Josep Ah. idaiop 'qt ouN. ~~vuî ;~Zh~~ ~~I~* e'Central O naetas (ihe second prjs0l, A, Biver n,--ai. h mahntaIb.n al i- ~iIc~o ~<>~"'~DSTI~ ý WayI Fr<o \..în ae, upItl ie.Fear of VkuA f -110o1. WU &s'Wffl Cozld honorae lni DIWs inevé of theraby MaoW el f nîngadJs~Yiirjaioo So io th tCty rcently. gives lh cineO? PiOjI1sf0I IfU ft~î th achool; mqWdthird honora fii 4,'"Id ' .aie KI h te 1iIbnIV-od readja, k 1 4 ter or 1fr. and Mri. Williaml A. o'IR BemIdes Ille -in'iers. aille, E ~FOREST. IClnformerIy of Waukegan. as win- POSTOFFIdE MMUSY, 1% , '~orh ahoolp iade xce~nt fasBeosle MeBride of Area spent Ohe *a otherc record,-( l~ m sas ln lie ada m n IlJ* .tha,,,week-end with ber cousin, Miss Lay in Wait si W th~ l'mali mar*Is. Haryleeki was That W Heinuced cisosen ta r«sd e final contest .1 in. t TIe uga agte Jdead Office Retuni Viit. an v1IhY #fnIlfth painj-ir. 1V. L çraons la 111 t ber home wja»ned av n mtl1ei m )usovile.]:il la* as mucb as a maislelite ls ie ý o q.~ UOw *r".WR. mont AI]I il aîIL wgu alendîd showsn-g Ite a Mat wBy Bnd 've gt OI Suman Sent the Week-end Worth ta step foot on Ith. dôoory uf 4fflwQ1 giod et frou oS f lm nirdine se 1 ahouid get t wIbre1tvs nrtied*l ac -~ bankng Institution of Lake cOuty- V~7tO &,.emuter of Abn a ro,~tiliY"0Iis q, o. lî" A ,g# W aie hict1aglo visit f1t eM aitu- a.Tbo , i I 1s Whi.od4i~. i. 7tneyd bism Calilr.ia hat, Il Dot . a ok, boânW4bitor ln teeed mat of -ld6 01Calefornia dur- wu rYI1bd of $2.300.,Bund .111e. li M itbfi and wü~l sre susi. r aî - - :1 s.& neu1 i'nk ytfW Wý d_1 aje atb UA .P et "vois. nuSsvielLons I.n o Saturday. we -. asteýep aon'the' ûoeaiwhck a Bgift ta Mis$ 1iii. PastBe eta* RoàM ,th b >"~~ W, roc.ieP abtr na~wab vne ra e rohrNe. h a-preldents ef Lake county hase tak" de.41 s bi. io~s lk, iau churcb l1tt y evening for ."Yb"rè'agefrh egso Ue- *w lin lb.the Mot xt.remely busy stops tw guard their cat" WbU'iithe " try4'ag s~4441. f o~ tis diseneb gra~sptias pie. s short business 1IdiKansas City-u 9 hi otrca lic he£ven #]du o OUIhwi Jaf l 1:dISo, e, tIOmP.te otffleoeiT*îs 't g om.l'.b tmet bas ronly malle vlth theit leep, and nov armait menare lUnard- 4e.&Ai Theoa tU.a Judîgnet la put iog. o lgUe toabu a lo' a pZinn'salie" r s Éumariue Comlpany. ef whlch lng the-banha in tie vhhiagemd ~~ *Ptof wo 'svîbne.flh uM~re.but îbey didn't givo' me an>' butl etera fti bado i > rrljs* Th~0fle jap rushod ln te enchcle 'the for poy bmsd ogr any asgar for -ny 3 . rhr fW&kgi4sLleThe detecttsa linreians are m»W at - CU-Ameican vh1 i so rjus. but qulciss '.Ji lae u. * *Aîu.o akgn a 1ework ini à stab.vlds #nomer«#the RIbpuddobanodsleJ a C'BAed Out" Mt m tafeu luo t h anti-apeed 85.00 ~'oM &ueruaaa nYaebut hIere dld you gelthe bandits who Mev 4» bs a(e ArTM &me&'s n he Ja oay tece no ' ' -f Zion police force. He lat àKondisy7,for Ig la uM4.utood-tbat seod'stiethAaply tetJd nbike?" i rolthiinw e , a ikd up lent nlabt. filtWng ex-tMii. kpg IntiteUilm su a~5 biThe