Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jun 1917, p. 9

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...,u.. .~j - ,Pe Law I s PIb 1l9silt1.ispllm8. U PARADE *lm iNsPIthe~E of Puewut awNorth yor aaode ve hit. Xtii. aot vas epemiented lu th. long line et niarcIt ron se0 ot Houft toeos parki. uiase thi.ezerc«Ias ubl sted Inau M asl>tuag ad5sby Ju 1 niailan Welch et.Giq~. J4 Welcb lt an loqunt.shra4i held the, t>ttlal et tii. abldies 1 tiroiiout la spt the tacismt Ipavetiteram the distunbails et an outdoor prosmrm. ne clekily1 shovqed that tbf,. f«a £Warfor g'ffi1 gOVerumeut as agaIMILthéi.Autocratie isscmptti of a o ulltrytpotism. The. Grand Army of the Republie vas repr.eumted en the. speakers prégram, by a. A. Doon. WovI""cls. the, exrcise, vitii a magt dti,- surance that aur young men vould flot és roud vating for the. defimé of the. nation la tuso groat cilsiov Mayor Pearce &" d aaor Chnstis- son mode. appropiate introduictions to lhe rogram suad Atty. bMax Prys- horskl preaided. lu bis opeulng ne- mark ho emphslzed the tact tht vs are again llghtlng for'honon 0f aur flag sa We have doue lu fonmér rears. Judge Persona vas cailed upon snd In 8a feu vel chosen words express. ed .the blle t tat te tii. ltses t-tii. United States* would stand *soidlyho, hlud the President lu tb"la cMais sa tht the. ouly thinlg la ouit lu ti*i war vas ILs; durahion tut vlctory la aseurd for the United States. The commîttte of the IlefnâfAa tue vlshed to thanit ail ctisens eai both, Waukegan sud Noth Chîcago1 who helped to make This lmpi>tsnt <~day sA auccesstul'aud partlculariy lde . ~toachien snd pupils af the. sCtols Who ' psrtIcipsýed ln the. parade. Becausé gr the luabality tw securo the. services of the. local band, the1 eammitte. la «trlutsly grateful to the. Candval bail., iilcý offerol their1 services gritultoues durlng the.on- tire atternooti. Labe Formtt lu*és la an unususfy lutereeting tasala.v eyWin. H. jobus t Glenous O'» 5 fr0 .Charles A. Bireya trbte t 41, bcoe of the mest attrate tie rqi qui« ravlned lanu thlu UorhiiePrt«~ L.aite orest, sd w s e - sideratian la »tnot 101sd t *1ù dersteod the proPertY hbMs os by r . Blnue3Fa 82,1500 asu are. lis. Johnlsonl ield tw p ety 1ah 88,000 an acre. aud $ho .&119 bis «0. i quipltlofl sla Il toMLob iAIre~ S sateisbruiter eofLake »t*59. a substaitial profit. The prOPaiy la. vIse l adjacent la tthe rOcit Pur' 01*8.0 orfgtsnley Iteltl. 3oiiu A. fSpoiir sud ,ther proinlueut Cilcago. lie tâtousaul unuformfed Wocdman *4o< , vlt'beencalped sOtthb.Ot, #theilal vi 't imir om -t * é"T.ôia, e «if rf i te 10boys about the, ugtal if ou course ver. foliaowd tb.U. wbpnsv.. h avosp'" flet0fpolo f Oi« otver belnt made, the amm MMU' utombaleS culd 2raid places Wiiou Ppie ori.. srt.4e. ,tii. t**,oueci a çomw&e if auyiody0ff4 tiuer 'wlut tiiOL t ovruuust . 41,001. thin th ycoula ba Prou fflt by, the federel court amd voBld b.k rnu5g Is talt tIL Tremoval cf a tpta1 ailmâles eft iquoa,lutIi o esten bave zno rlgit b ý*s: w-lhftoq$a kBowleitt OUMJý* b">q--the gov.qmeutf that tle goer./qu Ieesse * d Bled luattla townshilp- WIîam Gottmoe HarRiba Iwo-, ken Undor Whees of Waukeagn Auto.. LUNOS ARE PUNCTUR. Wao: Watiaolta Dae Pliaê old -ilke Forest bo y wviia Sett9Cb iy an automobile driven by Ui. 4er. ry Hussey of Waukegsn .W0le registration celebration at Lskè4 Vor- Pott Tu.sday aft.rnoon. now ,ll* la a vory citical condition aIt ue 4110e Home hospital ln titat City. ,I It develops