lKNT 11511 Mani Who Fined Standard iI. 1 $28,GOO,WOD te Try'Wau- kegan Mon Under Arrest. CASES UP IN SEPTEMBER. alIy Belleved Thift Frst SWilIINet Be CaIIed fer TiaI Until Thon. lt vai matie knevn todaY liat ('ofurlasioner Matnia u i d v-a- "nitm for lie ameut of Peven mure alleged blini pig keecers of Wuke- gan sud North Chicago>. The. U. B.1 mansial bas not arremted the, ment but plans tu seni bis deputis te Wanke- San tougt. Cutil the anneaUs are maie, no cames v-ii hbi mae public. Ît l at the tiieught of the. federai prtpou at laveuvorti, but If la the fean cf the "grllllng the>' may rnE' celve at the bande cf the. federal Juise ubo b.d the nerve ta sssessa $28,00.000 fnesalutat scmpoa- tlce. tbat la botinig '5luged blIin pig keepers" of Waubeqau. v-be ve srrstedby lite sôvrfoni t tbtmn ';!IiàiIg kepets btie ta trial b 735omisal<>.er Louis 3. lim 1i.vlgo befor Juige Kenteav- Menai-in Laudis, -of the. Federal Court Tbop. Ji. McCnn'a case viii ho the. trnot on the. trial iocket. for McCanu vaivei examnation and was held t. trial b>' Commssionen Magon ln I)ods of $2.60. Ht.aeeMs>' go ou the. June trial cal. but It la fetnai tiat h vîi lie fieptember before thé caîl fer trial lai .ued juige lKeuesav Môuntalu Landis le the. "great fear" ot the lav viottors cf the iiteul Pates. But eceti>' ho.ditnt bestate t. Itimate tiat tv-e of the vealthleph men of Chii- cage had resonted te croobei tactîcu lu su attemipt te fatten tbetr cv-n pusrez,.ndsudugeTaudIsis eno aue te pIs>' favorites. yreq»ueui> durlug tic trial cf s cou. la is court, lie vili Question an cran examinue vitiics. sd t trpquenhl>' bappens that b. proves the .4vitueg a provaricahor" and lu aIl such cases ilse dOeesnt hestate tu Impose the, largest nlue and to lu- filet the greateat prison sentence. If the. "sîlegeut bIni-ýpi e n!'ia"plead *UWit>'.tiien it v-iif511 ta the lot of 4 nm issoner Louis J. Mason te In Ct Oie fne or the- prison seutence esalhe cage ma>' bo. DAMAGE BY LA TE FROST MAY REACH THOUSANDS- Wkult9gafl.May' 23. TIL extent cf the dae wvrougit by freat thls metilg cannot tie st msled. althoiigh maliy farters "w.l that the fruit crcp ban beki damaged te Oie extent f thougnadta o el.d . Durng.tii, nîgt leforuei tae * thlcknesa of one-baK an Iuch aid let tuco, radihesansd peau aid beum ver, bail>' frOlen. FarMere Clain tiat beans alan, v-IIl suiffer cf ae garien truick intthe ground. Tit farmersdllai tat thi. grainmoi v-as net damaged. audth If às£te valua da>'s fclOv tue cold speli ti' the raîn on Monda> 'v-il mniego<00 crops Iismfal. aIdée, la tango»ib orm mit Pm&4 cIal' te mabe e.e hoiter.- B If a be hv-niltàà h0i...s bei an-' wtinumse for Frank Wancoski T, SÙ1Y wl m orwu Sold to el, State Invstlgators. i CASE FOUGHT BITTER LY.'t - - lII DO t -- Dcfo Wkffln, May 23. Melr a d.ibdvBtion lug sýeveai on WUS5jýthle jury in thi e etofFeani d' Wino@MIc thês Oternceu found him lEIlMI enttwo ceuinla.El«eR nJurera rr Wfl »Ooum'd in the Grigiene CMseup t et ",# dftrnfliOitSemo f e t1h. dif-t- tkUfly in g.ttlfg -venirmnc theteet,. toçfeys mgreed te try th. CM . wlh1 o mner short. Attorney PVa4ha bffane I11 ti@ » ftenuoofi d the. tnlta cesoetlfWai te tomnolow merinig. t Tbot thie detectiv" inl the arn- Play' Of tii. tatels attorntey 'vero