Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 May 1917, p. 11

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IJ~RTYVI NDEPE1NDENT TURDAY, MAY 31917. '---- bée.î2-9a=14 Stone C., atone, Golf road ........ Dec. 13-A. Bebuenaman, road labor............ Dec. 13-Clarence Hldrifige, taamansd labor......... 4Dec. 13-Ben Krlstian. road labor ................. iÇOc. 13-J. Topparri, roafi la- bot .................... Dec. 14-W. A. Taylor, teste- Ibg ...-............... Dec. 14-G. Grahami, team- mIn ................ Dec. 14-W. Sansani, labar flac.14-W. Ramussen, la bar ................... Dec. 14-E. Day. teamlng.. Dec. 14-E. Blanchard, teani- lng ................... Dec. 1&-j. Erhart, teaming Dec. 8-Chas. Holdridge, teaming ................ Dec. 21-R. Marquis. labor. - Dec. 21-James Blanchard, expense bill ............ Dec. 21--C. LobfIuk. labor.. D«e. Il-Jatues Blanchard, lsbr ................ Dec. 91-J. Ryan. teanin.. D)ec -. N. 0. & M. Ry Co, f relgt ou stone. Golf road------------------... 1917. Jmn. 6-James Blanchard, % telephone bis......... Jan. 6-LIew'5*A. Hendee, Caunty Cleti, servies coufty taller and outllt 6 days et $16 perd&Y .. Jan. 6-C. N. S. & M. R. R.. fretht on atone... March 6-C. N. S. & X. R, R, freigit onuasinus... Match 1-c. & N. '.R co. treibi.toegd du.... Match 13--C. & N. W. RY. Co., freght on Pait.. Match 27-Bff Baes C.. dag sad pMb ...... Match s31e.Kriltan, baul. ing snd irapg ..... Match 31-JOO e Utatt. sctap- lingtrade ............. March 21-10e Murphy. arrapini roadi ......... April 3-H. Bidinger. tearn- let .................. AptE 3-Gen«Graham, teani- Apl 3-Bernard irstan. toad labor............ Apili 5-W. Taylor. teana- îi suad raid -at.. Avril 6-j0e Ethart, raid labor ................ April 7-James BlsuitaI roamilabot ....... S April 7-Carl Jensn, ders en North Ave .......... April 7-Sorensen Bras.. backsmithilg .......... Avril Ed *Blanchard. road labot ............. Avril 7-B. Kriattafl, rami labor ................ April 14-JOS. Elthsrt, teani Ing .......... April 14-Racine 8t0. o. Stone ......... .. 276.00 54.00 366.00 15.00 90.20 40.00 Avril 14-Edward Oour.a& -. - balance af tees for year 971 ToalIRoad andi Bridge Fuadu expeaded .........11158.29 RBCAPITULATION. Total amoont of toad and bridge fonda recivd .... $17093.36 Total amouat of road and bridge fondg dlsbrsed.. 11158.29 Balance on baud .6936.07 99.00 6~ 00: ~!al1kegan Locals * 500 24 90 2.00à 16.00 C 198-721 $0.00 148.»9 29.66 .76 .31 62.26 10.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 12.00 12.00 33.00 0.00 240 .00 3.50 MT. Evanus, regarded as Amerlca's mant skillesi nier print expert, paifi Waekegsis a viit today. Mrt. Evans l econaac$sed vth the Chîcago detec- tive bureau and fha camie to Wauke- Zan today ta oeil the states attorney ane of is picture machines. A Shlds Town Schod canteat vas held yesterday at the Central School, North Chicago. The winaarp for the Bonus School. irst place ln eritb. mettc. Margaret Sheridan: second place In teading, John Millet. aud lied for second place In spellfi&g Florence Doddlea and Margaret Kaf- bei4n. Theaihnuers for the Central Scliool were, fret lu spelliag. Joseph Mcilen ad third lu reaauiug, Au- na Nepon. The vrlting contact vin- nets will ha anounced Inter. The remiuing- places vers taken by stu- dents front Lgke Bluff. The North Bçhaol *noya ,lefated the stroul South Sebool teaarnof Waukegan friday night by a score of S ta 2 et McCanna Pari. The Lake Bluff WamaWs' Club, 0f wbicb M,». Clara Gurnee Ryckaff ta presideat, has beau giving a serîca of Sunday aternoon musical pro- grama$ which have attracted mhblu- terest among the women. Mns. Ray Lewis or Waukegan sang ai the oea beld Sunday. Flnd Milk Good Lubeiemt 1111k bas heen found to ho a better cuttiag lubrIcunt than oit ln a Chlucag geut tîîclory tlaismaqufacturing tllnd nuL-i out af a sat machine steel. - o a J% M NetoSm O.NMe WlbtU jUST AS BAD AS 1 poiSOM 