Waukegan Enlisted Good1 SOME Thirty or' PAY TO Sy~» ~NAL Cfl rown's Re - élection ,y o> Young Men Who .-t&oiinal Considra' n Mon- 1Monday to Gt Y G1ET $100 PER. REALTY BUSINESS IS QUIET. Plajij-nto Ehm O!'nIy One DpOl id ~Inu~~JI~dfor____________a a ee offley -s--. Waukegsui. June 13. ,Wth tbe enlltment af seven su kegin roun; mon ln the rsreas aui corps it beomes knovo that these men viii, receve salarie raiiging tram 416 ta 175 a mantit, and yUl rs4 *oanprivates ta captils. The Jiep4g4umet ignai Officer of te Wsr Vqpgttr4enlt authorlsd. to faim a nuusiiex cf lattalone of signal eseerve corps outpost campantes gives out blie*folewl inx arffltIon vliLh la « i tom# --tae npOYs of the Public Bericç Co. sud the ChicagO Telepiona , via are aubWet tO draft and viô bave training lu oiec- trbcal voit. outBoiW coipsates luclude electri- calrnginol.-âuriclasii, mechaiLlCs l1ne5 tueWaAi5.coek,04 clerka, b iti# frdera, saddle and bai-, Thie personl of an outpost coam- psn Eele: l Captalu, 4 pirt Usutanants. 1atérSignai glectriciau. i SM 8oeuil-t CMUg. 5 Seégsatu. 14 ofpfrsIa I lorbsoom. 1,7 prIvs4t5 lrst claie 2 Prli'at0é. Or 76'lfflen c. Theesum" '. dlvided il lied eqe td elt engineer. r- 00e1. telep»lge eqtlprn5nt meu 1 stiliel 111* tension man. » elsgrpbers. 26 lineumLe Odrivera. 4meclanic. Iclerks. 1 tafieim. fsSUet pay of the signal en iuted réserve carps Ea as folows: M%*si'Osigaiu etncla-$75. Imeog-30. Private, t class-18. *"oartè f psy vii liecmater- SeNir M0,r066edprovila apendis; Xbib bcane. a law, and may lie fur- titer orçmsed by an addMtosal par- t OmtSjW* feelaservie MYprece- dsntf~fd e w. Pbetb e grade of v* wth promôtions ta non- mÎmIW"d oMes t lie made by 1'oWa ffley commander after the comaur nybop been esled ta service. Mevup amsenllsted tram ths tva local conoerne. and t les aId tbat tere are about 80 more who are plan ing taoullast befare rafted for ser- vice. DiffuOVlttae Trniate. À cerrespondent senis me ogother uizorf atLe.difcultles attendint the Weanla ~f Bblicalimreapbotulllt tekinët hicouverts-to-lia bad ucca- dm 1ta refer te the4everlasblug « ci, stan.'- Tii. anguage did not peu- mit'ai the preie renderlag, no Lie phrà@aà aurned 1 bg' tuEterpreter lIn e tua'btn#w ol at luit beb vii aftervear auC.-Loudon Observer. Tb@. Oigin of 'FllIêustere Wbat lÇ tie origin of th. yard 1"11l. buoter'l" Charieeolx sud others de. rive It traonthe ocupation of a cris' ex la a "filbote," or "Yly-hote." lrst used on the Bi4ver VII, Ilu HalianO.Au- ater abuirty tels us liat it vai given taOie foibavers ai Dominique de Cournues, whvieild irma. eu terne, or Pbubuter, la France, ou the famous expeditian agint Fort 0.1k. Une la 1567. It vas long Carrent La SPanlilias "MblutelW befare Il@ adaptation intô nq L- Landoa Cbrowleî. Of Course. «Tou eau footl a Olite peope saome ai Lie dmt," hagtn tie anan via 1kr ta qu te c ayings ai the groal. '¶"liat' M ougbh," suld th- aler Cbap.