ILL EALTLT>I»É CAUSL at*yegot Recupe at e Ildh Dy a deal whilcb wus u«.tâbiouncd toas>, Frankc Stbroéder retires as à member af the eho. lmor f i.h'ee and Retlinger andI Aniur eUpilge will conuet the business £alois.. 11 fleath formaei Mp.BlFoder te Om1ire f ront businesser..,% and bils v VI I iave la *tu etW ora Veves' * Cla.. vbere Mr. Ifireoir étape ta ftregin ithIbt. He haî "e-ispusetiaally tnespactt. sted fram businees for about tv94 * manths. H. la eonvlaced t%«i t1I jchange ln climats *YI do film a w of gaad. '. lie. ha residmo (naWasakegeaabsa 84 yearug, beiues MPIOY94 àIf of the ime m abto. lsrk aIt>~~J t Yger store and latel' at t befU & £Wbyte .torp. Abutayeur veut into beailues, *foim«o m~ 1 rth Oeeme eiet '#Ad bî' iow a WeilikuoPu Wislesu Y-Uf w*5 sud bu biSSumsbli lawt40 nse ,er stuce. Ha laheagutM :aM4 will maintalu t" store on the Mame lns. vitelsbava glveh nIl a rsPu tien for deyèuiailty. Tsema> friand, of Mr. Sbroeéer vMIMM etr 0 bis departure vltb reret. FARM LOAN ASSOIAT-ION TO BE 4pluiP-O TIURS. C. E. IHofklu4 veer.ldit of te Federal 40k IW« of St. 'LouIs 7 ita discat»a màdti* éteia Loamn AmaOcatlau te «sa the ïlaw and as proiiltau. , rarnies ad ail Otbanr fistetOd- S ViI!mee t villaMr. liopi la uheb cauncil roos. of 4 lb. siaasba)st 8 o,ýI.ok ThuredY affoi Pegrst seo - duaanmd in dra wu hmorse is éeiattilsalt37 fla an(i5f1 msinoe. »Y vl'à "me &»«ov l ImleiIectUaw eght aur love tlkes dava Is sud si4 u %te arma wlde,.--atbuge "x beara oub ilftkJawr. Diit't you stuffrteIb àNldees- o itisiWM«Iea timae vhou 1 oujoyed myslrtere." --Wbly, 1thougbt If va. aoetfllag1 -Not vben yanr wvfs as lt.'-BaItf- maore Amaertemu. Mie Eduemtteoou"ssard "X fuel tbat 1 am. M101lit te ttc ber' sboe lace" 'DWnt yornsvoe'rý yun boy. After .Marriap e li u bfl dna yl 00- pu tthat; @mataiputt'nt o var- "0pausokn#vgoweu-Loais- cous a Wsvs. Wim "Are j ou do'lg your part tovari âgbtng thb hlecel af livring?" "Sure- l m v1mlug il Myrelation&. Cougb t. T«ebe,-Bt*esf1ige >lua a5sen tae. &RacMItW m<hlsc*t The baby, l, Sst~~* '4 tsi *or pylorteid- hemé '4térmed tilflÎ" ' éW~ the ul,t 01 Xrne1000' * tior ls ï"hi0w y fo e léam e" tll*.n emaalt* i au6 f SeCit>' vas fin *e"l lutkA4court IL Bttr. imwas Chars Doges.]own WDrMA. Theeeti %U' of aithe opinioî somar>' go trait, M -M Jl..f % t - ,"c4..e tbtst*. l'ériiIt. *&y7be dr# la chlIts dur A. S, nndy hba purebaici &U the wsok avis ad other aquipsuent fowrl bwty 5<hJ. .. Iuhar ilu hlm ffolsud waooi htialnesà. Mr. Kubar Y p7 m4ct t te îl t ýa Pull bohua eili disaalvd. &bWltad Fred- W0t Sf hlieWantegau Pont <0. A. *1.tti 'usa> or, BlooningIpl, fl.~vtiie*vîîî ationd the tite * lie Lakle CountY Board of lievlev, çbqveued moamy sud buoia uhrtsee s' ~ ~I1u~miirnee<ore th ey ae pIersummer'., va. Ib ltaUpcuMe»olal Fraternal As la tmllobld .'