Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 15

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CAMP Keene H. Addkino of Lake Forest Apoints Jas. Gordon to the Position. ANDÉRSON IS LEt OUT. Jam F. Kg Cty F~ for Many Yar Ï(sR4 00int- ed to the Poslt1idl As prodicted l'Mie Suln sivat dayis &go James Glordon bd% bén aP* polnted chier o! Police a I»lAite pe- est tb relace Wlter 2MoGuire. viso has iseld thse offies dlfg thse lat as a 5. £surprisé te iaâSu lp- portors o ltsen»wâ*Y ekftutive, for b, overlooeu M alins 01 o!H. M. Pltgeraisio» .of Ml stchesl adiserr-ato.sud vent loto tba eau; o! thse opposition to sekèct a emtef. lu niaking is appointaient )don- day nigist Mayor Adtiston aUertsd tisat if ha felowed bis ow rnap-er- ment ha would hava appointed Fils- geraid for ha vu% à tory prOgiWae; young man, but ln uetetiitlGolrdoni ise sald ha as actutled 00141Y y ILy desire te appoint lise man beit adapt- ed for tise Position and ha cenalder- id tit (Gordon. iwciiflorh114lDa#t euperience as a polie oMcer wrould be able te, 1111tise Job nMmr efCInt- ly isaFitzgerald. Gordon vau Po- liieman aI lAite Forest UP tO abott tan yeara ago. Anotiser surprise vas registerel w4. James Anderson. former coun- t$ surveyor for a number of Yemr, and vise has been lty engineer Dit LAkî Forat miniy yars. vas depes- id amd Jamnes Cmipbell, a young Min vise bas been vorking lnbis depart- ment, wîs appointi ta tise PtOXIUI. =am ,il la a griduate or tisa Uni vert'o! Ilinoi and la sai tu, ha voit qualIled for tisa Position. Tisa entire rira dtpartinent was ce- appointed, includlng AI Marvede, viso drives tisa rire truck. Otiser appoints Of Ina nov MAYer are: City Clrk-J amen Y. King r-R. City Attorney-George T. Rogers, Ire-app)ointai I Healtis <fller-Aubrey Warren, tre-appolnted>. Fine Cief-Wiiiiiai.l ,(re- appointai>. PUZZU3_BANKRIJPT That Is What It Wouid Do- Question is, What Sgn Went on the 'Tin Lizzie.' SMAALLPOX SlOW ON JRUCK. Patrol Wagon Sent to Garage for New Tu nMechnie Put Disease Sîgns on Cams. Waukega.n, May 9. ltacently tisa patrol wagon vas " snt over to tise Central Garage for a "tubing." Tise patrol priver e-itis sPonge and cisamois spent a couple of hours Pol- itgbng Up tis a vrnIson tise car. and visen ha finiisai t va» lime to Put tise wagon "to bai" seoise left il in tise garage over nigisi After tise patron, wagon driver 1f t tise garage tise mecÙoitat a~ties a- rage ois ail tise "digste oigns'-out ai tise wagon an>d they,,epertt at leait 30 minutas putting 'inaon tise au- toi andi truckswts i liplage. Tiere were meegle, am"llpox, ecar- lit lever, visoeplm5 -ous, diptisaria and other quarantn signa In tise pa- trol wagon. Tise question la th s: What sign di tbey put on lise Tin Lizzie? Tise wbooplng coughsigu? Sure, you're rigisl, andi nov you tao say tisat you ansverai ana puzzle correctiy., Thse Tin Lizzie iai a whoopiag, cough @ugo on its radiator. in tise mrning, but 'tis said tise Parti tarI.- id4 witioul bains- prlmad tise next inorning. 