Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 May 1917, p. 8

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bu* 1. lps BJ. Duets Ida a gào yMeWedaMday for où IovW erdaughtemn-hvbele »à, *M ?adai'aorai be4gaspat st tii.bhue ,oaiMr'. and Mis. S. i La,» Rumde la epeding a few th ho. bof Ua ~wTom Muaeia.e viii Most ai the home mW m ie Pac Bhadimon Tue.. M*»d taiTnîbpo udtermd ~Vlmw8mdgy a riathte laiw Miii i- b WMi'. M. 4. Richarde Ibihrais thea 4th blrabday af g EtWUOrde epent Wduday .l"ist.vlatng Mr$. John An- a=Kalggevltd Mi'.. La a-ttmqanmday mmd band",. aumi p.oi'bmancel 'C"h. Na- iheglsrttbe Parlih Boue am erff M iha t t - - be4qauffl l bmeMe- Mal» i4é vhmsoemmafyMmd ~elus e ane.T m.maen oiatastommcofthiesmld club viii wMbepld a libermi 7~AUtivOleetre-6 à «b. li é Uaascibuay.E. a. Dinh,. 4000é bo le. pt-pment oet ha ýàarimAg spnslmt cf th. lub, j» V'LMmrlieni madJohn il. ~~ber twofà@ ibise oho oigtattmr hO*4 hWýmu vd teaLberly.- tgerare MA taia ý4 AilswagMoneah. wu.doig k bWWW fflt -bis vona bum moyeu 'hi. tamlly i mbseibeug ban accoolmai-- » goo, tly, 'i . V. ichagrds KI,*at-oboue v to offlialaeb inaun hie »dix Apt ISih. ltas. J. 'A. Msomr. iod* Wovu;yMr. aM U. 0. J. ma P, UliAsM &aitudo thiloSur- mn i bus"aliButa. I~Ws BePe f SCago om,h ultir parmt. Mr'. nad P~. Rimmabir bas returged acuema 9d méveai ber bonse- W4m. bas UbeOyiAermd-f ?bm*.pAs.d hat bm1vlli ha 0 y. a i te' a eola.. tday moui .45 i wmmut aBt1h. Par- «*PamedlSalurdivaatemi'on miAg,.p110uhoccuri'ed tibm g ioeg 3ise Ge TeSbe mde. umâ Placs la Wakulegm vtI Roy- ~.4li..The bride-11 th Mi'.. Ireai iW 91iM[WDe -omgd ai hal !hegeomhaMx;et Mn.à&$ sou »«§»er Cd 6787 àicigani Mmala, 00 10lamaad vitI th. .. eMuw & iubly vbmueh. hla mgouMbmpe@m or bu fvga séo-am Do. ié mti -6 b*sa"M. mad OoUBiMM a. aMIL ~rnIoe1<ib Olmut a Mm Osera* VfY~vof I>&kmg »d frmmk Osyduat 000010~, 10V0au i l* dru' of &*.Ilmg$04o .ý 19- KmLt. amd eam Mmd a&4ru trd ofaCcafo vem. Buuday iiuegbt t uhbooms af C. W, pett. 01 Wad»m. a aumber of frisais gave l-r ' TbrriaIm Suvitp*rty. .1 Mi'.. C. G Peti. eptrtalneôoan atur- day for ber a"ec.Louis. Keaten of Ci.i ut*. M bi iteh in. vlaig Ir Cincin. usil. Qmvmiand sud severai other citA.. lOwhI.,or a ninlar ai dayl.. > lpbKnickerbocker of VCkago wus ubugfet oS N'. Bd Therrieu Thura d"~ M!tan week Mi-I'ramck'Kent of Watieondm va. th 'u -d. PMIgommf ber cousin Mis Ils, I it. Ilismartgart Carolm i fCluelao vie- lted Mi ber lut "1m I ek. lilas. EdM OndSlgrld Anderean en. targulmid te.Leagneof St. Pau'a cbureb Th. Dorca. eelety gave a luncheon for lMr*ý Bd ThreiM Thurmdiay ut ibm CammuaitylRoues. Mi Ml..EllmbieWt noraliàed thie W. T. el& Tbi$Ïdmy. Smi"s lore. Baker 91 f lisilanes le ,ttme . ation. Mr. md Mi'.. B. dîrykar md son Alvin a»4 Mr. ,Arcut ai hicaga er. veek- MW Id iat thebhome of Dr. T. 1i. Mmise BS*ob fbwnr'e Grave va. tha égout of ber otei' Mm. John YVetter for' the Wek Md. Crues Pleins.,Wbeowan au vlaltlmg Mr'. Mmd Mi'.. Ge7Karh or <vo veea. W. A. Whib enageeutsd<h W. Harm barque r pierq mad as "arde, Conimmi" OPes tO q4 u village boy lal o bu held. Th*aBoy scowutiibave oa Bir ouam coumenila <h be el a.mbiy,Tiurmday le.georp 9Karci vlated Mr*.. Kareh of Pertie. i. lut ma ek. CARO or TMANKS. ife fflsbita axpreoui <hanta to oui wemfbb o rlade tforgi' baU kndam aud ayuîpmby durin our mmtcenib. X& mmmd Mi1m.Bert Esatoi Mmd Iaul7. Mi' md is W. . 