Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1917, p. 12

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I - J; - IIfou#s --nhow m~ -in na osscidon as la amtbw. -POWEMFLLY ]FIGIITNG TUIE 9169 COST OP UV1NG~5.e. aire not al A toecon mîost sensational selllng in oDurI onhancL-i"'- 7 F not afraid to challenge ail eompetitiùn beeause ail tition kiîowstbat we are able to tinderseil thr.ough our. Lvamceinerchandise eotlracta. <L~ hallenge Sale M1giligp rawers, lSc-Lace and * enilbroderi tiinun d dri weî s is.brgidé é Miii ,ail sizes. W cllmade. I Cow# Cevers, 18e-1?'he best "ýq44rter" -quality -we, ever saYwt-,,Prettil'r triînrnedand *Coret Covers 35c-Our regular 5Pc grade of Corset Covers iii I eiborately trimmned styles. * M UOLF#4 PETTICOATS, 35c-A bg apeclal vuicîtuee enables7 tiis great Challenge of- lieng. Regluar 76c values. MUSLIN PETTICOATS. 99c-H-andsomne $1.26 and SI.60 styles with deep embroid- ere<l #ounces rlbbon trlmmed. ý-i4e Offeriags * Nïlllnery pLoti1 $1.98 We have assembled from 1~ / our handsome groups that foAnerîy sold for as nuch as $5 many black, whte and novel mrations. LOT 2-AT $3.91-a won- derfully low price for the eusie cotlectîon or - Hats thai entera thls selt- lng. Black. white and col- i Sateeîi Pelicoas0 p' Extra Challenge Offer: l"",an dak best quality Sate. PJain origisred. Cbale.pSa1 Grls' Wear Dress es - 7o l49 Pretty Wasb Dresses In a big selection ot latest styles. Site 2 te, Il yeans. GIRLS- COATS, AT $3.98 - an unusualît' bnUilant range of spring omts for gir-s +ta 16 Yeers. Values to $7. GIRLS' COATS, AT SSJS8-Your chance for an elegant value ln Coata of the highest grade. Sites 6 t0 16 years. Values te $11f>ln- cluded. Bre akfast Caps c the 2hcklnd Pretty Breakfast Cap$ for ev.-1 eryday use Lace trimming Regui1ar $1.25 Middies 69c f Sizes 32 to 42 Nord style effcts -in Pretti triinmed M id- dies for isummer wesr. Big spoclal table- cholceatoc. T,-hel Klenzer, 6 cans 28< 5.0Lawn Kfowers ___ At $4.9&. 181n cis improved I A*n Mowers AT lm- Our famoqas Woodmere IS-lneh voyens. $9 value. ~~ 50o ALABASTINE I of >èuifu ew-- UN' ERHSLINS MuslilaGovua, Oc- Slip-over anîd open-front styles tairimed 'f with einbroidryy and ribbon.- Values to -75e.' 1,94 1 i Gi? U4, en excel- lent a~lueni efotçthte \\ Challenge Sale through a special fpurchase. Env. Combinations, 490-An ele- gant value for the, Challenge Sale. Values are 69e and 75c. A il sizes are represented. ENV. COMBINATIONS, 89e>-For, regular il and $1.26 quallttes. Each hanîlsômPly trim- med. Ail aines. CHALLENÔl SALE 0F CORBETS, 11.19- An odd and-end accumulation of corsets that have sold for $2. semnent t A Fme 0e a, 6.28-c $6 Gar4en At$4.98a Four-piy con-kinkable beavy Rubber Hom. AT 2.6b the 2-foot lengths. Couplînga Included. S2.50 IIOTiPLATES ~ Al tinta iLntiMassplen- urdY little Hot Plates did sanianyW fu r laundry or general erng. Sell fo 6 e u. egular $3 glass door mnost store nguary Ovens- 12.69. Trak, 539 jI1.50 sq Oe 34-lnch Dress Tnlnuks I ~I2-8x6-8E ý& ho ard serviîee. 