&F mportant meeting il aâIfulapray aght et iq dmiiou wefeperfecteil io4Is rlà orklservice. ta b. held At ftu mÈble ul nadAy. Tbe, ormlatef*IIIcaugreate at thie 001w! ouh lrepafatory ta marchina ta tisoe eeray. À. dmeofdipht>serla at, 1311 Wads- *orth avenue boa been reportad ta ,l. o r0fCity , ymlu Kley. W»iar i an abefene f troublte of sier SM *kt Sion CUIty'Tueaday nI- thougk is n>'bad liredieted I-at riatz lulisl,;gc-Ur. Au2muber or Wauk#aaayoapg liea- «#le ' 4» ov ta yslaïe ln sasTue,&- *WIWOllt tu attend a docil. Ail rMont elnoeime. lThere in àa case a1 vhaoping cough At tho Hardilng home, 622 Grand '5v- muas. Tue initter bas baun reportedl te, té iealth epatment. Thse case pendlng agiant- Rose Taylor la poilecourt has bacu con- tlaui for pevaes >iy. $Se wvar- raetid 'ou a charge of pelllng lîquor ln mut-9iaau ternilr>'. 30é, elsu, a machin.lsî, visa gIes. bits rosideiscesa-' Waukegan, bas. led la peution in bankruptcy la Chicago. -le glvps IUa111illes of $1.581 sud a» sot; of but $8210. Waliter Leonard. ofC ltlnav- enue, North Chicag. o, .1 from a swing in /a tre0 lots Tueedsy star- nooms ant brahe lik arm. Dr. Conneil ait the frac ture. ; 'Circuit Juige Claire C. Edwarde1 board Several sliancery maltera in circuit court this iorung; #le Passei an a flamber ai mations. Tbere wii b. no jury taies at the apeclal lune tern. The Sun'. regintratidt ntotal. in- luide .30 Lake i"rest uaveroity mlii- dents who made ont« regstration btànks 'ltla st lisght. Thelr carde ver. «ý lnciuded ln those returnai ta the caunty clark thIe mornlflg by (he regletraLrsaofIàb» P oéast. TIse 9Iuabcrg furniture store hau tuet rSted apoveriai tva ton Mach uekvhhiw h é ased lu con nectIon wîth the sayarpl ather mtaf truébs uready *opeaWat4db>'the. Ilrm (n MakW d 'elivenfeâ ti 4rioup parts ut0f tha caainty as vali te tu Wauke.- gan. The ine* triie la one of tho mpel Inodern inluever>'respect that b~u4le pircanee. 'wo<1a7 Waukegau accurred lhe Miiâae f'am Ilippi and Mia. Icrïa its'omnit youpg people if VeKals. M 'm . Ê71ppi WinI 8 ilt% ëiis va4 &i d ili go ta bdqslieplng.,hmedately iu thelr A~Iat dli iixé street vhlch la SS ,lbttn*&aéfor" tbem. , Mr. ~U~$Na'a 1eefan at 'MAder- 80f fécÀ,>sba th'r a nSde- evr0 lZwe c h!s Ms' and UWArdepl a large '0 Un b~ ~ns~LIpt'las i~t~ llà, Cliirlc or Chowu ~~atauthe MAY BE IMMELD NJUIdE 16. No 1 04. U V~s asWi - WE0 " , 'C', à," 6 At a meting oft Uta Rame Dlente LeaUte an Monda, evenlng et thie <halber de Commnerce hegdqueurr It Wu1 declded ta boid a t U' dai to ie lundi for the purpose of carry- (fig on the work af thé HomQe Defottu. L«uu..and tag day Itacf fas turned o* to tie. lo'derated Wonews'aOr- tanhz"oons, vbicb la compaaed of rcp- iveenttve * o« bab-c b o1m- m' club of Waukegau and North Cbîcazo. These repreientattves ver. prisnt ln. persan àManda>' aud ,l *wrodeuffl great Interest ln the Pro- rOl4aand pledged thelr viiola lzeglte4 support. A neeting of the. couittee of wam- *i la charge af-tag day was beid Tues- daý and teutatively arriged fer the .tgmitseI«n frteams of ten voiten mach wtb captaite a over Uiheviiote etty by a- houm'tô.baume tAisan sd tmg 'My on i. butin., treets I. thle ftelng. it la boyed té-be a6e to ar- range ta bave tm& day one week tram 8atwrday. Il the tegt ind boxes ean ho secarýMilime. WAITER ST WITK $40-WAJW#4ISSUEU. The police îkb Chicago botd a warrant of ti4*rret f RaIph Roenidli, quntil' riWntiy emnploycd sa s vailer St- lhe Nana restaurant ln that clty. Raaondeld, It la chargcd, s'lpped bon a ues.4ay vith $40 af is emplôrer'. maniey. Chie! Shaiip et North Chicago la bavlng Chicago searc:hed for the mimeig mana. IS YOU 4 K&E E? HOW te Ceebw et h. trita Fi ale BtartwlU-tb1r*'AdalWBys eht t PIrs Row-Mtfer the 23 bols. la the testcomnme%& rg,8 boisa. 7 s.0418 Second Rv-7 ho"Ise. mi1. 5 haltes. 2 »d., ! hols.. "l11 Oy-4 bûIss,2mm. O,2 bales, 2 Tourli loy-O bhoes.,2 @où& 2 boles. 1 uod, 2 bolet. 1 solid. 1ital.38solld dlu** 80w-4 boile s Saal,4 hales, 1 DU ,23sle @O8hiS,5 bales. SËsth lRow-4 bolse..2 âalid,'2bales, 9 »Mil, 2 b0le,S MRd6 bolts Sorait c- 0v hles. 5SONi1. à boles. 8 smai10, 5 bles Elgbth loy-4 bolot a85041814 bois&. lth 80w--O boles, 8 oli. 1 hale. 2 oli. 8 hales. 'Pe.tb 10b ble4sie 8halte; i li. S bales. Ulevnti 0v-O bhales, 8 soillé , boe, i mli,9hales. valth Ro-4baltes, 2 soll& Wý TbilteentflRowv-a hale., 8 ma1, b"lé Foartfethi Row;-4 boason& all1' bols 2 sallé, 4 hales, 2 moud.7Tbotes.; . 'iiteeth loy--o bolets, .11, 8 hôles, 8s maid1ibqle, ;L mai1, O hle.. Blxtetb ow bales, 1 #o1,4 bols., 1immi1. Shbote,2 olld, O bolet., Seveteenth 80ow-4-bolet, 2 solli. bolée, i01 U& gbse, 1 maI1,?7 bole. £lglýestb be- i aets. 4 m a,8 boîte., - Nitesuth sud i'weutðBlow,- bayles.t tu tr dt tqi 1 ri« lfai knaw, aeeabx tflng ilrnt tuoa fod le t*tiother aysa18"mmto ta etOm rife a day. I eUPodslfta vety Il suppose 8% t>f lek- lambioe %Wpeusb Iras eEt sut1sf pèec. If- f rom jae.Labor au '*mw féuetheM su4itè M"00l * hlteUi'epremftm; n~ ati f. it T me' t doos nol ~ptbeicoe p~lfiig msj ~lu. W~ ~less~If -i ien se~hd 1n Roomo.lfta lnteeUug Wt- verpool 4ç a "w -ï400Wl a ,ae up tps40- C o -a F or »tg~.0 1jrnee.etho d h ttlb huas «i *v-ed tlmeha tta *q ery .# ,s i.laku? v tise Wovatiset vold - sc.«J" fee. emagfret r. Tie gratt of a ai (liy acres, freedos The ramaioif Io uyedra, freè arp Lord s -sg- ,cutbral, llîhlu and bulding im. 11, Comsuu ( ieeta nd free fad ?Vtsv ~iuethsz act? Two tliousand Ove hundred sud tilt ha acepnty-six ativenturers signed on, girn ha? anun-The aceid eMtih&nua3fnsettloru If ra;!