i 1~ tien -a -p >oel misa ml~ Government Agents Trace an Allen Enemy ta Lawrence Armour Hame There. àWORKED AS A COAL PASSER Fear Either a Dynamite Plat or a Raid From >h Air WM Be Made Now. Witi German uiése in poseseeion of di'wlnge whilcireveel lhe aoseimi- t> of paimîlai homnes of mas'>ofLait. FoessVs multl.mlllloealr-e. tfer i porplretion o1 possible bush plots,4 te police ispar-Iment of LaIk. For- set la worklng wlhi federel opera- tives In an effort te reveel the ln- nermoat worklinge of! vitl ma>pr-evo- lu b. a gîgantie conspirau«y vili hîther-te undreamed ef ramifications. Spies oft tii. Dper-lai German goy- crument have Ilu heirpossesions draviugs »howlag the easiesI mon- uer by vitich outrance could be made mb lte b omes of vealti, and nov the. goverument sieuthh are vor-kiui nigit end day lu au effort te locale an alieged G1rruse spy vito wvecd as a commun lehorer- for tse George Herrick & Son Company, of that City. lent veek.. The tGermon epy, Itleisallsge.se- ~ Idempioyinut as a mmmni la' Ibrer for te Làke Fenslt taming à"grading company teu dais egu. Imor tva days h. laborsd as a cool pasper, sud durng UMat in" h. in- !ded two canloaemoft ard rosi lu Iii' frelght yards.- Allihe î:mc h. comnplets('t* î.[~- or-h lie vas taken by otc meuben ot lie firas lu the Lawrence Amour home viiero le vorked tvo aies t grading. Titen he vas sent ln the homeo f Dr. Walier, anotier milionaire residel aud il le feared liaI this aileged spy madie dravings ut lotit estabes and of luth palatiail homej vhi oran iugviti tearu and shovel. OuIsaturda>' nighltlast thet alieged Germonu spy vent to tlb office tOf George Herrick & Son for bis paY checki. Il vas ianded tlu un by War- ren Hcrrick, junior member of tie irai. "il la a peisaure lu onr for 70e, Mn. Herrîick.sud I trust taI You wiii le itiesscd vitit mure von han yau cau do." sald lie aiieged apy vien hoe necelved i is psy check. He did not nesig bils pogition. Mr. HIer-rick expeeled tbat b, vauld ho on ~'ejob Mouds>' and ou Sunday 'se uined van far hlm ta undentake. 'H.es'as a Ilicable sort o! a ici- low and an excellent vaniman. 1 vas irupressed vitit hlm, and 1 could flot itelp but ha suspiclous ofthteioman fan 1 couldn't satis!>' myseif tiat a man o! lits ahlily.vauid i.ovenlting for- lie moue>' vo pald," sald Mn. George Herrick. On Manda>'thi, aiiegod ppy did ot I>etunm la lis vuni, but alter men began lu asit about hlm. Monday igitî s secret service.agent tor lte Uijutedtiaes srrlved Ini ac. F'rosl. -ils obee vas le anrest Lob ailegod spy. Itl e belleved titltîe goveru- tuent lost the. man aflen It had Con- Iiecld un vithttte "allern smemy baud" nov operatlmg lu the United stalom' filelagenerali>' uderetoodth lt Ial gecret service men ufthlie nation have been suppll.d vith a description of li e slieged spy andthalt ordeis 'have been Issuoti lu arrest hlm ou siglil. guo erneet are the go#ernmenl Cf- liciaislu oarresI lbe alieget Grin 4ï&P p> laI i is Bthe. belief ut residonle 'qo! Lais P'ones't bat lhe alentis have 'eaeom la belleve liaI i. ibuldosdrav- lugs ofthu.estates sud