1aaaemdtmly xMiivo.m eau mmd '«WGoma hredul éi areimkugaaenflrse -m dey, Mteemm Mabe- Md LoiuSeho!o W sl we vireý« Wu atoe.eai iii born e M. dMns. Bd Wagms. Mi'. mdlii. MikObun niipmaur. day ai Wauconda.ý Mra Jas.'ekearnd mitvlndaugblsu's md. a base. trp toGrayilak. Satu r- dAY- 'Thé cbldrep f .ain. m t.Crttsuden aMa quite M it .11 me ma.Is. Km. Vi'aakDorI¶i 'md daugiter Florencof m e rysialetalmd ou r.lmtlvme bere ftulay.' Joha. <lMa eldeai son ai U. Jus. Tiuat.quite lUi vittudlfanmatory bemabm. 1 14» banaled»anmd uppar givan mi t4i ivam»b. M. W. A. bhalllait Uedsuu- day evW#tg va. qalis 1migéiy tteaded àdWahbu abiedered by tha ialmee i h emihaen. $112.881 vivreelesreai. Waers e 'y mac pleqme wîth, th. cruod of peopla tram Anea, vAi. obrriveai about il a'clock and bouon. md 9s vlth <ber Preue ube 'sauppai' table. go foi Rud Ci'ee onk. iss Rnia Damai atmnded the fanerai ai ber cousin ies Grace Bond, at Lber. tirAiesondai. lire C. IL D«aman d gnandaon Ralph oIir. spani Tiiuu'.aay lu Chicago. veehbmd vm tk <l iss..Wmin. "Xem 111h Md SaIiy meutblond" tet av.Iebma la Ueomim4 Wh"le se» bgit <b. Jàffmam hire, MAge Baby G(lug" ai Wmmegamc"kWs m ttuidla tilla vicni' Maqday. M iI.bert Stewart andi dangbeSn oai m~b'.Ofsut mverai days ai <h. homeo! . K Stevar't.: = LoKy.ioaaelae. vil i . 1%Party FI'day .vmlg mi <lue home oai John 7h. Deaigé seooi cloe. Mndai, Aba. W«a only auelgitmothi <ena tl year Mse I-V& Lois e t Grarsli and ArthurSioben ef Round Laie a ot nulleS Au marriage it Wanlegatui- day mlitXIb, Rmv. Colline et lia Con- grgllomai church. They ý.ft on a tnip sUde oiir elu nu ii raldea m Rouai laie, vitare Mr. BSier lsa e- pyela. a cangeter. **iMS. VkIrFn eta lafteta lli aOWOt tINWéaia of- 'lilh lt~ut rmit la- FAHERI ~HERE ~SxtOUmh Md MRIO eeis, lu that ternue asmault os the Hi- derherg-lune on April iStAi, vhen ibm Gerinans ver. mavai dovu by thie thousandsand I heu.Cauadlm.n troopa recoverud thie ceai flelde afor nce, one son of Lake caouuty feUl l battît. Tii~t~gmg mw as John Wood- bridge, formerly of North Chîcago. A dispatch tram Ottawa, Canada, todaY bring. titis urva of Wood- bridge's dcath: 'Tva Cciagoans fighting abroad villa the Canadian contingent have, been kilird lu battie and tvao there have been vounded. The dead arm John Woodbridge, adapted son ct Reerend aud Mr.s. l . Wilson of Wilmette, and C. Drzevreskl, prîvate. no addrgs givet. "Woodbridge weht ta Canada early. ln the war ta enlet vîit the Sevunty- sacond Canadian volunteers. He vas a pupii et the North Chidago and WAi- mette acheela. He va. 