Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 6

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six IBTV~E1 ~~ T UI0Â,1k O 6 VICE AbtIIRAI HME. !C. T. JEYUE R e Slee'dUtppmrtuâ and " DELEiATE TO TUE1 WitnesngDriti. iEÀD CAMP iwi'r Whlle the ami>. of F'nance va:s ha, Lering ln the gates of the City. of k~<gnMay . St. Quentin Ioda>. the Vice-Admirai C. T. Heydeckor. 0. A. Howara. et the Frenich navy entered the gatiaes R.Mack and G. ftchaffen, dele- of the GIreat i.*kes Naval Training Zaîe frou IAk<e countY tw the bead Station and the Naval $tato band I Mate camp of the Modern Wodmen, %truck up the Marseillaise, and Ibe tirned home this morning. Bosst eo ln training ther. doff6d Tbey report a very enjoyable and h**Ir caps, ln honor of Vlce-Âdmirl rb^rmSoulug meeting. RHavard was Obebograt. appolnted on the commlttee of Cr8- Vles-Admlnal Chiocheprat arrlVed dentlals, Mack ou the commltte. On la Obloag yeaterday moraing vithi ordor of business and Heydeclter on~ Nom ~ tSWOULD »V'N RUSI3VILT M SWAtCIAPLAIN Roir. George MetGinnis. superinten- dot o! tise northomn district of the A.ti-gelOon League o! Illinois, bt pastor o! Ibe FirsI liPtist chur, m in Wukegan sevoral yoarm, beng succeeded b>. 1ev. H. G. Hi-b, has applild ofi1Co. Theodorp Roosevs3lt ti'pacé .iias cLu in, a'big pro0- poeed divisiron ftor Europe. Ie bas re-eived te following repiv frori Col. Rosevet's secretar>.- -I bei- le acknowledge reecit of e your letter eferrini- toa s raplilu-> inluCe. Roosevelt's propased mlltarY orgagiaitien. Tour application vl b.- paced ou file and liter on, when the astuetlou permîls. wili tic, taken up for coueuieftlous." In the fqllovlug ltter 1ev. MCGIn- Bilsexplaîbe lust vhy ite see' ta laite a part la the var: Altisaugh tho>. mey ne1 ho avare, of the tact tiere sre a itumber of Waukeuii men and boys vis ama layilig theielves open ta arrest and prcaooutlcn on c charge of violat- Mug *e fiait and game lave of the' state. Tic spearini- o! suciters. depuiy ganu" vrenetia lu Lke county bav e smau r'ed filou ime 10 lime, la a vie- latitin-of tli ts lte1evand yet the lractice le carrled ounqîite extensive- 1>. evor>. spiIt. Eve,'> nlgt for tise laiat fev olghts. ugualy afler 10 clock, t bas been a oue7?.t, fgt tuaOse lîgitst tvu'-~ llug la tho ravine. If one vatches thel 1141h. vo ili ses titat the>. move atong slovly. ila>.. fllovlng the entes of lie cs'eek. Closer Inspection reveels the tact ~t eIitesi-e btii4ns luthe nten or b<éya vho *ade I Iotrtror ikI alcflg tbebatik, je»Ing a pttobfem r1h40the viler h'êi-> tarom r oola th* hope tuat bu»lu*lss. Isoler me>. b0 lu- paled on eue of thte trilUnes. ?bo.e ia e o4old pupeInlucar- ryth lIster-it aboya vhere ta Job l tbafr on 1advantage aid I bas the efool et attsncttag the fit vbho arm &MiUted 4». a fatal curloslty tu g 0 t laul la sioel o=# a~sugins ?m*rly oua vOyI ooolar Vpatlla h«bore s- eçàU t tii. neaon of thse Toit Wheu lâchtrt lith tUe stresnip of vism o 0 eoit their spevu. Itun- drod# of iMbêrn bave -beeaton ouI of thé ceeti la a single nlght. Of lat* yemrsthe gport bas 1001 m of #4 % pPeIurIl>..duo ta the ftact4" *6 Ooot lamuch amallor aise4180ta lbe tact Ibat the tg m»« stie ad conviction bas Pap pole out10manT vhaethel- vUe laoul en"ion te sport. Waukegan frieuds o! thse couruu ian on Moida>. rectived post cardm f