Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 May 1917, p. 5

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THURSDÂY 0,A17 Needs Attènton use 9ur Shady Spt Lawn GR~ASS SEDI force Your Garden Stuff LIDEIRI LE L#698R-£0. DaBa n there M y.ers. Phono 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. You wiil aliWays find the use of a poor grade of coal e--e.s0 e Y.o« ."b" .ge shifehmlgo kfeg p .M omi ug t s a mie isii ued a iy" bm w l e d aidou* Ib h It awas gwm saisIation sud we aiways uuppY t to yow order, CLEM4 end FULL WEIGHT. W. F. Franzen, Jr. il HOW ABOUT YOUR' G AR»ýEN We have a large-stock of ail kinda -of Vegetables. We would advise you to cail as soon as piossible-- at least corne and see what we have. We also - have a large stock of Bedding Plants and Cut'Flower. -MERED1THý FLOWER & VEGETABLE COMPANY Phono 10 (from 7 to 6) Lbryil.lho O PPORTUNITIM'eake els, are lipery an~d hard to holi, utnies. firmly seîzed. Théy alide trirougb the imgmrs and ale gone are one isawaare. To make the most of opportummties that may - be grmsped by ad veetising, usie The L dependenm at' o- aïiLd pages. It i.s arnghty elnive.opporuaity tbat qSagpes those who adventtse lu The Indepe«deui. Prow ttlifoçaqmdaof ruadera Tise Indeitendent la pMUtmto reSaaqrd tb. *&tÏitIeomslouétheopportiiilhiesbha l a lss.Dng li rtqvilie W 0 f d Telopbone Nu»bo,1.: m lire W. Les Whitney hmbaiban U at ber bomne boes the pas tva eek». Dais Jobnson end F. . Anderson 01 Chicago, vlsted overgnnday vils fnlinde ailai Wright Who bai »peut everai, montba lu Ban Diego, Cal. returned bornev lait: Frday., Mira. Ribecesa Jamses 0f Bavenevood,p la visting ber aiter, lira. DanmiieL'e,9 tibia vaik. mies Baby William. baim accepteoaa siWn ioa emleemw d bookk-eporla lir. R. J. Beiner tok hie four cblldrn là agd Mmi0.s.O. miti'a thyme eblidren b Chiaa I thecircuas aturdaî. UJaeph Mtat a it lait Frid&v for CAifornls ubere b. le employed ln the Amrslcm Wir. Fonce C'. Dcvw plant. k The. regular meeting af the W. C. T. U- b vili b. beld at the borne of lins. Sarah 1 ilimon on Tueada.y alternoon, Mda>' tb. r The Women of the bi: Lawerence'@ cburcb viii bold a Baker, Sale at Win.L Walrond'es@tore, Saturda>' aftern.,on. f May tb. 18v&1d The -Patrlotic Party"' given b>' the ý Nderry iakere lau the Auditorium Tues-. day nlght vu@ veil attemded aumd a ver, plmsant tinte vas spent.r tir. and Mire. N. E. Lurand, Mrti. l'rc E. 1)rand and Mise F.oraClaurehill were the gueita of ilse Addla R and 'Arthur Iiiier ut Lake Bluff Saturda>' ereming.c A large number of Bunda>' Scbûol1 vorkere expect tu go tu Lake Forestt saoi unda>' 10 attend the rally tu bc bld thure. The principal speater wl hoe Roy. (lerritt Y ~yl, toucher traiing ex. The National Board of ire Under- writer aimdeignated thia veet ai National ean op veet. Ubertyvilkl vîIH nos tati part in Ibi movement aM Our town hma a umesfisden up ampalgu a Ihv veehs ego. Thia svmilng Attorc.ys . B.ILiii and P"ani lia o wM viiattend a banquil 0f lb. Oblcago Bar Amocagm qivesi la bonraofaiJaumeW. Gerad. former Ambemidor ta Oormany. The baaquet vii b la Ihe CowrueBotel. Conhetor Bon P. Woolrldge bai iiarted l &e voit on a nov boums for Dr. Woolrdg. aima boai lb. coutral 1tu irme airerai rmedanms, bwiâ. garageS »d @bid@ for Dr. W. Y. B. Amei noriAs of lava. The Llbiriyrvlle W. C. T. U. wiih bava a midlcoalet l ins M. E. ciurcion Tummedy evenlng af nazI veet. ise ilalbeime Savir, a tat vonker, vii b. st "biscontait mmd addre" tIb lterina. ELgial contewtante have basa mtrd. Tht. maitling laopsu la averibody. $pecla voami uslc yUl b. lire.lngrabm. Mmre Reva cf ZMon Ct, bai ban lb. guSomt f lir. aomne Smbdman tise p.qw vuit, lra. laives le O8îesroid, jetlia qdao ibradvmnedaeebb nSecntly onmblted a ver>' ristie mlumbrlng robe. Tbe robe le a vert eofgreat *11 lu aven>' se. boliao faultleesly ezectd bai on. vondere aI lb.poisi. bilit>' efa vomau ef nearly a hundred log tb.dieothlater. iNr.