Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Jun 1917, p. 5

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THIJBSDAY. JIJNE 28, 1917. N' ds AttentiQ.1n] use Our Shi*dy SptLw GRAS' S ÉtDý Force Your Girdénr Stuif FER £MIER Phone. 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. %ferqvie If YOU Know of News of I.oo.1 IntoeostPleaae all Telephone Number1.: Park July4th. BorD ta lir. end Mrs,A. A. randy on suisay, à bon. Mdio RI&iDulad la vllting wltb L« ie MInis Joclibimu. AU theabsores la Llbertyvllle wUilb. deuid sil duj J uiy 411r Iliés lStella Langworthi la bock from a two wekae rwtin la MailyToy. Ulai Borg&aJohbetm la apendîng lier Vacation at Warranille Illinois. Bsammber thora sa no admission fta at lIhe gat.. JnIy 4sh at Kuec Park. A largo .rod aU..ddthebarndam. et WlliIam»hseke laut Friday Wight. P. C. Sms 11h of Edison Park là ,t.lttng lteson Dr. E. E. Smth here this week. mi". Oeneva Sullîan o! Cliloago la bvl.ftlng et the Frank Llghtbody homne. Max Woeller and !arully ol Elmhorst -pent Snnday with C. F. Treptow and famlly. Al<dd Fpilows are rëquîî.4te lie preeent et the Iitiation next Mfînday evening. tirs. Elena Peatiedy Iou- nof(?lon- bus 4)hiî, fert the- week enîd m-0.litre. 111 E. W. Cclii' Lawrence CI Coal Is Cheap 'Now *Ms ii Mary Shept Langworttý Our coal i.. ready for you-Clean, Bright, Dry. and Per- The.tusse fectly Reiable. The more of it youï buy at present prices rennd Fr, wllli rplati' the more money you wilI save. You will neyer get bet- LII. 1B. Ti ter advice than "BUY YOUR COAL NOW." the Central1 day for a b% tIrs H azt W. f. Franzen, Jr. 1 hcg.w the tirât 0o! Telephlone 50. Libertyville 8 . J. xoui r. Annie - E braaka and e blldren of M I I M tru. Ebei HOW ABOUT YOUR GA R DEN'? We have a large stock of ail kincis of Vegetables. We would advise you to cali as soon as posible--- at least corne and see what we have. We also. have a large stock of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers. MEREDITH FLOWER & VEGETABLE COMPANY I Phone 10 (from 7 to 6) Libertyville, Illinois. .Cabbage Plants, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Asters, English lvy, Cannas. Coleus, Dusty Mller, Rose Gernium, Lb.iPetunia, Salva ad Verbenas. - .anging.bask- etWnô Box'Plants, and and Vinca-v'ines. *FA IRLOLM UARQEJVS H. C.~U~:>G"-&SONPiioae lO2-R--Gee"hU5*ut, Dymond tdUbg _ At i fthShorê A MilwaD" Maosît M, Joseph L. and Jacob Lie- berman of Highland Park bave start- -t-lnberg fur damages lu thp suin of $2.000. The Liebermans daimu Stein- berg contracted to seilitireur two car- loadea ofjunk and that thet' harki ouI of the deal aller the price of old trou soared. They claim damages lu the- sur» of $2,000 as a recuit of tbe alleged action. ~Attorney E. V. Orvi OU T MRE MÙNEY MATTERS NOT DISCUSSED. Train Brand Attempts to Rite Employas as Melicious- Expeot No Trouble. Tliere willI be ne vsilek- of the Chicago, PNorth Share. and Mlwaukee Electrie traiman. Witlln atft *Ïbeks time the traîn- mn wiii l sina new psy echedule wllh their *ÎpA"ere. but todsy a cammittes of 'tiralnmcn in spea'ing villi a Sun Maua brorichtu ot these facto: FI]Wt-Tlie tralnmen nave at no r dneieacsl dthe demnds they leiîake on their employers. SUCOND-*-'%* tralumen willI not isîrike bee4aiaa hey bave been glyen aa.UraUCe of fair play' at tbehe idz Of Ureir .