ý Taou vant a vacation ocaslonaili." Unair Advantage. <iving W" t LoangelulacertaIn»' Lie- tqg s a Q natal? sdvautsgc af tue person'AW lempllil oliten. Neaven %b.syt eil bave isilinga, bot vu bit eu uioldy atm ar-eua- MeuilUY te fu teetemi ofeue Riches On. ns*kemof ricies la e ataspet g ating cf tharanit- Dr. A. E. Brown ~jnanlmousIy elected é ,urÙïy. phy. sielin end hospltai superlittndent by c»ty board. 9E ÀLL JOIN ON 4 RTUID IaY Sçveral OId Veterans Says %hy wui Endevor-to ,Have igO r f NextYear. THEY HAD TWO THIS YEAR.' Some of The ' Fiel It Would go Niai to H ý'e Al-Orani- zations IEôlfi Effors. 'Ple G. A. R, POut ai Waulte;an, It is aald, -may maies an effort la geL the trateruaiai dais aithe ClYtr t li vitu tiemnt ot ear lu baoldîn; a Unied Memoriai Day service and paad. several aid vterau bave th0 Le s,4gestion sud wtli ndes- van tapege wiether or not IL pcan be put iuLao ffeet. The renir memoriai dey parade titi.'r yOias calid off ou accaunt ai thilclemeut veatiier but Ilb 1a sald tiat even If It bad been lield there vould bave beeu but fewe it te lotige organisations lu lIns liecaue, LieY vers makin; arrangements ta lialO bhiEr ova menorig. day programn. "la isparade sudtpragm vas belO lait Suadar and Proved ta lie lie most repreuentaivis affiîr af tic kind thie ioof nihie lty cicr have hidO. Il vas because tint, ail bbc lotiges ai tus clîr ever have heid. Il vas liecanseofaithi>excellent salivng liat lie members ai bthe Grand Army re- gret biat ail the loOges amniotloIn vti them next yesr sud uaen tli MemorliDay parade In 19U1.hé ig i- gesl >Waoieegaa or Lake county ever lias kuovu. Memnbers ai thc frateral nsiocis- tlont. ItglasalO, proaliy vIU tccp- cede btictheîequest as far >tie- ng lnuthei parade h conel-td but itim salO bleY probsly wvil teed as If tuer siouid continue La 0.1 a dey aide on vhlch tieY r e W lie graves oai liu own .doited members. Hlppor.s*-the Lquer. Tiat Pepys abattit baie 4runk ltlp- pocra aette Gulid inla668 with- out ieaoving that UL vasanintoaxicant la soMeybat remie ab= - tb» O aromitie cordial. vtil dghkl' a suppceed ta lé isqngisd acemr gte tse recipe ai lilppocnse, va$ lapait' ed ber, la Saxon tirn, sud repaiaed " popular liquor fer ceùnrtes, If bars " close saaty th piment, vilci la the Year 817 w» forbdd.s ta Lie cloeg. except on upeciai ocs5licfI by the councli fAxIsCueinl Elizabeth'@ tInte iippocmawgs uguW4- ly rved a te êsianing ci a lia- quel, lieiag "f a m Unfhxg a&nature thsI the toaci VaulO b.e&t once put Inta o oodtempen." Apparen t 1 baasu appoalîs offoct ou pepy_.Loa don Cironicle. Note for Busînom. "Mre. Sliarpe la as vanaoai vnder- fui»' keen intuition, lsn'L sber" Mid9 Mis. Gahhy. "Oh, nemarieabiy so," ne-e spoudnd MUs. Galibett. "Wi>, berÈ hushanil snys oie can scett a liSi-t gain sasie tlîree days hefoee Itlal ad-1 vertised lu tue paper."1 vatI salns for Spreus If the sparraes huildla t, Oeasoes oi yaur banse or undernati the vin- day eorulces, 117 maiebng s iev cheese-ciath baga aud fila;t tiemeit imollibaIll. Wlien boa; qgprIboh paces vbere the sparravi arw'tti; tiey vli avoidthetiavicluli e- i ver. tue pispie. No ftsward for LadstlA TPh. cuir Mmd ai pso*1. V'e mre coMpiet fallures la lufe *0ais ff l uIc neyer try La apcempIsb agtei -»ci tbmeswlio etvort41 mmrethlj vaiothl.1e te" #Walls~ a ven t= 1gbie Mecate f1,btt froiwavn t t inemuthers Business of Lthéitecrder' Office forte bue esi e cdis June 9. 