¶ariePetriok[, Cor. i Virtgrand dance o 0f se ssan t6 8~4ti'.Park Pavillon, Hall Da'y, sa ur "dY' je 9. 2=l[ A rmeetng la wblchait are sitally in- tcretnd will b. heold in Ar& Weddeedai ov.nlng, jane ISth, ta complet@ the or- g..laalo oftbe local braach of tihe Azmerlaà Red Crass.,intexellent pro- grame la big prepared, comprîeing musuad short tafiae by ltereeting guek.iM. Tii. meeting 18 free The en- IMr4puMlc la ns o ly Iavlted but arged attend aud becqme famillrwthsomo ocerulog tise-«Mat crises sing Our nation talay. A more eam3ri4eSe!lOnneement viii appear in thse next lune. WAUCDODA Fiet grand dianeof the seccon as Hertel's Park Pavillon, Rall Day, listur- da>Ç.June 9. 22l Mr. 'sud lire. Walter Banks are tihe *yarud parente of a baby girl, born Tue'- duy, May 29. Tise Baocalaureat. service lest Sunda> %8 tise 'edrated cbarcb waa largely at- Commencement exerelse. wîll ebl "Milit la.tlse Township Hlgh scsoal «m.*There vili b. eleven gradualied. A sember of aur teehers and pupils w. lauLUberty ville Saturday as tii. '40caty cobteet. -MienI Eues lisetier and Paul 0. Lewis *m muarried Wednesday marulng st the. (lethalleparonaaaby liev T.J. Murphy. Ths bride vau att.nded by ber atir U1nUr"ThaTie groom wa. attended hi mbe Maestier, brosher of tise bride. ridble lea dugher aoftMr. and 1Mrm ",*»M *pO« e OUvillage. Tie buas tWonshilsPosition vhs the.Public Mm u N.J. A. iosI.ddis NloMdisi gervicese aI th.M. Le. omitas tbes*tmw.emay tq»e Ruet or ai.. wvaiMd taeU. 1 els~sW*eab hm acretumei boas th~.*ea..aieV" eake. %lm "I Dy add oblidren spent lb weend IvIiS be bIser. iW. W. Kaýde. Pui ovit aMd f il m $ ser uuay Pl*tlbis tatlieret flmondLite. Nim~u Coakia sat datiters are visli. -ý krt 00mre and chldren @peut don.- O&W*ia.boton the elck lst.* À suceS., ra. bore atended thse to. oral4 m sWiesnera'sicg.etForent Par Br&isime rookman sand son Fred en. leraicil omsnyf rm imbaret aver sw. Bte Mad famIl> o!(ilenvlev aMil om O U89etJnction City, Kan us4ae iéLeiu.Butoisuag cnd "d i aIhomeocdaibibrtbday. pwlectaand lance çi lbthe an an Rerte' Park Pavillon, El" Day, ilatur. HA~ DAY îwboeel away la Chicaga on Ma> 2ý04 use bela le0OuPark iaiî Fr11.> <DUS Se eseaxLisllseisshumcs. VMWlem.eefl age cI uinluCbicao 0~* * fatal der. pailag off ucouile lu h *0 ulfflié Soase. e ai sber usal 'a- em. Wisea$bui.arnlvçpl e 800 St 1M eà4tlo ho bagin ber joanne> home dissam4 ttaie la gooal isltb, but aie bai* beet!p itise traiu allibe @W@! l"ulres>Minutas bufoen.fatee pu.- eee,, Prof. JPerte, of Hait Dey, «sc pWabut belore hie arrrlal tair$.. UIN*ePg bal 11e. The train vas be ldl tianadataier WarvaI ta ae eeb poet 1*eboly. IN dueec te th.ie aIofise praprWe tee a09l*9 Ra0lDay Ge sud anl tia~t Wo bac beu lu buche.bore for lia 8W '. isuhvée.no ebtlien bal bai MM.Whersal tua brothers livng. E CARO 0F THANKL wMis ttu k -1Ml rle ai! '*<s1»eon oIbeir nian> acte o! Slnd- Pmg6"iWslsmpal b eb aMY i>laie lie. noevuseu. Heur> Wemerlage. CARI OF THA4S le vielS Id tbaik lb. LIbertyville 1*eW Ife. 492 A.FP. &A. M., tbe Roa>al *#»gboia, tise Ratera 51r415. odem ,WOodou ofi Ivania.for lie besuiul d" 8jargail the ModanasWaal-n ~A" Vueu.allolffeeothlie imprse. 'z.- Om.es tlsêcoir nfor lis. comtontlug ï. 03 Mad tSi tinhala u S oued the ##PUe*atbu bveriaewai tu aur recit Tii. Foi Lake aa4Oavi>dtict. lh mode deflmite aev»Mmamto'for auto tAhnln&B o f ho.. isIare plai attend the. Union sauts~ec taoi hoh10Atlathe r.1ieLah ioal bha Inn, ni-t Fls<lhS 8. TI@se Rollace aid Bikuisibvge ly offred ai, tir ç4nde.tu, tke exercises asuccusm. Tise obder eUdr or th. dlnqent scioole arn practlln i tira plesaeng selpetions whfrb prom to ho very vel i gvec. wtb thse belp ]dies& Mldred ieleener aitthe lb.ano accampaulelt. Tbecoanittee Ilcar bave lwen ver> fortanateiii obtaint speakere for the oeeang. T. Arth Sîmpgon,.aur Supernteadeat of Pab lichoule bas agreed ta seak ta graduateos md tueur frin- ab.out" Common Scbul " Stal- ttturfeyJe GL Weklcisa*êAaken ibe sîîbject, -0 Scbal." W. knawMtr.Welebwulilba .