Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 10

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"04 hit54W i le17.9 40. Qrn .......... 9.4 Go.W_*ltProdtigers' hmb0dlS1 n 1%4T .. 94060.4 M*à M di, or ....28 1914 18 14. 2 764w0à c"tt ..... L7 gol t &t thé 14r la 84GO 14.40 6.4 1 baw eti lltl i8ù14, ewIhu f ........ là 1 0 a.00 12.00 48.0 s e4.ouMttè, o511....... 58 40- 18 6.u 8.60 vine t tthe. pian asi tla 5not veti dis, 1 10 8.40 67.60 dlle arryes taof e.o ce.,1Ir1 10220fic ...... 4.2Utb et.... ..:20 180 17 51 0 1.00 67.00 Mr. Roi sald lt w*.e 1r5t m*i iu l- 4 414.0 6.00 also provttabti.lelet £wbe~iof, {Wukegn>0wThei. oftfet the ti.parent asàqhii .............. 12 96 la 4M .6 6.6 ons fit al'aUOd »Positi on ofl. 10800col memberg by èeidggvorlng 10 4>fr- tate ;and dilaa>' 4daptI. r fald 18-4 olt $66760 of thé asclal fliu4the' .4», s. movd Itm>' the re. prbiet iwtbol*. reaullnag. cut .oltoipast ahaa spiauor o fle ttkV001110 u- àoDtd. hibrvt1~&y1rmoved to adjourc a treasur>' fundtu tamet lie owft ex, si&-6W tedsr movei thatthle sine,"Ie penses andi be10u5e Ito advising 011 Silo. 23.00 h~~~~~ia sthoMled ta lapa. Motioin oarl.d. e aotieoftemhO h * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r =t. .-sftw.<hh it Obuaty Treasurer ta là£OW A. IIENIIB e u uud ! i.ran fUn %a 10k.. 8.0 elle le- te in , 118115lupa9'ment or, . parent organisation. Mem swft« ai .ù . e hs etighSap oO1DO1 Lk ounty. es. flot lead to beU'eve that the. fond ro- 30.08 d li- Iiieeb crtf>' tist thé foiegolng celved for -marbe~ 14vmoveti that a ris le tix dO frxottanseMlpt e tlxg opyooliaencletb tlia4ks be extOnd*d to prÔooedlgbý of lie Board of Supr- op.n ol ,cacle > ..i~hh1.<.... .. X co10Khg fi the *fair andi lmn-vmrs aIt the Mareh, 1917, session of eacb separate local ln ls awn bfh 8081 ~~b' iitI~iu nsimnuer iti soir! Bda~.. and at the 'mre tint e hoiriIveslitt be ', w xu .praldot over the. delibera. l IU tes Wbereof 1 have hereun- idie. plants owned by the paren1t cOin *Idà l asm 4waon4w 6.,*àtii. 0f 1km Board turing thn Mat ta subserPhetiMy 'hantj..and affixed Sthe. eeal et iald County this 2inl day pSOy ast lIT. Rées would have tiiOfl Montkffl 'f April, -À. 1). 117. believe andi even Mr. XiCttle. Wbo fb a jf~>o~ SpervisowmNey" er1ved that the. 1.1W A. HENu1QE, e<InilieterbyAC.ouU 1 iibab.p f tits eetng tandail Clrk. protincers fr bils extensive work id *& I~sb1 o ou U rd* mg~t- the nassociation, couiti no t macet" weddlng, wbtck will lait, place at men that a surplus of milit 19 AtWaueau, I Ünlh.tlla tie bride's bOrne. A weddlng supper flot a su rplus ind that i. coulti ope* 4i Cbas.. IL j Oun- .l be served& after whicb, Io carry up an ldie plant for 60 or 90 days a t ô * r ' -_ ' u out the "double we-.dlng" ilea fur- year and'procure mien ta mariage l Oi YOd Uttii. tier the twô CoUples wll leIaYe on a and operate Lt and makee ond4nse Nire Iwo, short weddlng trip, after whlcb îbey mîli ai ciieap as men who ai-e ati l ~4o d,~~i1 f t4~1'SE EN are ta rupilde ln Libertyville. 