a From Belvi- dere VWednesday. PEARCE OFFERS REWARD. 0 oBvWho wiII Shrodas Man Mho Gave Check.. Waukegafl April 18. At thet .9; ! ltewhen oarthly Ipleaaw" anul only such as coma trom tIib.&o ofne.etlovai onte. Eduard User. wo& aCwicgoan, ha. conteed te Assistant Police Chie! Tyreii tht ho r4saMatd ta forgery ln ordef t. §et the a" om oeded ta, susteilits. Shpewod-sarroasd tel I SVWOrO Wedapegdey. Me had been hold for forgery et Delvidere, but the. Pol" of thitPlaee failed 10 mAki a&case Tho pa!ly Un furnished thf titP" en, uhiOli the poor old moin vas or- restai. Hl' denled hie gulit te à Sunt reporter, i. the. COUi ut the Station Wedday flue.t Today, iiowever, Chief TyrrIl "swoed" Sh.rwood for- two heums endntt eti. nd ef thfft time th.o Poot old fellow dropp"ei hu heancd ut- tsred Ibis exclamstion! '-i-m guity-OGod heip mol- "i et-yer vas se disappolatodIn leal my 1f. as 1 vas viien Sborwood made, lhe confession." sald Tyrrol- "11 had svweated' hlm for tva bours but t bld go because thet vas9 my duty. bul all the, lime 1 was talitig wltb i t vas bopini ho would lie able te prove hîs Innocence" Sherwood will ot lie sent ta pri- .son. Tht- iaw does flot demnanit auch punishanent for a man of bis age. Ht Is trît-ndlîtssandeiwitbout tante. What lie net-de mort- than a prison sentence la frit-nde. and Il ls exiiet-i becase' viii lie setîledin l a marneer wbich viii pleaso ail c-nc-t-net. Tht- sgt-Jman viii repay the- lasses' sustaînei.t nI is banda by Wauitegan business men and s-ltlaite tht- piedge tolad- an boneatIfle in lie future. Sberwod la froma Chicago and gives his ago as 73 years. .l'm sicit, and 1 trust tisaI My pray- t-r for de *Iaawili bc answered." This vas Ïhe trat statement madea hy Edyscit A. Sbenvood. a Chicagoan. vhsn he vas tirave mbt a ctil In Waukegnn last niait. Sbtrvaatw vas placed under arcestetaIBt-lOt-ert- yts- tenday. lie la charged it wt forgc>r>. Tht- police clairs that Sherwood I.i tht- mac wbo passeit a forgt-d chec-iN et tht- Pearce store tva veets ago. Il develops thel tht- man vho passed lic wortht.-'s che-ck aItbe Peacce store also passedoiOnt- ettht- Curet- pharniancy. Tht-chtc passeit at tht- Curtee-Pbarmac-y dort-tment of Dr. Johnson, tht- den- thst. Bth chtcita are in tht- sauet- bande rlting and boti wece made outI for lt-n dollars.1 1 *'Sirvoad was llght-ht-artt-dly tait-1 ing bis deparlare tram tht- courtt room at lt v dt-e sIre- ytsttrtay,1 wlitn a 'blonde man vith a flurt4% face' arase near lMa.door. apote ta Sherwood, andt puling-a paper tram is poctet rt-ad a warrant foc Iils arrett for passlng torged cht-citeet Waaitega,' rt-ads t-e j3tlvldere dis- patci. 'I ceuldn't have dont- that nohov." sait tht- man o! soutbt-rn irti, 't'ee net-tr bt-en inftint tave." "Wt-lt. l'Il rive yau a trip 10 a place you never bave set-n ietpre. tht-n.' ce-1 plitd Policeman Thomas Booth. Tht- casýe whlc-h the- Belvidere po- lice had agaInat Shervootl was nons too slrong. as lbe lait vhom b. bîret ta, cash the chtck was nol certain af bis man, as tb. !eliuv itept a banitterchlef ovonbils face cOgllu ing Int filantd vlplng hie, nosewvile h. talted tolatht- boy. Ie epeating vlh a Sun reporter le his ct-Il lest nigit. E'ervood said: if amn 73yenrs Cid. Lucthban been againit me alne. my vite dled 12 yeans ega. i vasthie youngest child I and aithtuafinie i amn alane le tht-1 world. 