f~akFar- r Anut on Chaise. ETE DENtAL - Lwed airi Room 1 iý rehrn, a former pank] ai aI L.akeë Frest, lu undet ia à ei'ioui Charge pi eterred Lq.ear'a4 id il lving ln that usWbI p3oi4m utidor re nW bytbLe'Ake Forest po- flgivoli a peMmlfati ââ y the. £tiio-'ties Zebmei .8bonds. t la id that tiai. erlenen of the Vit,09 45vi aId before pe,,thq Ieye5tigAtIii tbn lq t»e tu e bForest ajthor- exirpnnly, rtileent about di- the diwb t a theiià Asi.The>' i»Justtce would hq doge Mr. à case the charge are flot nIfttlite ahUr t94b y tie eid girl, wbone nam W, v1tii* home bon M aftuabOn viwth thse tMe Zêiirn'ebiii ~ ~ié 575,toi h~~utirp btew toa br bone anm gr 'pareUtS.T»10 atiliS' 15115f 414 ho *ua¶trbitterhthe .4m S*k w.,ï lacel ululer ~ ihShoamies*bout ivo oneZ. a"au mpete luilAI et ~~~~~~ -A*b'~I4UIegil b.Y "I cosoa clCiess o t ~~Lho ~ l 3e~rc . I:30 o&01o0# ~@ny i~lsw vii Juow. aMd Ielviin ringÈ. t h eate lthe orI o! <ie "RedtiCrocs" mo Bulit Fireon Rear Ph-aond Then Tunud if i mobe Flie Alarm. DAMAGE IS MOT URÊGE. - Wauicegan. Mat là. TIre ot lnendiarY Conlehreaten' éd ealy Tuesda>' eyenigto deZroe the frame building onSouili Genes',e treet tbat formeri>', wac o<iupied b>' the uno~Ru~Il*il.A r bagi been kilied -on thi e egrpord of the building and edi. dames ld s ecuregi à gooýd eta rt b>' the timo h flre department -arrived.j Assitant l'ire Chie!r1D. A. iluttoji. vbo -1» actig cie! durinz the ilin»Ma of Chie! O'FParrel,, attrllitte lmn tg aimail boys. He endeavqnrd tW Po- cure a trace of the 'olUgters but up ta the present time ham; talled. Thé police bave ta'een ulu the inyes- tigation and i suert that arroetqvii be madie If the guilty parties mre la- cateti. Accorduig ta the acting cI»ef a vie of klndling Wood andi nubbl Iqi been placegi on thi ear porcb whieh ovenbanga the ravine. This bad tien been flred.i *Two line alarma vere sent lu, one tram box No. 28 etaheti, crner of Relvider. andi Oenesee treets and the. othen tromn box No. 33 at the crner of Beividero anti Souh UtIC4 itreeta. The. alarme ame ila imost .atistaneoueiy and for a lime cane. ed tà$ fear that tb.ne might ho tva Sn.The. persan vbo tune ntil thej ýaàrmrM -box 33 nearly'tors th-~ dooir ose tram the inges. Wien tefieinmin anrivei on <tie scene the. fie hgd hurned a làb hlrolugi the porcli andi had inte tk»ým« rerali of! lie building.,IM iaesen ers aihooting blah ýn. tie gtiý, Tii. figiting of the. ire vas ttended b>' conflderabbedanger beeaum théi fismeu might bave loosudetit-oMiii porte of the porch. Il va nfteoary 1' ter off mucu of tii* ptdl»g ta *z -Ungtdsb the. finehet'*een the vAlln MRy 41TII ~1 arMa& viii bagi is street IM4 * e lt~ t5f81 Md v"1- loi i. pmeonr l bir <boa & e ndala bof tfhie lisvil corn, t a asop ville Wuscpr honds ovor the stee-lngf l'Ogr 60 si e tUh argain orsff :MU viO epase, ille la.tho 4». broapa sntheicbruutidau KM.. for, thê iilsvifO ta finish "itnl concentration. h*W<5 a mani autilie Who anti e yea, sens 4eel> <fàieboy. pyn b.s an end fnet fyolrgs. à ast vietber b.',wanis ta borro ig ormu nfi l nni#reec." dbecte mowyer. -Ie ettier cane, l'euDot 1L SpeollSo$w ~Peae for~ rm Derstg This la the simple lnscrlptoi on S hulton vhici viii be a natigo 017OY- ait>' for evcry man io atteulpts ta euist le the tUnited States navy, but la reJected fon one'reason Gi'anoth.i er. The badge has' been autharlsoti b>' <apI. W. A. Moffet ae4 will ho insueti b>'the Civillan Navy ULecrulk. ing Association. Prnk Hibbard vas sponsor for the plan. itlta probable Abat a ahellar bPetoin. viiib. fqrnhnli ed rejected applicants for tie uliarinte corps. A numben et mon nojt'cti for body 'or e>'. defectn bave cnn,<tiered theniselves ln tiuigrace. the batton] wiii serve te place them ou lheiexoc'. liaI along witb auccestul1 npplICaii.t Tic mary'» "man of war apecin,'* comalatlig ofai atraiof ee te s"ar decorateti andi mannie.by jllielackets, yuwil circle the loop late le the day IL ta third ruil -drive" for recuiing. John Robinson of 4024 West Park %vane.u,,Hiwianti Park. piaeted s erop or poup~esi ils yrd a veek cgn. 14q av»ke ex mornt anti fourn tuiàaï athle spli spuds hat boeendug SMac ametolen. webll Me bougt a ahoigun mid plantedan- pr CrM. lie s> it ots un iadp wlhh botnlalb>' uta bed R4eada niglt anti vent t amit.. se Ie soua0'. Whou lie avokae ertiaiý ge'*isb. fctUi4 lie crçp hml bée 4hp QW stolon àagpL1 n. inlrlu4 bo. f1md li t tthieirstedits -to s«Ofr ig tunm hOTt t Sort W diOtt,ýbit h rtilçcwAc sibéIis thbir boys ite.