4OF SNAKE.S. ae,Sou aiing«brck-du56" M6uafcrs byDrbotrn ot l Pýd oftblond o la id cuU odyof an4lqs oflu b e sive lutOulce lng. & Imm lhi bai tEl aclul4y, or "7 , t e-* va) covewelanvapclelAnc [vr. which ivit nlhmov out m4cnmpletély d or etsdicstO ibis -ri& mg IfO0uR i" selqstem. AntatiS lm8 110104tcbé' pm05y tintes more ipatent tsa 90444~e gç j ud canseqnently yj nedn Oýr formeular or srRçnul5 tp~ tuin or gaut, or manyoêletIi Sesses whuch are dipei deat on an spu n ofanaiunte acid Wiihu ïàd thse body. Parki lu-15 -.,lt4waIcondition as 1q resUlt ao f i»uttC8 reci-ived Monday1 night wban he vas otrîk-k ami crush- ed under the wheels of an automo- bile. The accident took place v.itlin a block of hi@ home. Biacon sAfered two bralcen lags, eever>- ci- tu one arm aud verbapi Internai injuries. The accident adcurred aboit seven <'lck ahen the torm 'sas at lit light. Bacon vas on lita way home. A&s le resched a point abuout a blockt froin bis home lie starteil tu crosa lte etreet. Belote doing so lie look- Sale1 Spring Underwear 'Women's 'Union Suits-Fine ribbed; lot' neck, no sîceves; silk taped;- 50c. Women's Union 5ute..,-Munsing-wea1-; finest cotton; peîrfeet ftting; Çq5c. GaUze Vest-For woien; neatly finish- ed; sale price 15e. mi lua both directions ta ma*ce sure iliat the coast was clear. The fog was so detnse and the ra;ii was failing so bard (bat Ilaon fai-d to percplve Ithe dim headliglits o? an approsching Ford automobile. Pu!!- lig hiji cap down more tightiy onuiL lead to keep It tram being carried away by Che wind whîiehwa-i îow- ing a gale, Bacon crauclued dean un- der hiie umbrella and G tarled acros.3 the street. The driver of the Ford was uinade ta perceive the pedestrian. Wlien but . I#JUEGÂX, ILL. "'The Beçt Store- On the 1>oith SYoW À-few feet away the autow tperceiv-t ed the uimbreUsi. Quick as~ a flash liei ,lami)(.d on lit emérgency brake but1 the wlieeI-ý refusefi 0 liýld on theà gilplpery pa' ment and the car slid1 forward fully lwenty feet. striking Blaron and erushing hlm to the pave- mient. The whe,1lu paeaed over lus body. Thue autoist janmped out Immediate- ly ta render what assistance lie could About the saine time Van Bergen and a companion named Blarr, drove along ln an auto. They atopped and helpefi te plees tho iiwed m5' and bha aasremoyed to hli 'iome when Dr. Bergen -was suommiied. The accident vas onavaidable ftopnelther the autolat or the pedeatrigu could be held ta blanie, under th1e cbrcum- stances. SHAKE IUTO IGui8f$5a Al.,,', iot-Esse, the$atlep±ic p.w .55km , tto the chose nd .-Pieukl5d ta..' bthi. 1> ,eleveipsintul.swoilei, Ui5 a.d tak".a uS. ,îout of e,,nî s4 t ced by the Altdan n«.,mlkse~ ,ivatug, c&cli,_ .tired i.lletee c4h Dr.Xitg eecywbfre. 2a'-. .lwal e n Alis&US. VIel, Le C. . k ' Long Sil Gloves 69c W'oînein's blaek and <orcd silk ZgioN-cg of tine qîîality and perfeet fit; $1.25 v-aIiueg, per pair 69e. Short 511k Gloves-Pure silk, ; black, wvhite andi colors; pi .... 9 Saturday-, Monday and Tûesday, The Last IDys 0f- Economy Sal The offcrings at this sale are a draxving magnet of the strongcst attraction. Merchandise of the highest quality is priced, in. Inost instaiwes aetually lower thau present wfiolesale quotations. Unustla1 Coat and Suit Offer High-Class Garments of Beautiful St'y le, Perfect Workmanship and Excellent Qualdity, Underpriced This suit anîd coat event is one of the most inportant attractions of the Spring Economy Sale. The garments are of a eharacter that make a ready appeal to wornen of good taste and judgxnent. They are srnartly fashioned in the newest modes, and charmingly trimrned and finished. The Suits on Sale Elegantly tailored of ex- cellent qualities of gabar- dine, poplin, tricotine, jer- sey, serge and broadeloth, ini Yevery fashionable shade; coats embrace cvery popular style feature and are silk lined; prieed at $21.75. Real Economy in Boys' Suits Two $~ Suits Here is a suit value that is