52 weeks in a er .Q~tlPUai thé iloo ,mnt ITe. rides have -been emplùyed lu - Mr. Dunning of Bristol, Wl.'., a di- ~iU~5 iEtlm 1h.un.' Lh.ltyviiepeole eremuci 12 Itheir fatlier'8 store ae boakileeper rector of the Mlilk Producers' Asto- and eUtutlr fqr tme tinie. r1ew girls clation, lead the. algument for the. TO M4ore, OfildiSrd <i féNiiv lè 8ted lnthtil act that a double aebetr nuanda*more popular opposition andi bandîst the. sabjeet w.ddifttltWss to b. held this Thure. b i the. illtage andt tiirefore the- dou. la a manner whicii siowed real miii- tic Pdayevenng tberin te brdet r1!ble weddlnt aSsuinetiexceptiona. ln- ty. t bouh: ti» p Oflelus erchton *dlgotell of one of tiie villages Weill Iterest. esPoCially as« t la tthe iret onn The, Co-olieratice plalmet almast a Oulits for the 1h ~ Ilown merchantit.Minée lvelyn Sud bue lu Ïthe. village foi- some time. ý oi4opposition. W. B. Wattlus- Wiiat. ad *~ uIgW s foi-m éfiud t 50 glst 1111Blanche Triage, daugiters of county frt adysaor. moatiestrang: asfo- .8îJ 111trdigg wmasketonduitety-a*ImnPre..î<» upon those prisent In a .......... f ur y n=i mea marli e b Liety .ples, for business management andt 4.1 L~ l. emet i m nlngto ranis rm r.alY Wpsleabout mw~tfe« accOuntlng on tiie <arm. t ........ 73 lii ~-nngtaYanl H. "WbatVs th@. mnterr A ine lunch va's servei b>' the la- k t8nilsIloed 5f d$~ IEUIabid A.L. Johnson, both well "f doWt klio*. Irefte mua et ianim.. iso i,<uneat arno ............... 644.464 b81 kâoW la 14b81-lyvifle, thlng estibealLY W*>ng wlttd lier be oca 544.5 telie iiolid. aidno It~ti. ~caude ahe, as *s Iglnt t*g the, ___ ~ Ç~lm - K?. 819 ia ropldont 0f Liberty. lWààt.î 'ntereatithetiliwtyle..'-________ estu ~- vftt bçiug emplayeti antan account- Detruit FrgS press. ......... .1 -4~-,uqot, le, at* Atbe1h ac*r*n ltb .Mr. Vlat eusi um l0 the 0 t b. o!"Mmi-Ss. a-toreasntative*for the whieH.' Waits< i t4 éarIer. *rvr>' re utt obigr, ê Ume" d fok ý»!0 * M . ân y C .,in hage f r. Boozer(ta er M& b roher)- The lil.d »lucky atiolu of atlgb e tif > ....i . 5.40 %fofet as fisasible cas «r" io ieLbertyvilie terrltory. May 1 Kioeytt , oîrouiu-Ywlleuu &i 5 leYd e t l u l e à*i.ofU fou .... .... m e n thé .ut. tifUne o t c ba:,. Ab elit50 relatvegand'close frieds Pret', al igt. leabt hse Sn' u d» el O P ti t our ndertangit. m e t .>at i . o ti h l l aÔl e t b . e v e s vI l l b . p r e n a n t a i t h Le tu , h e s t . t i c b a n d .- E x q b a n z e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... 16.90 -?»at lthe perators be albowel t~@- t10uds tim. vilile-» 410Y tfor mn'W«., i .........4.10 ~aller h.fipt day lent oouseepr 8v. thls, an&M ne-timird lent Iliir ........... . 4 wuflsnmdiwut mfg tu ing.oW for lb poutIon. aiof oo- ........ .00taibs, llefurablir men tropn lte ebén ........ . 1 1104t ILscht.4a1for lie nd rutq of thé offltube siopteti adiisrred lu PAOeelfuIl> eibrultte& OI ............ .LA. ]Me"K. r. ~~Munhar 0f lis. Uo«ad. d igu 2.00 ~ Maether m~dthast th, D .........25.801 TS4IF1baccepttiand adopleti. Mo. Dla W . 3.gànlua B*gm Iv4d j.,91WDr. P. C. agan 19.08 Euh-gIn rdm oved o spa- i- V # 4â r U O m e t h billt . Lear>' la qulpped ............ 3.40 b14W of J5im #ý Wotcii. StOOV &ttS- eu"" hovtintinste L~1* 5Prttc 100 milieu besarIsp a lafiWlD ; v.g. 1iE. b 1 LiIdtrOm be allowld fus, i~W t~8moe ltt tih. Motion corried. anti adopte&. Suparvioci-Voe m arMes tfàt the r.lor> i bailaor R, 0wamhoa aowe'ht iDr.hanAp, kr *40.48or t usingaaPProVoa b>' Super. . tlou ati ilsirs Couraitmî. vwà iV .jovotyle0u tlUe ovlag report: maelo riled. wtWnrflt e.bois febt the hic BrioCnsu> £mouentiftllofatnet 1 SiF usvu La wu 1 moted te of ~ f TÇ! 4 iPthftrh the Wilder fsktlla Company's plant hobas inn rninMë th *Y" boys Sat«rta>. Ê i an UtIle hboys eau go, but il viii ha necemar>' for ail Who awh ti 0- fo ath ig a on p before.fflnIa>'nigit. At>lte I. ntber in tha part>' vll baye telie IIM#185.6 tliosé via lga, tint *Hl Le Thé boys aneet at the "" t .-le:1 -- sit ail th lii- tane-y wiWrmust de :,st lé b'elock Alier s'onc llr~,RuîWdito~i -~ ili toyal Collège of D:n881~o! a- $25.00 ~k4aI1 à ejjhev upholstered; latrge rubbcr tired wheelsi; brown, gray' and natural; aJ.ways *$2,0; on tisie at àrgit bood; Rasy rwligln kôt 1hugs and Linoleums Pl "W ant Ads." Ar Restv,'Géitters Dan' *"i*n id inaoac* tlis l.basopeneti a dentaloffite I the. Oisee lig, ln the roomas foruerly accupled b>' bha been saveti ln the. furuliibing of Ibis office, anti Dr. *d ta do 841 branchées of dental vorn. LMOOO grtn th*,11elO'UA Colles, o! Detal Surgeons and bas 30 ln, Cbflo fat several years & a&t asdecidedti tMire hoome. Thie doettr bas talcen a lease for several >'ears andi Dr batesas ùMay' oti.. riga letters of the. lj2best reoommendatin front the lsvI' bi.iaUl, néWgPaperk andi business be wler. h. bas pran- ê- temu tss e b m ~8l8that tlome libug tahave dental Ive thoriUghj>' cientlle, uP.-ta.tbe-minirte treataient. *9 speoa»se ln gole anti porcelai n crawn. bridge and Ily> '"alsert nanthorit>' Dit "rtificial plaie vo-k Mdthle sci-- ai of îbdsi liklobh3ylaei. - .e0*t eto enty r.,Lesry vlbes la usure the .public' till ilth n$ei aliaemsuil,,metiiode at comipnlLa lt.eiaids o! ii oKlIul peato~ uis~tdental operaflouula a tiiug aoflthe past. M , *ary WiJ pgbgjelIe4eh week an article beüdeti "TalIt on Teti." w ,ïIf lla,4e'eti, I ulcfsil +tb»mgpgbly scientifi. kuowietige af the, cal- té- b a~t~~14h d ek , à the~ exact'relation existlng between dlsmes -01 thé erà iitý a:rdtbé gae l, relt,- - ~1 Nshd;~Ji.bIs. » "q ýtý iii, r

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