that »sventl zibe. iwe brokon and tht the un~è, uc tured by an. of th ii. iiioids. Tii. boy. togotiior.wtb bis oasju brother, Caruolins. ag.d 9. vue lug the. resistration day prUl4i rear of the motor. MnS. R es6à* versed the. car vltiiolutatagt~ boys. A cry pierced the.44r Ïbo 11111. tellav veut under tii O qI b. Hiussey limedlatolybm t h I ca' t a %top, but hefore the 4 i.,4 oue of, the roar viteels h~ç*z aver. Ibth*lte fellav's hest. Mti,,. ussy vas nettboit! ti~e~ bypule Who60P ltuesed thi e u Tiiepqlalm thst It vs» one ce hase uqavrolable- accidents, whci - are boWid to haPPen just so long s uul- "4je' PlIY la the troët. Wauxconda4, 21., celebrated reglraMý 4an y vitii sa' bade sandaPublie Ifof Tà. ltseparUe vm'q the rsglster.d men,..ovi a âa » 016 te- as ttsse G., BOY goda et 5g . n'ies rle ops ad of 'iUlf l1o 'log" Wlu.g hiisparade 7 pp- thei uoii t st -. ljaii;tl Pgry Dnn6edLe Pra ,'to Tak 'S MOK E' TORPEDOES USED.I GoumraFried Rmwtely-1 Apperane'of bitish De-. sroyer Hattefi Diver. hayon Frederle A. B.ley , dîmce- ,er et lthe hospîtal until wvbich ssiledl taki the~ Mongoiea for Europe a iPw! dgya &g0 hats related tiie thrilllng ex- 1 ptageee litaI occurod viien theiil! was attacked by a onmnlue. Roi: ert Bdwands. s Waukegau youug la a meuubur of lte Besiey ,Wuw-ieau fiMends 0f lhe two albÏratrestod keeuly luthbeir lettape front the. Genuau -ir *'FWMdy sftennoou ville tie ikon- gàliaw& vas aout 176 miles out front F'aluotb," Maj. BeAley snid. -the. lobliots sighted et a distance af about 600'.ysnds an almaut subierg. 00, objeet nmaking Itsa way lu tiie di- rectian of 0cr course. It seemed ta leavg s lImy haz. of biue-gray vapor ln ItS waii.;,vhtcb cauteilfi te i. charestertaed barthe. navymn u a .hte a"v Getma sake-tarpedo. w, devised tiai If It mlssed itlê nark ft would neveal ls preseuce ou 1he surface attervard manugg Its recov. Il ery Posible tirthe subluarlue. fAonhila Civeat etis.. "0cur cap(alÉ, vho lâ sald tw bave a lerMan Prîce onuhie bead as the. rescît af the dlau'myus oelicouter Ilkh anoter sebmnarine on the. laât trip, tumued te Mougolls a owto- kalnd *b tiieous source 0ftiih..tor. ped aà" praceded l ia h" i rec.e tUO* ublv.t ti oesa. hersiy. s*- e.UlUlsing lthedouble purpooafe- di cgaur aise as a target sud hop. lîig, to, ramsthe.submarne. "4Athle sie timethle alanm waa sô*uudd sud everybody orderedi lto lifse I>lteanad to lheir lite bout puai- tiStq. Tiieré e-as a f6tal absence of pahié sud.not tiihe ést bit. of cou. fuulob as the 260 pofsensets-u;nove tita 60 oai ein omeu 1nurses--pro. eeqal ta their hisI tatio n uau or- da*,y fashlon. the Umsane aslun tii frilIp on the, vay ovef' '*Altme 4ayTu v, eto iniuedprepsatony These 'Tonpsed rire&a. «Tii irai torpedo pesed 300 yards~ et our pot* side. Is 0vo source vas fieo4ait repeatedly, by th.e en- sers on tiie lIera, but thtelre w miado lueffectîve lty ;it.rougit -es. T19s suhmtnustil, unuseu linc. 94' île second sud thirdmlaiiést' lutenvals of ten minUte.,but boti' palOW6 orne, distance off lte port aide. Thir obviaiés oltice vas flroi, upot raeatedly bclt itout suceis. "AIMWot slmultaueotisly the stemp lookou lghelt.dthé, pertueope et the sutbuiarue sud lIb wloot~g4 ed A Britlith destroy*r oi- tii. 41a9- board rushlug towaud us' aI gre«t 'Our iYrelesu lad been vorkilik èvery minute. lie sigit of lie Bn-. lish iit rtas ýtbmbUID. Ail on u okpqn.l lus approkoi vile the ut= i aun boolu &Si w tY k slsos thé~ si 9 I 'oa S*J 4-c - q -. ~ - 3 g n ..'O .01 o t o' ~ i >'f c', i 3 -~ , -~ ~ -4, ~ :î-0 ~ -, o g - a ~ ~ -~ ! - ~ ,~ ~I! ~ - WHI1t8 - e - i * i ~ -o i.. ~ n a i. cI a- BI t~4 '-P. ~4is 'o - R Il LU h f If filsgsaui à... lui. ê.