1917.' by A. K. Bwes, stitletalt secretary, af Ilecurty TEle & 'fruat Co. N.of -Con"anysuces.......f1M No. afI Loans.............. 26 Total No, Instrumente lned 120 Ire. amalunt O! lanse...169,575 Business has been rallier quiet dur. àua; thi e we sud bans abolit the average. The folowlng are the more luiport. sut deals: 1 n~LARE 1lOREST-Helen Shedd RHZdto itti ta about 12 acres of le Poale ivrperty on La;ce Ave. -ram Wmn. McEbdden, et ai, for noni- inal consideration. .Aicele. dnTiiompan look tille Lake. sud Wscansin Aven., frein W». ta a -acre lot ait norlthvest c'a uer--a McP'adden, et al. for nominal coq- alderatlon. Iu WàUKEGAN-Sopkifa Dalv. et al, bouglit the Shlermian propei')y on sauth aide Franklinulit., plot w'i't 'oi Cannty St., for 113ffl00 A certiIcate vas fled by Blttit- tard Catti iaiFatory. changlug 'Vie Dame ni the corporation ta Buatnh- fard Caîf Meal Ca. -a In MGLANI) PARK-John j. Eriekson snd vite lonaglt a 60-foot lot on outh ide West Central Ave. tramn Detnuis Driscli for nominal cousldematon. ln VILLAGE OF DEIRinELD- John . WoOdne snd wvue bonglil 2 lots Ir Owner's Suh, aud nine lots lu Hall & Osterman'eSulb. fromu Wm. D. M. Ersinle, for, nominal consider- ation sud gave back a trust dentd for $7,700. TB LIBERTYVILLE 'POWNSIIIP- Wmn. Irerbèrt Jolinson bouglt the E. J. Monaban property lanrtieut quarter. Sec. 24, ae t Rodout, for zi>m. tai cousderation. Iu -LIB»iITMVL.L,-.John .'PsTy- ior bougit the DuBaEs proporîy on noruli aide Division Si,, for nominal conideration. lu Avon TOWNSHIP-Paul Gebries bouglit the Pallesen properti' lu Sec. t1, t Taylor's Lake for $4,400. In LAKE WJ.ULA TOWNSHIP- Nels B. Wald liougitt the Karl E. Berqulat farm of 120 acres la Sec. 39, for nominal conslderatloa. In WAUCO>IIt. VILLAGE-D. b. Brown sud Arthur H. Bochuier houlft- a * ôtoot lot aon norti ide Mllenry rond fiom G. W. Spauner for $500. 'bVAUCONDA TOWNSAIP-Ed- viti W. *olavéeu bonght 40 acres lu soutliwest quarter, Sec. 36 tram Jen- aie B. Putnm, for nominal cousid- eration. IX ELA TOWNSHIP-.Lydla Sudt- siffer, aud Mary M. Rockenliaci bêglit theJos. C. Whitney tarm so-uti siiterly of R. R. ln soutliveet quai- teý Bec. 20, and part cent hall south nbitbesat quarter, Sec. 19, ai Zurich. fur nominal cousiticri la VIFRON TOWNSHIP-1 J. Mýolmian bouglit about 48 s aothienat quarter. Sec. 15 sud Veut quarter, Sec. 14, on eM Mla@ine rosd from Wm. _39bnson for nominal conelders Internai IHeaf 6f Pîsnef 'Pie iate Professai Laveil' ery tht SaLera doese nt rabate place, but'bau 5coufocsi infrerm iMfg aser vlthlu," sugg<eobi Lb of the aLier large planets me tbe lame *truture. As poini lir Protessor Very, te friction ers af dîfferent velociies vas erabe heat, and.Lins retard t lu; down of the'. iants.