1 bave helpeit a 900d mme> friands in my lIme, but 1 ton't vant 10 ast fltm l belp me nov. I will bear My sorrowa alone. Tht- lant lime 1 vas in your cil>' vas st-yen years ega. 1 amn innocent o! tht- charge an vilci I bave beau errent- et, aed I vii libcaile 10 prove uy Innocence." Shervooit bat ;5'L95ilebils clties viien arresteit. He toidthle Sun man tiat he vont la IWdeete pay a social cal, and that; b0 boYrOvt-d $50 tram a friendwville tho?5. Mayor Wm. W. Peamceailvliil Tht- am t liaIb. vouli poy a rovard ai $10 to lie Wauk@gan boy vbo iroulit came torvard d itiC7 .BerwOOd 1 s the mmnwbçr nset bille to the - drug Mmqore« f.WvIflkswolo casl choc%$ §W $10',- I&enwod's c«m. ili b e ilItuI Opir ÀK TOPAYSAL4ÀKS. 1 T CIJLVEx, tM. TO ITS ENL1STJ3D Spe siai Train WIII Carry Cadets Ail Companies of the Stel1 o Cllve ~atip-JM e~ Trust to Pay Wages to Thos on SwIYtr Ça WWho Answer the Cali. six Wackegas iui3chlO ctu- îMANY PLAN TO ENLIST. dents-alil monbers qf thU ic itary , a cadet corps. bave reglstered for tht- tHad If.j Sa&, Hoplng ei higli sehoul training camb n t- Cuiver. k C e lad.. vich viii be holil for two veuea rtng on Monday next. A Familles in. Absence. spetlal train viii currytlb.cadets *Qei,àr 3 (rom Chica.go te Culver. sud ibis Facilites ofeon pioyes 0of lhe steml train wiiilt-ave on Bueday 11h15g. company vho loin the landl or naval1 Th ii hiiechool students o1 Wau-. forces of the Ucited States viii Bot 1 egan who have maie appiçltI Dbecee-depndnt ander a Plan 110v 1are: belin deveioped b> officiais et the W ILMAM BOUTWBLL compeny, il ham becn ancounceil. ERIC CARLOON , IOTRTORRISTIAN1 JACK BAIROTOW WALRM I KNNEDY William Bautitefl ts a "guide" le lhe cadet corpsaildlDavid Mraklne la a sec-oM lieutenant. Jack Baretov Ioa ason 0f George Bairstuw, recentiy electeit as super- visur o! Waukega ctowahip. Ail the boys a rgstrdVers toid to -bring lhe follovlllg articlée' Two blacitets. tour tavelà, tvo imite of untervear, turss pairs of sonce,. an extra pair of black shoes, six' bandkerchlefs,, tva pajaunas. comb and lirush, 1001h brueli and puste, soap, ilaciting and blrùsi. Tht- direc- tions rt-ad: There la, no objection bo studenls bringing ta lhe camp Ilshing lacigle,l camera.,» musical Instrumentsatnd athletlc acceesorlea flot of a buiityl nature. In tht- tvent of warm veath-i t-r a batblng suit nîay b.- desireble . PASS BREAD, WAe TER A» DIMUR MEASURES MONDAY Couneil on Monday Nght Takes Deo"ve Step--Memsres Are EffectiveShortly. , ortinances eofaiuteetalta t- or>' resident of Wankegan wt-re pas- et ai tht- caunci meeting bManda>' nlght andt htcame effective vîthîn ten daye afler their publication. Tht-at-ordinances are: BREIAD ORDINANCE-Every las! of breai saldite teciiy muastIre wrepped In paper ta pratect it againat dont andt disease gernîs A penalty of !rom $5 ta $25 foc eatb offense k., proviud-t. WATER ORDINANZCE--Et-t-ny Wpua son wba at-ils botîleit spring watt-c ihuat stecilize bis battît-s villa hou lng watt-r oratt-sm esc-b ime bt-tort- t-e battit- aran refllit-. Tht- penalty foc violations la tram $5 ta, $25. DIMIXER ORDINANCIt-Automno- biles, matorcyclea andt bicycles whlc-b bave dazzliîîg headllghts cniha'.e tht-m dimant-itvleie mate icty limita. A penalty of $5 to $25 le pro vîteit for tadi violation. for e tew days, andt in tht- mesetinse Chie! Tycreil viii "eveal' himn. "I'm a alcit man. 1 cent att-tp. andt as Ilite blde no pit-nedres foc me i votait veicome death," eaid Sher- vood. 'Ht-'s a sic-t ont-e. oatlng foc sym- pathy 'ainesit>. i amn positive fithat v. have the-igb.t man, andIf itwoutiil cLt surprise me toar t-aeIat tbis oIdj mse ta wanîedb- hle police c-it-tao! usany oft!elielg cilles," sait Tynreil. CHARGED WITH FORGERY.* Charles ItubInqon, eephew of Wal- lon Cavonder, via vas acrestei t a Waukegan at-r ho bat attomptedtot pans a aorget check ai tht- Peuple's Bank, must rture b Evaaevilt, led. toniglit ta face a targory cierge. At 1 O'clock this.aternoon Cuver-1 cor Lavten signedthte requlsition papers andit a 1:30 P. nm. States Al- lurne> James G. Weic-h recelvei t Uit telegram trou Sprneldi, 111. i Requlsîian paperas sgneit. Arcive Ilen Wiukt-gaeai 7. Arrange redenne o! Robinson. I boIt a warrant for hie arreet.