Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1917, p. 10

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é.-- Shiia l9 ght au Pettaining to the nov Jrn ;R,àýjK S.. SLVATION. 0 Kt Hve to -War Teaches Lesson. Wb CINS J1bcn; Xcmoday priit- ad~h M fopiW geditorlal: PENt«iLITY LIWU1ONS FROM THIE WAR. M 1INX the prare frmer.) "Dr, Cari HI1.Iliçn, the.Germnnlm- "OiJvi.cinij6tier. sas tist the. géwar fas a.ttliodr« t? !a con- tegq frn4~g~Tti luvsrly true., et a Udittvantaill145*01. they have b" a pbnonpmsg large yon Cemmor- b~o i nd- tue Csalin.coi- P-Ws* é iMeaWy 'wth the. farinefer tt*htOMUpe0ste initrate taowIOrl -et" m'a pedciqetempla. -.~t4 ,danger o e tis dlxed rtI- tamis theory or fa rmlng. It la 04tlb MOf etthe, feltllzer manuttiÎêërs tai the soit la net te b. malntslned &os la ter.houSO *plant fopd, bit .wqqljç uoad as a factory, intki dit feroilhzer le put in the apring end frïmie iih the. flnlahod cropa are Utah in he ifait.I amiinommituamues this plan MOY wqM1, wlt>a f ofigp e atifc t4,n., *kd tep Importa Iaecg, off, wtji n >ortatlon li parilyZld, dis.- uuk OeitfflW. T4 fe frmer le o-j @me ayd4otiiOutton th e rtitiztr t'A»y, M "e f e frtillxer fatory pe»e h e«l ja"o telt aeYhe e 11014", leto-date sclentiste andifermera lAIta come. to realize tbt tiieY muet PuIt dedui asýido . t proue' à -Ply: That ground rock tu even bet bac), loto the soil mucli of the lja0e- iÏýrnrni new of he i.farmer@ of ter- fertiliser and beiter prefierver or pliorus which tbey have been roll- -Ilefo t4iiedt liedMM à- rath- UP-ld- th. mil tMon the magufactured fer- ing the soli ot for- these many Liie *o-lothé fetlIs*r factarieC If the tlizer. Geripany ba basa one of the yeaî s maei ~Jijd.Ms* 4oujd becoe l e dý gresteet usera ot phophatebut It lias The Prairie Farmner bas bit toc ta d, hiuawtitrene.odtatO!sdmor. always been secured frrnm Beiuin. n%'l on thme head in reterring to the tilize mmd acitii. nniittiei fatorl- tal- And, Mhere are but a few emali beda situation of the soit ot the United ast tmgmai tiihe A=ala nitroen-,OP ln titat naw desolated country. Whjýçn Statea &ad it la ge7neraiiy conceded Phat pÀuoten in thêta c@,nrd tical fer, the war break, the forelgu couptlfere ai ;111 etin wud lqm CtLwb-e ai a ba dpett 'the National Phosphate Fertili-w W«bi ne fertilixer te put -nte the Oant ue and fallure ta replenish, zer company le ta bave a big baud ofae b ittie l in iii. wat of crope would wîîî bý,e t couse ta thia country for ln resuscltating tbe depleteti lande of thost hi- talcén off- theïr r'hocî>ate. tbe country. peau «là the. mlddl. w.mtthe ii.stuation Is ifmh idifférent. particule 1rly 1wbers , Ilio e ya m tilntaifllng for- ~1A IG T E D » tll~ ebin eloe.Frank Mann'i - - A f5RINKTREFF.» fJtn, for instance, could 9"e profit- able co-esfor a iiundred yeare. If *uad.IW.- cae ewar bis farmi and ýY',"r fi le tlik- ~e en o I l st al gm eret;y neaied "W. pro net t iar, andl hope %we "et> aIl h. Slut ln pac"et as ll id ihtr.thealni whch'lae ofgreÏt- e~mleto tii. owner antd te the njeg nie mt hot la fiuit U- tItU4-net he eon0 that voelaifs fer- tI0lý 'Ci'ryraprlng ln baga f;04 tii. factory'" Wiukegau men, vito l the ImatjeouaI Phosphate coumpany o Ceîtervfle. Tenu., read the editmoial brom the, Tribune Witb a great deal etItee t. mteh»bazes the feel- lithey haveflad ever ince tlssj Wtý u isit tPhsphabte proleet tht tbe faiMssera et this covnt-y mueat us, tlÊe pl-duct ot their big field il the y W" hto set ths mot out of the soi] thRt in possible, in fact,tbyvl ad muet balselit If they luisb to eepil enuS@gCl" ot Ot tihe solit wbat Na- tu»I4eashed for thean to gst. l'tl 3106f01 Xun4 tock phpsphlate in a M p laist ailler tba4 p ure tii9 pffl4eturd fertiliser baas-blaea m4«aqI b>' ueb