-& Te Pe t ui as*krio guiotle a tot» esO eMW t lu& Uui a -i*» f et$55p@ bcarboate af soda and tvsv af commun avdpst fires ý %ad ulavlnp. StarLlEnp Preeee. llorre« a id matstsi'nsd tc ,saw v " uy tavard bis uis eeleted a lemon about a dot deavor eiltag4t îqia- hlm. lie tliea& * m picture, tld hlm t ubalil culy, hiaciedés butl.aué tbe viat kielaofdioube liked bli vss consderbli rffltld iuowered, 'Gseslioeýj- Lots Find Our Frierdj lb la ahout lime tu to.l, ti aver sud ses If vo bave àay via cati belp us preserve free tiens Intact ountis hlemopber baVe no trien, Etu blie deMBese e. Lot us acquito 10a tint nations wVIIIase. inu able aiiy, sud net s prùîte iý tuer are La pull bitauts au fÈe-1l'ikie-M VVioman, la1 Ltui àWgaxtas.alsny Have Sisals£y@ Mtr >a 0,00pme LOImmi AFTER pL4j R WATH lTI COMFR UWL&TBID AVIATORS IN AÂm 1KL ÀKxE' CONTY btot Winthrop Harbor Branoh of Officiai peclares It Would Be StiVard Mel in Red Cross Knitting Helniets, Patniotic Suicide tu AlIow i norti Wrist Bands, Etg,. Potis ta Creep in. et sida Ilerlti iltion. PLANS TO WRISE MONEY. MAY MAAKE SOME CHANGES. WilI Have, Popularity Contest oovernor Says Recommenda- l Ief- -Ail ProceidsWiIl Gotb btonsMacêby Offhbis ay sy ha"e 'Pe Wlthrap Harbor brandi ai the Every organlzed ageucy lu Wauie- ited oist 1edCrasse lehelpîn; taies car cf tie gan Es expucted ta do îLe share lu a.vltors et the iront. T emolt have soeelu thal pli1t;leellaaed f ront ai la.~soar lmb eucb hlgtiotllttesthat the exemption boards whlch wilElibc nid goa- 1Il1l3cammon for them o n t c tIr1>m- sppolnted soon ta carry ontthele cu te cool- perature of 40 bleiw seroansd accord- tive draft plana. cientlflc Mlthey have to ho valîiqy os vel 'It vould lio patmlofic suicide If polil sa'ttgty ciad. Their coastrai. af the tics crept Into lhiyvital matter," onc =ahIes lu thîs intense colO depenids officiei ai Lakes coaty declared tod". bixelY ou warrnv clotltlug, sd tlic "This la Lie bIggest thIn; the' cou.ntry wr mn9trop Harbior Rad Cr055 Ea dam;g faces. If anyur ufeseeb eus .,~1Wbout la suppileu ps zqe4k. 'Ple .0 1 vauld hesitats ta sar what migIK hs bain- ýOMm are knttinga*avftab l"1emets, happen." flftets, socies san Ùprt kIts, 'Tie Govemnar Lowden quleted some ugi>, <2J gstpY, white sud blbicygL la used umare vhen he deciare thtaIwlIpE a moun« bbt enarticles aid athobl vas hoe lad aaieed represeutatbves sud *60- la dli ,K fOnt causLdsed«.qseleo* ta b tailortometamaites eemmedtlohs A0 wq) hest ther couit 4o, bouglt so ta the Personnel of the iboards, thafir U itl bas siuce been leatnpd tuat yeections vould not ho fiuai and v*ete Ou<ad office aifte Anieietti iLcO better men la lie found blisi'would ho 'Caefavars tha liaad-md»e sacienk. auhtitutcd. IM~~olOe re«nanle that thoy an,nmade af . 'Pieu mon recommenddior the Ila 00@ o , d materiai sud t vtui iaaiy cal boar-dl ere J. Prestb.,,ArLbur, Dr. vn ear hetter. Anoter -tus gai- P. C. Kigit sud A. N. Tànhan 9ea n- u erumeut canant soeurs eno 'ah soÇks lb la possible there viii hochne 0U tisai 'frainmaaufacturors t61m gjtlume. n utitis board. , >Ii i nd liand-mîde sik r*E~yta 'Peli î lot vii b-sent ta the Piseef eiDI sbgspprWhat the factoriseaoiEM t dent for approbation, Governar Low- ni5 skd The vomen of'Vlltko!l> 4r vbli tucld, sud