m Il , 1 'Cli t te ~~ s ~ Tirs club ,~~U~batp WSIin c forced eraugir ubîK on m'îIr. istlfi < T O E ~ I S A L t 5 I U I 1 ~ NT o t ta ce a b ttI fro n t iis lo cker a n d lcêep h lm b u y u n il th tt PO f 'h p TO l L. rap IL lointhetrtub t tcedd year. ihere Ia cool. Reorse edrapa the- ED I $R C UNY I ONTH E R botule of beerttathre tubhre wilil lie forced to writ i his name un tirhe ETIN 0 0FVTRN 1 ehef Prevails That Such a Wa*egan Mlen-Arrestedb .lbl.B 0tou ieWI rn Syste Migt Hae Locted- S. MrshalMay e Se t heo t ubeer wicirha ucrae and itAIlligible son#s OfCivil war vet- Syte igt ae oFt6 .5!asl MyB1Snt ' yrs of Waukeçan l eaim ithat by et"s are ttOdluilnvlted .1tapar- Area Yeggmen. Ft eavenworth Prison, san dolflg tire cluab, memiers viii es- ~ ti reat ip ehé inorial Day exer- crape prosectioli at the bands ufthtie cies with Camp--o.15 Waukêgan. WELCH IS INVESTIGATIN~G. ALSO PROVIDES BIG FINE. naI,:on or ot thre tate or of thereCty. Plètsse mOut at Ie o. A. R. hall at iItCaf ot axItectedtirt tire liqucr 9:30 a. m. on Memorial Day ta take If He l& Convinced Plan la a Federal Judo. Can Fine Each a ntire lýJvraI Court wîi li e part inI tire parade. Wkiy 1It. Good One lie May.Make Re- Man Fo"undulty a Sum Not - quest of County Bard.- to Exéeed $500. - - Thot thre establitlel !a gr Tire serionsm te c arg it .prli system li Lake county miglit whilh 12 Waulenan d North Cl- 1 ire-men wlio biew thea sale ofth Unitedi States Goveromelit èaunot, Î III<JI14I ..YA p Ares bank-afld tot aw-y l b îoî aler lie cted tirant by notînS tire Dunl 7 valued ai over $2.000 la the bellef of isirment IL Ih possible fer Fde1%'2is store's Plans are alwaysiade vellin ai thos wb bav loked ototiemî.ludgeg ta !mDose on af who are touai very moment when your neede 'dem<»id it. Our pr th1èt who bave aroy ont to the m ter. eeiièàYuflieplàiR 41 W ~WspIl -Inquiry r,'veals thé tact Ilat -T ire niaged lmlnt ongthe pser."' fashions of the hour, in ap.parel Cif hîgliest qîality purcl'ase of a flonter priai outfli, caiý charted wth crya ntehsl' able of dotas pra4ieal work, voulu of retait ILqor dealers » sotl etl *i nit.Otqt la* eXeeseof $75. Wheneveriwithrout iravln< puld a espécial tat.i Prety e w ar$ n rmews outedlwlib iand Commlamloner L-ouis F. 4w4ott tite s t rmnte tralningeratheof tira iederal Court cii tiri Ih-ewepolept-eollai's of wvhtte erepea 'wouid ire Iposshie for the ecuniy wan.tuliîe itin Federai J*ge -iCt- (le chine, withf1ancy atitching; al'io tltriie 1 kep hoogapis ! ite' i8 Munalai.nd Po,,,' ta square collars, with dainty lacetrim- pintji on fila and ta en-Pare Ibein V1IRST-Flnpeaecir man tound g;uilçÇ,, îing; excellent values, $1.00. m wÉ wtb pnînts of crimînalq on file ln 1 ot legs thon $100 Or riors t ",le Cicago. 'ThiIs miglt result ln tire $t.000: or. - aarecent" aofsftire i as arlcqind flO lSend ira 1 dIo rznr ~,priresi0n tfhevplna creld nX2<1@# -'a 0d atm 10r C ejo{aS p o t I ucemuiy t'aCIrcago andti li 0 y"re;or, Ute 1ag lis 'ujfi-Aeffesaa linsaor. nAo'Ife%r Jt- la known tiai t tteýi Attorntey -tban $30 ai mor ttan $S.000 and andl fi Weleh boasliai tire ,tntte. ondéer cou- a ptlgmn entence et flot legs thonterqinets ztderation, but.,virether lie teil sue 1Mdaya or more tirn tthre, years. th'rqlleiît bis way clear ta maie tire plrchase le The 'met wvir receive prleon sec- hgrowiîîig. Our t<tko u.ncb a parobase douirt- itfiem wtl ire sent, ta tire FadlerI -lest, wouid have ta lie made by tr PIo tFr avna'i.Knn.aco îli]n couflty board, but a rêèotlilidatl3fl TieY wvlIS lot ie Sent taothbe tatf' -fron tiàe' tates attorney vouid lie p-ni lna r>' a Joet. Sport Coats <ait tirt vould lie reeuired. lIt all 12 men of Northir '~cftS6a".tîNobby coats fi At Area -t la salà the cra amnWau keLan are10 lie arrested a-ad willi lie trled before Judge Lendia. TIrQe *îre ngen loft priais of ttirlrfingers but Ibese wo led uit wen-'- nd è-Mlar and cîîffs of were viro pead gulty virn arrageti ie- ' u es,$1 4. î,-. tirougiri of bavlng trein pbotograpbad ifb@ oomiso d b o mrpa If thea county libaiti an lontflt Itý eavy 4ne and tey may receve p bav ben ossblrisond a sentence. - -~Sport Dressi tthre cene g%- %nou as tire robbery 1 tbCtt nw aa htîO Delightful ne,,, w» iscverd ed te ncestar iOneo f tire men arrested plans ta va dscveed*n treneeasr'pîead glilty. Tbey plan ta flgbt thé signed4 if crepii -prints coutld bave been made. jcsat ieSpen or !lt To operate a inger print outfit ll ta d Saes.. are plaited; pop sald toaire compazaîîvely an easy mat- tk alpç l e h d aven a'a t er-it tact I La aldtirat almOit ay Je ýLandis tl they aboutitd1q feutd p>.po t -i- fftle ,aff lestLi vitir an irInmgati'. ulty_.