Wr W~ W - - - -- PART TWO MDEN'T Laie CûpyaBig weekly W M MIYM S YVILLE, ILL., TBJU1kWDÂYMAY 3,1917. POUR PAGES 81.50 PER YEÂR fIN ADVÀI»M PI"týT5Di R Ontlngau ho couducîs the county's NA M EN 0 TR IN RÀSH S,.businous lu the honest and efficientD Ius~ aît~ MARIE»ME WlO TAI CRSIISmanner ho bas -doua go 1n the past. FAI LE S TtAN INT TRJCK IIR a f'mmediateîy afler the defense rocE- EÀR L S HO IN O T uGý oie, SupAvlsor George Cuiub - of Warren. Jumped ta bis fret and $21« ESCKTÀ , Nfi T M Rfffilmovei that the board deter action on - -the ravnmalterutil the June TileAso True of Single Men James Genty, Driver of Ma- Hi.mt v as seconded by R. HiWho Do Net Earn More chine, Crawls Out of the c H In a secoud'a lime Mr. T. M. Clark More Than $1 ,000. -Wreckaue-CloseCaII. of Hghand Park. wu& on bis eert - adho moyed that the "charges pe TAX ON THEATER TICKETS. THE AUTO IS DEMOLISHEI). couchderai fnot Voven." _________'I opipose the plan o! defering ae- SuevsrVno aeM-Tax of Ten Per Cent Wil Be Accident Happefled Tuesday -althe evidence and 1 ieonestly li- Supeviso VeM Say Ma- Placd onAliRailroad Tiok- Night at Central Ave. Cross- îIeeta h atrsol emt jority et Residents Faver ets in a Few Days. ing, Highland Park. lied nov. There la uothlug vo could a Dry Township. gain by defriing action.,cand 1 don'- AdAlîhough marnidmeu ecrulng las. Jamai Genty, aged 18, chauffeur for favor giving elther aide the oppor- DEFER ACTION TILL JUlNE. îiia:~12,ooo a year vîlîecape an lu- ritz Barr, a florlit eaH lighland Park, ut - o e'lby'onnfunc."iýU Even i JuneSupeMSof c'a t a. tl ebe cmu'n an odaeip bai dathTuedaynig aoutInvestigation Ends lAfter Ev- "Tt la vh pleasure taI 1 second ai Eve inlue S evisreMaytht ata lalab. la9d n rlîocicame.ro. dat Tuci ehugh habut ery COMPléinnt Has Had Mr- Clar"as motion." nid Superviser lu Net Vote te Grant Drim tckets ea. Aiceshllptt O-&0&ûock vheu the mtair trtikh Oppoi'tnlty"t eif-Vr oDenld Sho Lienss. tcon obcco muica lntrmpnowaa driviug vas cruet by a train e ah o iclute Testify- Henry Biter jumpe ho hie foogt Sho Uenss.eta a loaco. uscaluiitrut~itsthe Central aveinue rosi 0 f the VteteVnIlseDr B n ad cliaithechalr'a attention ht& etc Chicago and NorthWeitern rai ah Stood 18 Ae0 5-Effoi't t<> the fact that bis motion va@ un Waujtcgan. May 2. lu order thal lite var vith Ger-~ Highland Park. The truck vas huri- Postpeft e AOUOn Was De- amendable by the ane lnhroducod b lit By s voté o! 13 te 11, lbe Board af May Mai hie carrieî ontue"sqo. ed t wenty toet. hein&, 'unbed jute featedê-Wo0I1 n Shown Mr. Clark. Bupervisors til>marniug avariai for the Allaed nations, Il la reportai *hn unrecognizabie a mciiof<plinters, Up as Reai loter. Thon Mn. Clark moved thit thhe torda! tir il tatI hotuhernhon th UieiSata oarm nteltd vire and steel. Out o! Ibis MdJuloiiih resolullon he hbed. Titraw tovehp.yu vteited a va e gyeum plie ofwreckage rom vhiCh il arein- Close, faithfui. unprajudlced and va' vtd upon and the vote ptood Chairman Kirchner te cent the de- PiST-Place mieellaneous a e ua blgoi aapo lie uiasai ashercuce te essentiai ttu ii itvo 11 ciding -vote vheu onie memben votd aiemp ou