iwho dd flot love their afflt- mnou%% ta becOme natiklll.d n eIa ~fot *pradli" -à ~ ie men Me pmoo *tnidovta t e federa r ter pom tuWrireMentl tgteM Iftrbedt l'ar et tbriq im** vap lira Il 1ýxwiw m~raoe iis>pliul unit lai ':118 traM 'lait Muou àia~y ruafr lad's lue 0. V. Qoces ai vrfa té a e l lot 26 tld Br" Iýk"dwite, lot fqut- That tinhe ia Wauk.:an;W. t. ~4o.o iIult 0iecamp.b 8. dîtudâ, bt' thtatO and 6, bloek 2 Nevberry'm Add., Liii- tratim ipli . "PO 22 ,n# 'Iet »>elflot 21, bdte.edv block 14,DrYe*àSuib. .tolrtb Chcago lu WmIWfend vW90, t RX- tto Ida o1$t ahu outh tIi i1bts 2 and 7blockpas*0dThrougiiih Maria & MjXIW Rew ami iiuslpa4 lu'a. but n*W la bell C-A.V T"t.w 4 ,o . ,* e p4 .rniples candi lýot 4. bock 2. Joppg, u.Wt -ý ",- Mo recrui,, la Estat af dc~aqdfor'themi. 8*1>iifi tb Johin Gr i~t ol'%fll>j ,t 694 sud *110.00. tt.,gSarcaie, huvm F. P. Jones and 'wlfe. pfpaiin.fI Mnove,,Part lt4>,T ,$p4 *ik e> ita. Xletb, Central p'a-t lot. 7, 400k.» r~twuuip, Word bas bem 19 sh'at a ~ntmulsns1 of àgo ayis ev- ir tlUf ýb.a rbelug' oat'ed fo 1ý"jt 0,bO have. ,~tOltgmon- doaare, not e 4wirýtwu %or ont. thl. P*- - fmp . neu±»ýea. Laltq ,;d clntïDi 5eSe tIi wonbk for ~e ln$rnhal jumw and 9. et the tiWh 11.1b u (»Ver y wamlnan* ortantmtlon Jlie Laie omt-<cgclub orir fA- ter~~-i ~e te . tarespend ta 4ta, food! pegaiedeaCali. Offleus, De Rachi ôz *Itlqfl regiica l n rlted te be iýesent andl toe ecour5g the. atteiùlaoe or groupa o!,, and wo,éin. wlio are wllllng t.e-.1 pars t ir.les te.Si" t otre.' Léter1a boiit 20 caniiilig fiosta tima vtïri batbe Id trouglimt T hons viière be m le elIlffo reetugaio rV ù o demonmtrolat*,for theeslë ocal achOcis You wiii vent te arrange for aee f1» r yofl f ren dis ud petab bors, M climat attend the central aciiooU FInally we shall have a big rud u i!,Prof. 0. H4. iesofrdm tIra Depattmeit of Aekrlut.Wà îuston, D. (3., fit. mm Wvii. tAlKed. tbecoiuntrycanaing, as our ce! t- madaM adbeneab~t~tui 0ma-de 111 , im litu and tiegLUmcUI aia e ffl- ~b plied. uonis M4e. Wt: M atulesbl7 'Ofl1 bav o0" or tVt111%oij 1$ *5qç I ver lsII$arepreaeultative of «àV7pM t Plg la¶e.W-IIdtèptt l.P14day. June 16,"10 Clet tii..re" tint igien Ofte bsa eefi tuei ib emrut yet ooinet4 " lT-rglà ju*W amnclaias41 "W"'a tiat au: tbere hle inayhzg tthet 1oe-, in 1 e-wU5.oau h«orù a'pair or, hOos 4 h be worn 0"an 40.. roni Yeui tsteliaton table m reie4e creuI 1iig , thi ~Tbemoe ag not bq con t îoie sleJoit ?fi'ývýryY Y' ope oei : vu> u1ndt areoffered. The. irkd areglegtrar or csrkIlb'là*$ -tl 'iporWaeMet ea t a i.t th*iientire cerus, ex- coua7 ?ssdf. wth ot U cý itfor tenta, people and bora.., un. «ePilon, volntèesisd ié ego Smlt emth to t" agoyme$.y, ""O= . ceuiet ta 4D he td.cr"«*sab Wt ,arepo t 0 ,ti. tdeýO e ii lefor vi.witio~utte, 1 ilnne&fliPea014 îè5Ate la ii S for. V " bl ýut af the ,cau..8l' ç*m U bttâlhlIt.*Y tihe w ttu mev», 15ta "tm piit d 0Iii 1.êI m4 of the publie la orhlen to- math io e, ln abciron, lms a aucoèses thala 's9thillgiI y Oaà i *at ç.euitlitl7 -bô lWo4éied. km r$t et to :«.t ,pe~ The Baue affltes té ec*olatlc and . MU* aa tLaaknerall'lea Ti.old-tlu ipr hoPt*aW-h binnuussii y .xI'tieors Thuoe the onerlng cirçus ta former yearà 'Would bardly,,necor#ls.thi* clcua o 0fli h tP44y as the. outpowth of Ithe pnlmi- n ut bok'probAmsluW» tsiiyv.e elorts of Dan Ricesor 'Cols, The. âd ltutin~ n a y tlugî.comma to tii. ciîcu& GOES IMTO THÉt QETAIL.t affssasé o, eu a~ ol~4tisa an, thi.e e1cinov là cauras.,- W" p ieuareceoile Md hmes. rab tiv 'j4 aket *~10 t â "Thi elS t. cirons la con- A ton. go té;eiiy u a*miet for aew tlu. t*tYto t 1%10 ià Uolà th reeiplqa n ii ouiuso 'H, crU it O uilybe 0>d1ý fpsos, t* 19 .roduclug pometilag neis o ftmdn t, %Grèett .,» k epl ort b<s fit I 0 hMta t xri'e1.pimagni îtudet r t wu,1* 1*w,* 0ipy la»_et»qte tro* a saxitaryc ii lài..c.'