imttmparable, for they are îîot only made with two plairs of knickers, but of extra serviceable mater- ils. Latest helted styles, in novelty mix- tures-ricli colorings; 8 to 15 vears, $4.98. BOYS' KNEE PANTS- KAYANEE BLOUSES- Nobby knicker trousera of WeI.kuown make; guar- handsome mixture oater- antead 10 boid their colgr in washing. Made of! lîglt Iis, In latent alades; ex- an& mediumn dark shirt- tra values I98cIn e.: 45at h( il: fe t] -'w LP The Coats on Sale Stunning new spring coatq for women and misses, in a variety of models. MIade of high-grade velours, poplins and serges in ail leading shades; Iined with beautiful plain and fancy silks; $21 .75. Economy Sale Men's Shirts M79c. If ev ery man could fully realize the imlportance of this offer, these shirts would be al sold before 9:30 tomlorrowi -mn'in'g. They are îegulai $100 values and corne in exceptionally pretty pat- ~ terns and colorinigs; soft or laundered cufs; ail sizes-choice 79c.. MENS WORK GHIRTS-Blue cbambray shirt. In dar ad lgh clor, llan imes; sale .J'J...... .... ...........S C Girls' Coats Priced at $3.95 2 ta 6 Vears. Attractive coats for chlldre n 2 ta0 6 years; made of se rg es and pop- lins. ln ail colora*daou bie bregsted and pait- ed modela: $395. Girls' Coats -t$6.95 Stunnittg E mpire stylap; made of sergs and gabardines in at- tractive clora; 6 te 14 years:6,5 Extirenie Values in lsir 4LWe Rose-Women's full Chitàme~k Boys, ashioned1 mercerized lisie and gi*l' 4Pehforeed cotton ýose; ail sizes; sale sl>s niec, pair.. ....5, s105er; spai ......... Bgot Silk Rose - Pure Chidku- -Uose-Fiinc rib- hread silk with.lisie tops 'and 1ed, stekhgi in black or' cet; blà-ck,whtad '%,ite w ellifore-2 olors; par ......45 C d;pir ...............c Bilk Hose-Women's pure Mon'$ .- Loe-Blaeýkwhite iiread silk hose, in blaek and and -rr-ydton lo double vhite; $1.00 values, DQ bcd and tee; sale i5z 8.............. 9é' price .......... 5 Homle and TORiY FURNITUREý POLISH-I-tu. -j)eat pal- teil>for higb-grade turni- ture: 12 once f bolie for .** 0 MOTIl SALLS-Also ln the crystalisedf orm, 6 ounce package 1o for .........* * CÉCAR MOPS-Polish and dustiug -Moa; reg- ulai, 75c values f fo.............. RADlATOR BiqU&l*I, --ýOod lbristies voven li- ta wlra fraue; 'c special .... . "'c Sale of- Modish Shoes] Anotlher styles is of soft, pliable blaek kid leather, in lace or but- ton. 13oots that are reg- ularly selhing at $5MJ and- $6.00; Eeonoîny Sale price $4.50. GIRLS' SHOIS Gua-maetai sud Patent witb lotb flepi;8% t1, 1,; at $196; Garden Nçcessiities CARPET BEATERS- SPADINO P1RI-f Made of strong spriug lUneaspiding torb~ i f wq vire; gond size. f steel; 1) haudle;. eacb ii ... c prîaet at... 7c TOILE PAPER - RAKES-12. 'on«tMii Gond grade tissue; sevea isable Ircin garden ralm; 6c rals special 25 icko~:ry. anole; f for........5 red..... 9e- - SAUCE PANS-.Sýet of three Wearever Aluni- PIE Pl-AMES-4>0àb nom saude paaa; 1 qt.. tan aloininuit -ngl 1W qt. and 2 qt. sîzes:. price. ir 1.39 sEEncb we zo for .. D-WebaY U. &PADE-âteel blade; nitos ompIet».' MUt '91 D) bendiesale .69C rdi-ad 1W~i pre......... 52C LseCuty\- . NÀ,D13AItH; WAS CRUSIIED BY -AUTO H. M. Bacon Suffers Two Bro- ken Legs and Possible In- ternalInjuries. H. NI. Bacon, aged about 45. and reidagopSeridAn Rosd, 3lighlan4 ~2I75 Silk Blouses $3.95 Dain t vnew blous1e creatiolis of imquality georg-. - ... ette crepe, ini white and wanted shades; ni o s t 1 v tailored models; regulai'ly ýel1 up to $6.ffO; chlooso froîn- many styles at $3.951. Musjlwear-at 95C À sample lot. incçudinz, values to, $1.75. Gowns. petti- coats,.gânvelope Chemiseand Ctset ,Cavera; oflaHli and nalnsock, rettilY trimmed witb fine laces aüd embrodr- les.- Chaire of the lot O95c. a r..~..*4 -- . Il Il i Il Il Wbéni n Wau!kegan Noi4Wp 'Lunich No walting for waitero Hp youraeà *f4i±fthfini nroe C*~t.ii Sylo trîcly-Sanitar3) 1 1 1

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