cilinegoiable Instruments of cravici the driver. Hav ha escaliai hnutÉ acndifact by the Board o! Sup- mtien adi a oafial . r Vn I intant deathhla not kuowu. iienvicors Wednemday reculed ln Dr. h vndîlc&i uasmuh a i r.Bowth te eonsey eore 1010h app arei ortas1, e00.0 viiihecras andby Althogb a gteman ani flUan A. E. Blrovn belng vindicated On the h Idrtd iamc sted Attorny Geore IMed app lbcd atIon if,00,0Ibis l e oue. vy ere on iuiy ah the hume the accci- chargec o! hua0fciency, negleet and charges bai uat bisouproven. e efrthbar d kath th e Knatin f -Pla o pe. cuetytrahi edbyJ oo- The motion vas put and vhen Gea. D beor te ordan akd ba te SBON -Pae Pesnertrin.dent occure'ed te gatas bai net bea rulye>peen h un odBtrtov's naine vas callai ho sccii loverçd and Ganti vas led ta helievo man. 'viidtrmviu.< boadheutonvolervashe ake t nd tooi t valua a f 1heptIcket t onuthh. T h e oss voali ihen u f h wet-hre"1 ilaokteho becC3se rmvtn.t whe th voe w latonIt too Ilvale o th tiketbouht.Thi w the alcoastoffiielsepar. Hi o- e s renaont Vif i 5 Irvel-re have maie no atelupt ta influence te Il. Chairman Kinchner votai te reine $80,000-M00each year. and Il ~afca~epcnt~cn ebr rsn e-aay cuembar af the board inoe ancv M recanaier, nw the original motion te vouli Man thal Chicago ta Wanke- iltîcnof<>afffaira as toîîovm unecîay nîitte h v'iicate Dr. A. E.or auothbarand 1 vould rallieruo'.d grn lt lc,~e vspu ii t a'gan monthly-Uickei.i vouli cnt ash., ga t hat every ~ngbtî about Brovn. 'vote. grat te ieene* as ut nd l cr.nelghbarbooi of1814. Sngle ride tick- <bhah lime thora lea àtrain framn the The decîcion af lbe Board o! Suii- "Vote, vote." chaulai Richard Rin- ried by c vote of 13 ta 11. et vauli coo 80 cents. eautb .which stops South of the dept erviiora cannaI ha copctrued ce c di- aida. I Ev-hog ijriya h o- tIRPD-Place a freiuht tranapor le takeoan voter. Thee ivwYs la reCt lap at an( îaa4.' or organisa- "Y. vt,"i &rW adc Eventhogh amajrit of he as'tation tac of prolaàWmy 3 par cent te ampla tiine ta laver lthe gains atter lion. 1h cé.int lh a tmtste c. autbing I"Tei. lylvotediiln virfuw, aleOId Moents of Vernon township have de, brlug n appc'ozlmalaly 82.0,000 the. tank has beaun milci viti vater bul a Justifiable can. ornéla wich aial r rw.e dA themmIvie os as tinug "Il- POURTH-4Itcseaee on ikyad the pignal ta go about bas bren bonepty andilntegrtty oý purpoce T.l .Ctlr r. hg i v ielm kcy T. M. Clarkparor ather "Honest PA d-M8 o$ i poogile hattas -ta 82 à galon. 'lo bnlng Eu $13,- la Ibis particular case Eti hppenei Dr. Brovn bai been cael wth Clark" as the board members lita Il -ono Ill net raturn alc he b0"va' oMo,600a iear. that tha train vhicb approachcd cnmthat bc atur erer imaetlssatmn nh voici rîr-î'n-raz spirits ten"tseclai. vuei stop r r.supportung Dr. Brown: t lun~ h>i1 nrciio ffro the oth vas apcta,"car- wudso ed.Ho baid baia hargtI'II"taut ta gay titat ty vote is gov- th Taterday te supervisera vtdt 25 centi a galion. ryung rccruits tram Chicago ho the ai vllh vilîfuly îsiigh Ihg.a ai.bon hoernai entireli hi the ovidence o! Dr. Ci detor sact'Ion ou the petitons of Ver- 9IXTH-Iitceeuelu