Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 9

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voýXXV.-NO. ,19. i i Tu; Msorne Tract Is Aqufed and ônIt U. S. WiliErè# HugeM Radio Towers. DEAL 15 CLOSED TODAY. ~feId.Aotjnfor Gomerment, Clouss ea ~at F.oane Abe it - A 1là Pgedent aid Genl. Mgr., The site for te ne, aovei-nt th RespectNely, Retlrig. mY410 station., hieh wuaselect.d by NI EVERETT MILLARD IS PRES. 240.ataVU Lbe r Sito YvieatM *TOM- Tc Wllflam A. BaehrWli BWImLIBeln- As uda ev nln Rrmnl eral MMnge-Goonos itfeld. n.owe o te gaerusents le- «Long Time i nWmpny. vestigallors. caied ett »Ositornei: The retîdent of thc Nrt Sitare gavermut for teSitpeepW aiofthe ec Ges ompny.Géoze I. GOdnw, is prevlosly ield under aptia t tel Oas otuan? GergeF. oodow.le the. Opinion of many titat te gov- El bas reslgned hiec*,c And "4hie ' mti rment ,M uot lame mucit tUne bo- ti Abert C. Oodnow. s is rstn-fore the. .ork af turnlngtseArnaund d AS general manager. Thet - loin ufe fr tite departmeat for vhItcid psny bas elscted tw AU thoi. office, li ta tenclmd. namly. the. erectian of Eve ret L.Millard o Hghland Parx a large and ,owerdut l pe5eution &A s &tapresldent. snd Wiliam A. wit~h eadquarters for the officers andM Basbti-or Genca. AS lis vice-presi- mona asigued t t.estation. dent lu charge et opérations and as At te village board meisng beli c lis consuting engflicer. monday ngit an ardinance wus pae-li Titeeider lir.-Ooodow bubas ed wviicitorders té actim Ofaa a cotected witheUtc ompany lnlm-bu.p<IrUoi aiOsborneStreet and an mey et portant capcîtie and was cansid ,inling. Tis treet antd 9,1107 am cred4 a permanent lIXtgBeewîit thepoleotea i reage aongilng ta . a comPanY. titeretore TIlu .a surris teIL ( s$"th aOfte lectricj boear titat hi bau retîrsi. Titi ond- railroad and upen ,ich theIi. overn5 nows for years llveec n NortGées ment bas iteid an oiitlm for a nuom- se Street. Jut nortis t lira. md- ber Of veci. ts. lia stafed Utat te yard Sprlag. gvOeramint reqired ail of the. prop. bir. oodno basertY On OhAidis aoflte Street Sid9 l t.e 6om b, baforsi ,rii45 nsd titat Tt éanearetudrmi te 0f ~ ~ ~ 0«tf Ut opn o ixlOlh,84edtreet aa leY reated bO' thc village. f Aulic sbng lb.the % =w d =Wý= 01: ville People tovar lits net0 lk, w pt oemmèw& *« lt P " te dlnanc yItbut à&. 0009»w vwlw bau a dssenting vote. NaturailY the pnb- lia âiI " la umste icom- lic 1 oretitan l"sed Vilt these- Itatts ilIt.5is la Ua«etsgbbfr fer toi itii site And it la aise grésat- fieOM yasetaisiait.ebo l an sd Y 'plesasé VththUe village bearda Vor»eIà,bus w Autro«bthei w.action lauls ganordlnaomskiWnga lOU 111l0& e the.poseition hi basjut Tt Possible for te goverement ta ac-1 14 et prepentilives l int e-Pt the site viticout muci delay ila . Ac t te norti cty getttag rid of nmiser tscunwcaltiss. 1 bleti.12 eengmeral manager The. acceptatice tse ite Je pleas-1 for six MôMb ite udpror te titat for Ing teLÀbertyrille peoplle on accotntE muair .aeva situ P~r tain sud aseoan accoant at Liberty- Alaber. OdwtdYattdtiCvileblm eins ln the psitin of havieg Albet Oodnavtody etted htÀdone somthlng for the. govelmueut la Ici sud hMA fatiter .al devoote aIl tihi pwUar Umi e teir til.. no.ta conetating engl& zeertg, coostrisClioUa a" Opération Ut aMd vilI bave OMMIUChsluicago. TitiM W410ç3.3e bave benls6009tb vorkon tie aide for Aime tie and na, vill el. II3 pand in IL. Mt. Ilillard,te nw preideut, bas iteen Identlfled viit tité Company as is général counsel e siveral yemgra. ..... but Mr. Béer la a niw mai lWte Sut fer8d From a HeMM&ïgbge1 compauy, altousiho bu bas n lu 0f ri el uC t.epublic utiity business. and - par- fore n eumona Stt UiCulÉriy ln the gas pusinssa for a fr nuoi e d gmet many yearsanad la a cansultlug M.HnaCtilteEahr lng englucer and gas rinuof prami- ,ifs a . W. r tte.grciBi tbr- nen sce. Mr. Baciti-'> élection brlags te hed LW.a! em era ofb. !mi Ibm oomrian ai ie ceurlece résidence. 