'illed April "Weedbridge vas tAxe' tait direct maie deacendant of an Engiehmmmu vho came ta Auerica lu the sevun- teenth century. i-els athun. the laie Attoa'ey John Woedbrldge, vas a Chicato lAvYea'. Be leavua anea 0 ter,. MMa. . B.temsr,. 0<Liam. ."1 %"Tee t I a. our John Weedbildg Who vas hueS lau tte n Apii Sil." aU iS . N. ToMme.Narti hum, iresr u0er. vho bas mn- jayl theacusjnamemhlp et the Wodbm'igu m mupmaron ailult., ,I15 taller, Jota Woouubudg., Jr.. died aboutS 0or4iyeaem fe. is motetbmid ln uaMonki Ccagoare iiatque <at," &&dMn. Temlunna diaeU$uasltghem oum man's detb titis bis dastit fighutg àatocraci tTefnte'ofte boyWo tlltc honues Mv bnev as lhe Auditorium. IRote t Ulxieentb and Staie strepti, North chicago. All er Im ater'sdestb. ibm boy veht Wmt and olk up hie realdence ln Or'egon or Wahingtona. Thie nuIt tâme relatives huard rom him bu hat enUl$ted ln thie Canadien regimnt. "I Wva uiw vth Irsi.. Wilson 01 Wilmetie, the boy', auut, Api a fej6 daYe ago, snd shu taid me then that se had iotmethard tram John Ua man f veeks." rMid Mr. Teulinson. Mis. Wllaoua la the ife tofthte pus- IOr a« thm FIPrsiPreabyterlan cbunch 80 IL EXïEl' RETO HELP. Urge .00êof Wauke gan -to hiansthis Menth. Waukegan, April 23. Thé 40elb 'shore bas been org8x-- iedto'vr At 4I<lqad Park last night thie W..' Detease League wam organlsed, "ad vithin, 20 day. time i la age vili have charge of food couievatlon gf, àadto salitr m Thie iaue viii bave the baeklng' lot 10M00 residents ofthebm"9014 coasi."1mand Itz financiai bacin ttulvi bu unlmted. 1 "Mllions for Deten se," la ta Aie thie slogan ofth eagenue. WIllT" W. Pearce, as uxayor bf Wankegmn, attended the meeting at Highland Parkiat ulght whlch ail beeu called by Samuel Hastinga,-pres- Adment ofthebmAssociationa -of Nath Share Municiplitiss. He vas called East on Meuaday, no Keene H. Addlng- toun, Lake Peat's uew mayar, pre- sidmd. W orklag plans of thie league vere eutiud, aand ndé given lierevith. Tt. vas mgrmed iluat ailtAie soif experts ltu tiemploy et thie millionalra roi- dent. et Lake Foiuat and Highland Park vould ha gSiven cantrei et food pIRilti amd these man havm agimfl t efcoiuet BOlITteste ln War'emgau snd oter 'nanti *bore citlezand to state vaiiftod stuffa vîli grev beet1 in ihB OuIte".1 One hnmdredad msxty acres a Laie Park viii mark the hem.eto the mniclipal garden at Lake Foreat and 1 lt t. plmnd <o gmt at leait f300ames fer a municipal ganden . ti- Wauke- Pme. The plan. 'cf the War Dfae 1-magne of tie north shore are as fli- levao: The War Deuse League of thie nortit shore la orgaaisud pursoant to plans submtited by the National cers. mflecf Patrlottc mandOmime De. cletles. vitch lat theo04-1-Utieu en- traLly controling ai l mltug nation- ai qelies organlaud ton -patrio and detense pulrpoame. This unionaIo Bo orgmalizud that It may ai once sud vithout chance ca-oparate vitAi amy central bod» argaulzed tor 111e or airdtai' purpo".O hT