fermentaililq- Naval Station. Whou il arrivai t lay at death's iorn, but vien Dr. F. Gourbiy. Dr. Gourlay's evîdeuco vindi- non men for dramn îhop licepmes u0n- or ltate2.50 a barrai. the depot Ei ii uat top te tiko eh L. Gouriey lok the vitueci stand calas Dr. Brovn o! any wroug do- M tii the Jua meeting. By that imne the SEVENTH-i4nerecsei tax on ci- voter butît thon vas toc te teh as one o! Wooiman's wlltngese ho îing. Dr Gouriai gays ho vouti have ii "dry&" of Vernon hope te ho chle ta gars, ta brtugtIn $10,.000,000. This lait lover the gala&. Genti bag; drîven gadi:maete emedaoiattDr Prove Ihal a maJortty of the resîtdet viii ha gradai we that the blyhesl the auto truckt an the trackts ani Vas "evenmetra oe0fBode l if te dtats i lite an'Dr.e o! the township are opposai tea cclas> o! cigars viii pay $6 a touani squarely in the path o! the train. The "Yu hn1etraom ofBwnd Itefcoofhe a'sd "vol" Vernon ln van timo. 0 ..iivrpia iaelm.Tî ia !toegu tukJ~ e trangers 1 usuatty attompt te cal- Rinces aibcben put ta hlm lu the th Il was Superviser Veca. of Dean- graiuation le a modification o! the inchte behind the îrîver's seat. loch mi foee hefore departlug." csame vay that thhv vera ta Tin. bh fivitwo fird the final cun a i te Treaury Departuaet recommanda- A physicien va. sumgmouod and t Thoac fev varda fro thUeo motth Brown. Hia testmoni proves that tDr, a Wets" e Degerield. l addresing tin for etraigt tax f $6a! hauman ovideneonelves onho usmandao o!clBrownoutreatfuBeow to!a1-be o case ca aswas %i "vota" O! eerVaslfouu il resmlcelion forah lralghttac a!r$6nathaus-gva touieiuliaIbacide fout culs o board utemb* es renay. Mr. Verco-- ani. one crut, Scratchas On the hody anid aEscbiartmpron iyg ta-ouiheoct. lu pain. many of vitau are ln a di Thon T. ',%. Clark volai ta vîndi- W r Ta Ule Bdsba itoei EIGHTH-Plccoa las a! 5 per cent nagoieaha'ing up tbe Young man ap-Egcaitonmultevdec claD.Bv. "hUntdSaeha eoefaOraulaom6hilea ut the tcctory. Ta parenly bai ocapoi. Introdtiaimtetril e! r.Bvide.ce it r.owtn vn. aD. .E of situatiou vo cannaI appreiheni or un- t1qig -$75,000,006.. rcde hvn ra fD.Bon. Toevtn evidaeD.A . dertani. Thea whoice vorli ni» Lay NIN'-lucraaae taou enmanurac- sgr. o teriah e f>ru-Bv strIgbefore aur ioras ithin a fri tohacco ta 16 cents a pounci ,gas.trmeh lips et uta alck man GEORGE BAIRSTOW, Waokegan hi sî arGod ho blssedus wtE bing n $2,000ha0.hoeard aa tri o!a diuking-hout J. J. BARNffi'ABLE, Laite Villa th big crapa and greatlainds, and1 ieh- TENTH--Nev tacr on vbolesale l- cto aI 1e Kenosha. Heork l inte situation T. M. CLARK, Highland Park 41 haeve thal aur grain cropm abouti ha bacco dealer% ani Johbens ta $I&a Gfel roadi thoShoow oor paîriolîsut and ithon lho gave as bis opinion liaI CHAS. CRAPO, Wautogan tu *maie mb. foo for starviug human- 70cr. le bin; iln 8$M00.000. F'iay uigitt Auli tecomnîttieas are tae scitmaie vas ndepeaicet, aid M. P. DILGER. Waukegan ai lty. The farmeni of the. We.