on*ente"run..Oh I'se hieSt TloaklaL barah.theenmanerWhute. bas -ie vals goiug 30 mile 0an a êrefl et go 1t ta-U eo~oaTheaJap la .ufiloe G ras "arste.eOU4e*mac om ,*<>'>Y e.11lu, 5s 1c, e. lIiS BMM 'tap date wil Coin. up vîthin lai thegma4s by lb.vealtiiesi eltisus aIlmember ~sladau;b4lar -l1ey dhiai'b gel a 'M a8a.T i b y oe t lf h e &a . ud i s v hlla e jeg lar > Ul. i à -à * T he bill for fo r om e a rid e 5 I8 t10 1 J ust -WtOi- llO-11 b . Jo - ag d o s b fflr~ i. n mpçy. f éli CUrB1Y er froin W that was put One. ~-~ natomoiegardetafw- N9Ve wr o*ediry c eroin aslvs aboyd uiftl er m -slun#d.,aS ao, a egaditas critîlcal. tik ïwéne3" A stNdpliaI l:binatonla The poli- WpgInpu# .een uneo>tellrtsCfor t yO lutlai the .tom'ordthe stI4 h54 e *0 g t c avi tlo ~ *~ agptrie ave 1>0*, m n 1 POICe This pald th ,-ite 1.May i ua<e-cild tu Lake Frest il Waa Ibis g,8 . Ui t a uneona to fo tli dIssI t tii. rpft b bc ISalç -1 :0* 0 gmfan opuuI'th> ond tsmpaeut Ts ped A boingCiao s l rid w oe .ürdlï cusçoe nI*r alya wýe w,9* êu p ' d' 14 IsIS1116.lgtesadthat thsy bad otrJi'D u mu this c~~~u 1V U I Pi'1ak orsttee L lg4» ft 5.I ouly two bl: ecleitunue ed the copper. oetnac serlaa "iod'iif 5 U oThat' ' 'ue mec live as neghbes acd te- leR ,o frein ilon one of the m m wý ai * 10e ae nspaiW'trebt fl4»smte dD p%»te Psté nul ca bsltcse. coanpany expi the coatecendi- The utile tflolvWaS taken 0ahe 'v. u votai 10 ertMs1896thafeas il le tias lt1 ions anddtot Iritvas DOW no home e1 ChJe Gordon- uOeu I.".nUbB.uot i rlsad ai b tueovecrs th<1e biaie, pollen chie! hbaitthse yowgsten 1*la the tub. or yul b. remeved. a thinof Lake C0ty spoieW The questios aii~ lng u Stte bath tub. anut vi ie . as tgiad', et lg ci vaselin, or ither gras..P- nov bel"gsS4 yU , ei WTt', 11.1 ie l5e.g~e amLreprelen-. ready for the iuner table ho asW" andoitconS aIgalo n toi. * vsegivjbharf tb R Îerw mao«b v a ot ss ou .tîve of the Tag*' Po.vat callel noet uin osv htume.. -'1 ~i Or p 8*1.sI#4ý*Mof *22ct boy teal110 pouc Wli te ir vlSSipipdI5 eoto M d U cjste r ~ ~~>U~ID ih-Mbel fivowuid cost $600l. eou=U lfoiehtalter dînner and ji ien 1the n * Ii18I i-ieu lsde ai i"used te Jar th, ueaap4 ltbst gojnetblng sha4 g'o00Dbte»gave eitoa o ooIlluglas thnougb the bans ai$1 ils. WeII, MI sont vbat U"00, poue le.mss. -4 l. t5e tre t ai AI.y bnmuta e. the>' Johner. thaid- elu ra e e W I1.f t h e IS fins>' b Rela " v r Moxesale s j«Yaisveue,. ?t nPlc m Oo i>~the ras&.The ma r i s faft, Wlbb a a u pn er be sai, "Oh 'rtb aso b.fhe Oua jlc !ln!-et niae autarePolic Aiie . leMayi te gae t-e a meGIthe4«#, wb r e llar u y « W V porwerlte1* 21gWlmote fBistio ofn>1elodslaoc fr . P liedU est . l ionn sai il oig 0W 5 F'orntlic. e st uoien9 ,b ae à(unther ~ pae h U etO se spagal sale, eUS'%l Kunbri1 s~ * i A SV l meO NHI- euetiiaieuigeothe g s Tores. ai sic h'4ho iprns mince -'beu .;Intj 4lln fiattb w lork '~oal f .