bas, hovmver. certain local objecte vhich viii con. tinue local notvltbsitandlng central organiaiona. Its main objects are- F'iRST-To provIde agalst taadl 81hartage lu Wamkmgau and athen of tha montAi shore cltes. SECOND-To provîde by thie cuitA- vatien of municipal. gandensand thie jMebilisation ot surplus supplie@ tramu Y TRAT=privatemund ommmitliy gardieme a surplus of f o & producot elt er rii dlstributionln lIi trubsietate or la a stats of presarvatton by acleatido SCanning 'an otbervlae. TiIs surplsus Sta bh.SUPPlieai, f reqUiruai.ta etisi onaMnlIties or timucaiven ta »e The, tremen accrd edcentrai organliatAem 7h. hàlb irmimen accundm THIR..To mobiflse ta> a large ex, Fran = YsP».pincipal of th. South ltotthe cash contrIbUtAens teAieo seIa iib cilh Ibm achool beard et te Booth seol district, bas Mode by Individueal clils ansd ta aroneed ait bIs friands and ibey are use the funds se denived: iraI, le de- endervorbg 10 fS u bat Io back1tytAeepn.o!iiauomd Of tha' nuosual action an thie part o r téePus!fthsuin n the boead lMý disobargimg Uspay viii,. J second, ta turni ven aIl surplus ta eut allo4lng hla1 lthe ustamnary cour- 8some central orgamzatten, vtea Qe imayo reelguil. That lAera 15las.- j la erganlzed for use liateAisdae- tblug hat .dthe niattari',vicitbas lon. nm et * dme, <o lit tumy are eu- viamad. Tu» aism ol At ail amîlaleai TAie directors of ibmeapocbto vitu« tha POsItliOU alanby ibm boutfNaort Shore Muuicpaltims t.Ibm mmf tdOMe" dpait.g <bai be .givm a asaeune body ofthlie union 'and viii i'iOopseUetof <lte board, be comPoseai af a chairman andi the MdS i-seVai, * ugmawuet s aor ur-comnitîeen te vh= nspecwai vrl lit ai Espy va u dbw»ated.The 1 aslguiud and lire uMaberseta Sna 1eu ibai . eneM M Wa Ire largeTbcalm e.chu-cn. ami Oneâhalt boni angeabout t ,i-voarana ac b-b. WVo mIs58at wu t ~. mie Ia authortead tea &«tat hl Pissen u t. s a vsétAsse il vs . l Paicular cemuattse' a.many imes- cdeS ta let bin msgt. la bioli at- bers-as Aie deslre, t1s<e meeting Boi serm tatMo% hi.elecutîre cM eslta"j ho3Ai fer aetbmypo.tiwm-- ---'i Moui' 10t1l*te ater "p wib Vert- Antu fll charge ofthle vorl oÇthe a maamhens o et <15'Imaif nSd leagne, subject enir <o the ganera quuatedtem tearemciii«e = ctih nnemutteet cotrel. et th. meeting laid ' ltut -,TiiuidAY Tesbcomt« ii ek *lgbt. Retorequsitt"' efter ta Te-*cý te Mwokt mamva s rew zo»MsldeUd < be hah.»Mure llnd toi OUiUysiof. This cana- uiven sa epprtuiity taremlifoliai m1I mile, viii ilu t Malilets for th. stiuma af baylog beau dischangi « de uliateplodmdb. vculd mol appear la bis liou. i nvm. iyse lIatoinal ag e adbol, This vas ne more <han he va u'>rwd iannlM« foedl titimd ai recelve, hut thourd ai tha 1 lae'. It vill alto poovi large tracts Thurofay nigiti Meeting aàpu»gtply fer muicpal cuidton.