mosProf. Hop- kIlia et ilIsi-univermity anai bas balaie«tmsivoly used iiy such eue- ceStul fer-mer« as Frank iicin, kuevu thrpghjevdt'leia lU4 me 'Dr llpfppie, !u9WC e d cientiflc t> f~ fo~9t liteof I~ FIie~b$e ýckIDuthee worid - - tt~ ¶~lai t w b~ s-s si-t Contractor DOciiu-êPayin Fasmaon W$t.L KEEP, HiIS MEN BUSY. Isn't Uuineg9&a19*Mer tjow- S.Lets Men» Earn Payby Dig- 'tel ging the Oltohes. i Waukegas, May 15. Rather than have bis employes quit per their lob,. Contracter Donahue who W& was awarded two or tbree sever cou- 0 tracts by tise city, le paying Idie banda 10 nw. for lie tsars that bhlm eonvotld accept other popitiong If be paiti thora Cantracter Donabue ban played in roc lbard luck for tbe pat tew wee'ia be- -h i cause ot a sbortaze of matertai. He 1w L iirought a vr-sat.dlgglng machine ta 1*1 Wankegaita make the, trenchea for e0l À the ewers but wben bis mater-liw itybi out h. put bism en te wor-k digglng ditches ratiser'tban Iay theinth - off--and las. them.V. The macbine la standing at anseUmm &ide ofthte reati andi the men arp - tltng the digging. Mr. t>onabue coulti ose tbe machine and cut down ha expensa but If he did this lie wanld Ag find Ili difftcutt ta get another cr-cw 80 of meo wben tbe material arrivet i[n td Waujcegan. t This just tends to iubaw how scarce t bclp le in Wauluegaîî aithlbs time. It1 le next ta Impassible ta Iire la ths horst-s at present and wag43 were 1 'lever as good for the unskilleti la-~ borer as at, thie itaur. Even tbe large di industries of Waukegan are aperat- ing "short banded" at this time. .O0 Today the city petitioned the Cour.- Ri ty judge taeaive certlllcates of final) b Losding ta the lýralsl. Par-mer's compietion ln seez-siaidewalk and lctions, the tyuitài ti Mes indeed Olbwer impravsments. a frrtunate ln that It pomsases mut- Leavss of thellucalyptu. tnt supplies Of pùosphat« vhichB Eucalypta are eveigroes hlcb shed - ________ - <sor bank, but otth ter eavqs. Bot 1H d, penqon dise nI=»u Îot er- «are p dlates ânM uratier dmasin crs ta make <ssii salls prduce hlteiht *5lI0laS1 ti Q"M' tl tbey sboulti. Witlb ample pho la- t 15la but .lixL 4ile0lv).si5. -Fer Mi»a. & te in its t-av siate available, thse ~V~ilr treqoçu anbelsa"pot ,mers of the United States, If they sisiw udeinéth, MMao iiWoo l i see &*me. be appeaa"5e e Ubut utilize ttL neeti have ne tsar biais tramwlieh ails. th@. tôiveznb encounterlng conditions sinsilar te ah0ft»s oS time. it teCsttU-te me now being taceti in the Eure- ROM th,# PrlapltIp tYPOP et quplUs an countries. as ?Psgstamre aim w& a" imlath' eaidgic Pa* wbefs be ukn-Nat o Graphtc Maoé- - olied Mili. When boil a Milmeut peple <srew Re.JsSCAu 'qay théi. la vldh eiSoma as * t-IiZmd- l"'. M :tUI balli. -M ut l haaJU »àiL MA tue b"w wtpM dqus 1iw9ugmeMe fore lie au rich lin crean a s betm b.- ii d lqm uia i and ete le Éth il »y M.hatj fidat gt tbat "No," repUiet e fraukly. "I'u pretty enoà1w Ufituw Vu d'ib prtt*y a~Thilsb rt ebb avmo*- Ovwu IdMite Àù*t o A foouot pi sSun Su lie mi. "anti a- '-liM h he ) v ~ 5ITO ASSISTIN À 8gIPULO4JSLY CLEAU. w m.sai Y., EOireCeeiteOuI lii a1 - m. " iOt lie qiitan I N$Eë! I NEC9SSARY. *ws -. e da-Gov.,o h Waqkemap. May 15. S The canservatiqu pf hupsani lte la a ~'tihe uplet). vork et man. Neit ln w~êb ~.îimportance us the conservation of that r~il ~ ot pckwhiçb pçýeervee ile-4aod. Oovornor o~ut~'e cre l lowilen bas mat vrittosena ltter ta ai the t* ti e ,ý&f "bSrp j m pIIs 151ta - 4~ pere.ore not damageti by fire. Thé tire * v ~ ~~or 1-mthcghmsar-ebal will takre the motter uii ith vol O .04,fatwl e chits. 