nom-ixstn.sud tise post candi vere cli saliled iCanadia. Jce Raenide left Waukegan sooji after hoe uarried Marjorle Stmoni-. It la salut.and be bhs nol denied Use eharge, Ihat ise detteut hi£ yor.uir vite ou the- day of thler marnai-e His vite la nov living vitlt ht-t'puer- tisaI If 30e tver stops ftout lu , th Unitedt Statesa tis ho vîli cause bis errent on vIte abaudooment t-Serze Mr. Sînongi made a speclai tripu le Waulctgau 10, procure a warrant for bus «oo-in-lav's ammcml, but the Mon-' Iu-lav haut loft Wauikegau 24 houri before Mn, Stmoni- arrived lu Watt- legan. Joe Itueuide la planning- lu at-t-pi a position ilteCanada ni-timssut andt lu messages ta tniendos hume lit. saya liat lx. does tnt plan ta ret-ru te, tise Unitedt Stalep for man>. a year. Perbapi Jus meaus lho doee ual plan te retuin unlil hl@ father-lit-lav tîas forgatton aIl about hlm ut abot hie. dullei 1.0hl& Toung vifs' lthe tomitoe ou resolulofs. MIr-. }teydecker vas electv'd delegate bu lthe head camp, snd (;. Schaffum tf Lake Forest, iltu'rnau f S. Tus îî 1er of Maconih couuiy vas eletede etate congul for th,- ensug yesr. ( Tht- citizeus of IJ-tatur furnisît-lt a very Itieusant andI enjoyable pro-j i-ra m, besini- pri-or to tise nit-etiiv, of tht- etato camip.Itesolutions weru-i vased by the head camp t'xjir.'s>iii tise state campe% sympthl>.to the'tarnt-1 Illeg o! W. A. Nortiseott. past cousu .- sud C. W. Haves. Past ht-ad clt'rk. Resolutions were aie; passi-d khans- lig the- citizens o! Decatur for tht-jr kinduose exteuded and outltini- eom,- rI tht- suggestive pollcles for th ii-KI-x litate camp. No candidates wtrî,- dorsed b>. thti-stateo imP. VqiOÀAT STATE Boy SCOUTS ARE LAW BY-SPI3ARJNEi ORDEItEI) OBILIZ= SUCKERS IN CREEK IE9 SERVE AT FORT Il vrot. Col. Roosevelt asking for tboa.lplalncy of a nogiment in lise dfvsioa vblch ho expocîs tua bau ta M s0 for 'pence at an>. prioe' an 1 11sf r*le hst inle'van.' Meran Ibuinessa!fbarbras but ver ia nol tle business « Amant-an people Howveor, tite Amuibm people men businoesvison the>. go to ava, a'- otiter nations eau testlt>.. We expeutl on or a-tu>, navy, toilesud arse- nais ma mare mono>. tiaIni.abso- lutel>. necessar>. for national de- feu". "The kaiser o! Gerifan>. bas ert- ed,*10 Germane tise vbole wved, He linaglunltat sti the.culture, mu- sic, science aud militai-y pover lu the voulut la contaiel In Germaa>.. ,li tinks thal vlfMom l die vitis btai., (lanasoruISllèd ti«tchebAn- glW§ortonrace phitl mule the vcl, he«a"a benoati thIsuir ilafa are tu b. tomai civil and rolWgous liberty, viaeeevor>. man ma it boneth is Cova vine cndfig tree and vomi out bie owu destin>. provideï hisobis. tiei_. iThe Anlo-Saxon people ctan- ies tbti-b«og k iaI ule lu IbIs vcrld, The> are the ispelling boi,' te 'pckotiuook,' sud thé 'book tof book*.' Education, commerce aid ne- lilai u- bihe tripout of civililzedIlite. Wlxn German people ht-o froin thI&UMa taiolth la octe elsevhene su tise vilaI and esape tise lyranu>. o! the oimefanu, aatoe,lise>. soldont settle la colonies controlIi'd b>. Cor- Ma.. Thte principal conottueuts ofj Germat coloie. 