of lue rosi- doucs oet .men o! vealh ot Lai Forest, ruan>' et vion viliiplay n Matl' Part -lu .thefieancleg of lie vorld var S'en intance, Cyrus H. McOa'mckauhitr o 1,kcF«tle muuUis~r'~aésUuea.bas licou ,Lb «astfutr hmtdy qd DmMy. ué' d M. Mir a ue M e la I l lne" vuse mm.fr Ud V ieilm, ie Ma ba buse silm ane" cput ta BriU u B(>OM wS o its la»Wo for é i* itbe Mien ili. Armour, Svift and Meeker et "feodlug lte arrn>'aflte Umited States'" vien Ibis nation abus il& gons ai 1he German straugpolpts. It in feared ltaI ltheGerman spy aise, ha. e hig possession uaps et lthe Fort Sheridan pont sud oft1h. Great Lakes naval traiig station. Tieco malPs voffld le used la the carrying ouI ut boni plots by aiielp cemenie aow living la tlii onnry, but ttiaite lanu posmible cbecd out tI maps klinltlte bande or Ger- mena aiiroad, for the, United etiles bue pJaced an embargo on allen su- ce i h e ek pasporta for Rua- suas ponte. laie lForstl nesidenla have doubid tie «uards about their htomes nov, and Il la understood liaI lit, nation vI aiso place guards around thfi bimee o! veaihon lte NorhiShlue. The George Herrilck & Bon Comn- pany have aecea bu thesinates of ltsé meh et veaitit fon tiere la mot amoîher fimna on lte North Shore more deserving oftIrust thon titis on. Buff1le ilu my George Herrick and is son Warren vîli knov the, lite histor>'outevcry manu viorn tlem- ploy frui titis date on. COUNTY CONTESTS AT. LIIRTY VIL Cantests ao Be Held in Grade Sohool Building and Wili Start at Ten A. M. 14UCH INTEREST IS SHOWi-. Contestants and Friends WiIl Be Entrtaind> by Wal. lace Oruce Amnsbary. The couely content vii le iioid lu 'Libertyvile, Saturday, May' 26, aI lte grado scitool building. At 9:830 cow tentantsand their friends viii b.oue- tentaleed ly Mn. Wallace BruceAms ban', the poel-liumorist. At 10, olock lic contests viii begiub aritite sud penmanshlp viii occupy the. Stt per-lad frontlen la eleven, lotitla<- lng place etahei samo time ln dîffer- eut rooms; the contensalu bull sel- IOde lu 1. slimian b the tuvu con- tents, except liatinluaritilmelle a part of lte prubiexus viii De <fctated. At Il o'cioci the, vr-ttem seellnag viii ha given. Elghy'word, vii 1. vnlh- ton; the lhait o! the contestants miss- img tle fevest vends lu the. vrltten comtentsliil e eligtbieleutonlirthe oral test ln lie aftenom. Il aet te clope, a Yoe xlY.4s, it la lu b. sIbellèd off orail>', tram vwordesne- ieçte4 froin pages 140 lu 160 et tle seiier. The preilminar>'- ro'uiug 1est viii taire pince during lue moiaelecr conPtcstant rjadin*g lefonoe heiii<esl Theo bai! o!fltos entcred, moting lte beet scores viii i'end tle blté 115 ln te atoroon. Rltit p*MI~ b1hc OPOLeetaitt rema q I 0 20.1 1 Rio LT VLL NDPEDN INDEENDEWl' Lake Co s~sBgWeehly tii.be poflngplComerefo r-ti.Sdyenios oise wth aytr at- and iihvei0 aeor ailti. ee- uni"The IIIts Be l e rtai yteDfndn tTm o a arrnemNoth. Chiaegobl- enirsv lo hJtnuior ls' st therf Gpei pinMt Sewiic T yl rseToediy the Junirci o tvn hinyfo eah Aver t.Registratsion Eo r- of ileigbe lp ig cho Le d s ti gada n ciun.ct nlon.y e th