& dea luine oBrmt lith e i muidpro- he Comnilteon 1-abou- ýM, Soringta eortevi impwo ýA Radom or thée intai swo,qboob This acoMmltasiii 9Co4l5ràte itu i'. Hudson làt. ienoul,. nilauable evuen. etprivais gardut la oblte muid ta a nunnusulrcmoeimii-lstao n ee* b aer _ P t a c c e p to lf o r t het« M iwIb m o l yl M M _11t lu B d t s e v o u y nn s r m n wot o t.aton t 0 1 tea M u surymas tvewyoma'*WOMW ltat Mhé»he ugis Orisunuder às#rem t B t A.0 hemdtppla vugte PWR»»0 v* utit c ,n uts,' s VA W e m e I Mba.la____ weel. ane staie officiai dlai me, and ItleI saUd ihat tAie state agents vb3 anc due te arrive un Waukegan to- morrov on Wcdtmday vuilcause vannants ta Aie tasucaifor tht arreqt of ail permona who hava drivun ua- licenseai cars unies. thuy cari provo ltai lhey bave mmdc -application for - wE- i Waukeaa, ApnI Z3. Thie status attorney appeareA lu County Court ibis morng maid-Ae mlsmd the charge oft lemal suilng of liquor tai had beau eenterad against Mlle Brandamti<q.Who lil;ea veaust oH iolanai Park. TiIs actio3n vas nace.ary bacausa t va foaunai Ual Enamdanlale vas lie "vncng WAicn the grand jury vas colleci- lng uvidunce agalusi iiquai' violators i Lak. couuty t vas alsoovarca that Drandsalsi e bd imien ouit a gev- enumemtIlUeumse.The pldace vmS foc- ed and an idibbmt. vasreinsM. estb.llte illasie to noIbor and doe. neot itl~anintei-et timsalL Saine llveral, ýWyç lSruanlso tasu beau pm*slmg abolut HtgiifmnSkari Preudîz .Mwting lIai bu sd - xo çanse 1« or omi-Tha statumattorneyr luaitlatad anStonuS lie' faDeur vagq rig~i. Il la mii -tu W infration 1»Y h.bed"mslmst lhe sa i-e ola siondsutlng -tbé.piuec. The ladltmeni. againsi WlIilaun guelat maobas beau dUmmuI»d, dom, It leoasiai. <o a tMurs o! certaluf eyl- demuace te pWotalis. Reperts bave Ih <batI ià utmêeiroasr te tala imu fiai actic a u tavothai nase.. The ain ttdrMY ha asmied lb. po- -sition l; tla verse ttanqumelaga ito9 ltle ourt vftit caa. v th«ae la neotias. o v -ma le p0 1o 4Mo th= bus vl *3 lavusBe.. lige *bfl th wMà«. b c 101 ALL Atn~ f. , mm g401~6 qýailuother e*MOu«DitIa or - u. oltee Ol nbe nnmf Thismo mle. t4a4 iii ameu »0=- of, th- ksrao e emi. Saittngor otbuvteeorfAI lu producto for Inunoelaacomaumpian. Qanlng opoeutiona viii ýbe vtitdf te bio.mnulug dus o, l mhulty ta ouit ba*ea a m ue. tloim ttee on oaane: Te ceuarste Vitli the lobern com- mitte. ma"te gove bdm007 <otaith police ulepartmoxnt ot' mach cliv mnd $160 t'e ii rt rice oet tue. if eomamlta on rettet: Tis i. lo R ed Cross la xot. bover,'1ntibuded la amy vise ta superbe" e m oit etexisting or- ganStlona, but ta ceoporte vitit 00.4-0 "e tate hem "ehiibauatt. mor 'm- bey =y dealu., Comaunttee onumliltari drili and Commiltiee on recruilag. Couminttae on nuance. Th. voi'k et the finance ooumlittea le Dot llmitd meraly to the ralelnX Of luBdi uaecearY te carry onanmd , conduct thewvau t oftht. uanion;but! enabraces aime lbtheralimg of fonda for tamtsomn ta a central body. A etatement that neariy hait the Waukeffl, automobile avuers bgve Ialled ta take out their 1917 Illinee statelicensesanmd Gt ibmthestatuesat- tornmy vI be as'<.d ta prosmciute thie