- , ' -vel'oped of1 tlon ta tae off pirtotrapira oftbé ea t h atia hf ltsty stripes, plai ltbusiness vere ralded by tbe Cor- sls etd l If tire prosecUtar décides tbat surit arnment/ on Sattfrday two-tblîtls '0f '.'Styles; $9.95. an outflt vould bie a nmaso! apifra- jthe Ioker clubs of Waukegan are - iendIng criminale, hea dbuilest vill nov ln opération. Thre German 8lng- S o tB o se t$ 8Se luoadeta tre mnip irri thire ae. po tB ou e t :mal , a recthendrcalp ire aeunt!'a Club, on Market Street, bas iot - Elgnt new sport blouses of «"!.gete crpe n Jauntyi re-penti t~ or, bt te mnîWrscrepa de chine;wite and colorsd flovetieg; a vide. comt n1 ________________ aimtiethat iis l becauqe 'a new sélection of claver modela; ciroice $5.98. -nt stock of beer and wiislcey iras. nul _______________________ Finit the flsason beau received by the members.- --.If you do îlot Ilke n mon tri7te M Hereatter the Iodker club keepers ont whtirer you are tire resa i oos et pcnitub'nth whthrheI.-oul*sCmpicoL nitr aimbut tI4ey do ne ot - dis h Spring -C eats, LageSletorin. tflAvait TAU tnou leamero ,x NO FI TO MEIOUS STOCK and 1wa A qý' zoleg, .aro ..s JDa we3.11 &e F.m mente All 95 Use a Leggett Platt Waukegan Spring. 50 1917 Reed Baby Carnages- As low at ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 1 W0 Challe ge .Re frigerators -As .. ... ag Garden Home, Lawn Mowers and Lawn Swings' at startling prices. Porch Screens, Canvai Couches, HamuiockÏ andRe.ed ockers for your poreh.adGiSoe for t*0 entre year. ' Just Âived: 100 9x12 Rugi-Ail the new fait patterns; big 'values. Be sure and see our seleetion before buyi.ng.I Do not be misled when other stores use our slo- gan, which ve have used for the past 17 years. Lake County'î Laa'get, OldestMot Relie and $'" '.0 ' The $10.50 eoatg bave 'ben~ r~~uedfrom our *195 q t #2M5OUnes.' The $22.50 coats niarked down from Uines that bave brought $25.00 to $27.50. Ail are garmentsof the latest and most attractive fasition; made of p6plins, velours,. gabar'dinès and serges,9 in the potlar shades. $16.50 an $ . Boys' Wash, Suits Tbese wambh nuits are thI&fmous Kayauee niake, wblch la ýa guarantee 0f tirirexcel- lent ft mad quaiity. The Materials are ab- solutely faut dye, and Inlude fine grades of madras and imdergtrteli lothirW t tractive patterls. BaUtftlY Made and trimmed. -I *ovr *l.OUSE-Faat caler Kayanee blouses la -a wlde-aasortment ofPplming patterns; flght snd dark colore; ait mses; extra values at 50c. Girls Wash Dresses offer at 449__ A speclal ie Saturday of a larie 8»W selecUion of wesb dressés for girls 4 to i4 'yeara. Tbay are beauttully ma"outf se?? louable g guiamei labsgl91d, *tripes sand checks; effectivell tolimUU Arthiur Nelson iras beea accepte la tira navysud, yull eavp Tuemdn for tre -stationî. Haelias eflhisted as mneraialaiengineer. No0rtil!chicago vilI sent fIne, ri teats totirte county contenttSa urday s-t LlbeertyviIle. Tire Nortir scirool la planning j entertainment and scireol exhirbitP ,.It'rday**'enlng. June 1, at tirane tbulidîng. Tire olpils 'are verY proud of tir oe.win.'andmnel training vont ai Thrie Soi4ir sirool vilI giv e"tieW mnuai chool iexhbit On tha fe nvi noan or ffiday. âmens1. by A ligilit froi tn Norh Chicaogo Ibis morning. 'On. The 401lY ftamiliYchurclt r6Porta a-a large sale 01 tîcklets for their Play ta lie ield Fnday niglit. an Dr. Budde la ta hav@e charge oftir. for Jallys practîce vbtle, bl el~a âlent In te Néw York. anr ni ber vacant lots for gardens. but one olservis that tiare are still for~ ~ tbl-O«5 .