Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 13

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rndsome Souvenirs Ior Everybody ,program has been opening day. Talcum Powder iOc, In the b"et odors. The Jap Rose ias well as the- Mennen talcum powder-the two foremost brands-inseveral odors 50c Gowns! For cbjdren to 14 37c Children's regular 50e muslin gowns in good, full sizes and pret- tily trîmmmed. A great bargain at 37e. Anniveriy Sale Wonsen 'a Sleeveless Vests 8c ALE.X H L. Wonmen 's 15o sleeveless vests, ini~s.s... ail sizes; very well nade of good (ltality; very speeially priced. 75 Lake Coirntys Greateot Store for Womn a adChfdwwf Boudoir Caps-For women, In lprett.V tle flace, ribbons, nets and silks inai o, Waukegaà 's Most Important Evd ~hsi ling the Annlversary Sale brings a syacrifice ot- 0ver97J'i5 à i Suits At Unheard of SPECIAL Reductil $15.00 v41ues, iii many good- looking styles and eclorings and some exee$ent niaterials. There is a good siie range at the sensational price of- dfeec hc It do@çitt mmli.much dfeec hc Pr emm 10 yy OU il get a won- de la any ont. Sufatp to $18.50 Tbfs. *troM ~the talor shops et 14WU of Ute COUn-$ try's peAlit Manufacturera. HE Bolted, De an sd but ton tulmrned 1.awlth large U coflars ane.b pockets.- A SpeciSiae at'$1 -l.of course. a very smail prc opay for a spnlng suit tilat pouaes the beauty, qual- U.Y &a4sgeneral goodness these P0880IL Colora are goid. green, navy, etc. Ail izea sU rany unusual styles. sukts 0 S $4'1u.~i 25 AnniversaryM.a . Sale ot iusfiUUndeï,w"ear, * AMost aumasng array ot styie sd pretty and dalnty milf garmentsgathered for this great imvesry Sale. Some of tbe N Mot Important aelited below: -ight Gowns up to 1.50, nt -$1 and $2 Chemi»e, wfiite or flesh, at -1.50 handsome Petîîcdats, et -150 s1lk or muain Corset Covers, e A SaI&...,OOO Gowns In 79c, 85c ami S1 Values ni:~Any woman mau have a pretty night gown new and e ry smafl expenditure. Ail sises in a score of new styles. A Great -Sale of Drasiores -at P19c -43c - 89c 36e brasaleres n al ases snd 5nome remarkably pretty styles, 19c $1 and $150 brasalerea in muelin anddai crepe de chine at 8grc. 75e brasiseres, pretUily trimmed wlth lace and embroldery; 43c. GOWSII37-C Womnas muslib gowns n ail slzes, good etyles and Weil wortls the regular .price. 50ç. Speclai At 37C. 6.98 SÛRli or Wo kr S The season's newest styles in both silk and wool in small checks, plaids, plain colors and stripes. Maiuy' have new beit idéas and various pocket arrangements. AUl sizes tQo htdose New,511k aad Woil Skrs t$7 Sale of White Plnt o tes sapy ewskirts lInalinoat Wask Sklirts Iany of tb. late 'styles andI coloriage, elther s5 Valn«ue na, b$1.50, n brlgbt or the more coniervative In a wide white waah ekirta of very range of'sizes .................................rtvsye aa i, a Shirts Up t. $10 at 7-9,7 511k taffetas, poplîns and the styllsb 9 sport slia tas oued loto thse mont b- cornlng skirta wlth pleatt PaneIs.-eliMrd an iebelted wiatan with pouch or - saddie pockets. terili. AR sîzes OY at ............. 9 The season's newest style Ideu are cleveriy 1b- terpretefi ln these pretty me sfrt.1 Values i to $ 4, e a "b e $ 4l , lu A n v a briesai. 