220 Wlliams treet. Wàti- nleirlag sud OPeratlug practife sn oon.Ru t5 'lckT«ayatr Tt in i ot WITT be of matieal asalat. ance tti teNortht Shoe (Gao » lis.Bracers deatit came, au a paay lu Providing modern, effcient greatsit cý ta friends la mWeukegsu and couteoua service for lt& many Mnd vicinitY for mie bas bei alol pattatons o te urth As. e. hu;, ps thai a- veel. A veel aga lins. reentir serveith Vilage0f Wi. racher veut te ber beliaufarinq lietta s 1p exprt gal e tgineer lu frOIX a itemrriage oi tÉei irain., referince te the service furlilahcd by Withiâl a f ew dayàl pueumci4là derel. te Nrth Sitrau Company ~oteiP. sud lis. Brachoes condition that villand titi other towns la became vsry critical. thetéritôyand ta report lu gea- The deceased je one o!r te béat enal on gai service conitiaus Ilu nw trsdnso h eta . titea. commuuities, enBo hlasalready Andnotihstàru Part of!Lake cana- .faiglalr viti thtetplant and syetemte ta Ohéla & daugtr o!flins. William a4ylarge mtent. biaris o! Llbertyvlle, and ber hua- a1 er band haa&cnducted a grocery str. STe Northt Shore as CompIany at GUrnes for many many )rffl . etateff that It la the intention af these Se eav.toclde y Oflicials te tale alI tee tips noces. second maeifl, tlr, , ary ta prohlpty and raplby brlngmargaibeIi Tt$ plant ta theh>igitest siate o! l0. mridS er andtert - 1clency and te lay Aucht mains *bd 5te me. - hrmoht safeguard lits distribution sysiltex hit m iefnrIsrievlb edl the. sUPPly ai pas vIl b. net 0h27 lt Ourne. church At Gurns* af contant good quality, buia m - Vbc rds tena is rt. Di voiliame and Premsure for &Il c baoai.Wbkgawerbut o "" cruAt aIltms. Tt lte Inten- tha nde auea brpm o boit oL~.cloe t>~ oop Janys one é e amusix a I'f~ ssseWi us tat es Big,, Weekly gt Wumm sal Estate Businessfor the Week Has Been Brlk- Loans dow Average. OOST DEALS ARE SMALL. evera Deals Put Over in Waukegan Durna Week but None Arp- VeryLmre. Business of te recorger 4 oflice 'or lte week 0nding May 5, 1917 by 1.K. Bawep, aeaistant secretarY -)f ie Securlty Tille & trust Ca.: qumber of conveYauc8à ........121 qumber ofilogts...............22 rotai numiter Instrumenta 01.4d. .143 rotai amouut oai bans ...836m0 Business ha, been falrly brisk, agns beab the average. Tie following are te mOst ImPOri at deals% In Waulcegan-Titca. J. Stal pur- chased the aid Ward nome aitClay- n Ot., adloiting te 'Y" frra. Maud 24trbrook. for nominal conuîdera- .on- Charleý W. Hucker tool tlUe uu- er fareclosure af the Busick prop- erty ai aoutiteat corner Èdward ai William streeté, for $850. Wut. S. Ket bought a lot on tce east Bide ai Mariou Street, adioing% te Gradle property an the north, from G. H. B>tarck, for nominal con- sideration. Harry DeYoung and vufe bought a lot on nortit aide Belvîdere street, just vest o! Povell avenue, tram josepit Hoff for $450.1 Nartit Chicag--Carl E. Hansan and yife bougt te Mary K. SaYlor property on .apt aide Southt Victoria ,tremt,,out ai Be'.,uteeuth strect, for $1900. -Lake, Bluff--Martin C, Decker and 'Z.B.L IoIley itaagit the E. 9. lieNIci- OIE property on moutit aide Cinteinary. avenue, east of lvanstan avenue, for $2600. Lakte Foreut-Edwsrd J. liottaita toagitt a lot on Poplir avenue front G.0. Anderson for nominal consider alion. *tlghwood - Emlly Carlsonandii David A. Huted bought 278 foot irontag, on Hlgbvaad avenue aud igit Street framx W. B. timitit, for nominal conzideration. i ghland îàer-mElisa J. White bought tse B. R. J5cPa!dden property en narti maieCmntM& avenue, est o! Dal. avenue, for nominal cansid- eration. Vrauk P. Have sud wvU, bougitt ai ht}iaat lot au Sauth aide West Cen- traI avenue ira. John T. fricksoj. for nominal cansideratian. rsuny 1. Quayle bought a 50-lot 0ou iataide et. Johns avenue, South a! -Lniooluavenue, f roiJoaaGrif- fih f«r nominal contiftemkion., Dcirflsld Townshlp-4. Alvin RueS bought the Jacobt H. Klesgcn 10 acres lit soutit vopt quarter Section 30, for nominal coalderation. Engoue C. Zcker boughtt.e ane- hal! Intereit ai Fred C. Spaldtng ln 20 adres lu aoutbVest quarter. Sec- tion 21, for nominal codslderation. Reitecca B., Arthuar F. and Ethel lieruen bought thec hilton A. Frants propMrty on vest aide Second Street Dcerfield, for nominal conmlderatiou. Grsysîike - Citai-les P. Kuebker 1iougtt 3 lots aonlailey street fr0.i P. IL Kuebker for nominal consld- YMAY 10, 1917. PIS *FOUN» !-Y ON ONE OUT .Of THEF NINE COUNTSI Jury Sa ys Ibat While He Vio- is NOT TO APPEAI. THE CASE Kmoeng -Admtted ta Sun To. daThM.tNe WiII Not Seek Nem w T1Iof Case. Aflir a dlllssnllOn asting birc-ly 20 minutes a 'lu"? lu County Couit ruesadmy afterllOêai 4:30 o'ctocti re- turned a verdietof a "guilty" on on. caunt lnte case af PaUl Kroesing. rThe state*a gUotIY ltad asked for a conviction oh 9MO bCoUnts. t'red and ÉMAtd ArMOtrong, the letec-tlves la $bEe etploy aoflte States attorney, teit0ed tétahaving vlsited Kroeslng'e plqoe 'thte lirat part 'ali lune. TIi? o <itO avlng imadipur- Chtase@ of tir"which wag mate la batUs bÏotlSlte labels '"Buck" ,ad *,Alpita." pre A. M. Ilomberger, Clterist la t4 epploy,.f lte.tat.,l told te safli 0oflavlig madle ciem- ,cal anaiysio0f hb. qtent i ofteme, bottiez and,0<Jatàtg faund titat tisy watned Wm*n4aicitl, lte lat- tr low attOMkeinal quantitces titat It W"aog:MBimet itpo.sibl, to de teet it. To ýà e<a' t te percentage af alcoholý bottie vas about one-itthai me par cent. Tc Indues intoaicatio~i * WImld require the drinklng Of gevgrbcaes of sucit liquor. O04navheircontait. foure or Ive Pe!,!* À btiToeur Ouring the ii 4, r e If04production it II~~ ans per cent .14r0tpauton bas lncrmasdaou lit 1916 the. prio ttt a tes o!tte warldà ÏmàdenW34 per 'Cent of thte au'cumerops'the ptata crop l Ic e tgates lu 1918 vas' 20 per csdý legs ta-nln 1915. fila sonthern statu n:iiisd a 17 pen., cnt lucreasc i WUpe arpots- tosla UM7. EImat'-* lier.cent ai the. 180,M00sareszpDbuuod la tisse states vil b. umarkto4durlng liaY and .,une. ba many section& »«0 potataeS are useSttan ail clips.v"patles combiadne.Ifgb meebitW .8sud a uhotlse f tefficient MWoibaye tend- ed la tsec'ov wa a bouc iactesad avresse et poiatogs. l ehe1hite gardens vilî ielp nep0 eut 1sotatwý supplies ta a certabta 0ft. A fi. garden poits pickeil UP itere sud lter, mgt'bê-O!flttrest. Plant ail vegetabbe a ravi, ual "tu beda./ - lant zmall vegetahies la ravi 12 ta 14 incites apart, bagrgroving varleties 2 icet apatt MWore Gra, more ta anc crop O a aue mal. second crop of lettaëi radiais,, crees, beau., carnott, etc. 