'Even a Ford lkeq; te p4c itu compaiqy" salitise ovof e!s mus, or maais3ne CHjtm i I 9~#Oôw#ITtÉ8 Poi PATXIOTIC SERtvIC sUEBMMDMo- To THE WAX BONDS. Hume Influence. Thse fatisrar nd inothecr of an nu- boticed taiiy, wisu la their secin- ioèn Ikaken theise md of one chili te tiseides and love of guodoasi, esho avaken tu hlm n atrmngth of vîli to rfrait eppltion. and who @end lm out PrePareil te profit isy tise con- fiet, cf Ilie. snrpnss bin nfluence a 7aPoiee breaking tise wved te bis SKOKI MARS11H AS 'WAReTIME IIELP? Thirty thousanfi acres of ricis, allu- vint land just at Chicagos borders fer cutIvatlon. Itla b i a strategic localtion and its reci amation will give Uneie Sin a mucis needed addition for miitary purposes. 1 A nilitary rond from West Evans- ton to Fort Sheridan, witii a 40-foot ditch flowing loto tise Chicago river. will tisro open for agricultural pur- poses tiis section of land, whIch vIii produce millions of busheis of pota- tais and truck crops. Ninety-one acreýs of land soutis ai Great Tllies lias been leased by th(- goernment. Tisree hundred and six- ty other acres of land ln lte viciniîy wiiib ealsxd before tise eu( of te wee neitsOk or tel ehefrssto ofwex. eontrac te i e l aet ts it cost 050'. , Tise Navy Leag.ji bag dlitributeil filteen knitting machines ln Chicago. The acshines turn out sixteen pairs of socks ln flIe hours. They also knit iselmets for aviators. They aro soWeat $16 each and the purchasers taite theai to tiseir homes to knit wearing gear for soidiers and saliors. Dr. 0. E. Dyson, ate veterbnarlan for the tant flve years, tendered his resignalion Monday to Governor loy- den. Tise resigoation vil become ef- fective Mlay 15. No sucesser han been appointed. Dr. Dyson directed tise ef- forts made by tise state to stamp out thse foot ind moulis dieu espidamic tvo years ago. BIG JEFF Is NOW Oz4E 0p Tot-n LEADING FARMRS AND CÀTI 1~ Jia SaàtIeBI geerb~pdm. - c01"kM Dy It. Tise use eof osage orange for mskling dieu promisso te iextensive. Tb*. forait preduct isboratory le maklng a canaus viwshes iows that tise iuppiy of tisa vond la more tisan ample to niait preseut neatis. Puttlng il Piîinly. For, ba it known and conteased, tisat %w-e mnust i1 sueoil or fait, survive-or perishu-1111lîthse frîr-xia Yome Drrslain ap0uis1y PprOdfor " ]a NwP.p by PictSoria Evlw.q Frock of Adorable Simplicity. Nov, lutathti d*efi M n 0 tise boioe. snotohisai ~ttuunder * shoqider edee ofront maid bacis On Bltpeefortieus. stitéai t ée" t ekW daimdeuClona tise she»k- - ~~der bieainand#atiser along tise s8aM Gather lever edgo- et bodice betvemi double "TT' perfenitlens anid ou* inchs above. Arrange on ,mdarbedy, cSetr-frents, aO5tOi-lAka aM QUI der-arm seanis maviii<ngla matl "oM perforations tudicate ceter-front, ikoubl s imail ..,W.perorallena ou> DRI. epe de clitauy be selected j«t thir olermi" e rock frisaiaed tfflm 0 Ï*P».The soifs! jueaa" ess-WfS e iect. tcie f the #bw f a ,tfemmed sif elloe Ce f The style of ibis frocis 114 il WUu tise simpiily ettii Zaa'oered out la ili «Map de . tisa valat beimg iul ià tbeV bac and frontfor round or ging. fTb boics laus trot aM * lice style, vIiilitiseoé ta.leeves ire loti op=s aonetieca meîudium 04dae :£ * titcis gatiseate ofm lover iamavenz. l~tgi3 nom àî%beàco te lau ifht ICI" pefustIem la undetl'.iy front. La; rIgis* ret on letI, dÎn front ai=i0fboitai t umderbdy dtmin- Lap rtht b4««tlueft. aven bringlng tWlove to sungle large '0"* Perforation et loe e geof etuorbody; fanishfer celng Nsext taise tise àaleev and la; t44 eus@, matcilg singe kWE'e feratieme andt acis. élirn armhole us notcho& .Thson taise tise siirt amd Iclk ..