. .... . ............ . . . .. .- . . ......... .. .......... ..Rmds Mngr noodd, "Tu k U7blâmuy a t ï4&àa. ?-Sc1tt Whou, -O1 wli.u, VIII96ohm golb. lai 0f etamoua noB-tmIg M»s? Nov lb*0boirasth Raymond e i~O~Ho the rviii arry**CM 1toii*. ui «,-oib Unfted tAtet l»a&nenduvor to aP l.- ~ 0! a Judment aueue ag lu .Eymosnd s0 dI.Ut reunt0ofti .eptaod. Lk,ouàty vU! bld ,,'5fi~':à l, bthe iffalr. Osw ci the. bt argumeaitu for irepareduoseubve -hegrd wau voloSd by ex-Prosldmut Roovult'luhbsChi- ba b.»Iru.moUtbgdMàinoê4PbIIC UOréla. tbt qtlo:l:Wa â&t Itaowmo. »th=n if 'bboM*la pool. itr> t xidér sîf e woh. wu v tootèýý -t bé qa- ,1 jo, o WWm - irn M14 eV" oo ,, a, butwblo s.,Wl rAm w - te te Suudas m~04 e a l dw m1wk bmat tby g» $e oh.t enr. e1m »Dg _ _ pIgi m d .u Le ebte M 06USa M Wn !!P!DMN" by àMille A ~coMdalIvi iO oa. «,fWe*.a ~rdDUlîtder." viii h nbiut aa ei. Mt .45. Aut ara ObolegebMseol I h hIdon "rdey bers uroettml1d. = tuln 9» "3~i b btbdsy 01te. ls "of i Lgu01-te viii h. g the In ei nln o et unlay ayisei. About 85 ed thie drat 11» W IL cburch lu tie uornlot Suady. Muay 1 ,b white ceralao»te viih.turulbedfer th.esr- vins.b he.dflorent dapartuelitse01tChe Prembyterian.- Suuday sehool 10 a. Ma. lioging vorsblp sud sermon by Che Poster ab 11. N(o Christiau Endeavor meeting SUn- day evenlog on Scc&int Ot C. 1C. rnly ut Lake Forest. Eveulng service 7:80. A cordial welcome Ca ail wbo delre te vorasip lth usne utây of oui service.. --e.Ld. Whita, Priaet-in.cbarge. veii i h. beld ln the VlUleHal untl turth.r notice. > Hoiy comunion azcapt lipet uday la ionth 7:80 s.nM. Holy Oo'umunlonl lotud rd Son. Morpho« PrsyrotbrftndYs 1ila. M. Chio shool 9:45a. D. Mia oue PW ell jsa, owimm et- th àmm et*001* un m of1fleIoOkte nm éo »4li tb v r~tve t a tom.r1. e o Md » do6 flle- -W IO lm ea &nnt s.NmPvlivn te bleffl via. ms «I tahett a ai rgeos eb xxlii.Wetmtg al~tv un m al mialetunas.Uia ,Pov41ta eabdImm dm ot lm-ov a bloo _- ovmla eteatI kaue ::imagmt ms e ite. It vu amotfoumd mmeosish e M for vuloteatute umta meerilha.for th.e glrVm Itou., Mtit. POweIl.t the Natte..! zfnvelope Compsny.bMguette gereia siter o e m 104tbat ber Ite uliat The, Mbood taumm o eittlou to& Place Moaqay. Mime Povelsa eoudtios tock a chaagéfor lh. batter Iumedialaiy aui tie Piyalamlu ,du.e afltbt b. mimgt l&e..The sutge. plsauai "oretbleod trans. fusion operatgos for toda. but tii. .orutnc MisapowellSofferel a te- bu"e ai424 200t bIOamduIieW bo - Reýr dativée r«ecel ber befsle belot hb l4.1 pa. Tb* dieeatWjàvuss dratgter ot mmIra oh" Fé-eu et ViatorIa treet. ut& . E.&U.Taia, vicie hushea ovlier o e i Ider antiv-rmiMs *Poeeilleava.. be"M'.sbler imolle, rtour gWaIsms 5km 55 Iteth. àene Mmta. E. . Traite etWauiegsi. Icatine, NOiisM*Md MPetrNorti Chicago. Julo e É-aehé.Wlm. sud rMorrI Mnd George, oreti e bmuUv. I lt itit it ôteL mmssPoven ivs bS-4 luiortI Cil. rcago 2x yeft a"0.TMe fuets! au- noucement vIla litRme "ri. dil laeaeelmated lth# tWety-fiva tous , of dnders andSul Io" suckedinanld, men bave been voÎttug tire dayes sboveUng Il out orthle veIL Thal the"e la oonslderabie -coe1 la tie s- r cualm la evddSt trou tic fart fi lIaItormur Alderman Du"e~, vho Obas beeea baullng off tie- ostop It »0a sovéeolfreintii. veil.aduilte h. ha. beac umanl it. Il eveaup' d ia ot Olt Imil 1 tbon. ans it B-fl vide. v - __ - 1adanoT w'M a rof ti ao' up oft e 1i ruc oulao, ~o mm 0 td,e tJoe mtacy "I'=rn not .outal & the ciyoncil" K. 14 ii iêltb. botter i I~~~~~tw ~ ~ wi tg tiaprluousLv k u~ri dmolIh id It mbouldbe au n1s.