-.1;21H ill2! 1' :... 197! Il I U' 3 911 ... .. _______________________ VI__ 19f- i et - l 1J 224[ O 1 .... ..... ..... ~ t 'W ~ T X ~ ...... 93 1. . 1 49 381 .... 458t... *1 ... 1191 1 21..#.Z~ I ~ V 54f..... .... 594193... 1f..... 1* f Iî5 27f i 1 5! 5f11 8! l4Sf.... 1... f. 1-11l 87....l 0 .41... ... l!i 241 il 2si54f 4S - f. ... .....6j.. ....191.1 .21, f 41 6 41f niI«i3f...1 .... ...... .. $61 ... 26j 1 Sj... i 4 A l' f f5 $ff 2 21 121 461 .I 10f....... 1 f4771 .1209...f 21 41f ~I 524 38 149f.......................ff I 1, 44f III............F..~.'I 91 ~6I*~U1 86. 8414f.. ~ if.If î6~.... 509 1O3If~.. ..j i 1-7l s i ~ . I ...j...f 1 t 71 l 41 . .:1 7 1- I - 4 e' 189 ~~frj i I ill.lf...~ î 48f 3 f 7 4 8 (1... .. . -..410091 il3f4il 21 -2 $al .. . 347f a i 4 1 7- 70 f . . . Î. . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 1 47...1 8 1, oil19l.... .... ....... - -n s r i 63f 121- 7 iiul îil=î ... ... 1 ... ___1_41 ___S7 SI .. .. . . Ç... .... .... ~ -4 I.... .il901 ..1 97118 1811............ l P S 0 1 3! .... 6f 1 5 1 .... .. 1 ... . .. . 6 901 71 71 31 2.91 l i i -- I1 1 1 Buron F. HaI#Fn Suit ls Brought Offlan Jepson Who.rseý From His Coualderabi, lnteré*, %uItadvel- tiped titrougi thoefaet lisButon F. Hleis, a vealthby hI04M o reident bas sold ta Georgeuý ,xittuii.ll bis lin, 160-acre farfu n * toursof Vernon.TThis transtet'l*gheenbled16 for record lu the .94Ot» -le ounty recarder. The. tarin-la rOOOguIae am on. of tue fincal la. 1ie eouly .At- say ather IiumO Oe-as"eOf ti. fgm maigh t l cc Il a mciila- tslbut the.fact lt *.* gales ne- ýîcmtIy vas aued for 3,00laiaes by Chrit#isu JepsoSè a' titner isrm band, vWho ls5i r uiiat dlil- ll.y tireugi au cietoelrigu HaTesPropertl7. leu"a httwpit' lte h trausetlonakdhbas ceasut me ho W oiervietiier ;Mt. halleà"6di- possul'CI ail bisg tSli. la Labo 0Oitt. Uuch a cocre. mailéi diROuit for jepgm tg eesle« a Idg- la cs lit "te jury Wb"' ibeus esq. ecieshe a é.04t»O el 1.11 lins wse carait for attheiiLake Couhty Genenal hasphlal, but later vas re-, inoved ta a hoaplicl le Chicago. la. bis suit for *darnages i. allea., i-th b. ban beecome penmuaently paYalywd-' "a sresuI4 et lb. fail sud la not te earn fl lvQlhbae u. S.l JSMff - flmONF»14MDR lugy, M4at Ut Akcia lEkifflhjE TFortini -u-* ofteMikado.-VAw HOME IS AT TOKIO, JAPAN. A vall ai protesl vas utteied hy Ot.tWAt)Dt.o~natbe.mis coaty od1ils. registrars aua nevu. 0 I SB 1k is trate. , papen men ou Tl57 n l8iit iep1 qpsuui4 iwi Walit pajlg e Uhkerlif GnIMUlin 'Oeed aD OUVel*Ope<- e .. es10m 1i~ e *"oI glanld ah Fart SberlIMau udretd 14 i t Nihmm lLiSv~esi itl the iolloviug ftMtbe r«elstliNI bla yspr ve ~slarh. î card vhich had basa 5D01051d: ttin --.- Nlot ely the- u.M"s NAM-ÀAklra TakoiJli. AGE8-24 yeas. ualomis. an 4 HOME-19 Bauba Hanlo. ToMia, 94M Z90me il , I 549 .lapan. la-t an I t'a l sxa nt"t 4' AN ALIIIN. ¶ýtnI0 BORN-Cihba, Japsu. ll 'do%,- OOCUPATION-A ivaier. voilay i,. .ge.POS5 Unted Blutes. - sçuii 'Q'. i Tn*,r i. *tté*! wI1BRE MPIOYDI-jarl miter- tc o11r1,01wle.~e.~ *wde Luaoa. DO YOU c"91AIIMXWO? 4'T IM"ts .-.t~ Yen 1hau 6 e8wotl ot'm a i-sê FâcitwU eta, b. lad sI eeetQw . Iltioml r 4,4.,. et ta ta aa5~ ý7r i . ! - i -: - - - -' k zi Ir i Mi l li

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