.. 2'~'- DR. BROWN (omtnud frer gaont.> te8Go,' sit thé man.1 "I askét hi. what vas thé traublé wttbMr. Ptérson and hé replIel that Mes. Petérean wap not sick. 'lU's oné'of thé boarders' hé répliéd. !Hev did ynu happén teoeIalituel l nquired.' "W. ver goiug to cal Dr. Cae- ho. but one ot thé men auggestéul *t w e cail Dr. Brown! I"Then Iakét hlm vhat was the' mater wth thé boardér. ant hé ré pliét. that thé boarder was élher dunk or lsé had been poisoeéd. *'Hqv did he gt truuk in a dry towu." I asket. *"Ofi. h'a been 10 Ké- nioah," replied thé guide. "By fbt C tmis véJ1'r «,ched the PeterXon home. 1 vas ushercd te to e lied roomn on the second floor." "Weil, my son." sait 1 addresaing. thé ii man, "vhal thé trouble- Th 'inian vbn vva s ck in b.d ré- Pliét that hé vas lu gréai pain, thai hé vas awfully sick. Hé vasa sic& paln, and hé leoked i. He sald thet hé batl gréaipains ta bis stoxachi ant hé laid is hand acrosa is stoni- aceht'> indicate thé source of hif pain. I took hie pulse. it vas about 90. H'wva vomiting. 1 asked blit '.1ère he had heén and bli said that 4 h. vent te Kenesha that de>' te buy léatier. I askét hlm if hé lied bad anything te drink vllé in Kenosha mil hé répliét that hé bat taken ey- oralsauopa andt. >eeraI hottîesaof beer. Hé alao tbld me that hé bat iaten -noeéfi'eelunch. I éxaminéd hi. inot caréfuly. Ise'. that he bhat beén oeraltedupon and I askéd him vhat for. Jf e répliédthIat hé bat untêrgoné an oeération fer appéndi- citis. Né tlt me uho bat opratet but 1Io tenermémber thénaine. 1 Mid te hlm that ls a funnyplace for au nielin fer appénticîtié. Whén 1 plaet my hant over is tomach hé criét out ln pain. "I decîtét that hé vas suffering fr0. uiiute getritis. 1 tecitedtoteput him at rést bY thé giing ef a mer- Vbph ypotrmic. ant thia 1 prépar- éd Wo do. It lsappossible that I made a wtgung tisgnolp. if ne I arn nt thé ilv doctet te dose. If I vas riglht ta My tiagnoas i dit ail thet any ' 400ter écet havé doué for thé man. 'Âttr My e xami5Aton /f thé siclu mas I- 1vent townétsro, ipiiéd my case, ont inquiret of ira. Ptérsoit lit mli' bat raay boilétvatér. 5h. ' ýbreiplt me peme i a -spoon, and I prépret thé hyp6termic. Wblle théré i thé tinillg roem i cerne upon tue lttle girls.. 1 pokeé W thé little gils ant aket tliém uhat thé>' ver. tOing eut oft b.d et suclian heur. 1 toIt thém the>' uoultti't gamy up te b. bécutiful ladies if they. stayetd u .e,'>' npight until il o'cieck. 'hey lauglet ant 1 laughét vitil tbem. i am telinayon thies uaf tsbqW My traméetfmimd at thé heur of my vis- "-; il Wthé Ptérson home. thé $2, Anderson turned te mes and hle roomi on Sunda>' night. éaid: 'If I see Conrad tomorrew enu Mrs. Peterson toila a tory, wbien we get hack the $2?' 1 toit hlm ne was pitiful, pitiful Indeét, but she ceuld ose Conrad but that It wouldn't didn't phow vbére Dr. Brown batl re- do hlm an>' good. 1 did flot mean fueed ald, or m'at an,, attempt hadi b>' tbat that 1 wouldn't mare Carlson beén mate tà get help tram ethers. a count>' patient If Conrad said lîý I 8be alpo toIt thet Carlson dIed vas one."1 owing ber $36, -but sbé admittédtat At this yVo States Attorney this su. lied heen pait to hébr by Welch read Dr. Brown'a contrect with the Chicago Viking lodge atter Carl' the Board of SupervIsop. bon's death. "If Mr. Conrad had told you to ai- Under cross éxamination ohe at tend Carlson would you'-ýave done mitted that Dr. Brownl dit flot 5Y e?" asked Mr. Welch; "Yea, 1 cer. anything she regarded s- tiscoi"- taini>' would have done so," repld teous while ln ber présence, but site the count>' physician. dit aay that Dr. Brown bat flot act- Thén l#lph J. Daty lu bis usuel1 togmatlc manne, bégan bis cross ex.