&ufromthme oouncllà m&yor. Thei. yoractod accordb -l. And nos ftaofusolng abut liau thoagh I*vau & turble te bl .do. W It Mayr ThopuondId"t mini àa» pipeu uld a= %,*tbo~ha ho ren for office, ~~~~M m 1y 10 0long u b. eontuBt0 Immstfor the Iner.stsof au tbpsopea Oothe %wsls.y f to s1ng 0 upoi momo ýronia or U tm41 nk, t10 1It lbetor. lb.pub*i ~.8U*at flanarmnm" a 4t4m " mtuu nelgibois and iodgt oi tilr iyMP&path and kinoeua sown neusduring oui sad bersaement sMmo ter. biaulilul florail offéiio .and Roi'. BossufOr hi@. ce. trt leug ordé. ue. aud $re ou. BOU&, P1S N-lm li OOmI4b i9*f«- Mbo0o@bave bile ý ht ltie »fortme b tm ho . k'strOW Ot lie ho udag-"aie. 1 te u»Vwy-Coltp. AU biTWrjvp-0ppenbalm. P al! O tié chiatelema hp-Bi. ýk OW umWbe.Iver Mhblele«tégime-BOrt. . jo wMffUoa.8-Uetzer.1Cr , 8hpUVBlopa-Kerr. *VI Dê'bou ?rcl'-Ford. hi 'b * 4 Os ti-Kug. I NIW£y8c.vr.-Abbett c llto ihn Bi oume-Irwiii. SKI 'imhe-arel. a 1 oad $0 Ufldeataninlg-POrter- the LI p-Johanmo. 1 [o Pribou.r-BroWfl. lh amî, Prlues-Burnettk for ion0 et 'farssurrolghb, L ircultRLder's Widow-Harris. Bal h.e ailiman-ppObOin. p lliiu ug, Owu Shoee. À y ay bo carelul- Wootl. n tludy.MuiPbrmoDn's Son-Andersoni. l Dur Naze Door Neighburs-iMsulatee. be Pinclai Sood-Loge5. Man Nezi Door-ilnugh. Brandon of the Euglneero--Biidlom rit omn,wuerola lie.d Gap-Wlson. 1 kagyValiey-Moflroo. l idw.Wlldernea-lchefe. LydI6 ofthe Plno.-WOI5l. Tie Thoroughbrqd-Weboiet. - T'h. Boa of " l ather-CuUIn.M 1 ie*dy ot Nonm-DsriD<. . liuidior et eh.DaervIodis. l OuIti d-Londoflâ.Ca T'he epi ong-uad. lt.o'm B stI rsuiug-DDDSII lobjrOf the Labrader--WlbSC. Iut lir. Erttu«iegM ileThrougb-Well.«c IJUVENILE (3m*t l- Monde. Pour Ut» Mlis i Qr-otm lit 55rmkUMPBebCo0D5g-8l0éie .1 DovnU ooth Bravmr " Hat*g Tout Co~ug Vimeorle. Croise 0 Voatlon la Camp a" eBock Power The StaseelBrge-CiMIDf. 8@a ad B onok~ JO. WayrIng ai House Out pellous The Mail Carrier Two Wets of Bmomtug a HunIer- Cestimo. Bcd and ftn (LIro.-COmt4fflOo. Ballar Jack cil. Tradg RoOney teP Brava Tees-DUs. Rightlng the Wront-IIla Phanton, tutu, St-erm Mountahl secret et comla Talmd Pire Snev sud Water Upaide Down Jaek idwood ailler Fugitives Four Boy. aut on Snow Shoas P*t In the Ravn Teddy aud Toweev CrIns.e theb. ielly Widov O'tL'liubab'b Boy-15oillaer. Eutmy Loue Bod 90 GtsCs-Mlti." Oid Tsi.. roc s010 Book-4miO.h Betty's BeautItulNlght.TlenDer. Little Pierre Mara igpefr--J)gde. Outdner Girlesi Ralabov Lake-Bepe. Outdeor, Giril a jMotpr Car Ruth Fleldiig sMd eh.é07001.- Emnerson. Ruîh 9'ieidingdowfltOlDIzi-Emeruen. Boys of Bel>'. f1wlIBurOn. Bobo Cave Bois Bobo HilB.vqe oy Scouts ot Bobs le VIButon. GARD, pluTI4ANK& &a toa* qonai madethe large"t rCapi* $oau over aul other cela- eto liio a lt hé aUme b1\Ra1 oulst la 1918 it 1b bau mMddes *mset aptàke Prise teln e Tusberculols Associa Lake e510V vltà B pOpUtUOnof .09 »1*16 purcl,514 1Uf,84 f1e4 *8 staleu. The mae la ibis vié I49.946. The Pearcapîta SUl# l3 ii w"as u a in mm n la at5 . .or a du or 2.