viii hie made a» ai the, et. éis sortîyraiemodle y-er 'Crase best mn ochoo iefannd- taserve' inhie varie by valt; gfq*tbes rip%1iar The repart tiat poulies a uplaYn *bn yofmug v1 ul ~i I In Olsa at uthe selecions hein; made vwiiilie purchased at OIc 50 ~eaeh. hy represenutbves sud senatora vu TPhe nomilnes l inte c4tL" =~l have occasioned by printed îlots-purporting their uamêfi-wribLen ol uhord. ta lie tie nominations. wvielicontain- Tewn&'he'men wilIeselect 0*eme bitrle- cd the naines ai same persoae vue be wrIt Ilve te mst opulr ad toyeau politîcal reputatians have not been y il5,dM 'purChase votes - nl yO $Ubutl#'bigli- savory. 'Phat these amse will b« e InstItti- ex. 'Ple lady vilu; tus e@ontent vili i einated by tue state vas assured *. li"ve:reeive a ila-ge caeeansd h. pIF h en 5'the gavoraSe. e o j tu. Place the cake on ationat 0e cents Varlous organizatlaus wvieihaie uorueveu Per lilce. Ailli e fundo . leed lu luterested thenteelies En the mattef !, gIhWr- Ibis manner wîîî go tô.. thý Susd Craie. ses au extremey delicate situstion M lin vbom Ipeçlal credit le1d e tipe af Lie baud. ut or theviiiage for thelr va t t'tillring Ther point out tiat wie 60 Der the È; 'Lte vomie ai the Red O(rpes , cent bave claixucd exemption, at leis -, * 10 per cent of that number, or e. abîr a greatal' autber, bhave no ea ManuVfifR7.or moral 4igit te isaimi I td irqm - mn a a ain Ia É sWservice and aud e- à mi. an a no w a cs mai ti LaI t ugb a b4g co uc!,edb plia - o~ u~rs~ ~ ' 4'ln theÔu L e Llai'liao b. oy , 'N ..1,OI 'y r, ig Ise BR a« Id fe rreconcliiube. Tbey bad juu auble their Ors qoarrel, sbeqe theii lneymccn antd mie w*Ul sas "f" àabe sobbe&i Ili yo a balsd the biaesi sprtaf lave tonrina p6du vold nover have mar- v4ed meol" Dut>. DuIr thougli set about by thorasi, m5ndf11 tli e imde a staff. suppoiting iýwe whille iltitune* Casl nvua lent likesthe 'ra'ddbt' . w.-d,; it clisages toa n sue.-9bugias Jerriti Coing ne' Bout. A scnlptoe vliô vaut;&"toexpress &Ai Idea In tane gl1efbli laitglt ireferj day ta marblui , or « o ta ther. Eut v.e er. i4a .srneit Ite wonld tîtke wiat b. could gt-aiiG exp*resshim- hrouuh là ns veli i e could. Eit iW.ttaing *liat we dan get and doiflg sur béat wlth it tut ia$kes au thie differeace between aucciÇuland e> 1 quemmu lives. The cet Dret.1 Robert quarreled wlth Charles, a 5loe kt ObSeoty ,gîter the. 4bdi'Mb5 1 ,bis iiÎàý tather sud èth r Oe ot walklnà wlien they ~i Qarlfa. The faminli knew noth- ar the quaitme, no tbey ver. sur- Drlsed ta lieux Chleis ay: I"Qood ove- 'quiry show* a large number of the *i per ceut vWho dia, Dot. daIm exeWmp. in sWItY are ok6*44, I<.ng Mar'- Re m wlio are t t icio' toe clufairltswhi thitbY migit iare t3lrogli l&ving dopekdeaits resultilia "tpeM ttatrIage ar ùt4iter obligations.' ,TbeQ viilie 6 pei'oSiilge of tbeeý "sIazIWousta serve" uie,n It es polnted out, via wili b. torced ta accept dis- 'apiiolftoieu, thelr obligations to thMilr homes. otrelghitg tihose to thefr country et this th»e. I"AR la aisa .pamteg Ont tutofar no !es4for aunsabaveobeau Promut- cJtd ai ta boy