4>e lie Salives mcd tonseGermais *hc holut offic-il Do- sulona are iu tise eu>.. or arecon- ducling scie businesse .nt-risla. xvpu lie Grmans, themselveu, do bai kl e ie aeo!fte telterlsand. sud wluy mioul that imperlallum hA oaddie# th ie torlO Bokl thaniuW ltI (ld tani-bIhie 'isanuts t ar an sd fiai-ena tafil-ht.'od de- manuel of h. Hebrev people vhen tho>. enlereut Paletine ta utteni>. ex- leruinate the luhabiteîîts isause of tise coruptîni- Influent-e tise>. wuld haia claci God' t-hast-n people. Tht-y falled ta de vhat Cout commanded Mud Asa aresul, ade shipybeck. of IUâit' tttioulel lite. 'It ln e mistaien notion tUal Jesue W«a' a pâtUt. Wheu laken b>. Bis qolsUWei t Nsarotis ta à brov of a billeoirrhicit the>. expected 10 ibrov Imm A"d te taie RisIlle, v. men toM NHo pflft eothroUih tht-m ego ea.. 0Wdid not isouliis mmtaioa Pavr antsu>. ime for Misevu ntonnâft, ve t-suouI>. con- dlu"e-ttt il. lumtou iraugis their laiMuIf te a couler football rush. lmruisg se ao muigt and lett . lmE chletulct Iret 'W. 10011 Kallb. m Mtb IM wvb g lth1 e . 1ro ~ vU l ~Usv as tam-,l Wu!4 1IOSTOLE hIL AFIR DÂNCE Tvomle mombens o! tise gradue- Lincla mas of lie Tovnship Highb Scitaçi betcao torgelful of teE "grandeur ot mien" yestemday itter-1 noon andt as a nsul etthe lsatit- en-r conter singea aI ltte sbscoi olit yousg uman attende$ clamsea vth bis bond aeetheutlunbandages. Il dovlops tisaI one o! the- .ong men Invîteut i Waukogan soit-lt> girl ta attend a dance ai Lbertyvillî" Site acceplod, anu thle autent bougitl two round trip tckets avente elet-- ,At tise dance lb. youug lady met another of ber claigmales. This" Yocung man va a handsame andt deuitini Youth, but ho vas ual tise ithlete tisît tus uutLer young man No malter, ho askeut the' yaunut lady fon tise pleasurt- of 'seuini- ber heaxe," imd i etuqustwvan grnbd, TheotoIso young mai uvome ven-t geant-bThe Ivo staucets mol il tise1 bigb at-bol after cla»seB yesterday1 and a fret-for-ait fi-ht resulted. 1 "tegh"prevaileut over "beau-« 1>,' sud as- a esutl lie ynung tan vho "lbutteut lu" at theu dance la ap- PlYiug lotions te certain parts ut bis face toda>.. It lSisalut tist a test-ht-r ippeamed an tise 'amena" beforo clsh on had imet greal Itilury.. MAYOR ASKS PROTECTION. Waukegin. Ma> . S Peeved because Major Pearce ditf tiot couduct tise cily's business lu a tanner visicis ho thougist propon. Jack LIs., vise beid the eontraclta Iatail tise nov boiler aI the punsptnî satton. aiscai bis tint lu Willasà 7Pmoes face last uigbt aid explin- ed thal "if Peare vasn't aunuit! min rut pnc his fat-e," "î amu udecidout vbal stepa 1 viii ta'<e ataluat Luise, bot l tI Isutisai lie Mayor soulut Se protected aaiansI rovuties, andt i mmy cause e warrant for bis anreal, anu t len agi-n 1 mcagi sthat ho ho put under a peace bondu,' naid Mn, Peane la- It appeans thal CoMmmlsîoneror i- vis bal promîseut Leige that h0 v'ouid gel bis -moue>. tram th iseti>.ai fon as he COMploted thle vomi, The mu>.- or did tnot igu tiset-hock andt tAIre appeared at lise caunili meeting and talai lis Mayor lu a verY fov vonuts visaI e hohtgit a hlm. «I XK bsi hlaIthat niomsTyrroli attendulal meetings or the cemmir- sid" i4gutare. 1 de ofo e5liait ok - mbme bput Op vims &0eabros 0< "ouIt b 14"s, foi- 1,au Iylt te ocafuot tl ws buiness lu c tumaml aedftii-o et» id Utr. Th-e 130Y Scout.s of Waukegati havet reeived àa formai nequest 1totke vui1 arma for liseir government. f Toda>. local authorlîlus receivtdv Instructions tu mobitize. if poýssb . 