î-aud BLEVBCNTI-Nev tas- on retaf ta- ah vont ahiandreports viliiha gîven ltaI he vouli hava 10 charge a ftee EMIL A. PICKE. Ela âh 1 vnt e sy tat her lano ighr aSodeaersof 6 ayea, t brngani mono cotamiltees appointi ah a o! 12. He dii thii. The frieniso! lta e RA w. HOLDR1DG.E, Waukezaiiaa cls of vat en c that theofre s - h ln a44,50 en0a,$0a00.,labnnameeting caliai for tonight ho perfoct sick man Ihought gitffenently. TýiaY . iRPPKIR.KPATRICK Waukegcn ai tcitug îvp holaie lquo trm lte i'Wti~r~-ncrasaon ine the l. plans. Il la e ot taevery club thooght Brovwnitad"$Blghtei te sic A. G. MAETHER. Vernon akna o! I»te laitv oirr ttaon the doule ras-etraton txand aociely vilI sou reprepentatives Man. Thcu, Il appoars. Jin Waodman H. C. W. MEYEI, FreinantD bno f ita eir arers.ot ailfprohibIti o bletIRTeentH-ras.o uia i altet etng titis eveuing. Ail thelearnai of thecasto. Nov Waodnian E. j. MONAHAN. Laite Pareil ti Iti, tey on' belev l detroingstrmens, rohaporgs, ian ply:cîtiEanarouni bore ara haviug coe- deeplues Dr. Brown. Titis la. ualha- TROS. V. 'MURPHY, Waukogcn h 215 tby dnthetovaii detrolu stumetigrphahous.piao paibratioand cii vo auttehoshov thoincause a! anythiig Brown han doua RAY PADDOK. -Wcul'oni TI t a r neigitiors ightt, bultbey fini an, etc., o! 6 pan cent. taI North Chicago le on thc map. ta Wooinicu. Brown dldn't poison A. w. VERCOE, Dèerfieli qi ttai canuot keoit mon wbo arc' POURTEEX'TH - Stavmp lso Our slogan la "Let freedaut roig." Woodmcu. He alun't mate ciii at- ANDREW T. WHITE, Avon n maie Inefficient Ibrougit drink. teacter, baseahci ua llioer amuse- Baker,. aur noIew mciief, vas out tenipt ta lako frini hlm bi brsai GEORGE iIOCKENBACH, J>erfield W "I bh ldaffidavts mgneal by people ment ticktsofBe $10 pan cent. 1 Tueeday evenlng putlung bis recruits an.d hutler, bol Brown dIi refuse ta WM. J. STRAT'1ON. Grant n vho votai un tavor o!licece:for IMPEDN Ie ean ostal rate Urough thein finalpints. But ou let Jili Wooiman ron hie huglnacs B. C. THOMPSON, iienton Veno twsh rw outbbc a- t e fr§atcloueo!nnana ali laaiig then ovar îou VITIioseo liaian h ia atlte counti, sa Waaiman Titosaopposlua Dr. Brown: ther nnges wthraw frin he e-&tin o zoe sstin n scon clsaara neariy ail isvoîrani hili teer- deciid taI 1-er0 vas tut ana lhlug HENRY 1EGER, Lîertyvitia titiana. Saute cci they errai, altera mail vice. James -Hurt, John Miller, Ed. for hlm te do, "nomn Brovu." D. A. HUTTON, Waikegan hi caEut tiat they volai voong. Othens lu adiEtion ta thune Items the solt:Moure, Clarence Phiiip, Leuis Wolf. For montl lha bas pinli l lhaloum ET). T. MARTIN, Nevwport.1 ca intaI thoy vaut Vernon dry un dmini tax and te proposi tax on l'- and tva othere are ta bo appointai. sathmets aboaut Brown. Heo pntei GEORGE . M'CuLLoUGH. Warren 1'o van ine. 1 amt certain 1bat c ma- flai petroieum, nludlug gasolile, Zivand Bradon la te ho ltae ncv one mbani about canman living on ltae FRANK A. WEBB, Wcukogau. lu janty o!f1ha people o! Vernon do net has beau loftI vitoul recommanda. driver for tlifie vagon. Southt Sue, vito wantei te a iat r. Brown@ Story: fa laynicence. lien. The pulie a!the Nantit Scheelln hi titi lctng o! Brov n. Invea ««I hbai Jpen bacit et mi offIco but Tit Pocuan o th Uiti 58 ingle men earning lousetaon $1. ceiebrated Devey Day vilh PatnIOitielin sbov@a tInea