&Mndra. Cromby ba ailtbu@m re.dlng a leteor ml~iag ibth"ltheaiber was lmproving Whou the.mse 1of oS01Lis deatb came. Mmre Croabyl àbd baby lef t Wedvnday «mi« egfr MlnmpoIa Tii. nes rogvdbr fleting of Pairent Ta-.abeu Aamtim lowvillbe beld ln the AusmblyRooMoiMHhigbSchbool Fr1 del ettovm oy i ltb Bt 8:80 O'clock. Mmre sue.W, a prlneipai 0f one 0f EvianouJfflmt Uchoula, vii b. pniea*toddte imeeting. Ai luI- tomeo v n SrtalIy Invited to b. peesent. Th@ Alpha Club vili bold a speclal muiln a tbhehome of Mlio. Paul Ray on Vrldda.ifersoon et18 o'clock for the purpoas01ai d.lulg plans to laite op Red Croie vork. The. commIttee vbicb vu a lueq UmlagoSurday and vilbled the Red Croi e adqnrturs viii make a n.. port e atibIs muaing. Au Buxlliary or- ganhlsation viN no doubt be formned as mua" liogiwomia viil obeallions 10 Jolnune nobmoorgisation. Postnmmtsv J.EI L emnan bas received a ':utao Walunili, 'JI&, bai bainmades station for theexamniua- tion of appdmatoi for the official'. train- log camp aI VFoit Iberidan. Ail appli- tante vitlia aradio@ 0i iifty miles 0f Walwortb viii go tbire for the examina- lion. Thie Include. Libertyville. The letter meade: "Ail applicanbe who Lave been receiving instetutin on blank formei 10 take Ibia ezamliation, Wbo reside vithin tiftymlles of Waiworth will report to F. L. Biais, tIret Lipubenant, U3. S. A., at ai early a date a@ possible for tbe comnlstion of exauiuation t0 determine vbetbir or flot they are quified lta enterthe encampment Bt Fort Sberld&a. Thouede.iring ispplica- lion blanka and furtmer Information mua> receive @me by telegraphmmg or wrjting offioer lu charge, 502 U. S. (iovt., Bidg., Chicago. Tbe entertainmer givén et the M. E. cburcb lait Tbnreday nigbt and wbmcb vai arrangsd by lia Carrne Cbard for the Earneil Workers Claea, was a big ncous, botb linlUs rendition Bnd attend- ance. The progvm lnclnded piano oee- lions bi Mis. MadelUe Zjok, lMrs. Flora Durand, vacalsofoeby IdmesGarnie Chard. a v"a duel by lima Lila Wbhite and Nias Carrit Cbqd, harp selections by Mie. Marlon l'alor, readiags by Miew Oseel UAato., vie"la Slectlons by tbrei boy pupli. ai Proi. Undee.yof Waukeg.. belon rmadg bg Panl Tamnuls, Erie Johmu o sd lâpIs Jolaneou vit plana accompealomalb l i"a EUs&.obueoa. Oue of theme iiq*tbig nurnbs vu Ibm resditioa a<Fehs -Star Spa4ld Banner"»«augby ies CentsChard vitb lia. great audlenoemIallaa thocbanm vhlm Ivo Young ou bious the Naval Training 8tatAoý ver. s, Bagfinbiarsus Mies Chard bad ihel theCoeuwdant st the Naval Station 10amaedti Io allore tfor tbis îartlcular nomber anddma tb 1yosag min arrived boe.