parti>' tntollcated viien tuey Ipsu thoîr vlýit te the Franb Wan-osKI enah nwlAon treet vas the state- Meut iai.e t e julry b>' v-tnoseS PU on iiy Wansncki lu count>' codt MiERmAN~ sCE~ ÀK I *1 T. R. BMcer, for Ton Years an Alderman,BEcOOnhl olc 'nd Fr. Chef OfCty 25.S~A5pUEi. te Se USed On Cali. Tieodotv- R. Becker la the ne'; 181f Ot poeu d fine Chief Set Zli .Cty. M. 1.0er for the pu oat10Y"aibu be"ai lderimani lu zicai City, batti aj moer o1 f tii.Voiva faci0loi lM succe.ds Csph. A- A Walker v-ho bai b,« *etf opilce lu Zion forte Putom ye yar. C. A. Brune -wiu muiao&anlt Cblii91etpolice. ta, sueeed W. H- RasîyâUde. vWbo bibeen esatàti sudi saiember tePolioce fonce for t peat 16 yearm. W. H. Satteli v-maappCîntei extra kpoliceman an si25otier apeclal polioe- moen ver. Sv-OMn. a'The>' ara te be aval&bWtheCUt.ycil>' vieencould upn3t. The plan lu te unifOro t li5 eflee n dtey vili be pal4 Oui>'for tii is dys aoualll iP service- Pis""e over bie appotuisut b>' Mayor Cisodlnen. M. Becker r.slgitd as alianliat aid iumed"ass%90011la bis daties as ablef Of POU--e Tii* Plan or appelntina 26 sPOPIRi policemen wuvascorted te Uaspe5 et properîr poidlul the cily and bav- lasn avallable a is corps cf mea ln eu *emnraencE>'grises. Chef Becker in 40 yeaous01and v-as elecei aldermni 10 yearâ. al la suC' cealon. v-tU thle exceptioniof s Que- esr terni. Ne bui beau mnagero Oie Zion Printung and PlUIuhO House for nme, yearm aid holda liii poumlon u inte cburcb cf Voiva au à 01110fumier anddivioyln leader o!ft . itestonation Hot. s la n I erviev- ois>Chef Beckar Id ii. ba ht bis plan v-aste keep Z. ion City '1good and dean." sud-bhit lie *uld nol »a>' IbeoWvas su' pai a tioular cases of loy volatlionellEt i. ng. t"e inerenco v-as, Plain tuaI b n lelevei Ibere v-en. certain -tibia be vaud lecaei. upon te do ehoIYl k Titane bave been reports 9!lîlegi helquor gaes linZmon City,.orf viýiot i of the. auti-smoklng ondlpance sd al e 50goai le eextence of ilsordi bousses. Oief Beoker n.fumd le COi ment on the trutbfulnass t te"se OdpoM, but " ie Iplan là to cotduc .the doatièmet q effientl>' aiDo juilsl ap Wallon ila te do net luuO. bt Il 14 slated\..bO dw pis,. tskinga, ramI for am 44n ait ireM4»4a i mi eGITRATIOýNT 'uesday atternoon. Wancoski m IJE VE 9e) Law Says Regtstratien Data the, arrny. Thts eltht'day lirnit ex- bared ithbavngvioate th -Mu-LY Muât Be Sent DutTon Dayes pires ounPiay ntght of this week. M »er Lawre lassed. w rththe b doew.r 1-local optionl law. feLm1'asd Ouavitesemy tht bUt e-Up te nolon today the shéeriffhall ectivea ehowed tbay ba! been drink- R N nlt Nhe sithe lent .e i h stalis fr-r LIST OF REGISTRARS. aeMued registrars for ail but titres luk vieiteyetrdtieetb IsHnMrb' pt No hrf a ew.t iv miééls yii rik.but vere told thit none ver, e ehHas tie ayUteNoSerfHaScu-nun. smciam t ai, -- ~ hi eeai.h~ - -M.f»out Thee bl.ntc ad ether data ta parcelUed )fferei $20 for a boettie of beer. Fal nPfrse u'flpeict tI 'W'.HOPE. SéifE. J. Griffun ta on@ or the litrais viio *111 tecelpt for theni and mye the, détective offered $40 for th, eRMAS emired évidente. . busiet men la lake county today andi Seo that th;rY are' bept mote untit Ths te ttmony vas ln direct va- Lake County ~ays fGer. County Cerk Rendee and Attorney nallItratton day.A lane wth he eaimoy gvenby Man Pioe*~~ IRa E. M. Runyard. vho are aidtng lu the Tiiene Wall sons tout of havînfi the l Lh. two détectives vio ai tiey en- Feelingo T0tons. preparatiofla for the national régis- ,li.