DEAL Y" p 00O pyBaqet ester asTdatýiaster. MANY 'TOASTS ARE GIVZN. Letters From Memberl on fOèth SMe CO Rt flad Dur- CNANC iAmer. ceLaWho babkiot, fered to tea. bai bou liée Lsd rCI.u'A St,, mua au The. Store Thet S.1i. Wooitex Savye & Redeem Our Stamps, -Merchandise Bonds] GREAT BAR GAI-N-S- FolloingAre A Few 0f The Speciafr.- Womeu's $2 Wit Tohege $1.50 ana $2 -waists in VOileS, orfontiies. ete., w'îth iiew, large eo>1larg, cm broidereci fr1] Is, lave edgîîîg and a grvat varietv of styles, SI)eeial at- Women 's WmWs*Io itit Ilt hem My own gmMa2. It lu pl*illie td t6at .hT h e h telltàtttbleOsiy orhe found fo i. pianoujlwgaabtâtim * htibo dth t acmru for lut or ,le FortidihtIy Club of b for ' thet trëfflga l ai 'ebrtelan chict v as celebraîod jAt rwlt !14 et a baniw4utàtablein the chutre h par- «ha u làha »6&tw é ncl -, tt g-. jeb@ to1ev. 8. W. Chidemter ffliated as As ahlndletIag~ ~ ~muW~îag îaànbb4n- itig toets lvenu iven. The han os tn w wm %14jidd àt. ifie.quetw served b h aiso h talte u Sf is<>f 'iËthtMi hi" e à '*'y BTfrtd400111.1 Union. and thîs bauquet w5SInth a4Ijoîîà.~ 'oreft btuically xlnee thea# lu. 4Fort 4o. vlîn Camp ausot il rangei. uees Woë t. hélt a thmo.tIm * n ent wrhoi n r tpia ridé raigin a*B àn l -ik l *b0te >Nti11tt l dirah d '-iJ.wr s la ~ ~ ~ ~ tm# *à*iuh lt h5111 aà*.. i it- Onma:y etiWho . re »W~ LN~.ARîE rue mi hie toiu reý ia thotl i err cn iU'itmi1 Seter wa sho' Au latJ 'sm »or ' t-t. bàau The591ili permis-for lid for a reial* m pà5 t,ka ij W Ij I~4 hthe ck 10 891. W e te vireseat tramofoïrer erpd i c e b . *M.»Mooï ti j Prnch AOi.M 10 fr tl' fue.lom b tSitrws ë i onerdof ; u«. lap. 1 " ty a$he: <b t& Nblan an*?~BlI ~.4, 0<~m4%der at that tie *is a CI$utie lolletea rend a toast p4lTii ___________________________ quatyi nd ~Utenat "oIn. Tb@ latter by Xia Lid Gourley cf Highland TN.5ARVI tie. Bfttt& *t 15*1 1Ir a.VéaYft oung UI.'. ravenilerThornion of FîB j i4P Waukbeau Sei, bevitAl * At 1k pPeuuh limé holalua LlîUten. Oibelftl. ent -a Most Scautiful let- N WASHIINGTON, D0 . SAFiLV IN OI)OEGA tu, ths goiS» t l ti*ila15obAft f fthe secode ,où,d t .£545*<14r.MMm.d ~n. JI it *vwm t. 6 :1r1à% bté»u. 'lh. to ir,=n ivre Êif*uter li#ho art vlalting In Calif. atdPrese.) SI fU inted Peak] te eare é êMéa* i5,j~ "siv. toe Ie iMa*~r old acquant grin-la. sDerdellf Bliater alHo gent .i2L Sî 21" 2ani. Ot tact du1, ttient t *WbudSp Ç. ai ier Sait nte e.vsa ltter frei W noWUin ilgtofl, cautMsosy 2th3-ThueeWsr De t fa"ilite aàiïbt uet êu ithé Ute c ong t maD ,Tbe club meula twiee am a n lnse n the *% ýjarin fteAerenhsia camp» I ~~~~ý 4tWttad te ilhw the battis from at eacb mÎ@ting oeehour h devoed 'MiuIelk"0Ibw f1 .'l - Xurist. teAmrca amia FIiet repoeuriamlies @»b~ vmaies. lfliefe .euld d 1nâdot-0et#0 gaftiEMe oia U~I*o fUdlineyres - ' 1 I n* ntu cuty s h bai bien t th at ii# M5e l@ o i hd te don thé uniform ad %aur 1Il"eand ili>. ys on I oefeetbd Yi I.~UtUS1 4 . . k t~ a~e tta1nah o»aena. Mra ot Ti1îre are 25 officers OIU afflià a atit hol. 1lMr. Rï About 50 attended the. banquet îaqt jfi8s tgai dumnsd~hurvmrd ulmit. unit. vouilZWiiItAIn-"61 vW'r Ijiiakan lito wtneiaoe -- wetlir the esmip t4m ite*wm de al~b aiest chârges the Ybedcl tf.eb -h*'4 lie seleced oÏar thé*e <1Pliest mi*. «vevtàw aiS. ne uavIliubm ttlte la onet bu#". It lekaowitu(bath' 15e thé nU ulag 0f M ranuOlteru. sites wouli b. lilgbly dIsirsÉle. jâ, -t"ea o'eàoirs910op8180se If 11h £ f ý co wIt *tlýt2n, I &e6«etieemtsýen l e ble eId