~it fort on brlng uéeI1emt r@t«PmIbis falI. let us maxe dmu .01sewe>' vacnt lot Il, tv;lis tau eata-y r cliepliim , it îook»s nov as thiglitire ifMcf var Would 1, 4, gri4 hatevqti 1-ai tire »ao lins wl"l 'bi laprice and oven t tire. utid be àguru,»îîs0f ny o ue W * W L r t O ld O ly ir m p l a bri;, WW1aug ~fli. arel for Warmer Weater advaicep, and wvith ht viý'w of supplying y&i w th the desired merehandisé, nt the' )re'sent stocks of echarrning fashions for warrner weather are' ai, e.xIplp ,of how ididIly ready Nti'e aq- it ai timies to serve yoii with the correct merehaidsc- ty. id Sor~heAh&sot~ .1 .A'ppare-, foi- apparel to essentiafly /nieet 4of sport, is one that is eonstant- * large, splendid stocks are èap- ,every need and popiular v'ogiie. at $1475- for' wonlen and misses, of wool chartreuse, -«oId, aîîd rose; col- cf oîtrastingyeolor; $22.50) val- ses at- $16.50- vw styles for eool sport Wear. De- le ehine in the enat style; skirts piîla colors, $16.50. :s-at $995- beQJ>til~u wooi velours, in nov et- Âds- and cheeks; also handsome laited, gathered and large poekct Port Hats at $4.50 ysport bats of milan hemp, liners and milan. attractive two-tone colorings; choice $4.60. ier gelection of sport hats, $1.98. Oriental GiýrdÉt 98c t I These attractivê g 'les,1represent îww introdîletion0feJpaflsf art. They ar'eextremcly Pnpi lad cornil, coral, greenl, îî dasmta;S. New "lraGae' Puip -Dainty Semi-CôlotMI l edel -0f White 1XaIn-1rôof atovi*i We illustrate oile- of the' ncw ar-rivalin uOUT silîoe 84W- tion-a distinctive serni- c.olonial plrnp of e\tremnely artistie uines. smooth, rainproof fabrie; bag wh ite ivory soles, and covered woodeîî heels; lîîîed w'ith kid throughoîît; Goodyear welteul; an incomparablée vatue at the speetal of $4.50. Girls,'I Wte Canvas Bhoes- Attractive styles of good quality white canvas; bit ton model; sizes 81/ to 2; priced special at, per 1m50 pair............................ e Niagara Maid Speciul t 59c- Blaci and vwhitesilk gaoves et fiue. perfect quality; deu- ble tiPs; neat stltcired iaeli; excellent values a,59 . pair ...................9C Special ut 85c- Beautmflipure .111 gloves etf r a n@,fue qualit '; iblack or virite*, attrsctlvelY en- bird eibacla .double tiPe; a8il ises. par 85 pair .,...............85 The Great.Suit ClI"line Womeu are readily responding to this Clearance Sale of Suits, realizing the splendid as8ortnient of cie- gant new garments it inctudes,and the advantage which the sharply reduced prices offer. The selection is stll large, having recently lken * augmented by the pur- ehase of severat sampte lhues. Up to $22.59> SuAts t- A làge cuisqlop0f ~s~I> desabt nIuis remfr=medlp tub assoatibent;.j sertes. poplina' and jerseys; cirole.. Up to $32.50 Suità at- ' suita o! charmmng fasilon; developeti o! iigir grade serges, Poiet tvills, ve- lours, poplins. Jerseys and taffetas, Ia aU colors; chioce....................... Up to $40,00O Suits'at- $7 1ity and finest workmanahlp; made of poiret twill, and imoutifully. trimmed; many styles at. ............. ......... "&G" Corsets Givé Satisfation, -Style;r Com fort aWu EconomY inEv Model 't.'- ing the' requiremnents of a good corset. While "R.&G." Corseéts are umur =aseindevel6pifg a.figure of grace and s1peliness, they ful« stI othe mprant duties-they bring comfort te the body, and ic'ononiy to thI purse. They satisfy you in every respect. - "R.êG."1 Corsets are softand flexibe lu constrUcton. Thpy yield to .vry bond of the. 4Wgue, and moWe»eit.o! tiie'iusc1e. Thy mold the, boy into a saug, graceful conmpat bya gepUte' hyglenk o eod. R&G"Corsets are an econemy, liecause only the most durable, test proof khateriAls enter into, their construction, and they'are priced with ex tremc moderation., Asic the advice'cL >ur Ùtained corsetiere i regard to the correct "R.&G.' .model for yojir ftxare-.-. ~eN~w1UçG Md. to6 » R&G-Y me t- c- 'I i I fil W, oif tif thi pi cm qi ci vil w 22ý 3 auý»?K anu a -.. .... . 1 1 11.622