<t1f holi a pehool cf Instruction tu L-41 ylauceld'S place and purcha,- tratIou day In Lake county on lune seqU1tPlàlt the regsttraraSud their a> i t>urrondscf bikeYaidber. rsvngthed£fgo& MtheGerrun5 are no lesa busy. Wlth a corps of @itanie, wiitiith exact mAntier fitl The 4etectives aald that viien thu'y U-boas, MpiIèI JUStce of the assistants they ver, busy &Il day ta. whioh the registrattioi muaet. bh14 îtteptud t cary ua> tv botie pes. c WmS*OU Ii- ekecouîyday getting the regtstraillon;nards but the aborlft« sai toda>'tntt! ofb as évidenlce they vere at- han ustretw'sued -t#ýShoe t ram andiaotler dat& in shape to serti te reltluis muistarraLnge' auch asb acked by seyeral baugera-on ln the Parim e, n s ii I~ô on and it"' regltrars in ml the voting pre- teilë hydar plce aud itad teo lit to makpeir duughter wth hitTheyay rrtved tn cnct. tu the. COuifty. ' eBie detotrafînrUctll'bî le seK wu " cspeý W au onda o n aitméi> »I. in né that Under th. iaw it le requtred that deslet he may> call lu his Sanl t ic Wltusmeefor aueskl SIi hatilm* Mv.M 'a .l" .iet ltti. but aIl tlits data be lu the band ouftil anssd Scheel them n thé ipointe 01 Whoun the yug meu appeared asi. eansaer the qU10Jfi$ "Ut grle @how- registrationt officiai lm ethdaym afler thei lpW This vîlI ho iuuch leA Cor place Uic>' pretenici thaitiihey waut- e,-ed b>' hl% frleut * he préident alps file law providifiE iii e4 te nieasure nmorn f the vacant Ltn ffl-bOpe. 27. for the moaudscf makInz a draft for <cbwtiuu*i ne page tvo.) coi land qeit door. It vas oun-esetIs ,fl. r bt un" 'i fi TR NPaul, lef t WaicbUi SM abrk.idAJF fLft D» IIIML Du ounaaiiip f<ýr P'lsr .Mn tel- Had--é BeeninL. Sete adO Bea IN b Rol akt dÎOàYbsduh cfber gaamother, oui .HZBaney her i a- a rI N À L D E a io , th aia .ofLru d , raIGO ~ AIE turatrip. Sines die ;.de 1 ti of ber FATKO R 0F,,IRVING, PAYNE. FAVOR PRtVDITE BANK ILL. wi -- mahrac l be.n living - viaoller'relativeeL kt5idIttbftiCrooTruleCus eth AcitOiPassRsl i 1 PWPOOK t Pà » «,Esoffe brirllsg hIo ns hmoltet Cus bat A WrM Was wIighd taclose up thèa-e > - a lutr enbret of,;r~B Sn Rg Are "Ih eole. motiier. -' w@EWadx if. l li 11 IState. - The ftetimriop ~ lu hepeuol0fGergeBatet f Ater tralma eUng ail, tbe watters Ares, May 3.-EduAd Payne, Wecil The Labo Count>' Bhbis' A et in hieoti.jc eraO lueve w ofi ef business vhicii ital ~~ip bm toebuovia renifdent of Ares aud father of iIuPIatits f uiaul ùtn#etlng t av t ' Chinge he olie bllee teY oldFrance, Mr. HgansandMskW atoll>' îe« ,Irving Payue of the Ares Bauk,. ilei OllutffiBlClub, Labe o ForSt'on 04 e-bl the pickpocket wv-bu asbeen terrli-Myti onn i4oclc thehmli4y ftroewn nrcr %e ungpasenbrs n te eectie niParie for Bordeu on MY' 4.~ ~ tt oan t4ocoka i oe tsl laê>f eto .oi ~ Ingpasener onth elctic nda cbronic trouble beluz the causaet ta"riniathe mnture nov bèfene thi 7. at So'lonk. tec aud ht I@Mtli ar- bis ieatb- He vas oeeof the Weili 612i5O at Springfield vhich pfse4u a atonal railroadmeout of WaiikeaS. barked on the FrencSt* Dh kouraiut ftecfny avn on the régulatiouon etprvate b.