-mPIoYees. -Thie ir4nmen brand as "yellowç lonrnallam" the atteru rt m'de by an-1 %tlier local paper to stur up strife belveen tlie nwners sud managers of the ratiroad and tb.- Wnploypes. The lovest vage naw pafd 'r î4nmen !s 36 cents an hour and NiiT 2i'i renie as the paper paid. On the irtfaI i Aitî'u-ulionirt whicff the Irainumeri lidwih 1'- electrie road viii cx1iii. andl i le, pected that the local 'rammînen wfili r-es-ive the sanie wai 'N e ,ir tralumen of "the ,ur!;i<- mesre demadllg o Brtieu i lîtl, ho Ic Y.aenf 'vo cs.c preeldent oflb. ii -mmSurfaceP ic ,DHae01 f 8 ti)idsPn(-Lin.-, as wellas of th, Northihormii- P ic f 1M ilk réeet vacation anethe geet lin,'. fi Evelaizer.______ Owrng to the increased cost of Mrs. George W. ilî,uee are Celebiration at Palatine production we find it necessary n the Lovelaîoi proerlY tu Tht Palatine» Conîruipril Aeso<'!eiiou to raise the price of milk. - Walrond'a stort. audChas. E. Dsan, a proîu nent borce' lla LicOregor o! Santierriar. man are comblengato Riva Palatinefil. Commencing July lat milk ed Tnesday for an ertended the largeel Indepeniience 11ev i'elebration wI ertie t9 e t rlative@ and !rlerids. V eve led la Ibis >&Tt of tIi- @tete. Chas. Wl ertie i c e t eic. a!lIntercesionu for the Dean will eonduct e full card of races and 4k~ per pint. the. Fourth of July aet is t. and bail gain eat the fair greunde Sn the Uburb at 7:0 a m. afternoon. The Comuwîiial vrganîza. We wish to express our appre- izabth ngrba nd r@ lon bas appropriated largie sinis tiiw-C iation for the business accord- ahet lurahauthe tie. rds the enlertaitament of the publie du nteps n att bherd visitied at seE. T. downtown ln tb. mernîi nirsd es'ering, du intepsad wn o y home îv.,r hîndai ecurlng specW l ilgh-rlas@ attraetiens. "ssure our patrons of continuedM e Edythe and Eatbsi Spring The race prouraint Incîn.. a free-for-ail go evc ndhg ul 'riday freintan extended vsit, pee, 2:18 trot, 2:80 trot and 2:15 pace, -odsrieadhg ult ie@ and triends in Iowa, exhibitions of promiolna jyearlings and in the future. ripp. who la in the employ of twe 3.-ar elda and wil i with motor lUnion TelepironeCo., leit Suu. cycle and automobile rla The crack Wm. F. Htensan W. I. Ede nasiness tripto Indianapolis. Palatine Stars«il pin>' the Elgin Fox Phone 94 Phone 3106J ,z Cool and two children of Athîctr <'uýb-4ie hamplon.hip teeru .----------- a----------- m. and Mis Seille tiarvin etof!1Kant iny ers gueeate et F. K. Tripp'o ,f theweek.Band Concert! the wsek.Con'aervalloei Moeiing ,ugs leentertainlng is diecelInlurespens.- tii a persoual letter reivi'Porm fr'M na vn iStewart o! North Loup Ne- ed b>' 15.-. T. E. Beansi froru Herbe-rt rormfM na e id tir. Oliver Frazier and two Hoove-r, food Controllerofbe1Se ing JuIy 2nd. )fEconoas>. service o! gpe.Iil Intarset vilIlihe hIed erwiue and Eîem iuit, Joch- neet .Snnday. Tb@ ganerai thene il-o! Mariih-1nterrre ti oriulaConciliation ,.... .ded the graduation exercioee 'iChri stlan Patrietiara of tome lu W ar -1..... .......Rosenkranz -idel@oha Conaervetory ef Muait Time" vwiii h.- î'msidered, aliao"The l'ut- i verture-Our Natioin .... ...Mackie-Beyer io Wedueeday. 'neit, The Civillaienetlze%" th@ luestilin Weltz--Elaine ............................ Baxtter to the tact that neat Wed.,6- o!f" Food Conservation", "The l'rohil leFeurth of July ,the regular tien o1 naing grains ana food stnffiîn tarcb-The Hippodoie ......... ........ fluS iert wiiili e beld next Monda>' makiiig liguer' and otber tital ques Clîracteristic-A lia>'lu thecotton Field came out and ber Ir. tioesof t.-he ur wIl badlacuised. Short ................... ............. Smith Zirhulin argst the Band Concerta every "adressés vill b.- made'by Att>'. B. fi. Pvipular-Let's ARl lis .'mericanc Now:. &y vennguivn o, he treteMiller, W. E. Watklna Count>' Soi] Lx- ..-.................... ............. Berlin ville. They are aIl frise espart, Senater R. B SwKWt a repres-enie- ac-h avM8k.......Hye eti her.- in this 'Me. tive tram the Local fBid Croas orwurica-Mrl-TeBe ak.....Hya tbýn and other public apiritl.d citizeies INTPERMISSIO>N ra D. File who lied been vîait- It la expected te have aon band @ecerelMecî atnl 'beî....lagy ast twe weeke wih ber ,Iathet hundred Regist ration Blankoe on Food Yrl-aiia mln .....Bge aI adfaniyreure t brConéervation i hh Mr. Hoover te ask- Spee-tiun--Round the Wirld ............ oitruzit Michigan Wedussdey. iug tiie Amiriean Women to aigu. TIi-i.-......Muackle-lteyer erriek & Son have rented their linou charge O! an>' kiad connecled l ihWaltz-Femore Mie ............... ..... Bcuctc ferru te, the Naval Station aI thie registratiîn. 1Murcli-The Eaàgle s Hore........ Meyer@ are per acre per yeur as long as Special Pntrietic muslc b>' the chboir fste and ltu have thi@ Year's and aduet bYtirs. Ingraiant and tires. erenade-StiIlyNight ................. BuS Harman yulih.- speclal fMatures o! the 1Csardes -Bejneike ................Roberts su ol.- and sou Mitchell and service. Thie- pubicrla cordiall- Invlted 1 _.-. ........ -n @fêter MIr@. Mary Itarideri, who have been to attend. vieting relative, and Irieud@ aet Green-- ville, lU.. for the vast twîî weeko, are ex- important Field Meeting pected homiaturday. There wiil Lie e meeting at tlbfoai Iu accordante wlth the relueet o1 Her- ')'. M. White, three mles southet be.rt Hoover, addreesed te every cergy- Artioch, SaturdaY, Jne 0th at L- man the Unted litate, the germon at p. ru. for thie- lurpoe o f Inapectiriat St. Lawrerices Churcli next r3undaY mer»- soul experimrrital plt, notlng soil tri log wili deal with the ei.urieuY of food ruent securing raiuabla o infaurrrîati ainSi.that baë beeihw orked out on thee- ph Have yen a fiag for trie Fourth? Il during the paýt tilleen yeare, b>' the1 net et oe atRay rus.danc Diaoudnoie Expeiiiît Station, Ail the IIL Lake, Saturda>', June 30, where two oare iuncther ai therelat amtrip iii bliee.itli age, oete4x61 sewed *tripe, !- Iti, ii' el i fvl. c Otton and one 2x3 cr11. will lie' grven leuyrra atr il i.- Caly lieo jelue awa>. 1>' lrt8setcdfi, tlieliest methods ,fs The '.o-p and *"Lt-up' îwo treatmi-ît Junior Liagîle ti-anie pleYed a gaule of Mir. B . C i.rîî'of tie. I cveii baste hall s e .- i.kISaturday aiîeruoon. ai! Hiliîî balarge of thiws xesî.rîî thd Lii-ups v. îrîriug by a ecesof 17 te tlrit id Il vs b, 'oiibaud te tx. 12. 1Boys btctacciithe ages ef 8 andl 14 thie iiflt i 1,îiî .. 'lf c!rrentrîiltli caui join litiIbis.-out d cor spourts. point out , lir. E. Il. .5cm ît ud w ii', M aster in Thle aiîlî,;î.. "i lliec e[pelrî tmî cDbefîer3 Paul lam.i:iliu ead %aile, E. i.1, j Lugeîe, M ii Ililth i l BIeS aid 1NI .te ,Il, l- -i v ,l". i u EtS L). lii.. v, .-ilii ttmîîdieim'i' ut Jliî .-. iif,, i /.ioi îI mii ii Pubuli' Iliîcaiiti"îî o i ml l fiL -r,, of Mr.t," o ïali Vhir ori io wauilesî.iiîiuîîîîiN- .12 ut Wv- u11î' . i .. vXlcl kegémiîi'1ue--ilàîi.