(Y pirfotat = . etigea abovo for' placksat and tutu be et lover aigeon cm ali l'"" pm8 tiens. Gaber uper edga btW*df double 0T" peFfortiq5 on iel perferations am gater 1 is frei f aidai udge. Tunu is8M a lover eugo u al onMU"-erferatlei. MiAnai te Position On sIk atitcoing gatiters along lime eOfsm& . .orper- CmciteiTOu, , 0 Irr . oa-eI - ce Neyer r Pgib UýEGAROL-ESS 0F CUSTîI hri We4 aiý i u tgtocko luto our baaeMent (lima store> t« t' c wpl u *. Oi av" yfurniture requirement vo ha"en~d d1umto* 4»d, nttree, prg, rugi, baby canages, refrWigetoïs, i ' * nftture 4! e y khid. VIst this groat oelllng tomamrw-every pleopasp mr. origina plc (known to have been the lowest> and the wonderful sale piela o BRUSU LSRUGS. 14,M NO ....... A hah% i;m e e f 9X12 feet Seain4ee Brusels ugis in new aI.ovei and Oriental pat- tel-ls. $2kind. I3eautiful blue and gray pat- terns in splendid fibre-and- w-ool Rugs 9x12 fcct in size. $12 origizially. $5 A.BUFFETS f~> NO AT...... Quartered *ôak B~uffets 60 in- elles lohg with silver-Iiiied îliawer and EFrench-bevel ir-11 r0li $W 'origing1y. (iiyor brown îîed Baby Cariýages it r i ble gear. Artily wheels; haîîdsonivly $19 Ô1<8INAIONfl5h (101 ?Oak or Inahogally ern- l)inatioü, Desk and. Bookease. Other notable valies at $13.75 upi to $16.48. - CONGOLEUM RUGS Oiiaalati.1.. èw1jongI Regular $1,50 Rugs iii inew- desigils of blue, gray, tan and greçn. 36x42 in- ehes in size. $50 BED DAVEN- ýj09 PORT, for .... .. The famnous ' Goidova"Dv enport that opens with one mo- tion. Spanish or black lcath- er: golden oak. 128*10 DININ TABLES,et...... 18-89 A beautiful selection of 6-foot extension Tables with 48-inch top. Golden oak; plaîîk top. REG. $6 SPRING now Kt........32 Diamownd-liîik Sprinîgs that we guarantee not te sag iii 25 ycars. Full si'ze. Limited lot at $3.29. $32.N ýBRASS BEDS now on sale fo..16" A beautiful satin-finish Brass Bed with 4-ineli posts and :3- ineh fillers. Notable' values at $15 te $60. KITCHUX ICAWMN The famous "Duteh Ik Cabinet in a style with ail tlýe latest features. Porcelain iren top. $4~5 always. Iîîstead of $M5 this b. eireassian walnat ParlO7 ti Will go aà $34.65. Genuîne Spaniali leather. $17 OAK bIKsgst1S Ê.10 now M ... A massive golden ak sd mîth 3 large drawers., 24x8%- ineh French bevel mîrror. New style. A thlekly made. WI Mattress 50 pemi4' in Roll edge; art tîcking Sefk $8.50 always. $1.50 STAlRCAET< per yd.,..... Beautiful Bzuaese1sap04 îîew bordered designs. 34ni Tmgraiîî Carpet ($1.15 ki.ld) 110w Ise yard.'- ci -si g Out Ail Leogrd C1eanaIe A'%ei Our tgiatd complt@ DU « t Sue .clebrted Rergrtl% a ed for lwt mo.Tewo ou" 4 no-t.caoefled biet. A the4Oi *Whe-Peowtiai uni £lgs tiding -i HZ poundo- of bO. t»d 41 incis e l io30 -inciseswId*. Other oM8 ortuoities TW<at , 1 - rr>leo--

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