ucit Man i ie.a 1ev dais folovuug au illncca o! Th rsdn fteUie tel>000 vîli uatliha taxai, and inaiiei sauge Tuosiay. Wooiman lli tedeatit a! Berger tvve'ca vtheo na ulght ut 10:10 -Ci lu umnaieu'e ia n earnlng lesthaà $2.000 villiesc Mie Margaret O'Kas!e vas boutons Carlson »v a grand opporluity ta 1 receivei i tetepitane cal trainlte tion iny. Euvoys fri'Oi forelgu ha- cape taxation. A 2 par cent tact Wlil taea& box parti ah bite performaneao! charge Brown vitit haviug mudersi Paersniihomo on Lenox avenue. 1 h Uons tllius tlitaIen tougi peaS cchoplaci ou SUli ncomea itetveii 'Princcss Bnie" lait cvenhng. the boy becausa ho changcd hlm a vas about hotehirevion te phone citonlliehadeolaeai Iis yean thal the $2.000aid $5000, and a tas a!f44Pr The Parent-Teechens' Assocation fac. Par dais, yen, veelte. ha laid bis rang. Whan I toppai ut !Ucro ' voli yull findit1hbarder ta feei Ils cent on Incomos &bore $5,000; asea au helu mn htresllng meeting on Tues- reader.e! dastarily. cruel, unhieman la anaver the phone, Mna. Brovn p1aoplev ha lIteiiilh a Im ta. icra acaninares avn$0-iy aflarucon aItteascitoal bouse. andIflIthy accl>caumttlaby Brovn. callei ta me cani nequepled that 1 "I elov lta i l rgil ha v 00ereaching 3 pin cent ou IliCOrne.Pians, for c gardien Voire iauei Ha aie so mcuy changes that lte tai at homoecand gond eltier Dr. A doter action on Iis mater util te 0f 81,00,000 or mono. and the final arraugements loft- lu Peope of te alme ntionaiti a8 lbe Danials on Dr. Bue If1-be phono Jue meeting. and thon vo von'l mp te banal> o! a cammittea. An inter- demi mai look Op the case. Thai di! oeli vas one Ion a doctr. peur lu c false position hetore te 1,Ol5ýullfMW d k mulee eîting progrant vas givan as falove. s0 hecauce, tieî bai been mileai. 1"1anavonai the pheone ciid vaa peope vo reprenant!', 1e laviOr Vs*8aisu i 1 Plana Polo-Miss Leihi Thea i dl do s0 lu a ro'vatgaful aaked If I couli came te Mni. Pater- *I a" m nal aftin ofa!saluons," ae To Mug lmqpillcton m h.Pa j » naSoocirit.They dii.nw hecause aetlmaI aon'a haute on Lenoè avenue. I1né- -41d Mr. Clarkeof ighadPark', 1.e »k.& ,Palier, "Whal Parent-Teachons- Aiso- Greal Svainh deplre viticithli'ned pii 1-at 1 *ouid coma lmialate- r ciii I viii support lbheumotioni 10de- "'No. ir," cee er i ei -ireà TFecitions Have Acoompiie"'-Mrs. lu theln hoesome ta leb Justice lire- hy. My i vîto ed me a secani lime a a 'en. I coma front diy teritoni becu dcvi a goci mnitime, lst I mlgboi'. vail. ual la go but I tlid ber tah aie jff but I coutens taI Highiand Park .lia a aulvmic 10toniMar to gel 1 btReaaing-)glus West Nov maay o! Ihese mon are sorri vas a wva i lotaid liaI I1inuet In buu ln>ge." -ena jur.» Reaing hecmuse e iaiparnjtci Woodlliatehogo11 rtmi car eahthe cernai of Mai , h A*niSali taIbfora te Juna mont- "W*m hatisa.sr"tb tt h@Palier, "Wiat tia, Wan bai doua a tecacae hm m #covandly'plat teanduiMeAlWeer, and mas .1soppSdouI ig la calîithe drys vIiiTo ieae0teJuda<ge, lc "1»' Y u ibac'*u"-Utm Dola. mtiupt n unkini. anuonethioiedemi. o! Mymnachlna M» m in tpjei tor- prove ireglarulis. on electlinan d SNli'hliiiehoe,»asigit t.'