- amination ef thé witnéés. In mucli thé saimé mannér that Dat>'hullierl the vitnessés ln thé Orpet case dît hée bandIe Dr. Brown. He sougblt to trap Brovn wyu llaid»catch .quesu- tions. Hé aought te prepount thosé hiypotékstl quesIons vhich Pie herd aket b>' Jim Wilkersou aud thera vhe dfntét Will Orpet vhen hée vas on trial for bis 1hie. Dat>' tangléit hlmself up lu thèse questions until final>' Fred Kirsch- uer, chairmun <if thé board, gréw véary of bia task of "preslding Jutgé" sud varnét im egainsl ré- peatlng que%tlous. "*Who are éntitiedt b ceunt>' aitl as'et Dat>. Dr. Brewn répliét that men vlth- out moule>, ithout filent, cnd vithout sgmi'athy frpm those chari'- abIMinoliit er. samong these te- sérvIng of céDaI>' ait. Ths anaver dit sol atit>' the man whe vas the péPel'és econd - ent a poor acnd-choic. for tatésà et torne>'. 1"f don'I ceniter men vIa occupy thé front hétroém lu a home sucli as thé Ptersen's home. ent who cen effortot bu>' sévéral drinks of vhig- k.>' and IpaveraI bottiés of béer coln- t>' patients," spolié up thé countY physicien. Whén Chairman Wlcb sustained an objection vhicb Mi'. Welch bat raisé totethé linée ofquestions askéd b>' Dat>', tbén RiWph took an apPéal te thé beard.' Henry EPger jumpedtulebis fé"t thén and asket that Brovn anévér thé Oeétions. Âlmost te a iman thé bard membresaupPortet thé decci- ion of théir cbalrmé.. Thé voté muIgt have beau 18 ta 5: Dady réalisét thén that Dr. Bror-vn ura just as mari, If nt a amarter nmm than hé. cnt hé diâmlsee thé Thé ou'>' vîtueps vIa teok lb" stand eut effrét éevidence vhiclh In an>' mennér àtiprtet an>' chargo vas lirs. Pétérson. 8hé téstitiet thal Carlson wvas terribi>' 11, an$ Ihut lie la>' al ta>'Monte>' ont ail Mntay niglt vithoDl médicalattention. Sue st ahé dltn't celi Dr. Broyanlié- causé she titn't 1k. him. SI.et- millet thet shé kuév that ltau Conrad vas thé pour mestér aut thst hé veult bavé suPppied médicaldi éd ln -a gêntiémawli>' nenr. -A. Héliman vas thé last wItnéuae cuflét b>' Dat>'. Hé vas afilé at thé reqisaI ef thé state's attorney. Hé admittét that lie bat sauret Dr. Gourle>' tht -hé voult récéLvé on>' for thé -opération, and hé also tot oi receving $100 for huriél expéliséa, aut $36,for thé board bill from tbý Viking Iodgée t Chicego. ,.1 . When the chroud of mystel'> which hua cloaked thé éttack made on Or. A. E. Brown, coun- t>' physicien, was torn from lte fasteninge today by the Lake county boar'd et supervlsors Il: "o. vealet James Woo(mafl ("mutty Jlm") us the instlgator of the dastardly plot te oust Dr. Brownl nes uperIntendêflt of theoLake County Gênerai Hospital. During the Investigation atarted hé- foe.thé aupervisora todey it vais ahovn that: P¶rt-lt la mot the Bwedisb people ot Waukegan who ar e bhint the