*0rt s er fo t ledit *ton* 4à».t deVèl- ~Io~i tue mat the ti.Y. M . . o! Waué ltd ode FL, w&4 auke to cco4orte l lnt' ~l'!eêt't~ hêl8u* woirk c totIng the Byseoutoto ÉCREST SND$SCO= Tt. offidOffi sthe PFort OhrMaS raser- 4aa sdrtnr of the Silk Peticoats $3,95 Beautîful new petticoats or the iartes u Mlota made of a rematkably One lue&trout quality ,pf jeta iik, ln ail the plain colore, as We11 as4 changeable elltects, sale price ...... S7t 95 a Y, u awuui.tt.$ 06xr 8 dB"leh'e saved manY a -»e aa substintaait on her wearlng-,apparel. This ofter $t 14.95 àhould arouse keen interest because it in-. cludes garmentai actflally worth upJ to $25.00. The Suits are the îîewest styles, nruade of -service- 9 able wool materials, in al colors. The Coats are stun- ning spring inodes in a wide range of styles, inIi op lins, velours and serges. Dresseg -are beautifit f ,h- Smor. of Ne, ions of crepe de chine and taffeta; choice of the lot 'Woin au $1495. ]Iigh-Grade Coats and Suits at $ A- notable saving ifi afforded throiîgh the low pricing of the garments. Suits of poplins, serges, tricotines, velours, and taffetai *ein ail the charmning new spring niaterials and colorings. Apparel distinctive fashion. $26.30. Il- 'I Genuine HopE m XUan Lonmidale .Camlgic efeto Sot Fuit bleached, yard Fine, smootb thread H e a v y, servieeable ,wide Hope muslin; a' Lonsdale cambric; yard shepts for hotel and grade of re cognized widlm; easily worth to- family us9e; szes 8lx90 worth; sale price, yard, day 2ec; on sale, -yard, and -81x99,incites; each 10O/c. l14c. 9c Crochet Bed. Spfeada fIrish Table IMen FTnePllIêw Case$. Te. are madie of an uniisual- Pull aise bed spreadeofa heevy - Righ grade qualty of tabele yfineý firm qualitl>ofai niliin crochet veave; stigiti> lqut dmski4 spesd42 and 46 Inchlies:e $2.0 valupm of new' patteîïïns"h,....r........ ..8.V7 yard '~'~ 8Winch ogJt W ide Lock*ood Sheetines e ds uO 0f ' à-tlong There is 1n0 better sheeting for real service tbau ceptional value at. Loekwood.- Firru, extra heavy round thread; fully -yard ..... 1 .... bieached. lExtremely l1ow prices. .- 7i4 Sh* n 2ëI Î4 Shêeting 34k musses 180excellent lrantis. 8~4' Seétin 31è Ox4S1 yard t wide; bleacbeti 1; A Great Iidèlery For Women, Irs Boys and Mn 29c Through epecial co'opemttion in buylnt, we are abie to present thit aniendid aMsortment of bosiery al a reduceu price. The n'amena base are of fie mercerisd IL white; full fasbloned, and of beautiful qualiy; al The. girls' hase are splendid qualit>' merceril and white; reinforced for wear. The boya' houe are bétvy sinele, rbbed cottc to stand the most trenuous, service. Thie mon'a bose arm nteroeimed liai. and si in black, white and colora, pair......... Wo)Men'sU mon Suite Fine luibeci.pe eectjy styled union suits, Iow tlght knee; siliktaped, a i esat 50c. il- Xthers eau practice, Ëett1ne suits for their boys.H#é z extra pair of, knickers &ui4. Are muade ' to give service, belte4 styles of rich iiovelty 'mixtures; sale tie ..........- 80O!O' SLOUSES-Made o!fat jf anee-hrauid; ai xes; 'ptced, -Ma e Ôc Ir,#p~l -Ly&OlIde49 ~ OcboW dnis~2 o 6 R Coats of the. newest anti amartest tdesign - f~.'- ~ for litho girls. Coin.l1t serge«, anti POP- Al lens; plalted and daulbl# breasted~ models; Z' cges 2 ta 68 yeans; nemarkabiy 10v prlced et $396. 6tO 14 Beautîtul upnlng çdtss« youtiiul design. t1#MWW~~~ Boltei, Em pire and ti yi >'eà»~ ail the pepular materiais and colra; 'button tInn $9 sd Vaues med; upoclidl>' price, #495. BSeC4use hieso ssoortifents Eveni at $1.75, titis s i"ould it "w »4"ànori~htOm pot W1ii mes1 69c gloves; the U.25; ail sizes w Styles for id Misses se splendid silks. Coats of the Most 0f f r sle ln black and Il aises. lzd Haie tun hlack ýn, andi reinforced ......... 29c s at 50c r peck, no aleevez, du 1 ut29IM dg - -il li= 1- AMI&