%bey stalsd limai 4 th ersnmerely vlsllln.he ommnhesoe vllim vblch lbei ver. cbewsil 10 appeai bihe no doubt bavlng beu miunader. il bood. Fre Butterfieli, a maou f Dr. àO. F. Batlirfield and a aipbiv 0f Niai Obard, luduced the @*Delieamoeampanj blmt ta the qburch visevi lbeyresdlij coaeislg taie pani la thm programn It vii b. needlis 10 .etiou iba; mvei number of lthe program w M os ialblj injoymd hI ailpreset, as l iuaed limai never in a like entertalnumat bai limern bema sncbintense intermm diplayed bi the audience, wbmch vas usUirous lu Ili applanas Urne and agate. Nias Ubarl'i importons roi. of emmig 1bat îYsr2 9nuniber vent off veli antiu tâScIIMai ebe toumpoeed the minet w>lem lra. Wbllm and lls Cimard sang, bmongml ber mue]i commuendatlon. JImmsdolng aishlievaît. Thme leaper sert tee for lb. month cf FUNI3IAL 0F MISS M0< le ia>l ib. bld lite N. E. Chureb on YEIY LARIELIAT[IIE] unda aftsrmoon, Na>' 18mb, Insesed of thse &ent Sumda>'of thb rnn a bas been lbe motorm. On the eveulng 01 the Sunda>' afteruoon in 4be Uborlyvil 151h a peclal nstallaîk'n service vîlI bo . ME.chnrcb vere galbèred orne s beldi, for vbicb preparatlone are nov huadred people oh Ibis oimimity 10 i belu mae. A ibs srvic th n. theirlimt reepect 10 Nias Grâce Baui on md. Atlise Ep rvic teagviii hvo deparmsd ti itie &ai berboume ho 01110on7TaeadaiEeveuhngL ApriliSl ho I(5taled Loto office vith groat cerernan>'. ou e mdebes of five or it.aln TPhe choir le 10 have spelal mug nsl o Tlre numbers oattiende Iisseri ltIn body and aitoa cornpalmied lime reouait Snnday evelog qalte a numrbr of ltme la the cerneler>' to liseir lilreelit mambera of tise Odd P Fllovuand Rebebali place. Taeo oganiizlomi e rprellenti lodgeo silended Iso eriemcelu the Id. vere the Sunda>' ecioOi a0e, lte E C, cburcb lu a body. Tfomimeof ov e. vortis beigne, tise Royal 3ehblore, t Reaux'. sermon vas "On tbe4SBtsâlod liisilo Wrkere and tb. Poulde EE No." "HBallelnjub Jaek" Liona, tlb picia Relief Assocation, NisBol Cougregational evangelistviso praiebetibavlng bela nmeofai beaorganij lbe srmon ia itte rorcng service, lions. ogiened Ibis service vitiaprayer. Arthur Thé palîbeanere were -Murnhere of t E. Kraeckmnan sang tva very appropri- Epvortb Leagne andth ie Ilover beare ah aand rousing baritane aulnet. ver. girls 0f tise Samne mqole>. Suuday iuornlng lt.hernon«.,n thp iler.'T. E. Reatu, vitO enducted tl N M. ebarcb vas deivered b>' liv. Jh.k sadtservice, explained t1.0 belsIrge tbrc Lion, w hobai ben uletnarned *Balle- preeeal Ibatnearl>' ever filature.ofh hmmab Jack" BaY. Lino pnéecbd a service haitibacu arr&cged b>' NiasBo puseerful sermon on "Salvaion IlBer, bpoelle lapsed iota, uacoaeciousui Lion and bis e violelisd vitb Mir. and ires doyobeinre ber deatb and sui Idra. Ernet Sobrueder frorn SatnMrdaVil pailor spoke tise cornfortimî. wva Miondai. 1ev. Lino canducted a serlea wblclbe kuew wtA ' er vlsb, andti of revival reeitcgeàlt teis )lrond Like choir sang the h.vmns Itbat eeI cbnrch duriag thsetlait tva or tbrese glocted. oueîmf htese hynaa'll years and aiea preacised lu tbe ongre- Where Yon Wt Me To O, Dean Lori gationîl citurcis lu Are&. Hoieea aAt the cemeter>'t le servicesa woe ec speelal vnl:er a n eeoaItise ig New dncted h ldmges of vbieb site I Yiork magazines and 6160 a linotype baen a member. uperator before fi. hegan 10 devitte bis NiasBond vas the unI>' cbild ofà cimeIo. bpreacillug. Altloagb a Congre. a80iMlinsjtll..pi' F Bnd and sho wvs gallualetbIs onthi nasrtieornu.tise midui of her b.'st >eau., bslsg tweg gatonabit be vorkla nm-deomia-yedre nli. ho vasvpry mach devoi 110461, 40 su1.aiu$ m a il aS'àai11bo0rn a lu berpa$vtp, sho have lb. cîmpat 6 em.lbe or 04,VOtbor ahurt »b. of telb atre canmnaiOLw laisr banr ho le Brn to, Mr@. Dean Bennett on Snuday a