moveinent to onat Brown; Second-That the Swedlah people who dit join ln thé' movement agaînat Brown, did 50 et Woodman's réquest and thet ln their désiré Wn extent charity to the neét>' and a liélping band te thoe.ln distress, thé>' uent in wlth Woodman, not Inovin>' the true tacts ln the case. It vas ..Axel Lybeck who tore the sbroud of mystery tom the casé. Un- ter' oath Mr. Lybeck edînitteil W the supervisera that James Woetinan bad appeared- letore tvo Svediali lodges and that lie bad requested the. to àdept résolutions asking the hoard te supervisors to disits Brown a« colin- ty physician. Mr. Lybeek aise simittét thel thése résolutions were typed on a typévriter kIn the office ut the Waukegau Gazette. £DITOWB NoTE:-Tho waukegan Daily Sun hu» ne quarrél wlth the Swedléh peoplée o Waukêgan. Thé Dailly Sun bélléveu Mr. Lybéck and iRichard Rinaido Ie bé mon of honoét>' and integrit>'. Thé Sun belleves that Rov. Erlcen, who léaééuiétIng In con- ducting the nvetlgatonla a mInis- ter of thé goépel ef whom thé Wsu- kêgan Meihodié.t church uné wel b. proud. R.v. Eriséon la a man of drent iêarning. HMsoesdesîre seéms te b 1te dutl fairl>' with hie fêllew mon. - Rev. fricion appeared béforé thl 1hoard todcy and matées a apt é'sni- r uwé Iý Umwtbcos a mué usum vééhs ugo. *eéV. Erlcson. ln part. "Oéntioen, thé subjet on vblOb 1 amn te apél inet a pleéait one, and 1 assuré you that I amrnobohre for poUlitca léson,1Ihavé neoaàé Wo grad and, lu appéarina béforé YOU I amn tidoing se actuatét b>' a spirit ot rét'énge, 1 a héréin thé namé et bumant, setjuitic-1 amn hors bétausé thé peur people ougbt Wthavé mearn ed ympathy. wich bas not béén théirs in puit montha. Izan hère bécane. thé bande 'ohIcl bav ddnu~,t rékkla thora fmi,. linca Mal et thé -mm ilu chargé Ibet of a foot- slloémakera shop on Mro tét bail1 Reénd. 1 amn ber.becausé 1 b. Carlson vas a çripple.Howan Paové Ibère shoult lié a change ln such phyaicel condition thst hq vas' county doctors. Wé are here to pie- unable tW carry a glass of water acrose mént a malter known as thé Berger' a maIn vithoul spillingg aeaéfetit. Carléon casé. A fund of $66 bat beén collectedtlu "Berger Carlson bat- been in the Waukegau for Carlson and be usét a United State but sévén yeara before part. pi Ibis suin laopen up hlm coli- b. d1.0. Hé tiét vith but onue urviv. bliug bop. Ile vas, fot a coblilér by lut, rélative, an aunt, living in Chii- traulé. When ho renled bis shop frein OugO. Ber. comlng to Waukégan Eric Cilon hé owét a board bli Carlsen bat livet at thé Viking home lo6 $38. At the limé of is téalb he ln Grnéé. Hé camé te Waukégau bat but $1 in cash and soeétooas hi Itovémbér r et 91. In .innuaryland leather. hé rtUrnédt W thé Viking home but Wé wlli présent Nitnesses beforé The store that gives the yg"ung man what he.wants in clothing i1 (érîsuln vent W <Moéa vill én- other man tei buY' létber.ie wu a- kén éIck weon atter bis returl. Hé went te bed and Dr. L. B. Bro'wn W48 caléedte10his rocu.Dr. Brovn réfusét taettend hi. until hé récéivét a fée et $2., Mrs. Petérsn, villi vbm Carl- son boairded, boryovéed $1 trom aI man namét pétérson and a l1111e girl vho haie arnét $1 that daY gavé the otherdollar, se 13rown goi bie moné>'. -Brown 'éxaminét Caa'lon and, wben hé noticét a scar on thé Young lna's se inquIrét vbo bal pérated. Hé o vis Wdthé opération heu béén pérformét ln Ilvanston. Il Clothes miade by the mer-i20, é- 0 "Mirs. Petéipon lollovet me up "be~. Whéu 1 enter et thé rooni vitti thé hypodérmic neédié lu mny haut, thé sik Man hlt out ie haut toi' the injection. 