th* dpdat la ta lie »64 e or hboy ei6~,tWs* art tu b. Local .Bankers Roquested by Government to took for Vio- lations In City. CAMPAi N IS INTENSE ONE. uInn afiel thM "Unis. yo-bave, puebsa4 a Llb.rtY War bond do nat vear a but- ton lrodbmiag that you bave." Tits ViSthie advice given today byi a Wiaukgan banlier.. irolto>wing lu- strutioato ecelveqI 1>7the local bantis Mcday. nIgm ata causea sreut of any Waukegan persans vbo vear tasse buttons lllcilIy. Tb*. Plan bas beesia foUowed olg- lit~ ta inch parcbs.ser or a war bondi aittie buatton on whicb appoers the .1I bve purchaied a war bond -veyau ?" .t& 4argo alamber ao( Wsukogau peo.- ple ails weu.tlng these buttons show- la; tint the rospouse hors ta the. Oenment's tiret var lsn la be#>tY'. ;I*,4vernment boa learned ilowever tbat la some Places people wbo haveu agt ourebeaed war bondi bave se, Mred possession Of the latie buttons net -are dlsplauing thorai pebltcly la abE effort tq Mie it appeax that bbey bave don 1e thelr duty bi tlilr cou- As a resuit of the instructions f rom Washilngtoa the Waukegsl bi viiiu uil p viti eSOi lkqb1 it ad wu bïW# purchasedvi d à wltb Ikdu Ilueset ont toa e vie btiier or Bt i ai 1f he buttonx are heing vomt lpoo$gy. Suit wht pesalty viii bo lgqffl ut ls nov *inown. ITtl nid tbttecavpalgu ta selI bonds lias heceme Intensliiai] n WiuLmaa, 0 àame as elsewbere as a riult of 29i tact tbat Jue 15 Es the lest dey oh whlch the tiret Issue eau b. subscrib- ed. A natIon-vIde campaigu biu bean made ta ovem-subscm'ihe thé %mat Is- eue n arder that thec word u.ay go frti ta (Iermauy tat tb. American people stand readi t. tonane the war to auy tirait. Irony and Ssreaim. Irocy Miy lie etiier geuti# or cut- élia. garcaem. liaever, lu always bit- ter or tauanbg. Tt may or may nat lie Irorlcpl st lte rme Urne., Satire tu usualEy applled to a more or leua frdiul holigu;p of the tailles or yIces af saeby. It la alarays ptevaded by theemtinl'. personai sene ofthe idiculous. Tt aiten maies -3» of bath sarvam and iroay. 1nv-sted Blittifilan Alphabet. Tva brothers fronu Tbemloul<e. Cyrilus and Miethodins, cussiontaieSlu Moravia lua8M3,are credlled vîi Lte Invention of the Shsvoaua splabet and the begiiinagof btle translation ef*tii. Scripturee loto tEit tanmuage. Cyttilus disO at Rome lan8M& Mmlii- odius vas the firât blshop of Oiela. vouiiis.i Blrthday& Lttle Peter. who hnd bsd biso te ex1.perlence of a deathI n tbe tmly, receîîtly. and -4w base mont vivluslipron. sobus iud he*n thase of bîrtildai' pr. Mies., ult takng about theewideIy contul atn;tentures ai lit. '-mis-1 mn." he sald. "do you bave brtbdffl ntr you are deadi"' Wholao s red BEgga? Pred laggas i> een vel advertis- eO la Ibis communîty lateiy, because b&'l le nfathe grealeat praducîng clowns ln the wvoîO. Nlai a collego traduats su itoued ironi the arts and aciences hecaumee ofoan it more lucrative ta lie ludicraue. He lias cast bis lot vîbli the Sells-F'ioto wblcli vii liehon Wauks;an. F'rlday, June, 15. Biggs fg one of the 40 cowns viti thes cîrcus. To pIck hlm out sinon; ltse alitons Esvor easy. To tel