1% J& Ille.tpe.,i o+ i M i I I I $tJP~lui 3Iag2î98 eMbatrs f'putmping stylin welded spout; Colonial Mv aTiDg euies,-89c 8-w ý Aimîtum Ketties of 'letmilBrand-.'HeavyrWight. t9O 6.0E MIXED 0OUr 0w» aatee4l 7 mired P4lnts ftu al -7 colorn. Out*lde or 10,1e us, 1.681100llo itais 69c Guaranteed Alarm Clocka at lems tban present a holesale p)rices. Limit one to a CUstOîner. f 1- t($25kind) One of the big Carriage values Dow hen..AliI the wanted colora. H'I Pl 98é Se- lOc w~fiipj.aa;7c kflob endâ., E-Xtend, to 54 iniches. WindW Screeas 25c Size 18x33'inehes. At 3lc--size 24x30. Extra well made. hRby Gloss Polish, 3ajc The Most fanions of Furnifure lishies: The 25e size; now 1&e, GLIOEN FURN11URlE e ÇOACH VARNISII D oep n dabe unnihm J ture or Interior Var.-, nish madi. by the-~ greatst o var i aie n gretei o!va 0s - f (~ti,. I Off.rIvqeihw MWWd Specially.Purchaied L Our . tegular Lines. suite that »cI lefige price. A mlection. 8lm 'lu t that sodi disposai group1 longe price. $1 Sa Ail our botter1 $27.50. Poiret t% novelties ; protty B-L Challenge A notable group of Spring Comt et a peiiwlâ mpro. son* jtat &bout hal zole.glworth. lThe ,ne~enovelty mi a Inclued. Women's or mIsa. Sale- TObe mout Important underprlissg of ts,#an n wjk hâve made the electon s.ivrîfe bt tuî be. ea t. mflke a sultable Ohfelée b". C OATSý Sale P- 507 A vaut colqctln of ammrt Coats usott.4 1m our hlgh- gru%1ilnes asni effectively ow prices for qtlek clearance. xiR Ooptur Imbrice in tsil coloreartmn. nluded. Summer Blousea, at 55d-A typical CM~ offering which ineludes Blousei sold for as much as $1,25 origi While tbe>ýst, 55e ecdi Bloume, at $1-An exquisite tion of Blouses especially ar'n for a, record Challenge item Î price. Big variety. alues up W, ('F' vaIp rere~ntmi~Otýîf teuany _hu Iûrdshre at qui é cIoi Mi un-s 26 TebIt$18629 ' Ax. Rugs 29.45 apMattig1 fandsonie T" les with 48-nch ISlcto f ut.Annsten 1364nch lmponted Mattîngs In ank tope. Pedestal etyïe. Ruga. Mùhy other big values. 1 meral protty, Patterns. $22 Rifrig's 12.79 Leonard Cieanable Refrlgenators --entire linO' at big baajgalns. $14 Iton Beds 8.85- Vernis. M»"Un or white enamel -conUulm pont style. $7.Mattres8es $5*J5 "Wood-wool ' Mat tres8 wth roll edge. Stronfîv maÏde. f w. SG: Id more iii 'rom w h c and misse! $35 art Ited auic lection, end dark. Blou (le eC illost Blou of Pl at $1 V .4$6 Springs $4.65 itamond unitapninge; guar- g4teod not te sag. WMU " .a.e 5 .. " groti lIow priced LOT 1, AT Sc YARD- Pretty Edgings inl widths up te 4 inches. LOT 2, AT 10e YARD -Edgings In neat de- algna Worth te 20e yd. LOT 3, AT 15C YARD. -An elegant quality that sella for 25e yard. Embrolidered Dreus Flouneingea t Great Reduction& -A blg, flou sclectton. 55, îte" t ,; 1 ý.ý : 'l J CdE2ý mmuLaLLII, Ni il

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