1 50 Boy Scouts for service at the 0l- ficer' Training Camp tu bunai.u talned b>. the government ai Fort Sheridan tibs stu,..oer. The Boy Scouts will beu usd in à dozen diSferet-n ways, but the priiii-1 pIe use la whlch tht-y viillie pal tii't first week lu service vitl bu to riîîi errands. It la expected ushat Waukegaii w1il raise an 'ammy of 25 Boy Scout.'f' service at Fort Sheridan; sud i.a'itc Bluff. taie Forest and Hîigllansi Park yl ho caiied upon to raiîi' the balance. KiNt>. boys are nceded, and if the enUme moi-liment tan be raised lu Waukegan the 50 bays. viii al be Waukeganites. The government le competînq plans ta give the Boy Stcuts trainingc duringtem sta> e thlie garriaon. and ItlaI expectod thet the- boys wiii re- celve eamunjI tige. besides-theirI moaeiaad tiseir keep. The school superînlendents of al nortis shore cilles received the de- manda for the Boy Scouts ta serve et Prt Sheridan, ari iise nt ex- pected thaL the inn, officemo vi Ii x- perlent-e an>. grkt trouble in gellîng the nuaber of boy tieyse>.sok nl Waukegan. Min>. mothers are raisini- objet' tionx, but filnl undemslood tisat tise boys vill mecelvo lise best of treaL- mtuan d that lthe>. viii ecelve a tra.ining wvhi vfl t-quaI tisaI thoN' ceuld giet lun the most expensive ot ulItar>. acdeutea of lise countr. Tise Boy Scoute of Waukegan'bava' aîneoil>.declanout their intention tb do teir bit lu Amont-a'. va vilsCet - man>., aid bore la the finilt-caIlthie goYernmnent bau made on thena for real var service. ROTAS PIATE Rev, Hovard Genster, nectar af the Wauekga Eplscopal chncis, la aux- lou la gel 10 the front. nol as s chaplain. bol as, a mure private. 10 hie sermon Sonda>. evening ho mefer red te the tact tisat ho latel>. bad beau re«adni saine ver>. inlemesUIng documente pertainig la bbevan lut Europe -and edmlslod buit lthe>.had no elýlrred hlp systesi tIaI t- flt au tisongbho v ouid lue lu getlnlto tise Sigbt issoflun efernîng tthle mt ton ho salut lu substance: "If s-bat t rond la true and If tise vosîr>. and tardons ut aur t-burt-h vitI rebeate me, l'Il rouign my position home ïo rbC4or and vili juin lise' colons. I viii loin as a private sud do anything tisaIt 1amu ld ta do lit order lu bt-tii Ibis country. Su tht- ver tom humanîN that la bt-li- vaged." Whelisor Mn. Canseon. patniobistut bas been stinred la the exlonî litai ho vili carry hlm plans ta execulici iu col Xin et the promeut lime, bol ltSe. visa eard hlm speak Suntaa> evenini- doclano ho vwu ver>. sicori and osrneat ln tise pasiti-un he -,s ac"ld. Ho bas iaîvays 'x,-en mi- <i lte Most patrietie preacisens n tOai Cemmunt>. andtvas lte fln-- :u r miniotar la adept the displavlîsg r 1tise flai- lnt-burt-b services c-i Surn day, Tise choir for mati>. vel-u pai 14 bdan marched lu vitislte VtI States fiai- being bamu lu the- procos slouaI. Tise staleutent b>. M' -.uit rjsIen Ihat ho voulut ho vîllini- 10et K- a i n r- ý ,d 9 it Ili lit Ly re nt le r-1 ter tis01 rnis as a priva-P. 