at Ju norst ev . l h e4nir i ug bt igecnetl a keils.hicouthin tonaio lano f0Rboad he E. .frn lendofroed t e por- ' anal promen de n th oal u vs e. a- Tiiampso rnonRihntdsa gher liof!e Ii. re n tskof tis hni' fl. mtl . Cu otr mtise a ainvd c .. sodup o herate c oetngof bO r e ar f vds oe e r 1but caengantony itat î vl Ti Bdbcil ti îse atienvtdene-ig fornuvtry e Junior clamof ofed heov cure stat hat eristrrasr s-m e rsan tteudiissotrerveus ho lsudo 'uk0<e rty Sp n u nhi rehgret vhli tas.iiOfl9 farm e Joie t. y1. as iesatris wihoutpay ut howillho1te tth ol e aias rceiv d i e vado 5 a enofrd hav se r te o evarate bsmetstae malt- t hl the arraingemlaesntsluthed four ey s J ILIff~~lTtslue lteOr I*lme lu t itry KIcharD 153 e Ars o a; . and wihave e e i e ce s c- hm" Thsl teraJolw h cdr lutr.ranentfs. . s ienSho ws .. . semo rwll e tlo teJuis uss - Juu ydfaa. Hssdg e d alsChu. the viii hoin twic b mlais etmn f is"oe o .Iai3orer-tNe Junir nloe lif, ee tn WhtefrDa. fiale h prparation f ite regitre- n -ty Arst ae e.pqiai ovehwof tiiedscth e gaduTea- < iiae 0tandu& men etwen he aes f 2 an 30,tio das tht ls muchra bd d- t als Reichards, senlaImed tu Il In. itiv i . six days before lieboPUTseredual- e ...etirybyJüp hine Thei îraof alesprce LIVES AT LtBnTYVILLE DETECTtVEcati WffKthemwau-sfsr are tii. iaoftbds*u5slPMmd vs "Tir fe s titPatl iiieghalru ite gjouii~al roenoadreuran d t t h O CX' ie-sa hy icrson lia ohos $ ie the rjont arsdiqfereu Wl ais apr eo h md " fl Co tr ut on hasein n..i on-wW a. af tii. oop u e -c samteng. home coarvelvi deNcoiv cemob e - 4 ain odthenary eon orfthregrion,"WitThe frJStteor cfld.mtoAutontis FthetoArret La thoer fer sai oanfizatoid HSVTeedBOUgt h e ie antic-wdecJhI*Jfrriurmen epnTii.sinte cu tthen ii s ci ioomi-11,ecpdfonteJ rm »ft e I thâ th reistrrs rc e. brs nd u»M bd p tb utber a Hed BeahxS ft rs Gad y bld i regrmet it thie ner ar i kor t Mli a 13.andl cag. pTshis. ivld aire tosbavea eRorne ides eptatonatAra. ta ongiî. ii iîearesoley anodofs lteefforatuH.va steaortof ten tc stionode ted 50 he ams iit. gndVer ndl y- t e aruea o l, vep apue.dd n tite arausg ponts iteviiinaris." dTnhigtvsgaleset igehAeboerofAuioi a tt.cnteananlienie thetc cuoouli ad e Tii, siielif receves mu rmunera- hate lolalquestioithat va putt theynarniu- tiinsaRiluards offices(î3IVftD Ttoplaor lionrt i vc. h ii iead Up1JOHN ur l tIt cse t J I BO tIULIJIEI Ale pWhiea lu dis. ter-a Augit, net arrenomtfrohave' aee n ,cfl a etbouetraie rt i u ldrlird. kga'n hl mea riothe c o a untr i-sS.io erTor. Tradude.IN a i is OIikey iatau the ur O n e rct e s ny Caio ady l t c wd, erdy bavenlry by ca iUptiithesheif nd hour tii, Jury In countytcourt Wem vhich ptciced Up tii. roither'. scent andae og e their evc sfo le an da ' n dy* etr d averdiicesfot in liasmbery rdgfi- iad a ose. calade fosd atfby191v9.lu latrris HÂD j« XCAS CÀS ÀTÀRÉ NO'l lon I pPIngetabt..ed y th prii'onner cpoaliuted o.R ichards r Th nomtio.nWukan msiben vo ultofmn oti, aorrs bnltic l.and mrs. oe phe SBfrdoa rmtesee vnoaldi bainthv ne offee the heriffshorwy I a pcla aeiamuiatiisbsittnetac fr t j&ey Grand Aven t aried Htntoee.Belvdere ou rt Heroom. .an thare: Psm ter Dwa nady, Corad Jasyil vas tedstatm !on e Ban have n sL c ed p one cdu e he - p an oftheJvn ars.laa_______________ot . ho lte in R 8 nu oma agaltst antien.iLoui H.uReliervas pointslua1h, guli .! 