- ahariuS forer>'.11 Bi"ed, Joie Seaies. detective. - -',"' Yestenitay the- statea attorney' ns- «tIvoit a elégrn tframt E. ari- sohiti. police c-iet f o vanavlié, saylng thal Rubinson bcd peas e sv* eral fongeitd chk eIn vansviIe, led. Robinson, vit-n arreat.d, gave bis came as Horsc, D. Alon. Ho denlod his guilt ht-ns, ad hoved a liank caruct vilci sboved a balance o! S' In an Evansvilie, Indians, liant. l't p so helit to thieOctoben grand - S.> Police Magistrale Taylor on uitcharge, andt bis bonite ver. -.q50. He .1111occuples a el - eount>' lait but ithe :iates at- -r litcause th ocas.e galest In'îvleldiana, la usuc i nthe cast- bors. 1 -ovidinig for Pay Day. 9 nsareaOssOnSc1amrudayet. ec5tamKisie7OUM', a4 CIWj of- 00 ethLe pme a- steel À*iWre Company lu dwiwang a musure by whlch eseployes vlth tapendents viliiho pait a porton of [ibeirqa.larles dun»g tru Qf sqrvce ln the arpiy o«n avy, bit delcOs of the plMan ere ton comlicatedtofa h ennlounceil f-hani, but nid an- nouecement of tht- patriotte measure vouid ho made thîs weei. il le u naffilclal> underalcoi thât ail selbardinaît-conipalies of thatt-ai corporation. lncluiting lie Kîgle. Jo- Ilet aad liastern railîrad, and lie American Steel and Wlre Company, vili h. lnc-nd@dlte .plan. Information sn fer availabit- mdi- cales thal Utt- plan extenda la »Ii arlie mpoiyes of the- campany only, andit Ist proportion of salgrles vhic-b viii lie paît viii b. determinet by the present saiary, number of de- pende nie and t oher conditions. -Il would be fallty taattt-mit ta expiain tht- ieasuce wthout havlng tht- plan wrltter out in detaît' said thae officiai. Loi-ai officiais or the- st-verni subI.t diaries a! the teeat--tcorporation ha've rîttasei tho confiimtht- repart. hIlci has bt-ce prt-vaeea.set-trai itays. that tht- Plan vas hting developed. It la underatood delinite information con- cernlng detailis nov tula -ose cf preparation are heiog avaiteit. To Embrace Hundreds. Huntreits of emplayes ofthet-ettel mille, vire milsaaidthlb.raiiroad viii camte under tht- provisions ufthtb- plan Il la unt-ruatood. -Statue of men who have enlilïted wthin tht- month bas flot ht-t-ct- noanced. Approxlmntt-iy 35 cnt- ployo's o! tht- E. J. andt E. rallrclad b ave enlisteit. Nlany of tiae Pm,, are vage employes atnd il la moat knoowia oy many v. il -tant- under *..- provisionis of thete.-alcocmin'. relie-t plan. AIl salari-id empl,.ye-ti howver, Il le undecatood. vîli be in. cintt-d. Emplaves of oît-c subsidlary compvni-s bt-rt- also lhave e'ilsted. Many companles. et tht- tam.-of the' rcc-nt cali ta arme andt a3-)t bt-lt tht- National Guaril wes mohllized foc servik-e on the- barder made er- rangements ta cttain empioyî's caIl- dt-J lahie c-lors on the- paycoli duc- lng tht- perlitd of service. Partionas of salaries ranging from sn emount t-quai to, the- illl'trenc.- b.-lv.-eîthe- comi.any salar>' and t h. govecnmc-4a1 psy, b astateit s .p--iiI bas;ei an the number of dpetndenîs w.-re tht- cule at tiet lime. Thet-ettel campany la lh elargeet ,'nati(,%."- vhic-b bas 1loI uc-lt) att-p il la underslood. Tht- scope -of tht- order la nat knove. Whetbec tht- plan wili pre- eaul In ail subsidlarles ofthle t'aated States BteletiConmpany or oaaîy le tht- 111hcl ,is panets has eSt ht-en an. nounct-d. UnofficliInfocrmation le thal tht- arder vii li e natIon-vIde. apixlataely 2,000 ena- ployes le Wauhegan lu the corpora- lions affiliat-t vitilbe steel Inter- ests andithle monthly payroll ap)praxý Iataes nean>' $100.000. The plan ta expectei tolaincrease t-e montily pay appropriation by many theusanit dol- latre. The- lat-st measure foiiavs close ]y au nenonaictmeel of a 10 pe-r c-Ct' vage raise effective Mey l. RnM2re oi