'sîher tisai eeeilug a position as ci-til-sln ls also Iltenetlug lu viev of tise fact tisaI theme probabl>. vilI be -% bit Ide- manut fan cisapta tuaIl, case tlîsscou- try sonds a bg armtcta u:utp-e as le beîni- planneut nov. August Schultz vas adjodi-Outln- mune atton a trial lu Couisi, Court Ioda>.. Scitultzva. talon btoe tus-- tady nt Higitlandt Park a tev motisi MO sa»i mice that Ume hha bu en I#e#erafsd luBLe t-out.asi. MeI aMl* Ore ueb Ihaltisanre vasiç Ceobt llate minuta o!flihe luoas tao bis menael luempptpnr3". Fifotsi ti> lé" bon 1* fmil.bave ttild DDES lIS PART TO, BREAK 'euLL 0f dAIO LUtER Waukegan agein la b-tng taoded vilt-bCain bttera. Lespite lie per- atuteat efforts nt Posîmaster Dan Gradt 1osmo liatmail ot thlm t-hare-- toi-' 15 ualdelivoreut, lu hie effortp Mn. GreC>.9 la oloving tise ordoma tof thoe Poaloffice D'epei-lmot. filaI Impossible to tl-l jusl boy flan>. of t-et-bain etters have bot-n roceived bt-me vithînth ie lest tew daya but the numben la snid la ha ousaldenable. Tise RIan tormerl>. vas ta vrîte tht-ut-hian leraau postal catis. This plan vas folloved until lise Postaffice Dpatueut bei-au ta confiscete tht-t, Slnco thon tise let- tors are enctosout lu envelopes hear- lng a tva Cent start-p. 'his maies detectian b>. lie Poslomfce Dopart- meut ver>. diffIcult. Ont- vio recelve a Cht-ain btter wîthîn the last tov dî>.a vas J. A. Rusher, one o! Tise -Sun'es Linotype opemterna. The lelten vhlch vas poat mnarkol Wauiegan, la as fallova: Wauiei-mn, 111. ÂprilI29, 1917. Dear Pieud: At tise request of a frieud 1 amn sefdlng ycu tl a ryer: '«Oit. Lord. iimploôre Tise t taess &Ili manklnd. Brlng us unto Tisee; loap us le dveB vwihs 1'heo" Tiis prayen voji seut te Marons Mid bonds lu anclent ime.. Tbose vho e et.It vauld he ftre from ct-- lamity.. Thscuae vhcdld ual veild ho ln danger or miefortutie. It las iem mait ovar the parld at this lime. Cop> IL. Rend t Stote ino fiendi sud you yull fat great le>.. Please de ual break titist-baIn. à 791114. Mr. Richer laites . tii letton ce a loadmut ys ho cannoI et- hlOW cnyone eau ho stpeitloi5ienosti-i la carry ouItteeconmnand t ilgveE. «*Se far ap 1 am cocenud Ihe t-baIn la brolten laamsutisereua." Mn. Bisher salu tolday.. Laie t-outl>.frit-uls ai Henri WI-htman, faon>. lyof filcHenry, viliiregret 10 ht-ar usaI bu je lu a citical statp at tht- iotie of bis daugiter. Jesse ln Wiotle. Mn. Wihtman for many > eams vas s liv- eryman lunMl.enry sud vas 'un ln westen iLaie coutl.- Tvi veeke age ho %ustatued a panalYtit- troke aud a cIlotvan formel an his brain. HIe enlire lefI nid e Sa heliga. Mn. Wlgitmen la 83 year Old. bout-e bis Am sPq* Um IR le emw mm Id isA SSIiNEDTO COAST AkTIUWEI- KILLED BY TRAI Waulkegan Irlande were *slocl<ed today to hear that Clifford S. Brever tho santé years ago marrled Eliza- ,beth lMobruann of Wauikegan, lied been killeutb>. a freighit train NIOn- day at Wauwatoosa. WiS. Itecatuse, s' a young mannlie had speul mucis lime Iu Waukegan visting lits oncle, 31. C. Biddleom or Northt Genoec i-treet and liter married lthe deugh- ter of Mr&. Emma jlohrimaitl, ?.fr. Brewer was veli kuiiwn ilitht- corn- munlty. lie vas boni in Waukeguul when his parent, Mr. and viril. Char- les Broyer, lived lu wltat le ilow the Ait-t Hunter houle. Julian ketrt ,,,t, litad of West etreel. For many years Nlir. Bt-ewt-, hlad bt-en a coUsee bayer loi fle icbg MOnr- gnter>. Ward Compansy of('hirego, but last fait lii,*I-ai? Ilgave' way sud he sud Mrs. lzrewpr look a trip 10 Jamalca, where hi' sp',nt ionme montits lu lmproving bis hlith, auj about Jan. jet return,>d to the' states. lmproved but flot entirely we'l. It wa" flnaily declilî-d lint hi' 5et- ter recuperatpf- trtliîr ut the' NIl- waukee - sa»ltarlum. %Wauwatooss, Wls., and lie hid bîcu there for slv vek. He had gone out for a watt Monda>. aflernoon wlhc u allî:-d to note an approachîng frelgftt trait and vas rin down and kîlleul. Mr. Brewçîr was ?,g years old sud iived ln a fine apartneiit aI 5717 Kenmnoro, avenue, Chilcago. lie bai been wltb the Montgomery Wand firm ten years and prior in thon lied been cefe eand tes expert for other big bouses. He vas an expert lu bis line. Mr. Broyer vas a meniber of the Edgewater aud Ekukie golf clubs. 