1h, laorer. riiiemears go fia reaaiosfr h e li t e nyvlos u nlestn i.autanes, hovAaever, viii keeopte - - o 'ur.Th lion. uT il c i wuy b re e sao.rii jryoidety e-a loegurdavn hetaoen,#Mudlt-H th*OD HEALT NOW li"LINO-Si LrgitatLion Wakes plae. LfSedhoAceT LI*MYuVIpoEDeTE Cas ohe ES ePidWOKed ups ar-e Ivte kssndW àV cf JJlet 'T hnln M>1.A ~ oyu heon, wlnes azd gave sI vii b.heuae.g- 1hy are rllete reile n te ax- Pleï b ichards ta ab.h at fo areonsiurnt sdut h on ol Ret tnrpebnese t iofdnî.tiihe usmunonre a cn mn p e-luos tuae ans-Amiary cas fior-restantio n.wRitesr ld f guig mbtii. Ritvicetha ti.s etoareswi teda. dayaWeil nceWodfl Known.e Russian -.pubThewasctuenceovlubb mertplae on Apnt 27 andre. On te lie Sr lin, deol lo Ars a vec the borif aidtody. If l w n ;d Hle esld t h. yaed ore a He ef i amlîeod lb. l i eua meige h bsctaofsi le,1wudI let hahe Treasur PlMcAdoo oocaeion a AWauk.gitolgt Teliea. Isocy . Sneuieid, 1ta1hMa 1.-Mleidi tehS o. ntu cnchargm d eea !ls ne r aie sud va tuformed by11111- saf ein lb, audbe yard office &I te ran smbasir-e, ld bon af±sr merCon th a n ecld omeIti tongor" llodound sspveronbpouinttea Ara- O *sd«,MnbdM1e asp on heve teen 1 s d hl im for the1 valospod s .Y il Ms. diif .vnted i. H.sao i i. dieau yeserdayf Artom Iasditheord an ceDouoO76Ga D.a en c l dinho voetdr u al a ndomstie Thseonsuai o c l bn am e il and pala teqestin t acirtas ls, h aundeed lth ils ti.be~ uircgesu edin ant e s d hsu no e r o dieau, under 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jh 1h.n faln elsc o.gasso bse.Ti eldybrec ilbrn au'. po'Ii have liii vuocimemay e laho for ncss elwsn f ecr n taay ed . l itrne d -su b ougul une glio assr OBus Tiess me o ma ytAes u icu- Pi 7yer eaTusayhio e d, 5> Oiialothesnce o!fCt alrn hm Russien dl menm a it eauf anda ln n o viskey. ter , le .2.10, r a d- a dg e , dI ae iov lng t a ny l ans IW uea u n e eyoyl h oieeyoy wiliretieralet. D rvicen t eicais pa r.ae un asig iess fti. ilq uon wlbe olt 1 u s the arrdounsî << l resn O N o! th r aridÀ te le 1 ituVfrdiil." e lmas com cut yb lngu h eifandd.heur t jyiy ln csrd Ma rtl D ennî l. lbo e fori.the ralvrssbe ta ioy4 esent marPl3 ears mafd fn o lr ooonuy e ede ldue off 'ng tersicesoreone il W55 Llmhr turLib a erty i ofnd t oter îegarde adan lles e und ps- e W ukas. i- lav e l siutne u oftheont14. l he teWueçandIdalsI nite mBetn.wasasieepIna ie sdorfstdmitentitr tueCte f lie viagate. r. a~ nmd r.MJsepBrouar l eO f055.'cseeoee eatll h haveu-red t i l iesndu e ad lion sa ecli7 as "mch tr ities heâitate te sledf us the rnAe nul go e aiedH l usir liee court vmonuet. ltI i dar Psta wrDa m ad , Conia'. asOfl. Rîltner. vi en îaed f<olie mn h ave re s icd, one tva dwichu atti ie u uTedyti.'epoe uno a' isAi H teinai nd R.lis ar num.saide0 i s laother. Lois H Kllrîay >points be ut of thev. at re.vs nolvd ay rem.rs uc rin Mllreottaaii0iidsSei alliehe ste atued.TThe jurnyev deedvse>yýre- icosem umand helaor, nddOH I 00 EAt fniNds d c-Thsomi iiatutb ing vill RW S fu e e Retelie uv. upiii placesint a sehioodiou us arre sud vedo mot a ira-e ettslclî. Bu li miyiu o en tI ornen fil uda'soo tatth b n y ofd gheneiiirn ehis trnd ge revat wlu bcade. iibrr' crTehem mrniageo l 87lbylfIrfssl.vn i.' ii0oJis *era t faorontenl n" he Miodl. tn ger eaei fth out Tb>' usin hie ofArres ! aeie Cnul èyRç e bao us il e-mie of. cfe 5,a '51h5 P55w Tii.lea. idore oui i stat h t - nt e (ity theWcame aan Cor Jame esyiil ve o Ii>'m vgau fUNI&TEDgSTATiS &gTORPed Ove bmracevonAi lmes aydti8e Onate at-hetectie haeo ibepta aon -' SODSco ofteTRO uuyER A d oT, teueltaionhestladfhcui 10 soer ao liase ef su dy asibledthetcsdluro u u m.teay b . scen et hin II. l.May SpeS Id' te B>' n u, hageilsO ar f e igaev antiau s itiout ti a id et d efltra'heler tardlilite.lahoern' b* Tuetel19anS t lT a 1" Londn, eb 6.a n hosmerI on . ernttiv o dc e. uths, assevograivlohb lie seboug bt utte oy Mi'. O rvue a , rd Mfr osacleph at ue rule iu mon today.Burowin, lut7orad-avene, yesrs ho coute, spd is la bcas sIoêu pedo~~~~~~~I hotdsrye-ttle awa LIbe IL Hn er.saudhpoediad ased uay rrest iii herad i bTe fon sommewiiofe ea nlic a iee s bun pidtonere nt ac er Gths hunlb. tews> itest te ted ed as goleu edd o In cmii. tsi; eè i ls semor e e i,»de 1ier-s," h. fBrilonadmirit> ofnonc- lsted ofhacae ey dheietdiai omug te aile. u . 1 pMcierofsud bul aeus mou ut ho, and Rlan iplomti fiaiprt5et5d lno se Rittrplc, hjOt .8130pbumte af bolngtoaygaad eie a Wukea lnioeen- d thc inte nls Séatale dtrfcaepr gv luofyer 5iqor. We ;sitte t case te erent o te iOsttn i tfte'ir aed hInet e a i r inia thestat couff * cemmnd ah Amercn ornava ltorc s L me nu,, ofmwîî her t . e n Iund eler Chade ef o! P olI e sam n d Indu t Mr . s ns sud ro naug e a le-a' Se, 5'nom-',q~ *ore tUopean wthersUni.d#Statu Oases clnan d ans d esd hston tronLa ite o t h opevilae.d ily ossWlImsu rdu akgm 50111 snivd t useslwn Eg' f hikhns ors Ime udo a eos.pe t>' hfcsfele O-at Iip y u hgo , Mrlh n s. ihaurd The mneursO Iilli aggn i a k and lie sdmIllt e tndedm llinio n ch irg e runcancoite cIoa>,traug tat boion, tee. i§ te ctiueuuae.Frda- eiso>lee .U dollr lan oremad, Rufae cn- iter h -it fft5 pl i> on!hesnd1theislabouera a u od n wo ierIne t b~pet i lvandonTes. Dthy m4> u e u , et - ta Renar ionteraI onim héind*ilOf0.th pO0iethacft hO o d sld Thakey sat. Toa os u lblFoet.' tite fi ayrnebaue rm nuftrpr eatorzdaoii vilic ls! fsafed. T iti hgo- gwie 41elle, ~ risîng l i p lacsr~e at invetic.ou ds atlserd e' tidplnt't iCifiMdeteds of lfolaitn ean vd a-Teeaeni ilatep gc emment fly d pers tohat te ana ho bad gf*lrsra, cn nothi n istrn. vas smed 1b a ' S th aLoeio's aepon"" le'latislcaiy Bn ti epoyotfo ho.'tt ait GiraIi b> tofi a U05rad teptE.l Thmet cae boelou titeli me ntgiy,, Wbis frieter vite are stadplbg . .as .-3I. -- . UNTE STATES "OPE' ma lovramitesil me b te ooat at hp t live hve beut te enwoa sMk