3 styles st à3 $.vi11 be but another demon- and buying facilities enjoyed by vings, this sale affords wil be a Coîîî nwl,îie. Wrp have been rnonths in preparing ýy at Nw'liùlts;îl at a liberaî profit, owing to oui' early Wie savi-1 -%-gs ith the hundreds of people wbo.during pt store for woinen and children. ,F Sale New Silkt Petticoats .48-3.48-4«69 WVom n's handsome slk petti- ats in changeable taffetas, flower- 1rmdiuni lliks, white' navy, green, )rd. magenta, etc., according to 41*1a >,iît do 5 -Û SîkWahis sto 4.50 t ed Here s your greatest as oppo3rtuflltY 10secure a fino silk crepe de cine or georgette crepe al26 ,uses, 79c end $2 Blm'SQS-In fwest ityleg, Many it the neck or buitton tand eolored. 9 id L For womon, to $1 antnc i69c c Tegreatest 511k bose sale weve annou~ne months.e. ycl or and size in tncuded ai this ri- dicluloualy low price. Women's S»c Rose Another amfflrtmpnt in fline oilk hoeI l oloringe and sizes Io Roinpers to 43 69c, at,43 Women'a 65c Union Suits -a t 42c women's *5c aummer union nutsl ail aizee wlth cuffs or lace ke;very special 4 $1 Wash Suis Sr1iZNALL aànd varios col sale Of womneru Neckwear 50oc Clever creationa la pretty jabots, etther medium or lad8., and beau- tlfully msade. And a gasat collec- tion of tdollars. my <c. Hundredsof Handsom SIU, and Cotton., Dresse&- For the Anniversar>, Sale Silk Poplin ýand Cotton t>re&sses This is one grand as- semblage of reduced dresses in pretty ailk poplis and handsoie dresses in cool, surnrery4lookù,l eolorings and 4tyles. Pretty Wàsh Dlresme 1.98 -&'2é98 At either one of these P#Se I there are a numbei, of very $Po eial l)argains affording a saving o f rom $1.50 to $2.00. * .15 811 t RIESa-ln a goed selection o q Silk Street and Party-- U*fndï Vasto $lVau. 22-50OIv4*- tg, * Taffetas, mlii poplin and sorne cr511., ln dalnty party dresses or snsart orgations for street Wear. Ie15 One 0f our greatest bargains for tbe Anni- vereary sais-dresses, ln ail colore. coat styles. pleated snd beit- Raîncolats!! For w0omen, to $5 a13298 Ail sizes, good colors and Diany uinequaled values make' this a most remarkable sale. VALUES TO $14.5-In wom- en@ rainomeaof aIl clora, abso- Iutely dust and Waterproof, lnaa varlety of styles and ail sizet-o1lced ffl- cIAla t..............97 Infants Silk Hose Infants' 31W si lIlehome An ail colora snd sises; anl excellent qilality ant M great, value eaI.... a-csrette -cma baudsosarat", In Awde- 0 Other Iats- Thèse ,assortinenta gi savings of about 25e to1 on ribbon, floweér mnd L Érimxned hats of varions ors The Annlversary Sal* of- Silk Sweater Coats The popularity Of these sweater, or jersey, coats wlll cause some liveiy selling. AUl colors; best styles. This lot lngludîjs coats of ex-' ceptionaiiy fine sili with tas- seied seahee, pat hh pockets, etc. Prie. ~ e t ........ t 9 WooflSweaters Up to $5, at womenl. sM4 MW«e' wool sweater coats, la 'moot aU coi- ora and slae*ý prlced very apeciai 6 at ..................3.65 HouseDresses vais. to 1.5Oin thls stimat- "ore real sWye hait, beeu put Inte these dreeae.f Ot -inte.dd te tsll at $1.50, but for the Ablversary va oDfer-1 and coloringsata:oniy 95c. HOUSE DRaMEs TO *2-lu fnue gbnghaina a*dp.rcaies lu both Ilght and dark. colArg, 511 stase andi 8.w styles ......... Î%97. laR. gAdvantage Anoibor I mreg Fer tol Four wanit for *lIJ ýnd tlbe4 rsefieres ini k &Pe wlth colora tt and, repe k4t lnge atf..1 ?eCiali Lgreat orne m nd coli ln lire tub s 5005e crepes styles ,o7 ) clever. 'epes a"à blors are - - - - - - - - - -

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