êb& Barntt vas arrested et nom toda>'abat, dtt.uoe ri tp wa iléon. lu the. mercantile business lu 1 ater. h laeullegadl h. pcked the po ck- started. t' tamris.ais aicstvs act>fIVoe ans LBRYi1MRHAS < Ou our Iultonsnudi  oe, ann i 1et ôt Vite CirincinO. aa"ctloo had ville,.vno n rs foi Beach. Te cetok- ei-S eted h àAbýZeld Mr. Payne vas bornu luIvanhoe on L13~ ANKERS. Tii pobaboo cetati-saomsr ufl. -o har-' ib E h- fro119ll"iP U a uI_%_Awitr viohrApril 10, 1843, and hai lived ail hi. Si87and v-heu thaaigu "t - membefs of thaé Unted Statep dtp- tluticomntuarvbele serchad .by Assistant Poice. Chief t,natic crpli. Boude *er'b 4Ié Tynreli $6011 v-sa found lu bil;pack- vay t a Metuston "iii ters ao s born.e . ets.planiiei te go irectly to,NeléiO. lun Antioch ou Oct. 17, 1865, h.vWalls l'Ctrnclono. veut te Kelosha froua The4woi.mubeau rm u .iM the. married te Aivina E. Butnlck v-bo died0 1Beach thiti ornuhu te purchase «Il- river to the, . coutatnsdtIi4eriWvatted lu 1913: in the foiliovig year he mar-. iplies for.the section gang- He-elainstl no fti.nm a frfea- lei Ida Gustafaon. v-ho survives. Hlm rte bave oocuped a seat lu the l'amok- utp on et fathe ncii *iL -a r u.&Pson 1e the ciller survivung relative. r ind aya that Baraett1plcked. h15vitCh i bi en deti'iled tocoient lMr. Payne vas a brother et H. C. rpoebet v-ile tiay vers bot standing t.e passenger sbilv-ceil eut i. es bc Payne and ef Anes sud Mary Payne, 1la the asle of the car. cause of thie diîtlutuihe AUSI cnal cf lvsnhee. 1 Wiieu the train pulled ita ZMen incii oil 1890, after hsviug been luibust- City' the nulle pickpocket and an on a c- n or.nes In varous tovais for somte timOa,t co"mplie ,juuiped oir. Ran Wlthout Lghtlk IMn. Payne lccated Iu Ares. Siice. a ~~~~~~~~A possible PrffautliTlP vereUko-thlen eti iénI tern ahn " Catch that fellev-he's s plckpock' on board Îthe RuelKambe&u aui id teynd hoai sb ustiess uihmaIn1 runig no era Ubmo Té iey nlhentsmesbsIes ut or4 et!" shont.d the. oenductor on the rnugIt e-inUlot u atuamr o .Ule Caiu 1. Chrii Ccvungtou, colorei, a co1orS vere nt dis;pisyemi Btt 11e Snce 1880 Mr. Payne hai beer In uH. Mu l e resde 1 e fore oltckateïZ nte an n astbeai hi day- At ulght. 1op.e th~e business çof furuishitg bOl>' - Cviu$entec mtewtii mi sutle danger. the, big fteaiê?tata viii-r C cansanadi iunineds - ' a hlm nta block avay fromthet .de-,re cauhtout ligitta se hbat it v-euld have beeu cf wreathi vere made unden hie di-_______________ W 'M' Covnlgon asetS th* ""Me cddîfticut fer a aubmarnie t a ve la- ectien sud sent tt the, cty dinit o iesaIgJp.leproyiito e. 9100 "abtsbis pisoner offered bimE Ti asnus-e.~~ the helisays. 0*15ePO re, prstat1'5- Weee Mn. Payne v-as justice cf the poeefront h11àiotnIt saXug tieut te ote ,$10 te free hlm. fake sas uiteise 89pop he The train vai hou it lte coiaiuc- portiioles ail verea cOvered Mrer Came-aise cle ra ne timo. I vas ]Cd. Tho ullqettq# val. ltrely ttended Lton untl Cevniteil retunuobte the fuîîy no ibat net ara>' or ligb t- Payne vho for years allaicharge of *ad I befl g ns vere elected fertie depot wv-lb ils pntsoer. ..Tie Ote-the câbahu vsieble froua -the Out- IpSiilOnt te mai arrnted * de. uiismanner theé ut~ the dizng