1 tiroghout the state wbo 4M bu t, Ior.cor tien vii lie asked tatusmke an lnapdctlon a doble boll«,.two of ail grain elevatara andi places vbere oitlm>of ths~te P resselih food in atored. Pire Chief O'Parrell O» Ofgfapaare-,*Osgh fur- et Waukegan viilho akedto ta te 1W a opoIut ÀSS# Ntcheu.part ththe state-vIde movement. hI~5i04M~PUlhaU4~tot5tetJh oliavlng le the lstter the gaveruar tf* ~ tPt t0N* 'mais < s'Aost te tlb. data tflo marahal: le, ..The. importance of conservation of 'hffa e= l mksiltketbn ail property, in thia state Io exceed- hwb ozqpptlcat5ýlAve legly neceosary. Fispeclally lit this; tlm tg t *#» 44<hS l-t* tris vitsreferesice tote iconserva- aPCtfiCitI 51tb iOPI~iSi5for tion of ail grains h tu rag ani l sioderul inventioonshItbe. va trnstl cfilfodtulla In éleva- com"eaventesces. On. le a àeor rnt.nialtoi uichas»m» o » bwp aae ln ed et tors. varehaumes andi storehausen %V4u »eo ots 'C~i g-ma-tbr-ougbaut the state. rUg i ps4 ta0O i li.*M itii "tIlin tfy desir, that tbe state tit-n )qodmuOhe ber mg 04 moP i dtkILa arshai departmnet shail at once'dir- isipu* ttCla iI~ 09 tu et apec4al attention ta the Inspection allA ,t»ig aiUe5t Maatbl ORMit fail elevalors, mille, varehousea and wt*iab ,Ovlw, mtws be , ~otiser buildings coutaining foodi stuffs. ked, te a T, PattWs q*I17 v -eIL ta gaw«i pan, îoilmg air t. çeptpr vlth tho Idea of reusovlng as quickly tsot tii. goal> Itueif dosa Bot have anti effectively se possible ail apporazi- hi tubaia Ulm eC0" gihrb4 Wlo mte ecuastn ta tire. lui anmd sait cauterD W*th ~ &Btd "To brlng about the greatent sf- 411A hot9e ar AmMOUg ih*. ther louarti andi protection la t he#e matters. Buaieese ouineare gieO ta plut- tu Og thiklcuettsa i 04 places. aubo làduaeu.m uasi.. lu' lb. 1*0 a 400f hitwCil Wms M o n. Bu- ttUs it- le space DUMet a ted up oiffletly mi kept ànAtly lu mi NbunjVhOr. )e 'tlluiflertf9ln-tbe lbpt 1dm 0IIOYOtPf lfC tt,*bevepll,~ a b t e e te the voua aatfrom >medo làus wsudfnitot. But ma wiilma *0 eook, et coue. 6 REAKFAST JACM~. euw ta Maie On. Thot la Outh - ruiadwbi4ma atmiuhtpwe. gpifte o draw tilulueu lm l'ido . oaU6 sq4 Rasare te samo-' parttcolalIl J9vdIp tbe ftales »d matedas 'Oidort$ .1id grati. çtaily every kia,*-&miilai= of e I.-' ' obtw *: ean« .1copf. ta l - à"., eql"W Mei&,, lu oblatMtit bats .bati'thrmonfzo villa the rept <or - flxiAsngIusatr WIu~ mira uêt*s~ a Ww pmo 1tta aa-ale tcaoa "!lanto! nccase tonb oklans 10 ta coWnervaInpec tiosn loo ito te ansitater vai-o aheemfooc tssrndephaten avait a breet lre ort ta yU nn'i-i cagdie atteIarleprtica daten tai carry onthe arpfly stposilae tue caron-afscîaplnga psiblrotheio agatuoftleanvblc mand octond bytu tie eitl7 a o! e ocisni olh er nsfe onittons lu and arouni teedepositories.r -1t1lela gy Ides that a campaigu of protection in this regard cao bea). te effected througls thse barty and ps- triolic co-peratio ofo the avuers anti proprietors of tiveae mnlils.elevatara sudi warehoses with the depgrîment. sud I hope that tise co-operatIon oiaY ho br-aiugt about. *11I&all ho pisasedt t have your adi- % te.asa )o bow soan thle work can ho tInaiigiited, antiftram time ta time Bck iInforrmation as yoii may deent neceaaar-y for me ta poaseai; vith ref- erence ta the pragrens anti effective- nez o this canspaign. I'Very truly yours. (Signet) "FRANK 0. LOWDifN. "Goveroor." 'ifr. Jitix. thsat rhIeken Ion oI i me tise aber day muat have teen abouit itrI, peacacu." *"Weli. maousm. 1 goee t ~ wu et alcletram a colti-etorago lbat Wous Leng Etiugli. l!fettry aget i lie. had hf4en sent tO a %toeat pur-chase a pair of stocklogs. "Flo0w long do you waut tlemr asketi& ic ,clerk. "Ildon't vaut i boTîrowV -bIni." rekll.d Henr-y. "I waut l'mso oplu- mmd - D rail lait the keg ses xui wli Cot ta met hie uni fli ta cou lie the ta der eti it - Mua go agc Dai w;L hai§ att hie ent tai] gu blig tbat try wb the Whi ta t4

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