*u sos Oea Al'l the.A. -'elsdecsrd vnof Crthoe. o4 hebo eagert tise,1rl -144 - ptes eqçs al Seunqu rtessecioles tb.a iit4aO lis.8. oi. .cnl.srUn. lie tanr> isouh tenerosibs u. eutsa ble ANorT At9) Bustipisa .Neipi*ldea ma-bÎîS City haaienonthe Ub v ie a'éait i o . tn oAbI lb. Cbae ofC-Damesiseut werai Gtveruoeice Toul mdWIz Iben 'mov d sirdin- 5 I'U' . rab 'r se <p io i , # o st r>Quet-~e I WO j es ý l u t . lu WeC. clerc' wal. nG ernx cy l>o stoheu. p:aa î as t- - AorI he ' . I4 st i v So ger M v.ôlUur sýI Ole ï4l e hi o aet offtoe for Mare Wblsani Jsse! isecno' Tbyw r! f l lh. t a nce f!~ ! is oerette ile s theom ces pieassytwt h e bi Dn ,sus thb ot tsedoble' 26.l9t ,buidin -uo n t e O et A emotanc. ottralIovan volet chryslite-l acîbe gesI' aide Nqrtii tIooty'*roet subIe'he'h otre rs Aroeuia vs athe'.mIiia15 suae tl Wssega Ina ~~~~o NS I tieceadt ri u~sl "-' otc ie tot !slne t~ ceap»lni-. phas e i apao 4be>' aandrec . Ewards. on nomnal coloteraIl ouln nmure.Il appansTa e of b. l a - - w ohsel a dr1 e aok 1Iltironglu bioa. ~ ~ r opinions t liaI Ib as tb - cesof1 the Ib sal ! lg.g1 miuear nime,,*1 0 Richard & .Ieuaipi . Waldo bo tise,,nclubssaval vail-aven em."l ïrauqion ktbe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l Jedem'onaoltroet> t rat0d' laebrvnisIb gol trl ntN.he'Vast. S IP fiinsieet - - ng r t e u strenli s. m 11 'O i~ ent pol b cul> o Charie, T ~.s luoubt a dOtout jo&e14GWand i ' Offhe 1b351 h10 a Stàte- .1 A '. *,i IeçOt- oirjacke sa duth.jj-,*cl enL P.ULenS t'ennomulu" con Oln dr soa v e h. "boyse troin otin - 9 ,Yb'. kW - tis caes eagasfolow eatcon? ui vnu sstiiw , gno'Bn Whuof z k.Î50 e n . thla're eisalo e avy the oyoft hd a.m.bc a tIPISBw1,l Thetpu Mag 0 îett b u or i e !4 i r i o t- hi tio n thapvot as 4JEBSAL- g y u'o p itnt o c h ag s aveou fIos - ~ <ford j 'Ç îcaU"anal e n lrge oumbh r l 'i atc -ln , *e trses i- o às etINLth.eK oniesz ru s p ice 85irtÇ 8ew4 juui it lls W o f > a LIiS eaui n s 0t"eoDavy hyw'e fI "1"pieiltn1 a ' i 1,K..J.reAth e I1.Yca p I'eN Ate poK 3' ;0qpp Wuautmîlfar.tiretach abe coud lse actlDaI, e4l Set-mîret-,ue~ otfse's avnue~ - nment t~ A 1GearO.t ea fr t.rining,. ~ l. - ~ -o hs.. a bu th n u Ilu uscl seotgic Wekethe. riec¶rea re iIi. b'b'uildingbee rereapibhy rc o h ao X1cd ayCanlee Iwa logt he Wa v t0<tro s " *isAhlsbel a>'.5.00 5JWR e bain- snse partoftlb. ot>' vbî a Iproftt £îîro ii. M afot fo nmial co- ir- thI p Ie tle P s'eU I- e Brie or thegabulisipla rkepia ' 0 a n i e ,rdio dt ,....~ Rose E.pinionase 4> t-woIota o!leth* Iv li.on,4 I S C. b'besB h lfln tat bu la roqe pt'. he brewTis e s b the gat oru lj u, ichr &brislgr lcinm dOb h negres al is. îr teet twq.di.!. .e' u aa yl h oàp i-4ji mIpviaÔ--(b1c St quâ le~* "Sga is - e ane iiviegs , r g relot , - i o-b .' îfletithebrl la. Tse,.are s abu out mas' usenl aandegRab- i1157 Co'i Streea"andthore arerboast o NNu S ler"iau UA usOt e 4 ëasét lv br414;a 'u e T ue l b t o e anl' f Bg bof Looi uisAr stog.1 4 46ofti. a As ' a s o beS a 5ereIP4gÈSi t Vaj 1. air- ito d1l1 .