sou. Indepmndent: More readars tisa au county %veliles comblned. £iberW Nar Lalmetilli, DIluis Home of Paramount Pictures Friday May 4 - Faornue PlaFers presemn it s Louise Iluif in Destiny'i Toy in b parts Saturday. May 5- Whusperlng Smith A 5-reel Mutuai Star Production featnring Mises Helen HIolmes Sunday May 6- AGretua Greon A5-part Famomie Players Product- ion fetauring Miasifarguerit. Clak Monday Mai 7 A 5-reol Parmotuit Festure, BenoF Lt bmffyli. D» ameD rfClub bT,.sd&y May a- Mr, Vernon Castin l PATRJA-Epiaodi à M; lted Whnqud Millions Burt lo dius.Travel Piolmre luSouille= ltaly * colonel Heeza Làai Cirton Comedy Wodnesdy May 9- Jesse L. Lesy preseaIs Victorý Moore ia a à-nail coouedy drama ii. Clown Thuray May 10- A Lama of the. Lumberlande Episode No t. Featmtrîng Misa Helen Holmues, Also a 2-Reel Comedy Amouncement 1 have opened a Shoe Repair Shop in the Bler building op- posite the Libertyvilie Garage, andàsk to be favored with a cail when in need of shoe re- pairing. A PullULieof SboiPoliaheaand Lace. C. JORDAN - - - - - - - 1 R Prepare Yourself For The Ftutre and -Display Your Patriotism By .Joining Our Flag Saving ae3 SMUOL 'OA8DCol- lrm ifAPOIfTE The Libertyrhile oebool board vas organmlad az a meetinmg belm lait Fnlday nlgbt. Walter A. Lusie, one of lhe nav memberu of lb board, vasusewted uscreuaay. hrsiden Paul Ray aupolnth1 thse follou'lns committee: Plnaue*-Imr. Gertrude Oleudorf, A J. Austin, Walter A. Lytie. Buildion, Grounde and Janltor-A. J. Austin, Waler A. Liei, lire. F. 0. Jual. Suppli-W aller A. Lylle. Mre. F. B. Juil, P. BK Gaborne. Tiacher-lirs. F. H. Ju@l, 1C. F. Smala, A. J. Austin. ReW an id Santury-lI. E. Oeborne, C. F. Suma", lir. Gertrude Oiendorf. Courses ofSSudy-t.. F. Srnale, lire. Jul, lirs. Oloudoni. Tho board voted to appropriate $80 for the commencement exoercises for thes Hlgb ecbaol aud $40 fer the 'Grade acimnol. Tise eloblb grade and the Blgb ochool viibave tbeir commencemnt exercises on separate nliimte, thse dates to be annoinnedl later. Saving $2.00 wecckly Worse wceks at 3 per cent,. ,tota1ig $' 1.50 or $1.00 weekly (gr 100 weeks at 3 per cent totaling $103. ;rudtlne or Christmas Bankini. Pauer , tCeSss Club and CET THIS FLAG FREE TODAY TOOLS YOU WILL SOON &mwer% lIever Ha- rowÈs U»iSm»*%ro#s rows, Walkin,UWid- We bs*e a compieote stock of fttu implomepltu aIt tve SCHNCK -» WAL COAWANY Automobile Hjearse and -Auto C.,4 riagsiFum6aihed WMen. Déder. Store Phone 9. Resduece Phone iz Malarlo's Toil ln Indla. l'o Kipfekuito Malaria causeà morse.lckne»s sd The mb aboid be bpifl death than any othar sige disemelu lan ea veet Ud teIW. India. tu bot vatef. Half-bleached table inon. woe 4PU per yard................ Bcd sheetsdandy ai"s 84%9in. -STiè Mens socke, in tan onlys pu paiï.. it Mattrng suit cases' uil sizesrononIy0Sc Sheif paper in white and tolor kom «d emnboago patt«rus ai ...... Large bath towels, blue bordera 2 for 2ëc Armours Butterrnilksoap 3 for...17e Ladies Umbrellas, full size, neat handies at.............. .............. 8& 36 in. curtain Marquisette, cream only, per yd ................... 18e Infante China silk bonnets, special at 25c il. IBarin ?b We aré ofiering this week, rnany sn±all os ia- chandise at speoially reduoed prices.- Thequ t'b ties ini ail the items are limited; they won't 1lait W. W. CAR«OÔLN4, SONS -C( Size 6 Fi. By 4 F #Â Coqme t vdPols sud Ftares. à 1 1

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