rau vbft hb es$,m ould hlintagîvo avay a secret.. est tlbel certain titt rau wii li nd hlIMIf 700 go taute cîrcue. Wieu rau do Sad hlm lie lIl fur- niaifu for the multitude. You viii enjoy It qullte ais mnc>tase yoor neigli.' bots. Mi. Blggs ia a graduats oi s Nottb Caroliua universlty, but içi yearà l$e .nd claviiitwith bthe 8*Ueii>Flalêcicost suci s lucrative cafill at Xthicblks to lb. lu tact, Fred bas bulit bhi-midi Quto a fie hore neaNorth Carolina as a resuit af bis abilta t maies people latigh. Walcb for hun Sttheblie - AisieisUm5d Wlutdow 1Glass. I1rons the efflence 'contained I'bli raineaiofaient temples ai Goece 0dBon IL seemmacertain bliat vin- ~ vebiigyOitue adulssWun c 0%. ai.laq te Ia or of. M o. à as , Ém b _ - _'..- 1 L * 0 'Phe thîrd golden weddiug lunIthe Rumqey famlly withîn eight moullis vas celebrat.ed TenUdar afternoon ut the Wvergreeus, the home of Calpt sud Mn. 1. P. Rummeur in L.ake Forest. The %ve chilidren af the couple sud tIlir 14 grandchlldren wèraEln attendaure. Capt. Rummeys lirother, John W., aged 80, pascd the balf centurY mary; af rnarrled lfe at Seatle, Wssh. Esot November, sud a sister. Ers. Ub.'G. Turner. sged 77. had a similar celé- bratlon ln Deiand. Fla.. Febrnary 22. Capt. Rumsor le 81. Jue 12. 1867, lie married Miss Mînnie Axtel ai Batavia, N. Y. Their tive chidrun are Mn% JulIet Stroh, wlfu ai Prof. Grant Strob of CarroIE <oliege: Mme. W. A. Hait ai Ocouto. Wls.; Henry Axtel ftumey aofELake Foret, Nfils Mînnle May Itumaut. sud Wallace Doualdeon Rumsey. Cept.. Rumsey epmved Ilîrevoyeamelu Batteryi, Fit Ililinois ight srtllpry. Ho in thie ldeet active memtier of the Chicago board aofli-ade. sud le bhc puE' anc -whose lmcitmriîp anto- datas the Clvil wam. He starts evury day wlth a horsehacie ride bei are bis breakfast sud goes ta his office every moring. He lm au eIder lu the Firnt Pretbytomiau cliurch ai Lakes Fomest. . lie couple cntertainegi aI a rucep- tIon troin 4 fa 7 o'clack and vure the, recipients of au euormous numbher ai yeliaw rases. UNE Of 61RÀATEST WUWNS WITII CIR* cUVs GOfM 8N i U 1 til Wliat have you dane for your c0u13t'3 fTati, sud yon, afld you- What titesame tssk bave you glsdlI, Wt *eZng problem, '¶wixt $un and * ii&ve> pou sEaved oler, ad strugglIng por the re&'tie wit. and the bine? P/bat bave you dane for yanr country yoin, sud YOD, sud you- li ak endîme yaur part. ta lncrese the bout 0f aur poltery whorn vu Dow need Are jour patrlot words an emPty lcent That neyer QUite ring truc? '&IDO eta the &id Of YOur country aau sd you - n o Gkrd yaursOlvea for the freuzled figlit Qive ta tour country' your mind and Miglit Gîve grit and sold to the Cause ot . îitit Buck up and dare ta do! Do your .tit nov for Yonr country Yon, and you, and yau- Step jno tbe ,aa's and talcs yàut stand Not soam the simple tasc at band. Tbls You can do for Youi native land - The red. thei. hte sud'the bine! saRy. T L. FQREST Capt and MM 1-)Rumsey if Lake Forest Pass ~port- ant MilestoneinLi8 THIRD IN EIGHT MONTH Three Other Members Of Rum- sey Famîily- Have Golden Weddings in Short TMme. gai ki