uenot at tho, counLty fairpene uyear: Tii. tatt aagent aI IMon City' tl-shlp rusbed tjrouglt the i o~es uLletJle u 1 um utA rsiltB H. 1M1l1cr, Liberty- lphened Waubegaa te batve Chier faclng thie danger of 0011 an vtb cennection vas $YnonteOus for the v'îa. T> 119 r dpt.Wenle rinngiit sort of service lu that brancit. Vlcpimlent-Fnank W. Rend. t- rëlu h eo k h ri M souther shp.Mr. Payue vsBa acharitmember 0 uet Fret rlve e.Ti~lplcdbtcfa pasengens Are Onili. the lvaiahoe Woodmen and 5 io gcearJcnH osAe. ont* 01 iilaged «"up" nid ha aov c-. wuvery day tii. pasme.nueta vArer. go ulsa ei IleplieSati dlllverda' ethens cfier av-v- Muo. 1Tressuer-Wiard Wlard, Wauks- Y' The.police tf Kenutub Jia e a« ifa submarne shouli nie a uideti F nrl l'la atric 1 23 'e viildmn th i loe m t k vr aBne olId now o o ck rotth vaiahôe Ocugrta -_________ on mO t l ti#.verte t egrte eeato, veyat edoeue n-tloualchurch vîtih urial In Ivanboe ~fe Loaqui. a5 i e u covter ht ion i. rle tif -a e d -e i -r-cemeter>' nov. Zabel vîlli have charge. 110 egF~ e th t «Q- us laegui 'va oma iteu Whco al. ussignal v-aigiven. .... .mw'w 8th V t m tb e d~ Btrnett declares ho 1inté vltina cfthe rson er e.taugit hev tuo -E b rVUt.Io m nd t k nld.a tl . pueton th or lite boe nthuéi. Oh rteat n um tPrevm ue . -pam metobtime lt .possile aee oftttu a id 'nuit Ps- Te prvet ruit gatienu g os et M i- - tib a a .u 186 erol seni or vau Saigned ta a ett1ui lDultu a bt l net etm l"d uI"iv ~Pm*vtwe 01111 DO' Alliet -1ý" en. eacHébreulav.à.1 tebis t a out of ilumSiaci " i 8 vbdtou blangi sve ou..ZinOi>' loena.. ou v-e ~givea elgW. iTèe iers to4o« toraa VMMs- sas.Ilao sage. abin City ogm * ont et th u - ai h L A I1fht la-Vote et Ornât lak«- tod&lY Sa dmreeli Md «Y- la f-lem' r gmr v-st 8044for Nu la le' s'* on4 tht.Io41re Uo nW.H. Tru i - « >e aisna rs Wâ«'$*'1 ro boe M -&Wasi WinàmÀ Uses lie . o.11. the paera ju oi atora liait 4W"d- or3m »vYtbu lo, tm.,w uce oi 'imas pb' ore dd; 04c.qt ta 1* -l bvet2 , . , e ;--ï«Î--h,t, -- inTroe -ý *"mdIntb î-r-. .. ,'_ ___ 1*J i - 1111 ,W 1 1 ' 'Irtt stâes u teiIih 3forf. r1f imatm s he.1 Wo Dlog et Queao lýst Ihht 4e WId. M$m.Posm *s d bereBO su o oqbft #whàtth;i lp mIlv PM!700 "otker Qmx,ýa n, ur e. cof4jm .e for. It. le TIi. tflted ;Ststee' boenrt 'Ji goini iflto -buijiln4e a longe sCM rbi4" ou m imew areiy of I bu I ai i X 4O,00.ted thaVcq.,tt.0Ia *it, sand bpa i trse uisi. wa* 9 Lke ibrt. Lci oi *&Mo' io~dwra; a dhIvwm ' ilO& 4r. te- b by tho vanh eala dd6U rfe, Id, *M% éon as tiihé- U"i1tap. a" cbonao *n wa-leot à utia wlk'viib. e E dU6 b tïa- tratt. gldwiert iupeeiic i0i fl zy Th direet 419 aoQ"etaklng.. iL W. Utt04*the, .Quartruaimur co- i1~r* tary 9etWsr. la.Ses. it biirel ho~féot fiuq b111 b. i Wnied *td sfrnau!qt psÀoç ort flu1ny. , -, m -bé Iooatql&. auve là go =,~ Ai hla ilx grisé et the eeeat-tm tuat the autount ltuie for tsnt4 Oms met mev b. meeured. Two "-cSa teals are regaired«eh FmO. &" o e gei. mn Ootruetion g cet 0«My mor e- airble. tiýe ofileena eay. but vii' £04 muy eut les uit"Itvould t. Pmo VidO toui4 .:ta.1..I r ~the 32 l naimatsa. t=âw :2.0» oume. -1llée, M The - &OMetV-Uniu ~ I~* c ,v ~- êffl e 04 tielult Ttoo»Ismm m s es g2Wva o 1 -for te 9!mi u lm " d ath*, l mis et8 iM *lui ~~US0 14 ~ '*tqu U~