delinquentsafmter May lot. as con- tatned Un a lutter tu officiais ot Waa- kegan trom Secretary of Statu Rum- 'mersea taday. Emm-ersen addud that suvrts!Wou- kegachantfeurs falied iV 'ake aut home., lu -lpis and Chat these vill be profaeiL if they <ail ta taire Out iteir chauffer'.lenses butor, iay the. Brut. -"Thoeela me excuse for any oe drlving around vltb a qlicesa applied toi" aigu nov." deciarea the Secretas" ar etate. Mr. Hnunerson explalned tiat ju- dm1I àgente vouid viaIt Wankre early In May te madone the iat ot automobile oevnueanmd chauffeurs againat vbom Premecutians ore te bu. breught. At tuats ttle there are aver 5tt uulcensed automobiles vbi eh eau ha aen on thie Ptreots Pevery day of th- Heres viat lte Chicago Examiner ald today 0of0" Gotdburg, wbo n 1ev ymana mgaovmed and operatea tAie West Coast Rooflug Comany uyn wu- ter mreet, Wankegan andi vho de- veiOPmd tAie thuIMP aIrpiv icAie reslly vas luvented by jaesiLomerm ar Waukmgan: There AluintAie manufacture of thie humble hairpin. -lttls jo, for a gen-, tleman o! romance and imagination. Hovurar: Te Mn. Sai Goldbuxrg, wbose gunlus coutrlved a lump lu tAie hairpîn,ý tiieu till corne dream-eof grenie tiia. Mr. Goldbui'g'alIventive vie ton la mot in be ob.cUrmd 'y a lump. Mr. GOldbuitg Merged frein thc oh- ucitir o! the hAtrptu ludusiry yes- trdày teuaanouucad ibm dlacovery er the (ioidbur& Subutarne Deatroyer. 1 O.uusouseln a uiTub. île th*omine atumoopitere et a] back -tuota thi . MD Moairn apac- tory, ai 1918 ýPrairie avenue. the pe> Mlisez of<te ivention vere dem- oUnvtudlua àtub oeteir. la <he Mi". efthe tuab vaslAie deetroyer affaatieof il mmad many Vire.. Ait It flo155<h. leet et tha QMatai. iqr. Ooldborg vua slat id by a a »Crut &trouho-bahipia x' Verts. ne aiaie I au"inwt. 'man- Émt a t ,e iu l ty <aiui. inGOnyul the, Suie.," vbIaeerdAb& lveni. Th. assistant louceS a bQUtOÏ. Tho torpedo'aped <o the de- trOyer sud ciuug 10 IL. A bosser 800"0& - , Torpede l "eu$"s. '711e9sinal!" 5Mi. Gocibua. Mes amdpuejiudsanter buton.Tii. came aà 03*p0oLan.The torpado m"n tg framents. "Ttny«tarm," arnd;tieh~ airpAi kiuug, 'beui sbumOniame- s sbeld .WOnry*0*more. W. vili 'itethe hubau oncaied ta ~bgcv th -Ne omtrlvancu, z.c cviida SWy oly tesedgom 1 the Invention tote ugoeruammut. Indepeat:More ram«MU»asmi ti am' b.aleging Circuit Clrk Brook- vay to soeursa deftlte lf.rmatioui vitii rqmegrd te the naturalisationL iava ioh apply. now tuat vag bat beau declared vittu <ermany. Tbey have hoard no many reportsa t tI hey wt.ah to have thie mattpr attied In thefr avu mIluda. Thm iev vhich applies Untitis case.