'Mr. Brevor ia sumvlvu'd b>. bis vife but no childien. Hg,- ssu ttie yoiingeut son of Charles Brewî-r whoi, falhprî Daniel Broyer, forunerly vis i'ounty surveor of Lake countv and lived for many years on West istreet. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1Brever. parents of tish aed= liv.e n Likçside. Mîcit., as do la a bselster, Missliditit Broyer, vbo la wvolknavn n lW~au- kegagi. Hie brother. Charies, a lit- tle older thita Cliff. dît-utsanie yeams ago. Mm. Itrevuir 'aslu InChicatu at Lb. lime of the accident.,hmU 1ud spent Sunday with bier hunsbanà at the eau- , itarluin. JoB'., the suent beo thIe Marne. an0 hoe baveglouight for Sprlng. Celd whore o heviilmoet the liv-mai- on et Illnois. "I am everJoTod. The symPaîby toi Pralace litfroinlbhe rt. ItIa oito. dort ul," sud lise Vice-Admirai foi- loll"bis lnlmcduct>ou te Capt- W. A. Moffett. commandantail the G rtat Uakes Station, lIis mmriitg. Tht- Vice-Admîrel o!flise French navysav Uncle attu jackted lu the training-. He luspected lise officers' quarters, and then vinessed a drlil b>. 600 mon. lile spent two hourt% at thestutioni, aud lmmediatliy before iteking hit departure be complimenled Cpa. Moi-otandi members o0f1,1,4 staff o t he worn being doue aI testaion l vas 001 made public on a'ldav that the VIce-Admlmal wouid visit the station hecauseth ie public vas [l wanted ai the station il the- bout, mel ton i arrivai. SEcrel service mmn, and represOit- latives of the Unitout Statesacru>. are guardin te member. of the Front-h Wer Commission on their tour -)f the Unitedt Staleg, and au extra en- gine mantaitead ofthlie "War Commis- ains Speclal" aven lb. North-West- arn Ioday.. no as Io test the bridge& and viaducts. and thaï; preveul eatai- plot vhlch would bring a saaluou lb. nationa issory.. ltealjed b>. the Gi-et Laies - baud Aithougit Mayen William W. Ponce nalSfied mnchflt*o0Wakflot lu Yul>.. il devolops Ib >* iiiDfot taie an>. action ta pi-evud th* Sm1 Of frovorke unies ondermi 10 do se b>. the Cil>.commisaiea. "P.rsoeialîy 1 fayot a siae lult in ver ine." s »M ails Wwi l dey. "I lelleva the sale et knt vili prove a menace ta public holh andt safet>. and hai aIL UaB POWv der shoulut bc put lutod Ivanmuai- tions lusteaut ot boing useut lu a sous. lees 'racket' on lte PoUlit cf l.- Duing the mondasug lir Pmac conftorma-d vlt local merchlilis vlu saili areoos. Ho founut man>. of lise ment-hants haut cireadt>.plat-eutorders, and vene excoptag lte goodu to ar- rive hr lit lhIklt e sittleu da".- OIsons bcd ual purchasout nov sup- pliles bocaume of havlug a large stock "Thte mertbauls belle.'