.~* The.person viio ms a ir as eeen. s4b , atnpm..I 1 vr bod" -mbw oýailcireuses viien r 0 sea où*là D. rak OlmismMmeia. 1 f tlat cdas o! versons <ltii i4aD Up 1t à»- toisoükç 2t 9sturda>', in Wbieblât .vigor- the 0997 cia nt. S ua Orse<i tiat thie feterai *overn- ___________ aout ipake adequMeat. 4limedae appropriation for 4 I#alarglinenL. "a ephysiclaux, v"è a £member o f thie tate counci.1taisd 11.. report TE ~ 6n a sllrvey ma"l b? mief, Dr. E. i. Dogeln, a fôfuer o0i ir o! the. - publie s1It eriu .a 01Le -flniteil ,,taea aiof ýénerlos4 exi Dr. AbrR. #~U.O. 19&11 X« RynWa, forinrir comàiosiIoner or lgÜaieDr. Gillings lni bts re- w à, k lit "t the> ~camp lcIaeoia4usa May 20 117. bhOSPtl iiAd diagnost Qua ulieir.nau Ch l.. Oato 4C.Hhlerm aq*efChîfgo 1 W " .l~r.spe 8ae4. Subi,,Waulenstn. Vat" C To &yr )n,"qlkah Xey".! O4IW an.sie .A '~udîaM& a'kee. lcuudl lll"rx "isam me Tes de Otte4* , Win.tk, ola o*, Milaiuee Leo . Mthýanlq. milae. ~W4l*.a dwar4~ ~CIty 0f South it lO. Wheft'City P"4« Oan tu thêevtity tg rfM>4p i4peed oitUpp- da~ ioarte *ad_ It iv I~pace HW,* . 1 rrqýd bj'b lloes awl et- ter a boirJnt lu police court liefore Police Mýýs(tra Walter Taylor, was grO u li nd conta. 41. teek à aP- - 0 tii lrcpt *Drt ami the. cag bal 1tsii iendnp evmrl, moiths. Rois i eivoel to lceep blsa li ecoitd and us - re.reted îiveraltlmes. -RoMu vos not probant In court ta- day bd It Wl. notIpaued vhether ho lutendo th aSlpoaIt tothe. hlher court. Tii U. Jdgrnent ef Jduge Rdwand. l» 0f interest to every barber ln the cltY because they ail gne axiaui to ktiow whether or flot the ordinance Is con- atitutional, _______________ hal- teain piarm lthe i.akfe Porî'et adeiytaMi et lectrlc Park Tuei- LOUT-«ngUa.h tter dum. White day afternon but the. sarne baît sbu e .Ii ýb4ack'spoto and llttle tDO. *A" callud beenuse of rmnarter four in- ,40wnA> laUlladlng ta recoey gr b ui pud a fraetlonal haIt nnlng w.91 recale liberel reward. b.d been pisyed. Waakffln vas In Z&Mllm, Farm.Itoute 2. Wupp .tD p esi, 2tu Iviien the mre wag or *5 4.' AsDit.S"m nUf w or U tae Uni a "xorof wale$hm hei. day, a t"a tu J"116 b& ora IWhfalewater a noth "Md Wnfi u Iwif dlolv Ut ui. l e wee dose asgn < Cr'OMIt4GTO WAU 1AN WJ~aChwpo*1Show of Ii~World!1 ~flJ0? Friay une15.,'19171 8pýuA ad.ded attraction ".-BB!,FITZSIMMÔNS '~The grand *Id Roman of Athleicepe voediywith ~~q~B bb7"d.àioutrating th* mn1 uat 7t self d:fmnhl. *NAM o"' rpJroft ~ War bas coine ta our shores w1itu the. tusk of feedinga evaut army. 0. women *jlIbe called upon, netot On' ta fesil tbeir owýi famIles ais ecoôuý icklIy as pos'ible, but ta ppend for Otiiez: ta to relieve tliose lu dire di-ý treme. W. vent everywomau to e~ tiie pricliples of the. Cold Paci njng. Until the bas and appfle d .tief to thea conservation etf'food IA bull own home iii. la aeglertbig oee tiie mosi definite and tangible'r*~ of red"gclivtng cotte' Mi ebavit the pleanure of meeting tiiose w IdiU h elp to promnot. Food Cobberývàt «iOn ýWalrat aur centra lâscbpl Juxe 8 nd 9. F00» CO24MRVAION OOM- * miTTmI or PARU IMPROVB- ÎENT ASSOCIATiON, Mit. Wred L. lMatch, fiec'y. Whor. coentGain*sPO la lengtb. Thé depoultseat Stalmou*l buve caubed tii-econft to Pin uÛllt' the Sessa 5 raphily tirai a poInt *iil& tu tii. urne ot Auguto wvsa a mêpwtý: .tcvn la novr la milestrop thoe AAi* Rue.UN ma»i tnt eont m T. P4hb g14 mdi *Pi giter buât W ,ve. p tMh tblt rai I . M, or the