-omthlng gaod ta se>. Hax., Roda B. M. dit, aur State lienstar Vitil@-ei on 1 i , muanît> Wefur" abou t vi Mn S- lft la Weil inforaued for lb. ste chai: ('ua ofthse -enat. cammIttie that %sublht. W, rnsat't neiglkt r.uulnd yuÎbat the Public Serie M Quartette viliifhion thse propram1 nian> elelane. Idre.. aurice Brown Io @poudingt w.ek vitS ber motheren l udîa11h.8 houe. ta be back la lime for the gradu lion exerclees. Tii. bu o! trant basreâno î prendd of ber eigbt contetanU Who part ln tbeeocant> meet as Luerîyvl làât gaturday. To wiu an honoir la tain Saidtu via one in the. coanty tva ver>. différent proposition; bat1 tin of Grant niay veli huld up1 bead for Genarieve Walsh oI the 0&i obool van tise biIgbbonor 0ai Perfe lu tise spenilng teseaboth (orai aid irritt tiereby wlnlng lise finai prise. Id 'jenevieve ries he leberlt camuse! tion fur ber utlrlng cefforts tii prepari for tbis conteet. The toi elgbth grade pupilî -of1 toi aIf«rail vrat ie vhba. a til tkril1aiezxalnildoiaet IRound Lal Moîday. We are e.gelyawaltig1 reions. LAM 8latrda> Mieés Mande Luau took op ber vorkfor asecaond sumo 0 &@atiantin lhtisentocal pa, vu latiser, Pm% tLumissi, vso htean. Tise '118dm" royaly emtaliel "II." ridsyl giltihe cisumb but tetiselngued for lise lsete.oooaa Table.sveevery daili> ydecoralla ""osded vuis ijirta of gogd listage oâ.t. Tb@e commisseeslincMarge oa! alaéise bal mol onu provli ai '"§ie' but bad ocringelfor sain.., dermg i se evenhng. Tii. satire.sui v&a a#lslg ibid-upln birons tisi bal u"l bpen finuuised. Thom aharM edred the. de.erved praime heoin eseloul uudetakug. Joisasea a usPae!l haveancoul lise opeailng 01f heur pavillon for1 regi ala umaser daice,. lb'. 1ne@6 IL" 29. Tii. daie are ta accu, i ilgis. Bomevisat difirent Imam ot eione tise etetimuel egpd di nos lnclude an> performances b> caba elugers. W, are glad ta report ft lb.> bave been chie ta gel Raugis Cm boil bock à,thie piao. Mr. Camnpbel ths ieaounplanes far thepavllo.. be At ti edram, RalpisOpenard viii av do bie bur, Ta compleie tis gc onchestra& a ieuted violluiet basclx engowe. The cuait aI Antrima aumpenied tire. tiaarslci, tire. Emma Bi tir. ail tire oseal eromi motarel Ogoday 10tai> lyplaces aroi tise lek. la tiese iernoon lie> loi 9e Pisaioa club for a motar iboat oui Fox Laie. tir. Sîmonc le baving a portable hi oerceou ialeprapent> bore et Stant( BS>. Scbaal closel May 25 Y.. vacation liciere ta sta> fon s lhrg. nionthe. Theeeciaren quit.e curpdecal tr. b ulhb Fila, mouihng, uben lunuthe per of au etibhgrade pupil lb.> pneu hlm vlh a suietaitisi guifvii vw ta pabse a fév books. lu thb.sa noon, after lb. givinis outiofi ne; promatioandelttendeance'carde, e cisilI receiveil a moasitel 2erry pici of bis or ber' oui cisaaig sud a famil>v as proeeehewvIl a pa mo ai mpliii n l iasa; sanie s@ii pip, otisere!, ateuwit.Whou parlaI"eaY>la lie atteneion, vi- ha ta meail etceptlnite elgistisgrade b earI> la Septeaber. W, hope tise1 membere o!lishe blgh cia, yuil finI t olacueIn echools af i hgier oelaclom(' SIchisabai no hInderel attende tisI aur record ai perfechu la nualmai au la" yuar. Agnes êanda beinir ani> ou ta receive a liplams. lbs hem perfect for sixmnhe. iMon> a feu moitisperfect. Tf!. repart a! expeudîtures an! roe Pertlanug ur gee" i ofc"iae« hb hmplacel vus lise enS aio dictrichiboard. J. E. La u~Tb.