. Waoitg"f shoulut show Ils paînlioaila th* uua aity manner. but 1 doit propose 4th upholu thleu," decianed the maTer. "At the Dn MI eeting e! the Cty pcm- moen I01 mi lb.thecosahêm*b àau ta Iheli- visies lu the inattr, SaI f 1 fiud a majoril>. favor lte sale o! Être- l'aria 1 ahaIl net interfere. Hoyevor, If tse>. do net layon thesaule ot fIre- veule tu W*ukegan, vo shall mme- dialel>. taiestopl tuproveat the. We. I ltinik the menobmabo hula maie an ellempt la diapos. of 1h01- stocka outaide tise cil>., ton i do Ma beileve the caîmisslanera ftpvcs cnyliambut a 'saine PouÏjt' for 3uly, 1917-" ALLEfED SnIO MIFER PAROLED àN 0-AMiOCOURT WlaUutogau. Me>. 4. Mra.. batherine O'Connor roamîng bouse keepor o! Waukegalx. viso tu y TOted lu the Marshal F1,11 .11e in Obicago a wveol&Me Wedtiosday on a charg, of .hoftliftlug, ham net hoon senlta oJail ai-bod. Mus. 0Con- non. Il devalomabau houa Parlautb> the pafleS ntoem et I Mn- vesas abreît #M"eecmaIla oeiumm Mms. OCcenarti casewusa cleut for tri al et10 o'C»B t Us imiominia»d 1he ftoedva e sIroMulneW wus onbMu te't 1i of bai plitOd up $48- Worth oft 511k-Vsalest t vis liarWM t ta oaIMt Iis vas lte trotttimt Mr%. Oaoe bam cie- catatem e lu lhetr store, thé dîret-- tors c et shsfl 79.11& Geuniffl 1 net tant te prosccute Mrs. OCennor, sud it vaas vlith teu-censent that hi-s. l 0 onr vswu er-eo.Heeor, the lt oîn f parole Cdes ua moes Ihat the ciaobas beau dismissoul. Xl cen bo braught av aMain it snytlima lte police officIais desire. -Mn. O'Connor thInis ehe bu, been doue i greel Injustice, for Iestiti mainlains ltaI sitemeade ne attemptl te steeilte mi vslla. "Iu picilng uap uy scat. vb bai boon thirearM thoe ufler. lte silk i va chau~gt tolansd v"Me.1 baekod aw hu the iottler tdia valata iroçape olitatbt S Ud 1VU ar-eWs es a soglifter." nmyeHi".' la hewcrI ou eid tunity 10 forze abeaulSu bu- 9410019 profession vben lis ssuMs .s cbal ut te couat oifleu'y.and ho »w halds a poffitiôuO f atsitrust, "d une in vblch Il vil l us' ekili cad menit la carryout PurPOISs. Word rocelved troum Eta"*. MI., la 1o the effect that Roy . T. . ic *inbotham has reslgaed uas0b et the ,lvst C*U«r*BtIonal êOh ln titat city and vil loue sm Obr 1mbe Viev, là"&. heru lie Io te - *»Iv. a larg dvinne0 la ry. M,, Rlgglnbctbaau va.pitor cf theC1. - gregational ehorcb at Waksn br "royral Tersi..reoInigiabs Uva â» to e aeç nonin théli fte Mars te uhat the ilataielicserrs pondant of the *uronsalise=os«78 et bfi. Hlggibtbam'a reýuomt*: Bavia,. n.,May 4. -fbe 1w. tM. Rimgat>ethazn red hi.tms - tici et the utoraing ervice uti Ob.sugithO*l "oiurch Salade, spXed tbat Iltteseffeet on, Jase1. X.H*bothamn bas aocetffl a éUaLaeVie w, là.. and aflur six y«ilatas pstorof!t Ibis rureb ta bis new cburch In the wv e101.e vlth a large Increaae Iun a»rr. He bus recolvod caletae40thm alilr ebaimoeu. one et Matisc. Wb.. «0 et fttefile. 9. D., &ai an a mipoiçuury S1.14 rtbbeadlquarten inh myflto..- eiles edcâle.d thesecillea vol &ecpted the oeil to lakeo*MW It l.a àCity sltuaffd Cà waIl botwooo Coder lupids i"s CUti. H bua a sauer roor of ootbwmgo adla *al busaumet proa- bdulnoutllooleshobe& os ldr. Higgiubotham state od 9ur ltaI ouly twa other pe.torp#A sorved the cburchbore for a 101r period. They vere the Roy. C.. fleope, who vas bars for ý years and tbe Re,. . B . Bisseit. vas instar of the chu rcb for 9Ce Mar. tiinibotbm an abeau afllai ln &U1 reforma molemeualu inti. MW me vas.organiser ofrlte local bey Scouts. Hie departure vIii 10 afIn- gret amona the members of il. churcb and tbrougbout the M&la wbere ho has madte a hast of fr1elidt. FOUR ENLISTMENTS AT LOCAL REC:UmTNG OFFICE Followlng le the lisI of enliletmoits ai the Chamber of Commerce rerisit- lng cilice: Frank ioiiiiann of Park avene, Waukegan. bas eulisted as a cavair>.