'Phird Crop lettuce, icici eradishes. AIter rad- laies, tursslps, etc. Baringon-Gutav ft% prbeau,, etc., malm pISttiul5 1 ta 3 cbased thte Mary Remeistate prp vsweits &part ta etend the dint avail- int$y la ReyaoaessnO4lylaouon No. alu for nse.. RHawIey street, for 82900. Plant parmips and thte Ela awnslp -Latts Utstin ~ for convoened as the, tolk titI. tanden fane4ostire < - mur dptgel WIbs. Schidt faim qetISa . 'M m. aure-pOM umag l section 27, f«or OssiéYoun V4~seai awnsIp-u~M ~ A garden 16x33b test requin.. bout ire t ~egicari*14nortieau tqu%>t te batra ti. er ver t al*fer te tir, Section 25, fro, Jacob Artu tb ll@ofte plantlug la dont. $600. qwmb 1#nes5. th*il- l ta Wy conitrolisi by applyint l"ton "nidli'à.ý3*u IL a d z 4.4-50 bwhtle tï v etarc 74ea! ueatad ev,-" tva veel.. tenoaf- *e*Iterse. arscuate « lieator partis fliia38 o oinl ssdeaiu~ -ay potato Insecte. ltns -srbor--lnathit;or b.scylwtYcaiget- Tn4CO. botaghtit e Li Sbore, pen p bl* anta iauldo- !tg. Ca., gilaithI n brlbeat pe Seotion 10, for -lq atvta ltsl a isae Aa4mêI 1bU0h-LluiI P.1900 fl~irouble your 0OiO9# and iiald bwdltiba Aisma C. AWIIAproprt 4<1t- luiocek by hiiud mdlIssnnea IL ?.t~* ~» "I#im -.~rthe damcage bmoi*è sarfOus lAIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M OBlifii0 80-[ uslbeg bq ste t.e uame amount of alcobol that one would becure in a iotte 0o!iteer Il would LW necessarv ta drink tram 20 lo là bo>ttles of Alpha or Buck. Thte states attorney made it very clear that thte stat elaw provides tit te sals ai a mualt lquor coatug no aliobal lag antl-saloaon terrltory, canstîtutes as much af a violation se uhougi thetIi.quar contalned &]cobtol. la ether wards it la necestary melney ta prove t.e sale oi a liquor catitain- lug malt ta prove a la, violationi. Kroeslag tool the wtttee stsud -and tald hl# ptory. He did flot deny having sold Alpha and Btuck. lMe even ssid titat if b. , ere eugagcd lint.e cmre bustinsst prient that lio mould ual itesitate totaesilte 'lame bevrame as lie dois Dot conider mchi acta a vilath'iof the la,. One or t.o memberp of thte Jury ln expressing titemselvep atter titi verdict baid been reachcd, said tat vhile Kroesing undoubtediy wM g ull ty o atectinical violation of lte law they considered him Innocent of any wrilful la, violation. It was for tat reason that they brouit ln a ver- dict on oniy one cotnt. . Attoruey Jorgenson vito represent. .4 Kroesing lmmediately made a moê tion for a uew trial whiclt vas qet for lteariug abat Saturday. Kroemlug to. dayadldih.wauld not Aeek a ucu trisi-ite mid h.e wouid take bhlmémd- Icine on the one count luasmucit as It la clalmed he was giilIt3 ai a techai cam violation oi thei la,. If h.e does Dot aiei a us, trial h. wlll blime itentagd aturdsy morani. as potatool, cabiage, beatie. 01bfi maliretc. W. sitauli fltt vark sols tn VuI rake a handfub a! martit and 0100 the lugter. tlity o-ver IL If &Y etugi for cultivaticu the' hall ai earth it 11 fail aport witen the han sa opened. Cultivats ta 1<111 th. ysedi aud conserve the malsture. Tinibi ia uccessar for lettute, opIns, heeM carrots, parsaipm sud raiaItes. Tii4 buat practice in ta i 2 or 3 tiia ln order ta secure unlfarm products Corn, pottoe9,, cucumbers, etë sitould nat b. grovu instuai oea dint, because of Utc space requin« A surleu 26%100 feet prapsniy a* and4 vIl urnlmb enougit vegetableq for a Muail !antilytraughout t> 'Localete gardon near the Itolu for couvenience, as canaiderable OU don work eau hoe dane at odd timi sud the time no »Pont flot notice Fertilise with barn-yard tmuare, bai mtal acid phtosphate. etc. No terti bier yuli give good resultsunleas I mali la veillsupplied viitt huçus c decaylng vegetable matter. Weeds. Insecte, cliseas., drqutit