1 vent ta tell yoD men thal prsona vho bavé névei bat a * brpodermlc Injection vil neîtboIt, out t.ýe lient vhen a toctur ait' preachés vlth a neetle la bis baud. ' "After givlug thé morphine I turu. d édnW hus. Pelerson anut bld ber i see tht lb. sick man was givé!t ras- Wor all or ealuu afiér is séép. Whea hé vekés up givé hlm huif a glass o f castorF oil. "'Evérything bat héén pleasarI U. in that-timé. 1ivvent taonue corner of * thé room vheré I bat lied town my coatanud bal. I pu*, ou mi cnt a' i aoothIbre for e fev seconds. "Then Anderson sait: 'Thé cou-a' tywill pey you youx fr0e.' "ý1 mtdruéttahlmeutdait, No. ni> * trient., thé, county wili flot payr. vou ill 11pa>' mce atditou vi de Il "*Oh, but tbis man i-3 a crippie. lho '*"Ob yes, my trient, hé '.111 pay mg ,&ny man vbo cen effordtot bu>' al t * thé boas. hé ti'ak Iota>' cou effort W ,psy is tector. I wnt my mone.' "I'hén MrB. Petérson spoké up and p8aît, «Fil pay you!. "Shé leftIthé room eut camé back l' a tva mitfutês imé villi a $5 bllI in lier bent. When I sev thel bll - I Iluréd tht I bat lest my icé for d' i id't hairé an>' change. I recaî toda>' Iha 1 i dtlosée nothér les th"t day liéceusé I dt not bavé th, ehangé. That tee bas nt beén pat.d. "I ashet Mm'. Carson iU the dit.n't bsave an>' skaller man.>', an& she -'tki lefIthé ereom andt rturnet a P tibll' la ber hs3ut. 8bé loi'- rowod émther 41 tom Anderson. W. lp:Péerée séntouime .thé $2 anu ~'YO U. irsPteress * - mver. the ouI>'pret leur-Iii~Iusm IaigSl continues to save -hun&4ro f dollar for the. People of 1ake Oomity. Bn IEOTJDNS UBA"-DLOW PRIONS $1».00 Globe-Wernlcke $400 and $5.00 Rock- Book -Case. or Âzsortment-Large, 3 sections, biase. and rooxny,- complete w îth top full si"Q; 9 5 arMIrest, at 2 5 speial... .only ........ Dr ia Tablei-m I nolde ', mahogany, $20.00 Reed Osifige I walnut and ivory. Over- -In gr~ay, brown andJ 9-0 styles to choose from. natural; lf ull uphoister- I .frm9.90 ain ........ 15 RUG8 - Al grade13 50Refatyes. and sizes, -Ov er 200 gzs nitve- room rugs in stock. The -Po6rcelain, white steel largest showving in Lake and oak exteriors. 8ee Counity; up 3 5 0O1i.selections before, from ......... p 99. fm . . rom . ........ $90 etCombina-I tio' Mttiaa--4'Iener $4.50 Llnk Sprlng - tiold n Mattred aCndî To fit a full size mron lilld infloeredand bed: ~ 6.5 speeial ... . 5 60c INOLEUM-Qood -patternz; special, yard, 48c' Lake County's largest Oldeat and Most RoiJable FuptreSoe P-- comba tl I. Tm Ha es umidme THE-WAYNE: A suggestion ber. for the Young man who wants to take us place i the vanguard i6f tashion. The, triù 1 waist, the long graoeful lUnes, the. smart pocket, effect mark this model for leadership wherever Young n~ gather and smart clôthes are i evidence Prices $20 to $45. THIE HOUSE 0F KUPPENHEIMERg-CHICAGO -TW MRe ar 91 Im lem. 71 for lat prm A part t bal . 1 ï, tiài D,00"r, izi'tîiï b ti ti d b