~l edu-r.RcaBlWoi ulasfidt hml- ad ad IniriiIva D. whc ai'ÙÙ'titV"po IT 6. Ie t aIaMWbsat M. 1 X~MSIA» Rth- Decker tImnlt té -"Set Brovn." Thte oar'd ofBrovn. mcinidryfaf mioher tIvy. duart mm a i; 1 W~»" Mis. LAtchl le dolpg subshtuta Supcrvisera, tisé emploiera 'lft Ibtt 1,1"'l' aionyen tobbceplace Yeu are INO ryý, Ve oirebava net don- 94mu c sauu lube ln ero' iitbic ImaeBluff scioola 1fimllea. bavabmovu 'hithir Votehbt v~ umpg eoel hqvii ov. h P040 b<OBImIui.Ns w.) to report' titanfor trequentiug sa. loues. [Our Bargain naIl m ouind upon a counter laid? ?itat la thmhr launt vito ami 1tiknow un Weil. I'iteiika 11k m mercihtu t mi sc bo. Wit"h arm hibai odtoat1 Iml eotim liberty, a petit mecIea Pan etacl otJustice and mndu'ig Poe$.e Netnue rêeMasi orever tram lte sar Ot *vil ficys 11D itte.- A, .oused nvemtinmtbt..te pie lm - blEui. Long bccndmd vestin lu in, fame mmi Deati Iuntlng h inte ma and l intié ski- iliall v. knov terror; mIta ivr ta on*$ Icli That otitere cblldrni. tearisela tbm mun., Mirm ami 0" viscie nd iiacefmibbm au we tat titibanflln. Natter i et tMarvi, ,rleugb v. mair fiat V.'anommt tuai cv eay. P-n4 ttsy sem4t er6 40o n urbea.t Au ialm isni ho pay. Tu COQNTIaTJ STATE AÀID YO conriçt for pevlstg eaeusOC of te Lake Caunty m e rnd*, 8,@W feett g ees, W.sb. kegmis on Grmnd F#mu«W% 17. ho* been hold up titre. vmw esls et to« ttita ai omeiob. reo .P. maflNte l em* wonk Oon har4, t«" y O moai. edta M1» Mrs fer iU,«e P aill uisevecteas.m evtp vwu noslve o u SpnIngSem lbb Manie bai asbulted the loveel M for Ibme important siltiélMl "w - cii Il vea hhousbl Itb* UV* vouli be aarme lmm4dlalelp LU LÂKR < gt= )ETECTIVES WHIO co SPIIED ON LOCAL O15 Ms URDERED Ct 1A. Secord Had Just Return-jj ed to Chiag From Here When eaten to Death. AÀDE I1IVESTIQATION HERE. îoman Who Lived in Melody House* on Belvidere St. Was Estimas on, Purohase or the 'Subject of His lnqtiry. Lea8a Price Must Be.Submit- - ted Within 48 Hours. Thé myslery ourrounding the case- ipon which R. A. Secord. operative br the T hiel Detective Agency, was WILL COST $1O 0 0. twork when be waa beaten ta death_____ * front of a Cbicago saloon on April à, was cleared lasÉ nlght. Govt.PaMi to SPU4teat Hi was conducttng an Investigation $20,000 " SS P' br D;. Charlcs E. Cesena, millionaire May Be Taken-by Gévt nk Park land promoter, In canner- J64 with the charge Of the thief of Orderi' ta obta la wlthln fortey- 18,00 q~d the doator agaluat 1,M bt ours Ietlmatoïe'an pur- li ui uphy. aund-fWhich efi otffl or lament f417 acres cf m arreted. land adjacenit te th« OBrat La*te aecord, fi develops. had juif re- Motion have beaun reoifl freh4 uaid la Chicago tram Waukcgan. lté bureau or navigation lIn Waè- shoreoe h adIinvestlgated Mine Mur- Iîuoi., Is le belleveci the sur. phy.lai et rccord vhen he vas mur- col pre@wilibu aroun ,4$1,. frad. During bis staYlIn Waukegafl 000.in lem. tian a wsek COOgaSo Scord. lnterviowcd many of the hm P0000rifer$lmog >rmllent remuaents of Waukcgan ' Approximaîeîy 0 % tmd local friends vill ha ahockete ta0qomoro probably wlil b. lWemd. arn of bis death. *Oo f ltse land, whioh bas Duriug ber residence tiers Mica becit listei et 010,111)()mn .more, th .e îsrphy lived at the corner of Belvi. gov*rnm îmoy purthan fer $ara and Utica mineeta. OQ eoe ftepoot Girla Brother AoQueed. 