- C. W. Gartley 0f Norths Chiene. ban eutist.ed as a troct driver. Carl Carlson of Wîukegan, bas es- listed as driver. Pred Matin of Gurnee. bas esit- Pd am a candidate for the aviation eervîce. F. BAIRSTOW Marbie and Grenite Monument s Cemwery Work of Every Correpondence 1SoIIc1ted 116 &>eeest of 144 pe.. the umon moved &bout the i-est dril l lu vYniff fer- ittessvIglaie o ropremqnalivps et the VPoabcl part V ev vsitins the )imta e s s ad th* oMunroperson- am ut tombde on"eu84Ithé Greoit 1"« N aval Tri a iio 51004 aIet atlaplan iat e in e t. d- mustrali bsIlMag. It wvan&ai li- prouniva esht. Vice-AdiM aiChao- prat soi Commander Sinon, vto lotI (laierai Joifre's party in Chicago le vluesa tlb. Coagalrtioa vene moiatI>.ploaso. «'It valte gttatemt demonstre- lion o! Americ»p attitude- te Irai- tisaI b have vitnesed lu thie t-on- try,." Vice-AdmiraI Chauprat com- mented. Lieut. Commander Allan Buchanan IJ. S. N.. vas amaug tht- evIevîng officers. as vas also Rear-Admirsi Albert Rosa, It vas Rear-Admiral Rtosas vho as Great Laies Naval Trainng Stations@ fi-st commandant and ho expemlenced a ltrilI of pid'- p te 600 men moved about on thé Parade iround, Bul vhatil iiha'hie thoughss ven ho visits the station a fev mautho benco vbon the paPu- ltion o! Great Lakes viii be 20.000? Ciupt. fitoffett vit ual et util ho bas lnceasod the- capacit>- lu 2Z,000. 111£ RASIDEIN CANADA;,WIFE IS NOW LIVINfi IN IOWA Wbere the baud ut thc- law i.i nut nt-4ch Ititu.Jat- Raesidc, bas tautet up bIs residouce. tive body of troterual tocleties lu lise vibrld. Ever>. nailibor ahould at- tend as men>. o! theensegsiotta se ho C"u. la tii coeunellin Il te lhougbt vise ta litle thst preparations Vill s»m ho umade for Woulg i loun Memonlal Service, wvIh ibeho boi tbe final part #)f juste, ben ilte2 etpecteul ail sociellest ailpartî- pale. MJ3ÇJANs BE(i SALE FIlE WOIt Tise iseed tamp wlil bob ld i ltin - w ben bt- graduit'd bu- v eia lu Chicago sudil i ii bon an oppor:¶ lime off. tull-y for Woodmeo o!f Lake courtl, lie viliibave au exce~llent *PPIs The nomination of Pamnuel il. amdi- bum>. of Waukegan, as a semoaditu- tenant 'in the United Stateg arn>. la nov before tihe United States Sonate fOr confirmation, accordlng ta a Me- patcb recelved by Tht- Sun toi. Bradbury vas ont' or the' meoia. of the 1917 clansoft he West Peo MIIItar>. Scioot vhich vas gradmff tvo monîhe ahead of achedule .* April 20, and big graduai"ce o4- cote enables bilt 10 assume the OBlat of a second lieutenant tith.- 1 alted Statuesarniy. Tht- dlspatt.h frolnt Wasiisgten shows that Sam I l. Bradbiary ba choten the artiliery armof!hLiseiUt- ed Statues amy, for he has-. bet op- slgned»,ta ho C4ailWr. andi Ib ail evenis vilà roiabIy be olationei on the Atlantic coast. The day that Mr. Ieradiujrv vaou graduated froni West Point he mmi- lied a Nov TYork society belle.. aoid he le planning lu malte his Paroah a visit aui Slon as lie eau atteana leave of absene r. Hald ho griduated ln tinte out he would have toea given a fey furlaugh. but lnasilluch as tihe V*- id States wsaai ver vltb GerMu4Y

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