-u1iiiFl, [ ii or.L Miss u rue.- $iiîl i a i i l , I l ai ,iii l 1;.Illeii i i or, t te 1.-a, ini ici'Mt. Miivi 1g,5roua. ,- i e. us aui-ve ol lr E ýýH. $S1iîil V, - maie " "Iiaî ~i@ a gma(luat i tii îthe Ie tilcl5t i riiiî ril ririii. .1 " iu- a .,-, hai ii aie au ectutierial rcin utl Ton ii .i. f.ur tki- in8lilutir. aIe lanis editoreei,,mtheî Ner. t.,m...ii "uilltà'iiiii niai S$cltpapi-r and ililibe f 'gepat the \%l lvi'.ia , r i. valuto the Englis3h Iepartrurt we-e j 'I cu will te4wh. . Cu&.arcd Maireh-Tlie Billoerd ... .... ........ Klohr Everyone I nvited. IBe Loyal to, the Boys who have gone to War. Wbat they need and asic for f irit is a good FOUNTAIN,1PEN, send them a PARKCER LUCKY CURVE or LE WATERMAN. No Advance i Prices. Decker's Drug Store 1 . Pho n53 Semi-Annual Interest at the rate of 3% per annum wiIl be ailowed on, Savin gs .Depositts in our Bank on July 1. Vvien Hlgglns. aged l. of Rogers Park. and Warren Morse, aged 21, of Hilghland Park. eloped ln the Morse auto Sunday and were married in Aurora. Parents of bots forgave them, admttlng however that they feit tbey sbouid have walted a l1111e whie before getting married. NOTICE.î The Lake Couny Iload Officiai@ As--- ralion. compomed of tbe Supervléora, Haghway Commt@eionernanmd Town Clrk. af Lake County, do offer aireward ofi025.00 to any one fIling In- formation agiait. and caunmgth. con-1 Vietion of, &Dy person or persans. dump- ý ing rubla or garbage on tbe publie1 highwaye, defaclnji or d".troylng rond signe, plowing, or ln any way obstr»eot- log or defaclng amy publie lghway la Couoty. uniee.. tliy are wit.hln the lawgaverailug aaId hlghwvays.or bave thbe wsittem permaaston of the majorlly ci tbe Hlgbway Conîmisalouers of the townsblp containing @&id bighwae4 Given under our bande and Apia thle 22nd ddy ofJue, A.,1D. 19 1. L.J. WeeLs;, Président. E. 1). H iliardl S.-rrrttry. Advance in Your Business Cordiaily Invited. Lî~ERTYVîLl.E 1LI.INO1S Hayinlmg Tbol>s I_ Deeringand McCormick Mowers.ý Side' Delivergj Rakes, Dump Rakes. Keyjstone, Dain and -Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs.*, Largest 5to<çk. rcua asgrn.j SCHANCK HARDWARE [.L Phono 39. COMtPANY~ Lbeglyvinle :30 ti 'o iii- iddy Dresses Specially Priced! dts the te, We wish to dispose of ail the Misses' Middy Dresses in stock by JULY 4th, and 1: in order to move them quickly have divided them mn three lots 1: ail at very considerably reduced prices. j Mis ses' two piece middy suits, Pink or blue striped blouse and white skirt trimmed lai: ~-.'t ripd band to match the blouse, worth $2.25, but priced to close at.... S$1.75 Mlees mniddy suits of white popliri. Collar and trimmings of lightblue Plain wh- poplIIri skirt. Vorth $3.50, SpecýÀ1 ai...........52.7,& ýl s' aists of fine Galatra. 'tnp.. il blouse, large slîirred pockets, fancy buttons and -l 7. * li biesi 'I is -i -i re$-42 5 but are now ....... IL C.i 1.0V'-SH' ORT LENC.i 1IS . WI O Cpc. T , itv r reshades to'gelecf à l . Il fine qualxty, cornu pl,, ai for waNst. Priced spei'ial, yer yard $t5 .W. W. CARROLL &'SONS COMPANY' Phone 29 Page ~rn - ~.c'.. .i.'.Y'.~ -- a Full Six Months Interest will be aflowed on Jan. 1, 1918 on New and ÂdditionalI Deposits Made on or Before July 10, 1917 ýj e_ 1 ----& Qb--L . 1 à

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