> r% Toali eosli089.75; talilxpndtt r*W-.81; balance on bond 89.14. balance vlhlbe d 1 psy aur @bi lb. grolnaliig elpeamiu.,'tisa. bav, bal cisargofaItbeesocial sevu bde peahil l&e ttatc msny in tise district ail thé antaile "int, à**@ IMM poWebt. tiseenue, aif Cammait> -uf. AiM Mw àfond olles. k~em rei* lON&4 dv. bibuanfIr. 'Iî me~rg ,fi: mms.960. Vin zaid i o an&0Diego, ~1~ Cuiul-O.> ~ ~ lld- Ca. isi tel lier son Fred aa asi>~ Jtt i a a,;st&mmeene is o*tofuisrmà sue. M r. acul Mr&.Dymona and Vinse Obardain Iu, Ir.ismuiofbdetar tirai Li~~l~vr ml.bt Vla.IO&ii 54laaaah a atmlt-,ad Shala jgrel ni% tor Dan 11toaM-ns' fron- MieleilS FkiW scle omWalVrtiif!* » , *Mu UU i> et , acoucratel> ad .,doqstmy b. b. willling, VI ou1 apent th. laioth ie Venî ir iii.thliome Itsa ueanmlb>age mahis an ud a g uaI ce ifa sval [2, faMbtIU. oq*ton b> a grest o0"1o." Bc Iliule laI thoe P f C. C. Amose cnl daugbters vielleTaylor 't duses16le'e0hme lai e a mVillth@ b. av> ean r Grave victtioegua>., l imbaoU. *DIAS ldife. sud lie w«rlor il Ettaki 5ourfctori brile Hrnald Âme. retamealOUItIeSflUbI ie lprlbornel ellge a.a olie îvn or iug9 ber. alter epening m(,Me lime, lu the aifrleAeia ef. tia greateeltisa furlth Lar West;.ad or ir At'k "e tei -ttbmbi. blic % lnca.W io 4t8u *ugof ail the ago i-a h yU . DanS Dai tie ii'ft ~eeshlà '-ica.W».uîrrqv" viseli Vie solder vol; wu col ,The_________- er'hlîe.bOy.aow'Jn lis.he raliig- easnpe-,and icant tisaI ries DIAMOND 1-«E J lyaWag- <s 4Ielui Awales IbtNha* Sato iur -Iadtiaoipave "vonl wa( lai - rddlleus i*W t Fnneeas f4thn retann.alvlclarinlu> ram lie batilesaia.aur bw Lave cesal ivear. W. aIl1 b5pe teta haie rnt1fEuoeani hal1tegutegn.otl ney Scbanck vîtis un aoit >ean. ,.<-lMeSaisi. Deruardt, us eave aple, prompte! b> kôilug bearte bat- tlier. are & i-ait Tii. Butteniffel! aud Dîamnd Laela lii!. coeutr> y aIObat ss fet erlag rh ic dr9d feelings for Ail biller. the . earle of ilc ecoal hiIda pnicTueduylutii fieveI hU'0f eaiiagAme~lsna âtadefeuidene ai Demourat>, decorata cilltaloling ni lise SchoeIder G!.*e. - «cfillA-sd visa uscaerweat & serions tbe grave., uat oui> aI lie brave coin- tire say e. rD 00 l:iuFraalr ai Chicago i. ependiag olserta inluNov York, proved Ibsît radesvisa fouglit andl tell b> <heIrRd-a, gaieset."il> ic tta lboum elsianitam Bartiettea. alie la thill umai. loversali> loved ac- but aisea le gravieai ail theoal saldler. DamesaIftise i date- Misa Hlen %Millg grsaner-! Monda>tlieutisa ctage isai e-r proulceti.lu 00wlong iuo'le'psrl.d, visabattiel ont recaled . fonr igs-e Prairie j'iev, Severai frajis a rweu itetrview Mae. Bernhart Andal ailB,3d ta lave oua Union. Tiiene Mn. Gerrardi 2 .'mteded lb. exerfele. 8aiWp aloireasof ahlk as sho taîkeal. viii b. pli-aty nt iling bande te. decorche setîleal apon1 the Tise Ceaider> éScet>viliimu-et aMtre. "I drin el m allk <iav, andl tt l î'ld "oid ilersgrave." 'taniorrai, for langer a lant Sse Halai-s Tisarsdnefiternona. Jane 7tfr- oDj> potatoe," mise expiineda inagl h e l.comlng berai-., misato-day t ciiilside cut uâ,- Annaleluetion ofefliere. Al membere 1. "TisaI le the va> te kei-p young." tisoasande are funeiîking coîlege. anal formerl>, bui 4haaîd attend. A recuit descrietion ot ber gaye: balle aI lemming, factunies andl ram- slwtied apen leeI Firet graul danes of the @,-&@on at Muse. Benisardl, althoagb servessî> merci!emporiums&Ior tihe batîilelde terrible van fflk Het'. Park