«. IâA coune WinrecetTe beautitul houas, s aprise trom -Illinois, Tiberculaa Aisoclatot BU It develoos that net aui, th-i por goes ta the ecounty s s hole, Tit vas made known ioder that te Ilorest won the pennant for «eAl Lie lu citiez of trom 3.000 tb 5.000 Antioch aise won a prize for bead- tail cities ef fre. ?00 te 1,000 pop- ltlm of.th citiesz wilb. awat'ded Butîtul pennanta vblh viii tellof tir -achlevemeut. The Red Cross. mates In towne and les« et Lake county for the year D16, Populaton 300 or Under. Round Lake: geais mold 2,375: per Ipita. 13.04 Gurue. Boamies 176; Der capils. .3 Wadsverth« Oea1 sales. 126; per apia. 1.69 peultien W0 t. 1.00 Aatlock: '80 age. 6.264. par ca- te, 9.18 I.A»eSI*«- Oms0 sale. 5.906; pet àma: Ueo! sala. 8,1; ver capita Feu là&*: »U Smle. 8,176; per cap- s.. 7." 4 labo VIll:Usai£@Mai..4260; par hOI6 .tuP Waumsaia: Ueà% 8,011.94-,per iptil. 6.4 0.41e ta..lo. oi.. lm$: uer mita, 4.97 Demield: sulmale, 2m»3; per cap- a. 4.49 Ia'te Zuttck: &es mie. 1.105; Pet cuita. 3.63 Wlàthrop Harbor: 8ea maie. 776; per cafita. 1,77 Citims 1.000te 3SAM0 LàhertyvlIe: Se.ais»A. 1,523; pet aspita. 5.52 Hlghvood: Seal "lea. 2,891; per capita, .42 ,ftuiatien8$0M0te50LM. 144 Treaut: samaie. 21,900; per cute a.6.4 Hl41aid Park: Suai sais. 10.3; per capita. 9.08 North Chilcag o aulmaie. 2,926; per capitIa.9 '1 Cftiea 10%M00te 0»0.1 Wankagm: Seu isala lu1916: 36,- 144; per capîta. 2.25 Waukegau: Seai sale, lu 1915: 1,- 4f 3; per empita. .09 8.41 8sal l ake county. 1 1-18O684; per caplta4 3.43 »tg- 0.68; pet capita, .74 FA ~NS olàan'OM -TO lilY TM~ I.' the Best of Meats 'and'Groceries -Can AIways SeBohtO Earl H. Cor1lett The Local Chicago Telephone Directery Goes to Press Soon Changes in present limingsand ncw litilU ehould b. mmnged'fer et once. New amebnWho wmtthek Dmes in dus a= bo&k ahould mp oemS w w. Cicago Tëlephone Comemny -:- --.--- e WAR- N IFGI Là appointe&. You willwant some flowers arouud your hôuse to cheer thiugs up. I have tlem inmany 1vaieties at right prices. der and deliver ame when wanted. mast cal1 up 149-f'up to6 p. m. and then 291-R 2. You knovw 1 1ias nearto yÔu as yoi telephone. JOS.OFQU - LIÈERTY VILLE Goeohomes on C. N. S. lim betweem Liuevle and Rondou ---- ---- --- - -- --- Let -ilS do yotir lob tPri -i Owing to the heavy plant- ing of alvegetablee, Iwould urge everybody to place hie ordey for tomtStoes, cabbage, cauliflower as ee.rly as possible. Do not wait until the last minute gnd be dis- The, sudden shfttlug of the wi cauaed the. pettling veil at the1 ter works te 0OU vithin an beura a hat andl tins suddanly xrevent the plant trom gettlug vater. WauI 14 TOO LAT£ TMO OLAMSIPY FOR SALE-White Cap YellowD ow.d rvi. John Dryer, Libertyv FOR 8ALI-Maliard duck fvggs for ting. Asn âne bronze torkey ggel Caltor wrlte C. W. adartin, Ares. : Lîbertyvlle 818R. FO ALE-; ood d rivinu mare 8y nid, àAise ruu^bout and harnees. W Kuigge, Aiea, II vind va- and Lted Dent ,ville, r mt.. hIler )oue W. jj 17c9 1 I 1 Can you afford 0owiht Fit~ »Ci T.tadColliion ln- Insurtii 1.1*. auonb.rahul>$10,00 a*- gueffliet Abont 3a cents 0*ec1s $100 v.iettion. Aaywhýe, n Laike county. rite or Cli FredP*" ë4ýLake. CouatY