0< eeri0 it rqry tW es chave ,ffered te leen thqlr-IM4, But vlh thal anystary qudai d, fuor-n.l uitg i9 i îcroomliatinshave euiered the tuue4i~. eaue. ShorUJy all e icf*W affair, lri. Alle Butler, 302 Woet -Parti. nevc.uth treet. idantiflidThomas Te Take rose Park? f urphy. 44744 *Prîncaton avenue, au North Chicago racideuts-a. aI'.#beSU tha man vho klcked Sacord after ha diung Ms to vhcther or not .tbc« are hai been knocked dovu. Murphy. coing ta laue PMou Park. Prose pttms te police Icarnein la abrother of cnt Indications thera us* em hé te Miesnl4arphy accused hi Dr. some fear Ihat such ma" buel a., ConusPar.the laut saveral ilys curvcyora Thon, at the toquet yaaterday. have beau et work along the top .9 Mra. Butter rehracted her Identtifica- the bluff. working &11, the wmy froni on and declarci pohe had nover seen the naval station t0le P a u r. Tii. - iurphy betore. He vas then releas- ballef prevaila in mauy section» la a. Todcy flic strange rétraction and North Chicago that the plaie of th te,.freeing of Murphy yul hae laid goverument ta liici'ase the capaçity before Sia'. Attorney Hoyne and of the naval statian go it viii.-ha cap. &rigid Investigatian demanded. ableoaf accomnaadatlng comm eoM Dr. Cesce preterred bis charge ta 26,000, yull recuIt lu a oudemna- against Mine Murphy, vho formorly lion o! a 1ev hundrecr cmes ofmaoo 'ce exnployed by hlm as office girl linig along Uic bluff la tbe forth -of ofr scvarai ycarg, %fier Bbc bcd sued the présent Mtotion property. This lu for 160,00. would Includa FlocsPark. Sh. asserted that ho nad main- In case the gaverhmeut shouli feci incd an apDartmenl for ber at 229 calied upon taesMart condemualioa fulb Central Park avenue. that ha Pracccdings ta acquire tille le lhe cad given barr Tavela and fura, and park proparty It W mid thaz, o*W hod told bar te use any money that houan eptrit4 proteat <rom Northt Chi sh vantai. Hic ardar coodai, though cage remidenha ttocanme hhoy reilts.- he said, mandthon sha 1011 hic IInPIOY that If ivould ha a pâtriotie, 'duly t and braught Uic cuit, cilegIng amuit cive mjp tU i ll'Lafront parkl an plander. case Uhc goverumeut nacia the lad. DrAem.uc thon amployei the Thiel 'Phare hava beau rapor'te <rom ttan Dclactiva Agcncy. Secord was givan tatelime that large tracts of laid se thc vont. On th eday ho vas Miain Joiniug the atatian are la b. pur. oe vont.Into a saloon near vhcroe cseud. Pos Park I n ooftha miel Thomas,,Murphy lived and alka i 111110boauty spots &long lhe uorth quetions, about hhm. One of saveral mite, 1»gpe ty liof North b Chcag ion lu the saloon struck hlmn. TbeY bas mputt'wmmierahie ta Impiove îl. weut outaeide "ta fight Il out." A few Tiaesla c a citizen of lhe city but minutais lahar Soerd'a body vau bo weîl. eget te Iose Uic po $und on thea sdewalk. ry At that lime ha vas beiievod hy te police that h bc hd beau bottan by r#llroei monvbo, Uiolj; hi.u a. DA! IC I C "spolIer" engaged by the rallrocdm I 0-NVR8 i L Ua mLL