i-e adanlg m. .ga.l iuEa* Iovd to ore a fevuimotuàt dth@(Ger- L t on~kWa *F a~dvu à pear thsatthe govMsg*eM h i bit t«~tIIh!bubt thls permission Vas Gr,0t M esNU UtTi Io ' deotded asusthat m04j s oai ee ' e training eifipi. Pac le Oued Soape. «"FYragS cas hald out for at leamt tuvm -MAT. another 'nr."' Ur. '-,4,ÊÜaatrtud ta. that le sà fat as men Lu con- lâe ?t.aeed st the present Wb@ rpme- et bie «d 0fmbaveapAmdmunnîtles aI- beenet he ost, i -t lura.t»«btii nod bsDot lut Sécams On Waten NI" Soa. sciti. Wlth plenty et food and am, But neessltfe~ibng ~I * Vtiton th1e iFrenchi wtllie imvi,, botte' <M sàu 1n ontlt Moi . a sutomlw ui arW Jo Ir the ~1e bigguit juetbeUtntted States ettire toip e- ine0 da It wn di.4 to Its siflter. ?,nce, la ta outil Lh *a~v4ceLnt 513 O d ient Orpv&.om a sd amma' t that W-W mhaigu ot a .i lutni opheUt tuslamore crst-*%Mâ itSi 1 Rohambeal4 PO untan eg eajlag Ansevtca.nglu- etopodl ?,a1J4ied Siates toFIý' the ti& automIthilaI Foaà, Iàè4t.give an a h vud ea id;em 71ec et !z' wél ai1 r~ ~~ ~uî*aîi1 4 "aî z 'àc Iifli ' I blé even. If tha U. 8. trOOzia famî, dO . lm~d ère a Wdo tse actu4gI flula made Ou ;&acca q t~ service on new Np h frot s.~OihuiD~diI~ShoGre ,Electric uine. Sum ously appointed, thé e. omrn new, al steel diners afford pa>seers every travel*Iîuy perl tt *'race 1 Ut'icoul i'W~~en tEe cauverte . ust a point with 4 NG CAR, t Î$1' .te o rui wlth ai ftiftii. Gir- m67li ý .Di*er U't Fà~SbrSetT* it'itp4d taiseaving j5tei to A, ~bî'tw"'1t4fftcd et th _fbe-d tgW 1~ga,ço North:O8 .'iitl>n7:05 p.m.; to trair i~ ~L ~i~ofb m frm Ml-aikee arriv iIn Waukegan at.12: 55 t'r ba hme u tak % lb. tate0'ii "te > p. m. aid 6: 55 p. m. "oewad trip 1îway aorIII. New h olmpe orthe iona y* Àita TCenttal a3tmrtea b t# % . i~~,l~~t ie te I tai~ hoiff1 th ro u ghÔ-u 'TY teirVfty W eioroett -IW-ôn tWisiew North' ore FieCtiýç lipç. ~~âa j.-direct tô,th* 'hçart of Mi aie at'2nd Strë ~u ~~ ~à vnue andîî- hfc Iymancf~onc Cental trt!ï Ianton, With asl express trains on the auuWmaffl ers. Fuis Detrot f ~. ier$ý%,-e ?~ ~ubis !",o î jaucorda te trip wLSimade vlthaut vcoyt i a haacm. ioeo people.'u BW t"eeern. ùoie'- ulmps as the average Amnen-cas tbinks ligliteai bebnoumbsmri Kt their Rid, fL~ ce cr r o m nct t i do. Thei are nLpt entirely lack. rurouoet. 80ital weks ago iUi4 ihtç g a~tt.Tt*, is-=O81i1jI h1I 4od. fila ~ Ons tblssouc.'etaiii. au M- -10 a Bu @4 tW~n th Ie Evatet liardshlp liat they mit t liiosaSoe tW roturn 48Viar'diolest tq o- t eae. Rait Hi Ldothgt'meeio f à14, as.s~ Women 's vite"muslini 'ith. lae, emàbroidered and, floral flouinces, and black or colored-pettieoats Imm q- wI Agreat sale oi wtimen ' an-d' misses' coats in new styles, good eolors; al Women's pretty muslin pettieoats nicely triînmed with laces anîd enibî'oider- ies; al sizes at 43e. iHere is an extra special isale that -vou eannot afford t0 miss. (lood rmaterials; ail culors andi sizee aîd wanted styles at- I g Women 's 19c "àJOSE 'Chiwden's 15c IOE Boy'sV Waukc- Cfed ltaI wen lxe- té tràan et MW*La reportei bave the glned by mIni mva ou Oum'*". MWpb laMin. , lm* Women 's handsomely styled nitr.iAnd er'epe gownis in white 1and flesh; elaborateky trimimed with lace, rihbon anîd embroid- ery; ail sizes; special at- V414Me2#P to» A numaber of g 4Ooking stylés in woraen'h WW -- wM Iskirts ini wanted matir»~ 'J ~1 LU' I Wonien 's "gàütze vests, nith taped neek and arrn- holes, of an excellent quai- îty; very special at 6c. ~1 k1 -L