- aocqrdlug ta ýMn. Brockvay, le ovur a cmntuny old, bavlng tisonpaed uin 1813, ahartly atter-the vax vitAi Great Brtal. The iav vblch meri'bas beau set saide, provides thmi durnm the peudmncy of a var tIi nativeet tbai COUIlzy vho liappun to b. liv- lung lu tii. Unitedl States cannot bie- cous full-fledged American ctizen.. ,At thb, présent Urne tuis 1mw veuid apply solcly ta lAie German pe ople. May Ot vhom have lied applicatons fer naturalisait«onbrs. Anstriansanmd people viie belons te PrOvluue orAmaia ara parties- 1imrY alis. te k=X hotbeu. or moi uii ey a ffcted lb>, <ha lau'. Mr.1 Drokvay aya ubat Immeem neas "t t ! an dom oiM saii vaga# tbm Unitedstales..anS Au&tl b am. le metbtngte bar t4 maturanuumto ef pa.ple tro ht"rtCoeuty or nea provlmcm,\ut bho maie liau" ba condItionuMvy deqvalop botr me»Ut [OCccer« vhmo th* Dont naturalisaion dey tmbue'plama. Or thon u'ha tai. out natturalisation papera heraa: mua- Jorlty are Anatriame. Thom ela notblug tu nruvmnt&milen. trou ltaîUns eut thuifi ut papero s"d. maty have avalled thoumivea os tii. pnivflge. Repents <roma wasbuug. ton bave ladlcmted that a nev imw aigu bu Pasmd v hlch would malte Il possible for germans to becenat- urallz e a PAle oethtAe vax but ne StUlteaoceoumt at auch açtlon han beaon rucolved a. yet. FOMERWJE *,6Smith, vica fMmd Manager Superî jeul -%EFEI Even i Not aie.wbe v"Ptt o 'lm* eomati'y. but «HllSung tuhm' 9 vë tbey. viiido the maximn m audwa a«m»»&oeThura me t by «»L W. A. lioffatt gomumuW0.*,, Onast lAo. nval Twlmt emb& HOe Prooeaa lIai<bey uie acceWe Sta ibm ta".ot fo eg n ervices, xt es oem'eand enltued mues ofMe corna 4edate sarvIce. Tbi» wolult le navy remervu oa etl ourti clie, eu ealary, vila maamm H. D. BonD The Wiaconain Lad bia Wlaco nn'Farina W" anmd * Lirl Tarins. He De Boyd MlkProducerr4 Take Notice! A Speciilanad Grand Round.p et the Lake Couiet7 1111k Prdumou viii b. beld on ibmeafiaroon of Tum&ây, Mà&Y % nt 2 P. M. lGuru., Ilm"i F. H. REES, Treseurer .of11 Preducens ' rA.sOoiation, Win ha Pailent, 10 disonu.ithe Jo-OPReav Marketing Company. W. M. WATKIN8, Lake Uomaîy'a FaimAdviner, vilakon "D&W7 tmg msa enansd S" etuaiAis.- ciaiion." A Constitution and lylaw. vWi be qqobmited for adoption. The mattere ta liedio insemd aet . meeting are of Vital inaportaume. oui' Dairy lndustry. Mvevy Diy- man ahotid malte h a point te. ha present. Quurne and Narrentois Lot.#liq vii furniâh îh.a retreehunen». IR E. FIod,P«id@M G. C. Gaidby, Secalmhy The Md*. adp*îru-ci tbe the.àmple mochagical, pruscipleainvolv.d ecm harrfrooeth.othm'po- maRr in Ie ie oeile fkig out of ber a3mîpatbet tbing b. domnt nw- uiemallbg a.64Mthtbe nerve"ein, back- bro.king Ishor the Elpactiic qateh M. 1'ahbadmn *e W. a faef »l PuMiS~ i--Co, By a - upervi tour di tovuabi Chairni cidlg' te recoi Attort betore t buoard vhen ti ta 11. ruconsie grant tt rimd by Even :dients. ed 'enuon lumur Teste doter a. non me tii thie j "dry&' prove lU * wet" I1 Il w. ficld vi board n saAd: r"Thie sltuatlo derstan- starvli * etuvyel big cru Ilere Il made i liy. Th 1 vant -' iking , th 4' elr tu made i IIe Who v( Veruon ibeir n -y tuItons. dlaim t clat joriiy e The. -4God tion di lIons t, >sbauld vorld -people datera& Junu n pear lt -people an"md I but Ic its bilu iuag la prove *bleut Minu

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