Pavillon. HaitlIas, Satan- tva >ears 011, le niost futel tagl, plualaie kmocracy aud agfainet en- smain ia de, illa eya, Jun. 1).22c1 theici eo0f eternai youth. Rer bah trnched ly'rauay vilii Dolforgel Ibe aid ioda> is ou lts il, tain> gol. Reer trie, the. enfer-etsolder. vu-én chev retua boae. tausmesthea Are Jade, bave kept "r trarsîlucent tire. dmurnau anal lbe> aboie. ail athera vilI pooeesciapo theie ____________________ 1l. qu acislver stalle tiraetalat raiolaI atisI bild ofa cdo ber 1 FRMEONT CENq R. AU 014 ber facro 1k. a s@cal nihsoa 'Upon a Natione grîtelul heurt, et ir an ad viý a tudy.My1, 4:10 P. . nieO- bui tiseéividneee. suie VA.gay They're vnitîen dovnisvmemun>'s peu nov, lsu r eaaI>.M>19 tand cbarmons ansd ndomîtable. But 'Anal limeial Lever claire araie lIs lais i0 ec carel tise deaiS oI Frank U Iich, ou. oi for tise Irai thso a ci-tain wlttulness Tihel aI o patrlatlc ai-n." béarle cr> au ýten, Fusant'. bout Sauva reilenli. AI- uahVdla, hm effort ta pleaae. and lieah. ."For b. laretb aur Nation aid Ngbtl" loi's tbousi la paon bealth for mai>ysar. isowalereeh ber face anul lncarnalleed bath blîl us a Synagoue." (c) Tise.. TIsen à* ils- his condition wuaineven alarmiug uîtii à5thans emuiglipe la eh. Isikel. vomIe ai ecriptîre ra. thi . oi> Book, Nation, aurm ring lem, bourg belote bis deatis. Saturds> <WbIcS do yamentraider tise gicatenreraer teas Ranmai bora sablier. viso of aur Nott t.morang b. mode lb. trop w viicl m uS oi450-b"Ualy or chorus?" 1 a oaitdoabti.bal becom. ea aurahlait 1ev. fbutticold li thlb. (hasfaclony aimnusntand upon tMMi& Bersisst. el', hie ratura atauded al *om" dutise absout -"Cis FU-. n.ij', site repîiedi. We have goal reailaobellevethbathla "Defndem oc a ie hofanaî..Aler partakiuig aof Ihenooai-«ch"i'Mla gusn, tise gealua ot piese. saidier bail renonna! iseatbenhassandl visible lu onr the deia.amotf Si b blren S. heccuse lng. Il sa venaibas 1111 dom.net al bernea. 555iSibe 01uthtIe Rereî ever rainai - altai uhether ais u gly orheaui Nation aid a vorebipperofIthie trut ana l islbsi.ma" violenti> lot and alteromaktng a rencarkt4 M vtwAyor Ut. But Char.,un- living Ual. . eawucacenturion viib bAnd propsr% iber .a bic wun Peter about isi.conditiain buifortuencgy, la ,isam hias. lî cann llo cns tbat be wva acatai of an arn> -and alttent melor lapse! lotoa claioaicoma fron ieici ob.acquiral. A cisiM of tisres " p u naime0f peso..(b) Aidai a botlmairaise ber ho neyer naliel. bavetisame; aimc>May vMomie citznadaniirbsboewal h nimf Mr. Ut"llwvaihonuIin Gramai>61 elist>. 0Cisu1letu acfitbava Cham olenslsclirbshmva niegiiesbl teynu l go, hing lb. egdesioaitin cisiljuil n smautual aspsect, but uaetli&il> aI of(lopermaum, tise homel of noierail Soms Ibifgu mile Ires,soli o! Virentaurvive i.. He. vai Oilli5t-ai lse diuccle.usaeli th e dissipteossa »vgnu as 1110, marristi as 28 ta Carolie Roninsl, via Autorisas WeaAWB'sFaIiirg. Ib" J6svaosie, tb lb. Ilselp soluta o evlenu lad dla!four leame ugo. Sêven case sud "DO Y7g5kuow hMme- Bernhsard '() l thieisl eoetappelailbf ahedlgradl. e an '~ la dugiser.bheseallii. ,~o..>~>adlled, thm inlebut one tklag vitS s11evan.(c ilseapaafiei-g'aenl s gto nte:B re II d " unioit. vihs ipop roasitlie Âmalcit Von.- clpiee taobris a va. ai loir: Frait bemof it. cpie m ~~ <e~It, b ttaI; ou do znet ommaenougishenaouu S. Va.s avortby mon. Second the lbroes lmb DiactImhS rrk. -U.fer cisldren.Yo% m-r> fur love, aldbones.hbeloellis. ,Sabrai Nation. extricale out sent Pete. ,Pal land Herbent, iaitiofItrciOssltisaile @ailil,but n a ase> vinesThird b ebmmhoed a! t a Sînogogu, Ant ve belia at utS idl lf M> ln r- cb ais ado not vIeS for cisldren- Wismt Vin adtise Hcbreî Syniogeguie la Christ'&Alnigbty Gi '~statmesoeupporter aI St. tMary'*Catballc tiser bave le lore illon h«am 5 f1>?lIetolsal>frb.eign.iea!ieOla le la îrsa commt ictWb"Plianuerai serices*Net £ais," malj'. gfan Ver. bel! ['nelo>monang et 10o'lck q va.a mgtwAtie i a 1 e.uoala an O!