à son~aath-' werc rloxulirg atages Gould. 313 Shérman place, lu hona&ot'o35jiI*J5710005 00- cfrh'iSS " a ex of Misa Mary (lootibout whoae mol,. part and inost -aIno Uwoy«si rnage ta Max H (ita ca9es Place fiant Dan 6spid -ham becaenuaupil1ý bizo S- wcek. About 361 friands were pres- eIt te.pÇai e«Change d»Aith ie-Io eps. The. evenlag va, epent lnuplays- rear ci two and thé marrtagýeta 1 ln aînaes. Misa Ooodbout reCalved Goo4bout le ou. dl a séries luavIsit Mat an' ute! ul articles. 'local "'hello irl." vers rtbe pélma MIes Goodhout le one of the citya PaWx mnast charmnlg youflg vaine. Sha BivOfl ha, been employeti b>'tic Wauluegan Tee Nuoiqus onl ,exehange af the 'Chicaga Telophanes e e& ais fassil s Bbave heenM Co. for a flamber a! jeans. For thse pertly del*d by MShiae.e but e0» (ast everal years she had been chIe e! l atlee wldb tWise 5gao e Wte» WEEI< operator-and llled the position lun -tia gi Mtr. Hlntz s,~e veli known'sud ex- Nelswadfer'I,.ufwqs. Mlax ! mlypopular Waînkegan yoik Tb@' caw xw i Oué«ýW lté au -at rna. Hln i.a barber iy trade and compau4eie amsla 1meamts s * for tome lime vas employed ai 'the vbOr v ~rta614 aO Wlol*late 'mnfl ritrong & tuillidge stop. Forsteiso5jlg otlhleU e l ean e7.' lmn e lias been crnployed aithti, a rç*Xt& aven tb»honstsq equ tg IWdayt naval station barber shaP. fl u d tvfjtIamé ia Ifjorgç-,lunMiss Goodbout, the telepisone lasi 'és*'as*h' bud vonfa,' FOR 'Shower' b TO BE MARRIEd '*111 Become the Hintz--oCupid, Telephone E WVaî A uos'elty shower'v niglit ut the homE f I "WNEN "'i f~Re $1l'6.5U S patt À, ~tpeil' v.' Lake ?'arest lt~cm~ the police el thSt cKy 4éêUO* lie had flot resgtered at lils bg -Waukegan. . vlgei ihl.$ S ight and this M, 1 ai - 2dbac reil vent ta IÂe Uorfet llroderick back4ce W'axeol 1 Broderlck vas gMt to the; asliaft lgIn a lev*e.* hecausc of tht. fait ho wme>, ted to reglster »1% omdv8li aeroa, his regntrata i' ten. "'plysieslly and O for serpIee." W.endsrft.l Shm«wý One aofta mouanta lcey a remarkuble, shadov. IuMMe Ins on Ithe grciad. il py up 1ke a veUI lu t « t 'le, Thr. T asd»us anit. Hava AlIlding Pattn. TIbe,. are also thage wbo. wÏg bê iw gtbingi dùni «» re theY â»Vo nuYtblug about it et 41!T- PIERCES VOUR HBART'-COMWE ? ý S-BL 9IV& F afl ToCorne 1» And r Of 1 "! eOf rnituýrcBléfq*c -Ctàka Ne.- re Floorg ful of Fu', we u~ id Sýtoi, - ýkh we bought biefeà'te ,ýepiceswent UP. Mehogîany 9-Plece Dlning 1oom Suite, Sp>ec4a at4J verstulfed Tapestry e-It , Piece, Re"' éd~tl figeratqtr, anl peiolI, e s l 80'41si1.95 . edCarrlaXes, a cont"' eé àhewing, up from 14»' 'AIK Comblnation Coal imd (las Stove, soIves &Il k'ObüIgeù)4 't -$9.00,Mwuit ma eillàe, r silo5 1 <p' i i