banuses tllroqgh thvlie utmer are alo beg ht-art. aithaagi ne official confirààîlon can lie obtaint-i. A spsilinu Tesm. Long &ga nome unlvenaity prof~,os «U d 1 be Preeldeut Eliot, pradnced à tect sentence ibat vouit serve« ezanÙmatlon le apelUng toc old Noah Wesater iaseit, 'lIl la amumieg te vlev lie nnpacellelet aJabara,~ c of a barassed i - ac or sastiter, ilI on a eumter>' wttIl and viaving e çymmetr>' ot n pt-cled patate, pomm- grenie or p.rsimmuon,' LiNe Shaped by Thoughts. A Parlicular traie o! tiought 9prp etsted tla, b. litguait or bail. can nottt te ProdUA» lis recuite on thc charate an ehusàc. À mma om« direoily déqffl hW, Circui lS4t4aas.ut hob *"»ebcn tb-uýI& *ad Op Iir lt*, s~soya'>, oem»bis oit -4 »M sAles. RECEIVE ON~E REPLY. "You Can Depend on Me" Is Congressman Foss's Re- ply toTelegram. B.lleslng ihiat trac dpmorracy do.- pends tapon co-opprallon and the t- Ociency of ail. and thait thé volunteer sys1cm Ofminllltary service la failiug tu tend lsa support ta thim progran, the- Waukegan Chamber of Commerýce ias responded ta President Wilaua'& appeal and *ypnterday ithe foliuwtg telegram vwas sent to St-cabri Lewis and $llerman. Congmese.n Fons, Ma. son and %lcCormick- Wankegan. lilinois, April 191h. 1917. Wauko'gan Indorses universal car- vice and encourages cur repressa-- tive% upholil Preelent. Waukegan Chamber of Commerce, Paul WilII., Secretary. Thie morning the. Chamber of Com- merce rsceiv.d the following idre f rom Congrasaman Foss: Washington. D. t., April 201h. Wauksgan Charnier of Commerce, Wankegan Ilîlinois. Yosar tieagrom et bond. Waukegan con depend on me. d Seo. Ednuund Fosa. Ail patriottc citisea vwho have the beet Interests of tht- country aethert should wire our t'ocgressmen. and ea- courage tht-an ta support tbe Prost- dent ai this i. ie. The- experience bore In Waakegan shows that the- Volun- teer System lisflot respoedlng ta the pressing needa of thet. imes. and the Ipragrina for siecîlve draft shoulit re- celys the- support ut ail, a. eveiy In- di*îdeal oves l 10 his nation as a universeal obligation lu serve In vhat- ever capa.cily lho labt-st fOtteit for. Clede Weste bUlais a qnlck teuper, Fmâu' vas the. excuse given hy ra o"*r a Woys rude act. "Io he quici t aI ie lemomerlmuS. quetion. «Ne," va. Uie ruerl. "Je ho quic At aI.ptsr S. l tiqr went on. *gain the answat wu "Ne. 'U e hoqalitla eb.diescer «We," autithe qpeaoe, VISa Ivi" n bbl ll.oye, 'If eho ha MMS illek bWd b~ettUr e im be,k vii do him nue gQOo. Ira eu. Sut veuet. t.puet ie ou Meuwsm."-BW. ledpeneutreeerSUONU. !. BMRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Mîiblee4d Ganite C.m.tery Work of lEvery Descripton à C4rm.poqdeuIce s501k1Ud WIj~R~ WLSRE. Buatnew ' en M orSeni la Thought Neessar. If Presideni ilondeem It nc- sArY la sendi our soutier boys inoa 481r Africa, do ào 4. cldsa u eeaary t10 ssid out boys Jutthe- tr~ba of 'a ia order liat the "lionor snd tic z_ receiveit train the buiness msn Waukeni Yeslerdar the Chanber ef Cm- ber o! om rc rec eiv i de ftrous Mr.MU.m: ".Your ivire receiveil. 1 favor «I- dos i ftlsaa h~êe '!'ie noringtcChauber of Coa j mErc reIlo a.follous: Ho.u. . IL MaS . . 1 Houte oflpsnate: -Yeu. Wanhegan Chaaifer oet$~ merce dos avor droatlg a American use for service le the W epesa tranches, or aayvboe. * tli a n use Wdeemeil noesary I the AdmInIstr*tion." - bir. Menou ddinot vote to uphold the Prositent viseUice ar isolea-, lion uasure pasoed, but it iSa t- lIeved liai ha' vIli b. guidoil nov * àtheaisbees of the men vho siecta hi mnto offie. iCungresn P ose bas piedied Waultegan liat h- will uphold theb Presitent no malter wiat be lb. cosl. "America tirei," set-mm to be (ongreesmean Fous motta. mwmmwAmmm»l%ý

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