à lie peoble, but lit involved tiroier i tban, . belug oie otelargs.lunerals ibl ,at randaatber ut forUtpeI. 1 Vt> vo- eductiahonlsocial andal dvie lienm att elmlcenation.' nee th ehrci. BrWto plce u O. m s viewatttoIil tis>ey »tveaty-live andI ai>maivisa bultandl Iceeretise "As a ai, thei 1eori Bnll oipaeuSta becoame motisirs.Tise> Isprve JeileisSynagogf ue aia huiler almeu forgottel day Mari'e ceactery>. ueausves of! lfe's gretey ~~The> defenlen ofthlb. Hebr.v Nation. anda a ata ea- amre nd wvain-before tteir dhagitefi IL. Ana iret of ail soeecal> con- ai curuptIol - -- - -~are growf op." eldered ive baveteepeho.'elv!intana tber th-xrsin'@lvdi ain& loi. i~an In.. u tsesesu a The Interviewer uked Muse. Benîi- aur Nation," ialeel a pratrayed of ever to lang hai laret rsgrn aSoth es t- onr rji-cted thlisock sanwi->te theptnaiccititen anal eepeclill> aI erer>iranen and' tist Hete'e Park Pavillon, HaitDay, Sitar- gVent questions of e-te omi volunteer saldier. But uhal le true a nation, bec lp- lay, jaune 9. MI Who visa cinSd iaexiteace uèi±iser plani Patriotiomansd Volit le Love ai Country? sagaluci unsa Mla letr. and Mn.. Romayn. Stryker andi nur parpouseand wvio Ieeiatun t< And egltivai> coasiderel l1dont aetri-pentance hmr. soi Alvin o! Cisicgo, arn vieiing At torsilirust ber ovu double sud vacillaions musameilaaI>ta b. ha favor mentel> utfbise oaa b. a gain haone of lDn. T. L. àLiai upiton tise generation aises!.Iefeadlng aur Nation; Il domesotacousin aur nation. tond i» Eliabeth Ha.,, visambau en "I bave unotpatience lth Achpue- clapi> tea peak out amgains snemise., cingle pagec bees employaI masucir in ,J. A. Str 1e %"Mme. Salait suverl, vils a toreiluanrdam.atlc; Ihi asmnaimeau n ai Jual o1 drainattoeisrug. "Tboyàwy it ii> i lpi> la bang out the Natioacl fing or non a bar af clore for tise pontmautb, returtudl ta ber ar.eisere. We am boie.troagis lave. a~ -Aeia rnacs nIe.prd se y àb> bosl iLb-lYUl Sanda>. laise>Amre,>,r WaehIl areo verdber, for.by %re, NýmIssElzabeth Rekloet And BCorir Wis,, ta love encisor m-a. TieseakIrui i>eree hl hua iehnr Mie Meyer voe guetet a Mis.at&aT#"teWisere are vo going7 ' Wb>., fonmanil, cbeer or Hurrah! Huerraci Long luve cucaraîle, i iunI receplion la Oak Park liaturda>. ocamard, thraagbcaur oblidrn. Ton Ameiçal Noa in paînlotieni cauais grave., ici It xld &b ileS.Jaqahean ai Ciiccg6. s Aistric&us do ual 1«# muegis. 1i@e .more aud aimiel nt 'ulaly more toian "Cbanion1 ride tise week-end guses ofaIiiMidsBarun- J'unm'ianalicys togthai, Yeur vom- tiat. For tb. Inn. meneur@.ofo urlove AndIsoca Tb 1 berger. malwa>s b> emaiv Tise mait oI coanr n n ouimsolred b> lhbiard- veu0cm oae.1 ,oss Iiý loee entandMoi fimhImportant tbilnglu 1lit6 bgttelove. cnd .lp v. are villing ta endura; analthie nce a m i ~~~use ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h iselee .ta!Lia ,o b.lovaI. And lDho b. ovel viiý enneprivation vi anr e a!