as ladk ai kuoyiedge may cause gai-dai faliares. Keep labor and expense. accouat and ten Y'ou vîl appreciate th, value af vegetableg sud tholn cou of production. Ma.etce home gardon lari eaougb to utilize ail tetime Of ti older boys or gîve t.. a citasce VSrd for the. commercial #»Von *hors their efforts praducogVaste returns viten properly diriotid. The United States lias put sU 0o1 cla kibosit an lImier paiol1aut, .4 vL~NA wet, forced te advancement of! te senate bill1 No. 61 whlch ProTides for the. establiphmeat of a ove-mule:S4te -is -b*svoringtoci dry »n. amoud te reat lakes $1,O 25 Fri Nava Trsptn* Sattta Utrd read. - fLaeCat P-0presetative Crran. Wt leader' STARTED IN COOK MI la thei home,. demanded that &Ill drY bUlii b. et twthlr T41 eaô cthat ail wet and dry billem=7 W'disaSedMsOesCsn of on Tburuday. Mie aered notice i WU1'In TOW$UhI titat h. would more tô sgUlle out t- ulate, on tieitisWt enacting clause of ail dry measute remalnlng on sécond readIai Of 4 suit srted la Cook 0.58 This means titat SOMute cIOU ,I lo'md 09j he Ânnati..1 or - bill tamorro,. Weeks 880 t WaS &mai hrdW. SOLM Y eVel' tat te ill»had beapans"d up sud 5t&t*09 flils thceMU 0 no action would b. teu n ouItvit U4, * f.WUadfl theCtUt40 titis Ume. However, .hea Secretaty' Laktse ouui at Waukisaa s! I. I. 1$ Mg te stockings bealbiS trProdn@tIEt t.e American fiai. -Suha it"l hasltery has bien puashl lu vrasft ,e'gjr citles, nnd It nemsiicsi*SV ticiAil"W5IWl inston chapter of M1e EitiÏtenof a - t0<hhlof 0t"e bes- Amenican Reolutlon t- Mta l t . t e e" qUçm tr**seurns iitjInte ai o cognsace a! Ultid St"tesAttorCev t00 van for thce purpopet 041rictl Leakey ln Chicaga, vhobUs mcl tbUtl 1 tl»hWgat peegble -eclcatc of al itoth te vier sudseller a héeêrvçqur people lu every diWatmnitt et -bearinc tce nationtal iblésiti b h5- u national M1. wd »elv« cain toaI*rest lot vIpiatIiM tmffe 11# lAi uuI-easeat"tla.. '"M la. tr..&«W ILS ~ expaefor aet. .oq» "ny prpoeg- WAUKEGAN WE~YSUN FIVEA MIEDRY II VOTE ON TIURSDAY Was Xdvanoed to Third Read-, in thuse d at on In eday Aiithe ueLieo 'WILL BE DEFEATED,' WIRE. IR i Wets in Majorlty in House, Says Sun Correspondent at Spingfield. W-Y-9- - ac te Navry Daniel» aMd Gornar tbeen brosgitt bie 0 - bZ.don petîtioued the bouge toads-- - vatce theilil teUtthetuv readîng, oaie0 eu,4c~ r And viten they reeammeaist4ltupas- titat Nua. Oier, wvbp pas mms.tere vas support broueit as#ud 4aine* laPark, <bok 00w* vit leaders sud otiers lent their ier on ei*fne, tua, 9,5q*Vtà t part ta brlngte bin ta a pool fl 4d S. inîlathe t"w.n aIo~ t iere It vtluld be actei upon Titu-r»ni. *day. -Lakes -ty s Tt la expectedtat lte vflW, 'q The tie Of thsuitig 4e s one bil vili be ans aith U t, t a fthePeOPIeo! ftii 4.u'a lie branglt aisfor -a vote an Tbn* Te. 4na LU Beauiullq a dey. If it passez theidry& vili t*>a-- as eegctr'.a ai tc 'laët l-n ma saflet ta posrhb. Ruci W. W " w"lci gobbits lb, sale .1 vitqk* teS4 bayeit ciwthït sos1 prgo$doy tâ à vsubu*go$, o t~ 18* 4e lIl'Tla*dlattte * tii mecetary 0f O! lt.eost Smrnd tIti *%*Wijrwwiiianountai la,% B7~ t4 labue el$ 41 protect- Oewotber , - .~ ~ n »uiug ait lte estate. on SU ~ uIm4sdcb 04 tieoard. Of - - 0<ir u- icme eat- estasateai4 ue resterday. that taxes for Lit han il bi ben un ber hiaad sud years', se #O~~AM Tthe bas ntt q tort- meriad tbsshits hi, Tuhis bupronet ~sli5O! Ca for5N teata um u*Ii8rVeanusIls to prohi~o- flb ts 'be v4fuovnhedl- "S- -utl t0 1 è*"b'm' --t Wý,% e-J

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