>ta pasuIbraugi; fSud anueel' LoD, e eropaettases.ntia boum. part> Tausayls> Young. giartausi>, ou mhteiy. sa aa b culsciie eaevllgbd>v ailnd eda>". c ipleadon aven alSlit e. t I-ad he&v"eacifiesw .ar .r.ng t îay ugm lir&fr, i oi. ElEo>î alhsgo.wove.golden ai-marie, yul-h orne mc> cotant Fmt-a I otlb.l o e .,Imare.n-eula tna the goeate of $bort &un tire.LYlla oveau! nier. An Itilkeepe one. o odyI ol owllfrn i red a Bois, Sonda. e- Jangn." ta nemeaher Vl EHan. àA. J. Balfour agisinet thea over Tise graduation exercice, a! tise tirons- Roîignnuu foSpinle A*Oeas.. @aia ici laye ega, liât a Nation. "-Il must I ie an t bol llob. ol! Manda> evealng Wb.nasckesiwiss h ie hisougoist voalal tengtii&gâtnt yranàn luntaeaenred 8t&tZ$ lanat .05k- ai nexI ,«Sk lu tise Aeesably hall, b. tis ef-ec t ftheise ranme lItelisalSO09 bbu an es>ai lb. front, bal Annulation9 «on Thome gmudting front lb. Deeiel- Franice Mme. Bernhardt v-piel: ratirer b>te tiseeIncy, tenacit> anal "Il muet I etil< Suicida Rgis sebool roa ber., Fr110> "The. religions sprit or Fiance bu-, sacrifical apirit of ever niai, wvamn tatea1,lDna btci .veitag an.: Micas.Elizabethis lb.elet, lien avokenel. Allerpousce la de- anl chilIof tise nation, tisalle oai Jier- ElfiedsKna WHaod teheCatblle hic cis oit iconi- "Lave of Oodutry" le ioda> sudel.ai- ueneai, an ~. uas mm RaolIPl«e. ilea Ileformer pou-r asdl greatnies. ucys bas besn aeaaured b> Ibme5,cr- "iî mb pot «l race PeaO. 0 Chicag, Vas the "Wor bas prove tise fatilli> and 1lofai Spirit. It leeald tisai John Audu- gtStau la auch guest Of ber eU5li,-. aelenaitslilehen lmttionas at humai syfflibyIn là a.l.o.doeiecdonlsaalthcueo lune lait ilek. greit grief tisat bai tauced ever> o.tentdéinitan rehlgs wu fl seuh' Mnaid Uti. Roy 09"» aI vatan, àr«Mle. IReligio onami>a i uait Olten discoverel tirat lb. parent bird ha polis>, heca laId ver.e fisa t tYehome of Bont Baiton wvuinli of tise godrIt ilthe coul. save tb. Ile of lies ywung vonlnet oui> outnaient pi suai Satur>l. SFrance iii] emerge *M oilUe Vair a sacrifice ie ava foad, but aise pluck tise mucis of Ger, ai wu eemre. fla ir> tartiand Win aSbiWeSi hfied lnation wft b% b aise, Wass6 ver>taiermatrani Il breaimt. tatee le ai aied, 0I Chicago,.wuvoie g st ilb. honie 0fte. vii hicorne mort admmrcautIlng ,RAcntJy s Iainuas iboetnigains becsase.Ger, bokp g m>.l republie."1 over the vonl'. record Of tise Pait orle, busl fat M o.Isra ae a iegeî dl.cvered tibbmn Lhert) and oas Acta cet tblr benialer, Uns. Frastienianof Partage, BRITISH SAVED THE ENEMY. i-ul,'> yup ta tise prenant lia., uat -49sinat Inac i. Wic.,aven thesekend. - .coaatiag thse bdAeot thie prenaIt varla wiib lie U lne tirs.. <ran. Salie sud son Harold aiftsueused PrisenimrsAler Buiaasnenr, have ocletebuun a e mare Aid central ft5 Cbcag, re l.lhngfnenî be. te tank Hosial D*hop&.han four tbauesudbattins,. andlcontrai thes ubu 0ae551> afrensbos hi ieea!fthis nollaUtS eported i t " Andl mie psar.e eSoul. tcal tise maIe tae u libas tieeais0fts v septleiyrdso<f Edmund Burke Iecanse ire> eoui vaagir ha! Doiegai anu lIAifrdc, 5b151insg toiare eterumly true: "Civlilianfreinange IraIs aI el Ne PhmeseusT o le tisaI.iclg differie aceheven tise mau e thenoblhi-aIthliing aiýie Voaitn an( sîpti h 0~c~g " ~. "tie &mrlaS go rie of tise Germsant ail eldes. leai nkr.ltasda rm u hrswlro blteig ote give ma-a 15 par coul reie te 1011 0f tise snvlug of a boli> vwondel asr. tagelpiearfte.usapra luego. holpn.tahomeme , selea rtas, la Germen officer b> a Brillais sol die, boughtlont liberîlelland fult aur eYaa tavard lthe 1 h pieea." "Ois," elle relied. "if weve Dufilm[oe hdi> wuo lgageaand If nul b.o vs aboui! Preorva var. ,ort: g« tahounse lforbtis ,viafotise Sog White otber -Germat Vouidel pris. sud <.elnd tb.rn eveuh te isolait 0of - tu-c of it? Wis> oouln't w.bainb"Etorera aboardthie Laitraine Voe .Ogbt. gesî sacrittce.,Do ve lave ounuonuirY? Tb@ for eMuof tise Msng alle iscbveM't basa -Lut fnt* lci> ta el b l lth e- Anal insu' me ling, "I Levetob> rockLs 1111019 9 br af abie toatatodlr-ZuIge.bouta asu hlor uva.etllug uanal n-, Ti>Vends ndleompeeile" Tise lom boon tonbagdvas Inm . PalIbibiBleo vi iaie0<APUIAN IneotsI li s Immigg nsentt Brion o hae ner -crsw. vildimatfrifolSý? <aclise. i n1h5r i a da lmaglounirti>agai en lS'fr oet, iu .Ttda v Love o! Cont. .maanls td for a Part for1 "mi o ercmua the 141twof çniÇbwtcao 04»M. ~*ll#opiioe, bogh . utomnbhle vere sellas. en o* MWi le lus tbgn lo dfan hbl ai. vafkee avenue then al vin &biey Voe 9 IMBi ansd 4>rosPtneelî it moqi> ta, b. ouneldered s menace 10 woourmand, b iold Up the.ta fanat'mr.m, aDi emoci faraiters ir X*Uoobl Leader.. own auoobitles aid truc. 1 th*% thbubsiness anmimbould 1fr. Ranimai eela isa 1epaeiItl.e elisout pressuire of law, ta airvelc blckea dinisere ta tise liea VoitîO pet en 1o!bic Pl0B5. lu vblcb hbuemne. bu mc>. te 'olaus an u offer 1fIle If tIR DUT Pioneer. 8lnctbouastàsebkkedîlm ricy aud tisa.. viatait fu bave beegmnepapular and a arg. M@uaber and obape may b. ted sud o a, e eati-ring p tu im eaI oftrai srly tbast teir hbret m*Jr bQbai iprasîg ypp. clii Hery Hart,.... he csake of davn.trodd.n haoldo tth. Irade aaid tih. aid Chieff «Hoase wuoe.lb.convvej,îd lhe idea of e"- bave@ cettielupon oar cblckea ahaner.coald fDot aoýmwodate &,t @Iig wut the same glat isbléman> patrans. - prolupted as b.lore 1t1s The anever ta te qaestion of aceus- ÇboltauA irful feard*timme, mdatlon le ta Le foand ln the m»w sarts; tLe blgt tbai almosRartmin fHou#@ bulit b> 1fr. Dartasu r. ma&ix> lande; [n PolanI vii the lait word iumoderncater- riltle hildren loftto gladdon Ilng ubhie ctlii rnvissc the toat> ftise vwer> one.@visa are cîmoapisire on. Parle tri France, whlch The. HartitiauBoa... ix eituated'an aea bar! the name 0I cie Mlwakeemvenaeaeèbîrt<Ueîaure@s,.î la Edropp, raday bearoe ii- ailipince. PauilUenlsardt Ex.Cook .auddeet it *lanEurope; aud Uuanty Atrfîitect, je ieeponpih)le for -thse 1AmbhtWedor fronm Germai>. original deeigae T. C. h'Meger tiSe telle a. hbat dankni.euha. coatractor. The Harminn Hou.. of m Qernan d liatitIlle Do îo.d bas i-ver> «iodera lmproveniait i cldrna'e @OUg, bPauliful aî.d le pruhably iii.. irgrteî and ibout htscandCblstmms tre« sa qulpped hon-i I.-taeij Chicaîgo aid us a spirit of store!.. bas Milwuake.. 0 SaI] tise PeOPie4 lu ll Mtr ced lire Hartmon rîaw preelde rAotoirse> 511<1 DOJocracy aver the aew Lot-Is.et u-jr Iiineand %«st grapple &b ul (repat~ros aereeofutche.. at i osrtecu jr lanid true patrlotem,' trpan-ri~t, e.crhcen, tihe toit sud the __________ 01 Ueer> «Ian&, cMmnanad untale ae, Iîr nîlon are dec of Anoleft Onglr. ualeâer ain@e.ade 0 peoples luaitUUrntes bave Me d Do Merly arale. tnt! lutitmat, counection betweeai1 ovn land m neyer belore: ,n .andl fruitlalaem ,both Bondei of olden tie, theestauteclad vegetahie. "Even nOv." -IN - fft, "Wstcbmuau hat a! lkb. ewYorkMedîcci J-isîrna1L.< l' lobe whlci corne ta Onr cil> miét o fartanatel> for as ai a ove Iheir excelleuce 10 tise forms sabldier. la tbe bsokground cari-fui conjunetion ot plcntlng k tnal bletory. aur'eoldl.re ults thisepisaffl Otise -mon-" Sa and liviug. ever app",ars ldecst have b«»i wounivencal -d fr tise Rugi." Tii. Ove vas "a iiuneofion. inact Suupronue r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b: NainlII.a b pe, hough bis judguet -7MM>cre ise NtionaI aur bre avi Liauam» la tliseir oilo.. aiotbil1 by la beist !Rhgieon.aiee âil>. As a natin ve bave ibom n ad are sot to-la, dore GaI sud baimanit>. » tâee. are tiâstandlal bso e111. Ali a nation v. bave snd gain, penaihîlal Iisnugb e,%lise public saloon bte-s debaucisOur aciseMai thic ànsi onrblves tooal n af cgoiy, barsil>&bis ta aredsemfraunlis avfuipover. ève b> lie pover ail bilp ai lod and tse activlt> anal farce iia cburch oa5ta-marrai d, "Ai-icml ses ailoon- tien maotoa frequenti> bave e (fl ad dHie DayaIflIedt; tion tncPoti-ahave wv i- nkel ai 0is ch, partia! Ligh offiI Di lu 4tat-. and as a nation R.v va negl.ee Lerigiste oi :vess innocent c-ildn.n. Au canse sanie misetandl biseS alea, w. bave nai-sioaideep befor. Aladgshr> (lad. But Mil ta the banon aid glary i.W. bave neyer ataîned a if Our Ns<ianal ihon>e b> or nuas Wan. Not a star I "old glory" bai ever beai a"War ai Lnuaaiiee," and ta of tise,.ald caliler. aid thein viosa o tle u tie caller. It even b. Mail tist Lb.>icr@ sud i).feul.re aiflb.e11gb t." jaika b.nta GuI becsua tie future vus a dean con- igarda the wvan ubicb ire ne, ta-day. Ait AmericAna supI face [acie ai@li4e>are r cama aI ur nethbbarand celoaoe irteje, adouI indel Do. be ci-lea aIl&Hbat tie lUnited Dt t van uitb ticnma> for uno extension of territor>. se ciean ta aIl thatel l. si- ot at vanruli Gi-rmanafot s enring ber veaîts on ber air aI hi-ber colonie. , se climr lu aIl tisI tb.United net aI van vltb Germai> su> racil or religions anti muee la i.veina of mai> ai îltrialc iecisear'Nier. courses -an.blool. Butlb. unillaI ,twrýt lsGermany toa usai> ualb> a Iacisration b> a Declaration oaiduirder- DmaillaIupon lb. bigi secs Docent anal n.utrql nation. ai- Unitead States va. fth, chie!, ar ta a0inlternational lai br> toa mllpromise.previônel> s; beeas»e Germa.> crmieI plinae by de.stroying bou- anr innocent citizena, mea. od ebidren ivitlsoat even s Jvanning. tlfennany'e ace» eUniteI Staff. deelarel tisie Rigist.Hoan -Day Osmandi. na" tisaI tSe la> be Ilvile ffla perl, a lsrt'ton Iuisor iegle Mdl a part foi veee- It JOaIa big slnike in La ML, Thisstramlie Tisa la hr'eway Austrsa wvtSk- kon unw et temeure thse r Mra"wSm. no fai a iw lm a mtisAteSu mc vu aï a m ses ifrcel «e or leegih ait" et Ailgi.I*Wrk Wacd. A ainiketi latuetor lu tisemailS t Uaighaulba luet c Paient hms vitS a agnat of reairuit, npllbg *» ,about a ridle. H. bal impeessel0 tsar ns, le magainea, thse bail, *9 stoc, tisebarrai. %ai- un- ai. i lcsi roi" nione recruit hie @MM "i isow mm ai>otrllges b. el h b lii ride. Qu"i as hiougisi cae P repi>: "lea ave httan cen aid en tup t' spoat" V«n May Rajeice A colonial line.-table coataice A ruect Sinise> aI ont Mdlof tise ib a racat pig attse otisat anal a .le= bakel bam n thelb.midlte.But eleê up, msyetise Louisville Courie*wei al, yoa Idoier at tise Sigs cflof1f log. Tise hucer gueula bal te Par-f eci for amaunition vils vbich le figist off lthe Ildansaon tise wva>e hoie The Incufflciency of Fuma. Roabert Lonis St-vencon vae 001 *a only celebrity ibo han. fauudfame raISo tisse unaulîstintial achievemai. "I voald agie," b. vroI., "tint Citai clone vs. lie autisor of a> votis Utr à good tan-Ian acioanen analtise cake to keep f Il o1. I oi a Utile chou tzm. nov; ire no good catupered buaa Nov ai océilt bac diecovered *et bais>'.sita ralment injures Ne vI- sion. '1'se>ve tmiensa e iccimE andl Un ail-lima remedies andi hm rtin> tories, aml nov lh" eissant pieSbhie moi> plnafori-.--Cleeeis. pllais fluai.. FRE A SeSon ticket to RAY BR OS. DAN CES iWilIb. cven ave> ai surn 2nd Big Dance SAT. NIGHT JUNE 9 DIAMOND4AKF,ILL H. D. BOYD Thec WifconsinLand Ma.. Wiscoum Fams with ana Withotat StocIk LibSd lT.éms. RuI ai agains. -,é Boyd Uboetivai L ~I.P..53.